What kind of wi-fi router is better for an apartment. Competent choice of Wi-Fi router

Have a good time, dear friends. Today, as you have understood from the headline, we will talk about those, how to choose the router correctly and with relish (corest).

On the right, in the last hour, due to them, the person bought her own (router), installed and connected the Internet, and after that, to sit and suffer from the rises of the day, the low speed of the day itself (below stated on tariff), with the payment of packages and otherwise not much of a reception crap.

If I confirm that there are problems, more for everything, that they are, that they themselves (or maybe themselves) are a cheap representative of the family of routers and switches, then people, as a rule, are very surprised. A gift.

Mova in this article about those how to choose a router , And to be more precise, on what to speak about when choosing and buying, so on the characteristics of the varto marvelous, on the price range to choose, on the market, and in any other way, it is necessary for the right purchase.

What is a router (router) and what is required

Of course, in this statute, I vehodzhu s of the fact that you show that you have entered the house and wines in your house. For those who don't know, I'll quote from Wikipedia:

Router or router, router, router (English Router / ɹu: tə (ɹ) / abo / ɹaʊtɚ /, / ɹaʊtəɹ /) - mezheve pristriy, Based on the information about the topology of the link and the rules, we accept a decision about the transfer of packets in the link line (line 3 of the OSI model) between the different segments of the link. (C) Wikipedia

Talking in simple words, This is an electronic box, in a yak in one dirka ( WAN-port) embed the Internet, and in other ( LAN-Port) all computers are built in. (all qi WAN, LAN, DHCP or else, we live here axis).

In this rank, the Internet is found on all buried computers, and between computers it is "established" local merezha. In an hour, before the speech, this box can still have antennas (though, it’s true, they’ve been built), to give you the opportunity to connect without wires, so by WiFi.

Little peredmova-verbose as the author

In my hour, I, like a rich man, have had a pity, buying cheap routers. Having mercy on the fact that all the stinks are lying around at the police station in my other country, and for the sum total they took a sum of money with them, equal to one normal outbuilding, which, to the point, at once stand in the room and distribute the Internet, crunching and happy roses WiFi in different sides.

When shopping at that hour, I mainly relied on people's thoughts, which were not very well known in lace possession" Delight a good akіsny router?"Shish in the soul" Take the one you find, it's all the same, you don't need to pay tons of $ per gigabit of super-mega-router-cisco".

So the axis .. the stench had mercy and mercy.

The law of the market is to say for an hour what is good rich cost is expensive. Don't worry about it, but in more vipadkіv so it won't. With routers, this law is the most important, and for this, one of the initial criteria when buying a device is to blame for you, no wonder, but the same price.

On the right, in the fact that there are a lot of joys (I guessed about it), it’s smart, happy to know that the router is magically attached to the keypad, setting, building in and out, moving, all business and functions there - one, two that and mustache. On the other hand, it is not so.

Bagato who forgets (otherwise you don’t know), what is the box itself, mentally seeming, mayzhe advanced computer, With its own processor, operational memory and operating system and that everything in the sum determines the ultimate quality (productivity, stability, functions), but the skin of the elements of the filling of the router may have its own characteristics.

At the link with the cim, to the point, it just heats up, hangs, revantazhuvatsya and suffers from other typical computer ailments, calling out a non-sour stuffing and cheap vicons.

You don't buy your own for igor yourself, the cheapest computer? It is obvious that, as a rule, if you don’t choose yourself, then you will pull the toys of the wines weakly, and they will chime on him, or else they won’t start up. It is similar with routers, so how to choose a router requires intelligence and work with intelligence.

Htos, it is possible, say, scho, movlyav, povnjuvat povnotsіnnі 3D- Additions and distribution to the Internet, - it's wonderful and underwhelming. On the other hand - more or less more, lower more, more than just vikonu "mythical" distribution of the Internet between computers, but operating with a large volume of data, vicorist encrypted protocols, overriding, analyzing a bunch of packets and, You have been attacked for a crack in a firewall, distributing WiFi by ciphering the z'ednannyam (and if it's ciphering, I'll make it hard to go) and taking care of other important rights.

Shorter seeming, sticking with a weak filling will easily create a thousand problems for you, the best of all:

  • Small speed (as it seems, - "router is lower speed"), so that, let's say, there are applications for the tariff 10 0/100Mbit/s in the offensive side (injection / delivery), out of sight 70 /34 Mbit/s. І the fault is not the provider, but the outbuilding itself;
  • Postiyni hanging, re-advancing, shaving the day. Particularly relevant when working
  • Small swedishness of work WiFi and a small area of ​​coverage (there were in my practice vypadki, if people simply couldn’t beat through one wall WiFi, so that the signal did not get tight, so that it could cover more, less than one room);
  • Weak protection against viruses, intrusion and other things, but on cheap routers it is rare to have a good one;
  • Vidsutnіst be-yakikh tsіkavih i blue functions, Just connect a flash drive, tether printer, support DDNS, the first joys of life.

І іnshe іnshe іnshe. Let's go to the side of my verbiage, let's move on to the recommendations about how to choose a router, so that you do not care about the wine.

Let's go through the points according to the main criteria when choosing.

How to choose a router, - first crochet, - tips about attachments

The most important and most important criteria, after the characteristics, є vіdguki і only stink. Tobto, You choose the router model for you, go to the prompts, enter the name of the extension, and then read the prompts for a long time. They, as a rule, clearly indicate whether there are shortfalls and I’ll add on.

If you want to know more, you need to learn what is professionally and understand those who know, then.

  • First, on what varto turn respect, tse riddles of what is "lower" speed. As a rule, do not talk about similar routers of similar words, or say something like that, it’s rare (mostly, they don’t shy away not particularly well-informed coristuvachi), and the axis about really weak extensions is written at once and even richer;
  • On the other hand, on what you want to turn your attention to, - the stability of the robot, then, as they write, that the router hangs up, reloads, or it forms swedishness, it’s obvious that the stuffing just can’t cope with the challenges, which means that the device is far from the ideal, and it’s better for that's all, you will have a lot of problems with him;
  • Thirdly, on what varto turn respect, - a robot with torrents. In fact, this point is clear from the first two and as people write that the router hangs when launching torrents, then, in general, everything is clear with it - the weak filling is thin;
  • Fourth, on scho varto turn respect, tse robot WiFi- connections. As a rule, write about the security and coverage areas with the same number of outbuildings. Here it is important to understand that the tension that is shown by the router to the signal received by the annex, - different, so that the router can provide the same security in 100Mb/s, And the axis of attachments should not be taken larger 20Mb/s.

Well, and, of course, marvel at how many views for that chi on the other side, and just like that, how many times they press the buttons " So"Abo" nothing"Pid tsim vіdklikannyam (the butt is lower clickable). The first criterion for this is how to choose a router.

It's easier to take a paper, write in two columns pluses and minuses, and then marveling at the vіdguki, put the marks with an olive, the skіlki guessed once, the skіlki guessed once more.

ALE! Keep an eye on your account that the tickets can be bought, paid for, etc. Zustrichalis and such vipadki, scho you kupuesh attachments, and in the middle lie papirets, saying a lot of positive feedback 5+++ on the Yandex.Marketі and take 100 steering wheel on the phone. Summously, ale richly conducted and, so, otrimuyut their "sribniks", ale .. Tse naughty tim, who buys (tobto іnhim), spying only on vіdguki. Let's go and talk about where the more important Rich is, - characteristics.

Other - technical characteristics

Like I said before, a router, in a real sense, is a small computer, which itself can have operative memory, a processor and other things. On tse, it is necessary to put respect IN FIRST BLACK. And if it’s so tricky for marketers to grab information, then you need to remember:

  • Shukati systems have the best shukati for zapit [" model name "+ word" specifications"], Tobto, for example," "(without paws);
  • And then we were already marveling at English sites (the best, most common outbuildings), so, as a rule, often correct stuffing itself there;
  • So it is self-founded by amateur tables on dekilkoh virobniki, ale varto їх unikati. In an extreme mood, joke, because the reviewers give their heads for those who write, and not only in front of you, but as an advertiser, a scribe and so on.

As far as specific characteristics are concerned, we should be called out for three characteristics, and RAM, CPUі FLASH. They look like this:

That's what it's called, the stuffing (about reshta below), de ROM - that's what it's called, FLASH-memory, as it plays an important role, the order is with the processor and operational memory (RAM). It dawned on me, what is bigger, better, better, ale ..

Wtim, so as not to reveal more details, I will state that in the current world and with modern technologies, I would NOT recommending to choose an outbuilding according to the quantity operational memory(RAM) NOT mensch 64MB(more shortly 128 and more), the processor is not weak 300MHz(Shorter, I’ll renew, tighter, for example 500 i more) i FLASH-memory 16 (Ideally in 32MB).

Among other characteristics, there are not only the filling itself, but also "peripherals":

  • Yakshcho you critical coverage area WiFi, Then give respect to the number of antennas, - yak minimum(!!!) їх guilty buti dvі (better 3 i more);
  • How important is the speed to you WiFi and the brightness (stability) of the sound, and the very "piercing" of the walls by the signal, then the antennas are to blame onlyі inclusive outside (not inside), to wash from the body;
  • How important is it to you all If the above list and the number of non-rotor attachments, if you can pick up the router at once on the top speed, then the tightness of the router (router) transmitting and / or antennas (as a rule, indicated in units dbm) Wine buti no less (total) 15dBM and the more important it is, the more beautiful, the more swedish and the greater (how can you say so) bіs dart lanyard You take it.

The information below can be seen to the characteristics, it is important for the choice, but let's troch rozіb'emo її on pіdrozdіli, for accuracy. Tim more, scho, from the point of view of the ideology of that, how to choose a router, - all the same different speeches.

How to choose a router, the third one, - support of protocols

If you are talking about a dart connection (and the Internet itself can reach your apartment), then the providers will use the most advanced protocols for providing services to the Internet, and sometimes they will pay respect, which will support your orders. The first for all the vartos will be given to your operator, which wins the same wine.

As a matter of fact, those providers, which are bigger and tighter, as a rule, provide the Internet through PPTP or L2TP. Dribnishi, - PPPoE. Of course ADSL- Protocol, which is the Internet through a telephone network. Well, for quiet, to whom, be it a provider, has not yet reached its own network, it may be important to support the router 2G/3G/4G/5G modems (so, and so buva), especially if you want to rob the Internet from WiFi someday at the dacha.

Okremu respect varto zvernuti on L2TP, Because it is standardized by far from a skin router. To put it bluntly, routers with a supportive protocol, as a rule, are the least and the most tight / adequate (but don’t worry, see the section with characteristics).

Otzhe, it’s important for you, if you want to keep your protocol on your own (phone, write, or search on the site of your Internet users), or as much as possible. Suvoriy minimum, - tse:

  • PPT2P;
  • L2TP;
  • PPoE.

Everything else, - for furnishing and needs, to whom it matters. Tse, what happened, I repeat, the dart link, yak, so chi іnakshe, as a rule, is expected by your operator (want to G / 3G / 4G / 5G tse so very may vіdnoshennia).

Fourth, - Wi-Fi encryption and standards

What is worth the standard WiFi, Then there are no bindings to the provider itself, to that I distribute without a dart the pristry himself is engaged, like you choose. Clarify at once, mentally, two gradations in frequency measure WiFi, Created by a router, tse:

  • 2.4 GHz;
  • 5 GHz.

The first option is the most old merezhi and stench (vicory) literally everywhere. Then, on the other hand, I'm going to switch to a new frequency range (another, tobto 5 GHz), which, in a better way, is less harassed by a great number of outbuildings (like accepting and distributing), in a different way, by itself, it is wider and supports more channels. Thinking about how to choose a router, I would recommend, as a minimum, choose that router, which support resentment tsikh range.

bathe outbuildings only h 5 GHz so far (at the time of updating the article) NOT maє sensu, more precisely kazhuchi, before buying the varto change over, scho "priymach" (save) signal, so that the laptop-phone-tablet and tp, pіdtrimuє tsey range and equipment, vlasne, module, which can be on a new pratsyuvati. 2.4 GHz, as the support is declared WiFi, At the same time, at all. And the axis is five, - no.

More reports about zaharashchenistvo, channels and more, I think about those how to choose a router based on the channel, I think, you will figure it out. Well, otherwise, how to reconsider your choice after the fact (or until the new one)

Visible swedish characteristics, є gradation beyond the standard IEEE 802.11. How to speak briefly, then IEEE 802.11- a set of standards for communication through a wireless local network of frequency bands. Vіn (standard) indicates speed, frequency range and tp, and may gradation by letters, in the fallowing in the form of novelty.

Ideally, on today's day, the router is guilty of adding:

  • 802.11a;
  • 802.11b;
  • 802.11g;
  • 802.11n;
  • 802.11ac.

More details about IEEE, as well as the very q and іnshі letters, you can.

Dali. Crim frequency bands WiFi, still understand encryption And don’t forget that the router and the receiving device use the same encryption protocols, so there may be problems with the data and, more importantly, security. Therefore, when choosing, try to take the maximum support for encryption protocols, and for yourself, outrageous categories:

  • WEP
  • WPAі WPA2;
  • WPS/QSS.

Briefly, s WiFi picked up. I repeat, about the range of coverage, etc., I wrote in the characteristics - the number of antennas, the tightness of the antennas, etc.

Yak vibrati router, krok p'yaty, - firmware

Leather router (and vzagalі, mentally-appearing, attachment), may be the name of the firmware, so it’s special software security, Yake them keruє. Vіd tsієї samoї firmware to lay down the speed, security, stability of vikoristannya, the possibility of settings, pієї mov, punctures and a lot of other characteristics.

Here you can write richly and long, ale, just short, then the firmware will be pardoned or without them, far, not far, buggy, quick, more, official, alternative and other.

About those how to choose a router based on firmware and їх raznitsy you can write in rock, but we can tell specific facts at a time, yakі help us to appoint a choice. To the one who varto zrobiti:

  • If you already have a bigger-smaller name for the model, then go to the site of the virobnik ( ASUS, Zyxel, DLink, Cisco, Xiaomi, Trendnet but whom you chose there) and marvel, in the first place, the presence of the distribution of firmware;
  • In a different way, vlasne, how long ago the firmware was upgraded () and upgraded in a flash;
  • Search the Internet for a request " alternative firmware + model name"Abo" custom firmware + model name", For example:" custom firmware"(Without paws).

How do you get gold? Since the firmware of the sprat and the rest was not so long ago (I wanted to do this), it means that the model is being supported and developed by the maker. Yakshcho є alternative firmware, That means that the model, as a minimum, is not bad, since some of the enthusiasts write under it (router model) their firmware, like, to the point, as a rule, smarter, smarter, etc.

Well, stay, not the most important and all the same.

Shostiy, - zovnіshnіy vglyad i korpus

Let's stop, but not a less important factor - to win over the corps. The old-timey look is more familiar, like it’s just unbelievable, so you can understand for yourself how to choose a router and what a wine you (visually) need more:

So and garner:



І іnshe іnshe. Here it’s for someone else’s building, and, in this plan (so for taste and color, all felt-tip pens are different), - I won’t do anything for you, okay, good, two speeches, but myself:

  • Increase the obov'yazkovo respect for the number of openings for the supply of heat (such models may be especially overheated, through which they chime, chime, change, etc.);
  • On the presence of fastening on the wall (which is important for you).

Axis is a simple butt of good heat supply, and ale is fastening:

Well, and vzagali, zvichayno well, choose the warto robit, spiraling to the needs, because if you need to distribute the Internet, be it a kind of security on your computer, then, in general, get the simplest stable and inexpensive model.

The criterion for choosing a gift is a virobnik

Who would not say, but the most short-lived criterion є vybіr, spiraling on the virobnik. Navіt among the largest of them, the same smart models were mentioned, like they live in centuries and work fast, like the good ones themselves, it’s not far away, or just a marketing solution (just fill yourself with guts). Therefore, if you try to understand how to choose a router, do not marvel at it.

Sperechatis about the brand - beacon. The most important characteristics, whether it be technical, firmware and / or otherwise, then read more (and below in the text) and choose wisely, and not for the name of the brand, as it might be possible to sell you far away. And so, don't forget that " Skin toad praise your swamp"(C) - so squirm with your brain. With your own.

And so .. Thousands of them, - ASUS, Xiaomi, TP-LINK, D-Link, Ubiquiti, MikroTik, NetGear, Zyxel, Upvel, EnGenius, Huawei, Netis, TRENDnet, HP, Edimax, LevelOne, Tenda, Apple, LigoWave, LinkSys, Cisco, ZTE and others. At the same time, don’t viroblya heba scho ice cold.

Where is the best place to buy a router?

  • , - for the quiet, who is not afraid to bathe across the cordon and save pennies;
  • , - maybe, shortest choice from the point of view of spіvvіdshennya price-yakіst. Totally different prices, wanting an assortment, don’t be afraid of the point of view of diversity. The key advantage is a guarantee, yak diyno allow in perebіgu 14 days remember the goods without any food, but even in times of warranty problems, the store will stand on your side and help you solve any problems. The author of the site has already been corrupted by him 10 minimum (more than an hour, if the stench was part of Ultra Electronics), What do you want. If you don’t know what to choose, then (minimum with 3 antennas, because you didn’t understand anything from the text above;));
  • , - a great assortment and choice of what would not have happened, wanting prices not to be brought up again and again. The key point is that the delivery zone in Russia is very large, so that you can actually get it all over the place, but you won’t know it for an hour or more (especially in places, where you don’t know the positions every day with fire);
  • , - one of the oldest stores in the market, as the company operates here 20 fates. Decent choice, average prices and one of the most popular sites. It is acceptable for the whole and the whole to practice.

Viber, obviously, is yours. Obviously, everyone there Yandex Market"And not knowing anything, but good shops I would recommend it to myself, and not yakіs there M video and other great measures (which are often not just expensive, but rather short in terms of service quality, work and guarantees too).


From supposedly so. I am wondering what you now understood, how to choose a router, what to marvel at when choosing and everything else. Before speech, if you don’t know how to choose a model, then it is recommended to look at our router models (easier), i (more expensive, ale for a century), and richer.

It goes without saying that the idea of ​​additional functionality and bells and whistles has not yet been guessed here, built-in torrent support, remote access and buy something else, but not quite those that can be brought down to the main nuances and the same material.

I admit that there will be a lot of food, comments, references and anything like that, and write about it in the comments, and I will read a lot about your opinion, comments on your food and just ask about this topic. Write;)

Yakshcho You dream to create at home in full home merezha, I will spend that without a dart, then without the right choice and purchase WiFi router do not get along here.

On the right, the Wi-Fi router (router) itself allows you to connect up to one number of devices (computer, laptop, be a gadget) automatically distributing your unique IP addresses to them.

Navіt suіdі can connect to yours wireless Wi-Fi merezhі, yakshcho Vidkriete їm to her ї access.

Ale on the right is that choosing a Wi-Fi router is not easy. As a rule, future volunteers I will build this go two ways:

  1. Do not spend an hour on the choice of the router, nabuvayut for the friends of the friends already changed the model;
  2. Relatively show all the possibilities of the router, evaluate the stench rates for them, and only then make the purchase.

At the first moment, you spend a little time, but, as a rule, you have a lot of money. The other one has a rich time, but it is important to save significantly.

For the first time, you can become the owner of an expensive device, which has a great number of functions, a large part of which you do not need.

At another point, You comfort yourself with a thought that they got what they wanted, without overpaying.

Our market is literally stuffed with Wi-Fi routers, changing the name of the models, which can be years old, and that price range is very windy. And more than one book has already been written about the characteristics and feasibility of these outbuildings.

It is not surprising that in the process of choosing a Wi-Fi router it is not easy to get lost and make the wrong purchase.

At this article, we will try to reveal all the subtleties of the correct choice of a Wi-Fi router, knowing about the hacks, you will often become a faker in your gallery.

selection criteria

First, what you need to know, why choose a router for some criteria, let's override it:

  • Stability and reliability in robots;
  • come close dartless mesh;
  • Shvidkіst nadsilannya that otrimannya danih;
  • Possibility to understand different protocols of data transmission, as well as their standards;
  • Availability of required ports, as well as their quantity;
  • Thinking and intuitively intelligent interface;
  • presence installation disk with software security;
  • Ease of installation and configuration;
  • Possibility of expanding the coverage area wifi signal and for the help of installing additional antennas;
  • Discovery of the site by the virobnik, de є technical support, Updating drivers and software;
  • varity;
  • The presence of other specific abilities, which are necessary for singing work.

Stability and reliability in robots

The main shortfall of the majority of Wi-Fi router models, which periodically hang up.

It's easy to fix these problems, you just need to turn on the router for 2 times, and then turn it on again.

In an hour of switching on, I will add a building to the network, it will be re-advanced, and you won’t have the Internet either. And what about the film?

Wait a minute, it’s not easy to work in a robot, it’s very rare to show yourself such a short time - once a day or a month.

You will not know about those that can hang on the selected model in the description, but you can find them on the forums, which can be discussed.

Chi no stable work router and periodically hang up due to the onset of reasons:

  1. For months, the attachments do not flicker between the lines and constantly download information of great connections, as a result of which it is possible to overheat microchips;
  2. Chi is not yakіsna, but I will add an uninstalled firmware. Here it is important to “im'ya” of the virobnik, so that the name of the company regularly has firmware and software updates.

So, if you don’t blame such problems, don’t be surprised by cheap devices, start “dancing” if you want at average prices.

However, if you still blame the same problems, you can try to reflash the router, for example, with DD-WRT type firmware, as it is more stable in robots.

But if you don’t know what to do, and there are no people, if they would professionally do everything for you, then it’s better to put up with the problem, otherwise it’s just to bring attachments to the working place.

On the skin model of the router, other firmware can behave differently, and then it worked on one device, but the other.

The stability of the work of the router, a valuable indicator, on which side to add and other selection criteria, we will talk about them later.


Who doesn't love swidk? More people should love, especially as they value the Internet.

But know, not all the numbers, as indicated in the characteristics of Wi-Fi routers, need to be verified.

For example, the figure of 150 Mbit / s speaks about those that theoretically you can change from this model according to dartless sting speed is close to 18 Mb per second. But in practice, for a variety of reasons, the speed will be no more than 12 Mb per second, which is 100 Mb.

Wanting to do something for the booth as a whole, smut, so the provider gave such speed, and your computer or laptop її pіdtremuvali.

When choosing a Wi-Fi router, also pay attention to the speed of LAN ports, where to insert mesh cable, Your standard speed is 12 Mb per second or 100 Mb.

But for some models, which are not cheap, you can get the figure of 1000 Mb / s, which gives a speedy speed of 120 Mb per second. The number is against you, what else do you need? Do you have hundreds of terabytes of information on your computer that you need to transfer quickly? Pretty sure.

Such routers are vvazhayutsya professional and for the house їх vikoristovuvat not dotsіlno, but it means not overpaying varto.

You won’t be told about this nuance in the store.

It is necessary to understand that a provider has connected to your apartment a 100 Mb / s Internet line, then with a direct connection to a computer or another annex, more than 100 Mb / s will be (a lot of space).

Have a connection with a Wi-Fi router, the main wire, as a rule, twisted couple, You will enter the head LAN-port, and then go through the wires, as well as through a wireless connection.

So the axis, on the way out, you don’t get the provider’s statements of 100 Mb / s, but in the shortest period it’s 95 or 90. But there’s nothing terrible here, you can’t spend it on the aphid channel at 12 Mb per second.

Just know what such a showman is. For the skin model of the router, the VIN may be different. The real numbers are known only to the virobnik, and lovers of experiments know them in the results of tests, you can read about them on the forums.

Ale mi vvazhaemo that it is necessary to just take it to the house and that's it. On the global situation, on par with the possibilities that are shown when connected Wi-Fi router booth, don't get drunk.

Practically, whether a current router stably covers a radius of 50 meters. If you have a classic 2-3-room apartment, you will have a stable and uninterrupted connection and will be able to connect with your Internet, as you wish.

If you choose a Wi-Fi router for a small hotel or for a private booth, then use 3 antenna devices, the radius of coverage of the territory will be larger and the stability of data transmission will be better.

If you supply a specific Wi-Fi coverage number, then you can't tell you anything. Situation, if you can access the Internet today at 300 meters from the booth, and tomorrow only 100 meters from the access point.

Outside the locality, it can be reduced to 500 meters, and in the locality in the industrial zone it has been reduced to 50 meters as a result of the increased electromagnetic background.

The strength of the signal is also influenced by the weather, the water level, the water, the snow, etc.

USB port

On some models of routers, a USB port can be installed. Appointment of yoga can be different:

  1. Connecting various USB devices (printer, scanner, flash storage device) to connect to them access by measure;

Therefore, when choosing a Wi-Fi router, you need to specify what the USB port is for, so it’s possible to get a 3G router, which one is good, but don’t connect anything to the 3G modem.

Other characteristics are similar to one to one with a great router, so if for you it is not fundamentally and the government price, then you can take a 3G router.

The service of IPTV-television is if video and audio signals are transmitted through the Internet protocol. Same TV broadcast, only via the Internet.

Such a service behind the cordon has been used for a long time, for example, in Nіmechchyna, in the places people started not to know what antennas are like.

The IGMP designation indicates those that this router supports the service of IPTV-TV broadcasting, but it is necessary to understand that your service provider is responsible for this service, otherwise there is no sense to purchase such a router.


We step by step went to the food, the provider is strongly invested in the skilki select Wi-Fi router.

A specific router model from different providers can work differently, so the first thing you need to do is choose to go to the technical service of your Internet service provider and it’s good, so you already have all the main characteristics of the device on hand.

Having pointed them out to the representative of the technical department, you can take notes, if they are relevant and already work on the visnovki. Cost and IPTV-television.

Fortunately, at once on the Internet you can know all the characteristics on any model of Wi-Fi router.

If there are a few providers in your hands, then it is also possible to choose the shortest of them.

Meal price

Vartіst - tse one of the main criteria for choosing not only a router, but also whether there is another product.

Ale and buyers buy the same price. Some marry less for performance, others for important design, others want to know the golden mean.

But in all situations, the buyer will give us respect for the price.

Schob was sensible, depending on the range of prices and wondering if the best possible outbuildings are possible in these suburbs.

Up to 1500 rubles

It’s a pity, at the link with the rise in price of the dollar, there’s no sense in paying more attention to the lower price, even if it cost 500 rubles in 2014, at the same time it cost no less than 1000.

In such a price range, you can use devices with few known brands, just enter the market, as well as routers of the lower price segment with already known light manufacturers.

For example, the simplest model D-Link DAP-1360 costs up to 1200 rubles for breastfeeding in 2014, with which there are no serious characteristics.

With a given router, you can create a large Wi-Fi network without a dart.

There is no talk about the dart net here, since the number of LAN ports in this model is surrounded by one.

more short version Tenda W308R, which costs about 1500 rubles at a time, but you also get 4 LAN ports, two antennas and other characteristics.

If you have 1 computer and one laptop at home, and you are on an inexpensive tariff up to 50 Mbit / s, then such an add-on will suit your fancy.

From 1500 to 3000 rubles

The Danish price range is the most attractive for buyers, even if for a large number of varities you can get a suitable device.

For example, for 1,800 rubles, you can get a bad option -.

One entrance and 4 exit ports, two antennas, USB port 2.0 type A, presence of a torrent client.

All characteristics can be viewed below.

However, regardless of the great list of possibilities of this model, all new D-LINK models are characterized by unstable firmware.

For rich vipads, koristuvachs, they have to ask for the model of the video - D-Link.

More stable in your plan є Wi-Fi routers like TP-LINK, for example, model TP-Link TL-WR841N, variability given moment close to 1600 rubles.

Chi not bad models release Asus. Among them are the models with a cіkavim design.

Up to 3000 rubles at the moment you can pay attention to the model Asus RT-N12, Asus RT-N10U B1, Asus RT-N10U and Asus DSL-N10. Tse already perevіrenі hour pristroї.

I haven’t yet been overwhelmed, but I’ll just show up.

Asus RT-N11P - port speed up to 300 Mb/s.

Most models of routers up to 3000 rubles already have two antennas, for a wink, Asus routers, where 50% - one antenna, 50% - two.

Two antennas, obviously, give a number of advantages in terms of speed, and in the stability of signal transmission.

Give respect to the model, where you can add antennas, if necessary, you can move the signal.

Stained pennies are not foldable, it is foldable to display them correctly. Therefore, choosing a Wi-Fi router in a given price range depends on the characteristics of the device, and not on its design, you pay for which Wi-Fi.

And for one and the same price, you can get two absolutely different devices according to the parameters, but if you have one, one will be beautiful, and the other one will be more functional, but less privileged, here you can sacrifice.

Vіd 3000 rublіv i more

It is necessary to understand, that focusing on the data of the price, You are also guilty of sorting out the rich functions of routers, and even more You will turn the cat into a bear.

The router in this price range is divided into two categories:

  1. universal;
  2. Higher education (professional).

universal extensions

A universal road Wi-Fi router for a long time ahead will allow you to think about how to finish it in your home or office without a dart.

For example, take the TL-WDR3600 model.

More specs for TL-WDR3600.

Abo for example, the ZyXEL Keenetic Omni model.

Abo model Asus RT-N66U.

These routers are equipped with all the necessary functions for setting up a fully functional modern Wi-Fi network.

In addition to this stench, a number of additional functions can be found, for example, a tie-dye connection via a USB port, an IPTV support, etc.


Such an extension is unlikely to be suitable for a home victoria. For all the stench, there will be no great enterprises, provider companies, firms, it is important that the speed of data transfer is great, the stability to the transition is increased and the possibility of connecting a large number of outbuildings.

Here the leaders were Cisco, Mikrotik and others.

For example, the Mikrotik company produces routers of the RouterBOARD series, as an example, you can set up a model.

Below are the characteristics of RB2011UiAS-2HnD-IN.

Robot frequency range

Most current Wi-Fi routers operate at frequencies up to 5GHz.

Yakshcho You live near the great industrial city, where in a small space you can know the greatness of the handless Wi-Fi mesh, Then you should think about adding a dressing room at a frequency of 5 GHz itself, since this band is not very popular yet, and therefore your fabric will work perfectly.

For example, at such a frequency, it works even more asus router RT-N66U, which works at frequencies of 2.4 and 5 GHz.

pіdvodimо pіdbags

It can be said that choosing a Wi-Fi router is not easy, it means a serious approach. You can't buy such an attachment at home.

It is necessary to clarify the capabilities of providers and match them with the capabilities of the router, think about how you want your mother to be at home and you will be out in the future.

It depends on the number of outbuildings that are connected, if it will be connected through droti, but not.

Buying not expensive attachments, You risk gaining an inconsistent connection with small cover, so you can’t keep up your ability, as if your mother wanted to see Wi-Fi merezhi.

When you buy an expensive universal router, you will obviously take more, lower the score, but you will be happy only in that moment, just not a couple of thousand stained for nothing.

Other features of choosing a Wi Fi router.

Therefore, choose the middle ground, and we believe that the information taken from this article will help you to know. Hai be happy.

On a daily basis, the number of new coristuvachs of the all-world cobwebs is growing, and technologies mobile outbuildings and TV tower not to stand on the floor. More and more I want to have permanent access to a high-speed, drotoless Internet at home and on a robot. To help in such a situation, there are so-called WI-FI routers or routers that allow you to distribute both a wired (LAN) and a wireless (Wi-Fi) signal between an Internet provider to computers, smartphones, printers and other equipment.

Ale yak zrobiti correct choice? How can you not have mercy on the choice of the middle of the number of all the powerful routers presented on the market, which sound like calls, and internally? We will help you to understand and understand what is good for attachment and how to correctly yogo win. And, obviously, if you don’t get caught by cunning sellers, if you try to sell unprofitable goods from the counters of your stores from time to time.

router recognition

It’s problematic to choose a newcomer with a choice, even if you can easily mix up a Wi-Fi router and an access point, if they are similar from the same side, but otherwise it’s absolutely different for the type of attachment.

Bezdrotova access point (Wireless Access Point) dartless access to the already obvious measure. Possibility of connection and construction of a wire rope every day. The wireless transmission of data is the same as the routers are equipped with radio waves, which are designated by the standard IEEE 802.11. The router works exactly on the same standard of a wireless connection, but at the same time, we may be able to connect to a number of outbuildings for the help of a wired Ethernet standard, which can also be used on other stationary computers, It is possible to connect via Wi-Fi, when the Internet appears. So, we figured out why, why does the router look like an access point. Now it is necessary to understand why the routers themselves wind up one kind of one. Aje їх kіlkіst on the global market are counted not in tens, but in hundreds, not thousands!

You will understand about the head office once you have chosen a router to service it. You may need attachments or roses RJ-45- the widest connection to the Internet in Russia, or ADSL- connection to the Internet via a cable telephone, often offered by providers at the same time from TV and telephony. Also use routers that allow you to connect to the Internet via a 3G4G modem mobile operators. And deyakі zovsіm be equipped with a slot for a SIM-card, which includes the need to purchase and connect to an external modem - in fact, it will be introduced into such a model.

If you can easily go to the RJ-45 rosette, then when choosing a router for ADSL, you need to switch over, so, on a new telephone line, it is smaller than the traditional WAN rosette. Since there is no such port on the case, it is impossible to use such a router to connect to ADSL. To connect a USB modem, it is necessary, as it is awkward to guess, a USB 2.0 port, or its larger brother is USB 3.0. However, there is one important mind! The router is to blame for trimming your USB-modem model itself, for some reason it turned out to be anonymous. Deyaki routers can be on their USB board, but they are not equipped with a stench for connecting modems - this is also the case. Roz'em in such a state of vikoristovuetsya only for the pіdnannya zvnіshnіh hoarding vаchіv (then їх vmіst becomes more accessible to any other building in the creation of Wi-Fi).

It can be said that you were nominated for recognition by us. Away, respect will be concentrated on the vartosta I will build. The range of prices varies from 500 rubles (for models cob row) Up to 20,000 rubles (for top models). Obviously, the functionality between them will be strongly challenged.

Photo: otvety-znayki.ru

Main selection criteria

shvidkіsnі characteristics

First, you need to pay attention to the Wi-Fi standard supporting the router. Vin is signified, yak IEEE 802.11n- obov'yazkovo look at the letter in the kіntsі digits. At the vyshchevkazanny butt "n" - the letter is given to speak about the accountability to one of the widest of the lowest standards. Given your respect, we can turn such a parameter, like security jetless transmission danich. Bazhano, it would cost 300 (Mbps) or it would reach higher values. Swidkіst bezposeredno to lie down according to the Wi-Fi standard. I need to understand that the real throughput of the building will be lower. In order to translate the values ​​shown in the specifications into megabytes, you need to divide the megabyte by 8. If you have Wi-Fi 802.11n, you need to add too much for your home tasks. A higher high-speed standard may be needed only in the presence of a great number of gadgets, which will constantly require a great deal of Internet traffic.

At the characteristics of the router, the number and port speed are indicated in the language. If you want to connect a yakomog more outbuildings for their help, then their number is to be added to some money, and the standard speed is to be added to 10100 (Mbps). One important moment, you are responsible for understanding what to take into account the real speed of the Internet, as the provider tells you, to be less victorious drotove connection. By repeating the yakіs krihti signal obov'yazkovo ruined. As a speed, given to you, to become 100 Mbps, but if you do, it will turn out like 90-95 Mbps, then you don’t have to worry. The best thing you can do is to secure a home router with a different station. More security of data transmission depends on the settings of the connection itself, and the integrity of your router with the provider.

Well, if the provider gives you access to the Internet at a speed of over 100 Mbps, then go to the choice of a varto of three respects. In such a mood, you can’t get confused about the router, which may have the following characteristics:

  • WI-FI Standard IEEE 802.11ac- in this case, the device works at a frequency of 5 GHz, the throughput of which standard starts at 433 Mbps and ends at 6.77 Gb / s . Supplied with the smaller 802.11n standard.
  • LAN thousand Mbps- so called "gigabitniks". Floorings are necessary in quiet weather, if the information you choose to transmit via cable is calculated in gigabytes.

Number of outdoor antennas

Gave a trace of respect, scalable antennas at the outhouse. In their ideal state, they are guilty of two, so that the skin of them was engaged in the reception and transmission of data. However, you don’t get a drop in speed, as if you’re on the verge with one antenna. Well, if your choice lies on a router with three antennas, then one of them will receive, and the other will transmit data. Abo navpak, as if the desire for one of them is too much too much. How did you figure out which antennas are bigger, which is better. Still marvel at the strength of the vision and the received signal, as the virobnik shows in the characteristics. The ideal would be an antenna with a gain factor of 5 dBi.

Potsіkavtesya, for a certain number of ranges of working Wi-fi router. Sounds like it's just home router, then you will choose a single frequency attachment that operates on the standard 2.4 GHz frequency band (2400 MHz - 2483.5 MHz). If you have flagship smartphones and tablets, then you can think about a dual-band router that works at frequencies of 2.4 and 5 GHz. The transition between them works, as a rule, in automatic mode. And even if the antennas on the attachment are rich - the offense to the range is worked out at once.


Also, tell me about the security system of your router, and more specifically, what kind of encryption method is used to encrypt your password. It is necessary for the defense of the border between third-party connections to it. Give respect to those who surround the popular WEPі WPA present and encryption method WPA2, Since client adapters have been supporting such an algorithm for a long time.

Photo: static.pleer.ru

Protocol and software

Give respect to those on which protocols you rely on the services of the Internet provider itself, and you support it, whichever you choose. Do more vipadkiv give priority PPPoEі PPTP. And yet, in the support service of the provider, you decided that the Internet relies on protocols L2TP, then you are the fault of the nobility, which is far from being supported by a skin router, but it is for the better.

An important factor is the presence of a service support - before it, you will be furious in the event of a breakdown in the annex. It is also important to have a post-upgraded software security (firmware). Potsіkavtesya on the website of the company, as a long time ago there was a software update and a link to all the firmware. You can get to know and s tim, chi pіdtrimuє prilad alternative firmware vіd іnshih vіrobnіv. I, nareshti, varto nobility, Russified software security.

Memory and processor

The router, like a PC, is stored in operational memory, processor and permanent working memory. Vyrobniki even seldom give this information, so it’s easier to find out. Whether it be your mother's fault, you should be aware of what follows next.

  • Number of random access memory (RAM) see next 64 MB. The very best way is to lay down the security of the robotic router.
  • processor, What is in the middle, even in the presence of quiet chipsets, as if they sounded bachiti in a personal computer. Ale, the main parameter is the clock frequency of the processor. What's the matter, there will be more bandwidth for the building of the chipset. In the ideal case, this parameter is to be added to at least 300 MHz.
  • Permanent memory, Її obliged buti no less than 8 MB. Itself in nіy zberіgaєtsya all software security. The more you fit in, the more you can expand the functionality of the add-on with future firmware updates.

Photo: www.ixbt.com

The most popular router builders

If there are hundreds of routers, then on this day their number is counted in dozens. Their products are valued for price, functionality, with a sultry look, Productivity, etc. popular models represented by such virobniks as TP-LINK, Xiaomi, NETGEAR, Tenda, D- link, ZyXEL, ASUS. Accept with respect those who will be the primary price for stability and stability. 95-98% of successful sales to our market are built in China, for the sake of respect, they are not sold.

Expanded pardons for buyers

  • If you buy a low-power router for a large area, then get ready for the fact that in the distant part of the city the signal will not be caught in practice.
  • Give respect to budget models routers. They can use the standard IEEE 802.11g connection, the speed is far from the maximum.
  • If you have added a router from an old encryption method, then the security of the connection will be under a great threat. This is especially true for quiet vipadkіv, if you are a vicarist in the offices of great companies, as if you are afraid of a round of important information.