Why is there a difference between LAN and WAN ports and why do you need stench. Vikoristovuemo rose LAN on TV.

If you want to know what WAN is, or how to check WAN and LAN, then you went for the address. At once we will try to find out what is behind the technology, roses, knowledge, why the stench is needed and what is the reason.

I think that in most cases, if you are looking for information on the WAN, then you can get the roses on the Wi-Fi router. Even more practical in the skin instructions for setting up the router, you can use the abbreviation. Everyone writes about connecting cables to WAN roses, or LAN. Let's go in order:

WAN(Wide Area Network) - ce global merezha computer. Simpler kazhuchi, tse іinternet. If you are talking about WAN roses, then there are roses on the router, in which the cable from the provider is connected. Merezhevy cable, through which router denies access to the Internet.

Practically on all routers with a blue color, and looking like this:

In the photo you can see more clearly that we are going to write signatures. So, on the router, as a rule, there is a connected indicator WAN cable. at normal robot, Vin is guilty of actively blaming. And when the indicator itself sounds, paint the icon at the sight of the planet.

Now you know what a WAN is. Let's take a look at which wines are in the LAN.

What is the difference between WAN and LAN roses?

Everything is so simple here. What is LAN?

LAN(Local Area Network) - ce local merezha. Seemingly simpler, only computers, like z'dnani among themselves on no more than a great day. For example, computers, televisions, mobile attachments, How to connect with each other through a router within a booth, or an office. Tse i є local merezha.

On the routers, you can hear the 4 LAN socket. The stench of the yellow color and look at the axis like this:

To serve as a stench for connecting outbuildings to a local tether with a tethered cable.

The difference between WAN and LAN is that WAN is access to the Internet, and LAN is a local network, in which there can be connected devices that are close to one or the other.

I think that's all you need to know about these two signs. You can really dive into technical points, Nezrozumili appointments, etc.

І yogo skin installation from us mav on the right with LAN and WAN roses. The stench is designated for various purposes, but they are victorious at once, through which the swindler is often blamed. Let's figure out what the stench is, as a difference between them.

Through the WAN socket, connect the cable to the Internet, through the LAN - local attachments

What is LAN

This type of connection is allowed to be combined in a locally defined deake number of computers that are located on small vіdstanі one kind of one.

When you buy a router, you can mark on its back side some of the same sockets of the same type. All the stinks are created with the method of z'ednannya dekіlkoh PC in one point of access.

A LAN port is required if you want to create a group to connect to the Internet all the possessions in the middle of the booth. In this manner, you can create a fence, as if you would cover an area of ​​​​a couple of kilometers, for which you buy a cable with a high throughput building.

What is WAN

Behind the help of this type of connection, a great network is being created, as it is a great number of groups, independent in their own way. The main difference lies in the fact that the previous format of assignments for the internal association of PC decals, and this type of assignment is the same.

Іsnuє impersonal global merezh, but the most famous and often victorious є All-world web. Itself її vіddaє the victory of the greater number of clients on in different countries, Oskіlki won't be bordered territorially, they are created for the help of telephone wires and more modern technologies.

If you want to know what WAN is, or how to check WAN and LAN, then you went for the address. At once we will try to find out what is behind the technology, roses, knowledge, why the stench is needed and what is the reason.

Hello everyone! It is possible to feed in the heading of the article, having given you something marvelous, but all the same, there is a sense of adventure in the new one. It's wonderful, but similar feeds were turbulent by my dean's readers and they were chatted for a few times in different forums. Progress and competition in information technologies a sprat of rock was conceived for the production of smart TVs. A lot of current models (in the fall of the line) are on their board roses LAN, but the deacons after the purchase of a TV set are cut off from the same lace rose by the wrong ones. So now LAN roses on TV?

Depending on whether you are on a power supply, we will determine the cause of the problem.

The computer does not connect the LAN cable

In the same way, with the connection mesh cable, Don't blame the everyday revival and activity from the side of the rest. icon zdіysnyuvati connection to the border chervonim crossings, and if you hover over a new cursor, then the inscription “No connection” will appear. Everything looks exactly the same, like a yakbi cable and it doesn’t have connections.

Average versatility of a typical USB socket350,00 rub.
Medium versatility of a typical LAN socket350,00 rub.

Vіknі Setting up an interface for connecting via Ethernet in the field vikoristovuvaty roses enter one of the LAN ports (in our case LAN1), which will be used as a WAN port.

USB- (type of English Universal Serial Bus - "yu-es-bі") - Universal last bus- the last data transmission interface for medium and low-width peripherals in the calculation technology.

The symbol of the tree-like block diagram of the USB is geometric figures (large kolo, small kolo, trikutnik and square), stashed on її kintsy.

USB cable chotiriprovidny (4 mid-wire). The cable has two conductors " twisted couple»For the reception and transmission of data, and two food processors. Zavdyaki tsyumu, peripheral outbuildings, You can connect without the power supply.

USB has 3 modes of operation:

To revise the correctness lace pattern you need to go to the "Appliance Manager" of your computer. For which next viconate comes next:
You can name it differently. Yakshto bіla neї є a sign of a hail, it means that she won’t work in a proper rank. Try reinstalling the driver. It is only necessary to take advantage of the wizard's website and run the installation manually, and not through the task manager.

Important: if you don't use the laptop's LAN port, don't use hasty installations. possible options- strong-strong: in case of incorrectly patched software and router to cable bending or poor merging card.

Connection without access to the Internet

The axis problem looks like this:

connection status "No internet access" how to speak for itself, the interne does not work. Ale, connecting to the router є. As a rule, a pardon can appear through incorrect settings router. If there is no connection with the Internet. 3rd food is a report article.

Today, a lot of koristuvachіv shukayut such information on the Internet: LAN - what is it and what is needed? Obviously, at the all-world's borders, you can find even simpler and shorter appointments. It doesn't sound like this: LAN is a whole local mesh. From i all.

But deciphering does not give absolutely nothing, especially as it is brought to the mother on the right of the letter. For some reason, the authors of articles on the Internet are so important that they throw out impersonal, unreasonable phrases, then people will immediately read the entire article and respect the site, for which it was written, more authoritative and important.

Really, such a pidkhid to help only complicate the whole situation. Let me try to explain to you what LAN is, with my simple words, so that you can understand the child.

If you still feel unreasonable, write about it in the comments, we are satisfied with all your questions. Otzhe, let's look at a simple theory.

theoretical side

Also, LAN stands for Local Area Network. Tse deysno shifts yak. To put it more simply, LAN is a combination of computers, and other outbuildings, which can be connected to the border. And unite the stench between themselves, either for additional cables, or for additional help. On the little one 1 You can bachiti the butt of the local chain.

Mal. 1. LAN butt

Yak Bachimo, here the main element of the network is a router, which is a connection to the Internet (WAN). Remember this abbreviation, we'll talk about it later.

In the meantime, let me show you a larger diagram. On it, the numbers indicate the segments of the line, and itself:

3. DVD-player, connections to the router for an additional cable. For those on the router, there are special LAN roses, which are marked with a yellow color. Most of the varieties of such roses have 4.

As we said above, for connecting to a router through a cable, LAN sockets are used. We can bachiti tse for the little one 3.

Mal. 3. Router - rear view

Like Bachimo, in this model everything is standard - 4 LAN roses, and one more wine is already in blue color. Vlasne, tse i є WAN (remember, we talked about those who need to be remembered?). To better understand exactly what a LAN is, you can match it with the WAN itself.

Before the word: І LAN, і WAN are connected through the most excellent cable with an RJ45 tip, let's show it on little 4. We talked about those, for example, segment No. 3 on little 1, then a DVD player, connects to a router with an additional cable . This cable is a single twisted pair with RJ45 lugs on both sides. Axis is so simple!

Mal. 4. RJ45 tip

Possibility of LAN and WAN

Let's take a look at what happened to WAN. Well, I know, just to put it simply, the Internet. Tobto that merezha itself, but not local, like LAN, but global. It includes all extensions and millions of local borders. WAN stands for Wide Area Network. Z tsієї samoї merezhі kozhen koristuvach can otrimuvat access to the resources of the other computer or add another, which can be connected to the merezha.

Before speech: Information is collected on servers. To put it simply, the great number of disks in the great city, gathered into one great machine, which can see this information.

Mal. 5. Butt of a working server

LAN and WAN details:

  1. Rosemary. Call the local merezha ohoplyuє small plots, for example, an apartment, or as a suitable accommodation. And from global merge expand on all the surface of the earth.
  2. Kіlkіst koristuvachіv. Understandably, a lot more people can connect to the global network, lower to the local one. There, the possession of victorious players is richer, and in the background, more people are joining. At the price and rozrahunok.
  3. Service type. Local networks have power services, such as a file access service, a robotic printer service, and so on, in general, all those that are needed for a small network. And the axis in the global border wins out, for example, the routing service (designated by the route of the passage of information on the nodes of the border) and a lot of other things, which is necessary for working with great borders.

If it is necessary to hang out in the middle of the country, or the area, if you can see the line, then we have already talked about those that the global line is expanding on the entire surface of the earth's backwoods. Apparently, it can be practiced on distant spaceships, as if you were connected to some kind of connection within the framework of the chain.

So the axis, cіkavo, scho local merezhі tezh can reach the great expansions. At the present day, such a small outbuilding was the largest, as it was spread on a distance of 14,000 km, one for one. Cebuli space stations and orbital centers. If you want to call the local network, you can see those offices, houses, firms, or a small group of buddies.