Yandex File Exchange Service. File hosting Yandex: how to win - report instructions in pictures

Today bad services It is one of the most promising areas for securing data protection, and the Yandex file exchanger is not to blame.

Vykoristannya khmarnyh tekhnologii practically includes the possibility of wasting information. All files are stored on remote servers of the service provider.

In times of failure of the operating system, or computer breakdowns, data will not be affected.

Khmara Yandex is a price project of a successful Russian IT company.

Zavdyaki visible mindsі uninterrupted work service, over a million koristuvachs came to the exchanger.

Let's take a closer look at why you want to win Yandex.Disk, how to register your physical record and tell the robot.

File hosting services in Yandex

Razmіshchuchi file in the dark, koristuvach vikoristovuє his personal side. Її functionality instantly rewarding file system that standard hard drive.

The main advantages of the site in Yandex:

  • The unique system of zahistu danikh. Working with a client program, you can protect your files using an additional advanced encryption system that transmits information from protected streams. Such an algorithm can be reduced to a minimum of stealing data or extracting virus programs to your disk;
  • A lot of free space. Yandex gives its employees 10 GB of free space. More, lower cost-free limit of such popular collections like One Drive or DropBox;
  • Presentation software for mobile and desktop operating systems. Zavdyaki client programs, you can take away mitteviy access to your files, de b did not know. To enter the disk, you need only z'ednannya z global mesh;
  • Simple interface. Intuitively-intelligible menu and sorting out folders allow you to quickly expand with the functionality of a gloomy collection;
  • Coristuvachs can give a pardon, or a little more money. It is possible to make a backup copy of archives with information;
  • Possibility of oversight of the document to another coristuvachev and mode of group editing of office files.

Really gloomy Yandex masu blue functions, as a matter of fact, to forgive your work at the computer.

File hosting Yandex: how to hack - report instruction in pictures

How to register in Yandex Disk?

An account in Yandex.Disk may be registered as registered with the Yandex system. A single profile allows you to win all services and projects of the company, and for yourself:

  • Poshukov system;
  • Yandex money;
  • Translation;
  • Carty;
  • Yandex.Disk;
  • Market;
  • Music and other services.

Since you don’t have a formal record in the system, create yoga, dorimuyuchis:

1. Go to head side search system Yandex and click on the tab "Create a mail";

Rice. one - postcard Yandex

2. In the new window, state the necessary data and press on "Register";

Rice. 2 - registration procedure

3. In order for your oblіkovy record of plundering from evil, bad, tie to a new number mobile phone. How to confirm registration for a new come sms from the code, which is necessary to conduct at the vіknі zapovnennya danih. If you don't want to bind the number, just choose Nutrition control and enter the prompt. Done, now you have your own Yandex.

Rice. 3 - side postal service to Yandex

After registration, you will be automatically redirected to the mail side. To open a collection, click on the item under the name "Disk" at the top of the page.

There will be a mitteviy passage in the dark.

Rice. 4 - start page of the file exchanger

Remember that there will already be a sprinkling of pictures, folders on the disk music files. The stench does not occupy a lot of space.

With their help, the service can be more knowledgeable about the order in which documents are stored on the site.

To marvel at the place that was left on the disk, click on the "Buy" button in the lower left corner. Also, the white of the button appears in the field, as if showing the steps of the gloom.

By the way, as it turned out, you can take part in the free bonus program, or get an additional place for pennies.

Rechecking the memory and the variance of the paid prepayment. How to take away the place without cost?

For the transfer of the maximum limit of free space, you will have to pay extra.

If 10 GB as a whole is to be downloaded for a cross-country koristuvach, then the great companies and enterprises of this number are not enough.

Rice. 5 - rechecking the free month in the gloomy

The great undertakings are rich in victorious victories to attend distant gatherings, even if it is not necessary to buy supplements. hard disks, server racks and other road equipment for robots.

For you, everything was already robbed at. Shchob zbіshiti free place enough to buy yoga for a symbolic fee.

All similar storage services also give you the opportunity to buy memory, the price for 10 GB can change between 1 and 5 dollars per month.

Yandex pricing is richly loyal:

  • 10 GB for 30 rubles per month or 300 rubles per month;
  • 100 GB for 80 rubles per month and 800 rubles per day;
  • 1 TB for 200 rubles per month 2 thousand. rubles per river

go, the bigger the month you buy and the last time of the victory, the price will be the best. For such budgetary prices and bonus programs, the Yandex company is constantly getting new candidates.

Bonus programs- ce special promotions, which allow you to take away the additional space free of charge forever.

For a skin friend you request, you can take 512 MB of tribute. Respectfully, with this method you can gain a maximum of 10 GB.

The essence of the request lies in the fact that you generate a unique message or add a sheet to the email of another.

You can do it by pressing on the floor "Request friends" at the vіknі zbіlshennya obyagu shovischa. Z'appear on the next side:

Rice. 6 - generation of a request from hmaru

As soon as a person comes to the service, bonus megabytes will automatically come to your side, and your friend will take 1 GB of additional space.

Another way of cost-free withdrawal of money is the presence of shares in the form of partners. Follow this section to find out about all relevant propositions.

For example, when you buy equipment or other sponsor's products, you will receive bonus GB. You can maximize the space by 50 GB.

You can buti tsikavo:

Basic functions of the service

Schob rozpochati robot s, next get to know yogo main functions. Let's take a closer look at how to work with files and folders from the Yandex service.

The simplest and most necessary procedure is the transfer of files to disk.

In order to vikonate, go to the main side of the disk at the top of the window and press the button "Zavantage" on the yellow button.

After pressing on the button, the computer's file explorer appears. Select the required file and double-click on the mouse.

To download the file from the darkness to your computer, click on the object. The right side of the page will show up in the document parameters window.

Press the key with the arrow. Zavantazhennya pochnetsya automatically.

Rice. 8 - download file

Get your respect: on the other side of the vast majority of other gloomy platforms, on Yandex you can not only take advantage of archived files, but also look at them.

Create files and folders

And also, you can create new files and folders and work with them right in the dark. To do this, click on the "Create" button and select the type of document from the drop-down list.

Rice. 9 - document folding

The work with office files is started by using the MS Office Online portal, which is an official product of the Microsoft company and is identical to its desktop versions of add-ons.

One of the most important functions is the ability to overpower any other file for additional direct access.

When it is neobov'yazkovo, schob іnshі koristuvachі small their appearances in the records in shovishchi. You can send the address by mail, through the forum, or at the be-yakіy social merezhі.

Turn off the mode access to the file, dosit just deactivate the buzzer on the contrary yogo.

Keep in mind that if you want to create a group editing mode for a document, you need to think about those so that all the documents will be registered in gloomy shovischi.

Coristuvachi, who do not have a formal record, can hardly look at each other.

View and update of documents

To view the document, click on the new one, and in the options, click on the cat icon. The file will be deleted automatically.

Rice. 11 - remote object

Please note that after the file is deleted, you can renew it, even if it is possible to get it to the cat.

Files in the box also take up disk space, but stench doesn't show up in the main window.

In order to see the object without any confirmation, go to the window of the cat (lower left part of the side).

Select document and press icon "Visuality forever":

Rice. 12 - delete the file from the cat

- a richly functional program, like no-cost service, destinations for saving files from the merge. These options will give you the ability to remove access to data from other outbuildings, exchange information with other correspondents, or save files far away.

Program Features

The Yandex.Direct add-on allows you to choose a cost-free gigabyte of information, you can dial functionality for work with different documents, can be integrated with social measures. The files saved in the service can be looked over at any time, stink shards are saved on the Internet, and do not require additional memory.
The program is synchronized with various devices. Having taken it to your computer, you can quickly and easily share information with other people, overpowering them on the necessary files.
Direct can be used as a portable scanner, making copies of documents and saving them on attachments. Іsnuє possibility of creation folders, that dodavannya to them koristuvachiv, yakі matimut access to tsikh data.

Yandex.Disk functionality

  • creation of a disk-folder with any types of files, which will be available to any region of the world, de є Internet;
  • synchronization of information between a computer and a device;
  • robotic support with ICS attachments;
  • the possibility of spreading with the gifts of other coristuvachs with the help of the bulk of the efforts;
  • automatic photo copying other outbuildings, like a connection to a computer;
  • the presence of a tool to transfer data from one building to another;
  • 6 gigabytes of free disk space.

How to use the service

To start working with an addendum, you need to get yoga and install it on your computer. Once the program elements are installed, you can read the instructions on how to access the main functions in Yandex.Disk right next to the interface. Tse duzhe zmanochno. For example, about those who work as a service:

Or how to capture files:

How to exchange information with other people:

Yandex.Disk is a free, cost-free service, for the help of which you can save all the necessary files from the Merezha.


Recently appeared at Yandex new serviceYandex disk. Tse file-free file hosting i, one hour, service for backup information.

Yandex disk allows you to save an hour files up to 10 GB. Why is it possible to backup to Yandex disk important files, your login passwords, the image of your computer system and other information that you will need when you get off your computer. Asking and being able to transfer information from one computer to another, old computer see it all right. Tse to move security that saving your information.

Yandex disk. Fileless file exchanger.

You can access your Yandex disk from any computer connected to the Internet, so you enter your login and password in your Yandex mail. You can take a look at other ways of backing up, you can click on it.

For those who have a visible record in Yandex (registrations Postal screenshot), registration on the service is not required. Just go to Yandex under your public post, click on jab row on the "More" tab and select "Disk" in the list. If more have not yet reached your public entry on Yandex, you will be prompted to leave.

Click on the "Submit" button, enter your login and password, send your Yandex to the Yandex Disk service. After that, as you wait to be served by the service, you will receive a leaflet on Yandex by mail with a description of the service and the order of the service.

By clicking on the “reduce disk space” tab, you will go to the captain’s place of your disk, de-checking a number of proponing actions, you can increase the available files on the disk.

For the sake of transparency, more attractive program Yandex disk on your computer mobile attachments(Smartphone, tablet). Tse allow you to save zavantazhenimi files on your Yandex disk, be it from any of them. To start, press the button "Start the program" at the head window of your disk, or you can send it to the vital sheet.

After the end of the venture, press the "zavantazhit program" and get up on your outbuilding. After entering the login and password of your Yandex mail program Yandex disk will be synchronized with the service, and you can start working with it.

If the program is not obov'yazkova for the computer, you can work without it through the service interface, but with the program more conveniently.

After installation programs you will see a virtual disk on your computer (seeing black on the image) and the Yandex disk icon in the tray (lower right corner of the monitor).

Now iz cim virtual disk you can practice just like that, like the greatest disk. How to move the file there, no matter how hard old disk by way of dragging it with a bear, or in another way, the whole file will be entangled on the Yandex disk service and left on its own place in the hard disk. І reverse operation of transferring files from Yandex disk to computer disks can also be done by moving files between virtual and physical disks from the "my computer" window.

Having pressed right button on the icon programs Yandex disk, you can choose the number of files and folders on Yandex disk. Too bad, try it. It's only important that internet under the hour of carrying out all operations from the program was enabled.

Capturing files without programs is also not easy. Go to your Yandex disk, press the button of the menu "Attachment" and select the selection of the selected file either by dragging with a bear, or by pressing the button "Attach file".

For download in Internet To download files from the server on the computer, select the menu item “Initialize” by choosing the next step required from the downloaded files.

In order to give access to this folder to your friends or clients, click on I need a folder that designate access to it (exploit povnym or obmezhenim).

At access to the client folder you can only look at Internet information from the papacy. At public access– You can download files to your computer.

To remove the message from the attachment to the file, open the folder of the attachment on the server, click on required file i, by pressing the button to change the category of access to the file (the button is marked with a small red arrow) from special to public.

Below the button, a row will appear with messages for the whole file (it was seen as a blur on the little one). Copy and send as sent to your friend or client, and you can download your own file. With what service pracyuvatime, yak non-copy file exchanger. You can read about other file exchangers.

If you change the category from public to private again, access to the captured file in Internet crouch down, and you can only take advantage of yoga.

Try popratsyuvati z cym without a wallet file exchanger I think you fit.

Write your thoughts about the service in the comments.

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In the rest of the hour, there will be a gradual decline in interest to local add-ons and an increase in interest to online services (online add-ons). Vono understood broadband internet and presence in one koristuvach dekilkoh outbuildings are given signs. For example, a lot of koristuvachіv were inspired by the vikoristanya of local mail programs And you can win the mail directly from the site of the mail system. Rozrobniks of mail systems to improve the service, roblyachi yogo zruchnіshim. I can immediately say that the key engravings on the electronic mail market have outgrown local programs for robotic electronic mail. Same story for saving photos and files. A lot of people use services like Flickr, Yandex.Fotki, Google Picasa. It’s handy, it allows you to take access to your photos from any point on the planet and from any attachment that you can access the Internet. It is much simpler to exchange tributes with the help of such services.

For days, the Yandex company has been delighting its correspondents with the new Yandex.Disk service, which is the best way to save and exchange files. Crimea mail, calendar, address book, subscription and anonymous others brown possibilities, koristuvachs took away the ability to save their work files on Yandex servers, taking away access to them from either a computer or a communicator - they only need access to the Internet, a login and a password for their public record.

Yandex.Disk has succinctly fit into the company's service interface, having moved in order from the calendar, contacts, and so on.

To open a disk, just go to the "Files" tab. There you can create folders and add files to them. You can share these files with your friends by publishing special community messages on them. In order to remove the public message, it is necessary to scatter the file to accessible to other correspondents. All published files are available in the same folder. Whether or not they can be made special, so that they have access to them.

Uploading files to Yandex.Disk through a browser is not too easy, especially if it's too rich. It's easier to use a special add-on that you can create on your computer / communicator special folder, data is automatically synchronized with Yandex.Disk. In other words, the specified folder will be an exact copy of the folder on to a remote server, and all data uploaded to this folder will be automatically uploaded to the server. Today, programs are available for Windows, Mac OS, Android and iOS.

Warto respect that Yandex.Disk is far from the first of its kind. Chant about Dropbox, SkyDrive and iCloud. Ale decision from Yandex may have its own perevagi, about yaki obov'yazkovo varto to say.

  • The interface is similar to Russifications, which you cannot boast of, for example, such popular service yak Dropbox.
  • Yandex.Disk servers, on the same page as Dropbox, are roztashovani in Russia, but it means that the speed of synchronization between your PC and Yandex will be rich with everything.
  • If you work with Yandex, then go to your disk as easy as shelling pears, just change the active tab.

Obviously, Yandex.Disk is not ideal and may be short. For example, it is not possible to see a few files on the web interface and work with them, no matter what. Ale don’t varto forget what’s in present moment Vіn pass beta testing and it is being actively worked on. Until the time of the public launch, the main problems, singly, will already be the top ones.

How do you get greeted by Yandex not only like poke system then you are to blame for the new service. While you are still in beta testing mode and public access until the new closing, but later today you can cancel the application and try it with the right.