The speaker is one for a long time. What do the beeps of the BIOS mean when the computer is turned on? Base System BIOS

Once upon a time, if the computer is zavantazhuetsya, the system unit sees a squeak. I don’t know what the signal is, what shows the practicality of the system unit. And only a few people know the decoding of these signals from the "system engineer".

Axis about tse i let's talk. If you are reading this material, I recommend that you teach yoga at once. If you need decryption, you won’t be able to see it on the Internet. :)

So what about squeak "system engineer". Qi signals - the result of testing the hardware security of the computer (there is a cooler, RAM, vidyuha, etc.). Once again, if you want to zavantazhuєte computer, vіn to carry out testuvannya liza, and about the results tell yourself with a squeak. Decryption of squeaks in the system block below.

* One short beep.
Everything is wonderful. The test passed successfully. You can continue pratsyuvati. Buvaє so, that deyakі systemic blocks vzagalі in national patterns to squeak.
* No squeak, no image on the computer screen.
Faults in the life block, or processors.
For the cob to marvel at the inclusion of the life cord into the outlet. If everything is in order, try connecting to a mesh filter (such a cord with a box, in a rich variety of sockets, there is also a button-vmikach є, ring a red one) obviously working device. Add a charger for the phone, of course, with a connection to a new phone. You need to rewire all the outlets of the mesh filter. If the socket is correct, then the phone will be charged. Let's check whether the life block starts when the button is pressed to start the computer. When you choose a cooler (fan), the block of living matima, however, would like to mix it up. Like ruh є - look for a new processor, otherwise - a new life block. It is also necessary to rewire the cable of the mother's payment. Perhaps, scho vin vіdіyshov.
* One long uninterrupted squeak.
Invalid life block.
Pridbannya new bloc zhivlennya.
* Two short beeps.
Minor bugs in BIOS settings.
Go to the BIOS and set the optimal parameters. Exit in the BIOS is set, as a rule, by a key. If you do not know what to change, then set the value for the lock. For which you press the button. For exit zі zberezhennyam -,. Deyakі versions of the BIOS themselves show the difference between the conflicting points of the adjustment. Also, you can reset the BIOS settings by destroying the battery of the motherboard for a few seconds.
* Three long squeaks.
Daily keyboard.
Plug the keyboard into the PS / 2 socket. Even if it did not help, change the keyboard.
* Three short squeaks.
Pardon operational memory.
For whom it is necessary to reconsider whether there are memory strips on the motherboard. Don't laugh, go ahead. Then we will need to viinyat all the memory bars, carefully accumulated saws, and build the memory bar according to our needs, and start the system manager. If you squeak a "system engineer" on a plan, it may mean that the bar is wrong.
* One long and one short beep.
Incorrectly pratsyuє operative memory.
Possibly, as if one or the other slats of memory conflict with each other. It is necessary to build on one memory plan and try to start the computer.
* One long and two short peeps.
The video adapter is working incorrectly.
Correct the settings in the BIOS.
* One long and three short peeps.
Chi does not work with a video adapter.
Check the practicality of the video card. For whom you need another, you can use a video card. You can also try to win a card, see it from the saw slot, and put the card on the plate. І unforgettable review, chi є on the map are additional plugs for eating. Eating to such video cards is necessary to give a cord, to which not a single device is connected. I propagate to reverify, connect-monitor and pratsyuє-whether. Try to blow the plug of the monitor connection to the computer.
* One long and big short squeak.
Chi does not work with a video adapter or does not connect a monitor.
So, as it is written higher.
* One long and nine short peeps.
Pardon reading these BIOS.
Try resetting the BIOS settings for the battery. If not for help, then flashing the BIOS. But it’s already another story, as I will require an okremoї statti. I will try to write in the next hour.
* Chotiri short squeaks.
Chi does not work the system timer.
You can try resetting the BIOS. Ale, sorry, help rarely. Remove one - change or repair the motherboard.
* Five short squeaks.
Incorrect processing of the processor.
Try to clean the saw from the processor slot, reconsider in the cleanliness of the radiator and the low temperature of the processor.
* Six short squeaks.
Keyboard is wrong.
* Sim short squeaks.
Inadequacies in the mother's payment.
Vіddati in the repair of the motherboard, or add a new one.
* Vіsіm short squeaks.
Faults in video memory.
Bring the video adapter in for repair, or bring a new one.
* Nine short squeaks.
BIOS checksum is incorrect.
Call to reset the BIOS settings and allow you to reset them. For some reason, you can reset the BIOS for the batteries.
* Ten short squeaks.
Pardon for writing data to the CMOS chip.
Tsya pardon can be blamed when flashing the BIOS. We will describe this part in another article.
* Eleven short beeps.
Incorrect memory cache processing.
Skid BIOS. At the same time, it’s not possible to help, the computer is taken for repair, or a new processor is installed.
* Repeating old squeaks.
Faulty, otherwise the RAM is connected incorrectly.
Changeover of memory bars. Calculation of the wrong, a way connected by a call and the launch of the computer. Cleaned like a saw.
* Repeated short beeps.
Incorrect practice of the block of life.
Re-checking the performance of the power supply, re-checking the cords for shaving, re-checking the mesh filter, and, in the rest of the line, replacing the power block.

On whom everything. To be a food - ask.

Zee: To reset the BIOS to replace the battery, you can change a special jumper - a jumper. Її the place of roztashuvannya can be recognized in the documentation before the mother's payment.

Added: coding signals in BIOS'a, as if the computer died.
AWARD BIOS signals

Uninterrupted signal. Invalid life block.

2 short. Insignificant pardons were made.
3 long. Pardon of the keyboard controller.
1 long + 1 short. Problems with operational memory.
1 long + 2 short. Problem with video card.
1 long + 3 short. Vinykla pardon for the initialization of the keyboard.
1 long + 9 short. Vinikla pardon when reading data from microcircuits of permanent memory.
1 long repeat. Memory modules installed incorrectly.
1 short rep. Problems with the living block.

AMI BIOS Signals
There are no signals. Incorrect or not connected to the mother's board, the life block.
1 short. Pardons were not shown.
2 short. A pardon for parnosti operative memory.
3 short. Vinikla pardon at the first robot 64 Kb of main memory.
4 short. Faulty system timer.
5 short. Faulty CPU.
6 short. Faulty keyboard controller.
7 short. Faulty motherboard.
8 short. Incorrect video memory.
9 short. Pardoning the checksum in the BIOS microchip.
10 short. Can't write to CMOS memory.
11 short. Incorrect cache-memory (installed in slots on the motherboard).
1 long + 2 short. Wrong video card.
1 long + 3 short. Wrong video card.
1 long + 8 short. Problems with the video card or not connecting the monitor.

1-1-3. Pardon write / read data CMOS.
1-1-4. Pardoning the checksum in the BIOS microchip.
1-2-1. Faulty motherboard.
1-2-2. Pardon for the initialization of the DMA controller.
1-2-3. Pardon when trying to read / write to one of the DMA channels.
1-3-1. Pardon regeneration of operational memory.
1-3-3. Pardon when testing the first 64 Kb of RAM.
1-3-4. Pardon when testing the first 64 Kb of RAM.
1-4-1. Faulty motherboard.
1-4-2. Pardon for testing operational memory.
1-4-3. Pardon the system timer.
1-4-4. Pardoning the port to the input / output port.
3-1-1. Pardon the initialization of another DMA channel.
3-1-2. Pardon for the initialization of the first DMA channel.
3-1-4. Faulty motherboard.
3-2-4. Pardon of the keyboard controller.
3-3-4. Pardon testuvannya video memory.
4-2-1. Pardon the system timer.
4-2-3. Pardon of line A20. Faulty keyboard controller.
4-2-4. Pardon while working in a stolen mode. Possibly a faulty CPU.
4-3-1. Pardon during testing of operational memory.
4-3-4. A pardon for a real hour.
4-4-1. Pardon for testing the last port. Pardon can be a viklikana we will attach, scho vikoristovuyut Danish port.
4-4-2. Pardon when testing a parallel port. Pardon can be a viklikana we will attach, scho vikoristovuyut Danish port.
4-4-3. Pardon when testing a mathematical spivprocessor.

Quite often, such unacceptable situations occur in work with personal computers, if the squabbles stick with various malfunctions and pardons. And if the problem is related only to some kind of software or an addendum, then it is often possible to fix a quick fix. At the sight of a pardon, connected without intermediary with the system itself, the only notification about the hack is passed on to the BIOS for help. І up to one of the most wide-ranging pardons, about which the BIOS says one long and two short last signals, the skin of the home PC is to blame for preparations.

What is the role of the BIOS in the revealed and publicly warned about system pardons?

Be-yaky koristuvach for understanding the essence of the problem and the principle of її farthest vyshennya is guilty of investigating the basics of the work and the basic system components of your computer.

When the computer is started, the BIOS - the basic system for entering / displaying data - generates a short analysis of all connections to the PC components. This test is called POST (Power-on-Self-Test), and it only lasts for a few seconds.

The first time after the BIOS is done, it takes all the information about all the components of the computer. If the whole system is completely and partially working, then the coristuvach will feel one short signal on the receiving pad. The wine is fed through the speaker - a simple addition to the sound output, which is equipped with a motherboard.

However, if the POST self-test would reveal one problem, if there were any connected components to the PC, the BIOS could be alarmed by a whole set of different signals, variations and combinations of which may be absolutely different one in one value.

Also, information about the results of the POST test can be displayed on the screen of a monitor connected to the computer. This visual information instantly gives specific information about the problem, for which reason it is necessary to decipher sound signals. However, this type of information may not always be available to the PC manager for a number of technical reasons, due to which the speaker is provided with a more reliable and stable source of information from the BIOS.

One long, two short BIOS signal - more report about decryption

The monitor in some way does not display absolutely any information that is directly related to the type of problem itself. This is a problem with the elements of the computer, when blamed for such a coristuvachev, it is possible to recognize the essence of the malfunction only by sound notification of the speaker. Indicate the presence of a problem, one long, two short

Practically in all versions of the BIOS, in the form of anonymous different varieties (including such types of upholstery brandy, like AMI, IBM, Compaq, Quadtel, etc.), a similar combination of sounds will ring out about the malfunction of the computer's video system. But well, seemingly in scorched rice, such a signal speaks about the inadequacy of the video card.

The value of the same signal in different versions of IBM, AMI, AST and Compaq

However, some particularities of the meaning of the same signal in different versions of the BIOS deserve a lot of respect. It's not important to start the motherboard checkbox, if you need one long, two short BIOS beeps at startup. Asus, Gigabyte, MSI or ASRock - the company that made the attachments is of no importance. We are ticked off by the version of the BIOS itself.

For example, in BIOS type IBM and AMI, one long and two short signals are generated on and off in the same way as in a Mono / CGA type computer. In our days, similarly, it has practically entered the market without a trace, having sacrificed money to more modern roses. This means that your chances of getting stuck with such a signal on any type of BIOS are practically zero.

In the AST-version, the signal only tells about a specific problem of the video card - about problems with the staffing of the signal. Masters of this type of BIOS, especially respect - you will be ahead of other sound combinations about pardoning the video card.

A little more pardon is given in Compaq and Quadtel versions. One long, two short BIOS beeps in which case indicate problems with the initialization of the video card. The system simply can not її correct. It is far from a fact that a coristuvachi, a computer equipped with one of these types of BIOS, effectively stumbled upon a breakdown of the video card itself.

The situation is similar with the Award BIOS, however, a similar signal can be blamed for this in that case, since a monitor is not connected to the computer.

One long, two short BIOS signal: how to work and how to fix the problem

The ideal cob in case of such a problem would be, in the first place, more precisely, the version of the BIOS on the computer of the koristuvach. An image cannot be displayed on the monitor, so read the information in the first line in the documentation that comes with the motherboard. If you already have an alternative video card (spare, outdated, borrowed for an hour from a friend, etc. - smut, it was working), then here the task is simply to ask. You will be asked to click on the Pause / Break key for an hour of the POST self-test procedure. At the induced information transfer, you will know one of the most important names - there will be a BIOS bin on your motherboard.

For Award BIOS Volodarians, I first need to convert the connection of the monitor to a different version of the video card - the simplest procedure, as it eliminates the majority of such malfunctions. For any other cases (including those with Compaq and Quadtel) we should carefully switch the video card to the PCI-Express socket, and then re-plug it back - problems with installing the video card in such a way in the home minds.

Doesn't it help anything from the overexploited thing? Do you still hear one long, two short BIOS beeps? Laptop or computer dosi not functioning properly?

First hurry to the nearest service center, explain one important detail. Find out for a short term working video card to replace it, when working with any BIOS, it will tell you about the problem. As a problematic part, it was replaced by an alternative one and the BIOS is visible when one short beep is on - the problem was clearly in the video card itself. And if you call after such a change to a little bit of the same annoying signal, then the problem lies deep in the skeleton of the computer - in the motherboard. For example, a non-practical rose for PCI-Express video cards is not expanded, but the problem is still growing.

So you will know for sure, in which component itself there is a malfunction, and you will know what to carry to the service center for diagnostics.

Like a laptop having punished a long life with one long and two short BIOS beeps ...

On laptops, you can hear one ominous one long, two short BIOS beeps once. Samsung, Asus, Lenovo, etc. - the brand does not play a special role here, even if such a problem does not insure the computer. Therefore, the owners of laptops should also insure a couple of nuances in case of a similar problem. Luckily, in most of these situations, everything is solved by the same methods, so that they can get to the desktop PCs.

However, do not start the problem in the video card of the laptop. If so, then in the first half of the year, replace the strips of operational memory on third-party working analogues. The problem may be in the same element of the system.


As you are doing great yourself, such a problem with a computer room can easily be found in home minds. However, come on in, like "reconnect the video card / monitor cable" is absolutely free, if you go about the smartly broken video card or the mother's board. In similar situations, negaly varto turns to fahіvtsya in the field of repair of computer components.

Newly needed BIOS:

1. When the computer is involved, it is necessary to change the presence of the main installation and its practicality. As if “burned out”, for example, the RAM, the processor, or otherwise necessary for the work of the PC, the BIOS will give a signal with a special sound (for the skin component, the signal will be dialed).

2. BIOS zavantazhuє zavantazhuvach, which, in its own way, zavantazhuє OS.

3. The BIOS allows the OS to interoperate with peripherals.

4. The BIOS allows you to customize a wide range of components, keeping track of their camp, and the parameters of the robot. There are savings in the shortest possible time, for example, the date and hour are relevant, allowing you to put them into the motherboard.
For the purpose of the BIOS I recommend to look at the moment of interest, sound at the upper left part of the screen for information about the browser and BIOS version, or go to the BIOS settings, as a rule, pressing a few times on the Delete key after the PC is turned on.


pardon description

1 short

2 short

Є not critical pardons.

3 long

Having seen the pardon of the keyboard controller

1 short + 1 long

Faulty working memory

1 long + 2 short

The video card signals about the pardon

1 long + 3 short

Pardon video memory

1 long + 9 short

Pardon when reading from ROM

Uninterrupted short beeps

Malfunction of the living block or operational memory

Uninterrupted long beeps

RAM problems

Alternate long and short beeps

processor failure

continuous signal

Signaling about problems with the living unit

Sequence of sound signals Bios pardon description
1 short successful POST
1 beep and empty screen faulty video system
2 short Chi not connected monitor
3 long Faulty motherboard (keyboard controller pardon)
1 long 1 short Faulty motherboard
1 long 2 short Faulty video system (Mono / CGA)
1 long 3 short Faulty video system (EGA / VGA)
repetitions short Faults associated with the life block or the motherboard
uninterrupted Problems with the life block or the motherboard
Daily Incorrect living block, motherboard, or speaker

Sequence of sound signals pardon description
1 short successful POST
2 short Insignificant pardons were made. On the screen of the monitor, the proposition appears
to the CMOS Setup Utility and correct the situation. Reverse the superficiality of the crepe
trains in roses of the hard drive and the motherboard.
3 long Keyboard controller pardon
1 short 1 long Pardon of operational memory (RAM)
1 long 2 short Pardon video card
1 long 3 short Pardon video memory
1 long 9 short Pardon when reading from ROM
repetitions short Problems with the block of life; RAM problems
repetitions for a long time RAM problems
Intermittent high-low frequency Problems with CPU
uninterrupted Problems with the life block

Sequence of sound signals pardon description
1 short Pardons are not revealed, PC is correct
2 short Pardon parnosti RAM or wi zabuli wiggle scanner or printer
3 short Pardon in the first 64 KB RAM
4 short System timer error
5 short Problems with the processor
6 short Pardoning the initialization of the keyboard controller
7 short Problems with the motherboard
8 short Pardon the memory of the video card
9 short BIOS checksum is incorrect
10 short Can't write CMOS
11 short Pardon for cash, stashed on the system board
1 long 1 short Problems with the life block
1 long 2 short Pardon video card (Mono-CGA)
1 long 3 short Pardon video card (EGA-VGA)
1 long 4 short videocard capacity
1 long 8 short Problems with the video card or the monitor is not connected
3 long Working memory - read / write test completed with a pardon.
Reinstall the memory or replace it with a correct module.
Daily and empty screen Wrong processor. Possibly bent (broken) contact bottom of the processor. Flip the processor.
Continuous beep Malfunction of the block of life or overheating of the computer


Sequence of sound signals pardon description
1 short I didn’t get far to rewrite the registers of the processor. processor failure
2 short Pardon keyboard controller buffer. Keyboard controller failure.
3 short Pardon of the keyboard controller. Malfunction of the keyboard controller or system board.
4 short Pardon zvyazku with the keyboard.
5 short Pardon keyboard introduction.
6 short Pardon system payment.
9 short Checksum ROM BIOS. Faulty BIOS ROM chip.
10 short Pardon the system timer. The system timer chip is faulty.
11 short Pardon chipset.
12 short Pardon of the register of life management in independent memory.
1 long DMA controller pardon 0. Faulty DMA controller chip for channel 0.
1 long 1 short Pardon of the DMA controller 1. Faulty chip of the DMA controller for channel 1.
1 long 2 short A pardon for the cessation of the reversal of the staffing process. Possibly a faulty video adapter.
1 long 3 short Pardon in video memory. The memory of the video adapter is faulty.
1 long 4 short Pardon videoadapter. Invalid video adapter.
1 long 5 short Remembrance Pardon 64K.
1 long 6 short Not far away zavantazhiti vectori revise. BIOS not able to capture vectors and reset to memory
1 long 7 short Impossible to initialize video control.
1 long 8 short Pardon video memory.

The Phoenix BIOS beeps are composed of a series of short beeps that follow a given interval. For example, a signal with the code 1-2-3 sounds like this: one short beep, pause, two short beeps, pause, three short beeps.


Meaning (decryption)

Pardon when reading data from the chip in the CMOS memory

Pardoning the checksum of the CMOS chip

Pardon on the system board

Pardon of the DMA controller of the system board

Pardon for reading or recording data in one of the DMA channels

Pardon in operational memory

Forgiveness of the first 64 Kbytes of the main memory

Pardon system payment

Pardon for testing operational memory

vіd 2-1-1 to 2-4-4

Pardon one of the battles of the first 64 Kbytes of operative memory

Pardon in the first DMA channel

Pardon in another DMA channel

Pardon during obrobtsi pererivani

Pardon controller interrupt the mother's pay

Keyboard controller pardon

Pardon videoadapter

Pardon when testing video memory

Pardon when asking for video memory

Pardon system timer

completed testing

Keyboard controller pardon

Pardon of the central processor

Pardon for testing operational memory

Pardon system timer

Pardon of the real hour

Pardon of the successive port

Pardon parallel to the port

Pardon of a mathematical spivprocessor

Pardon in the robotic adapters that can fix the BIOS

Pardon for the BIOS checksum

Pardon in robotic operational memory

Keyboard controller pardon

Pardons during testing of operational memory

Pardon for non-transferring interruptions

Sequence of sound signals, description of pardons without tables:

1-1-2 Pardon during processor test. The processor is faulty. replace processor
1-1-3 Pardon write/read data to/from CMOS memory.
1-1-4 A pardon was issued when checking the checksum instead of the BIOS.
1-2-1 Pardon for the initialization of the mother's payment.
1-2-2 or 1-2-3 DMA controller initialization pardon.
1-3-1 Pardoning the initialization of the RAM regeneration scheme.
1-3-3 or 1-3-4 Pardon initialization of the first 64 Kbytes of operative memory.
1-4-1 Pardon for the initialization of the mother's payment.
1-4-2 Pardon for the initialization of operational memory.
1-4-3 System timer initialization pardon.
1-4-4 Pardon for writing / reading to / from one of the input / output ports.
2-1-1 A pardon occurred when reading / writing the 0th bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-1-2 A pardon was issued when reading / writing the 1st bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-1-3 A pardon was issued when reading / writing the 2nd bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-1-4 A pardon was issued when reading / writing the 3rd bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-2-1 A pardon was issued when reading / writing the 4th bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-2-2 A pardon was issued when reading / writing the 5th bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-2-3 A pardon was issued when reading / writing the 6th bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-2-4 A pardon was issued when reading / writing the 7th bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-3-1 A pardon was issued when reading / writing the 8th bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-3-2 A pardon was issued when reading / writing the 9th bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-3-3 A pardon was issued when reading / writing the 10th bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-3-4 A pardon was issued when reading / writing the 11th bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-4-1 A pardon was detected when reading / writing the 12th bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-4-2 A pardon was issued when reading / writing the 13th bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-4-3 A pardon was issued when reading / writing the 14th bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-4-4 A pardon was issued when reading / writing the 15th bit (in the sixteenth representation) of the first 64 KB of RAM
3-1-1 Pardon initiating another DMA channel.
3-1-2 or 3-1-4 Pardon initial DMA channel.
3-2-4 Pardon for keyboard controller initialization.
3-3-4 Pardon for the initialization of video memory.
3-4-1 Winickly serious problems when trying to get to the monitor.
3-4-2 Unable to initialize video card BIOS.
4-2-1 System timer initialization pardon.
4-2-2 Test completed.
4-2-3 Keyboard controller initialization pardon.
4-2-4 Critical pardon when the central processor switches to stealth mode.
4-3-1 Pardon for initialization of operational memory.
4-3-2 First timer initialization pardon.
4-3-3 Pardon the initialization of another timer.
4-4-1 Pardon of the initialization of one of the last ports.
4-4-2 Pardon for the initialization of the parallel port.
4-4-3 Pardoning the initialization of the mathematical spivprocessor.
Long, uninterrupted signals - the motherboard is faulty.
The sound of a lilac from a high to a low frequency - the video card is wrong, check the electrical capacities, for a turn, or replace everything with a new one, with a reference.
Uninterrupted signal - not connecting (faulty) CPU cooler.

In contact with

Have a nice day. Today we'll talk about those who beep computer i, what are the signals BIOS(Ale, tse rob yourself wine) serve you.

Wanting to start varto bulo b tsiu statyu іnakshe.

Evil power engineers turned on the light, and when the computer was turned on, it became unreasonably short squeaking and pracsyuvatisya? Brother shoving the system unit, why does the rest see one long wind and does not turn on? Computer squeaking in such a way that everyone in the neighborhood is scared?

Can you let in the chains for energy and lift your brother by the legs to the stele, but how do you know what happened to the computer and what does the squeaking itself mean?

This material is just assignments to sound signals (or their presence) of a computer, and their decryption itself.

Let's get started.

BIOS Signals - Enter

Let's find out why the computer beeps and what's up with it

The signals are different depending on the type of BIOS, which bag is on your motherboard. You can recognize yoga in the BIOS itself (button DEL at the earliest stage of computer capture).

How Approximately Looks Like That Other BIOS You can look at the BIOS. All the modern motherboards seem to have switched to UEFI a long time ago, but the essence of the matter has not changed much.

Vtim, let's get to the point.

Award BIOS - squeak computer - decryption

The minimum list is something like this:

  • Uninterrupted signal - wrong. Need a replacement.
  • 1 short beep - Pardons were not shown. Typical behavior of the right computer - the computer starts up normally.
  • 2 short beeps- Insignificant pardons were made. On the screen of the monitor there is a proposition to go to the CMOS Setup Utility program to correct the situation. Reverse the superficiality of the fastening of the trains in roses and.
  • 3 long signals- Pardon of the keyboard controller. Reboot the computer. You may need to replace the motherboard.
  • 1 long + 1 short signal- Identified problems with. Check the correct installation of the memory modules. Or replace it with other memory modules.
  • - Problem z - the most common inaccuracy occurs. It is recommended to remove the board and reinsert it. Also, reverse the connection to the video card.
  • - Pardon the initialization of the keyboard. Flip the keyboard with a rose on the motherboard.
  • 1 long + 9 short beeps- Pardon when reading data from microcircuits of permanent memory. See either the computer or reflash the microcircuits (this is how this mode is supported).
  • 1 long repeating signal- Incorrectly installed memory modules. Try twisting and inserting them again.
  • 1 short beep is repeated- Problems with the life block. Try to clean up accumulated in new saws.

AMI BIOS - beep computer - decryption

What's up to what and how:

  • 1 short beep- No pardons were made. The computer is ready to work.
  • 2 short beeps- Pardoning parnosti operative memory. Reboot the computer. Reverse the installation of memory modules. You may need to replace the memory modules.
  • 3 short beeps- Pardon while working main memory (first 64 KB). Reboot the computer. Reverse the installation of memory modules in the slots. You may need to replace the memory modules.
  • 4 short beeps- Faulty system timer. Might be necessary to replace the mother's payment.
  • 5 short beeps- Wrong. You may need to replace the processor.
  • 6 short beeps- Faulty keyboard controller. Flip it over like the rest of the pink rose on the motherboard. Try replacing the keyboard. Even if it did not help, it is possible to replace the motherboard.
  • 7 short beeps- Faulty motherboard.
  • 8 short beeps- Problems with the video card.
  • 9 short beeps- Pardoning the checksum in the BIOS microchip. On the screen of the monitor, you may see some additional information. It is necessary either to replace the microcircuit, or to overwrite it instead (for example, Flash-memory).
  • 10 short - Can't write to CMOS memory. You need to replace the CMOS chip or the motherboard.
  • 11 short beeps- Bad cache name. You need to replace the cache memory modules.
  • 1 long + 2 short beeps
  • 1 long + 3 short beeps- Wrong video card. Reverse the installed monitor with a rose on the video card. You may need to replace the video card.
  • 1 long + 8 short beeps- Problems with the video card, otherwise the monitor is not connected. Reverse the installation of video payment in the expansion slot again.

Let's move on to the phoenix and yogo signals.

Phoenix BIOS and AMI BIOS - squeak computer - decryption

Phonenix BIOS hackers have upgraded their system to check signals.

  • 1-1-3 signal - Pardon writing / reading CMOS data. You need to replace the CMOS memory chip or the motherboard. So, it is possible that the battery is discharged, so that the CMOS-memory chip is alive.
  • 1-1-4 signal - Pardoning the checksum in place of the BIOS chip. You need to change the BIOS chip or flashing (with different Flash-memory).
  • 1-2-1 signal - Faulty motherboard. Turn off the computer for one hour. If not help, then replace the motherboard.
  • 1-2-2 signal - DMA controller initialization pardon. Might be necessary to replace the mother's payment.
  • 1-2-3 signal - Pardon when trying to read / write to one of the DMA channels. Might be necessary to replace the mother's payment.
  • 1-3-1 signal - Problem with operational memory. Replace memory modules.
  • 1-3-3 signal - Pardon when testing the first 64 Kbytes of RAM. Replace memory modules.
  • 1-3-4 signal - Pardon when testing the first 64 Kbytes of RAM. Replace memory modules.
  • 1-4-1 signal - Faulty motherboard. It may be necessary to replace it.
  • 1-4-2 signal - Problem with operational memory. Reverse the installation of memory modules in the slots.
  • 1-4-3 signal - Pardon the system timer. Might be necessary to replace the mother's payment.
  • 1-4-4 signal - Pardon the call to the input / output port. A pardon was given to the mayor of the viklikana by the peripheral outbuildings, which vikoristovuyut a port for their work.
  • 3-1-1 signal - Pardon initialization of another DMA channel. Might be necessary to replace the mother's payment.
  • 3-1-2 signal - Pardon initialization of the first DMA channel. Might be necessary to replace the mother's payment.
  • 3-1-4 signal - Faulty motherboard. Turn off the computer for one hour. If it does not help, then you will have to replace the motherboard.
  • 3-2-4 signal - Pardon of the keyboard controller. Might be necessary to replace the mother's payment.
  • 3-3-4 signal - Pardon when testing video memory. Possibly, the video card itself is faulty. Reverse the video payment setting in the expansion slot.
  • 4-2-1 signal - Pardon the system timer. Might be necessary to replace the mother's payment.
  • 4-2-3 signal - Pardon at the robotic line A20. Faulty keyboard controller. Try replacing the motherboard or keyboard controller.
  • 4-2-4 signal - Pardon when the robot is in the protected mode. Possibly a faulty CPU.
  • 4-3-1 signal - Pardon during testing of operational memory. Reverse the installation of modules in the slots. You may need to replace the memory modules.
  • 4-3-4 signal - Pardon for a real hour. Might be necessary to replace the mother's payment.
  • 4-4-1 signal - Pardon for testing the next port. Maybe we’ll build a viklikana, so we can win the last port for our work.
  • 4-4-2 signal - Pardon test parallel to the port. Maybe we'll add a viklican to get a parallel port for our robots.
  • 4-4-3 signal - Pardon when testing a mathematical processor. Might be necessary to replace the mother's payment.

Here is such a great list of viishovs. Look at the type of BIOS "or you can in the BIOS itself.

The BIOS signaling system is still a good thing from the point of view of computer diagnostics. And may be, if nothing appears on the screen due to the number and type of signals of the system speaker (be aware, obviously, what are the connections) you can determine why the problem is and start digging.

What does 1 long 2 short beeps mean when starting the computer?

Also, if your computer does not display an image on the monitor when it is turned on, and the system unit beeps one long and two short beeps, it means that the problem is mostly in the video card or in roses on the motherboard.

The problem may be in the operative memory earlier in the fallacy of the BIOS compiler.

Also, in case of failures, if the motherboard did not support the BIOS installations in it, the processor and signaled all the necessary sequence of signals.

Problem Solving

First of all, why should we begin to eliminate the problem of fixing and reversing the installation of a video card from the її slot with wipes Sterk contacts on it.

Installing the removal of the video card to solve the problem of one short and two long beeps in the BIOS when the computer is turned on

Well, if you don’t have a proper video card installed, but you’ve got it installed, then try to install a new one, taking it from someone in advance - never be. It is not turned on, that the video card was installed, it was out of order.

Don't forget to visually inspect the motherboard for swollen capacitors. If there is a stink, then more for all the stench they will be blamed.

Cause 1 long 2 short bios beeps - swollen motherboard capacitors

Dali, what needs to be done to fix the problem 1 long and 2 short beeps when starting the computer, it won't turn on and put the RAM back in. Moreover, since the planks of the memory of the kіlka, it is worth trying the leather from them in other slots. With this, on the skin plane of memory, it is also possible to wipe the contacts with a great clerical eraser.

Three possible reasons for this sequence of signals - operational memory

If you can feel the combination after all the above descriptions, it happened right after the installation of a new processor or the selection of a new computer, then it’s even more likely that the problem is in the inconsistency of the processor, the video card or the memory of the motherboard. To check it, you need to go to the official website of the list of your motherboard and look at the list of processor and RAM memory.

Nothing said above helped to write your problem in the comments.