How to open the Windows registry editor. How to open the Windows registry: all ways How to open the registry in 8

Registry - this is a large data base, in which all the parameters necessary for normal work operating system. You can look over її through the registry editor, which is є in Windows. You can enter it, be it a kind of coristuvach, as if it were an official record of the city with the rights of an administrator.

And you made some changes, or the computer went off on its own, for various reasons, or you accidentally pressed the wrong key and deleted the parameter or the whole registry key - then you can not be recognized on the computer's robot in the shortest rank.

And yet, as it happened, let's figure out how to find ways to update the registry of Windows 7 and Windows 8, for a normal robotic computer.

For additional backup

Yak Vee, singsongly, guessed that this way was not for everyone. As before, you did backup copies registry through "File" - "Export" - read further, but not - go to the offensive method.

Otzhe, you have a backup copy. Combination Win + R is pressing, it appears at the end of Vikonati. In the field "Vіdkriti" we write regedit and press "OK".

Guilty z'yavitisya vikno editor registry. For the new one, go to the “File” tab and select from the “Import” menu.

Check the explorer, find the backup copy created earlier and press “Vidkriti”.

Dock if the files are copied.

For help updating the system

The system can be updated by vicorist checkpoints of renewal. You could have done it earlier, if the system worked stably and everything ruled you. Otherwise, the stench could be created automatically by the system: when changes were made to the computer configuration, before installing the driver or otherwise.

Let's take a look at the back how to renew the register, how operating system get carried away. For Windows 7, go to "Start" - "Control panel".

Click here for us "Inspiration".

At the coming vіknі to press "Launching system update".

Now it is necessary to choose the point of departure. Like a dot dekіlka, and You doubt, marvel at the date of the creation of the dot - did your computer work normally in the number of numbers ?! - choose її. pushing "Search for a program", You may wonder if the programs will be removed as a result of the renewal. Press "Dali".

Confirmation of the system to the set by the camp, the onslaught of "Done".

All data, including the registry, will be indicative of that state, which was the same at the time of the creation of the return point.

If you have Windows 8 installed on your computer, read the article: Windows 8 restore point and system name. There you will be called by another part. It will be necessary for the viscounts to be the same, as they were described above.

How OS won't start

Update registry when the computer does not turn on you can. In the Windows 7 operating system, when the computer is busy, press the F8 button at intervals of 1 second. show up at the window "Additional options for investing". For someone else, for help, select the point "Computer Troubleshooting".

For the coming future, choose the language and press “Dali”.

Choose your physical record, In short, so that she had the rights of an administrator, and then enter a password, as well as the wine you have installed when entering the system, and press "OK".

Guilty to show up at the end, choose a new point "Innovation of the system".

Vіdkryєtsya vіkno vіdnovlennya, embossed in the new "Dalі" and repeating the sketches described in paragraph above.

If you have Windows 8 installed on your computer, then you can press F8 or Shift + F8 when you are interested, otherwise you are unlikely to see any additional options for getting interested. Best vikoristovuvat disk vodnovlennya system or exciting flash drive. You can create them on any other computer with Windows 8 installed.

Go to the prompt and read the article, how to innovate Windows 8. Everything is described in detail there. It is your fault to show up on the vіkno. Then let's go along the path: "Diagnostics" - "Innovation of the system", I choose a point of recovery.

Through the command line

On Windows, the files that are supposed to work with the registry are saved for the upcoming path: C: (letter of your system drive) / Windows / System32 / config. The RegBack folder is also located there, in which backup copies of all registry entries are saved. The stench is updated automatically by the system, in the fall, in the field, after 5-10 days.

We need to dig further: delete the files DEFAULT, SAM, SECURITY, SYSTEM, SOFTWARE, which are located in the config folder, and replace them with similar files from the RegBack folder.

In the operating system, it is not possible to do this, so it will be necessary to replace the files, which will also serve as a job. That is why it is necessary to speed up the additional parameters of the engagement, and open the command line.

For Windows 7, when the system is busy, press F8. Dali needed to visconate everything, as described in the paragraph above. Vіknі "System update parameters", Select item "Command Row". As a result, the command line will start with the name of the administrator.

In Windows 8, the command line can be opened with a victorious combination. This is reportedly written in the article: Windows 8 safe mode. Read the paragraph: go to careless mode for an additional combination of Shift + re-advantage. If you show up on the vіkno, choose "Command Row".

If the computer does not turn on, through the change in the registry, then read the paragraph: go into safe mode, fix the system update disk (you can create it on any computer with Windows 8 installed).

Otzhe, we launched the command row. Now we introduce it through the successor of the next command. At the end of the skin row, press "Enter". For the cob, let's create the badreg folder on system drive, In it, all the files of our non-working registry will be copied. Let's boldly remove the DEFAULT, SAM, SECURITY, SYSTEM, SOFTWARE files from the config folder, even if we have copies of them. І rest, copy backup copies from the regback folder to the config folder.

MD c:\badreg
copy c:\windows\system32\config\default c:\badreg
copy c:\windows\system32\config\sam c:\badreg
copy c:\windows\system32\config\system c:\badreg
copy c:\windows\system32\config\security c:\badreg
copy c:\windows\system32\config\software c:\badreg

delete c:\windows\system32\config\default
delete c:\windows\system32\config\sam
delete c:\windows\system32\config\system
delete c:\windows\system32\config\security
delete c:\windows\system32\config\software

copy c:\windows\system32\config\regback\default c:\windows\system32\config\
copy c:\windows\system32\config\regback\sam c:\windows\system32\config\
copy c:\windows\system32\config\regback\system c:\windows\system32\config\
copy c:\windows\system32\config\regback\security c:\windows\system32\config\
copy c:\windows\system32\config\regback\software c:\windows\system32\config\

After you enter the exit command, the window command line shut down and the computer reboots.

I agree, one of the ways to help you restore the registry in the Windows 7 or 8 operating system.

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Webmaster. Vishcha osvita behind the fah "Zahist іnformatsії" .. Author of more articles and lessons in computer literacy

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    Talking: 16 comments

    I enter the commands in a row as it is shown why you write: “the system didn’t get far, find out which way”, what should you do?


    1. More importantly, the DEFAULT, SAM, SECURITY, SYSTEM, SOFTWARE folders are in a different way than c:\windows\system32\config.


      1. І scho work?


        1. You need a way to find out before file assignments. Do you have a 32-bit version installed or a 64-bit one?

Bagato pochinayuchi koristuvachi ask food, how to go to Windows registry 10, 8, 7 or XP. Want to go through the shortcuts of the Start menu, you don’t know the shortcut to the registry in the new one! How to open the registry in Windows?

On the right, if any thoughtless change in the registry can lead to catastrophic consequences for your computer. So that the shortcomings of the coristuvachi did not get dashing, access to the registry was secured.

Give me your word that you will not make hasty changes in the registry, so don't hurt your computer!

Details about those what is the registry, Like wine of power, and like yoga you can win, you can read in.

for whatever Windows versions There are a few ways to launch the program, in which you can change the registry setting (it's called " registry editor»).

Let's take a closer look at the latest Windows 10, and let's look at two ways to gain access to the registry.

Launching the Registry Editor - Method 1 for Windows 10

  1. Press the "Start" button with the left mouse button (or the "Windows" key on the keyboard);
  2. When the "Start" menu appears, type on the keyboard the command " regedit"(Without paws);
  3. At the top part of the search menu under the inscription "The best performance" the item "REGEDIT - Vikonati command" will appear, click on this item with the left mouse button;
  4. As soon as it appeared to confirm the launch of the registry editor, press "So";

You will see a window of the "Registry Editor", in which you can make changes to the registry itself.

Launching the Registry Editor in Windows 10

Launching the Registry Editor - Method 2 for Windows 10

  1. Press the "Start" button right button mouse (or use the Win + X keys);
  2. In the menu, select the “Vikonati” item (you can replace two small letters with one Win + R key);
  3. At the end, what happened to "Vikonati" dial " regedit"(Without paws) and press the" OK "button;
  4. At the confirmation of the launch, press "So";

You should appear at the Registry Editor's window, and you can proceed before the changes are made.

At first glance, how to enter the Winows 10 registry, you can on this video:

How to open the registry in Windows 8 / 8.1

To launch the registry editor in Windows 8, you need to click on the same buttons as in Windows 10, if you have version 8, and not 8.1, then you don’t have a “Start” button, so on the first step of the first way, press the “Windows” key, but everything was given for instructions.

Detailed video instruction on how to enter the registry editor in Windows 8 (8.1):

How to open the registry in Windows 7

To open the registry editor in Windows 7, you need to create similar shortcuts:

Launching the Registry Editor - Method 1 for Windows 7

  1. Type the command " regedit"(Without paws);
  2. Press in the upper part of the menu, under the inscription "Programs" on the inscription " regedit»;
  3. To request confirmation of the launch, select "So".

Launching the Registry Editor - Method 2 for Windows 7

  1. Press the Win + R keys on the keyboard (press Windows key i, not allowing її, press the R key);
  2. At the end of "Vikonati" dial the command " regedit
  3. Confirm the launch of the registry editor with the "Yes" button.

Offending ways to enter the Windows 7 registry editor, you can check out this video:

How to open the registry in Windows XP

In Windows XP, the editor's registry entry is sometimes checked:

Launching the Registry Editor - Method 1 for Windows XP

  1. Click on "Start" with the left mouse button;
  2. At the right column, find the item "Vikonati" (offending croc can be replaced by Win + R)
  3. At the end of the “Starting the program” write the command “ regedit"(Without paws) and press the" OK "button;

Launching the Registry Editor in Windows XP

Launching the registry editor - method 2 for Windows XP (and not only)

  1. Open the explorer (you can speed up using the Win + X keys);
  2. Go to drive "C:";
  3. Open the Windows folder;
  4. Find the "regedit" file and run yoga.

I, obviously, the video version of the registry editing program in Windows XP:

Another method is suitable for all refurbished versions of Windows. More than that, you can cheat a little:

When you get to the "regedit" file, you can create a shortcut on the working table And in the future, it's important to get access to the Registry Editor.

Details about those who are such a register and how the wines of the settlements, you can find out.


Today you recognized how to enter the register at all current versions Windows OS.

Gained in the sum three ways:

  1. Poshuk through the "Start" menu, entering the command "regedit"
  2. For the help of the "Vikonati" command and the introduction of "regedit"
  3. Check for the "regedit" file that is located in the folder C:\Windows\

І one supplementary method: Having reached the "regedit" file (in the third way), create a shortcut on the desktop.

In the coming lesson, I plan to look at the savings method ( backup) Okremih part of the registry before their change.

Tsikavo? Write in comments, ask food, and, of course, share your wishes in social measures and subscribe to news!

the copy is fenced, Ale, you can share with the help.

It's been a long time since I've written in the "Dlya Pochatkivtsiv" section, so I think it's time to ramble. Having thought about the topic of the article, I wrote about ways to enter the Windows registry editor. I want to write in the skin of the articles how to get into the registry. I'll write it all down possible ways, available in operating rooms Windows systems for the lockdown. Otzhe, what is the register?

The Windows Registry is a data base that contains all settings and parameters necessary for a robotic operating system. I know the settings for both the hardware and the software. More changes in the control panel, editors group policies and additional parameters of the system are recorded in the register.

Otzhe, how do I go to the Windows registry editor?

Login through the Vikonati utility

The very way I vicorist in my articles, so like a wine, in my opinion, the most seen and handy. Vikonuemo three simple dії.

Through a search in the start menu

For the first time, let's take a look at Windows 7, since it has the old version of the Start menu and this version also works for more old operating systems.

For Windows 7, Vista and earlier versions

For Windows 8 and Windows 8.1

Vіdkrittya via Windows Explorer

Even simpler way: you just need to know everything required file V system dad. For whom we go along the path:c:\windows. Shukaєmo the file is launched yogo.

In my articles, reviews, and notes, I often add a reader to the Windows Registry Editor. They have intensive work with keys and values ​​to the registry. I quickly realized that not all of my readers got their hands on it, working with this program, but deyakі and zovsіm nіkola The editor of the registry did not win. Therefore, I have written a small essay for this program.


What is Registry Editor

Registry editor historically created creations as a tool for coroners, which needs to be changed Windows settings, They don't show up in the interface. The main function of the program is to review and change the update in system registry, Chi this pack in a set of special binary files, so that you can find information about the configuration of Windows, and about any programs that are installed on your computer. Windows OS, and a lot of programs (because it's quiet, like the so-called "portable", Portable, it seems simpler - do not forget the settings) save their settings in the registry.

How to run Registry Editor

method 1
Regardless of the version of Windows installed on your computer, this method will work:

method 2
The Registry Editor file is located in C: \ Windows, which means that you can open the folder in Explorer and run the regedit.exe file by clicking the mouse.

In addition, you can create a shortcut for Regedit.exe and place it in the Start menu / in the list Add-ons for Windows 8.x, to a folder

%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

The goal to spawn Registry Editor is visible in the results ask Windows, And also allow you to launch add-ons with one click of the bear.

Zagalny look of the Registry Editor

The registry editor looks like an upcoming rank:

As you can see in the image, the wine is stacked from two panels:

  • left to reflect the hierarchical representation of the structure of data, it is called divided (or keys);
  • rights panel is displayed parameters. The stench is a bet im'ya = given and saved in the middle of the keys.

What does the Registry Editor show

As I guessed more, the editor will show us the split and parameters.

divided are a virtual representation of data from dekilkoh files, as they approve database registry. You can tell if the files themselves represent the registry on your computer, so you will switch the axis to the corresponding partition:


Here you can find out the list of files on the hard disk, in which registry data is saved. The data in the middle of them, as it was already guessed more, draw a ієarkhіchnu structure, and the editor of the registry will show them at the sight of the "tree". The root of the tree (head keys) in the wild is a specific file, access to which is expected.

However, use and virtual keys, which are displayed in the registry editor as the primary files, and on the other hand, the data from dekilkoh files, or navit okremykh lok to the registry. The stench is used, as a rule, for the safety of the mind. For example, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG is a virtual entry, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT is also a virtual entry, as a combination of the streaming box registry and system distributions.

Please note that some registry files are not displayed at the Registry Editor's window. For example, do not worry about what is saved in the middle of the SAM (Security Accounts Manager) file. The editor has a registry of wine representations in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SAM \ SAM folder and nothing is empty there. Ce zrobleno s mirkuvan bezpeki.

Registry entries vikorivuyutsya Windows OS and bagatma third-party add-ons for the selection of various parameters in the configuration and part of the indications for data collection. The values ​​of the parameters are different types, Ale in a zagalny manner of text meanings / rows, numerical value or two meanings.

How to create a new registry partition

To create a new key, right-click on the mouse on the Batkiv branch in the left panel and select a team Create -> Split from the context menu.

You are obliged to give to the created division of my name, it is possible to the program, for which you create it.

How to create a new parameter

to create new parameter, It is necessary to press the right mouse button

  • on the in-line distribution of zliva
  • in an empty space in the right panel.

wrap standard type for the new parameter i enter a new name. Binary click on the parameter name to set its value.

How to become a master of the division and take up new access

Like before, how to understand the "access rights" and "vlasnik" zastosovnі for files and folders in file system NTFS, stink is used for registry distribution. Starting from the era of Windows Vista and to this day, more registry partitions, in which OS upgrades are saved, access rights are protected, so that stinks cannot be easily removed or replaced with a corystuvache. Sometimes you may need to change the data in such divisions, and for which you need to change the clerk of the division and take it to the new full access. It's easy to kill the zombie.

How to renew TrustedInstaller

May all system distributions of the registry in Windows Vista, 7 and 8 in the capacity of a master can be seen as a TrustedInstaller record. If editing is allowed on the distribution, it is necessary to turn the authority rights for this oblique record, otherwise the operating system may work incorrectly. To update the TrustedInstaller in Windows Vista, 7 and 8 enter NT Service\TrustedInstaller in the "Enter the names of the selected objects" field. Press OK.

How to change access rights to the registry

If you change the clerk to distribute the registry, you may have to change the access rights, without changing the value of the parameters, you won’t see it. For which one you are guilty, switch to the Allowed tab in the dialog box Additional parameters security.

Mothers can be called like that let down in his father's division. Abo well, they could also give their mothers clear access rights, with the help of the Batkiv key.

For the first time, then I’ll allow you to decline from the Batkivsky key, you are guilty of including the fall and copying the access rights of the Batkivsky branch to the flow key, so that the mother can change them. To add it in Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP, set the flag "Give permission, declined from old objects", and press the "Add" button in the confirmation dialog box.

If the decline is turned on, select the appropriate face record of the koristuvach and press the button change to change access rights.

Windows 8 has a special button to enable dropdown:

The permissions can be set in two ways: after turning on the dropdown, you can install them only on the streaming partition, or you can set the permission for the streaming key, and then block them to all of them with the distributions. For whom to establish an ensign Replace all records allowed by the child object by dropping into the child object. You are allowed to put the tasks down the hierarchy of keys for all updates.

Command line keys of the Registry Editor

Move to the required registry section with one click

option number 1

An hour ago, I created the RegOwnershipEx utility, which allows you to take new access to the registry distribution with one click. Krіm tsgogo, won allows you to go to the bazhan rozdіl registry. I recommend that you get to know her.

RegOwnershipEx allows the following:

  • become a master and gain new access to the selected registry division. Є zagalniy screen registry for easy selection of distribution.
  • obrane - for swedish access to your loved ones, I distributed the registry. It is integrated with the "Vibration" menu of the registry editor.
  • restore access rights to the vlasnik, as you changed earlier. so the program allows you to turn the rights to the cob mill.
  • function "swap in regedit" - you can edit the selected key in the registry editor. This is also an easy option, so that you can quickly go to the distribution, just copying your name.
  • shortcut for root distributions - you can hack HKCU over HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKLM over HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and so on.
  • otrimannya way to the registry from the buffer Windows exchange.
  • command line argument "/ j" to change the way to share the registry from the Windows clipboard and switch to the registry editor.

Everything is fucking awesome!

Option 2

I've thrown a simple script, which will take the clipboard into place, write it to the registry and open the registry editor. The next scenario is being transferred: You read the article, it says - "go to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion registry extension". You see the path to the branch, press CTRL + C and run the script. The editor of the registry is inspected in the required area. .

Windows 8 is widely used in the middle of the PC. Ale is far from being aware of how the registry editor calls. Іsnuє sprat simple i effective ways for yoga on the cob redaguvannya.

report instruction

Option 1

Shvidka command with combinations of keys Win + R in the end of Vikonati.

We write the regedit command there and confirm it for help OK.

Option 2

Viklikaєmo Dispatcher zavdan vіdomoї combination Ctrl + Alt + Del.

At the end of the procedure, we introduce the knowledge of regedit and confirm it.

option 3

If you trim the cursor of the bear in the right part of the screen, then the window is called Shutter, as we will need. There is a Poshuk row on it.

Under the Programs item, there is a row Poshuk, where we write the word regedit.

It becomes less activating supplements.

option 4

At the right upper corner, at the end of the day, My computer has a row of stitching Poshuk, as we need it. There you need to write the regedit command.

Among the number of shortcuts it is necessary to choose the one that saves on the C:\Windows directory.

option 5

We go back to My computer and open the C drive.

Among the abundance of shortcuts, it is necessary to know regedit with the Addendum type. V_dkrivaєmo yogo under pressure.

The axis of such methods is available in order to start the registry in the first place. given instruction go up to Windows 8.1. Leather variant borrows the entire sprat of wool.