Are you ready to change the dark design of "Explorer"? Microsoft seems so

Windows 10 Insider Preview build 17666 - a build of Redstone 5, which is available for members of the Windows Insider program with priority for the "Early Access" update and for those who select the Skip Ahead option.

This folding will be carried out until the galus of growth RS_PRERELEASE of the coming great Windows Update 10, which spring (spring-yawn) 2018 will dawn.

New in Windows 10 build 17666 (Redstone 5)

Transfer of changes is being prepared

  • Fluent Design: Acrylic effect on the window title row.
  • Now at pressed Alt+ Tab shows recent events Microsoft tabs Edge. If you use Alt + Tab to quickly switch between tabs, the results will now include all your recent tabs Microsoft Edge, and not too active. You can customize the display in the menu Options > System > Rich Tasks > Sets by selecting the value “When you press the ALT + TAB keys, recently selected elements are displayed.”
  • Setting up the transition: in the menu Settings > System > Multitasking > Sets can be selected, programs and websites can be automatically opened in a new tab (after installation) or in a new window.
  • The ability to enable audio on a tab using a special icon, like in Microsoft Edge.
  • Now the tabs will be revived with the greatest productivity - the stinks will appear in background mode And you won’t browse resources, docks, and you won’t go to the tab. This means that you can update a number of tabs without any problems with Widcode.

When you press Win + V you will get sick new interface clipboard. For whom should I press this option? Save a few elements in the menu Settings > System >

In addition, you can paste items from your clipboard history, and you can attach objects that you frequently browse. Clipboard history uses the same advanced technologies for data transfer that the “Time Scale” function does, which means you can deny access to your clipboard on any PC using the additional Windows installation fee. 10 more. For whom should I press this option? Synchronization between devices.

Note: text that is transferred to the clipboard is limited to clipboard sizes less than 100 kb. Currently, the clipboard history supports simple text, HTML and images less than 1 MB.

Windows Explorer has turned dark those Windows 10, which can be accessed in the Settings > Personalization > Colors menu.

As it was announced at Microsoft Build 2018, I will translate it in advance Windows rows(CRLF), starting from the current folding Notepad in Windows 10 now supports the reordering of Unix/Linux (LF) and Macintosh (CR) rows. This is to allow writers and retailers to copy text from other platforms, preserving the output formatting.

Other colors

  • Search Bing for help in Notepad. The “Search with Bing...” option is available in the Edit menu or context menu when you see the text right button mice, and you can also search by clicking CTRL+B.
  • Look again and find out. The support of supplements, documents, etc. has been expanded.
  • Possibility to set a name for a group of tiles in the Start menu
  • The Options menu displays the most common options that will lead to search results.

The latest list has been shortened, changed and the current benefits available in the official announcement on the Microsoft website.

Installation via Windows Update

Go to the menu Settings > Updates and security click Check availability of updates. To complete the installation, you need to restart your computer.

Adding dark themes to operating systems is a trend for the rest of the time. Microsoft has long introduced a dark theme for programs into the Windows 10 operating system. Later, developers decided to continue and implement a dark theme for all system elements, including the Explorer. Activating dark themes in Windows 10 radically changes the way the system works and is good for computer users who work at the computer at night with the lights turned off.


How to turn dark explorer theme on Windows 10 through settings

All new options operating system Windows 10, which is covered by mass payment, Microsoft adds to the main list of parameters. There are a large number of options for personalization, so the ways to change them are as simple as possible.

To turn on the dark theme of Explorer through "Options", you need to click on the gear in the "Start" menu or run Windows settings using the additional key combination Win+I. Next, select the “Personalization” option from the available sections.

Go to the left side of the window to the “Colories” section. Here you need to set “Select program mode for washing” in the “Dark” option.

After this, restart your computer or else.

How to turn dark explorer theme on Windows 10 through the registry

The best way to enhance dark themes in Windows 10 is through the settings, which are even simpler. But not everyone can get along with it quickly. On the right is that Microsoft is blocking the customization of Windows personalization for users who have not activated their version of the operating system. These are the koristuvachs who have seized the license Windows version 10 from the Microsoft website, after which they installed it and did not pay. For such users, customization of personalization is closed, otherwise they do not care to enable the dark theme of the Explorer through the registry.

To activate the dark theme in Windows 10 through the registry, select the following:

  1. Launch Registry Editor. Yogo can be launched through search or by quickly using the regedit command in the "Viconati" row;
  2. Having opened the registry editor, follow the path:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Themes\ Personalize

Important: If your section does not have AppsUseLightTheme, you will need to create it. Why press the mouse with the right button? to the free place section, then select “Create” - “DWORD value (32 bits)”. Create a parameter under the name AppsUseLightTheme, and then set its value to “0”.

If the changes are not immediately correct, you will need to restart the explorer or restart your computer.

How to turn on high contrast mode in Windows 10

Another way to uniquely personalize Windows 10 is to turn on High Contrast mode. In Windows 10, there are 4 options, each of which is represented by the most contrasting colors, which may cause problems with the use of information.

There are two ways to turn up the high contrast mode:

Restore respect: When you enable high contrast mode, it is recommended to enable the dark theme. This is necessary so that as much as possible of the program is in dark colors for the promotional area. In addition, certain programs may require additional extensions. For example, when you activate the high contrast mode, the browser Google Chrome encourages the use of special extensions.

It's no secret that Dark Mode is very useful when working in low-light conditions. Operating systems, smartphones and simply popular programs already looming - dark topic or night mode, to help koristuvachs vikoristovat their devices, without straining their eyes in the minds of low light levels.

Windows 10 is not to blame and recently also gives users the ability to turn on dark mode; the dark theme is available not only for programs. The dark theme can be set to Windows Explorer.

Starting with Windows 10 version 1809 (New 2018 update), you can set the Dark theme for File Explorer. In short, it seems, now you can change the color of the conductor to black, without changing third party add-ons. For rich people, it would be bad if Microsoft promoted a dark gray color instead of in-line black.

The axis is how to turn on the black color for Explorer in Windows 10.

Note: To turn on dark mode for Explorer, you must use Windows 10 version 1809 or higher. To check the collection information, enter winver.exe Look for the Start menu and press the Enter key.

Krok 1. Open the program "Parameter" himself Swedish way press two Win keys+ I, or press the gear icon in the menu "Start".

Croc 2 Go to section "Personalization" → "Colories".

Croc 3 Scroll to the bottom and select program mode. "Dark" for getting ready. That's it!

It is your responsibility to enable the dark theme in “Settings” and “ Windows Explorer" You do not need to restart Explorer or your computer.

on Narazi There is no way to set dark mode until Explorer without changing the color of the program settings.

You should like a black theme for Windows 10 Explorer, share with us in the comments below.

Development of Redstone 5, a new update to Windows 10, which will be released this fall, may be completed and will be released soon tizhnіv Microsoft dedicate the victorious pardon.

One of the features of new versions The operating system has already mastered the dark theme for “Explorer”, but you can find out what it looks like right away by installing understandable version Windows 10 folded 17733 or newer.

Are you ready to change the dark design of "Explorer"? Microsoft seems so

The press release, issued shortly after the release of Windows 10 17733, says:

Today's development marks a turning point in what those who wanted to earn money, dismantling the renovation, have completed.

Microsoft confirms that the work on the dark theme of "Explorer" has reached the final stage and, starting with 17,733, we can study the residual result of this work.

At first glance, everything is in order.

Context menus are made darker.

The first "anomaly" appears when copying files and folders.

A similar problem can be encountered when changing the information about folders and files.

... or when a limited resource is added, and also at the same time to depict each other.

If you choose to open the file in a program that differs from the standard one, you will again make the design lighter rather than darker.

Some icons will also require updating: the obvious one is the Open button.

For the current version of Windows 10 Build 17738, the situation has not changed one iota. As of today it looks like this:

I think that the dark theme, then the Dark Theme, in Windows 10 is, first of all, the ability to make your computer a little more handy and less tedious in the dark.

Even the main “white” theme is that in Windows 10, according to the authors, the use of light gray shades gives the system a “professional and professional” look, Apparently, it is becoming very bright and , Especially if you work on your computer for a long time.

In recent years, manufacturers will begin to equip their laptops and tablets with special light sensors, which will automatically reduce the brightness of the displays and thus change the visibility of consumers.

Those who use desktop PCs are much more complex, since some of their computers are not equipped with such sensors. A “black theme” was invented for such hackers, as well as for all Windows hackers who don’t even like the color of the operating system.

Obviously, there is nothing supersensational in it. The new Dark Theme simply replaces the white and light gray colors of various elements of the system interface and other add-ons with dark gray and black. And how many given the decision effective for a lightly identified problem that is significant on an individual basis. Thankfully switch And not only on the “black theme” (and back, as it does not fit) can be done easily.

And we immediately know how to earn money. Otje:

Black theme in Windows 10 - how to turn it on
  • Open the menu “ Start ", embossed" Parameters » and at the window you click on « Personalization «;
  • menu " Personalization » as standard, open from the tab « Background ", there is no need to change anything in it, then open the tab " color "(at the column of evil);
  • Now scroll to the very bottom and in the “Select program mode” section the “Dark” option is activated.

After which your computer, after “thinking” about the change for a couple of seconds, switches the system to the “black theme”, and you will suddenly learn about changing the background color and fonts in the Adjust Color window.

Before speaking, as the main color Windows interface 10 It seems to you that we will clarify in advance, then in which window you can enable the option “ Automatic selection of head color and background“, and the system will automatically replace the current color with dark gray.

Varto also notes that the “black theme” in Windows 10 works only with these programs, adjusting the color in some ways before adjusting the operating system. All staff Windows programs 10 colors can be changed, including “Calendar”, “People”, “Movies and TV”, “Groove Music”, “Camera” and others. However, for example, the new MS Word Mobile still lacks “white”, so its dark color is not transferred to the interface.

How to turn off the “black theme” in Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome browsers

At Microsoft-ivsky Its own “black theme” is the same, but if you get stuck, you will need to adjust it manually. Try it like this:

  • launches Edge;
  • Open the browser menu (3 dots at the top right corner) and emboss “ Setting up «;
  • at the end " Parameters » we know the section « Select topics» and in the menu that appears below alternates with « Svitla" on " Dark «.

What's the fuss? , then the fact of inclusion is to blame Dark ones"Windows automatically powers up your dark theme. Finally, you will see the top right corner of the screen.

Windows 10 Explorer has a black theme - how to remove it

It’s still not entirely clear about him. It’s clear that it might be different. The theme is dark and the folder linings and panels obviously don’t fit together. You can also “over-farm” the conductor in black. To avoid this, you will need to turn on the high contrast mode.

For whom: embossed “Start” → “Settings” → “Personalization” → “Colories” , then find and click on the link "High contrast settings" , next year in the menu " Select topics» selectable « Contrasting black And “Accept” is embossed at the bottom of the window.

That's right, come on in. However, as I am inferior to others, this confirms the high readiness of the Windows 10 OS. Even though Microsoft is working on the design, it is hoped that “ Explorer“The distributors’ hands are still shaking. And perhaps, in one of the upcoming mega-updates among long-standing features, a new “black topic” for Explorer will appear.