What is better than PLS or IPS? Which type of screen to choose: IPS or TFT? IPS or TFT display is shorter

Before choosing a monitor, varto should be more likely. Aje itself vin to serve as the main object of transmission of information from the computer to the core. Without a doubt, no one would like a monitor with uneven lighting, broken pixels, incorrectly transferred colors and other imperfections. Tsey material to help you explain the deuce criteria, to help you understand what you yourself need from the monitor.

vibir monitor summing up the sum of such characteristics as: type victorious matrices, equivalence, allowed the matrix, contrast(including dynamic), fairness, support of the parties, expand the screen, spoil communicationsі old look. There will also be fortune-telling factors that will negatively affect the health of the eyes.

For the cob varto ozumіti as vinikaє kolіrne vіdchuttya when looking at the monitor.

RGB (Red,Green,Blue) - a number of color gradations and variations visible to the human eye, which can be combined from basic colors (red, green, blue). So it goes, all the main colors, like a person can bachiti. Pixels of the monitor are made up of red, green and blue pixels, which, with the singing intensity of lightness, can add up folded colors. The more the monitor matrix is ​​inserted, the more it can show the gradations of colors, the more it can have gradations for skin red, green and blue pixels. Depending on the quality and type of the matrix, the accuracy of color reproduction and the level of static contrast should be determined.

Radkokristalіchnі matrices, folded out of not a small number of balls and b O a large number of rare crystals, which can vibudovuvat more combinations, turning the skin under a different hood, or changing its camp at a singing angle. To the very same, simple matrices work smarter. It is important to note that in order to occupy the necessary position, it is necessary to work less diy and with less accuracy, lower more collapsible matrices.

Let's take everything in order.

Type of RK matrix.

What type of matrix to choose?

To lay everything down in front of the monitor, the prices of your special likenesses.

Let's do the simplest and finish with the folding.

(twistednon-matic) matrix.

Monitors with the same matrix are the widest. First wines LCD monitors were based on technology TN. W 100 monitors near the world, approx. 90 toil TN matrix. Є found and we forgive the sorcerers and that we have the most.

Send the color right 18 -i or 24 -x bit range ( 6 or 8 bit per skin channel RGB), scho hoch i є indisputable show-off in the por_vnyannі z first LCD monitors on TN, In our hour, which one is not enough for the transfer of color to the same.

TN matrix monitors can have the following advantages:

  • High swidkіst vіdguku.

  • Low price.

  • The high rіven yaskravosі that mozhlivіst vikoristannya be-yakikh pіdsvіchuvan.

Least hour of the Matrix review - in a positive manner, it pours into the picture in the dynamic scenes of the films and Igor, robbing the picture less blurred and more realistic, which improves the spriynyattya of what is seen on the screen. Before that, with a lowered frame rate lower than a more comfortable value, it looks not so pronounced as on larger matrices. For more matrices, there is an overlay of the updated frame on the offensive. The same blink of an eye and more obvious "ghosting" of the picture on the screen.

Virobnitstvo TN matrices are cheap, so the stench can be more privablivu kіntsevu tsіnu, nizh іnshі matrix.

However, monitors with a TN matrix may have the following disadvantages:

  • I'll take a look at the little ones. Conjure up the color right up to inversion when looking under the warm hood. It is especially pronounced when looking down the hill.

  • Dosit nasty riven contrast.

  • Incorrect, inaccurate transfer of color.

Based on TN monitor, you can enter more ecological matched with monitors of other LCD matrices. The stench saves the least electricity, through the vikoristannya low-voltage switches.

So, more and more wide-ranging monitors with LED diodes, which are equipped with more TN monitors. 100 pluses LED It doesn't give a smaller power supply and a bigger term of the monitor's power supply service. Ale is not suitable for skin. Budget monitors are equipped with cheap low-frequency PWM, yakі admit blinking which is unfriendly to the eyes.

prefix TN+film, pointing out to those that one more ball was added to the matrix, which allows you to expand the kuti to look around and grow the black color, “black”. Tsey type matrices with an additional ball becoming the standard and in the characteristics it sounds easy to indicate TN.

(In Plane Switching) matrices.

Which type of matrix is ​​broken down by companies NECі Hitachi.

The main method was the order of the small ones TN matrices. Lastly, this technology was replaced by S-IPS(Super-IPS). Monitors with the help of technology Dell, LG, Philips, Nec, ViewSonic, ASUSі Samsung(pls). The main recognition of these monitors is a robot with graphics, photo processing and other tasks, where accurate color transfer is required, contrast and visibility to standards sRGBі Adobe RGB. Basically, they win in the fields of professional work with 2D / 3D graphics, photo editors, maisters before training, but it’s very popular among those who just want to please their eye with a sour picture.

The main advantages of IPS matrices:

  • The world's best color transfer among TFT LCD panels.

  • I'll look around high.

  • Good level of static contrast ratio and accuracy of image transmission.

Matrix data (more), to create color 24 bit a (for 8 bit on leather RGB channel) without ASCR. Well, no 32 bits yak y ELT monitors, but to reach close to the ideal. Until then, rich who IPS matrices ( P-IPS, deakі S-IPS), already able to convey color 30 battles However, stinks are much more expensive and are not recognized for computer games.

Three minuses of IPS can be seen:

  • Higher price.

  • Sound the larger dimensions of that car, paired with monitors on TN matrices. More energy saving.

  • Low speed of pixels, even better, lower for *VA matrices.

  • On these matrices, often lower on others, there are such unacceptable moments, like glow, « wet ganchirka» i high input-lag.

Monitor on IPS matrices may have a high price due to the foldability of the technology and its versatility.

There are a lot of different names and names, created by okremi matrices.

So as not to get lost, we will describe ourselves today you can see IPS matrices:

AS-IPS - improved version S-IPS matrices, in which the problem of nasty contrast ratio was often stumbled.

H-IPS - even more significantly reduced the contrast and tidied up the illumination with a purple color when looking at the monitor from the side. Z її exit from 2006 roci, at once practically replaced the monitors S-IPS matrix. Maybe mother yak 6 beat, so 8 і 10 bit per channel. View 16.7 million to 1 billion colors.

e-IPS - Riznovid H-IPS, but the matrix is ​​cheaper for the manufacturer, as it is safe for the standard IPS cool colors in 24 bits(behind 8 to the RGB channel). The matrix is ​​specially designed to give the opportunity to win LED pіdsvіchuvannya and less straining CCFL. Aimed at the middle and budget sector of the market. Come practical for whatever purposes.

P-IPS - Nayprosunutisha IPS matrix up 2011 roku, continuation of development H-IPS(Ale, in fact, advertising named after ASUS). May color is cool 30 bits(10 bit per skin channel RGB and reach faster for everything, for help 8 bits + FRC), best swedishness vodguku in povnyany s S-IPS, expansions of the contrast ratio and the beauty of the look around in your class. It is not recommended to win in games with a low frame rate change. Pidgalmovuvannya become more pronounced, superimposed on the speed of the voice, which calls out to the blink of an eye that grace.

UH-IPS- Por_vnyanna s e-IPS. Also visvitlena for vikoristannya spilno z LED pіdsvіchuvannyam. With this troch, having suffered a black color.

S-IPS II- similar for the parameters UH-IPS.

pls - Variation IPS view Samsung. On the vіdmіnu vіd IPS, є the possibility of arranging pixels is wider, but at the same time the contrast suffers (not too far for the construction of pixels). Contrast is nothing 600:1 - the lowest indicator of the middle LCD matrices. Contact TN matrices of danish pozniknik vshichy. Matrices pls can vikoristovuvati be-what kind of pіdsvіchuvannya. For characteristics, abbreviated below MVAPVA matrices.

AH-IPS (from 2011)best IPS technology. The maximum color of AH-IPS cooling for 2014 is not exceeded 8 bit+FRC, which gives 1.07 billion colors in the widest matrices. Technologies are being developed, which allow the production of matrices with high resolutions. The best transfer of color to the class (heavily deposited in the species and recognition of the matrix). A small break in the reach and in the corners I look around, the zavdyaki AH-IPS matrices appeared practically in one row with plasma panels. The light transmission of the IPS matrix is ​​increased, and therefore the maximum brightness at once due to the change in the need for tight lighting, which beneficially affects the energy saving of the screen as a whole. Contrast has been reduced in the case of S-IPS. For gamers, that th th th at the heart of the treasury, you can add a significant reduction in the hour of widguku, which is now practically equal s.

(Multi-domainPatterned Vertical Alignment) matrices(*VA).

The technology was broken up by the corporation Fujitsu.

Є singing compromise mizh TNі IPS matrices. Price of monitors for MVA/PVA so it varies between prices for TN and IPS matrices.

Plus VA matrices:

  • I'll look around high.

  • The best contrast among TFT LCD matrices. A pixel is reached, which is made up of two parts, the skin of which can be cured.

  • Deep black color.

Cons of VA matrix:

  • To finish the high hour of the week.

  • Stimulation of vision and a sharp change in contrast in dark plots of the picture when looking at the monitor perpendicularly.

Principal difference between PVAі MVA no.

PVA- corporate technology corporation Samsung. True price 90% the same MVA, ale іz zmіnenim roztashuvannyam elektrodіv i kristalіv. Yavnih perevag PVA above MVA can't.

How do you waste pennies on a high-yielding matrix on IPS technology, perhaps the best option for you, would be a monitor on xVA matrices.

Otherwise, you can marvel at the death e-IPS matrices, which are similar in characteristics MVA/PVA. hocha e-IPS everything is more beautiful, oskilki volodiya best hour there are no problems with the second contrast ratio when looking directly.

How to choose a matrix for the monitor?

Lie down with your help.


TN suitable for:

  • Internet surfing
  • Economy Koristuvach
  • Office programs

TN is not suitable for:

  • Movie review(poorly kuti look around + ugly black + filthy transfer to the color)
  • Robot with color and photo


IPS is suitable for:

  • Movie review
  • Professional programs and pre-training
  • Robot with color and photo
  • Games(+-; only for E-IPS, S-IPS II, UH-IPS)
  • Internet surfing
  • Office programs

IPS is not suitable for:

  • Games(for P-IPS, S-IPS)


PVA/MVA suitable for:

  • Movie review
  • Professional programs and pre-training
  • Robot with color and photo
  • Internet surfing
  • Office programs

PVA/MVA not suitable for:

Dozvіl monitor, diagonal and spіvvіdnoshnja storіn.

Undoubtedly, the greater the diversity of buildings, the clearer and smoother the picture. You can see more details and less visible pixels. Everyone is dribbling, don't worry about the problem. Practically be-yakіy operating system, you can adjust the scale and size of all elements, change the size of the font, finish the size of the icons and the menu that will disappear.

Insha rich, how are you problems with dawn otherwise you don’t want to create anything, then it’s not recommended to beat even a small pixel. Optimal diagonal for Full HD (1920x1080)23 24 inches. For 1920x120024 inches, for 1680x105022 inches, 2560x1440 27 in. Dorimuyuchis these proportions, you are not guilty of blaming everyday problems from reading, reviewing the images and other elements of the interface.

The biggest moves and the widest range of sides - 4:3 , 16:10 , 16:9 .


At Narazi spіvvіdnoshnja storіn y vglyadі "square" ( 4:3 ) to be introduced to the market through its incompetence and non-universality. The Danish format is not readable in Perth Black for reviewing films, screens of films can be wide format 21.5/9 , which is as close as possible to 16:9 . When looking over, great blacks of smog appear to the beast and below, at which image it becomes less rich behind the world. When victorious 4:3 the visible look in the games is also reduced, which allows more bachiti. Before that, the format is not natural for people looking around.


This format is smart, so there are more standardizations HD films and monitors given format, often may dozvіl Full HD (1920x1080) or HDready (1366x768).

Tse zruchno, even films can be viewed practically on the whole screen. The smugkas are still overwhelmed, the shards of modern films make the standard 21.5/9 . Also, on such a monitor, you can manually process documents in decals or programs with foldable interfaces.


The Danish type of monitors is so practical, like a 16:9 monitor, but not so wide. Pіdіyde for those who still do not have large-format monitors, pro wine assignments for professionals. It is important for professional monitors to think of such a format. Bigness professional programs"sharpened" in the same format 16:10. Vіn dosit wide for robots with text, code, prompt 3D/2D charts at a few windows. Before that, on such monitors it is also easy to play, watch movies, work on office work, like on 16:9 monitors. With any stink more obvious for the kutiv looking around people and її you can take it as a compromise between 4:3 і 16:9 .

Brightness and contrast.

Visoka contrast it is necessary in order to make the black color more beautiful, the colors and the pivtoni. It is important when working with a monitor at a bright hour, because the contrast is low - it is devastatingly indicated on the image for the obviousness of a kind of dzherel of light, a crim of the monitor (want to add more brightness here). A good indicator is static contrast. 1000:1 and more. Calculated from the maximum brilliance (white color) to the minimum (black color).

Also, the system of vimiruvannya dynamic contrast ratio.

Dynamic Contrast – tse automatic installation of the monitor lamps, the following parameters are displayed on the screen at a given moment.

Admittedly, the film has a dark stage, the lamps of the monitor light up brighter, which increases the contrast and memory of the scene. However, given system Pratsyuє not mittevo, that th often wrong through those that not the whole scene on the screen can be dark tone. If there will be light in the house, the stench will become very bright. Garnim showing at the moment 2012 roku є showcase 10000000:1

But it’s not a good idea to look at the dynamic contrast of one’s own respect. It’s even rarer, if you bring obvious greed, or else you’ll start working adequately. Until then, all these great figures do not show the real picture.

Why is it that on a monitor with a dynamic contrast ratio indicator, it is significantly lower than on a monitor?

Because LED podsvіchuvannya can mittevo vmikatisya that vymikatisya. Vimiryuvannya starts from the first vimknenim pіdsvіchuvannyam, vіdpovіdno pokaznіk bude majestic, plus add to this temple the bright light of svіtlоdіv іt bіle smoldering like a kіntsevu point. CCFL necessary more than 1 second to turn on, to that it will seem to be z vіmknenim zazdalegіd podsvіchuvannyam on black aphids.

Nasampered varto turn to static contrast, and not to dynamic. Like you didn’t fit such great values ​​in your characteristics. Nothing more marketing hіd .

Brightness of the monitor - Not the most important parameter. Tim is more than a chain with two points. To that it can be said briefly - a good showcase of radiance - the value of 300 cd / m2.

And why a stick with two points - it will be said a troch lower, in a part "Monitor ta Zir".

Porti splkuvannya.

Zdiisnyuyuchi vibir monitor, do not varto spodіvatisya on the virobnik. Samoi frequent pardon buvaє - purchase of a monitor with an analog input and a different building screen more lower 1680x1050. The problem is that this is an old interface, do not start the building in the minds of the apartment and the next not ideal minds at the plan of the transition, ensure the need for data transmission security to allow more, lower 1680x1050. On the screen, there are calamity and illegibility that can cause damage to the monitor. * duzhe m'yako kazhuchi

On board the monitor, there may be a port or a port. Presentation DVIі D-Sub This is the standard for a modern monitor. Not bad, so the very mother port HDMI, in some cases it may be worth reviewing HD video receiver chi ovnіshny progravacha. Yakshcho є, ale nі DVI- all right. DVIі HDMI summіsnі through the adapter.

Tipi podsvіchuvannya monitors. Monitor ta yoga vpiv zіr.

What can you do if your eyes are less bothered by the monitor?

Yaskravist pіdsvіchuvannya- one of the most important factors, which contributes to this in your eyes. In order to change the stomlyuvancy - change the glare to the minimum comfortable value.

This is another problem and it is powerful over the monitors. And the very same way to reduce the fairness, you can show up we see merekhtinnya what is even more added to the stiffness of the eyes, the lower temple is bright. It is due to the special regulation of the sub-switching of vikoristannyam. Budget monitors have more cheap, low-frequency ones. PWM yakі create merekhtinnya diodes. The speed of the light extinguishing in the diodes is significantly lower in the lamps, the very same LED pіdsvіchuvannya tse more memorable. In such monitors, it is better to trim the golden middle between the minimal clarity and an ear of visible light-emitting diodes.

How do you know how problems with stubborn eyes, then it’s better to search the monitor CCFL podsvіchuvannyam, otherwise LED monitor with support 120 Hz. At 3D monitors, vikoristovuyutsya more high-frequency PWM regulators, lower. Tse stosuetsya like LED pіdsvіchuvannya, so i CCFL.

Also, to make the eyes less distracted, you can adjust the monitor to a larger softі warm Tony. It will help you to practice at the computer for more than an hour and help your eyes to switch to the real world as soon as possible.

Don’t forget that the monitor is to blame, but strictly on the level of the eyes and stand steadfastly, not moving from side to side.

Є myth, which is more yakіsnі matrices give less than that for eyes. Not so, matrices in the same rank can't tse inject. On stomlyuvannost vplyvaє less intensityі quality of implementation monitoring of the monitor.


Let's repeat once again the most important characteristics, on the basis of varto, give respect when choosing a monitor for yourself.

Material from PIE.

LCD monitor screens(Liquid Crystal Display, rіdkokristalіchnі monіtori) zroblenі z rechovina (tsіanofenіl), yak to be in a rare state, but with whom may deyakі authority, authority in crystalline bodies. In fact, they are the indicators that show the anisotropy of powers (optical zocrema), due to the ordering in the orientation of molecules.

Creation of a red-crystal display

The first working rare-crystal display of creations by Fergason in 1970. Before this rare-crystal outbuilding, there was too much energy, the term of their service was the surroundings, and the contrast of the image was disgusting. To the court of the bulk of the new RK-display of 1971's performances in 1971 roci, і todi vin otrimav hot praise. Rdkі crystals (Liquid Crystal) - tse organic speech, zdatnі pіd narugogo change the amount of light that is passed through. A rare-crystal monitor is two glass or plastic plates, between which there is a suspension. The crystals in this suspension are mixed in parallel one to one, and the stench themselves allow light to penetrate through the panel. When applying electric struma roztashuvannya crystals are changing, and the stench is repairing the passage of light. RK technology has developed a wide width in computers and in projection setup. The first rare crystals were disturbed by their instability and little adjuncts to mass production. The real development of LCD technology was developed with winemaking by the English varieties of a stable rare crystal - Biphenyl. Rare crystal displays of the first generation can be seen in calculators, electronic games of those years. Modern RK monitors are also called flat panels, floating scanning active matrices, and thin-melt transistors. The idea of ​​RK monitors has been around for more than 30 years, but the investigations that were carried out did not lead to a pleasant result, so RK monitors did not win a reputation for outbuildings, which provide good image clarity. At the same time, stinks become popular - everyone deserves their thinning look, thin camp, compactness, economy (15-30 watts), moreover, it is important that only safe and serious people can afford such a luxury

Characteristics of RK monitors

See LCD monitors

Warehouse monitor balls

There are two types of RK monitors: DSTN (dual-scan twisted nematic - crystal screens with underwire scanning) and TFT (thin film transistor - on thin-film transistors), they are also called passive and active matrices. Such monitors are made up of advancing balls: a polarizing filter, a glass ball, an electrode, a control ball, rare crystals, another control ball, an electrode, a polarizing filter ball. The first computers had eight-inch (diagonal) passive black-and-white matrices. With the transition to the technology of active matrices, the screen is expanded. Practically all modern RK monitor vicor panels on thin-film transistors, which are safe for clear image signifi- cantly greater expansion.

Dozvil monitor

View of the monitor’s space to lie down and working space, which wine is borrowed, and, importantly, its price. Irrespective of the tired classification of RK monitors, it is not uncommon for the screen to be sized diagonally (15-, 17-, 19-inch), the correct classification for the working distribution building. On the right, in that, on the view of monitors based on EPT, the distribution of buildings of which can be changed, RK displays can fix the set of physical pixels. To that very stench, it is less expensive to work with one permission, we call it a worker. On the other hand, he allowed to determine the size of the matrix diagonal, however, monitors with the same working permission can determine the size of the matrix. For example, monitors with a diagonal of 15 to 16 inches can basically work with a size of 1024X768, but it means that this monitor can physically measure 1024 pixels horizontally and 768 pixels vertically. The work of the monitor's size determines the size of the icons and fonts, as they appear on the screen. For example, a 15-inch monitor can work as wide as 1024x768, and 1400x1050 pixels. In the remaining mode, the physical dimensions of the pixels themselves will be smaller, and when forming a standard icon in both modes, there will be one and the same number of pixels, then with the allowance of 1400 × 1050 pixels, the icon will become smaller behind its physical dimensions. For some coristuvachiv too small rosemary of icons with a high distribution of the monitor may appear unacceptable, so when buying a monitor, it is necessary to take into account the respect for the working distribution of the building. Obviously, the building monitor displays the image in a different, external view of the working distribution building. This mode of robotic monitor is called interpolation. In times of interpolation, the clarity of the image overwhelms the beauty. The interpolation mode is marked as a display of screen fonts.

Monitor interface

RK monitors by their nature are digital devices, that “common” interface for them is the DVI digital interface, which can have two types of convectors: DVI-I, which will continue digital and analog signals, and DVI-D, which transmits only a digital signal . It is important that a shorter DVI interface be used to connect a RK monitor to a computer, although it can be connected via a standard D-Sub-pin. To speak against the DVI-interface, those that, at the time of the analog interface, are not converted to the video signal: the digital signal is converted to the analog one by the video card (DAC conversion), which is then transformed into a digital electronic unit of the RK monitor itself (ADC conversion), in the wake of which the risk of a different signal rises. A lot of current RK monitors can be both D-Sub- and DVI-connectors, which allow you to connect two monitors at once system block. You can also know the models that can make two digital roses. In inexpensive office models, there are mostly standard D-Sub roses.

RK matrix type

The basic component of the RK-matrix is ​​rare crystals. There are three main types of rare crystals: smectic, nematic and cholesteric. behind electrical authorities All rare crystals are divided into two main groups: rare crystals with positive dielectric anisotropy are included in the first group, and rare crystals with negative dielectric anisotropy are in the other. The difference depends on how many molecules react to the existing electric field. Molecules with positive dielectric anisotropy are oriented along the lines of force of the field, and molecules with negative dielectric anisotropy are perpendicular to the lines of force. Nematic crystals have a positive dielectric anisotropy, while smectic ones, on the other hand, have a negative one. The second miracle power of RK-molecules is in the field of optical anisotropy. Socrema, as the orientation of the molecules expands from the direct expansion of the plane-polarized light, then the molecules do not have the same influx on the polarization plane of the light. Since the orientation of the molecules is perpendicular to the straight broadening of the light, then the plane of polarization is rotated in such a way that it is parallel to the straight orientation of the molecules. The dielectric and optical anisotropy of RK-molecules makes it possible to victorize them as a kind of modulators of light, which allow the formation of the necessary image on the screen. The principle of such a modulator is to achieve simple and fundamental changes in the polarization plane of the light that passes through the PK-center. RK-komіrka roztashovuetsya between two polarizers, polarization axes of which are mutually perpendicular. The first polarizer shows the plane-polarized vibration of the light that passes through the lamp and the light. Yakby didn’t have a RK-komirka, then such a plane-polarized light was covered with another polarizer. RK-komirka, placed on a path of plane-polarized light, which can pass, you can turn the plane of polarization to pass the light. At such a time, part of the light passes through another polarizer, so that the middle becomes visible (more or less often). Depending on the order in which the rotation of the polarization plane in the RK-comirce is carried out, the sprat types of the RK-matrix are distinguished. Also, the RK-center, which is placed between two crossed polarizers, allows you to modulate the variation that passes through, creating gradations of black and white color. To remove a color image, it is necessary to set three color filters: red (R), green (G) and black (B), yaki, being installed on the white color palette, allow you to select three basic colors in the required proportions. Also, the skin pixel of the RK monitor is composed of three sub-pixels: red, green and black, which are the keratin of the RK-comirka and are only aired with filters, which are victorious, installed between the upper glass plate

Classification of TFT-LCD displays

The main technologies for the preparation of RK displays: TN + film, IPS (SFT) and MVA. There are different technologies for the geometry of the surface, the polymer, the ceramic plate and the front electrode. Of great importance is the purity of that type of polymer with the power of rare crystals, stagnation in specific plants.

TN matrix

Structure of the TN-room

The TN-type rare-crystal matrix (Twisted Nematic) is a rich-ball structure, which consists of two filters, which polarize, two translucent electrodes and two glass plates, between which the rare-crystal speech of the positive nematic type is crystallized. On the surface of the glass plates, special grooves are applied, which allow to create the same orientation of all molecules of rare crystals on the plate. The grooves on both plates are mutually perpendicular, so the ball of molecules of rare crystals between the plates changes its orientation by 90°. It appears that the PK molecules adopt a twisted helical structure (Fig. 3), through which such matrices took away the name Twisted Nematic. The glass plates with furrows are mixed between two polarization filters, and all the polarization in the skin filter runs straight from the grooves on the plate. At the splendid steel of the RK-komirka, it is clear, small crystals of small crystals turn the plane of polarization of the light that passes through them. Therefore, the plane-polarized vibration, which is established after the passage of the first polarizer, passes through another polarizer, so that all polarization will be parallel to the polarization of the incident vibration. Under the influx of the electric field, created by transparent electrodes, the molecules of the rare-crystal ball change their spatial orientation, fluttering straight ahead of the field lines of force. In this way, the rare-crystal ball is able to turn the plane of polarization of the incident light, and the system becomes optically opaque, so that the whole light is covered by the outer filter, which polarizes. In the fallow, the applied voltage between the electric electrodes can change the orientation of the molecules in the field not completely, but more often, in order to regulate the degree of twisting of the RK molecules. Tse, in his court, allows you to change the intensity of the light that passes through the RK-komirka. In this way, having installed a lamp for switching behind the RK-matrix and changing the voltage between the electrodes, you can vary the degree of transparency of one RK-matrix. TN-matrices are the most wide-ranging and cheapest. There are shortcomings in power: I look around a little, the contrast is not high, and the impossibility of taking off the ideal black color. On the right, in the fact that, when the maximum voltage is stopped, it is impossible to unwind the PK-molecule to the end, and to reverse the bridles of the field lines of force. That's why such matrices become transparent when the pixel is overturned. I’ll look around with another small patch of bandages. For private use, a special coating is applied to the surface of the monitor, which makes it possible to look around more. This technology took away the name TN + Film, which indicates the presence of the film. It is not so easy to find out which type of matrix is ​​being installed in the monitor. However, even though on the monitor there is a “beating” pixel, which is the fault of the output of the fret of the RK-comic transistor, then in TN-matrices it is brightly lit (chervonim, green or blue color), on the commissary. You can recognize the TN-matrix by marveling at the black color at maximum brightness - it’s more like syria, lower black, tse, ymovirno, the TN-matrix itself.

IPS matrices

Structure of the IPS-room

Monitors with an IPS matrix are called Super TFT monitors. Identity IPS-matrix are those that carry the electrodes embedded in them in one plane on the lower side of the RK-comirka. Due to the presence of the voltage between the electrodes, the PK-molecules are spread in parallel one to one, the electrodes and the direct polarization of the lower polarizing filter. At this station, the stench does not pour into the polarization of the light, which is to pass, and the light is covered by the external polarizing filter, the shards of the polarization of the filters are perpendicular to one to the other. When a voltage is applied to the electric field, the electric field that is created rotates the PK molecules by 90 ° so that the stench is oriented towards the force lines of the field. If you pass light through such a closet, then by turning the polarization plane, the upper filter, which polarizes, let the light through without crossings, so that the closet leans against the open bed (Fig. 4). By varying the voltage between the electrodes, it is possible to stir up the RK molecules to turn around, changing the transparency of the middle. In all other respects, IPS-comics are similar to TN-matrices: the color image is also formed for three color filters. IPS-matrices can be like advantages, so are shortcomings, equal to TN-matrices. The advantage is the fact that in this mode it is ideally black color, and not gray, like in TN-matrices. The second unparalleled advantage of this technology is great to look around. Before nedolіkіv IPS-matrix varto vіdnesti greater, lower for TN-matrices pixel response time. Vtіm, before the hour of the reaction of the pixel, let's turn around. At the end, it is significant that there are different modifications of IPS-matrices (Super IPS, Dual Domain IPS), which allow improving their characteristics.

MVA matrices

Domain structure of the MVA-room

MVA is a development of VA technology, that is technology with vertical ordering of molecules. On the top of the TN- and IPS-matrices, in this way, there are rare crystals with negative dielectric anisotropy, which are perpendicular to the straight lines of the electric field. Due to the presence of the voltage between the plates of the RK-center, all the rare-crystalline molecules are oriented vertically and do not pour into the polarization plane of the light to pass through. Shards of light pass through two crossings of polarizers, they are covered with another polarizer and the middle appears in a closed state, with it, on the view of the TN-matrix, it is possible to remove the ideal black color. As far as the electrodes, spread out to the animal and below, a voltage is applied, the molecules rotate 90 °, orienting perpendicularly to the lines of the electric field. When a plane-polarized light passes through such a structure, the polarization plane rotates by 90° and the light moves freely through the exit polarizer, so that the RK-comir appears at the critical steel. The advantages of systems with vertical ordering of molecules are the ability to create an ideal black color (which, by its very nature, means the ability to create high-contrast images) and a short pixel response time. With the help of the method of zbіlshennya kutіv looking around in systems with vertical ordering of molecules, a multidomain structure is formed, which leads to the formation of matrices of the MVA type. Sensitivity of technology lies in the fact that the skin subpixel is divided into a sprinkling of zones (domains) with a variety of special ledges, which can easily change the orientation of the molecules, zmushyuyuchi їх virіvnjuvat surface ledge. It’s worth to bring it to the point that the skin of such a domain shines directly at one’s own place (in the midst of a certain kuta of the body), and the collection of all directly expands when looking around the monitor. Before the MVA-matrix is ​​overpowered, you can see a high contrast ratio (a hint of the possibility of tasting a perfect black color) and a great look around (up to 170 °). In Denmark, there are many different MVA technologies, for example PVA (Patterned Vertical Alignment) by Samsung, MVA-Premium and others, like a larger world, to advance the characteristics of MVA-matrices.


Today, RK-monitors have a maximum brightness, which is stated in the technical documentation, to become 250 to 500 cd/m2. And if the brightness of the monitor is sufficiently high, then it is obov'yazkovo indicated in advertising booklets and is presented as one of the main advantages of the monitor. Vіm, yakraz at whom one of the underwater stones is crying. There is no paradox for those who focus on numbers, instructing technical documentation. It costs not less brilliance, but contrast, kutiv looking around at that hour of the reaction of the pixel. Not only that, they may not understand the meanings, but they are really worried, sometimes they should understand what the numbers mean. Nasampered, to explore different methods of vimiruvannya, described in different standards; vidpovidno vimiryuvannya, scho carried out for different methods, give different results, moreover, you are unlikely to be able to find out, for which method and how the vimiryuvannya was carried out. The axis is a simple example. Brightness, which is tolerated, to lie in the color temperature, but if it seems that the brightness of the monitor becomes 300 cd / m2, then the power is to blame: at what color temperature does the maximum brightness reach? More than that, the scribes indicate clarity not for the monitor, but for the RK-matrix, which is not the same. For vimiryuvannya svekovosti vykoristovuyutsya special reference signals of generators with a given color temperature, so the characteristics of the monitor itself, like the end of the spectrum, can be exactly different from the statements in the technical documentation. Age for a coristuvach is of paramount importance to the characteristics of the monitor, not the matrix. Brightness is an important characteristic for a RK monitor. For example, with insufficient clarity, you are unlikely to be able to play different games or watch DVD-films. In addition, it will appear as an uncomfortable robot behind the monitor in the minds of daytime lighting (starry lighting). However, work on this support of visnovok, which the monitor from the declared 450 cd/m2 is better than the monitor from the 350 cd/m2, would have been before the hour. In the first place, as it was intended, the brightness is declared and real - these are the only ones, but in a different way, it’s quite sufficient, so that the LCD monitor has a brightness of 200-250 cd / m2 (although not declared, but actually observed). In addition, the important thing is the fact that the brightness of the monitor is regulated. From the point of view of physics, the regulation of brightness can be changed by a way to change the brightness of lamps. It can be reached either for the adjustment of the stream of the discharge in the lamp (in monitors, like lamps, the lamp light is switched on with a cold cathode Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp, CCFL), or for the adjustment of the so-called pulse-width modulation of the life of the lamp. With pulse-width modulation, the voltage on the lamp is supplied by pulses of singing trivality. As a result, the lamp does not glow continuously, but only in a periodically repeated interval of an hour, but for the time of inertia, an effect develops, so that the lamp burns steadily (the frequency of the passage of impulses becomes more than 200 Hz). Obviously, by changing the width of the voltage pulses that are supplied, it is possible to regulate the average brightness of the lamp's illumination. Crimium for adjusting the brightness of the monitor for the light of the lamp and lighting, sometimes the regulation is carried out by the matrix itself. In fact, up to a certain voltage on the electrodes of the RK-komіrka, a constant storage is added. Tse allow to open up the RK-komirka, but do not allow to open up the curve. In this case, with an increase in brightness, the black color ceases to be black (the matrix becomes often translucent when the RK-comirci is closed).


No less important characteristic of a RK monitor is its contrast ratio, which is considered to be an improvement in brightness white ashes bright black background. Theoretically, the contrast ratio of the monitor is not to blame for the fall in the level of clarity that is installed on the monitor, so if there is any level of clarity of vimiryuvaniya, the contrast is to blame for the very same value. True, the brightness of the white ashes is proportional to the brightness of the lamp and the illumination. Ideally, the change in the coefficients of transmission of light by the RK-komirkoy in the open and closed steel is a characteristic of the RK-komirka itself, in practice, the temperature can be deposited and in the set temperature of the color, and in the set level of the monitor. Over the rest of the hour, the contrast ratio of the image on digital monitors grew noticeably, and this figure often reaches a value of 500:1. Ale, it's not so easy here. On the right, the contrast can be shown not for the monitor, but for the matrix. Vtіm, as it shows dosvid, as in the passport the contrast is indicated over 350:1, then it is enough for normal work.

Coot look around

The maximum point of view (both vertically and horizontally) is shown as a point, when looking at any image contrast in the center should be no less than 10:1. Deyakі vyrobniki matrices with the appointed kutіv look around the contrast ratio is not 10:1, but 5:1, technical characteristics. Formally, the designation of the kutіv when looking around is foggy and, more headily, cannot be directly related to the correctness of the transfer of color when looking at the image at the kut. Indeed, for the short-lived people, it is significantly important that when looking at the image from the bottom to the top of the monitor, there is not a drop in contrast, but the color of creation. For example, the red color is transformed into yellow, and green - into blue. Why are similar creations different models they manifest themselves in a different way: for some people, the stench melts away even with an insignificant kut, a richly smaller look around. Therefore, it is wrong in principle to por_vnyuvat monitors from the kutіv. It is possible to align, but such a equivalence cannot have practical significance.

Pixel reaction time

Typical clock diagram of pixel inclusion for TN+Film-matrix

Typical clock diagram of pixel width for TN+Film-matrix

The hour of reaction, or the hour of pixel display, as a rule, is indicated in the technical documentation for the monitor and is considered one of the most important characteristics of the monitor (which is not so). In RK-monitors, the pixel response hour, which is similar to the type of matrix, takes tens of milliseconds (in new TN + Film matrices, the pixel response hour is set to 12 ms), but it’s better to blur the picture, which changes, and can be tipped off. Razrіznyayut hour vіmknennya that hour vіmikannya pixel. Under the hour when the pixel is switched on, it is necessary to change the hour, the necessary closing of the RK-komirka, and under the hour of the switch-on - the interval to the hour, which is necessary to close. If we are talking about the hour of the reaction of a pixel, then we will understand the total hour of turning on that pixel's absence. The hour of the increase of the pixel and the hour of the increase of the pixel can be completely refreshed. If we talk about the hour of the reaction of a pixel, which is indicated in the technical documentation for the monitor, then we should think about the hour of the reaction of the matrix itself, and not of the monitor. In addition, the hour of the reaction of a pixel, which is indicated in the technical documentation, is interpreted differently by different matrices. For example, one of the options for interpreting the time of the inclusion (wiring) of the pixel in that hour is to change the brightness of the pixel from 10 to 90% (from 90 to 10%). Dosi, speaking about the time of the reaction of the pixel, may be on the verge, that there is a change between black and white colors. If you don’t blame the black color (the pixel is just closed), then the choice of the white color is not obvious. How will the hour of the reaction of a pixel be changed, how will it be possible to overcome the hour of the chime between different pivtons? Tse nutrition may be of great practical importance. On the right, in the fact that the transition from a black background to a white one, on the other hand, real additions are rarely seen evenly. Most programs are implemented, as a rule, go between pivtones. If the hour of switching between black and white colors appears smaller, the lower hour of switching between gray gradations, then there is no practical value for the hour of reaction of a pixel, and it is not possible to focus on this characteristic of the monitor. What kind of visnovok can be made from the vishchevikladen? Everything is even simpler: the hour of the reaction of a pixel, which is declared by the virobnik, does not allow one to unequivocally judge the dynamic characteristics of the monitor. It is correct in this sense to speak not about the hour of the pixel switching between white and black colors, but about the middle hour of the pixel switching between the five tones.

The number of tickets that are displayed

They monitor their nature with RGB-attaches, so that their colors go beyond the rahun of the mixture in different proportions of three basic colors: red, green and blue. In this order, the skin of the RK-pixel is made up of three color sub-pixels. Krіm is mostly closed or more open to the camp of the RK-komirka, it is possible and the industrial station, if the RK-komirka is often open. Tse allows you to shape the colors of the colors and change the colors of the colors of the basic colors in the required proportions. With the amount of colors that are detected by the monitor, it is theoretically possible to lie down, depending on how many colors can be formed in the skin color channel. Chastkove vіdkrittya RK-komіrki reach for the account of supplying the necessary equal voltage on the electric drive that is controlled. Therefore, a large number of colored dyes at the skin color canal should be deposited, in addition, the number of different equal voltages can be applied to the RK-komirka. For forming a sufficient level of voltage, it is necessary to use different DAC circuits with a large discharge, which is more expensive. Therefore, in today's RK monitors, 18-bit DACs are most often used and, more often, 24-bit ones. When choosing a 18-bit DAC for a skin color channel, 6 bits each. This allows you to form 64 (26=64) different voltage levels and select 64 colors in one color channel. All in all, for the change of colors of the different channels, it is possible to create 262 144 colors of the colors. When using a 24-bit matrix (24-bit DAC scheme), 8 bits are assigned to the skin channel, which allows you to form 256 (28 = 256) color lines at the skin channel, and in total this matrix produces 16777216 color lines. At that very hour, the richness of 18-bit matrices in the passport shows that they produce 16.2 million color images. Why is it on the right and how can it be so? It appears that in 18-bit matrices, for the size of some clever tricks, it is possible to approximate as many colors as possible to the point that they can be realized with the help of the right 24-bit matrices. For extrapolation of color images in 18-bit matrices, two technologies (the same combination) are used: dithering (dithering) and FRC (Frame Rate Control). The essence of dithering technology lies in the fact that day-to-day colors are priced for the size of the closest colors of the colors of the day pixels. Let's look at the simplest example. Let's assume that a pixel can be more or less in two countries: open and closed, moreover, the closing of the pixel camp forms a black color, and the closed one - red. If you replace one pixel to look at a group of two pixels, then, okrim black and red, you can take away the intermediate color, making it extrapolate from the two-color mode to the tricolor one. As a result, as often as such a monitor can generate six colors (two per skin channel), then after such dithering, the number of colors is already 27. The scheme of dithering may have one shortcoming: the increase in colors can be reached for the change in the distribution of buildings. In fact, if you increase the size of the pixel, it can negatively impinge on the image details. The essence of the FRC technology is based on the manipulation of a number of subpixels for the help of their additional inclusion / deactivation. Like in the front butt, it is important that the pixel can be either black (inclusions) or chervonim (inclusions). The skin subpixel cancels the turn-on command with a frame rate increase, then for a frame rate of 60 Hz, the skin sub-pixel cancels the turn-on command 60 times per second. Tse allows you to generate a red color. If the primus vibrator turns on the pixel not 60 times per second, but more than 50 (on the skin 12th beat, the pixel is not switched on, but the pixel is switched off), then as a result, the brightness of the pixel is 83% in the warehouse, which allows you to form the intermediate color of the red. Offended by the methods of extrapolation of color, they make their own shortcomings. In the first view - it is possible for the screen to be more mehtinous and for the day to have an increased reaction time, and in the other - the ability to spend the details of the image. It’s hard to finish the 18-bit matrix with extrapolation of color from the 24-bit reference one. With this, the variability of a 24-bit matrix is ​​significant.

Principle of TFT-LCD display

The principle of molding the image of the screen is good ilustraє fig. 1. And the axis how to cherubate about the number of subpixels? Let’s explain it to the citizens in the following way: behind the skin subpixel there is a rare-crystal shutter. Fallen, when applied to it, the voltage will pass more or less light from the back lamp of the illuminator. And all at once they reveal themselves like shutters on small loops, like they turn to the required kut ... something like this:

Really, obviously, everything is richer. There are no suitable material curtains on the hinges. In a real rare-crystal matrix, the light flux is controlled approximately like this:

Light from the lamp under the light (we can see from the bottom of the picture uphill) we must pass through the lower filter, which polarizes (the plate was shaded). Now it’s not a great flood of light, but polarizations. They gave light to pass through the napіvprozorі elektrodi, scho control (zhovtі plates) and zustrichaє on your way a ball of rare crystals. The change in the voltage that controls the polarization of the light stream can be changed by up to 90 degrees (in the picture, it’s evil), or it can be left unchangeable (in the same place, right-handed). Uvaga, naytsіkavіshe pochinaєtsya! After a ball of rare crystals, the light-filter is stashed, and here the leather subpixel turns into the required color - red, green or blue. As if to look at the screen, having removed the upper polarizing filter - we need millions of subpixels, which shine - and the skin shines with maximum brightness, even if our eyes cannot distinguish the polarization of the light. In other words, without the upper polarizer, we simply get even more light on the entire surface of the screen. Ale varto put an upper polarizing filter on the plate - and vin "show" all the changes, as if they made light from the polarization of rare crystals. Some subpixels should be filled with such that they shine brightly, like a baby, whose polarization has been changed by 90 degrees, and then go out, even if the upper polarizer is at the opposite phase of the lower one and does not pass light with the default polarization (that) . And subpixels with intermediary clarity - the polarization of the stream of light that passed through them, the boulder was flared not by 90, but by a smaller number of degrees, for example, by 30 or 55 degrees.

Pluses and minuses

Smart designations: (+) good, (~) acceptable, (-) short

RK monitor

EPT monitor

Yaskravist (+) vіd 170 to 250 cd/m2(~) vіd 80 to 120 cd/m2
Contrast (~) in 200:1 to 400:1(+) vіd 350:1 to 700:1
Kut look around (for contrast) (~) in 110 to 170 degrees(+) over 150 degrees
Kut look around (behind the color) (-) in 50 to 125 degrees(~) over 120 degrees
Dozvil (-) One separate building with a fixed size of pixels. Optimally, it is possible to vicorate as little as possible; in the fallow in terms of enhancing the functions of expansion or compression, it is possible to achieve greater height or lower division of buildings, but the stench is not optimal.(+) Allowed to differ. With all possible sub-trimmings, the monitor can be scored with the optimal rank. The exchange is superimposed only on the acceptance of the frequency of regeneration.
Frequency of vertical rise (+) The optimal frequency is 60 Hz, which is sufficient for the presence of the noise(~) Only at frequencies above 75 Hz during the day, the noise is clearly
Pardons for the day of colors (+) no(~) 0.0079 to 0.0118 inch (0.20 - 0.30 mm)
Focusing (+) too good(~) from the top to the top of the neck>
Geometric/linear creations (+) no(~) possible
Irregular pixels (-) up to 8(+) no
Input signal (+) analog or digital(~) only analog
Scaling with different permissions -(+) even better
Color accuracy (~) True Color is supported and required color temperature is simulated(+) True Color is supported and when it comes to the market, it is the mass of accessories for calibrating color, which is an absolute plus
Gamma correction (~) satisfying(+) photorealistic
Uniformity (~) often the image is brighter around the edges(~) often the image is brighter in the center
Purity of color / brightness of color (~) garnet(+) temple
Merehtinnya (+) no(~) indistinct above 85 Hz
Hour of inertia (-) Vid 20 to 30 ms.(+) unimportantly small
Image molding (+) Images are formed by pixels, the number of which can be found only depending on the specific location of the LCD panel. Croc pixels lie in the rozmіru of the pixels themselves, but between them. The skin pixel is formed individually, which ensures the magic of focusing, clarity and clarity. The image will come out bigger and smoother(~) Pixels are formed by a group of dots (triads) or males. Krok points or lines lie in the middle between points or lines of the same color. As a result, the clarity and clarity of the image are strongly deposited in terms of the size of the point or the size of the line and the type of density of the ELT
Energy saving and viprominyuvannya (+) Practically there are no unsafe electromagnetic vibrations every day. Energy saving rate is approximately 70% lower than standard CRT monitors (25 to 40 W).(-) Always present electromagnetic viprominuvannya However, their rіven lie in order, chi vіdpovіdaє EPT, be it any standard of safety. Reduced energy at the worker's station is less on the level of 60 - 150 watts.
Rosemary/Vaga (+) flat design, small vaga(-) important construction, takes up a lot of space
Monitor interface (+) Digital interface, however, most LCD monitors may have an analog interface for connecting to the widest analog outputs of video adapters(-) Analog interface


  • A.V.Petrochenkov "Hardware-computer and peripherals", -106str.il.
  • V.E. Figurnov "IBM PC for koristuvach", -67stor.
  • "HARD" n "SOFT" (computer magazine for a wide range of koristuvachiv) No. 6 2003r.
  • N.I. Gurin “Robot on personal computer“,-128side.

Technologies do not stand on the ground, and the production of rare crystal screens is not to blame. However, in connection with the ongoing developments and the emergence of new technologies in the production of screens, as well as through special marketing approaches to advertising with rich buyers, when choosing a monitor or TV, you can shorter than IPS or TFT screen?

In order to be aware of the power supply, it is necessary to understand what is the IPS technology and what is the TFT screen. The less you know, you can understand the difference between these technologies. Tse, at your cherga, help you robiti correct choice screen, which will be more appropriate for your help.

1. Also, what is a TFT display

As you already guessed, TFT is the short name of the technology. As a rule, it looks like this - Thin Film Transistor, which in Russian translation means a thin-film transistor. In fact, a TFT display is the same type of a red-crystal screen, which is based on an active matrix. In other words, the main rare-crystal screen with an active matrix. To control the molecules of rare crystals requires the help of special thin-melt transistors.

2. What is IPS technology

IPS is also short for In-Plane Switching. The design of the PK-display with an active matrix. Tse means that power, which is better than TFT or IPS, let's have mercy, so in fact they are the same. To put it more precisely, IPS is the type of FTF display matrix.

IPS technology gave its name to the unique plating of electrodes, which is on the same plane as the molecules of rare crystals. At its edge, rіdkі crystals roztashovuyutsya parallel to the screen area. Such a decision allowed the situation to increase the quality of looking around, as well as to increase the clarity and contrast of the image.

Today we can see three of the widest types of active matrix TFT displays:

  • TN+Film;
  • PVA/MVA.

In this rank, it becomes obvious that vіdminnіst TFT IPS is only better in that TFT is the same type of PK screen with an active matrix, and IPS is the most active matrix in a TFT display, or rather one of the types of matrices. Varto signify that such a matrix is ​​the widest among the coristuvachs in the whole world.

3. What do TFT and IPS displays look like: Video

There is a big pardon in the fact that between TFT and IPS, as a retail, winkla through marketing acceptances and sales managers. When trying to get new customers, marketers do not provide new information about technologies, which allows creating the illusion that a new market is coming out of the world. Obviously, IPS is a bigger new version, lower TN, it's not possible to choose a better TFT or IPS display for any other reasons.

3.1. Advantages of IPS technology

About those that are different between TFT and IPS, you already know, however, blame the whole logical supply, TN + Film and TFT IPS, what is the difference? For a look at the power supply, look at the advantages of IPS matrices, which are similar to the attack:

  • Bigger Kuti looking around;
  • Increased clarity and contrast;
  • The color transfer has been completely reduced and the amount of colors and colors that are displayed has been reduced.

These are the three main advantages of IPS-displays, which allow plasma panels to compete with each other. It is not for nothing that more and more virobniks give priority to IPS matrices themselves. In addition, such displays seem to have great prospects.

Modern electronic appliances are practically universal. So, for example, a smartphone miraculously copes not only with the sounds (with the help of those signals), but also with the ability to surf the Internet, listen to music, watch videos or read books. For qih zavdan pidide tablet. The screen is one of the most important parts of electronics, especially as a sensory screen and serves not only for displaying files, but also for management. Let's get to know the characteristics of the display and the technologies behind which the stench is created. We give special respect to those who have the technology, who has the upper hand.

Yak vlashtovan RK-screen

Let's figure it out, as a power rare-crystal display, which is equipped with modern technology. First, the matrix is ​​active. It is made up of microfluidic transistors. Zavdyaki they form an image. In another way, Von's balloon is equipped with light filters and creates R-, G-, B-subpixels. Thirdly, this is the system of screen illumination, which allows the image to be visible. Vaughn can be luminescent or light.

Features of IPS technology

Strictly seeming, the IPS matrix is ​​​​a different type of TFT technology, behind which RK screens are created. Pіd TFT often razum_yut monitors, viroblenі method TN-TFT. Vihodyachi zgogo, you can robiti їhnє pіvnyannya. To get acquainted with the subtleties of the choice of electronics, examine the IPS screen, what does it mean to understand. Golovne, which looks at the displays like TN-TFT, - refinishing of rare-crystal pixels. In another vapadku, the stench roztashovuetsya in a spiral, to know under the hood ninety degrees horizontally between two plates. In the first one (which is the most popular for us), the matrix is ​​​​composed of thin-melt transistors. Moreover, the crystals roztashovuyutsya vzdovzh screen area in parallel one to one. Without a boost, the stench won't turn around. The TFT skin transistor has one dot on the screen.

Vidminnist IPS vіd TN-TFT

Let's take a look at the type of screen. Monitor, created for the purpose of technology, to gain a lot of advantages. Nasampered, this is a miracle transfer to the color. The whole range of images of yaskravikh, realistic. Zavdyaki wide kutu looking around the image is not blurry, from any point on the new one does not look. Monitors can be more high, a clear contrast of light to the fact that the black color is transmitted simply ideally. You can indicate the same minuses, which may be the type of IPS screen. What we have in front of us is a great release of energy, a significant shortfall. Before that, the outbuildings, equipped with such screens, are expensive, the chips are even more expensive. Obviously, TN-TFT may have diametrically proliferating characteristics. They have a smaller kut to look around, with a change of look, the image is created. On the sun, it is not very comfortable to speed up with them. The picture is dark, make it look bright. However, such displays may have a crisp sound, less energy saving and available at a price. Therefore, similar monitors are installed in budget models of electronics. In this way, it is possible to make a visnovok, in some ways, an IPS screen, which is a miracle for movie lovers, photo and video. However, through less chuynist їх do not recommend dynamic computer games to shanuvalniks.

Distributors of leading companies

The IPS technology itself was created by the Japanese company Hitachi jointly with NEC. We are new in the process of growing rare-crystal crystals: not in a spiral (like in TN-TFT), but in parallel one to one and the screen. As a result, such a monitor transmits colors and colors. The image can be seen on the bright sun. Kut look around the IPS-matrix to become one hundred and seventy degrees. You can marvel at the screen from any point: below, beast, right-handed, left-handed. The picture is clear. Popular tablets with an IPS screen released by Apple, the stench is created on IPS matrices retina. One inch increases the number of pixels. As a result, the image on the display appears without graininess, the colors are transmitted smoothly. Behind the words of retailers, the human eye does not notice microparticles, as if pixels were over 300 ppi. At the same time, add-ons with IPS-displays become more affordable for the price, they start to hit budget models electronics. New and different matrices are being created. For example, MVA/PVA. The stench is filled with a swishy sound, a wide hood to look around and a miraculous transfer to the color.

Attachment with multi-touch screen

In the rest of the hour, electronic accessories made from sensory kerubans gained great popularity. Moreover, not only smartphones. Allow laptops, tablets, which have an IPS touch screen, which can handle files, images. Such attachments are indispensable for work with videos, photographs. Fallen in the diagonal of the display are compact and full-format attachments. multitouch building recognize ten dots at once, so on such a monitor you can work with two hands at once. small mobile attachments, for example, smartphones or tablets with a diagonal of six inches, recognize five dots. How much is sufficient, as your smartphone is a small IPS screen. What is more convenient, was appreciated by a lot of buyers of compact outbuildings.

Rіdkokristalіchnі tvіzorі on the market z'appeared to finish a long time ago and all the same came to call to them. However, new and new models are announced with skin rock, which are being reviewed with a sultry look, screen diagonal, interface and not only. In addition, there are also such models of rare-crystal displays, which are distinguished by a special swidkishness of innovation, types of light and lighting. However, about everything in hell. For the sake of the cob, I’ll tell you about it, what is the same - LCD monitors.

Without a doubt, someone else can understand you like an LCD panel. LCD is an abbreviation that stands for Liquid Crystal Display. Translated into Russian, it means a rare crystal display, which means that LCD and RK panels are one and the same.

The technology of visualization of the picture is grounded on victorious crystals in a rare sight of those wondrous powers. Similar panels may have a great number of positive qualities, the victories of this technology. So let's figure it out, how does it work.

How to use LCD monitor

Crystals, which are victorious for the creation of these monitors, are called cyanophenil. If the stench is rebuffed at a rare camp, the stinks are unique optical and other powers, the cream is rightly roztashovuvatisya in space.

Such a screen is made up of a pair of transparent polished plates, on which electrodes are applied. Between the two plates, cyanophenils are spread in song order. A voltage is applied through the electrodes on the plates, so as to reach the matrix screen. Also, there are two plates in parallel, one to one filter.

You can go out like a matrix, shaking the crystals to let in the light, or not to let it through. Shchob came out different colors, in front of the crystals, filters of three basic colors are installed: green, blue and red. The light of the crystal passes through one of these filters and the pixel color is established. A single combination of colors, allows you to create other colors, as they will be indicative of pictures that are collapsing.

Vidi matrices

In RK-monitors, there may be a few types of matrices, as they are one in one with their own technology.

TN+film. This is one of the simplest standard technologies, as it exalts its popularity a small group. This type of module has a low power consumption and a relatively low frequency of updates. Especially often you can use a similar module in older models of panels. "+film" in the name means that there is one more ball of spitting, which is guilty of looking around more. However, the shards of the present day stagnate, naming the matrix can be shortened to TN.

Similar RK monitor may have a large number of shortcomings. First of all, they have a bad transmission of the color through the vikoristannya for the skin color channel only 6 bits. More colors when you go out when you change the main colors. In another way, the contrast ratio of the RK monitors at a glance also makes it worse. And if you stop practicing like subpixels and pixels, then it’s more likely to shine for all the stench, which will please few people.

IPS. Such matrices are seen in the light of other sights, so that I can improve the transmission of the sound and the great kut will look around. The contrast in such matrices is also not the best, but the refresh rate is lower, lower than in TN matrices. Tse means that in Swedish Russia, behind the picture, there may be a commemorative train, which is important for a TV set. However, if a pixel burns on such a matrix, the wine does not shine, but, on the contrary, it becomes black forever.

On the basis of this technology, other types of matrices are used, which are also often found in monitors, displays, TV screens, etc.

  • S-IPS. Such a module appeared in 1998 and was considered to be less frequently updated.
  • AS-IPS. The offensive type of the matrix, in a way, the cream of the sharpness of the update, improved the contrast.
  • A-TW-IPS. Tse, in fact, the same S-IPS matrix, until the color filter was added under the name "Spravzhnіy bliy". Most of the time, such a module was victorious in monitors that were recognized for visualization or photo labs, shards of wine robbed more realistic colors and improved the spectrum of yoga images. The minus of such a matrix is ​​\u200b\u200bfor the one that has a black color maw with a violet color.
  • HIPS. When this module appeared in 2006, it turned out to be similar to the screen and reduced contrast. The new one does not have such an unacceptable lightening of the black color, though I look around and become smaller.
  • E-IPS. Appearing at 2009 roci. This technology has helped to improve the look, brightness and contrast of RK monitors. In addition, the screen refresh hour has been changed to 5 milliseconds and the amount of energy saved has been changed.
  • P-IPS. This type of module appeared notably recently, in 2010. The most perfect matrix. There can be 1024 gradations for the dermal sub-pixel, which is the reason for the 30-bit color, which could not be reached by another matrix.

VA. This is the first type of matrices for RK displays, which is a compromise solution between the front two types of modules. Such matrices best convey the contrast of the image to that color, but with a sing-song glance, some details can disappear and the color balance of white changes.

Such a module also has a few other versions, which are reviewed one by one for their characteristics.

  • MVA is one of the first and most popular matrices.
  • PVA is a Danish module released by Samsung and is subject to reduced video contrast.
  • S-PVA - also made by Samsung for rare crystal panels.
  • S-MVA
  • P-MVA, A-MVA - AU Optronics productions. Mustaches are farther away matrices are ventilated only by virobnik companies. All the improvements are grounded only on the changed speed of the sound, as the mains supply of the main voltage is at the very core of the change in the position of the subpixels and the variation of the full 8-bit system, as it codes the color on the skin channel.

Also, there are other types of RK matrices, which are also found in other models of panels.

  • IPS Pro is featured on Panasonic TVs.
  • AFFS - matrices from Samsung. Vykoristovuyutsya less at deyakih spetsіalіzovanyh outbuildings.
  • ASV - matrices from Sharp Corporation for rare crystal televisions.

See pіdsvіchuvannya

Rіdkokristalіchnі screens are also aired by types of lighting.

  • Plasma gas discharge lamps. At the same time, all LSD monitors are small and controlled by one or more lamps. Basically, the cold cathode lamps are small and the name CCFL is small. EEFL lamps have been started this year. Dzherelom light in such lamps is plasma, as it appears as a result of an electrical discharge through a gas. With this, it is not necessary to swindle RK-TV with plasma, in some skins with pixels and an independent lamp of light.
  • Light-emitting diode or LED. Such TBs appeared not long ago. Such displays may be one or a few light-emitting diodes. However, please note that it is more the type of sub-switching, and not the display itself, which is made up of these miniature diodes.

The speed of the video is necessary for reviewing the video in 3D format

Shvidkіst vіdguku - tse those, how many frames per second can show the TV. This parameter contributes to the clarity of the image and its smoothness. In order for the brightness to be reached, the update frequency must become 120 Hz. In order to reach such a frequency, televisions have a video card. In addition, such a frequency of frame changes does not create a mere screen, which is more in line with your eyes.

For a review of films in 3D format, such a frequency of updating will be sufficient. With this, in the bagatioh of the TB, a sub-switching is installed, as if the frequency of the update is 480 Hz. Reach out for help with a variety of special TFT transistors.

Other characteristics of RK TVs

Brightness, depth of black and contrast Yaskravist in such TB is interrupted to finish high equal but the contrast overwhelms the best. It is connected with this, that with the effect of polarization, the depth of the black color will be such as to allow the lamp to be lit. Due to the lack of depth of black color and contrast, dark shades can become one color.
Screen diagonal Today, you can easily recognize LCD panels like a great diagonal, like you can score like a home cinema, and models can be played with a small diagonal.
Coot look around Modern TV models can achieve a good look around, which can reach 180 degrees. But the old models may have an insufficient kut, through which, when looking at the screen from a singing angle, you can look dark or the colors will be created.
Color transfer The transfer of colors for such displays does not have to be completed good quality. Tse novu still stosuetsya more important than the old models of screens. However, modern models are often compromised by other types of TB.
Energy efficiency Rare crystal displays save up to 40% less electricity, lower view.
Dimensions and vaga Thus, TB can finish a small group and a group, for today, install panels with a small group and a group.

Advantages and shortcomings of LCD televisions

These televisions have a low number of advantages:

  • Energy efficiency;
  • selection of ecological technologies;
  • Durability;
  • The size of the TV set is small;
  • Vіdsutnіst vіdbliskіv іn bright illumination;
  • The variance is small, compared with other models of modern TV sets.

However, in line with other modern technologies, which are featured in televisions, LCD displays may have a few shortcomings:

  • Lack of image contrast;
  • The depth of the black one is small through the vikoristannya of the supplementary lightening;
  • Poor color transfer, especially in older TB models;
  • Great refresh rate;
  • I’ll look around a little kut, especially with old TVs.

As a result, I would like to say about those that all the shortcomings of this kind are present in old models. The current TB has practically got rid of such problems and practically does not interfere with other technologies.