How to see text in bold, italics, or under arrows

I. Krainsky

Word 2007. Popular self-reader


Microsoft Word Today it is the most popular program for working with text. Its popularity can be explained by the fact that it has a well-thought-out architecture, a wide range of capabilities and is obviously easy to master. This is suitable both for typing and displaying text on hand, and for complex tasks, for example, arranging text in small formats, inserting a table.

The book you hold in your hands will help you understand the intricacies of the newest version of the popular text editor– Microsoft Word 2007. With this help, you will learn how to figure out different complexities and learn about new techniques of work.

Book structure

The book consists of 11 sections. The skin chapter is assigned to a specific task and the skin instructions are best suited. Therefore, we have begun to repeat the applications described in the book, which allows us to consolidate the theoretical material. Great respect is given to the adjustment of Microsoft Word, core functions, which are located in the numerical menus of programs and are not always obvious to the user.

It is better to start with the first section of the book, since the publication of the material was inspired by the principle “from simple to complex.” Therefore, having opened the picture in the middle, you may, for example, not understand the meaning of this and that other term with which the authors freely operate, knowing that this material has already been covered. On the other hand, you will be able to return to the section in which respect was given to the material that is not clear to you.

The book is adapted to an independent format and, in addition to the reporting descriptions, contains a large number of illustrations, as well as explanations and illustrations.

The first section of installation assignments to the package Microsoft Office, zokrema programs Word. It is necessary to gain respect for this topic, because it is necessary to correctly install the program and the necessary intellectual success in working with it. A program as complex as Microsoft Word has a large number of components, and if you discover during the process that none of them are needed, you can install more in order to work with the program as efficiently as possible.

In the first section you will also find basic information about the Word interface and how to set it up.

Chapters 2–4 cover the basics of working with documents. Having followed them, you will learn how to quickly complete the basic operations with text, enter and edit data, and give documents a neat appearance with proper formatting.

Sections 5–8 have special respect Microsoft's capabilities Word. They have been told how to work with the tables, graphic elements, overpowering. These chapters, in addition to the first few, are not subject to obligatory vaccination. Descriptions of the possibilities required before completing specific tasks. You can independently decide for yourself that you can clearly understand these topics, but it’s enough just to get to know them at first glance.

Section 9 is dedicated to macros, which are an advanced way of automating work in Microsoft Word, which, when mastered, will help you work in the program more effectively and feel like a true professional.

Section 10 deals with the preparation of documents beforehand and their distribution. Once you have completed this, you will learn not only to process documents on the monitor screen, but also to display them on other computers. The documents you have created will not need to be repeated again due to the inability to read the text or numerical data, even if you find out how difficult it is to reach the required position of the document on the paper.

Section 11 describes the advanced Microsoft Word system and points to problems that often plague Word users.

Who is the book insured for?

The book is insured in advance for those who are aware of the work in the Windows operating system and the basic applications, but who are not yet familiar with the Microsoft Word program. I will become your faithful assistant in learning programs and will allow you to take a new course in Word, starting to understand the basics and completing complex tasks. For the most effective mastery of the material, it is recommended to work through the book sequentially, from the first section to the last, and always finish everything to the right. The skin on the right helps to put on new habits, as well as to strengthen the edges.

At the same time, the book will be useful for those computer scientists who are already familiar with Microsoft Office and the Word program, but would like to lose their knowledge or learn a new version of the program. You can check out the theoretical material and for the sake of the cinnamon and vikonuvati give such chitchas the right to do so unnecessarily.

Type of appearance

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Basics of Microsoft Word

1.1. Installed by Microsoft Word

Before you start working with the program, you need to install it. During the installation process, files are copied onto the computer that are necessary to run the correct robot programs, changes are made before system registry. If you remove the computer from your living room, then you can say that the installation means moving into a new place.

Companies that sell computers that are already installed software security You may have never encountered the need to install add-ons. Like the Microsoft Office package, and also Word program 2007, once installed on your computer, you can go to the next section, and only in the event that the program will need to be reinstalled for any reason or problems will arise in the work.


There are programs that do not require installation, but mostly small utilities, and not such heavy packages as Microsoft Office.

Installation of Microsoft Word, as well as many other programs, begins by running the setup.exe file. Extension EXE informs about those that the file is being compiled in order to place any program (at least the installation program). The name of the file (setup) is shifted from English language yak "installation". This file is located on the installation disk Microsoft files Office (call from the root father).


It is possible that this file does not need to be launched, because when the CD is loaded, autorun will start and the installation window will appear on the screen.

The most popular text editor is Microsoft Word. With this material you will learn how to create a new document, enter, edit and format text, create lists, create styles and much more.

This article reveals a whole series of initial materials, in addition to which you will learn to create clear text documents yourself popular supplement In this sphere – Microsoft Word (Word). The report here will be filled with a primitive message that readers who are already often familiar with this editor may initially notice. Well, believe me, and you, who have seen everything, will find useful information in this cycle.

Microsoft Word is a text editor (processor) that serves for creating professional documents. The name Word was not chosen casually; even when translated from English it means “Word”.

Due to the fact that Word has advanced text formatting capabilities, with its help you can easily create documents of any complexity and organize them. In addition, for the reduction of difficult editing and changes, this program will provide a convenient middle ground for the continuous work of many correspondents on one document.

In the first part of the series of basic Word materials, you will learn to create a new document, enter and edit text, and learn about some basic types of formatting. Here we need to get acquainted with the newfangled line editor interface. We will also look at creating labeled and unlabeled lists, changing document fields, and much more.


When you open Word, two main parts are displayed in the program window: a line of paper that has been edited to size (the small one below is visible in red) and an empty document that takes up almost the entire program window.

The page includes a set of buttons and commands that help you perform various actions on the document and together (for example, changing the size of text or something else). The document window itself looks like a standard white paper flap and is used for entering any test information.

There is also a menu above the evil page Swedish launch, in the middle is the name of the document, and at the top right corner there are buttons to close, resize and close program windows.

With the document now open, move the cursor near the top left corner of the page so that there is a small, flickering vertical line. This characteristic indicates that, starting from this place, the characters you enter will appear.


Once you open the program, simply open your text and enter the words you entered, the words and words will begin to appear on the page of the document. To start working on the same side, or a row below, you must press the Enter key. The number of times you press Enter indicates the number of missing rows. When you enter text, the cursor moves step by step with your right hand. When you reach the end of the row, simply continue to enter the letters. The symbols at the insertion point will be automatically transferred to the next row.

If you need to print a new paragraph, press the Enter key. As a result, the cursor will automatically appear on the head of the new row. If you need to create a little more spacing between paragraphs, press the Enter key again before starting to introduce a new paragraph.

If you need to correct the marking in the overhand text, just place the right-hand cursor under the unnecessary letter and press the Backspace key. When you do this, the cursor will display a symbol that stands out as evil. If you need to erase an entire word, press the indicated key as many times as possible until you don’t recognize the word. Another option for clearing: place the cursor on the beginning of the word, then press the Del key as many times as necessary.

Practice the basics of entering and editing the text by typing a few paragraphs, or use the option of pronunciation by us.


When you enter text, the Word editor will alert you to the presence of grammatical or spelling errors, audible in their wiggles of green or red lines. The green arm indicates those who need to check the grammar, and the red indicates possible spelling corrections or those that the word (for example, the power of the word) geographical names) is not recognized, so it is included in the dictionary of the Word editor.

What can you do with such armchairs? To do this, you need to move the mouse cursor over the word under the chair and press its right button. As a result, there will be little benefit from the proposed correction options. Select the required word and press the left mouse button. The word will be replaced, and the symbol will be removed. If the word is not recognized, Word does not reproduce the same variants. With respect to those who do not correct such armchairs, they will be visible on the over-handed sides of the document.

Similar actions can be performed in addition to the green color. Please note that Word recognizes spelling mistakes well, most of which you can simply correct and find out on your own grammatical pardons And the words used are more complex. If you care that you are typing and Word is presenting incorrect options, simply skip the correction by selecting the option from the menu that clicks right buttons Misha, and the armchair will be visible.

If you don’t care to stress your respect on your skin, you can ignore them while typing, and after completing the entry, check the spelling and grammar of each document. For whom, open the tab Review to the animal on the page and select the item Spelling at the group Spelling.

If the work with this page calls out to you for food, turn back to this point later, for a description of the work with it a little below.


In order to do anything with the text of a document, you need to see it, and then enter the required command to the visible area. To see the word as a whole or the user, it is enough to click on the mouse again, after which the area will be highlighted in blue.

To get a good look at the text, you can speed it up in two ways. At the first step, place the blinking cursor on the head of the fragment that you need to see. Then press the Shift key and, without releasing them, click on the ends of the required fragment. Once selected, the required text will appear with a blue background to indicate that it has been selected. Press the document to select your choice.

In another option, just place the quick cursor on the beginning of the fragment, then press the left mouse button and move the pointer to the end of the required fragment. After reaching the desired result, the button must be released.

If you need to see a number of fragments in different parts of the text, press the Ctrl key. See the first section of the text in any way, then press Ctrl and, without releasing it, see the next section, after which the key can be released. If you need to see another fragment, press the Ctrl key again and continue.

Shaping the text

What would you like to turn your respect up to? important information For example, you can make the text bold, italic or underlined. Ale tse drіbnitsi. You can change its size, style, color, background and set to a new animation element. And this is not the full range of possibilities that Word gives to writers when working with text.

Now it’s time to figure out the line (string interface) that was found on the very beginning of the article, and find out how you can use it.

On the top of the working window there is a number of tabs. The skin should be filled with the necessary set of actions. We need to select a friend tab - Golovna(if it is not selected, you need to click on it with the left mouse button).

The skin tab contains several groups with commands to combine several elements. On deposit Golovna find a group Font(the name of the group is found in the bottom row of the line). This group has a number of commands and buttons that allow you to add changes to the text.

In our option, you can see a sufficient portion of the text or the word, then press the corresponding buttons in the group to change your image.

As you can see from the baby, after pressing the button Napivzhirny, see the text by changing your image. And now let's kidnap him and give him a boost by pressing the buttons Italicsі Armchairs.

Whose armchairs may be the most significant ones, and the flailing ones, the dotted ones, the sublime ones, etc. Use the right-handed button to view the entire list of possible options.

From the example you can see that you can stack a number of views and format them down to one visible fragment.

Like you, melodiously, have already noted, the crowd Font There are a lot of different brown buttons that give you the opportunity to change the type and color of the font, its size, position the font or change it to superordinate and subordinate characters, add animation or background. See any fragment of the text and try to format it yourself to the fullest extent possible by pressing the corresponding buttons.


The method described in the previous section for making changes is handy especially in cases where you need to change the format of more than a few characters, words or words. To maintain multiple types of formatting, the entire document is recognized styles.

Various types of styles are available on the tab Golovna at the group Styles. You can choose any style to automatically change the font, text size, attributes and paragraph formatting. For example, you can instantly change the name of the font, make the text larger and add bold formatting.

Apparently, from the little one, after choosing a style under the name Heading 1, our first paragraph turned into a heading (the size of the font increased, the color changed).

To experiment, on the deposit Golovna at the group Styles Hover your mouse over different styles. In this way, you can make changes to the document if you want to decide on any option. To completely set the style, simply click on the new left mouse button. To view other styles, you can open the collection by clicking the button in the lower right corner of the block with the arrow Others.


If you need to create a list for a document, you can also earn it by investing Golovna at the group Paragraph(as is known as a right-handed person in the group Font).

Let's practice. First of all, separate the text that will be converted into a list in separate paragraphs using the Enter key. In this case, there can be either words or sentences for the purpose.

In our application, we decided to format the remaining paragraph as a list.

Now you can see the text that needs to be converted to a list. In the paragraph group press the button Markeri. The text will be converted to a marking list. Without seeing anything in the list, press the button Numbering Create a numbered list.


Side margins are empty space at their edges. For hemming, the width of the fields at the top, bottom, left-hand and right-hand sides should be set to 2 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm and 1.5 cm accordingly. This is the widest width of the fields, as a large number of documents are often analyzed. If you need fields of a different size, you need to know how to change them. Fields of other sizes can be manually adjusted, for example, when creating short sheets, recipes, requests or completions.

To change the size of the fields, the stitch will also freeze. Please use the vikorist tab just once Layout of the page. First you need to click on it to select, and then from the group Side parameters vibrate point Fields. You will see images (icons) of fields and their dimensions.

The first value of the list is the field Zvichaine yak actively Danish moment. To create any fields, you need to press the button Vuzke. If you need to make the left and right fields significantly wider, click the button Widely. When you select a field type, the fields will be automatically saved to the entire document.

When you select fields, the background color of their icons will change. When you press the button again fields, However, by changing the background color you can determine the size of the insertion fields.


To avoid wasting your savings on your work, you need to save them, and earn them sooner rather than later. To do this, open the first tab on the page File. There is a great window called Backstage, in which you can carry out various operations, for example, save, recover, etc.

In the left area of ​​the window, select the item Save. Show up again smaller size. In whose window you need to indicate where you need to save the document on your computer, and also in what way. After saving the document, continue working by saving it periodically. You can also save your document at any time by pressing the Ctrl+S keys.

If the document is already ready to be sent to your friend, open the tab again File. In the left area of ​​the menu, select a command signet. It’s great to show up when you need to press into a row signet. Of course, first of all, the connection to the computer is due to the connection between a printer, another, or an MFP. As in many other cases, you can output a document to another user using hot keys - in this case, the corresponding key is Ctrl+P.

After that, as work over text document completed and the document is saved, close the file. For whom, open the tab File and press near the left area Shut up.

To find out the document after it was closed, look at the list Remaining documents. Click on the document in the list and it will open.

To complete the work in Word, use the tab File pick a team Vikhid at the very bottom of the menu, or simply click on the cross at the top right corner of the program window.


With this, let me conclude the first part of the initial materials dedicated to the most popular text editor, Microsoft Word.

To consolidate the learned knowledge, practice the learned knowledge easily by independently typing a number of short texts and completing various formatting elements.

In the next part we will learn how to revise and insert fragments of text, change interrow interval, work on verification, change formatting marks and much more.

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