Electronic system for contingent. Russia is officially launching a system of total persecution of the population from birth to death. The tender participants split into pairs. Peremig "Megafon"

The Ministry of Communications has acted as the manager of the Unified Federal Inter-Departmental System for the formation of the contingent that is responsible for the main awareness-raising programs and additional awareness-raising programs (federal segment of the IV “Contingent”) and mass communications of the Russian Federation in the sphere of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. It is the responsibility of the two ministries to coordinate behind the scenes the activities of the system. The Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation is responsible for the creation and support of the federal segment of the IS “Contingent”, its technological security, coordination of interdepartmental electronic interaction and technological operator of the system. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is responsible for the methodological and methodological security of the federal system.

2016. Change of legislation to create a system

Putin passed the law on creating a school education system

On June 29, 2016, Russian President Volodymyr Putin passed a law that passed the creation of the “Study Contingent” information system in the Russian Federation, as reported on the Kremlin website.

Explaining his decision, the President stated that federal law may prescribe the transfer of specific information that will be processed in the system. In addition, the culprits are the designated individuals who have access to these data and their responsibility.

For the practice that has developed in Russia, food about the warehouse and the protection of data from the Galuzevs information systems ah – this share of legal acts, where this is registered, means the founder of the “Academy of System Analysis”, scientific director of the Center for Urbanism of the Peter the Great Polytechnic Alan Salbiev.

This plan, of course, has nonsense that the president wants to include these norms in the text of the law, like Alan Salbiev. – If the most protected systems are vulnerable, then maximum guarantees are needed, since we are going to protect the heritage, the future of our state. Like many experts, I support the president’s decision, which was dictated by protecting the interests of children. It is absolutely logical that we would like to update the norms of the law with more expressive theses about those who will manage personal data, what method and what kind of storage of data will be used. The President did not trust the by-laws, which could then be quickly changed, but decided to bring them up to the law itself.

According to the expert, one of the reasons for what happened was the change of policy in the Ministry of Education and Science in the wake of the project’s implementation. This led to the fact that the department’s priorities began to change, the approach to organizing a digital lighting platform, the introduction of digital technologies, and the beginning of intensive work with the presidential administration Istration. “It is clear and logical that there needs to be a correction in the very ideology of the “Contingent” system,” says Alan Salbiev. But suddenly the positions of the department, which had changed, could not be changed, as a result, the president revoked the law.

In addition, before the “Contingent” there were no large-scale rumors carried out on a regular basis, says Alan Salbiev. As a result, many public figures do not have all the information that is important.

The expert predicts that in the near future the necessary amendments will be made to the law, and the “Contingent” system may be fully implemented in the spring of 2017.

We are glad that the adepts and kids have begun to realize that the new generation is acquiring information in a different format and requires different approaches to illumination. It is impossible to secure this approach without a digital ecosystem. Without it, the lighting system cannot be considered competitive,” says Alan Salbiev.

On January 23, 2016, the Federation Council praised the law on creating an information system for students and sent it to the President of the Russian Federation.

The State Duma praised the law on the creation of the “Contingent of Students” information system

On January 21, 2016, the State Duma praised the second and third, residual, law, which transmits the creation in the Russian Federation of the information system “Study contingent”, in which there will be information about students, their success and awareness and organization.

The bill may come into force on June 1, 2017, and the “Study Contingent” system may be formed “stage by stage according to the terms established by the Russian Federation, but not later than June 1, 2022.”

2015. Creation of the system

The federal system for training schoolchildren has been created

For example, in 2015 the system was created. The Ministry of Communications and Communications and Megafon signed additional acts on the implementation of robots, including an act on readiness for the federal segment of the system before being put into industrial use.

"Megafon" supplied the Ministry with the distribution kit of the software to the federal segment of the system, Weekend codes, an album of screen forms, and necessary documentation. The deputy paid the contractor 35.76 million rubles.

Select a contractor

The tender participants split into pairs. Peremig "Megafon"

Megafon moved, having established a minimum price of 35.76 million rubles (the initial price was 67.5 million). It is important to note that the text of the technical part of MegaFon’s application is practically identical to the similar text of the Bars Group application, right down to the smallest detail of the subsystem structures. This may become a driver for discrediting the results of the tender at the FAS, even the TAdviser website, which is close to one of the tender participants.

The structure of the collection subsystem, storage and verification of data from the technical application to Megafon has been confirmed

The structure of the collection subsystem, storage and verification of data from the technical application "Bars Group" has been confirmed

Trilank system architecture has been presented, application to Megafon

The Trilankov system architecture has been approved, the application of Bars Group

The technical parts of the applications from Rostelecom and Skhod are also consistent with each other.

Analytical module, application "Right away"

Analytical module, application to Rostelecom

Megafon decided to comment on the situation. "Bars Group" could not provide comments to TAdviser.

FAS does not turn off the call of postal officials

Having become familiar with the information about the competition, the FAS told TAdviser that avoiding parts of the technical propositions can be one of the signs of wisdom, otherwise it is not possible to work on this basis.

The FAS is ready to examine in detail the rules of every single application, representatives of the antimonopoly service added to TAdviser.


The development of the first draft for the federal segment of the interdepartmental system (including the analytical component of the federal segment) is given approximately one month (work starts at the end of November and ends before the 15th of April 2015).

During this period, the contractor is responsible for obtaining information about the interaction between the federal segment and the regional segments of the interdepartmental system of subjects Russian Federation There are 10 pilot regions on the app, designated within the framework of the government contract.

In addition, it will be necessary to develop prototypes of services for the interaction of the federal segment with the systems of the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Migration Service, the Pension Fund, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Health and the Federal Service for Education and Science, as well as test the interaction of the system with the high-lighting segment.

The key objectives of the BARS Group and Netrika companies (who acted as subcontractors) were integration with various data sources, interaction between the federal segment of the system and already separated regional segments. Prototypes of services for the interaction of the federal segment with the systems of the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Migration Service, the Pension Fund, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Health and the Federal Service for Supervision of Education have been developed, and the system has also been tested for interaction with the public education segment. Great respect was paid to the productivity of the system, which daily collects large amounts of data, the ease of administration, the design and ergonomics of the interfaces of the portal of the federal segment of the IS “Contingent”, which is used by the military personnel of many Russian departments .

Problems that the system is violating

The creation of the federal system, officials assure, will allow a number of current problems development of external, professional and additional education", leading to "increased efficiency and efficiency in making management decisions, for the organization of effective interdepartmental electronic information exchange "

Vicenza "PO" Russian vyrobnitstva"given in the form of signatures by the President in early 2015. However, the law has been gaining ground since 1 June 2016.

For the federal segment of the IS “Contingent”, next to the portal, there are separate subsystems: administration, collection, storage and verification of data, management of data about persons, pedagogical workers and organizations, information on regulatory and developmental information, integration with external systems,

Lyudmila Ryabichenko about the fact that the state has kept things “behind the scenes” in the collection of personal data of children

October 25, 2014 The order of the Russian Federation has issued Rozoradzhennya No. 2125-r “About confirmation The concept of creating a unified federal interdepartmental system for the student population for basic lighting programs and additional lighting programs."

After this, the Ministry of Communications and Communications of Russia, the Ministry of Communications of Russia, the federal bodies of the British government and the state budgetary funds were created working for a group, have prescribed a “road map” for the implementation of the Concept at the 3rd stage (until January 30, 2014 - design and preparation of changes in legislation, until April 30, 2015 - changes are made before legislation, until January 30, 2016 - re-approval). Alization of complete projects That introduction of ІС in industrial exploitation) was completed until 2016. a unified federal interdepartmental system for providing a contingent of students under the name Information System (ІВ) "Contingent".

The program was created by the Ministry of Education and Science (technological functions, creation and support of the interdepartmental system) for the approval of the Ministry of Education and Science (data operator, methodological and methodological support of the federal system).

The official goals of the innovation are to simplify the work of officials, increase efficiency and efficiency, electronic interaction between various departments, and increase the awareness of the population about educational organizations. and light services.

IS "Contingent" includes federal and regional segments.

The federal segment collects, centralizes, and processes the register of personal data of legal representatives, the register of organizations, information from the regional segments of all subjects of the Russian Federation, the segment of about information systems of federal bodies of the structure of sovereign power and sovereign budgetary funds.

Regional segments accumulate information about “persons” (as stated in the documents) and organizations and carry out interdepartmental aggregation of this data and transfer it to the federal system.

On a weekly basis, the federal budget received a loss of 35.76 million. Megafon became the general contractor for the project, which acquired the company BARS Group; and the FAS has already announced the call for the tender; Also one of the contractors is "Rostlecom", and among the regional operators labeled "Schodennik.ru", which together with the company LLC "Reforma" operates from the promotion of the regional segment of the IS "Contingent" in information infrastructure of the Moscow region.

IS "Contingent" is an electronic database of all children of Russia, their fathers and everyone who performs important services of any kind - a kindergarten, a school, a creativity center, a vocational school, a higher education institution, advanced education courses Ifikatsi and dance club; Enter data about the practice there.

The child’s file is opened from birth and registration at the RAGS, and is closed after his death; The single identifier of someone entering the interdepartmental system is the insurance number of an individual special person (SNDLP).

Personal data of the student (at any level of education, from kindergarten to university) include private news(name, name and name according to father, become, place of nationality, date of nationality, number of the record of the act of nationality, date of the sovereign registration of the nationality and the name of the body responsible for the sovereign registration of the nationality, community, series and passport number or details any other document that reference person, registration address, SNDLS), as well as information about the stages of development, about achievements (portfolio).

This list of transfers is not limited to: the category “other information necessary for completing the task of the interdepartmental system” includes information about the “person” from the Ministry of Health, the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Migration Service, the Pension Fund, the Ministry of Education, I see.

The Ministry of Health supervises the file with profile information: health group, medical group, group and cause of disability, evidence of need in the adaptive program, evidence of need in treatment, decisions of psychological and medical long-term commissions.

In addition to the data, the IS indicates the stage of adaptation of what begins at all stages of training, and also creates a “portfolio” for the individual child, the data of which will be analyzed by the federal system, as a result of which the child When the song reaches, the attribute “bestowed” will be assigned child."

Obov'yazkov will submit information about fathers/legal representatives of the school: nickname, name, according to father, community, registration address, registration address for the place of residence (after the place of relocation), series and passport number for details of another main document, What does the person recognize, SNILS.

Also, the regional segment has been asked to submit data about the “father-in-training association.”

For fathers who are not eligible for such benefits, a package of regulatory documents and changes to federal legislation is being prepared at the federal level, which will be adopted in the spring of 2016, which will require fathers/legal representatives to give personal data And so that children and fathers have a regional lighting system .

In the instructions entitled “Unified functional and technical capabilities to the regional segment of the unified federal interdepartmental system for the contingent of students in the main educational programs additional background lighting programs" on 69 arkushes, much respect is given to the description of how to transmit information about the change of name from the RAGS to other The date of birth of the child, which is expected only for their adoption, and has since become information that does not contribute to controversy.

At the webinar to the project department with information from the Ministry of Communications of Russia, when the creation and work of regional segments of the IS "Contingent" were explained, the fears of representatives of the regions were answered by the organizers: "Indications of personal data and children can be transferred by the civil registry office authorities at any time, as indicated in certain areas about mutually."

In connection with the creation of the IV "Contingent" it is planned to make changes to laws No. 152-FZ "On personal data", No. 273-FZ "On information in the Russian Federation", as well as to the program "Information Sustainment" 2011-2020 rocks .

In “pilot” mode, the project is being implemented in the Irkutsk, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Saratov regions, the Republic of Dagestan, Tomsk, Perm Territory, Kamchatka.

And now - about those that we all value.

Also, Russia is creating a unified information system, where every resident, after the fact of birth, immediately opens an electronic file with an individual reference number, and where absolutely all the information about him is collected. It’s very easy and there’s no need to spend money on issuing electronic cards.

Showcase is the name of the program IV "Contingent" - a hundred great masses of people, and in other words, to the people, to the nation. In our semantic field, everything is clearly unbroken, with its “targans”, which can no longer be twisted or straightened. In a word, contingent , What should I take from this?

The first emphasis on IP is placed on the basis of health, success (portfolio), life of a child with his father.

What the fathers are worried about is not lying on the surface: add to the file a statement about the lack of “association of fathers and children” - and any law on domestic violence, which is stalling the fates, is no longer needed.

Portfolio is the basic principle of dividing children into castes, which is being tested in the project of the Kudrin Foundation in Transbaikalia, which is being implemented in the Lighting Modernization Project, rating schools and universities, the project of the great school "Tuning" - for segregation of the “non-blameless” and the seizure of talents and intellectual resources across Russia’s borders.

And before the news about health - behind the amazing improvement in conditions, September 1, 2016. Having gained rank, the order of the Ministry of Health is all the same, January 25, 2014. N 908n “About the procedure for making a diagnosis of brain death”, where in paragraph 1 it is stated that a posthumous donor is now respected by people in the age of 1. And, therefore, it is very important for the deputy of the IS to provide information about the health status of potential posthumous donors.
Access to the “person” file in the IS will be surrounded by a small number of individuals, which does not include the subject of the data or his relatives - it is not possible to control the correctness and timeliness of information about yourself, and at the same time it is only possible to provide information There are different operators in the model of this life trajectory.

And who will ensure the protection of this mass of information wealth, the monopoly right to dispose of which has been revoked from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

And, you will ask, most importantly: what was the matter with the Constitution? Did you bite all the chi into pieces?

For example, Article 23: paragraph 1: “Everyone has the right to privacy in private life, especially in the family, to protect their honor and good name.”

Or Article 24, paragraph 1: “Collecting, storing, retrieving and disseminating information about the private life of an individual without permission is not allowed.”

Or Article 24, paragraph 2: “The bodies of state power and the bodies of local self-government, their officials are required to ensure that everyone is aware of documents and materials that directly infringe on his rights and freedoms, This is not covered by law."

What, the power has already ended, and everything is now happening “behind the scenes”? They didn’t ask anyone, they didn’t talk to anyone, they just gave orders - and off they go: officials are getting food, IT workers are in the background for grants, lawyers are writing laws against the unlucky from such a camp.

Preparation for the project was planned for three periods, and the Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets It is important to launch the IV “Contingent” in two: a terminologically necessary system that takes control of the skin - at any corner of the edge, at any place, in any place, from the people until death.

Lyudmila Ryabichenko, head of the Interregional Community Movement "Family, Kohannya, Batkivshchyna", member of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Movement "People's Council"

Parliament tried again to introduce the “Contingent”, the law about introducing it to the cob of fate was revived Russian President Volodimir Putin. The State Information System (GIS) "Contingent" is not a database of all Russian children. Activities mean: bye Federal law not accepted, fathers may be encouraged by this information. Details - in the material Naperedodni.RU.

Last year, the share of the current juvenile Russian project was discussed at a meeting of the Illumination Committee in the State Duma. The deputies appeared not ready to withdraw the proposed bill from consideration and decided to call a special commission so that, with the participation of the fathers, they would prepare a favorable text for the law on the “Contingent”.

Project ICE "Contingent of students" It is already being discussed about three years ago, at this time it will undergo testing in the Irkutsk, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Saratov regions, the Republic of Dagestan, Tomsk, Perm region and Kamchatka. In these regions, it is no longer the first time that the “pilot” regime is collecting data from fathers about children. The scheme is simple: when a child is sent to kindergarten or school, the father is given basic personal data - PIB, community, registration addresses, SNILS. Later, when the child begins to go to school, data about her success is uploaded to the system. This is available through " electronic maker The database will also be updated with information about the health and burial of the child.

The population was alarmed by the fact that access to the systematized data of the child was blocked. It is the administration of initial deposits and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Although the fragments of the father’s thoughts were not absorbed by anyone, the bill was successfully adopted by three readings and the Federation Council.

The president also had doubts about the validity of the decision praised by the parliament. You have noticed the success that Danish law is responsible for establishing the transfer of specific records that are located in the federal and regional systems, as well as identifying the features that deny access to such records, as well as their reliability. The Kremlin explained that, in compliance with the law, Putin taking into account the enormous concern and respecting the need for further examination of the law with method protecting the interests of parents and children.

Speaker Derzhdumi sings that such a law is necessary, because " It is clear that there are a large number of databases in the field of information, and unfortunately, they are compiled on different platforms and are not fully protected, - Volodin said. - Creation of a hidden database on a single theft platform, as in my case, would be correct".

Those who respect the head of parliament correctly call the activities of large organizations direct violations of laws. People in the city are categorically against the collection of personal data. How it became clear Naperedodni.RU However, experts in the family sector are against allowing such a system to continue.

"There is no need to underestimate the need to establish such an information system. The skin department already maintains its own database, which allows them to clearly identify, for example, the Ministry of Health, the need for illumination; As many children as you will have in the first grade, you will also know the necessary information from clinics and registry offices, social service departments. We already have a lot of departments that collect the information they need for work, but there is nothing else to do massive and great work. If we understand that Information is the key to access to people And access to this information is being denied by the masses of foreign powers, and we cannot be asked if we want the foreign masses to deny access to our children, then, insanely, the reaction of the marriage will be definitely negative,”- shared her thoughts with Nakanune.RU head of the interregional community movement "Family, Kohannya, Batkivshchina" Lyudmila Ryabichenko.

Previously, the tender for the development of the "Contingent" was rejected by the service "Schodennik.ru", registered in Cyprus, Gavrilo Levi, who already has access to information about all schoolchildren in the region.

“The main point is that the information that is entered into the IS will be inaccessible to the citizens. We cannot control what is written about us, and we cannot regulate this process every day. A system of external control over the citizen is being created, a system of access to information about wow ". , as it is created spontaneously, without informing the population, as a result, we are left completely hopeless in this situation. We are creating a system in which everything will be written about us. don’t show me what was included there,”– added Lyudmila Ryabichenko.

In addition, the “Contingent” reads 23 and 24 articles of the Constitution.

Expert of the Batkiv All-Russian Support (RVS) Oleksandr Kovalenin This means that the President’s support for the bill on the introduction of internal combustion engines is related to this very issue.

“The President’s statement, “that the Federal Law may establish the transfer of specific information that is located in state information systems,” elaborated by him under the law, is not just the duty of the first person of the state, but as a guarantor of the Constitution before the agreement with the fundamental law For the Constitution The citizens are clamoring for the right to a special family prison(Article 23), the collection, preservation, collection and expansion of information about the private life of an individual without it is prohibited, and the authorities in charge of local self-government are obliged to deal with those who are subject to this law - to ensure the integrity of private life(Article 24). In fact, the “Contingent” allows the collection of data about our children by any body that wants it. Zokrema, the guardianship authorities, who today do not have any legal authority to deal with children, besides their fathers, who were “lost without care,” or whatever else they want. This is about nutrition, not about the lighting system, but about the market for the morning of children, the regulator of which is care, - having informed Naperedodni.RU Oleksandr Kovalenin.

The creation of the system, as established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, is intended for the benefit: to establish the necessary number of places in kindergartens and schools, to provide grants to gifted children. The RVS activist respects the fact that the “Contingent” limits the rights of the students who are due.

"It's not just school success that comes from the system, but also information about troubles. All the "middle" twos. And those who are going through difficulties, having found them in their beginners, are unlikely to be able to catch up on your chances of mastering life. With the understanding of the above, evidence of social ill-being is accumulating, as those who are not guilty of the law go beyond the borders of the police department for those under age... It’s important that the child walks with a label from his “price” “Istyu” is the name of the portfolio. what was seen without any luck (!) by everyone who needs children for something - and foreign ones "thoughts behind their heads", and show business deals, and "potential aspirants", how to check with the bank "bank sirit" if you choose a child for them. Do we want children to be amazed without our knowledge? If you want to send your successful child somewhere for grants, you can submit applications for grant competitions yourself., Kovalenin added.

The threat to the national security of the country from the "Contingent" is considered Russian writer, expert in cybernetics and control systems Valery Filimonov.

“Obviously, the senators did not wonder how many unclean hands could be used to abuse the data for evil purposes! The national security of the land, directing to our poverty We already know how the “custody and incarceration authorities” operate in families that take children from their parents. tologs"? The extremes of the world have not thought of this - put on sale confidential information about all children - from newborns to students, about their parents and families! Unified data banks may be available on a regional scale. In the USA, England and other countries initial mortgages lead only local databases. Timing is no less, criminals constantly steal personal data, then use it for their own advantageous purposes. As a result of the "Contingent" system, we are talking about colossal threats to the national security of the country.", - Valery Filimonov said after finishing his thought.

The prospect of appearing “under the hood” of the “Contingent” is shouted by the fathers. Write about your fears of the stench to social media.

“The law about the IV “Contingent” has been adopted, now all the data about the children of the Russian Federation (data from kindergarten, school, success, health, illness, chipping, honey eyes, blood type, residence addresses, education addresses, towns, sections) and their fathers iv They will gather and merge into a single database with access to it “whoever needs it”, except for yourself. we are being “quietly” tightened to the electrical station ", - posted on its page on the social network VKontakte" Evgeniyaз Cheboksary (even before, as a project of Putin’s inspiration).

“Do you know which law was praised? And in the future, in 2017, the personal data of you and your children will be affected. Are you ready to share special information about you and your children? Do you know who will have access to this information , and how they will be victorious ?Everything has already been decided for us", - wrote Irina h Nizhny Novgorod.

Such questionnaires are available all over the world in schools.

Previously, the inhabitants of one of the “pollen” regions – the Perm region – were told Naperedodni.RU about the obsessive interest of schools in their health and financial status.

“The polls in the RVS are to show that the wave of all sorts of data collections and surveys is in full swing - children at school are asked about those who don’t bother at all lighting process, tell about the salary and place of work of fathers. Tse talk about the high level of officials’ attention to reporting knowledge about our children, including the knowledge that we can give to our children. Collection of personal data is not required - the data must be registered where it is collected and for strictly designated purposes: school - at the school, medical - at the hospital, police - at the police. A person owes his mother the ability to trust the skin service of the marriage, for which it is hoped that no “inter-domestic interaction” will be assigned to her in her prison without her fear.", - Oleksandr Kovalenin summed up.

In his words, as long as the federal law is not respected, fathers may be subject to the disclosure of personal data. The application form can be found on the RVS website.

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The population of educational lighting organizations is an indicator of its stability over the lighting services market. It is important to note that the indicators of the contingent (in terms of physical numbers) form the basis for analyzing the effectiveness of the selection of material, technical, financial and intellectual resources. Therefore, this became the basis for optimizing resources and developing the lighting organization.

The structure of indicators for analyzing the contingent of the lighting organization is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Structure of indicators for analyzing the contingent of a public relations organization

Basic displays Indicators of effectiveness
1) Contingent of full-time students, (people) 3) Contingent of full-time students, (people) 3) Contingent of part-time students, (people) 4) Contingent of part-time students, (people) .) .) 5) Trained listeners for short-line programs professional development, (persons) 6) Trained hearing learners for short-term programs of additional education, (persons) 7) Contingent of students on a budgetary basis (persons) 1) Indicators of the turnover of educational services, (individuals) 2) Index of the current market capital 3) Indicators of the structure of the turnover of educational services the minimum permissible value for the contingent, consistent with the Strategy for Innovative Development of the Russian Federation period until 2020.

1. The turnover of light services reflects the total number of students, including the number of students in short-term vocational training programs (Ppdg.kr/pr) and in short-term programs of additional education during the current period . The turnover of services allows us to evaluate the hidden importance of the lighting organization for the last period of time.

The turnover of general services (About (image of services)) is insured as a sum for the contingent of students (the number of students in full-time, part-time and correspondence courses), the number of students in short-term professional training programs (H p_dg.kr/pr ) that number students of short-term programs of additional education (H prep.add./pr), (individuals):

About (image.service). = Contingent + H pіdg.kr/pr + H pіdg.dod./pr.

2. The steel market index (I established rin./sp.) increases the level of stability of the lighting organization in the socio-economic system of the region. The index of the current market capital is a clear indicator that characterizes the ratio of the number of employees on a budgetary basis and the turnover of light services (%):

I (established rin. / Spr.) = (H on a budgetary basis)) / About (image of service). ,

3. For a more detailed analysis, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the structure of the turnover of professional services for an additional breakdown of the frequency of numbers according to the forms and types of professional training programs:

a) Part of the number of full-time students in connection with the turnover of educational services:

b) Part of the number of full-time and part-time students in connection with the turnover of light services:

c) Part of the number of part-time students due to the turnover of official services:

d) Part of the number of students in short-term vocational training programs in connection with the turnover of professional services:

e) Part of the number of students in short-term programs of additional education in connection with the turnover of educational services:

4. In the context of strategic goals, analysis of the contingent of scientific directives for the implementation of the tasks in order to “... optimize regional measures state educational organizations to implement programs of secondary professional education, including the restructuring of educational organizations according to the priorities of socio-economic development to the region, their social infrastructure, consolidation of professional educational organizations to an average number of 200-600 individuals.” At the same time, for a better picture of the current situation, it is important to carry out a thorough analysis of the actual value of the contingent of students, the turnover of professional services and the minimum acceptable value.

ІІ. Material and technical resources

Material and technical resources, primarily in the form of production areas, which are directly utilized in the process of providing lighting services, create an infrastructural basis for the activities of the lighting organization, effektivne vikoristannya which are characterized by:

First of all, there is a wide variety of areas evident in the ordered lighting organization due to the circulation of lighting services and the nature of the lighting process;

In other words, there is a clear evidence of the actual practice of modern labor in the exploitation of mining areas, which is directly involved in the process of providing illumination services to the practical directness of the beginning, as well as integration of resources of partner organizations for priority directions of central, intergalul and regional development in the implementation of peripheral lighting programs .

The structure of indicators for the analysis of material and technical resources is presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Structure of indicators for the analysis of material and technical resources

Basic displays Indicators of effectiveness
1) Area (total), m 2 2) Area (including) initial, m 2 3) Area (in addition), leased, m 2 4) Number of theoretical science offices 5) Number of years of theoretical science, stretching in the office, for the implementation of basic educational programs (SPO and vocational training) 6) A number of years of theoretical training, including in the office, under short-term programs of professional training and additional training 7) Number of years of theoretical studies, including work in the office (including them) for the implementation of programs boundary interactions 8) A large number of workshops, laboratories 9) A large number of years of practical work carried out by the master and laboratory for the implementation of basic educational programs (SPO and vocational training 10) ) Many years of practical experience, including the work of the master and laboratory under short-term professional training programs and additional education about 11) Many years of practical work, including the activities of the master and laboratory (including them) under the implementation of the program of boundary interaction 1) Indicators that reflect the wide variety of material and technical resources in relation to the circulation of lighting services and the nature of the lighting process: - the ground area, which is in order for the lighting Items that fall on the 1st student (m 2 / person); - the starting area, which is in orderly lighting organization, which falls on the 1st school, (m 2 / person); - the number of years of theoretical knowledge is limited, including the study of the office; - a great number of years of practical work, such as the work of the master and laboratory; - intensity of initial areas (year/m2). 2) Indicators of the clear similarity of the actual work of the viconic robots in the exploitation of mining areas, which are directly determined in the process of providing illumination services to the practical directness of the beginning, as well as to integration of resources of partner organizations for priority directions of central, intergalul and regional development in the implementation of peripheral lighting programs: - safety indices of practice-oriented development; - Indices of edge interaction

1. Indicators that reflect the wide variety of material and technical resources due to the turnover of lighting services and the nature of the lighting process.

a) The outdoor area, which is in good order with the lighting organization, which falls on the 1st school (m 2 / person):

b) The starting area, which is in orderly lighting organization, which falls on the 1st school, (m 2 / person):

c) The total number of years of theoretical research, including those in the office, is calculated as a sum:

Several years of theoretical training, including classroom work, for the implementation of basic educational programs (VET and vocational training),

Many years of theoretical training, including classroom work, under short-term programs of professional training and additional education,

A number of years of theoretical study, including the work of the office (from them) for the implementation of the boundary interaction program.

d) The number of years of practical work involved in the work of the master and laboratory is counted as sum:

Many years of practical work, including the work of the master and laboratory for the implementation of basic educational programs (VET and vocational training),

Many years of practical training, including the work of masters and laboratories under short-term programs of professional training and additional education,

Many years of practical work, including the work of the master and laboratory (including them) for the implementation of cross-border programs.

e) The importance of initial areas is determined by the sum of many years of theoretical work, including the work of the office, and many years of practical work, including the work of the master and laboratory to the initial area of ​​the ordered lighting organization, (year/m) 2).

2. Indicators of the clear similarity of the actual work of the past laboratories in the exploitation of mining areas, which are directly involved in the process of providing illumination services to the practical directness of the beginning, as well as to integration of resources of partner organizations for priority directions of central, intergalul and regional development in the implementation of peripheral lighting programs:

a) Safety indices of practice-oriented development:

Index of safety of practice-oriented work in the implementation of basic educational programs (BOP) of vocational education and vocational training (I practical work), is covered as a result of the number of years of practical work, during which the master no laboratories for the implementation of OOP SPO and vocational training, up to a number of years of theoretical training, for the implementation of OOP SPO and professional training and many years of practical work, for the implementation of OOP SPO and professional training; for the implementation of OOP SPO and professional training;

Index of safety of practice-oriented training in the implementation of short-term programs of professional training and additional education (I practical training/etc.), is covered as a result of the number of years of practical training, over the course of certain projects and laboratories under short-term programs of professional training and additional illumination, up to several years of theoretical the beginning, during which work in the office, under short-term programs of professional training and additional education, and many years of practical experience, during the work of the master's and laboratory under short-term programs, during professional training and additional education illuminate.

b) Indices of edge interaction:

Index of boundary interaction of theoretical work, calculated as a result of the number of years of theoretical work, including work in the office under the implementation of the program of boundary work, to the final goal bones of theoretical knowledge;

The index of interconnection of practical work is calculated as a result of the number of years of practical work carried out by the master and laboratory under the implementation of the program of intermeasurement, up to the final stage. Just a few years of practical learning.

ІІІ. Financial resources

The financial resources of the educational organization are the totality of government subsidies and received capital, which are used for the formation of assets and ongoing educational activities. In its own way, an analysis of the effectiveness of the financial resources of the lighting organization follows:

First of all, in view of the investment activity of the modern society, the creation of minds towards financial and state independence;

In a different way, from the perspective of the efficiency of wasting the clothes.

The structure of indicators for the analysis of financial resources is presented in Table 3.

Table-3. The structure of indicators for the analysis of financial resources.

Basic displays Rozrahunkov's indicators of effectiveness
Indicators of financial investments in lighting organizations
1) Financial funds (everything); 2) Subsidies: - vykonannya of the sovereign estate; - for other purposes; - for other purposes, seen within the framework of the current government programs 3) Financial assets from activities that generate income, including: - from light activities; - Type of product sales; - received financial funds from robot sellers (in addition to funds for personnel training); 4) Investments of robot sellers (in terms of equipment, materials, equipment, etc.); 5) Financial sums withdrawn during the implementation of programs within the framework of border mutual relations (including payment for agreements with deposits and masters of p/o) 1) Indicators of the structure of sovereign investments; 2) Indicators of the dynamics of investment activity: - Index of growth in income from budgetary lighting activities; - Index of income growth from sales of products; - Index of income growth from the amount received from robots - index of income growth from the amount transferred by the robot in the form of possession, materials, equipment, etc. - Index of income growth due to marginal interaction; 3) Wholesome display of the share of non-budget funds in the global obligation of finance funds

Table continuation

Basic displays Indicators of effectiveness
Indicators of expenditures
1) Spend funds as subsidies for the restoration of the sovereign government, including: - wages and salaries, social support for certain categories of citizens; - continuous repairs; - equipment, equipment, tools, devices, accessories; - advanced qualifications; 2) Spend money on activities that generate income: - wages and salaries, social support for certain categories of citizens; - continuous repairs; - equipment, equipment, tools, devices, accessories; - advanced qualifications; - other purposes: addition of basic facilities and materials for government needs, civil utility needs, technical maintenance, equipment software products, payment of costs for renovation, office supplies, materials for industrial work, services from the morning line, equipment repairs, information systems, payment of income tax and PDV, security services, legal services, utility payments, services language, Internet, PMM, food products for food, library fund, transport services, payment for services for residential rental contracts, payment for certificate forms, payment for college accreditation, cultural events for students. 3) Indicators of the structure of the expenditures for the subsidization of the royal government; 4) Indicators of the structure of capital expenditures from activities that generate income.

1. Indicators of the structure of sovereign investments.

a) Part of the subsidy for the viconics of the sovereign administration:

b) Part of the subsidy for other purposes:

c) Part of the subsidy for other purposes is seen in the framework of government programs

2. Indicators of the dynamics of investment activity.

a) Index of income growth from off-budget lighting activities ( take out insurance like a marriage

de: D(external obr/d) – income from non-budgetary lighting activities;

b) Index of growth in income from products (Ir.d. (sales.product)):

de: D (sales of products) - income from sales of products;

c) Index of income growth from earnings from workers (IR.

de: D (employee) – income from earnings from employers;

d) Index of income growth from the receipt of funds transferred by the robot seller such as equipment, materials, equipment, etc. (Ір(dkh.r.equipment.techn.)):

de: D(r.equipment.techn.) – income from the receipt of funds transferred by the robot provider such as installation, materials, equipment, etc.;

e) Index of income growth in marginal interaction Ір (income network);

de: D(net.vz.) - income from the earnings of the sums within the framework of the border interaction;

3. In the context of strategic goals, the share of non-budget funds in the global financial obligation at the end of 2014 may become 5%, at the end of 2020 – 30%. An up-to-date analysis of the actual value of a portion of budgetary funds in the global financial obligation with optimal permissible target values, together with the results taken away from the most significant indicators of financial resources, allows us to determine the potential to ensure the financial stability of the financial organization and formulate a consistent long-term financial policy.

de: d(external in general ob.fin.) - part of extra-budgetary funds in the foreign financial sector (fact); Fsr.prin.income.activity - Financial assets are activities that generate income (everything).

For example, 2015 in Russia, one of the largest projects in the field of information technology – GIS CONTINGENT – was launched. The system has collected data on all children enrolled in pre-school, vocational and pre-school education, as well as on university students. In fact, we are talking about the formation in Russia of a single lighting electronic medium. In the sphere of services to the population: promotion of the provision of state and municipal services to the population electronic view near the lighting sphere. In the sphere of government management: ensuring the transition to a completely new level of work and the interaction of information systems in healthcare, health, social security, to provide information about students.

Federal and regional segments of AIS Contingent

At the regional level, primary systems are being created, including current organizations:

  • Civil Registry Office
  • clinics
  • schools, kindergartens, groups and sections.

Federal segment provides data:

  • VNZ
  • Ministry of Education and Science, Rosobrnaglyad,
  • Ministry of Health,
  • Ministry of Culture,
  • Ministry of Culture,
  • Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation

Regional segments GIS Contingent

Regional segments of the GIS Contingent are created in each Russian region. It is also necessary to create services for integration with the federal segment, a primary review of the data was carried out and its updating was organized. The planned term of completion of these operations is indicated to the skin region by a road map for the promotion of the system.

Stage of zastosuvannya:

Development of federal and regional segments. Change it to legislation. Term: Cherven, 2016

“Sticking” of federal and regional segments. Praise for by-laws. Term: Spring 2016

Putting into operation GIS CONTINGENT. Development of services for koristuvachs. Term: 30th birthday 2016

Regulatory framework

The basis for carrying out the work is the following documents and regulations:

  • Order of the Russian Federation dated June 25, 2014, No. 2125-r on the approval of the concept of a unified federal interdepartmental system for the contingent of students for basic educational programs and additional educational programs other programs;
  • Clause 1 of the Plan of Entry electronic system the appearance of the contingent at the lighting installations different type submitted to the Order of the Russian Federation dated April 14, 2013 No. OG-P10-916;
  • Development strategy informational partnership from the Russian Federation, approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 7 February 2008 No. Pr-212;
  • Leaf of the Ministry of World of Russia MON-P-4564 dated November 15, 2013;
  • The concept of the development of a unified information and educational environment in part of the information system for children and the integration of AIS with other departmental systems and systems of the federal, regional and regional authorities of the unified region.

Meta project

Development of the regional segment unified system field, monitoring and management of the contingent of students in educational organizations of the Russian Federation

The system is designed to automate the process of collecting up-to-date information from VIS GO about the actual and predicted number of students (contingent) in educational organizations of various types on the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation, as well as:

  • Ensuring monitoring is carried out by senior representatives of the ROIV and MOUO with the method of monitoring monitoring data during the planning of the creation of new awareness-raising organizations;
  • Collection of current information about the flow and educational success of educational institutions of various types on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation with the help of monitoring the awareness of senior representatives of ROIV and MOUO for a wide a set of criteria;
  • Ensuring the routing of data during the implementation of the display of state service at the EPSU in electronic form to provide information about the success of educational institutions of various types;
  • Creation and maintenance of an up-to-date unified register of lighting organizations of various types on the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation;
  • creation of funds that allow monitoring of the light trajectory of children, fathers (legal representatives) and people who are developing measles;
  • Formation of the necessary statistical significance of the subject of the Russian Federation for the civil defense contingent using the method of transfer from the federal segment IV “Contingent”.

Main modules of AIS “Contingent-region”

  • Operating system, a set of essential and detailed programs that are included with the installation of the System, which act as an interface between the devices of the computing system and application programs of the System, also intended for controlling devices, managing calculation processes, and effectively distributing calculation resources between calculation processes and calculation organizations.
  • An interoperability gateway is a software component that ensures interaction (reception and transmission of data) from external computers via a secure communication channel. The interaction gateway is responsible for the following basic functions: to ensure the possibility of two-way data exchange between the System and external VIS and to ensure the conversion of external data format to internal data format Data The system can transfer data to the data saving and processing subsystem.
  • The alertness module is a software component that contains the functionality of the system for forming sound templates, forming queries to the database (the main archive) for calls, generating sounds in various data formats.
  • The data gateway is a software component that ensures interaction between the Cosmos and the federal segment IV “Contingent”. The data extraction gateway is responsible for the following main functions: to ensure the ability to extract unnecessary data from the System from the federal segment IV “Contingent” for additional SMEV; ensure the ability to connect external GIS for routing data on the flow and success of students between the System and the Portal through SMEV with the method of providing aggregated data from external VIS EZhD until the data of state and municipal lighting services is provided in electronic form.

Scheme for exchanging data between different systems from the appearance of the contingent

Dzherelo dnevnik.ru

Dzherelo dnevnik.ru

Stages of implementation of AIS “Contingent-region”

To successfully implement the AIS “Contingent-region” it is necessary to:

  • The subject of the Russian Federation praised the decision about the participation of Pilot in the implementation program of the federal project “Contingent” in 2014-2015. and submit a second application to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
  • Shaping technical department and the sovereign contract for the development of the regional AIS module “Contingent”

Formulate regulatory and legal acts of the regional level regarding the participation of the Pilot, reflecting the following points:

  • Ensure that all sectors are aware of relevant information systems.
  • Make decisions about the complexity of the integration of business information systems from the Contingent-Region IS.
  • The decision is praised for the complexity of collecting data on SNILS and other necessary documents from the activities of the Civil Defense Subject of the Russian Federation.
  • Providing the necessary server capacity and data center for the placement of IV “Contingent-Region”, integrating it with SMEV.
  • There will be a regional secure data transmission network or a necessary source for connecting the organization to postal information providers.
  • Navchannya koristuvachiv system.

Application for connection to ICE "Contingent"