Mobile games with an open world. Open World Games for Android

On this page of the portal "site" is an extensive list of games with open world  on android. Each game with an open world from this catalog was selected by us carefully, and we are sure that all the games collected here are worth your attention! By reviewing the games in this category, you will definitely find a suitable game for yourself. Our list of open-world android games combines the best and most memorable open-world games of all time. Games are conveniently arranged by dates from 2017 - 2016, and early years. Also it is worth paying attention to our TOP 10 open world games, for it we have selected only best games  genre.


The amount of information on games can confuse you, but we worked it out as much as possible, and with all the comforts you can choose the game you need by watching videos and screenshots, or by reviewing the information on the corresponding page of the game in detail. The site OnyxGame collected a large variety of game genres and sorted them by games on PC and other platforms. Now you will definitely find for yourself only the best computer games!

Radiation City is a project created by Atypical Games, the ideological successor of their previous development, Radiation Island. The second game is close in subject to the first one, but the action in it unfolds in the abandoned city of Pripyat, well-known to many gamers. Survival in the Chernobyl zone will be difficult. Attacks by predators and zombie mutants are far from the worst in comparison ...

Playing promotional codes on Radiation City and surviving in Pripyat

More recently, Atypical Games has released its new survival game, Radiation City. This time the action takes us to the city of Pripyat. We are waiting for the crowd of zombies, the constant lack of equipment and even a good plot. The game is not much gone from the famous Radiation Island in terms of gameplay, but the atmosphere has undergone dramatic changes. We are waiting for such famous places as g ...

Shadows of Kurgansk - a new survival from the developers of The Abandoned

The company Yadon Studio is now working on its new title, called Shadows of Kurgansk. This is a stalker-style survival horror story about an anomalous Zone and dangerous enemies in the form of various zombies. In the best traditions of the genre, we have not only to survive in this post-apocalyptic environment, but also to unravel the cause of the disaster that has happened. You have to penetrate the ...

Durango: Wild Lands first look - how to survive with dinosaurs?

Today we decided to see what it is like, the many surviving Durango: Wild Lands. Play on this moment  is in open beta test on Google play  and anyone can play it. We tested the game on Nvidia Shield, in general, you can play, but the FPS drawdown is sometimes so significant that it is just not pleasant to play. We hope that the release, the game is still optimizing ...

Pre-registration is open at Taichi Panda 3: Dragon Hunter

Snail Games recently announced the launch of pre-registration of its new mobile MMORPG title Taichi Panda 3: Dragon Hunter. This is the final part of the Taichi Panda series for touch devices. Inside we are waiting for the mass of new features, including the possibility of training mounts and PvP battle in the air. Moreover, the developer made the game on a new advanced graphics engine and ...

The Chinese have shown a new multiplayer survival Code: Survival

Chinese developers are preparing to release one very interesting and ambitious project called Code: Survival. This is a multiplayer online RPG survivor, the events of which tells of a post-apocalyptic environment and a planet filled with zombies. A virus attack has struck the world and now a handful of healthy people need to cling to every opportunity to survive. In the best ...

The Wild Island survival game is alive and development continues.

This game has a very long and complicated story. Those who follow the development of The Wild, probably thought that the title will never roll out in App StoreHowever, this is a misconception because the developer has officially announced that the project is in development. For those who do not know, this is not the first time the game is “resurrected”. Moreover, the creators renamed their studio and maybe this ...

Immerse yourself in the prehistoric worlds in The Sandbox Evolution: update with dinosaurs

Recently, the developer announced that the Sandbox Evolution title will soon receive a long-awaited update, during which dinosaurs such as Triceraptops, Spinosaurus, Velociraptor, Brachiosaurus, Kompsognath and Pachycephalosaurus will appear in the game. We also know that the update will be released on August 30 on iOS and Android. With the addition of dinosaurs to the game, your worlds can change radically, because ...

Chinese PUBG clone - Law of the Jungle intends to go out soon

We have repeatedly spoken about various projects that want to get their portion of HYIP through PlayerUnknown "s Battlegrounds. We recently learned that the Chinese are preparing another copy of this game and have to say that the title looks good. We all know that the developers from the Celestial really good at copying other people's games and it is possible that the Law of the Jungle - Jedi Battle Royale ...

Today we will talk about the upcoming game Code Asylum, which players have not for nothing called mobile Skyrim. Inside we are waiting for an exciting storyline, nice graphics and a portion of exciting content. In Code Asylum there are 3 classes: warrior, archer and magician. All of them are subject to flexible settings and have more than 20 unique abilities. Thus, each player will be able to choose a character ...

The network appeared gameplay video Dragon Nest 2: Legend

At the moment, the company Nexon is working on the creation of Dragon Nest 2. The game was first announced in 2015 and it is the spin-off of the Dragon Nest universe. Title will receive a completely new storyline, the events of which take place 500 years before the incidents in the PC version of "Nest of the Dragon." Dragon Nest 2: Legend is based on strategy, you will not only have to properly "adjust" for the fight ...

Sci-fi shooter TauCeti Unknown Origin from the developers of Dead Effect 2

The release for iOS, Android, PS4, Xbox One, PC and PC-VR is preparing a cross-platform sci-fi first-person shooter TauCeti Unknown Origin. The developer of the title is the company that previously donated Dead Effect 2 to the world. Moreover, the future game promises to be quite colorful, as the video teaser proves: TauCeti Unknown Origin also received RPG elements and therefore you can explore ...

Azuran Tales: The Outpost - old school mobile RPG

We have great news for all old school RPG lovers! A new title for Azuran Tales: The Outpost is being prepared for the mobile platform. The game is developed on a 3D engine and offers all lovers of the genre addictive gameplay and thoughtful storyline. In addition to the usual RPG features, in Azuran Tales: The Outpost, you will have to step by step open the in-game universe, while ...

Survive: The Lost Lands is preparing for release.

At the moment the game is in beta test mode, so far not much is known about it and you have to be content with just the gameplay video. In general, ahead of us I am waiting for exciting adventures associated with survival on the island, which, according to the genre, is not as friendly as it seems at first glance. After watching the video, first of all I want to note the graphic component ...

The release of a major MMORPG Crusaders Of Light for iOS

That was the long-awaited global release of the Chinese MMORPG Crusaders of Light. The developer is the company NetEasy, it is known for its hit Revelation, which many gamers consider to be the killer of World of Warcraft. The new mobile title is based on a fantasy universe filled with adventures, bosses and hordes of monsters. The storyline tells of the evil that broke through the Wall ...

Dead Rivals Trial Launched - The First Mobile MMORPG About Zombies

Gameloft company once again makes us happy new game, now we are talking about the first mobile MMORPG about zombies - Dead Rivals. Inside, we are waiting for an open world, a deep tune of heroes and a chic PvP component. The in-game universe is built in such a way that sooner or later you will have to deal with other live players. Perhaps you will unite in a group and start a joint ...

The Gamevil development team, which is working on the massive MMORPG Royal Blood, recently informed the public that their future game will receive a fully functional open world. This means that life will flow in each location, you will be able to communicate with people from all over the world, complete quests together, etc. Royal Blood is developed on the Unity game engine, which will help the title of ...

Nexus recently unveiled the new Durango trailer at the 2017 E3 exhibition. This is an open-world MMORPG Survival that is also an alternative universe filled with dinosaurs. In the trailer there is a small background associated with the dinosaur attack on the train and a series of excerpts of gameplay, thanks to which we can get acquainted with the main game mechanics. In Durango ...

On this page of the portal "site" an extensive list of open-world games for Android is compiled. Each game with an open world from this catalog was selected by us carefully, and we are sure that all the games collected here are worth your attention! By reviewing the games in this category, you will definitely find a suitable game for yourself. Our list of open-world android games combines the best and most memorable open-world games of all time. Games are conveniently arranged by dates from 2017 - 2016, and early years. It is also worth paying attention to our TOP 10 open world games, for it we have selected only the best games of the genre.


The amount of information on games can confuse you, but we worked it out as much as possible, and with all the comforts you can choose the game you need by watching videos and screenshots, or by reviewing the information on the corresponding page of the game in detail. The site OnyxGame collected a large variety of game genres and sorted them by games on PC and other platforms. Now you will definitely find for yourself only the best computer games!

Today, the mobile gaming industry has been able to grow to inconceivable scales and give gamers complete freedom of action in exactly the same way as on the PC. A lot of cool toys came out, but among them there are projects that differ markedly in their territorial scale.

Introducing the most striking open-world Android projects:

  with all the clones

One of the best-selling games in the industry - Minecraft from the company Mojang needs no introduction. The huge cubic world and total freedom in actions was estimated by more than 1 billion players around the world.


Find yourself in the center of the most exciting and unpredictable gang litigation, having already played in a few successfully ported parts of the GTA on mobile devices. This is the legendary 3rd part with 3D graphics, Vice City, San Andreas, Liberty City Stories, Chinatown Wars.


Many compare the two parts of the fantasy RPG from Crescent Moon Games (Sword and Shadow and Forge & Flame) with the Gothic series. Medieval settng, view from the 1st person, magic, exciting plot, gangsters, monsters, elves, gnomes, dialogue and much more awaits the player.


The official port of the two parts of the legendary adventure action of the first decade of the XXI century again plunges into an extraordinary world, full of mysteries and dangers. With a view from the 3rd person, playing for Stanger, you will go to the Wild West and get a lot of impressions.

Baldur’s Gate Dilogia

Retro RPG with a top view and pixel graphics is returned to mobile platforms in two parts at once due to the efforts of the company Beamdog. In the vast fantasy world you will find hundreds of quests, dozens of huge locations, including underground, demons, magic spells, dozens of hero classes and hundreds of tasks.


The spider is very comfortable on mobile platforms, while continuing to protect the city of New York from bandits from the Marvel universe. Colorful graphics, a huge metropolis, clashes on the roofs and flights between the skyscrapers - just mesmerizing.


The most insane and nontrivial goat control simulator allows you to unleash the full potential of player fantasy. The main task is to destroy everything and everyone in its path, creating chaos and unbridled fun.

Main competitors of Minecraft in the sandbox genre. The concept is similar - survival in a huge cubic world, just put it all up as a platformer with much more flexible passing conditions.

Exciting battles on ships, exploring the expanses of the Caribbean Bay, along with various tropical islands. Hunting for treasure, boarding the imperial forces, the battle with pirates and exciting tasks - all this on a mobile device.

The most exciting and large-scale space action-RPG continues to hold the leading position of its segment. Buying and pumping ships, traveling between whole galaxies, cool unpredictable plot, dizzying battles and graphics of the highest class-AAA.

The dangerous adventures of the Flax in a fantastic dimension opens up to the player an unusual open world and hundreds of NPCs with which to interact. In addition, the player can collect various items in his inventory, engage in improving equipment and skills, carry out quests and take part in battles - all with a view from the top and pixel graphics.

This recognized clone of GTA deserves all praise due to the incredible dynamics of what is happening. You can do anything in a big city, but the main task is not following the criminal storyline, but creating chaos on the streets. How you do this is another story.

The fascinating 3rd-person Action-RPG immerses the player in an unusual symbiosis of the Middle Ages and the Jurassic period. Knights in armor, sword and crossbow (magic is also available) will appear against huge dinosaurs and other animals. It all looks cool and amazing.

The open-world futuristic adventure action from Crescent Moon Games was able to convey the real post-apocalyptic atmosphere in the near future. There are many mutants, animals, gangsters, wastelands, an interesting plot and a sci-fi setting.

Another good GTA clone with a criminal plot and a real sense of excitement. The large open city of Las Vegas invites fearless players to try their luck in dizzying chases, resolving disputes between competing casinos, playing roulette and becoming a star.

Apocalyptic Survival-Action with a first-person view is a very good modern solution to the similarity of Forest. With minimal equipment and alone against zombies, hunger and fear, you need to survive in a large area filled with radiation and anomalies.

Cubic large-scale wars on the territory of a huge city reveal the full potential of a player when it comes to command modes, the use of modern cannons, flying knapsack, tanks and other things. The graphics are made in the style of Minecraft, but much more detailed.

A real western from Gameloft with a good plot and high-quality graphics will transfer to the big open world of the Wild West. The game intersects elements of fantasy, because the hero named Buck Cross will have to deal with Voodoo magic, witches, damage and other mystical things.

Legendary Batman again stands guard Gotham. This exciting fighting game is presented in very high-quality graphics with great open city. A lot of bosses from DC comics, as well as impressive tricks, betarang and batmobile are attached to the gameplay.

The best MMORPG on Android from Gameloft strongly resembles Lineage both in gameplay and in graphics. There are 5 races to choose from, only real players play, lots of fantasy creatures, hundreds of quests, clan wars, 3rd person views and more.