Vuzol of service of local service of memory. What is the Vuzol of the service: Local system (exchange of facilities). What work, how can you vantage the system

Some koristuvachs note that it is the Vuzol of the service local system the exchange of facilities begins to take over the memory of the system.

Through this, everything works in the right way, everything is cleared up for a long time, but sometimes it does not start up.

In some cases, the situation is that the computer has to be reset, absolutely everything freezes.

In addition, everything that is creating the exchange is not allowed to calmly go to the Internet or connect to the Internet.

How can you fix the problem

At some point, the coristuvachu vdaetsya run "Dispatcher". To fight for the help of the one-hour pressing of the "Ctrl", "Alt" and "Delete" buttons.

And there, an element with a name is displayed, which is the most advantageous for the system, so in the columns “CPU”, “Memory” and “Disk” there are the largest number of entries.

The mustache is so, as shown by the little one 1.

Rice. 1. "Service node: local system" in Task Manager.

First, if you think about it, then just take and close the process at the dispatcher's office.

Tse means that the koristuvach sees this program in the list and press the button "Take assignment" at the lower right corner of the open window.

Possibly, this process will be completed, but at the onset of the launch of wines, I will again make myself known. So the problem is definitely not viable.

Every year the computer is repaired in normal mode (no freezes and no noises) less than an hour. Zreshtoy pratsyuvati with him becomes simply impossible.

Warto say that this problem is relevant for, on the sіmtsі won't be blamed.

Let's take a look at some practical practical ways to solve these troublesome problems.

Vimikaemo SuperFetch

Tsya service pratsyuє advancing rank: programs, yakі often vykoristovuyutsya, zavantazhuyutsya in the memory of the computer without intermediary, and do not start when the computer is turned on again.

Such a simple, at first glance, the procedure can significantly rozvantage computer for non-necessary data and zayvogo vantazhennya.

Ale іnodi won prаtsyuє absolutely unreasonable rank and start, navpaki, zavantazhuvat system non-required files.

And all the things that these “frequently victorious” programs show over an hour too much. Moreover, for some reason, the programs are launched every hour of the system's work.

Come out, what do you do more coristuvach pratsyuє іz system, tim more program vіdkrivає.

Zagalom, at some vipadkah varto try to vimknuti tsyu service.

Only a little bit is necessary to work within the framework of the analyzed process, and then, as if not to help, for everything operating system. The whole process looks like this:

1. Check the element at the dispatcher "Service Vuzole: Local System". For whom to press the arrow right-handed, as it is known to be left-handed in the signature to the element. The next person to change into a down arrow (on little 2 it is seen as a green square).

2. View the list of elements that are part of the node of the local system. In the middle of them, well, and maybe SuperF Just like that, click on the new left button of the mouse once and click on the button “Take the task”, like, like before, you will find evil at the bottom.

Rice. 2. SuperFetch manager

4. For this person in the same week, the Manager should go to the tab "Services" (reboot). We need a service called "SysMain" and the word "SuperFetch" at the "Description" column.

5. On which element you need to press right button mouse and click on the pop-up menu on the inscription "Zupiniti".

Rice. 3. Disable the "SysMain" service from system services

6. Try to reset your computer and speed up your services. As long as nothing changes, open the windows of services, that services. For this, you can use a quick search or press "Win" and "R" at the same time, after which enter "services.msc" and press "Enter" on the keyboard. Show up at the window, show the baby 4.

7. Find the SuperFetch service and double-click on it with the left button of the bear.

Rice. 4. SuperFetch in windows services

8. A more detailed review of the service's service is required. On the “Zagalni” tab, you can find the inscription “Startup type”. It will be written back to back "Automatically". So the axis, you need to choose the “Enabled” option, then press “Stop” and “OK”.

Rice. 5. SuperFetch Detailed Review Window

Respect! Even though the problem with the firmware code does not change, it will be necessary to turn everything the way it should be, to enable SuperFetch in Windows services.

Enable system update service

The same service can also take over the operating system. І through the tse won stop working normally.

In this case, the service may not appear within the framework of the node in the Dispatch Manager and there will be an attack, which is not the reason for this.

Ale, turn on the update and try exactly varto. You can do it in two ways - one of them will definitely give you a fallow OS.

Otzhe, the first way to attack in the offensive:

1. Through the "Start" menu open "Control Panel" and know there "The security system". Press on the new one.

Rice. 6. Distributed "System and Security" in the Care Panel.

2. At the offensive v_kn_ press write "Center Windows update» .

Rice. 7. Item "Windows Update Center" at the branch "System and Security".

3. Press on the panel "Setting parameters". Come on, please write "Important update". You can choose under it, if the stench comes up. Vlasne, for a new one, it is necessary to choose an option "Don't overthink...".

4. Check the boxes in two paragraphs, so that the troch is stashed below. After all, the system cannot be overestimated;

Rice. 8. Vimknennya automatic verification Windows update

You can also help the system with the need for post-reconciliation updates in the services. You can get to the window with such people in the same way as we described above - press "Win" and "R", start the program window, enter "services.msc" in the new one and press "Enter". Dalі zrobіt axis scho:

5. Find out about services "Windows Update Center". Press the right mouse button on the target item.

Rice. 9. Windows Update for Windows Services

6. Vіkriєtsya vіkno memorandum review of the service. They gave everything like that, as they said more - if I write “Startup type”, select “Enabled”. It’s impossible, if it’s impossible, to press the button “Zupinity” on the back. Then let's look for more guidance.

Rice. 10. Detailed revision of the operating system update service

7. If you don't want to press the "Stop" button, and then "OK". Close everything vіdkritі vіkna.

Hint: If the problem persists, try resetting the computer to change the chivalry.

Dosit often such a simple way to help you get rid of nagging problems.

To optimize the work, or simply enable/disable Windows service transfers, for the help of which you can enable/disable a lot of functions. For example, as you can see weak computer, you can turn on additional effects and a “garnered” interface, so the increase in productivity, shards of resources are no longer spent on promotional effects.

For the cob you need to spend up to " Windows Services 7". For which next, press the "WIN + R" keys, after which you should enter services.msc at the window and press "OK", after which you will be able to see all the necessary services and their settings.

Everything you see below is presented as our recommendations and everything is to be afraid of your fear and risk (may be subject to the setting of parameters similar to those shown below in our article).

List of services in Windows 7 and what the stench is for:

DHCP Client

DHCP client is shorter do not chip. Navite won't win if you are connected to the Internet. Obviously, you can replace it with "Manually", or better than that, don't work.

DNS Client

One of the services for work with the Internet. If your computer is not connected to the Internet, and you do not plan to connect it in the next hour, you can set the DNS client to the “Manually” item

NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing Qiu service is better turn it up, because won for access to your desktop third-party OS. It’s better to put “Manually” for that, or we’ll turn it on.

plug and play

This function is required, її don't chip, even more so, there can be no positive moments at the included service.


What do you have local computer also fill everything, like є.

This service allows you to use your computer for additional consoles and programs on your PC. Best service " Wimknuti»

Windows Installer

Put “Manually”, otherwise (as it will be turned on) you can find out the inaccuracies at the time of installation, whether any programs or Igor.

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Tsya service is responsible for auto-connection to remote access. If you do not correspond to your function - service more shortly turn on. Well, it’s coristing - put “Manually”, then you will be safer.

Logical Disk Manager

More Koristuvachs better not to chip And if your activity with this service seems to be sticking, then you can put it “Manually”.

Print Spooler

Tse dispatcher to a friend, which is the only way to interact with printers. At different times we put " Wimknuti».

Remote Access Connection Manager

Tse connection manager for remote access. If you connect to the Internet and you are connected to it - put "Auto", if the computer is local to the service can you turn it off.

Network DDE DSDM

Better merged DDE manager do not chip. Yogo robot does not inject (negatively) into the system.

utility manager

Tse dispatcher service programs(For example, if you press the “shift” button too many times, you will see service notifications). If you don’t require such “service reminders”, then you can boldly insert “ Wimknuti».

Security Account Manager

If your computer does not take away information about the security of cloud recordings from the Internet and it is saved on the computer, put “Manually” instead. If you take such data from the measure, then set it to "Auto".

event log

This magazine is suitable, for example, you can recognize it, for example, if your computer has become familiar and silent, as well as other important stages of the robotic computer. Better put "Auto".

Protected Storage

Tsya service vіdpovidaє for zberіgannya passwords and їх zahist. If you often work with the Internet, then you need to set it to “Auto”, if your PC is local, you can turn it off.

Windows Management Instrumentation

Price tool Windows management - important service, including which you can bring to the filthy legacy, "Auto" is too much for that.

Uninterruptible Power Supply

Service recognized for the correct robotic age uninterrupted life. If you have a wine, next put "Auto", if you don't have anything - turn on service.

Distributed Transaction Coordinator

Russian is transferred as a coordinator of the distribution of transactions. Better for new do not chip and leave out the standard value - “Manually”.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

A service for remotely retrieving RPC procedures. Better fill out “Manually”, especially if you don’t know what the service is for.

Routing & Remote Access

If the computer is not connected to the merezhі or it is connected only to local lines, todі tsyu service, for remote access that routing, turn on.

Wow, like the Internet is on your personal computer- Put "Auto".

Smart Card Helper

If you have a module that accepts smart cards and checks with them - just leave "Manually", if you don't check with smart cards, then you can "Turn off" the service.

Computer Browser

This service allows you to see computers that are with you in the same local area. If the computer is not connected to the device - set "Manually",

Internet Connection Sharing

Tsya service is recognized for computers, through other PCs they can access the Internet. However, by the means of this service, they are rarely corrugated, so it’s better. Wimknuti”, or leave out “Auto”, as you will be afraid that the connection will appear negatively on the robotic computer and the Internet.

This is an advisory service, as it may be a cable only for computers connected to a local network/internet. If the computer is working without a wire connection, you can install "Vymknuti".

Task Scheduler

Tse planuvalnik zavdan, about the basis of which one will guess at the edge kіlkіst koristuvachіv, through yoga non-necessity. So you can boldly turn it up yoga. As it turned out like this, what you see as a planner - leave out "Auto".

NT LM Security Support Provider

Tsya service vіdpovіdaє for the safety of the singful form of the program (quiet, like victorious victorious remote calls of procedures). Better put "Manually"


This service is necessary for the correct work and richness of other services, so install "Auto".

Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions

Here, set the following to “manually”, the shards of the service are checked for the expansion of the Windows snap-in driver.

This service may be enabled, as your computer does not act as a server, but it is required to be enabled in the network.

Net Logon

Behind the locks stand "Manually", more shortly don't change value

Network Connections

Tse service, yak vіdpovidaє for Mezhezhі connection. Set it to "Manual", as if it's using the Internet. If the computer is not connected to the system, the service can be "Vymknuti".

COM+ Event System

Windows retailers are happy to leave out "Auto", it's better to listen to it for the sake of it.

Run As Service

The service is recognized for launching igor and programs in the name of other koristuvachiv system. If it’s corying - put it on “Manually”.

Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service

For promotion, the dispatcher's administration service logical disks it starts "Manually", it's better not to change the setting.

Windows Time Vіdpovіdaє for the work of the anniversary on the computer. Better put "Manual"

indexing service

Tsya service is engaged in the indexation of authorities and in the place of files. It is necessary for more accurate that shvidkoy poshuk behind the computer. Set "Auto".

TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service

Set "Auto" if your computer is connected to the Internet or local network. In other ways, you can win the service!

Remote Registry Service

This service is needed in order to edit your registry from another computer. For more safety, it’s better її “ Wimknuti»

fax service

Fax robot service. If you don’t have such a thing, then you can boldly. Wimknuti».

Removable Storage

Storage management service (for example, LS-120, ZIP). If you have such an extension - either put "Auto", or - turn it on.

System Event Notification

This service is recognized for information about system subdivisions (mainly recognized for computers connected to a device). If you have the Internet - “Auto”, if not - “Manually”.

Remote Procedure Call

Service for distant calls of procedures. Won can be set to "Auto".

The release of a new operating system like Microsoft - Windows 10 is just around the corner. While engineers are finishing up the old code, and marketers are memorizing the text, they will continue to struggle with Windows' current glitches. Zocrema, one of the problems that are most discussed is the Service Host Local System process (Service Vuzol: local system) to vantage either a hard, or a processor, or a memory at 100% ...

Problems from the "growth" can catch a friend not only of IT-fahivtsiv. In everyday life, you can shut up with it, because the key will break right in the castle Sverdlovin. With today's technologies, rosetin without a hitch is entirely real. Tsіkavy excursion with a description of the views of the castles can be read here - Itself there descriptions of the process of renewal, so-called. restoration work

Looks like this:

What are the symptoms of the problem:

1. “Yesterday everything worked fine, but today it’s already vantage”
2. Exit PC from sleep mode
3. After system update
4. When you go to the Internet (browser / torrent launch)

« 1. Improvement of the system »

If the problem started after the installation of some software and / or update, then, perhaps, it was badly marked on the system of the system and the summation of its components.

1. Press the "Windows + X" keys and select "Control Panel" from the window:

2. Click on "Recovery" item (Inspiration). Let's talk about Open System Restore (“Launching system update”). Then, following the instruction of the master, we select the point of departure (I can find the problem until I fix it)

« 2. Wipe the swap file »

Deyakim dopomogaє wiping the download file. Way to go, as you have, as a minimum, 4-8 gigabytes operational memory. The swap file is not recommended to be switched on with a small amount of RAM.

1. We go to the power of "Computer" (by clicking on it with the right button -\u003e "Power")

2. Then select "Advanced" (Dodatkovo)-> "Performance" (Svidkodiya)-> "Advanced" (Dodatkovo)-> Change (Change). Check the box next to the item “Automatically select the file for the download file”, then select the item “Without the download file”:

« 3. Reconsider the possession of the path of yoga inclusion »

It's no secret that HDD can have vantage incl. Incorrect or invalid drivers for obladnannya. As a rule - merezhnogo. In order to check whether the merging adapter works, turn on your high-width connection one or the other lace adapter right after the cob of the system.

For which one, press the Windows + X keys and select the Network Connections item (Merezhevі connection):

For everyone else, vimknіt all z'ednannya and marvel at the result. In order to reduce the voltage on the system, it is possible, it is necessary to update the driver for the network adapter.

« 4. Wimikaemo shvidke zavantazhennya systems »

If the HDD download indicator is constantly lit, try turning off the system hijack switch. For whom:

1. Press "Windows + X". Select "Power options"

« 5. Turn off all live programs, antiviruses, etc. »

In order to reconcile, that the problem is not in the installed (and running) software, you need to vikonate the so-called. "Pure vanity." Yak tse zrobiti is reportedly described here.

Note: After that, as you have finished the search and fixed the inaccuracies, hover your eyes below, so that you will get more excited.
1) Press the keys Windows + R on the keyboard.
2) For "Run" (viconate) enter "MSCONFIG" and press "Ok".
3) On " burning position”, click on “Startup normally”, and then click on the “OK” button.
4) To ask you to reset your computer, press the "Reinstall" button

« 6. Automatic maintenance of the system »

For whom, go to the "Control Panel" -> "System and security" -> "Administration" -> "Vikonanny zavdan's layout"

Next, select "Day Planner Library" -> Microsoft -> Windows. Shukaєmo such an item as "TaskScheduler", at the right side, right-click the mouse on the "Regular Maintenance" tab, press "Turn off".