Let's learn to be tidy. How to learn how to do your own makeup. Including comments on the resource

    • 1.1. The theme of the upcoming site and the selection of names
    • 1.2. Vibir domain and hosting service
    • 1.3. Development of a technical warehouse site: how to create your site from scratch or install an engine
    • 1.4. Promotion on the site
    • 2.1. Whole audience
    • 2.2. Geotargeting
    • 2.3. Site management
    • 2.4. Website platform
    • 3.1. Creation of content
    • 3.2. Inspiration for design
    • 3.3. Website layout
    • Feeding No. 1. How to find reliable and reliable Vikonavians?
    • Feeding No. 2. Where can you learn how to create websites professionally?
    • Feeding No. 3. Can you learn how to create a website without costs?
    • Feeding No. 4. How much income can you achieve by creating sites?
  • 5. Visnovok

Expanding your website can be done for one of several purposes: advertising of services, creation of a blog and resource, creation of a blog important information, vidkritya coris system or services. These important goals include the complexity of the project and the costs required to make the launch of the site possible. Read more about the classification of sites by type and type

In order to start creating your own website, you need to understand what hosting and domain are, and learn how to use technology. HTMLі CSS it is possible to tell PHP, JavaScriptі MySQL. Essential knowledge indicated by the complexity of the project.

This article is about how to create your own website (blog) yourself without any costs completely zero and raise yogo from poshukovy vidachah, vikorystyuchi SEO trick.

Self-creation of websites - care and instructions

1. “How to create a website” - why start

Any technology begins with the appearance of an idea that will lead to the success of a future project. If it is uncrossed and tsikava, then bring it to both the creator and the bearer.

Get people to create a website about the things that are best for them. It’s important to gain respect when developing an idea.

1.1. The theme of the upcoming site and the selection of names

As soon as you get an idea, I ask you to choose a topic that is related to each other.

The same rule applies here - you need to choose the area in which the most evidence has been accumulated. At the same time, you can try yourself in a new direction, as you may find it rewarding and rewarding.

Having decided on the idea and topic, you need to choose a name. It may be short, let’s understand why the site is dedicated, and be original. I must not forget the same domain (web address), but I can also repeat it. The originality of the name can be easily verified at the next stage.

1.2. Vibir domain and hosting service

Domain - the name of the site, its address in Merezhi, which consists of two parts: name itі domain zone.

The size of the domain name is not to be overestimated 15 characters, other possible problems with site indexing by search engines.

You also need to check which zone the site is located in ( .ru, .com and otherwise). This also contributes to the fluidity of the resource in search terms.

For Russian websites it is logical to choose zone.ru .

Find other visible zones that are not linked to your home page:

  • .net- websites, instead of any connections with the Internet.
  • .biz- Projects dedicated to businesses.
  • .info- information resources.
  • .com- Commercial project.

When choosing a domain, you should check its compliance with the unspoken rules, which will make it easier to enter the domain name into the address bar:

  1. It's easy to remember, it's more original.
  2. I'm just typing in Latin. Let's make it easier to identify the sibilant letters "Yu".
  3. The domain has no hyphens.

Now let's talk about hosting.

Hosting - Placement of the site in Merezhi, service, as expected hoster(Hosting company).

In short, hosting is required to ensure uninterrupted continuous access to the site.

As a rule, hosting agreements cost only a few 500-1500 rubles on the river. Depending on the size of the site, it is often a matter of responsibility for the hosting.

In addition, there is an emphasis on the site - in order to absorb the flow of the blowers, additional pressure is required.

Hosting may cause problems with indexing, so you will need to check with the company.

Return goods to the following warehouses:

  • price,
  • reputation of the hosting provider,
  • highly responsive support service,
  • the versatility and diversity of the services provided.

In the next few episodes there is a sense of understanding domain from one company, A hosting services - in Insha.

For example, What does the hosting company promote? clear mind but does not have a sufficient reputation. In case of problems, the transition to another hosting will be painless.

1.3. Development of a technical warehouse site: how to create your site from scratch or install an engine

As a side note, you can easily create a website yourself from scratch, but in this case there may be a faceless mercy, and it will be a very difficult time to develop it.

Alternative to tsyomu - installation of a paid or cost-free engine, vikorista and the possibilities of how you can quickly adjust the architecture of the site.

Another option is that for popular engines there are a number of templates that help speed up the time spent on structure and design.

Sample - a ready-made “backbone” of the site, on which all the created content is pulled together.

1.4. Promotion on the site

Content is possible write independently or else inquire for copywriters, smut, sob vin buv unique, brown, with good structure and without any compromises.

The course will not lack text, even the original creation is unique graphic information: screenshots, graphics + video materials.

Promotion of the site involves two ways: independently or through SEO advice from professionals.

This option does not provide a guarantee; the other option gives much better results.

Key points when creating a new website - what to pay special attention to

2. What should you do to improve your respect before creating the site?

So that after the launch the site does not have to go through a lot of overhaul, it is necessary to pay attention to the following:

  1. target audience;
  2. geotargeting;
  3. website platform;
  4. Site management.

2.1. Whole audience

If the site will not be of any value to those for whom it is of no use, the distribution will be zero. In such cases it is important to become and for the most part target audience It's easy to finish.

For example, a website for sewing a child’s clothes will be required women have 20-35 years, and the online spare parts store is more often used people 20-50 years.

Knowing your target audience, you need to fill the site with content in such a way that it appeals to that same group of people.

2.2. Geotargeting

For people who perform singing services, it is especially important that they hesitate to go to the site.

For example, you shouldn’t mention the installer if potential clients are located in another region or in another country, but you want the site to be brought to you by people from your locality.

For these reasons, websites optimize for queries asked by residents of a particular location, which is called geotargeting .

That's how it is for those who are running this site. These resources are transferred by foreign language and aimed at an audience from all over the world.

2.3. Site management

Having seen that the site itself brings in profits, it will be easier to show up with your eyes.

Do you plan to sell the product? Come on online store or else promotional site. Will there be any references to the creation of wooden figurines on the site? Todi varto create Information site or else blog. Thus, it is necessary to determine what and how to promote the site.

Before designing the site, it is imperative to create a positive image of the company, the resource itself, and the people.

2.4. Website platform

The platform for creating a website includes hosting, which is what you need. domain zone, and also vikorystuvana CMS or constructor.

Pokrokova kerivnitstvo

3. How to create your website yourself without any costs - Pokrokov’s instructions

After the webmaster has logged out of the site’s duties, by selecting an engine for the site, he will lose three more credits:

  1. content creation;
  2. development of design;
  3. layout.

Then you will have to buy a domain and hosting, transfer the site to a new one and launch it.

3.1. Creation of content

The entire site can be divided into 3 parts:

  1. text information;
  2. photographs and images;
  3. video recording.

Not all sites offer vikory videos on their site, so they may turn out to be incorrect. This is a useful technique for SEO when you get a thematic video from YouTube.

The left part of the work may always lie in the written texts. The copying of this work can be entrusted to a copywriter or the copying can be done independently. It is important for the text itself to be valuable to the resource, especially an information site.

Please respect! You cannot simply copy information from another site - this may result in deletion of all pages from the sound view.

All articles must be unique (a wonderful article about the uniqueness of texts) and there should be no obvious compromises, and the sound system may appear on the same page. Another advantage of the texts is that they may be relevant to the topic, so that they can be identified. It is determined by the presence of key words in the article.

In online stores, graphic storage is especially important, and extensive product photography is required.

3.2. Inspiration for design

When you decide how to create your site and how it looks, a prototype will help - a graphical layout that reflects the structure and arrangement of the main elements of the site.

The design is of primary importance for obtaining koristuvachs. She can look casually, but in no case will she be affected by the riots of the world.

At the back, you can display and display the menu, gallery, and what size the header will be. On the layout, areas are designated where text will be displayed, at which stage you can select the main font.

It is important to consider the range of colors: the smells will be bright or dark, light or dark.

After processing these moments and sketching the prototype in "Photoshop" You can start with layout.

3.3. Website layout

Based on the layout, a website template is created. The key to layout lies in the fact that the site should look like it needs to be in any browser or on any platform, otherwise it may need some adjustments.

At what stage the site takes on a finished look:

  • content is added;
  • be marked by letter;
  • The functionality of the site is being adjusted.

For example, this resource is completely prepared before being transferred to hosting and launched.

You don’t need any special knowledge to sign up the conclusions, you just need to follow the instructions to the CMS or quickly use the program "Filezilla".

For layout you need knowledge of CSS, HTML and a variety of related add-ons.

There is a simple program for editing and reviewing the code, but for the most part, the task can be modified "Adobe Dreamweaver"і "Notepad++".

Watch the video: “Your website on the WordPress engine in 1 year, 38 hours. Pokrokov’s kerivnitstvo!”

Nutrition and types

4. Parts of nutrition from the development and creation of sites

Developers of sites that are starting up often post similar content, and the most relevant ones from them:

Feeding No. 1. How to find reliable and reliable Vikonavians?

To find competent copywriters, designers, layout designers and programmers, you need to view their portfolios, read their blogs, read their blogs, etc.

Good, since you are officially here. This gives a song guarantee.

Feeding No. 2. Where can you learn how to create websites professionally?

Before serving the site, the co-workers will be given courses that will be found in the great skin area. At the same time, technologies are constantly being refined and refined, the rules of SEO optimization are changing, and you will have to write a lot of speeches on your own.

Feeding No. 3. Can you learn how to create a website without costs?

There are a lot of free introductory courses on the Internet that provide very specific knowledge.

Get started with HTML and CSS. Then you can proceed to programming or try your hand at using the CMS. Become an expert and beginner in computer graphics.

Feeding No. 4. How much income can you achieve by creating sites?

The amount of earnings on the development of sites is not limited, and this may lead to $10,000 per month. I'm sorry, everything should lie down to evidence, talent, reputation and the obviousness of the deal.

I see you, dear reader, on the blog InternetRadi.ru. In this article, I will tell you how to build a website from scratch and practically without any costs. I will share with you practical information and evidence throughout the remaining 5 years.

Having taken off, I'm ready step by step instructions By creating a website from scratch on your own, you will be able to develop and open a website not only for yourself, but also for a company, or a freelancer.

Why open the door?

Before you open your website on the Internet, you need to clearly understand what’s next for you? By what method do you create this? In this regard, your future activities will be important to the implementation of the project in life.

Let's figure out what kind of needs websites are created for:

  • using the method of squeezing profits – commercial websites;
  • non-commercial projects for the compilation and exchange of information among themselves rarely grow;
  • information and publicity portals with let's share access to content (for an advance payment and a small fee, access to information is granted for a single period of time);
  • online stores for selling goods and websites for purchasing services;
  • thematic Internet information portals for collecting target audiences with the goal of making money from advertising and affiliate programs.

For example, you want to earn money from your services. Why do you need a business card website? Here, you can post your portfolio with examples of work, a description of services, prices for them, contact information, and contact information for assistants.

Nowadays, the problem is closely connected with commerce - the sale of goods via the Internet. A simple website built on a website builder will not work here. And you will need a richly functional portal, where it will be possible not only for the buyer to manually post a description of the goods that are being sold, but also to accept orders, provide consultations and refer clients. Such sites are called online stores.

The purpose of creating a powerful site is to share your thoughts with readers. Just go ahead and use the WordPress engine to blog. I will tell you about him in the report in the statistics.

If you want to create a platform for gathering people together, then this type of website, such as a forum, is right for you.

Earning money on various types of sites is assigned to the title of the article -.

Find out what the site is about and what you need to do, then choose one of the types of projects to implement your idea. Next, the main types of sites will be examined and their characteristics will be given.

Review of the main types of web resources

Different types of sites have their own special names, due to their directness and the order that they die. As a future webmaster, you should know the peculiarities of their skin.

Regardless of the similarities between Internet projects, we will carry out the classification under a commercial mark. First, we will look at those that are created specifically to capture money from sales, and the other will be projects for the provision and exchange of information that capture indirect income from advertising.

Websites of commercial directness

Online store for selling goods

It is not just a rich website with pages with a description of goods, but also additional services (online consultant, request form and online payment for goods through plastic cards or electronic money).
The buyer has submitted a request for the goods to be processed by the manager who processes it. Most often, payment is made after payment upon cancellation of the client's agreement.

Building a clear online store from scratch costs at least 50,000 rubles.

Its main purpose is to provide potential clients with information about a private specialist or a small company that provides its services.

Such an Internet project contains pages with information about the company, services, fees for work, customer information and contact information.

Since the site is quite small and consists of 4-5 pages, the cost is 5,000 rubles. Since you have a great time to work with designers or CMS engines, you can create a website from ready-made templates with your own hands and practically without any costs. I won’t need to pay anyone.

Corporate project

This is a folding version of a business card website. Great companies vibrate. The corporate website publishes not only information about services, the company, contact information, but also a product catalog, a news page, product selection services, calculators, and an online consultant.

Development of a corporate resource will cost at least 30,000 rubles.

Langing Page

A one-sided site for selling one product and advertising one service. In several landing pages, they advertise a line of products that differ from each other by having more sophisticated characteristics.

The cost of ordering from web distributors will cost at least 20,000 rubles.

Then there are projects that we first provide information to the distributors and pay later, on the site. different species advertising, which is how products are advertised to merchants. Such sites earn a pittance for referring clients through advertising. Most often, clicks are paid for clicks, and more often for singing actions (purchasing a product, registering, subscribing to a distribution service).

Information projects

New portal

Site about the locality, region, university ( the rest of the news gadgets, cars, etc.) and about everything in the world. Only great websites with a whole staff of journalists can afford to write about everything. Beginners should start with highly themed projects because there is a budget and little information.

The main feature of these web resources is the frequent publication of notes. Please visit the website while the news is still relevant. After a short hour, she loses the public's interest. And if we don’t continue to update the Internet project with new articles, people won’t go to it.

Virulation will cost 40,000 rubles.


It is important to note that a blog is a special place for one person, who decides to share their thoughts and determines their position in various ways and speeches. Because it is created for the special self-expression of the author, it is not possible to withdraw income from advertising and collect an advance payment for sending them advertising offers of their own or partner products and services.

Regardless of the fact that special blogging platforms have been around for a long time, you can start your own blog without any costs on the Internet (the most popular is livejournal.com), rather than spend about 1,500 rubles per site, and get a top-notch domain and offline hosting.

There is a lot of information on how to build a website yourself from scratch on the WordPress platform. Marvel at this. She describes the entire algorithm for setting up a project with a domain of another level on paid hosting.

Freelance programmers setting up a simple blog without a unique design will cost you 2000-3000 rubles. Before you develop a unique design and functionality, be prepared to pay a lot of money for a clear design.

Information sites

The remaining trends are actively developing directly from information sites, in order to find alternatives to their nutrition of a practical nature. The creators of such projects analyze the statistics of key phrases that are asked, and write articles with information that corresponds to the queries of the correspondents. And the profits are taken from advertising.

In addition to news sites, which depend on the frequency of publication of new materials, information materials do not age as quickly. It’s a clear idea to bring a bunch of rocks after bed. People are constantly searching for answers to the question “How? Chim? What? There is Internet at the edge.

You can open the information site on your own, spending 3-4 years a day learning the necessary skills and concentrating on the knowledge gained in practice. Or delegate the adjustment of the Internet project, creation semantic core, writing and publishing articles by freelancers A minimum of 30,000 rubles is required. to pay for the services of various specialists. In order to be responsible for the results and control the activities of the team, you need to understand how things can be done correctly. I recommend taking a look at the courses on creating websites and making money on them.

Internet portals

To understand what's going on, go to great sites about homeowners, finance and cars. As a rule, on such web resources there is a line the rest of the news at galusi, catalog of companies and products, forum.

Without a serious basis, it is difficult to know the truth, as well as to create financial arrangements, and even more importantly, to manage such a project. By the way, get ready to pay a great sum of 200,000 rubles.

Why did we look at the features of these and other types of sites? Now you need to think about what kind of task you plan to create an Internet project and define the type. After this, you can move on to the next stage of creating the site from scratch - technical implementation.

Sequence of creation and launch of the site

Let's look at the stages of developing an Internet project. After selecting which type of site you need, you will need to select, as technically will not be implemented. Next, you will learn about designers and site management systems that help you set up external look and functionality of the web resource.

Technical implementation with the help of a designer or CMS platform

Online website builder and service, which includes all the tools for setting up and managing the website without technical knowledge of programming, mov HTML that CSS. To manage a website created using the builder, all you need to do is go to oblikovy record. The intuitive interface of the designer's control panel includes an editor in which you can change the design of the site, add sections and functionality, create and customize pages.

All constructors are without cost, mentally. If you want to connect a top domain of another level, or if you want to use the functionality, you will need to switch to a paid tariff. Designers broadcast advertisements on cost-free packages.

The axis is equal to the characteristics of popular designers:

uKit WIX uCoz
Types of sites Business card website, one-sided website, online store Blog, forum, business card website, one-page website, online store Blog, forum, business card website, online store, copyright website, information project
Templates ready for device adaptability Ponad 150 View 390 300+, but not adaptive
Free/trial rate So/15 days But no But no
Minimum tariff $5 per month from 4.08$ per month 2.99 $ / m
Linking to domain 2nd level Only available on a paid plan Free on paid plans Allowed on a no-cost tariff, when paying for the rik tariff “Optimal” domain at a gift
Posilannya Go Go Go

CMS platform (engine) is a website management system for robots with its own functionality. It provides endless possibilities for implementing various functions with the help of ready-made additions or modules written by programs for special tasks.

Є cost-free and paid CMS. I would like to note that when using cost-free CMS engines there are no special restrictions, like website designers. I like WordPress, on which the blog “Inetradi.ru” and many of my other projects were created. I only pay for the domain and hosting. I once had the opportunity to spend money on creating a unique template.

Which engine is suitable for these types of sites can be seen in the table:

CMS What can you create?
WordPress Blog, business card, corporate and new website, information project, portal with complex functionality
Joomla Blog, business card website, corporate website with complicated functionality, new product project, online store with complicated functionality
Drupal Business card website, blog, corporate and new resource, online store with advanced functionality, portals and services, social networking
OpenCart Tilki online store
1C-Bitrix - paid Business card website, blog, new and corporate website, online store with advanced functionality, portals and services, promotional website, social network
UMI.CMS - paid Business card website, corporate and new website, online store with advanced functionality, Web portal
osCommerce - paid Online store

To help you choose how to create a website yourself from scratch, let’s look at the features of designers and CMS platforms:

  1. With the help of designers, you can create a website with your own hands without technical skills or programming knowledge - this is a great plus;
  2. From the first point comes the first minus - at no-cost tariffs there is a reduction in functionality. If you need to add a feature to the project that is not available in the standard library of constructor options, the program cannot help you, since you cannot make changes until output code design sites.
  3. A significant disadvantage of the designers is that you cannot transfer the site to another hosting. As if the creations there, the Internet project will be lost forever. At that time, web resources on the CMS are saved in backup copies And it’s easy to transfer between hosters.
  4. Most designers only allow you to attach a domain name from another level to a website with paid plans.
  5. Designers have narrowed down their boundaries when it comes to connecting SEO modules, which makes it more difficult to use sound systems.

As you know, using the constructor you can build a website with your hands without any costs, unless you are limited by the functionality. If you look at the addition of a paid tariff, the costs may turn out to be higher, even if the Internet project is hosted on a cost-free or paid CMS from the hoster.

Domain names

The next stage of creating the site with your hand is the choice for a new unique name in the middle. A domain is the address of a website on the Internet. all domain names There are two warehouses. An example of a site that includes the name inetsovety and the zone in which the registration number is written through a dot is .ru. The zone indicates the region and region of location, or its assignment to the site.

More often I thought about the domain of another and third level. The number of equals is determined by the number of parts separated by a dot.

the site is the domain of another region, and the forum.site will be a third. Because on the basis of the domain of the 2nd level they are created on the 3rd, they have a special name - subdomains.

If you plan to create your website on the Internet using one of the constructors, you can register a third-tier domain without any costs. It will be something like this – moydomen.ucoz.com.


Internet projects that are created on a CMS platform are hosted by hosting companies, which provide a place for storing website files on their servers.

You can host your website on the Internet for as little as 120 rubles per month from a good hoster. As the Internet project becomes increasingly demanding, it may need a larger server, and hence the increased availability of hosting.

I host my sites with two good hosters - Beget and Makhost. Let's go through those who stink of great harm to hosting for a normal price. The sites operate without interruptions, and if problems arise, a support service is available to help resolve problems.

Exterior design

You can first select and install a free-standing template. On the Internet there are a lot of design themes for various CMSs that can be used everywhere without any problems. If you are creating a serious commercial project, it is better to spend money on design in order to distinguish your resource among competitors.

Wonderful theme for sale for WordPress Root It has a highly customized design and is highly SEO-optimized for use in sound systems.

In this case, you will have to contact a designer to design the website layout. To understand what elements are at fault on the site, analyze your competitors. See the solution in the distance and indicate technical department your own considerations for the structure of the upcoming project.

Having extracted the psd file from the program's markings Adobe Photoshop elements of the site, you turn to programmers. You need to work on the layout - adapting the design to the previously installed CMS system.

You can find sellers on the site on freelance exchanges, you can see the list of the most popular ones.

Z no-cost templates You can also make some money by learning a little bit about HTML and CSS. Create a unique logo for the website in Photoshop, install a favicon, set a special style for the design of publication materials.

To bring your attention to the current cost-free course, you can also help to create your website without cost, and also to decorate it beautifully with your own hands.

Content filled

Below the content are text, graphics, and video materials that are posted on the site. Everything is stored for the purposes of the site. On the website, there are images with butts of the work on the portfolio page, a price list with prices for the work. Corporate projects cannot do without posting presentable promotional videos and descriptions of the company’s activities.

One of the stages of content preparation is collecting the semantic core of the site. Tobto. key queries You can find out what kind of wines you can find in the popular search engines Yandex and Google. How will you deal with traffic? contextual advertising You need to know what keys your stunning competitors are using.

The work of writing company texts can be entrusted to copywriters, and professional content managers can help arrange publications on the site. All of them can be found in freelancing.

How to learn how to create a website from scratch

You can safely create a website yourself from scratch not only with the help of a designer, but also with a variety of initial materials. There is already a wealth of information on this topic on the Internet. All you have to do is look at YouTube, the videos you find won’t be watched again in a month. Obtaining the knowledge will help you create a website independently and cost-free with the ru domain and place it on hosting. Ale you do not give up your full-time commitment.

If you want to know more technical points from adjustment, but all the stinks are scattered and not rock system Work from A to Z. You may miss important details. Try to watch the videos in a new way, the materials are quickly getting old.

Є paid start of creating sites from scratch, de structured, presented with all the necessary and relevant information. It is important to distinguish between cheap dummy courses and professional basic materials.

Samy Swedish way learn how to operate the site - go through the training of professionals for your reference. This is an investment in knowledge that will help you acquire a new profession and earn additional income from independently developing websites for yourself and freelancers.

Having read the article to the end, you got a clear picture of what is needed to create a website from scratch and the various stages that make up this process. Now you have to decide whether you will work independently and cost-free, or outsource some of the processes (you delegate your work to professionals - designers, programmers, semanticists, SEO optimizers).

Creating a website with your own hands is not limited by the specifications of your task, the choice of the type of project, the method of its technical implementation and further adjustments. Following the unraveling is an equally important stage - SEO promotion(Receiving referrals to the site). Anyway, this is the topic of this article, stay tuned for new blog news. I wish you success in mastering the knowledge and becoming a beginner in the profession of a webmaster.


One of the oldest world portals, created in 1995. The site presents courses and video lessons. Basic materials they're getting excited about it. The courses are covered at different levels: beginners can master the basics, and advanced ones can improve their qualifications. In the section “Rozrobka” on Narazi 384 online courses and over 16 thousand videos are available; in “Design” - 573 courses and over 27 thousand videos, in the Web section you are receiving 639 courses and about 24 thousand videos. The main advantage is the availability of mobile programs.


This is an illuminating media resource. Try intensive training programs in real time, and in a few months you can develop a current specialty. Tim, who already has a profession, can get more help from video courses. The topics are large (marketing, PR, sales, management, etc.), and the warehouse warehouse is very popular. Website creators can soon take advantage of an express course from Dmitry Satin, an expert in User Experience. It's called the Universal Interface. How to recognize the client from him.” After completing the course, you can receive a confirmation certificate.

Academic Earth

Site of creations by Richard Ludlow. Newly collected lectures from the world's leading universities: Harvard, Oxford, Stanford and others. In addition to physics and economics, on the site you can find video lessons on design, marketing and business. Another useful function is playlists, which allows you to watch videos from different disciplines, or on a similar topic. After completing the course, you can choose to receive a diploma from the university whose lectures you attended.

Business center

This is a portal for entrepreneurs, which provides direct access to the creation of a comprehensive infrastructure for small businesses. It is also a subsidiary of Oschadbank of Russia. In addition, they have a school of distance learning. There are courses and webinars on various topics. Tim, if you want to create websites, there will be several steps: “How to create a website for an online store that sells”, “Website for business 2.0”, “The ideal website from the perspective of a search engine”.


This is not just an online course in programming, web design and development. This resource gives you the opportunity to start with a special mentor - powerful videos, where you can provide any kind of food to excrete. In addition, as part of the training, students are encouraged to develop a government project, as well as receive assistance from practice. The courses are paid and not cheap, but there are also a few free tutorials.


"Netology" introduces online learning for web hackers. Vykladachi are well-known people in the RuNet, professionals in their own right. The range of initial directions of “Netology” is great. In addition, there are courses for those who are starting to operate the site. For example, on June 26th the HTML layout course starts: from scratch to the first layout. “Netology” is especially rich in courses on marketing and management, e-commerce, social media, and web design. Courses can be sorted by topic and level - from basic to advanced. There are a lot of paid courses, but for those interested, there is a subscription system. After completing the course, you can receive a diploma that confirms your completion.


The HubSpot portal presents 18 cost-free marketing classes: blogging, SEO, SMM, email marketing, keyword research - the program is great. This is a wonderful solution for newbies in the food industry.


edX is an academic platform with massive critical online courses. This is a large non-profit project of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard and Berkeley University. For those who are involved in website development, there will be courses like Learn HTML5 from W3C

This list can be continued. And we encourage you to work with those who have information about the created sites. What resources did you use when developing the science of site development? Leave your comments in the comments.

Nowadays, studying on your own is not a problem: choosing options for online courses with the best possible results is almost unlimited. The problem is self-organization and self-discipline. How not to get lazy, not to lay down the task and remove self-illumination from contentment? Founder of the Prometheus online course platformIvan Priymachenko sharing my testimony and giving a couple of audible pleasures.

Knowledge is the main destructive force immediate marriage, dzherelo strength and competitive advantages in work and life. The traditional system of education is less capable of meeting people's needs for up-to-date knowledge and insights. As Camus said, school is the place where they prepare us for a life in the world, which we no longer dream of. This university can no longer give students the knowledge they need to spend their entire lives. Skin 5-10 years Its specialty may vary beyond recognition. Social measures, smartphones, the energy revolution, great tributes, driverless cars - just a few things that, over the past 10 years, have fundamentally changed many professions and given birth to new ones. The hours, if the beginning was more like a childish stage in life, will end. Now, in order to achieve success, each of us needs to begin to stretch out this life. If you are a beginner, you will have to learn how to study on your own.

The myth about talent. Fixed plans and growing plans

The topic of the beginning of something new is covered with a great number of myths, the most widespread and the most enduring of them all. myth about talent. The essence of it lies in the fact that the success of the trained and others can lie in the form of natural resources - a talent that can be developed and buried, but cannot be drunk away. Either there is talent or there is no talent.

Suchasna science This myth is completely covered by this myth. From Blum's pioneering research in the 80s of the 20th century to the current fundamental work of The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, research into the biographies of great and well-known people has not been able to find “talent” (innate skills) until now intellectual skills. It turned out that the level of IQ is only weakly correlated with professional success, which already speaks of elusive talent. However, the myth about talent does not just deceive us: it actively harms our ability to read and study thoroughly.

In connection with this, Carol Dweck, a researcher and researcher at Stanford University, separates two teepees: fixed ideas and growing ideas.

People fixed thoughts Believe in those that their successes indicate an innate ability. As people marry talent and intelligence, which cannot be corrected. Individuals with this type of mentality are often afraid to show mercy, to acknowledge defeats, and, in their opinion, demonstrate an innate lack of value. The very stench of difficult tasks, in which there is a risk of failure, and do not accept any negative the call of the bell Even any kind of criticism can help improve my self-esteem.

People myslennyam growing However, we remember that everything that a person reaches, invariably takes away important work and effortlessness. This program will be appreciated as another opportunity to learn new skills and sharpen your skills. Such people are not afraid of going beyond the boundaries of their comfort zone, do not lose heart over the first failures and always for the sake of a turning point, which means they are ready to accept criticism at their address.

For an effective start, to achieve success in any other world, it is important to focus on the growth of your mind and the uniqueness of your fixed mind.

Three strategies for a successful start

The already legendary article The Making of an Expert, published in 2007 in the Harvard Business Review, looks at three main scientific factors that help one become a prominent expert in a singing industry.

According to the first hour spent on practice new skills and memories. Let’s talk about the rule of 10,000 years (or 10 years): you yourself need to practice thoroughly in order to become a leader of the world’s level in Chomus. Keyword Here there is “awareness” - no matter how much mindless mechanical repetition there is no way to improve your skills. Known practice transfers the setting of one's goals to a skin activity, recording and analysis of the results of such a “lesson”.

In another way, the training is transferred effectively constant access to all readers and mentors. On different levels you will need different mentors. Initially the best local readers, then the national level, and then the experts of the world class. The best teachers speed up learning, structure the process of mastering new knowledge, motivate and control the achievement of independent work. Your head and shoulders are the best teacher and mentor for yourself. All the eminent experts are the ones in power.

Thirdly, it brings the best knowledge family support and sharpening. You see people get together at once, maintain close ties and begin to become one another. Working and combining with the best will help you become the best.

Cool fact: biographies of impersonal people, who are traditionally respected by prominent child prodigies, miraculously represent brilliant minds. The most famous example is Mozart, whose voice is attributed to a fantastic natural talent. However, one should not forget that Mozart’s mastery of music began in the 4th century, whose father was known as a music teacher and the author of one of the first teachers of the violin, who intensely motivated the young Wolfgang to continue rehearsals.

These are the rules for a successful start

1. The lesson is effective if it is given from zusillyam. Lyudina is obliged to report to her acquaintances in order to acquire new skills and knowledge. Knownness, snatched away without effort, is similar to the ingredients in the search: soon you won’t be left without a trace of them.

2. We want stable and thorough development as long as we can monitor our progress. People are susceptible to illusions when assessing the effectiveness of their endeavors. As a rule, we overestimate our successes due to superficial knowledge of the material and incorrectly assess the pace of our progress. To avoid this, you need to constantly monitor your progress in a different objective world: tests, various standardized verifications of beginners and provide banal food for self-verification, such as the book section, allowing Let us now evaluate our progress in our endeavors.

3.Classic school and university methods of preparation are ineffective. Re-reading texts and mechanical cramming do not yield anything. These are easy methods to learn that follow the first rule. The stench does not bother us to exercise our minds in the right way, but simply tires of its monotonous repetitions.

4. Making practices is the basis of learning. The more times we recall information, the longer it will be stored in our memory. There are two effective riddle techniques.

Persha – tse in the report: on the card on one side write nutrition, on the other side - the answer to the new one. First you need to read the cards, then a day later try to guess it. If you guessed correctly, the answer shown on the back of the card can be placed until the next repetition. If you have shown mercy, it is necessary to repeat it the very next day. The higher the number of successful guesses, the longer the interval before the next repetition. This system is especially popular for learning foreign words, and many of us have used it in Anki and LinguaLeo language services. However, with the help of the simplest cards or a basic handwritten note, a system of written compilation can be used to learn almost any subject.

Another extremely effective riddle technique mixing of topics and types of orders. If you are learning English, it is not easy to separate your learning into learning grammar, vocabulary and speaking skills. It is better to twist them at once, choosing one type to take over the other. How do you see different subtypes? mathematical departments within the same topics, mix them up so that you immediately have to think about what type of task you are on the right.

5. Try to figure out the problem before you start to solve it. Don’t rush to read how the devil’s legend betrayed his company to management. Think for a moment about how you would do this. It doesn’t matter whether you find the correct answer or not. Also, when you report, you will try to “figure your bike” before you get a ready-made answer, which will help you to become more and more versed in a new idea or method of solving a problem.

6. “Styles of learning” on the basis of “visual” and “auditory” - myth. We do not have any serious scientific confirmation of their findings. However, research points to those who are most likely to remember that information, which involves the maximum number of organs sensitive to various associations. And this is entirely logical, and even knowledge is constructed.

Who cares that our memory is empty, and we simply fill it with new information until it is filled to the brim. However, this concept is deeply simplistic. U real life New knowledge is always linked to information that is already stored in our memory. New understandings and ideas may be better understood and accepted by us without the help of those we already know to understand those ideas. Therefore, it’s important to learn how to explain to yourself the new and simpler through the old and simpler. Having come across this complex and unintelligible idea, be sure to try to find a simple analogy or metaphor for it that will help you “catch” the essence of the new information.

7. You should learn to know the fundamental rules and fundamental principles of current problems, and not just memorize the facts, but memorize the procedures for completing these and other tasks. Such basic principles, which can be distinguished from the most common impersonality of people in general, are usually called mental models. The classic example of the mental model is evolution: natural development, development from simple to folding, which is easy, but impossible. Everyone, more or less of us, is familiar with the concepts of biological evolution. What do we have to do with the term “dawn evolution”? Although we are not familiar with the mental model of “evolution”, we can easily guess what we will probably see in the natural, natural and inevitable change. And we will not be far from the truth, although we feel this term is stronger. The more mental models we have, the more effectively we can understand new ideas and concepts.

How to figure it out on your own

Books, mass free online courses and other accessible sources of clear knowledge are now readily available to everyone. It’s much easier to motivate yourself to start your own life and finish those two dozen books and online courses that you’ve been wanting to take for a long time. Try to follow three simple steps, but let’s put it into practice.

You need to read the giblets, but regularly. As you might think, if you take an online course over the weekend for several years at a time or every day, then the remaining option is optimal. Breaking the initial process into small sessions creates great success and motivates you to return to the beginning of the day.

Learn best on your own at that very hour in the same minds. Zvichka is a friend of nature, and regularity is a guarantee of success for a beginner. Having developed a zvichka in yourself, get into the singing hour, it will be much easier for you to find regular jobs.

Reading books on your own and taking online courses gives you an important stimulus to look at. social pressure: as soon as you leave the beginning, in the context of traditional education, no one knows about it: neither the depositor, nor other students. Create for yourself the social pressure necessary for independent beginning: tell your friends about your plans, join a large training group or organize it yourself , discuss and comment on the process of initiation at social boundaries.

Ivan Pryimachenko – postgraduate student at the history department of Kiev University national university im. T. Shevchenko. Two years ago, I took the Harvard online course on programming fundamentalsCS50. Studying at Harvard, without leaving my Kiev apartment, helped to understand the extent to which this format of self-enlightenment is both practical and promising. In early 2014, Ivan teamed up with two like-minded people, Oleksiy Molchanovsky and Viktoria Primachenko, to create the platform of cost-free online courses Prometheus. Today, the most popular Ukrainian online information platform includes 29 closed courses and totals 115000 listeners.

Ivan Primachenko, founder of the platform for mass free online courses Prometheus

Everything comes with knowledge. All you need is care and diligence, and you will be able to massage your loved ones and not just worse for the salon masters. For headaches - consistent exercise and more information and nutritional support, as you learn how to perform massage, will be found.

How to learn how to perform a massage: first steps

How to learn a robotic massage? This food is rich. However, not everyone can undergo expensive procedures in clinics or salons, and people with illnesses may appear frequently. The only way out is to learn massage techniques on your own. Moreover, there is a lot of information about these topics. It is especially effective when you learn how to perform massage videos, in which you can find a clear explanation of the basic subtleties of the treatment.

Regardless of the way you want to learn how to perform massage - relaxing, toning or otherwise, you must learn the basic concepts and rules that apply to all types. First of all, we need to have a good knowledge of human physiology and human anatomy. Only then will you be able to jump to the right points without getting hurt or hurt.

All the roars are shaking in a clear direction. As a rule, it is caused by lymphatic pathways. If you talk about your arms, chest or legs, then the culprits will be from the bottom up. And the neck and cross-section massaged themselves at the gateway straight - downwards.

It is important that the person you are kneading does not feel any discomfort or tension, but is as relaxed as possible. The whole process is consistent and without interruption. In order for the crumbs to be soft and palatable, you need to lightly mix a mixture of cream or butter. Knowing these principles, it will be easier for you to joke around as soon as you learn how to perform massage on your own.

How to learn professional massage

If you don’t know how to learn how to perform massage professionally, this is the article to teach you how to do it, to show you the basics that can be further developed and mastered. Head - remember the main steps, and then it will be easy for you to get nutrition, as soon as you learn how to perform massage. The key to the massage process is a number of main groups of techniques. This is stroking, kneading, beating, twisting, vibration. Each of the groups has both simple right and folded ones.

Practice a few times over the skin. Begin by mastering one group of skin and skin areas, and then move on to the next. Don’t think that in one day you will become a guru of this. How to learn shvidko robiti massage? The only way to perform regular training is to clean the skin element.

  1. Whatever type of massage you try, you need to start stroking first - this way you will relax your patient and warm his skin. Greedy pressure, only straight knees, pressed to the body, and smooth arms. After this you can apply a little pressure. With a straight trajectory, you can move your hands in a spiral, zigzag, up and down, or crosswise.
  2. Rozminannya is another and the main stage of the lesson about how to learn how to perform a massage yourself. Your skin can become wrinkled, lifted, or squashed. You can squeeze the skin and twist it.
  3. Vibrating rocs lie on the rocks and surfaces. Another group is bitya. It’s important that they are not strong, but smooth and light. Finish the massage by stroking the area to soothe the pain.

How to learn how to massage, virishuvat for you. Let there be courses, guides and video lessons. Golovna, so that your patients do not bring satisfaction and bring joy.