A program for creating computer studies from chemistry. Computer programs for chemistry. Chemical databases

Іsnuє anonymous software for rozrahunkіv and modeling in the gallery of chemistry. For example:

ChemOffice (Package of chemical programs ChemOffice will help you to vanish, deal with the chemistry of routine processes and get involved in robots. Modules, which are included in the warehouse of the package, transform the computer into a working station for designing such robots with databases of chemical documents. New version ChemOffice Ultra is designed for the Windows platform. ChemOffice Ultra 2008 includes ChemDraw Ultra, Chem3D Ultra, E-Notebook Ultra, ChemFinder, CombiChem, Inventory, BioAssay and The Merck Index in one package. For integration with Microsoft office ChemDraw/Excel and ChemFinder/Word modules are drawn.);

ACD ChemSketch 12.01 (One of the remaining versions of the chemical editor, which allows you to draw chemical formulas, including volumes, equal reactions. Brush the base of small laboratory glassware, allowing you to paint the main chemical parameters);

Avogadro (FreeWare) - 3D visualization (extensions for molecular editor, extensions for visualization on desktop platforms (zocrema on Windows OS), enumeration chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, etc.);

Balancer - програма для розміщення коефіцієнтів в рівняннях хімічних реакцій (програма, яка дозволяє розставляти і зрівнювати коефіцієнти в рівняннях хімічних реакцій. Її переваги в тому, що вона: - зрівнює будь-які типи реакцій; - обчислює моль, масові та газові обсяги для збалансованого Koristuvach can choose from the database of data a lot of chemical speeches);

Base Acid Titration and Equilibria (BATE) (pH calculator of dilutions to help with rosacea, which can be used in everyday practice. more salts and buffers);

CalcSam. Calculator for rozrahunka water-alcohol razchiniv , mass and molar stock bet);

CambrigeSoftChemDrawPro (Professional version of the computer modeling system for chemical modeling of semi-folding. Small reaction mechanisms for publications represent trivi- merous molecular surfaces, orbits and molecular powers);

Chemissian v1.70 Portable (an important tool for analysis electronic structure molecules and spectra. You can manipulate molecular orbitals of energy equalities in diagrams (Hartree-Fock and Kohn-Sham orbitals), analysis and experimental UV-VIS electron spectra, maps of electron and spin-width and preparation before publication);

CHEMIX School 3.5 Portable for the study of chemistry);

ChemMaths v11 (Програмне забезпечення, що підходить для студентів-хіміків, інженерів, а також для професійного використання. ChemMaths містить інформацію про 3000 хімічних складів, періодичної таблиці хімічних елементів, критичних константах, термодинамічних властивостях, поверхневому натягу, обчисленні в'язкості і т. D. Blizko 500 Zavdan Z Khimії, Fіziki, and such a mathematical ribnyannya, Main 200 Odlynitsy Pereprenyny, Probma Majvilovati Two/Trivimirni Grafi, Kryatovy, Model, Matrichny, Fitteric, Financye, Fiteric, Fiteric. mathematical rivnyan. . І vol. e);

ChemSite (FreeWare) - 3D visualization of molecules you can add to the screen or come to any atom);

CrystalMaker.v2.3.0 (CrystalMaker - a program for visual observation and analysis of crystal and molecular structures. The program provides high-quality distribution of photo-realistic graphics, grandiose 3D stereo screen, animation tools, digital video TVR and video);

HyperChem 7.0 (HyperChem is a complex software product intended for the task of quantum-mechanical modeling of atomic structures. It includes programs that implement the methods of molecular mechanics, quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics. ММ2), Amber, OPLS and BIO+ (based on CHARMM));

PL Table (PL Table - це багатофункціональна періодична система елементів, реалізація періодичної системи на PC, що дозволяє отримувати інформацію про елементи (більше 20 типів даних про кожен хімічний елемент), та вбудований хімічний калькулятор, що дозволяє миттєво зрівнювати хімічні реакції будь-якої складності , virishuvati khіmіchnі zavdannya);

Portable Virtual Chemistry Lab 2.0 (Програма являє собою віртуальну хімічну лабораторію з безліччю можливостей. Virtual Chemistry Lab є корисним інструментом для викладачів, студентів і всіх тих, хто просто цікавиться хімією. Програма інтуїтивно зрозуміла: є так званий робочий стіл та дві "полиці" - for tools and chemicals);

REKT v. 4 - Program for distillation of colony rectification (Program to carry out technological analysis of the rectification process, including plate distillation of vitrates and concentration of components);

Kinetics v1.2 (Compact program, which will set a series of reactions and a constant її svidkostі for experimental data, yakі v їy nadaste. Pіdtremuє be-yakі orders, including fractional negative ones. Bezkoshtovna and do not vimає іnstalyatsії);

1.Firm virobnik abo "New disk"

2. Product description: Interactive tests are approved for testing in lighting process for multiple interactive voting systems (voting consoles) NEW DISC or VOTUM. This modern complex solution allows you to conduct frontal testing - to control and evaluate the initial achievement of the student during the lesson. The program can be tested in grades 8–11 to consolidate and re-verify knowledge of chemistry.

The program includes a set of interactive tests - over 80 different types of test tasks, combined in 8 thematic divisions. Special tools allow the reader to change the change of ready-made tests (self-forming sets of tasks for the topics of the program, designating the sequence of meals), creating a new skin class and a new lesson of their own lighting route; keruvati for an hour of testing; conduct a vote and a lot more. Detailed information about the results of testing will help to improve the monitoring of individual achievements of students.

Before the program, interactive tests were introduced on the topics: "Physical and chemical phenomena", "The law of conservation of the mass of speech", "Classification of chemical reactions", "Swidth of chemical reactions", language of inorganic speeches”, “Genetic connection of organic speeches”.

3.Product Features:

    Sets of various types of interactive tasks for frontal testing.

    Special tools - Timer, Chartezhnik, as well as the Voting mode, attach to the gnuck and variable voices of the program.

    The interactive module of the teacher allows you to mark the lesson, keep an electronic teacher's journal.

    The results of the test are presented in the following cases: general - according to the whole class, according to the number of correct and incorrect indications, individual - according to the skin study.

4. The help of the correspondent includes a description of the program, recommendations on how to stop, a description of the work with remotes.

The program can be tested in any subject room equipped with a computer and demonstration technology - an interactive board or a projector or a screen. For the organization of testing, the use of interactive voting systems is required NOVIY DISK or VOTUM.

Interactive systems NEW DISK or VOTUM include: reader console; individual control panels, receivers of radio signals.

5.System support:

    Support Operating systems: Microsoft® Windows® XP/Vista/7

    Pentium® III 750 MHz processor similar to Athlon®

    256 MB RAM

    80 MB free space on hard drive

    Video adapter from memory 32 MB (RivaTNT 2)

Workshop on chemistry. Order and decision

2.Product description:

Sob "do not chemistry" at the hour of preparation of home tasks, hurry up with a sensible program!

Practicum assignments for solving various problems of inorganic chemistry and over 20 modules, connected by a special clipboard. The skin module violates the main chemical problem - you need to enter additional data (formula, reaction equalization and in.) and the task will be completed. All modules can easily develop a system that allows you to quickly know how to solve tasks. Tools for the introduction of chemical formulas (formulas or names) and other modules will also help with the completion of the task. In addition, the Visual Test program is designed to create and conduct tests and a sample of ready-made tests from the main divisions of inorganic chemistry.

The workshop will help schoolchildren to learn about inorganic chemistry, as well as to the main applicants and students of universities and other primary foundations.

3.Product features:

    5500 chemical reactions in the data base

    Chemical dictionary of inorganic chemistry

    Apply ЄDI z chemії

    Tests for distribution of inorganic chemistry

    More than 20 modules for solving problems in chemistry

4.System support:

    Operating system Microsoft® Windows® NT/2000/XP/Vista/7

    Pentium® 500 MHz processor

    256 MB RAM

    56 MB free space on hard drive

    Razdіlna zdatnіst screen 1024x768 with deep color 32 bits

    Sound attachment

    Attachment for reading CDs

Express preparation + ЄDI for 100 points. Chemistry

2.Product description:

A good mark on the experience of chemistry is the knowledge of the theory and vminnya zastosovuvat її in practice when the task is completed. We present a new multimedia set of two programs, which will help you independently consolidate theoretical knowledge and practice skills in solving problems in chemistry.

Express preparation before sleep. Chemistry includes a significant selection of theoretical nutrition, as well as a control system and the form of knowledge. The program was divided as follows: “Theory” (over 80 topics in chemistry for grades 9–11), “EDI Simulator” (includes instructions for learning to sleep, sample tasks from parts A, B and C with the possibility of monitoring the results), “ Abstracts "(80 topics in chemistry for grades 9-11). Starting materials you can listen, save it in sound and text format, or listen to cheat sheets.

EDI for 100 points. Chemistry is a practical help to help you get ready for the EDI, and to learn from folding tasks, objectively evaluate the level of your knowledge. The product is folded from test batches, as divided by categories of food foldability. If you want to sleep alone, you can marvel at "Schodennik", to which the name of the vikonan robot is brought up.

3.System support:

    Operating system Microsoft® Windows® XP

    Processor Pentium® III, Athlon

    256 MB RAM

    150 MB free space on hard drive

    Video adapter from memory 2 MB

    Razdіlna building screen 1024x768 with deep color 16 bit

    Attachment for reading CDs

1C: Tutor. Chemistry

2.Product description:

Multimedia starter program “1C: Tutor. Chemistry” is aimed at high school students and school graduates initial mortgage. First of all, apply that voice support, a large number of video materials and computer animation, the possibility of computer simulation of chemical processes and access to background information it makes it easier to master the material. The disc was filled with a special section “Preparation for the university”, food was given that the task was given to enter the programs of entrance examinations from the chemistry of the leading universities of the country. Of course, the disk can be played with vikladachs for illustration of the class ones.

At the helper:

    demonstration of chemical phenomena by computer animation methods;

    computer simulation of chemical laws;

    over 100 video fragments of chemical processes;

    physical and chemical power and molecular weight 320 speeches.

3.System support:

1. Operating system

Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP (with installed by Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 higher).

2. Technical characteristics computer

Minimum configuration: 486/66 MHz, 32 MB RAM, CD-ROM drive, SVGA video card (800x600, 16 bit color), sound card, mouse.

3. Required free disk space

Minimum installed (often up to CD-ROM) - 34 MB.

Maximum installed (without downloading to CD-ROM) - 530 MB.

If you need to install system components from Microsoft, you may need additional disk space.

Computer programs for chemists.

Today's development of chemistry cannot be done without the use of hard software packages for modeling chemical processes, images of chemical formulas and diagrams, and chemical developments.

A short look at the main programs.

Maple is a complete computer program for modern mathematicians, developed in Canada by Maplesoft. Apparently, the filth of that chemist who has problems with mathematics.

Sigmaplot- manual program to encourage schedules. I will especially be in favor of physicists, as they can rightly with a large number of experimental data, and everyone who wants to save their time and not be drawing graphics by hand.

This program allows you to model collapsible molecules on your side without any twists and turns. At first glance, he shows the expanse of the distribution of atoms. Rozrakhovuє vіdstanі and Kuti between atoms

Chemical Equation Expert

If they were sticking with organic chemistry and biochemistry, then, singsongly, you know, how great and bulky formulas are there. For drawing such formulas, there is a special program called ISIS DRAW.

Now let's take a look at the report program.

Maple is a complete computer program for modern mathematicians, developed in Canada by Maplesoft. Apparently, the filth of that chemist who has problems with mathematics. And with mathematics, a chemist should be brought to his mother on the right, if he wants to win that chi. If you know the difficulties in solving logarithms, integrating just as well, then Maple will help you solve your problems. I will also make the graphics for you. In addition, Maple can provide functions and operations. The advanced software packages of Maplesoft allow you to work in a complex mathematical way, to model the process and a lot of other things.

The principle of work in this program is similar to Mathematica. You can always look at the instructions for the robot by clicking on the completion (ctrl+F1 keys).

The company Maplesoft is a leading supplier of highly productive software for technical and natural sciences. Line software products to reach wide: software for engineering projects, for lighting purposes, for applied research, for automation, for aviation and space industry, for energy industry, for electronics. Prices for the company's products vary in the location of your affiliation up to the other categories of buyers (student, commercial organization, university, state administration). Also, it is possible to obtain individual and collective licenses for voicing software.

For more detailed information You can see their website www. . The site does not have a Russian version - it has brought some English translation, but it hasn't started yet.

SigmaPlot is a handy charting program. I will especially be in favor of physicists, as they can rightly with a large number of experimental data, and everyone who wants to save their time and not be drawing graphics by hand.

You can ask: "Now should I learn about my program, if I can quickly and simply induce a schedule in Excel?" Here, as it seems, there is no comrade for relish and color. SigmaPlot alternative program to encourage you to complete the exact graphs.

This program will be dear to us in front of chemists who are engaged in organic chemistry. If you don't know well on such programs, like "MOPAC", "HyperChem" if you know about them, then "ChemBio3D" is broken up by Cambridgesoft for you. For robotic software, it is not necessary to introduce the z-matrices of the starting geometry of molecules, which is beyond the scope of the mind. Vaughn allows you to openly reveal folding molecules. Rozrakhovu dozhini zv'yazkіv, cut between atoms that rich other, which allows you to guess the programs, but in this situation without any kind of zasil from your side.

The molecule can be injected in 2 ways: directly at the working window with a space molecule, or at the "ChemDraw" window, as it is known to be right-handed in the working window. You can look at the information on the bonds between the atoms and the bonds by the next step: top panel Structure-> Measurements->Generate All Bond Lengths/Angles

Chemical Equation Expert

If you see any problems with the placement of coefficients in chemical levels (especially in OVR), then this program is created for you. Here it is not necessary to know either the method of electronic balance or the method of reactions. All you need to know are the reactants and products of the reactions.

How to practice with the program? At the left side, where "Reactants" is written, enter all reagents one and one. For the skin reagent, there is an okremia row. It is not necessary to write all the reagents in one row. At another station, write down all the products of the reaction. Then press the Balance button. If everything is entered correctly, "Balanced it successfully!" will appear. To view the result, select "Results" from the top menu. Know your eligibility with the set coefficients. If you want to clear all results, press "Clear all". To blame the power, then "Examples" is brought up already prepared equal reactions. For an analogy with them, enter your own. Here, the application of the introduction of molecules is indicated: Ca (OH) 2, (CO3) (the sign of the charge is written as a sign, and the charge itself is written in square arms), H[+] (the value "1" is not recorded), CuSO4*5H2O (substant salts, hydrated molecules are recorded in the same order).

This program is convenient for setting the coefficients, as well as showing the products of the reaction. And if you don’t know the products, you won’t be helped.

How can I still understand the possibilities? It is possible to add a rivnyan to the library rivnyan, which gives me the ability to know the necessary levy for the "Search" help. Є calculator, scho rozrakhovuє masi and kіlkostі speechovin. Select Calculate from the top menu. Choose the appropriate reaction for the additional "Back" and "Next" buttons. Vybrana ryvnyannya z'appear at the window. І rozrakhovuєte chi kіlkіst, chi mass of speech. You can also choose the accuracy of the calculation.

If they were sticking with organic chemistry and biochemistry, then, singsongly, you know, how great and bulky formulas are there. For drawing such formulas, there is a special program called ISIS DRAW.

How to make fun of her? If you need to paint a cycle, select the necessary element in the control panel, scribbled in the mountains:

As you need, for example, paint a single, subordinate and triple link, choose a chemical element, put a sign + or paint an arrow, then choose necessary tool on the instrument panel, stashed gold.

Razbero leather tool for this control panel.

To put the cursor on the first instrument i, pressing the left key of the mouse, hold the cursor right-handed, and enter the set of instruments. All the stinks are victorious for seeing the necessary area, moving and changing it both proportionally, and in one specific direction. The first one is called the lasso tool. You can see be-like objects, be-like forms. The other is a tool for rectangular vision (select tool). The third one is the view of all molecules (molecule select tool).

Another tool (rotate tool) is used to rotate the molecule. There are also two tools here. One assignment is for a flat turn (2D), and the other one is for a space turn (3D).

The third one is a chain. By clicking, you erase uncommon links.

The fourth is the choice of the necessary chemical element. Choose an atom in a molecule that you want to change (there is a charcoal behind the abbreviations), and in the end, it appears, choose the chemical element you need, or enter it manually.

The fifth instrument is victorious for painting single, double and triple links.

Shostiy - for a spacious image of zv'yazkіv, which is in different flats.

Somiy - for the image of the lansy atoms in different times.

The eighth is the plus sign for equal reactions.

Nine - various arrows (for werewolves, non-reversible reactions...).

Ten is an "atom-atom" card. I don’t understand, I’m aware of the wines I need. I don't swear at him.

Eleven is an instrument of sequences. Enter the required chemical element and the whole molecule appears on the screen. You can edit for the help of the tools you have.

Twelve - arches. Victory for the image of polymers. Put in the data the arches of the repetitions of the element of the polymeric lanyard, de n show the number of times, as the element is repeated. You can also set the value of n.

Thirteen is a text field. Name it wisely from yourself, it’s necessary.

Chotirnadtsyaty - a tool for painting lines (straight, lamanich, rounded, elliptical shapes).

Fifteenth - for the depiction of geometric figures: rectangles with hospitality rounded corners, polygonal figures, ellipse.

It is also necessary to say that in this program there are ready-made molecules (lances of atoms, cycles, amino acids, carbohydrates, etc.). From the main menu, select the "Templates" item, then select the required object. In the end, in which the structures will be ready. Choose what you need by clicking on it with the left button of the mouse, after which you insert it in the work window, also by clicking on the left button of the mouse. I axis molecule is ready!

I one more moment. How to export a molecule to Word. To insert an otriman Word molecule, you need to see and copy in ISIS DRAW. Another way is to select "File" from the main menu, then "Export". Choose required format you save.

We looked at less than deyakі programs, but even then, knowing that vminnya їх vikoristovuvat in his profession, even make life easier for a modern chemist.

The program Chemіchniy calculator is used for a quick variance of reactions with inorganic chemistry. At the kіlka onslaught, you take away the finished chemical equality from the set coefficients. The robot of the program is similar to the robot of a mathematical calculator. Tobto you knew, they pressed it and took it away. Іstotna provaga programs, yak vіdrіznyaє її vіd іnshih іnshih proіbnіbnih programs-kalkulyatorіv — іbіbrіbrіbrіgo vygodnyh formulas rechovin, yak greatly zaoschadzhuє your hour. But the peculiarity of zovsim does not matter to the primary decision of the rivnyan.

You can give up on the back, if you’re ready, the formulas take an hour, but we don’t. It is necessary to call before roztashuvannya of all formulas. Alya doesn’t need a lot of time. Must have formulas, like in programs, sorted by activity and response classes. But if you can’t know the speech, just hurry up and down the function of the joke. In that case, like the calculator writes, “it doesn’t react with the speech,” and you see the equalness of these speeches and the products of the reaction, then you can bring in the equalization to the base of these programs. At other versions The programs have been corrected earlier found shortcomings in the data base. The number of chemical reactions grew more and less. Nearly 360 new speeches were added. Under an hour of review, information is available about the mind, in which the chemical reaction proceeds. So the function appeared as a joke, as it was already guessed earlier.