How to know, de screenshots. Where are Windows screenshots saved? How to practice the function and її analogues

A screenshot is a screenshot of the screen, which is the same image, as it is to keep a short distance for a given moment. - river is indispensable, for example, if it is necessary to save the pardon code, which will be displayed on the screen. Good, tell me, the screenshot is broken. Only how do you know now?

As you know, to get a screenshot on the screen of a computer or a laptop, you need to press the button Print Screen or PrtScn.

You can sing so well. Show up all the time for a joke, for the vikonati to poke. Now just wrap your favorite trellises. Now you can restart, lock the screen or log out of the system to work new screen entry to the system. Did you find the icon for the desktop context menu? Shvidshe didn’t care about everything for you.

Method 1. Create a screen icon for additional keys on the keyboard

Now open the Start menu or context menu, as you would like to take a snapshot. Save the sign and save it! Choose the way you want to capture the screen image, then click just a little. The entire screen will be captured and copied to the clipboard. The picture will be copied to the clipboard.

Mustache? Ah, yakby everything was so simple. You have saved the screen icon, only for now you can find it in , and in order to display the image on the screen, you need to speed it up with a graphic editor. I recommend Paint - a simple editor, whatever Windows versions including XP, Vista, 7.8, 10 etc.

Method 2

Vіdkryte software security for editing. Rectangular snip: select the area of ​​the screen, as required. You will need to specify the name and type of the image file. Take screenshots - popular past. As you create technical documents for training, knowing that how to make screenshots is an important part of your work. Important value may also be a screenshot.

How to practice the function and її analogues

As you create a help from the program, or as a twist on this function, you can organize your content, and then create screenshots later, or else don’t go further and start taking screenshots directly at once. Since you took the picture of the screen, you need to save it and save it.

To launch Paint, click on the "Start" button, go to "All Programs" - "Accessories" - Paint.

After that, as Paint opened up, press the CTRL + V keys, after which a screenshot will appear in front of you.

Saving the image suggests low options depending on what you plan to use to bury the screen. How can you look at the screen shot that you have pointed to, the list of formats will ensure different results in the fallowness of the bagan. As a matter of fact, the throughput of buildings and expansion is a priority, especially when overpowered by electronic images. As if only a picture of the screen will be saved, you can twist and manipulate it, as if it were another image, whether it be e-mail, spilne vikoristannya chi included before the document.

What do you need? You either view the necessary fragment from the screen you have broken, or you save it in its original appearance. For whom, select "Save yak ..." from the menu.

Save the file from the most convenient format for you and the one you need.

The sign of the vikna. If you want to add a character to the screen, you will need to add an additional keyboard command to the screen to another. This command tells the computer to simply call the icon on the screen. Navіt yakscho on the screen є kіlka vіkon i need more active vikno. There is only one problem with screenshots. Inclusion of screenshots to other programs.

Vykoristannya vіdrіznogo іnstrumentu for svydkogo znyattya screenshots. This means that you can create a screen image for a single element of the screen, whether it is a working steel or an active window. Tse show additional options, if such options are included.

What happens quietly vipadkіv, if there are about screenshots in programs or games, then the stench is saved in the folder with the program. For example, in Perfect World, screenshots are saved in the folder Perfect World\Element\Screenshots. Zrozumіlo, stinks are saved automatically, so wink graphic editor you need some help for reviewing the screenshot.

Choose a window, for example, a browser window or a dialogue window, if you want to enter. Povnoekranny SNIP.

  • Paint the shape of a free form of a dovkol object.
  • Rectangular snip.
  • Drag the cursor near the object to form a rectangle.
Use the pen tool to create annotations, or the vision tool to create an accent all at once from the possibility of a mitt of your image. On the "Insert" tab in the "Illustrations" group, the "Screen Snapshot" button allows you to insert an image of the program, so that it does not start up to the minimum.

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Kozhen koristuvach wanting once in life standing in front of the necessary screen sign, but not knowing how to fight.

І through this lot someone takes a camera and tries to fix those that are seen on the monitor. At 100 vipadkah 100 tse looked gloomy, especially that the camera and the monitor were saved for more hours of dial-up.

Where are the screen shots saved?

Regardless of what you do, hoarding screenshots is absolutely important. The simplest way to take away the information that you have accumulated without the need to re-create the information. If the parameters are available to you, log in to the operating system of your add-on. There may also be a sticker on your add-on that indicates the name of your operating system. It is obvious that the mothers on the screen are friendly.

Open the "Start" menu or "Start" by pressing the "Open" button on the keyboard. You can view the image of the entire screen, everything that is displayed only in the window and in the selected rectangle. More work desks have appeared, and we have laptops. Koristuvach tsikh outbuildings can not lie in the keyboard. Your screen will be dimmed and the image of what is on your screen will be saved by your dad with the inscription "Screenshots under photos". However, there are new deeds. The new yarlik is supposed to push the button of life and the button of change of density at once.

How to get a screenshot?

Unfortunately operating system windows, on a linux window, does not transfer the ability to save and save the screen image. To that it is possible to carry out a sprat of clumsy machinations. For the cob it is necessary to know and press the key “ printscreen |SysRq". Let everything that was on the monitor be saved to the exchange buffer.

Vykorist hotkey "Screen to friend"

Your screen will dim for a pivsec, then turn back to normal brightness. Open the folder. The screen will be written to the clipboard. Let's do all the necessary changes and save the screenshot of the file. As soon as you press, only the active window in the foreground will be written to the clipboard, and not the entire screen. Vіn buv creations especially for taking screenshots.

You can create more types of screenshots - view, control the area or the entire screen. For help tsієї secret hot keys you can click on the menu. Knowing how to make a picture of the screen of your computer is already bad. Explore the scenarios in which you would like to take a screenshot and correct it. In this rank, in these types of scenarios, it’s nobility, like a screen sign.

Let's go to any graphic editor (paint, adobe photoshop or type word) press the key combination " ctrl+v» or click right button mouse in context menu select item " Paste».

If so, you can edit the image, or save it right away. If you have not changed anything, then hurry up with the keys. ctrl +s» or go to the menu « File» ta choose « save» or « Save like...". Enter a name and enter a route.

Screenshot from the keyboard

You can add a symbol from the keyboard. The simplest and the most efficient way Take a picture of the screen. Vin may buti at the upper right corner of the keyboard.

Streaming screen icon

Take just one screen shot. Ale, the screenshot is not taken. The wine is copied from the memory of the computer, but not saved from the viewing image.

Screenshot behind the help tool

  • Now your farbi addendum can be cleared up.
  • Choose a place of recognition in which it is necessary to save the file.
  • Give the file a name and choose Save.
You can view your screen image. For some reason, your keyboard does not work, or the screen keys do not work on the keyboard, or the key does not work, you can play other instruments to make the screen sign appear.

If you did everything correctly, then in the world, if you remember, a screenshot will appear:

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You can select a new snapshot to automatically create a screenshot over screen mode. The remaining option is a costless sign, which simply means that you can create a screen image in whatever form you want. colo, zirka shape, rectangle, square, vipad shape, etc.

  • Everything that comes to this square will be taken on screen.
  • Let go of the left button of the mouse to make a screen capture.
  • Show new vikna іz your screenshot.
You can repeat the hover more if you want to capture the screen shot.

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Screenshots for stuck-out coristuvachs

Tse pratsyuє have more vipadkіv, if the problem is blamed through systemic corruption. Why finish the swedish transition earlier versions. Note. Here you can change the rozmir, vikoristovuyuchi vіdsotok or pikseli. I bet you deserved this article, the one who loves cookies! Now for the offensive screenshot from the front again! Who else would like to link screens? Sound relevant only more precisely vikno. Install the program and accept the adjustment for the promotion. Configuration: it would have been too bright, yakbi z tsієї mitі skin copy jumped b.