Pobudova route diagrams. TransSys MapXPlus program – Planning delivery routes for Distribution. Simulation of the route covered route

Otje. On the thought of my colleagues, I’m moving my article on the routes here.

JOSM editor. Let's turn around to our feet. Option No. 1 "Zupinka on the road." To install it, select a point on the line and set its parameters: Preparation-Transport-City Transport-Bus Line.

The menu will appear (Fig. 2). Let's write the names of the parameters and parameters.

Let's write. Name - Postova, Navis - no, Lava - so, Tactile pavement - no. Tisnemo Ok. I bachimo, the point has turned into a hole (Fig. 3).

Let's put our foot down in another way. We select “Make a speck” and the two click in the place where the hole will be (behind the boundaries of any line).

They cut off two teeth. І to complete the route, we will place the end and cob at the sight of the Bus Station under the name head. For this, check the box next to another option and set its parameters: Preparation-Transport-City Transport-Bus Station. Name: Golovna.

For our test route, three wires will be sufficient.

We come from the bus station, we go along Chekhovsky Provulok, we turn to the street of the People's Militia, then to Poshtovy Provulok, we turn up at the "Poshtova" turnpike, then we go up to 25 years of Zhovtnya, we turn around, we turn around at the Prolitny and turns to Avtolitny. In order to rotate our route, it is necessary to divide the road into sections for which the road is visible

press Shift and see a speck on the road

And press the button “P” - Divide the line and remove two sections


Well, now let’s get started on the route. The route is set (created) through the entries. We open the right-handed JOSM masonry “Vidnosini”

Then press the button “Create a new installation”

At the end of the “Stage” we can see all our roads and links (press Shift and click with the mouse along all our roads and links).

Objects appear at the right table. Click on the “Add all elements” button and it will be transferred to the left table.

Now we need to add tags so that our location becomes a bus route. Vikorist has the following tags:

It's a shame to go out like this

Well, now let's get to the big stuff. We need to create roles for our roads and friends. For loops we add the role of “stop”. Roads can have three roles: backward, forward and various roles. The forward role is set if the road direction (indicated by the arrow) runs directly past the direction of the bus moving along it.

And the role of backward, if the road does not directly interfere with the collapse of the bus

in Fig. 22, the direct roads are “uphill”, and the direct routes of the bus are “down” (div. Fig. 7), so we assigned the role of the road “vul. 25 roki Zhovtnya – backward. That's all. Tisnemo Ok, let’s upload the data to the server and let’s go to bed. If our data is updated, we can check our route and look at it on the map. You can find our route by following the hundredsunku number. We have number 1159133.

You can check the route here by entering your route number.

The testimony is of this type (for the obviousness of any pardons):

Loading relation:1159133 Tags: description = Test route ref = 99 route = bus type = route failed to reorder ways no route from Prolitna to Poshtova

otherwise there is no mercy:

Loading relation:1159133 Tags: description = Test route ref = 99 route = bus type = route Route OK. now you can: download kml, view kml on google, view kml on OSM, view kml on cloudmade, download .osm xml (unsorted), download .osm xml (sorted) way:: Chekhiv Prov. : as stop Golovna way:: vul. People's militia: Postovy Prov. way:: vul. 25 roki Zhovtnya bus_stop: as stop Poshtova bus_stop: as stop Prolitna

In order to have the first option over the other, it was necessary to sort the roads in the order in which the bus arrived. Revert to Fig. 20 and Fig. 21.

Marvel at our route on the bus map.

2.3. Excursion itinerary

Excursion route is the easiest way for the excursion group to pass through, which encourages the discovery of those. We will be careful about the sequence of inspection of objects that is most appropriate for this excursion, the visibility of platforms for moving the group, and the need to ensure the safety of excursionists. One of the instructions for the route is to accept the greatest possible exposure to those.

The main benefits of planning a route are organizing the display of objects in a logical sequence and providing a sound basis for developing themes.

In practice, excursion installations have three options for weekly routes: chronological, thematicі thematic-chronological.

An example of a chronological route can be excursions dedicated to the life and activities of prominent people.

The thematic principle prompted excursions related to the revelations of the songs of the living place (for example, “Arkhangelsk will be”, “Literature of the Moscow Region”, etc.).

All sightseeing excursions are organized on a thematic and chronological basis. The consistency of the material with chronology in such excursions is usually completed only when the skin lesions are revealed.

Rozrobka route- a complex, step-by-step procedure that requires high qualifications and is one of the main elements of the technology of creating a new excursion. Before developing a bus route, you are required to comply with the “Road Rules”, “Motor Transport Statute”, “Rules for the Transport of Passengers” and other relevant regulations.

Objects in place due to their role in the excursion may be subject to change mainі additional.

The main objects are subject to thorough analysis and are revealed through the excursion.

The display of additional objects, of course, occurs during moves (transitions) of the excursion group and does not occupy the main station.

The route will be based on the principle of the most correct sequence of viewing objects and will be planned with the following considerations:

The display of track objects is carried out in a logical sequence, without allowing unnecessary repeated trips along the same route (streets, squares, bridges, highways), so-called “loops”;
- Availability of the object (maydanchiki for your review);
- moving or moving between objects should not take 10-15 minutes, so that there are no unnecessary pauses in the display and identification;
- the presence of ordering units, including sanitary and parking places for transport vehicles.

It is recommended that at the time of the excursion there are a number of options for the management of the group. The need to change the route is often caused by traffic jams and repair robots on local highways. Everything is taken care of while different route options are created.

The development of the bus route is completed with the approval of passports and route diagrams, the distribution of kilometer and the time of transport.

Detour (detour) route

Detour (detour) route This is one of the important stages in developing new excursion topics. At the hour of organizing a detour (detour), the route is set to:

1) become familiar with the road plans, streets, squares on which the route is laid out;
2) specify the place where the object will be removed, as well as the place where the part of the excursion bus or walking group will be transferred;
3) learn how to drive a bus to objects and parking areas;
4) time the hours required to show the objects, their verbal characteristics and the transfer of the bus (the walking group), as well as clarify the triviality of the excursion;
5) check the completeness of the selection of intended display objects;
6) select the shortest points for displaying objects and options for rotating the excursion group;
7) choose a method of becoming aware of the object;
8) using the method of ensuring the safety of tourists passing along the route, identify potentially unsafe places and experience arrivals.

Preparation of the test text for the excursion

The text is the material necessary for a thorough understanding of all the topics included in the excursion. The text of the clicks ensures the thematic directness of the guide's presentation, it formulates a clear point of view on the facts and concepts that the excursion is dedicated to, and provides an objective assessment of the objects that are shown.

In addition to the text: consistency, clarity of formulation, the necessary amount of factual material, the visibility of information on a topic beyond the reach of those, literary language.

The text of the excursion is formed by a creative group when developing new topics and new control functions. This means that the guide is responsible for ensuring that his information is correct given to the text(Control text).

Control text of the best place is a chronological summary of the material. This text does not reflect the structure of the excursion and will not appear in the itinerary sequence, with the division of the material that is laid out step by step, where the analysis of excursion objects is carried out. The control text is carefully selected and verified according to the relevant material, which is the basis for all excursions that are conducted on this topic. Based on the positions and symbols that are located in the control text, the guide will have his own individual text.

Based on the control text, versions of excursions on the same topic can be created, including for children and adults, for various groups of workers.

To facilitate the work of creating such options, the control text may include materials related to objects, topics and basic foods that did not go to the route of this excursion.

The range of materials for identifying the guide to the control text includes materials that may indicate the inconsistency of the opening word and the structure of the excursion, as well as logical transitions. It may be handy for painting. Quotes, numbers and apply accompanied by instructions on the dzherel.

Completing the "tour guide's briefcase"

"Tour guide's briefcase- it is more reasonable to hire a set of assistants who will be hired during the excursion. These supporters are expected to be housed in a father or a small portfolio.

One of the tasks of the “tour guide’s portfolio” is to update the daily lines when showing. On excursions it often turns out that not all objects necessary for discovery have been preserved. For example, excursors cannot study the historical awakening created at the right time; village, impoverished during the Great Rocks The Great Patriotic War Sometimes there is a need to date the first appearance of the place in which the awakening that is being looked at (the residential microdistrict) was caused. This method is used to highlight, for example, photographs of villages and wasteland, panoramas of everyday life, residential areas. You can also go out of your way to show what you will be doing in the nearest future. And here, excursionists are shown projects of budinki, sporods, and monuments.

During excursions, it may be necessary to show photographs of people who may be related to a particular object or related to it (for example, portraits of members of the Wulf family - friends of A. S. Pushkin - during the excursion "Pushkin" solemn ring of the Upper Volga region").

A better part of the tour is to demonstrate copies of relevant documents, manuscripts, literary works, as the guide tells you.

And it’s another important thing to ensure that you provide first aid during the excursion. give a warning about the object(Russian minerals, minerals, mechanisms, and ways to display relevant illustrations or their photographs, models, dummies).

The "tour guide's portfolio" includes photographs, geographical maps, diagrams, chairs, little things, product illustrations, etc. Such “portfolios” are usually created with skin. The stench is a constant companion of the guide and helps to earn more money in the past and today with more crops and cinnamon. The size of the “portfolio” is dictated by the theme of the excursion.

The main contributors to the "tour guide's portfolio" are to blame for the vikoristan. The number of them may be great, but some visitors will encourage tourists to look at the relevant objects and gain their respect.

Participants of the creative group, preparing a new excursion, select from the most varied materials available to them, and then provide assistance to the guide from the selected topics. The method of demonstrating scientific assistance is checked along the route. Then the recommendations for the selection of materials in the “portfolio” include a methodical analysis.

Each skin exhibit included in the portfolio is accompanied by a sheet with explanations and background material. Some explanations are glued to the back of the exhibit. This instruction is an input material for the guide when showing the exhibit to tourists.

The flow of primary materials included in the “tour guide’s portfolio” may be clarified throughout the development of new excursion themes.

Museums, exhibitions, and archives provide great assistance in the selection of educational materials for a portfolio of excursion organizations.

The importance of methodical techniques for conducting an excursion

The success of the excursion is determined by the use of methodological techniques to show and confirm. The choice of these and other methodical methods is dictated by the tasks set before the excursion, the information density of a particular object.

The work of the creative group at this stage consists of many parts: selection of the most effective methodological techniques for clarifying topics, methodological techniques that are recommended in the field of excursion audience (adult summer, children), time of excursion (winter, summer, day, evening), features show; important methods of preserving the respect of excursionists and activating the process of processing excursion material; selecting recommendations for obtaining various benefits from your tour guide; selection of rules for the technique of conducting an excursion. It is therefore important to select the technology and methodological techniques.

Essential excursion techniques

The technique of conducting an excursion integrates all the organizational nutrition of the excursion process. The authors of the bus excursion, for example, carefully consider when excursors go out to inspect the object, how the transfer of tourists between objects is expected, how exhibits of the “tour guide’s portfolio” are demonstrated, etc. . This note is addressed to the bus driver. For example, where you park a bus, you will need to drive further to keep the object out of the window. Be sure to stay on top of the container until the excursionists (follow the rules of safety on the street, getting off the bus, and seating in the cabin). It is important to formulate recommendations for avoiding pauses in the excursion; about the end of the hour allotted for the development of the event, the organization of reports on the nutrition of excursionists; about the technique of displaying the exhibits of the “portfolio”; about the order of putting wines together. bud. No less important are the instructions about the place of the guide when showing objects, the independent work of the tourists on the route, and the conduct of meetings while the bus is running.

Folding methodical development

Methodical development is a document that indicates how to conduct this excursion, how to best organize the display of monuments, how to follow the methodology and technique so that the excursion is carried out effectively. The methodical development includes various excursion techniques with an understanding of the features of the demonstrated objects and the replacement of the material that is presented. She disciplines the tour guide and gives evidence let's step on the vimogs: tell the guide the routes for discovery by those; equip him with the most effective methodical techniques to show and confirm; provide clear recommendations regarding nutrition and organization of the excursion; protect the interests of the singing group of excursionists (subject to availability of excursion options); Enhance the show and the conversation as one whole.

A methodical development is developed on the skin theme of the excursion, including with a differentiated approach to preparing and conducting the excursion. In the stages of methodical development, one can recognize the development of the brain, professional and other interests of the excursionists, and the peculiarities of the methodology.

The methodical development is prepared as follows:

on title page details: the name of the excursion installation, the names of the excursions, the type of excursion, the final date of the route, the triviality in the academic year, the warehouse of the excursionists, the names and landings of the guides, the date of confirmation of the excursion by the excursion operator new install.
- on the next page there is a meta-task of the excursion, a diagram of the route from the designated objects and directions for the hour of the excursion.

Methodical development consists of three sections: the entry, the main part and the main part. The entry and visnovok do not spread behind the graphs. The axis, for example, is what the guide’s recommendations look like for each day to begin the methodical development of the excursion on the topic “Tyumen - the gateway to Siberia”: “We need to get to know the group first, name the names of the guide and then guess excursionists, rules of behavior on the bus ahead of them, that you can put food and share hostile stinks, if there is an hour for anyone. In the information part, it is necessary to name the topic, route, and trivialities of the excursion, and it is necessary to do it in such a way as to attract interest to those Respect to excursionists, this part may come into play bright, emotional. We can begin with the verses of A. S. Pushkin and a quote from the words of the Decembrists about the untold riches of Siberia, the great land of today." The place for planting the group is indicated by the working order at once with the assistant, the place of starting the excursion is indicated by methodical development.

Table 2.1

A glimpse of the methodical development of the excursion

Route Zupinka I'll show you the objects Hour Named after the transfer of basic foods Organizational notes Methodical insertions
Nova Basmanna st. - M. Rozgulyai – Baumanska st. On the way Nova Basmanna vul.; Cathedral of St. Paul;
house No. 16 on Novy Basmanny street, house No. 2 on Spartakivsky street.
Subtopic I: Pushkin's Moscow
1. Kolishnya Nimetska Sloboda -
one of the aristocratic districts of Moscow in the 18th-19th centuries.
2. Nova Basmanna st. - Little Pushkinskaya
Conversations are conducted with an increased number of buses 1. Use the method of reporting, characterizing the enormous amount of German freedom. Maintain synchronicity in the reporting and display of objects located on different streets
2. Characterizing the view of the German Freedom
the end of the 18th century, since the Pushkins settled here, it was necessary to show off the plans and forget about Novaya Basmannaya vul. Vikoristati
in the identified names of the walks along which the route passes, to characterize the past. Fortune telling was kept on the birch nar. Yauzi budinskas of nobles (Lefortivsky Palace, Slobidsky Palace, etc.)
Baumanska vul., b. 8/10 Zupinka in the courtyard of the school named after. A. S. Pushkin No. 353 Budinok school im. A. S. Pushkina,
memorial plaque
with a bas-relief of Pushkin the Ditin on the façade of the building
3. Mіstse people sing
4. "My family"
5. Childhood of a poet
Lead the group off the bus, lead them
There will be a memorial plaque until the school starts. Then take us to the monument
A. S. Pushkin, who moved the group so that the school door, the monument, were visible
3. Verbal reconstruction of this small corner of the German Liberty at the end of the 18th century. Show: relief of the school yard (high channel of the Kukuy stream), outbuildings that have been preserved (no. 8), what to guess from Skvortsov’s Volodynia,
To whom was A. S. Pushkin born?
Opening up the food 4, 5, quote quotes from the works “My Family” and “The guests arrived at the dacha.” Vikoristovat tour guide's briefcase (views of old Moscow, Lefortovo, portraits of local people
A. S. Pushkin).
An option for a logical transition:
"V. L. Pushkin - having stuck on the mold of literary likenesses of a poet of the future"

The effectiveness of methodical development lies in the correct layout of all seven columns. The size of the paper is 6-12 pages of typewritten text. The document must contain the number of excursion objects, the number of topics, the duration of the excursion by hour and the final route.

In the column " Excursion route The point at the beginning of the excursion and the end of the first subtopic is called.

In the column " Zupinki These are the points on the route where you get off the bus; an overview of the object from the window of the bus is transmitted without the exit of the excursionists, or a segment on a walking excursion is transmitted. There is no trace of such inaccurate entries, such as: “Embankment of the Volga River” or “Central Square”. write down: “The embankment of the Volga River is the monument to M. A. Nekrasov.”

In the column " I'll show you the objects to re-insure these memorable places, the main and additional objects that show the groups on the chain, before moving or transferring the group to the onset of the chain.

During the excursion, the objects shown may be a town, a village, a settlement of the small town type, and when driving along the route - visible parts from afar (high building, vezha, dzvinitsa, etc.). During the Moscow excursion, the objects shown may be streets or squares.

Count The thrill of the excursion The hour that is indicated in this column is the total hour that is spent on showing this object, speaking with the guide (that part if there is a daily show) and transferring tourists along the route to the next stop. It is also necessary to take into account the time that is spent on the soil near the objects that are being looked at, and between the objects.

Count Named after the transfer of basic foods Post short entries. In the first place, there is a topic that arises on this section of the route, at a given time, on overinsurance in the column of 3 objects. Here the basic nutrition is formulated, which is laid out when opened under the heading. bear the name "Poltava near the Pivnichny War between Russia and Sweden." The main themes that are highlighted in this topic are “Swedes in Ukraine” and “Battle of Poltava”. The sub-theme “Newness of the Old Town” reveals the main principles: “Life in the town”, “Development of culture and culture”, “Life in the sports complex”. The number of basic foods that are included before the beginning is not necessary to over-stretch the heels.

In the column " Organizational notes contains recommendations about group transfers, ensuring the safety of excursionists on the route and ensuring sanitary and hygienic conditions, rules of conduct for excursion participants in memorial places and historical monuments culture Immediately, the protection of nature and the rules of environmental safety are laid out for excursionists. include all meals included in the concept of "Excursion Technique". Let’s make a note: “The group is being disbanded in such a manner that all excursionists will be able to enter until they arrive.” “At this point, excursionists are given an hour for photography.” For local excursions, this line includes instructions about sanitary conditions, recommendations for nature conservation, rules for transferring tourists to the areas, especially near highways, with a view to ensuring their safety.

When conducting field excursions, specific operating workshops are provided with recommendations on safety techniques, instructions from the enterprise administration, and obligatory rules of conduct for excursionists. at the meeting, name the place, pause in the confirmed show.

Count Methodical insertions It means directly the entire document, formulates the main instructions to the guide for the methodology of conducting the excursion, and provides instructions for the selection of methodological techniques. methodical insertions: “Before the hour of discovery, the vikoryst method of verbal leveling is given, evidence is given about the military potential of fascist Germany until the moment of its attack on the USSR” and “The talk about battles is carried out using a vikoryst methodical method "Today's reconstruction of the place where the fighting took place."

It is important to note where and how to establish a methodical approach. This graph also shows an option for a logical transition to the next stage, recommendations are given for displaying the materials of the “tour guide’s portfolio”, including for the sake of the rise of tourists using objects as a methodical approach ( for example, “After being careful about the object and confirming the guide, tourists can independently continue to get acquainted with the object", "The guide should explain the terms...", "When showing the battlefield, it is necessary to orient the tour participants..." etc.).

Compilation of individual text

Excursion practice comes from the fact that the basis of the guide’s knowledge is Individual text, Which means consistency and completeness in the presentation of thoughts, helps the guide to logically deliver his speech. The guide composes this text on his own. The basis of the individual text is the control text.

All individual texts, in the presence of a good control text, will have an identical place, and there will be different turns, different words, There is consistency in the evidence, there may be different facts that confirm the same position. Naturally, all guides visiting the same object will speak the same way.

You should not miss the control text from those who are developing a new excursion for themselves, the fragments on the control text were worked on by a creative group of highly trained guides, and the guide who is preparing a new topic for himself cannot achieve what was previously fragmented by collective zusillas. After that, as the tour guide’s robot is in front of a new topic Once completed (collection, processing and initial processing of the material), you are allowed to read the control text. This will help you select the material for testing, determine the optimal number of butts to be tested in lightened conditions, create the correct drawings before the excursion and in general. Upgrading to the control text, completed promptly, guarantees a greater level of preparation for the newcomer before the excursion.

Main activity individual text The control lies in the fact that it reflects the structure of the excursion and the motivations of the entire type to the methodical development of the excursion. The material is placed in the same order where objects are shown and is clearly divided into parts. The skin of them is associated with one another. It is possible to create individual texts and prepare them for “vicoristan” notification. The individual text is based on what was revealed during the excursion. When presenting the essence of historical concepts, it is necessary to quickly evaluate their significance.

It is also not allowed to guess facts without a date, send it to the dzherela. In that very hour the text of this kind reflects the peculiarities of the Vikonavian language. The guide's message is made up of several parts, linked to relevant objects. Connect the parts with the skin and logical transitions between topics (and objects). In the individual text, the skin topic is accompanied by additional information that is available for discussion during the excursion.

When composing an individual text, the author cannot forget about the logic of the language, about the fact that the word and the image (object) act, as a rule, seemingly synchronously. It is not necessary to strive to the utmost in presenting the material on the excursion until you try to inspire the excursionists. In case of maximum nutritional value obtained during the excursion, the cognitive and gratifying elements on the right may be based on the formula: maximum cognitive and minimum gratifying. A special place in the preparation of the excursion is the nutrition of the legend. On excursions, vikorstans may be without legend.

In their place, offensive texts (control and individual) are taken care of. And this means that, due to the presence of a correctly composed control text, all tour guides who have mastered this topic, the excursions are “standard”. They are, however, at their core, avoided in assessing historical facts and facts in the literature, as they look after other topics and the topic as a whole.

Conducting an analysis of the same visual object, the guides show and reveal the same thing. Who has the sense of the control text as a sign.

However, with proper attention, guides can highlight different directions, and can provide recommended facts, figures and applications in other ways. The individuality of the excursion is that between the guides who lead the excursion on the same topic, then there may be different levels of emotionality. They can, being in one and the same object, vikorize different methods of display and form of identification. The same provisions can be criticized for different butts. Write the text according to the first person and express your individuality.

Conversation and individual text

The success of the results depends on the extent to which the individual text of the approach to the official language is based on the personal characteristics of the particular guide to whom this text belongs. “The influx into our knowledge of various texts lies in the richness of reasons and minds (logic, evidence, novelty of topics and information, the psychological attitude of the author to influx or their ubiquity, etc.).” However, no less important role is played by language, power, structure, and particularity.

Individual texts of many guides on the same topic are characterized by similarity in the presentation and presentation of the material, in terms of historical approaches, facts and applications. Proceed with individual information from all tour guides. What is the individuality of a tour guide? All guides conducting excursions with the same topics tell the same story, but speak differently. Their message is the same, but the form, vocabulary, and emotional level are different.

The technique requires the guide to be mindful of the essential difference between the lecturer and the guide when composing an individual text.

During the tour, the guide will “drop” objects that need to be shown to the group. Dvi-three Godni, at the Ekcursion, rallying Excursion on the feet of і on the widen-in-the-rumor to snake briefly, they characterize the pam'yatniki, he knew before the Group, Steel Rospovydati about the victims of the right.

The triviality of the experience is not due to the hour, such a building monument will attract the respect of excursionists. Most often there are five or seven things. If this hour is not completed, then there is no vitality of the evidence, no methodical techniques are not valid news of the excursionists. The term “language object” is not uncommonly used in methodological literature. One of the duties of a tour guide is to get the subject talking.

Technique for revising individual text

The guide, as well as the lecturer, can provide his own individual text during the excursion. To make it easier to write, it is recommended to transfer the place of the review to special cards, where short information about the object, the main ideas of the review, around the quote, and historical dates are recorded. A number of cards will be supplied for the skin (count the number of basic foods).

The tour guide does not read the cards during the excursion, unless he sees them, he guesses the location of the meeting. If there is a significant break between objects during the excursion, the guide can look at the maps again and refresh his memory of the material of the tour. Most often, cards as a summary of the study are prepared during the preparation period before the excursion. Blame those cards that contain quotes and great lessons from artistic works, the replacement of which forms the basis of a suitable literary montage. During the excursion I will notice the stench.

The card is handy for Wikoristan. A small size is recommended, approximately a quarter of the size of a fine paper, suitable for dry curing. The cards are numbered and folded before the tour in order of sequence before being revealed.

Vykorostana on the excursion of cards is the right of the skin guide, but in the morning the stench disappears from whose need. Those that the cards are at hand and can be used at the right time, give the guide the benefit of his knowledge.

The presence of an individual text does not mean that it is necessary to memorize everything and convey it to the tourists word for word.

Logical transitions

The creators of the excursion are faced with the task of tying everything together as one whole. Vaughn is looking for help logical transitions, which should be considered as important, although it does not have independent significance, is part of the excursion. Well-structured, logical transitions will give the excursion a sense of urgency, ensure consistency in the presentation of the material, and ensure that interest comes to the fore.

Often on excursions, when moving from one topic to another, you need to understand formal (constructive) transitions. The formal term is such a transition that is not related to the excursion and is not a “transition place” from one part of the excursion to another. (For example, “And now let’s go through the plain”, “Now we’ll go further with you”, “Let’s take a look at another remarkable place”). It is not necessary, however, to grasp the legitimacy of the rise of such transitions and respect them as one of the benefits of the excursion work.

In these situations, when transferring between objects takes only a few seconds, such transitions are inevitable: (For example, “Now look here” or “I ask you to show respect to the monument, please pay attention”). Such transitions are inevitable when looking at the exhibitions in museums and at exhibitions, where thematic sections and stands around them are dedicated to different topics, arranged nearby one after the other. A constructive transition, without being a “transitional place” between topics, directs tourists to become aware of the upcoming object.

More efficient logical transition, connection with the topic of the excursion. Such a transition can begin before the group is transferred to the anterior part, or it can end at the part of the object. A logical transition is dictated not so much by the peculiarities of the excursion object, but rather by the excursion itself, that is, by the subtopics that require this transition.

The difficulty of a logical transition depends on the hourly movement (transition) of the group from object to object, and there may be more or less.

Reception (building) excursions

With a positive assessment of the control text and methodical development of the excursion, as well as the presence of a complete “guide portfolio” and map-schemes, the route is assigned the date of acceptance (creation) of the new excursion. The execution of the excursion is entrusted to the creative team’s kernel specialist. Whenever necessary, due to illness or other important reasons, one of the members of the creative group gives the excursion. At the reception (destination) of the excursion, the participation of the kernels of the excursion installation, methodological workers, members of the creative group and the methodical section where the excursion was prepared, as well as kernels of other sections take part.

The reception of the excursion is of a business nature, carried out in the form of a creative discussion, exchange of thoughts, identification of shortcomings. Participants of the excursion should be familiar with the control text and methodical description, the route diagram, the “tour guide’s portfolio”, the list of selected literature, etc.

Excursion confirmation

With a positive statement about the control text and methodical development, as well as on the basis of the breakdown of the project and the establishment of the norm for the arrival of a new excursion, the excursion manager sees an order about the approval of the new excursion by those and the list of tour guides admitted to it carried out

Guides are allowed to work if they took an active part in the training and listening on the route or during the conversation. Please contact the methodologist of the excursion-methodological department before speaking.

All other tour guides who have previously independently prepared this topic will conduct a test tour in the first place. Guides (regardless of their work experience) are allowed to conduct a tour on a new topic for them except for the obviousness of their individual text after listening and seeing a certifying order.


Obov'yazkova documentation on the topic. Preparing a new excursion is a complex process. This work is considered complete if all necessary documents are prepared. Documentation on excursion topics is kept in a methodical office.

Table 2.2.

Documentation required for skin care

No. Document title Document location
1 List of references on the topicReinsure all books, brochures, articles, and other materials needed to prepare this excursion
2 Cards (passports) of objects included in the routeVidomosti that characterize the excursion object. Type of the monument, its name, the way it is connected, the place of discovery, short description, author of the creation of the object, Dzherela
3 Control text of the excursionSelect and review material that reveals the topic. Instead of the text, it reveals the subtopics of the basic nutrition, to serve as the basis for introductions, conclusions, and logical transitions
4 Individual texts from tour guidesThe material presented by a specific guide is consistent with the methodical development, structure of the excursion, and route. Gives characteristics of objects and conditions
5 Scheme (map) of the routeThe path of the group's passage is shown on the side of the arkush. The beginning and end of the route, the objects to be shown, the place for their guarding, the steps for the group to exit to the objects are indicated
6 "Tour Guide's Briefcase"Folder with photographs, diagrams, maps, armchairs, miniatures, reproductions, copies of documents, examples of enterprise products and other reference books
7 Methodical exploration of the topicRecommendation for conducting the excursion. These are called methodical techniques for displaying and reporting; the sequence of demonstration of objects, primary companions, and the technique of conducting an excursion with a differentiated approach to excursionists is determined.
8 Excursion materialsMaterials

Items that have been lost must be distributed according to the warehouse capacity in St. Petersburg, subject to individual ordering. Consume the skin warehouse from the table. 9 (fuel demand - 57 tons, same for all options).
It is necessary to identify rational pendulum routes for delivery to employees, as we know:

  1. The capacity of one transport unit is 1.5 tons.
  2. An hour of work on the route - 9 years to get there.
  3. An hour to obtain, arrange and complete documents – 1 year.
  4. The average speed of the river is 25 km/year.
  5. Addresses of the motor transport enterprise - st. Krishtaleva, 27.
Next, we set the parameters for the route. In the table 10 presents the output data for the butt.
Table 10 - Example of final data
Stage 1. Determine the distance between the logistics boundary objects. The results can be manually tabulated. eleven.
Table 11 - Butt matrix of distances to warehouses, km
Stage 2. It is necessary to calculate the time spent on one trip (see Table 12 for an example).
For rozrahunku vitrat hour it is necessary to obtain the formula

de t c - i - c h- Warehouse index; i- Index of well-being; l c - i- Distance between the warehouse and the accommodation, km; l i - c- Distance between the store and the warehouse, km; t pr - hour, necessary for navantazhennya and rozvantazhennya, xv; V- Transport speed, km/year.
In the same way, an hour of work on the route is covered, after turning to the traffic police station.
de t c - i-a- Hours of work on the route, xv; h- Warehouse index; i- Index of well-being; a- Motor colony index; l c - i– stand between the warehouse and the living quarters, km; l i - a– stand between the companions and the convoy, km; t pr - hour, necessary for navantazhennya and rozvantazhennya, xv; V- Transport speed, km/year.
Butt layout for the route: Warehouse of the loading station (further Warehouse) – Warehouse 1

The tax result is in the table. 12
Table 12 - Butt rozhunku and hourly rate for one trip
In the table The 12th row of the route "Warehouse - C1 - Warehouse" - means that the transporter collects the goods at the warehouse of the loading station, going to Warehouse 1, unloads it, and then turns back for further pickup.
The route “Warehouse – C1 – Avtokolona” means that the transport service collects the goods in the warehouse of the enterprise, goes to Warehouse 1, unloads it, and then turns back to the Avtokolona and does not transport goods again that day.
Stage 3. Compile the output working matrix (Table 13).
Table 13 - Butt of the output matrix
The lowest score (-4) is the destination Warehouse 3, and the highest score (11) is Warehouse 2. This means that the starting point of the route will be Warehouse 2, and the whole working day transport items will be delivered to this warehouse and there will be a rest trip will be at the Warehouse 3, the car will go to the traffic police station. This is necessary to minimize empty mileage.
Route number 1 for one car: Automobile convoy – Warehouse – Warehouse 2 – Warehouse – Warehouse 3 – Automotive convoy. Apparently, the hour of work on the route becomes 9 years per day (540 minutes). If the vehicle is to be serviced to Warehouse 3, turn back into the convoy and spend 108 coins (Table 12). So, the maintenance of Warehouse 2 will be deprived of 432 units (540-108).
If the hour for a trip to Warehouse 2 and back is 74 minutes, then this vehicle can make 5 trips. Ale for the minds of the department is required more than 4.
Thus, the route of this transport unit on a working day includes 4 trips to warehouse 2 and one to warehouse 3 (the results are presented in Table 18).
Stage 4. A new output matrix is ​​calculated (Table 14).
Table 14 - Output matrix

Warehouse 1 has the highest price range, and warehouse 3 has the least.
Route number 2 for one car: Fleet - Warehouse - Warehouse 1 - Warehouse - Warehouse 3 - Fleet. Apparently, the hour of work on the route becomes 9 years per day (540 minutes). If the car serves warehouse 3 and turn back into the convoy, you will spend 108 min. So, the maintenance of Warehouse 1 will be deprived of 432 units (540-108).
If the hour for a trip to Warehouse 1 and back is 118 minutes, then this car can make 4 trips.
Stage 5. Create a new output matrix (Table 15).
Table 15 - Output matrix

Warehouse 5 has the highest value for stock, and warehouse 3 has the least.
Route number 3 for one car: Automobile convoy – Warehouse – Warehouse 5 – Warehouse – Warehouse 3 – Automotive convoy. Apparently, the hour of work on the route becomes 9 years per day (540 minutes). If the car serves warehouse 3 and turn back into the convoy, you will spend 108 min. So, the maintenance of Warehouse 1 will lose 432 hv.
If the hour for a trip to Warehouse 5 and back is 146 minutes, then this car can make 2 trips. After two trips you will lose another 140 coins. Please allow one more trip to point 4.
The derivation of the route is given in the table. 18
Stage 6. Create a new output matrix (Table 16)
Warehouse 4 has the highest price range, and warehouse 3 has the least.
Table 16 - Output matrix

Route number 4 for one car: Automobile convoy – Warehouse – Warehouse 4 – Warehouse – Warehouse 3 – Automotive convoy. Apparently, the hour of work on the route becomes 9 years per day (540 minutes). If the car serves warehouse 3 and turn back into the convoy, you will spend 108 min. So, the maintenance of Warehouse 4 will lose 432 hv. This is to allow the car to go up 3 times.
The derivation of the route is given in the table. 18
Stage 7. Create a new output matrix (Table 17).
Table 17 - Output matrix

Warehouse 4 has the highest price range, and warehouse 3 has the least.
Route number 5 for one car: Automobile convoy – Warehouse – Warehouse 4 – Warehouse – Warehouse 3 – Automotive convoy.
The derivation of the route is given in the table. 18
Table 18 - Route information set

RouteRoute indications
Number of tripsObsyag transported, tNumber of cars, approx.Robot hour, xv
1 Warehouse - Warehouse 2 - Warehouse4 5,0 1 296
1 1,5 108
Together5 6,5 1 404
2 Warehouse - Warehouse 1 - Warehouse4 6,0 1 472
Warehouse - Warehouse 3 - Automotive station1 1,5 108
Together5 7,5 1 580
3 Warehouse - Warehouse 5 - Warehouse2 3,0 1 292
Warehouse – Warehouse 4 – Warehouse1 1,5 137
Warehouse - Warehouse 3 - Automotive station1 1,5 108
Together4 6,0 1 537
4 Warehouse – Warehouse 4 – Warehouse3 4,5 1 411
Warehouse - Warehouse 3 - Automotive station1 1,5 108
Together4 6,0 1 519
5 Warehouse – Warehouse 4 – Warehouse1 1,0 1 137
Warehouse – Warehouse 3 – Warehouse3 4,5 1 354
Warehouse – Warehouse 3 – Automotive station1 1,5 1 108
Together5 7,0 1 599
Together23 33 5 2639

During the work on the course project, the vantage was divided between warehouses (Table 9). Next, you need to connect your stores to warehouses to organize further deliveries. Over the course of a month, it will be necessary to disseminate the latest sales in stores (Table 19).
Table 19 - Addresses of stores near St. Petersburg
The attachment of stores (shops) to warehouses is based on established linear programming methods.
Statement of the problem.
Є 5 postal workers (logistics warehouses), which supply a large quantity of products (Table 9), and 5 associates (shops), which meet the demand for these products (Table 19). It is necessary to calculate the transport costs for delivery to each person from any postal owner to any co-owner and attach the co-workers so that the total transport costs for the delivery of products to the postal workers are minimal.
Stage 1. Significant transport costs. Use the transportation to lie in the warehouse until the arrival. The cost of transporting one ton of material per kilometer is 50 rubles/t. Let’s assume that the distance from Warehouse 1 to Store 1 is 24 km, then the cost of delivering one ton of goods becomes 1200 rubles.
Information about the routes must be obtained independently from the resource maps.google.ru. The results of rozrakhunku vartosti delivery vantazhu tax in the table. 20.
For the actual economic-mathematical model, we introduce the following values: i– postal number ( i= 1,…,m), m– number of postgraduate students (for course students – 5); j- Companion number ( j= 1,…,n), n– number of postgraduate students (for course students – 5); A i– resources i-th postal worker, tobto. the amount of value that a postmaster can give to fellow residents (Table 9), t; U j– demand for products j-th spozhivacha (Table 19), t; C ij– transport costs for the delivery of one ton of vantage i-th postal owner j-mu spozhivachevi, rub./t.; X ij i-th postal owner j-mu is alive, that is, this quantity is unknown and increases its significance.
Transport costs for the delivery of one ton of vantage i-th postal owner j I'm fine
The economic-mathematical model can accommodate the goal function, the system of interconnection and the invisibility of changes. It is necessary to keep transport costs to a minimum

de C ij– transport costs for the delivery of one ton of vantage i-th postal owner j-mu spozhivachevi, rub./t.; X ij– the number of products that are supplied i-th postal owner j I'm sorry, because...
Reaching the minimum value of the goal function is expected for singing minds (limitation). The first of them lies in the fact that for the optimal option for the skin postponant, such a large number of products were planned, as they are in their order

Another thing is that, in an optimal plan, the number of products available to the skin patient may match his needs.

Let's face it, the model seems to have a mind not negativity of change
x i ≥0.
Once the model is up, the assignment of postal employees to co-workers will be established. Rozrahunki can be combined with a path of potentials (Table 21). This table has a column and row for recording potentials Uiі V j, which allows us to determine the optimality of the plan for assigning postmasters to co-workers. The right upper package of the center indicates the product delivery rate (RUB/t).
Stage 1. Organizing the output plan. To formulate an exit plan, a quick method is used, which is called the “downhill-entry cut method.” It is similar to this method of filling out the table by starting from the upper left square and from the position of this square, equalize the resources of the first post owner (15 tons) and the consumption of the first employee (6 tons), select less of them and write in this square, the translation is called “zavantazhenim” (Table 22). This means that you are satisfied with the consumption of your first companion. Then you need to lean to the right and equalize the resources that were lost from the first postman (15 - 6 = 9) and the needs of another coworker (16), having written down the lower number in the first row of the other postman, move down, because The resources of the first tenant have run out, and the needs of the other tenant are still unsatisfied. So, collapsing step by step, we take away the final plan.
Table 21 - Weekend data

PozhivachiM1M2M3M4M5Resources of post-owners A i, T
Postalnik V j Ui V 1 V 2 V 3 V 4 V 5
C1 U 1 X 11 1200 X 12 1300 X 13 1700 X 14 2500 X 15 2900 15
C2 U 2 X 21 1500 X 22 1600 X 23 500 X 24 2000 X 25 2800 6
C3 U 3 X 31 800 X 32 900 X 33 850 X 34 1200 X 35 2900 9
C4 U 4 X 41 1900 X 42 1500 X 43 1300 X 44 1700 X 45 2900 18
C5 U 5 X 51 700 X 52 1300 X 53 1800 X 54 2100 X 55 2200 9
Need Bj, T 6 16 10 17 8 57

Table 22 - Cob plan for attaching fellow residents to post-employees

PozhivachiM1M2M3M4M5Resources of post-owners A i, T
Postalnik V j Ui
C1 6 1200 9 1300 1700 2500 2900 15
C2 1500 6 1600 500 2000 2800 6
C3 800 1 900 8 850 1200 2900 9
C4 1900 1500 2 1300 16 1700 2900 18
C5 700 1300 1800 1 2100 8 2200 9
Need Bj, T 6 16 10 17 8 57

Stage 2. Verification of the output plan. It is necessary to check the output plan for consistency with the current minds:
The number of “attracted” clients in the table is one less than the sum of the numbers of post-masters and co-workers, in the analyzed example 9 (5 + 5 – 1), then. I've finished thinking about it.
It is not necessary to use every square occupied, which will be the same in the row and column of the table, then. I've finished thinking about it.
Stage 3. Optimality verification. To check the output plan for optimality, it is necessary to develop potentials Uiі V j. These potentials are shown even more for “attractive” centers. Sum of indexes Uiі V j is obliged to comply with the transport costs of the main lines. Whose butt U 1 + V 1= 1200; U 1 + V 2= 1300; U 2 + V 2= 1600; U 3 + V 2= 900; U 3 + V 3= 850; U 4 + V 3= 1300; U 4 + V 4= 1700; U 5 + V 4= 2100; U 5 + V 5= 2200.
Indexes are calculated in the following way: 1) accepted U 1= 0 (so first); 2) from the first level we can remove V 1= 1200 - 0 = 1200; 3) from another equal can be removed V 2= 1300 - 0 = 1300; 4) so, in all likelihood, the potential of all residents and post-graduates is determined (Table 23).
Then, for “uninvited” middles, the insurance values ​​are C ij =U i +V j (in Table 23, the insurance values ​​are presented in italics).
Removing the values ​​of C ij is subdivided into the value C ij(transport costs). If in all “unpreferred” middles the inequality C ij ≤ C ij is reached, then the plan is considered optimal. In which case there are differences, in which case these inequalities are not addressed, and therefore the plan is no longer optimal.
Table 23 - Output plan for attaching associates to post-employees based on the developed potential values
PozhivachiM1M2M3M4M5Resources of post-owners A i, T
Postalnik V j Ui 1200 1300 1250 1650 1750
C1 0 6 1200 9 1300 1250 1700 1650 2500 1750 2900 15
C2 300 1500 1500 6 1600 1550 500 1950 2000 2050 2800 6
C3 - 400 800 800 1 900 8 850 1250 1200 1350 2900 9
C4 50 1250 1900 1350 1500 2 1300 16 1700 1700 2900 18
C5 450 1650 700 1750 1300 1700 1800 1 2100 8 2200 9
Need Bj, T 6 16 10 17 8 57

Stage 4. Extension of the output plan. This is the way to move supplies to the “unwanted” middle, in which C ij -C ij =max. The appendix has a square C2-M3 (1550 – 500 = 1050). However, the difference will be the same for a number of products, depending on which brand you choose.
Also, in the case of the butt, the supply is to be moved to square C2-M3. Shifts are kept in order so that the minds and expressions of those in higher positions are not damaged. And so we close the connection, then. a closed line, which is made up of vertical and horizontal cuts, in such a way that one of the vertices of the created rich coil is a square, where the movements are carried out, and the back of the vertices is in the “centered centers”. In the table 2 performances are so rich.
After making a connection to the free square and the “tangled” middles connected to it, they are pressed through the signs “+” and “-”, starting from the free square.
Table 24 - Relocation of supplies square C2-M3

Among these squares, which are marked with a “-” sign, you select the smallest duty (6 t.). This itself involves moving from the squares with the “-” sign to the squares with the “+” sign. As a result, a new plan was drawn up (Table 25). Table 25 - Adjustment plan for attaching fellow residents to post-employees
PozhivachiM1M2M3M4M5Resources of postal employees, A i, T
Postalnik V j Ui
C1 6 1200 9 1300 1700 2500 2900 15
C2 1500 1600 6 500 2000 2800 6
C3 800 7 900 2 850 1200 2900 9
C4 1900 1500 2 1300 16 1700 2900 18
C5 700 1300 1800 1 2100 8 2200 9
Need Bj, T 6 16 10 17 8 57

We repeat the description of the larger crops. The result of the presentations in the table. 26 Table 26 - Plan for attaching fellow residents to post-employees with developed potential values

The solution is also not optimal, however, it is necessary to paint it with a route for transferring supplies from the village center (to the center C5-M1). The result of the presentations in the table. 27 Table 27 - Scored output plan for attaching fellow residents to post-employees
PozhivachiM1M2M3M4M5Resources of post-owners A i, T
PostalnikV j Ui
C1 5 1200 10 1300 1700 2500 2900 15
C2 1500 1600 6 500 2000 2800 6
C3 800 6 900 3 850 1200 2900 9
C4 1900 1500 1 1300 17 1700 2900 18
C5 1 700 1300 1800 2100 8 2200 9
Need Bj, T 6 16 10 17 8 57

Let's check it for optimality (Table 28). Table 27 - Plan for attaching fellow residents to postgraduates based on the developed potential values

PozhivachiM1M2M3M4M5Resources of post-owners A i, T
Postalnik V j Ui 1200 1300 1250 1650 2750
C1 0 5 1200 10 1300 1250 1700 1650 2500 2750 2900 15
C2 -750 450 1500 550 1600 6 500 900 2000 2000 2800 6
C3 - 400 800 800 6 900 3 850 1250 1200 2350 2900 9
C4 50 1250 1900 1350 1500 1 1300 17 1700 2800 2900 18
C5 - 500 1 700 800 1300 750 1800 1150 2100 8 2200 9
Need Bj, T 6 16 10 17 8 57

The solution is optimal, since for all means the unevenness C ij C ij is achieved.

4. Methods of planning robots for internal plant transport

4.1. Optimal timing of circular routes

The output information for solving the problem is the mental schemes for placing points that may be included before the route, and the matrix of distances C = (c ij) between these points (div. Table 4.1) in kilometers. Let's take a look at the solution to the problem of using a circular route in practice. The output for the butt is given in Table 4.1.

The solution algorithm consists of many steps.

Table 4.1

Department i

Purpose j

Step 1. The output matrix (tricut matrix (Table 4.1)) is replaced so that the matrix becomes symmetrical in relation to the head diagonal (Table 4.2).

Table 4.2

Department i

Purpose j

Lesson 2. Obsession with the induced matrix.

The induced matrix is ​​called such that it has at least one zero element. To remove the induced matrix in the skin row, we find the minimum element and write it with right sides matrices. Tse vector-stovpets form (3, 3, 6, 5, 4) (div. table 4.1). From the elements of a given row, the minimum values ​​of the element of that row are displayed and a matrix is ​​selected by row (div. Table 4.3).

Table 4.3

department i

Purpose j

Then a minimal element is found at the skin surface and is written down at the bottom of the matrix. A chain vector of the form (0, 0, 2, 2, 0) (div. Table 4.3). From the elements of a subordinate column, the minimum values ​​of the element of this column are displayed, and a matrix is ​​displayed (Table 4.4). It has been mathematically proven that the procedures for maintaining the induced matrix (Table 4.4) developed in the described way save the power of the output matrix.

The induced matrix element c ij is called a pole, since c ij = 0.

Table 4.4

department i

Purpose j

Croc 3. Sequentially for the skin pole follows:

For row i 0 where the pole is found, the minimum element of this row is found, including the values ​​​​only for the pole itself:

For column j 0, where a pole is found, the minimum element of this column is found, including the value only for the pole itself.

Know the value of the parameter d(i 0 , j 0) from the formula

d(i 0 , j 0) = min(c ij) + min(c ij).

d 12 = 1 + 0 = 1,
d21 = 0 + 0 = 0,
d 24 = 0 + 2 = 2,
d 35 = 2 + 1 = 3,
d 42 = 2 + 0 = 2,
d51 = 0 + 0 = 0,
d 53 = 0 + 3 = 3.

Lesson 4. Know the parameter h(i 0 j 0) from the formula

h(i 0 j 0) = max (d ij).

Depending on the meaning of the decal, you can choose whatever it is. The vibration parameter h(i 0 ,j 0) shows directly to the collapse: it is necessary to collapse from point i 0 to point j 0 . To avoid turning around, carefully to the fence, respectfully c(j 0 ,i 0) = \\\\.

Our application has

h 35 = 3 and h 53 = 3. Let’s take the first phase: h(i 0 , j 0) = h 35 . The fragments i 0 = 3, and j 0 = 5, then we fall from point 3 to point 5 (div. Fig. 4.1a.). At this point the fence is visible from 53 =\\\\.

Procedure 5. We select row i 0 and column j 0, keeping the numbers of rows and columns of the matrix unchanged. For application, this will be the matrix table. 4.5.

Table 4.5

Purpose j

department i

Step 6. If, after the creation of the matrix in which there is no pole, it is necessary to create the poles using the same procedures described for step 2. Having removed the matrix in which the poles are located, proceed to step 3.

Since the matrix (2X2) is removed after the resurrection, this matrix is ​​called trivial, since it allows us to unambiguously obtain a route to the circular route and remove the associated task.

Let's look at the sequence of actions of our butt.

Table 4.6

Purpose j

department i

So as in the table. 4.6 є poles, then for the skin pole we know the d-parameters:

d 12 = 2 + 0 = 2,
d21 = 0 + 0 = 0,
d 24 = 0 + 2 = 2,
d 42 = 2 + 0 = 2,
d 51 = 3+0 = 3.

The h-parameter is known. We reject:

h(i 0 ,j 0) = d 51 = 3.

The row i 0 = 5 and the column j 0 = 1 and the important element c 15 = are displayed (in our type, this element is daily). We draw an arrow from point 5 to point 1, following procedure 4 (div. Fig. 4.1b.). However, in order to uniquely loop 3 - 5 - 1 - 3, it is important to have 13 =.

After this, a new matrix is ​​formed (Table 4.7).

Table 4.7

Purpose j

department i

So as in the table. 4.7 - poles, the d- and h-parameters are again determined. We reject:

d 12 = 2 + 0 = 2,
d 24 = 3 + 2 = 5,
d 42 = 3+0 = 3.

Analysis of the extracted values ​​gives

h(i 0 ,j 0) = d 24 = 5.

We organize transportation from point 2 to point 4 (div. Fig. 4.1c.). The row i 0 = 2 and the row j 0 = 4 appear. Let's remove the matrix of the table. 4.8.

Table 4.8

Rice. 4.1. Results of route design (by outline)


MapXPlus belongs to the class of TMS systems (Transport Managment System). The main tasks of the systems are automation of transport logistics, planning of optimal routes and carrying out plan-factual analysis. All systems depend on the fact that they use GPS sensors. The MapXPlus software package can be adapted to individual client needs and integrated with any ERP or cloud-based enterprise system, as well as a GPS monitoring system.

Galuzev's solutions, which the MapXPlus program has to date:

TransSys MapXPlus program – Planning delivery routes for Distribution

Main departments software complex MapXPlusє automation of transport logistics, etc. planning routes for delivering products to clients, with minimal expenses There are low factors and criteria. The system is classified as a TMS system and is responsible for transport logistics. It is also possible to create delivery schedules, which will show when the goods will be delivered to the client. Before making a purchase or renewing a vehicle fleet, you can determine the most effective model range for business needs.

The truth behind the MapXPlus system

  • Planning routes for delivering goods from one or more warehouses to private retail outlets with minimal costs.
  • The work is centralized, with multiple delivery planning centers.
  • Situational modeling, optimization of the vehicle fleet and determination of acid-acid characteristics during its molding.
  • Planning of work for both your own vehicle fleet and the obtained (hired) transport services with the allocation of expenses for given tariffs.
  • Creation and analysis of product delivery models (meta-developments) with a balanced combination of criteria and factors that influence the effectiveness of the work.
  • Support for Van-salling and Pre-salling robot formats.
  • Identification of retail outlets, delivery to vantage, as it is invisible.
  • The supply of goods to the car is carried out according to the planned route.
  • Managing orders for the acquisition of goods from vehicles in warehouses.
  • Optimal choice place to obtain the goods for further delivery.
  • Features of the software complex

  • Protection of Galuzev's features of transportation of various goods: frozen products, goods that require special transportation skills (for example, liquids) etc.
  • Possibility of planning and visualization of routes in the flow of motor transport and the appearance of the planned route (with GPS-possession) at a scale that is manual for robots;
  • A range of priorities and selection of the most optimal route, with minimal costs and at its finest service.
  • vikoristannya technology of vector electronic maps;
  • Placement of dekilkom retail outlets using the following methods: by addresses, geographic coordinates (POI), in manual mode.
  • Screenshots of programs

    Route sheet and Putivnik

    Dovidniki programs

    Advisers of the program contain all the information that flows into the development of an optimal logistics solution. In addition, the operator is allowed to consider the type of transport vehicle, the type of client and the characteristics of the work with him, the level of importance of the road and much more.

    MapXPlus has Wikipedia:

  • Car make
  • Vidi paliva
  • Product categories
  • Priorities of carriers
  • Client priorities
  • See the models
  • See the importance of roads
  • Agent of warehouses and others
  • Program editors

    The MapXPlus software package contains a set of editors that allow users to make changes independently, without obtaining assistance from a specialist. transport barriers independently model the breakdown by delivery areas, edit objects and locations on the map.