Combination of keys for expanding the screen. Yak zrobiti gro on the new screen

I still love vikoristovuvati hot keys everywhere, desperately. In addition, when looking at video. For example, in a large number of video plays, such a combination Alt + Enter, Yaka rozgortaє video for the whole screen. Mayzhe in any kind of video play. Ale tilki is not on Youtube. Oskіlki player YouTube tse is not a complete add-on, but a web service. І at onslaught alt + enter nothing is seen. And I duzhe often pushing behind the zvichkoy and mamagayuchis to fire up the video on the whole screen. I was so eager to use the hottest keys. I will be happy, if I vipadkovo vyaviv hot keys will display the video on the whole screen of Youtube!

Quick access to Youtube

I became shukati and know and іnshі brown combinations... I zdogaduvsya, how the stench is faster for everything є, ale not fooling around with the tsim. Otzhe, the combination itself.

Key for displaying video on the secondary screen:

f... So, the axis is so simple, one key is a letter F... from the word full screen.

Rewind video from keyboard in Youtube

digits from 0 before 9 change immediately in x10%. So, if you want to put it in the middle of the video, then just emboss 5 і pozunok re-brace equal to 50% video.

pair of keys Jі L allow rewinding by 10 seconds of video forward and backward. Tse zovsim vzhe unix-like - a legendary console editor vi vikoristovu tsi zh keys for character-by-character oversimulation of the cursor :)

Well, it's just the keys strokers aloneі to the right (Left Arrow, Right Arrow) - wave forward and backward for 5 seconds. Shvidshe knew about everything.

Remixing of video from keyboard

Create with additional combination Shift + N... Including the beginning of the ( N ext) Video from the list of updates. Abo, the first from the sidebar with the recommended videos. Duzzna funkts_ya, obov'yazkovo try. Moreover, the drop-down from the playlist can be bridged і on the front video of the combination Shift + P (P revious). The playlist position is not correct, but if you want to jump to the front video there, there is no playlist playlist, just use the standard "back" function of the browser itself. by the way Alt + Left Arrow(Left arrow) Allow the flow in Google chrome.

regulation of purity

The keys of the arrows uphill and down allow the increase and change of soundness.

Silent mode: m... To be called " suppress". Play the sound in the YouTube player. from words m ute.

Keys for managing video video

Shvidshe for everything you know probil (Space) Allowing to download video in any programmer. That number is in YouTube. Until the speech, my three-ric child is still actively victorious clavish :) Vaughn, except for a pause, letting you also start re-creation, if the video is over and you want to be surprised more often, more often.

Ale here є one nuance, moreover, to finish the values. The pass can also be used in more browsers. hot keyboard for side scrolling. I will rewind the side one screen down. І as vi know from such understandings yak focus in additions, it is guilty of intelligence, but the built-in YouTube player has its own focus, and the browser has its own. In such a rank, as the focus of rebooting by the browser, then you will not have a simple pause, but will simply turn the side down, until I look at the comments. Likewise, you will not be proxy and rewinding in numbers, і regulating the muckiness with arrows, і rewinding with arrows, if the focus of overwhelming the browser.

However, Klavisha F, For example, if it’s right, it’s not focusing on the player. As soon as you hit it, then you will be playing as a player and if you are overwhelmed. I don’t need it for you new screen, Then you can just pull the two, or clavish Esc for the input in per-screen mode. The trick you have is to get lost in the player, and that means you can play the arrows and punches to control it. clavish Jі L also work right in the focus of your choice - you can speed them up for quiet purposes.

Ale bilsh tsikavo here vikoristovuvati clavishu K... Here you are, the start / pause of the video is also right in focus, on the view from the start! But at the same time, the focus is not to overshoot the player. With this rank, you can press play / pause, for example, in musical compositions and scroll the side with arrows for reading comments.

Well, on the other hand, to finish the rarely used function - the price of the production. You can adjust the keys < і > , And the splinters of the stench in our Shift, That kind of combination Shift +. (Point, pot)і Shift +, (coma, comma).

Activation key on Youtube

Oh, well, the megapixel button for transferring focus to a row is a joke. Tagged unix-like, straight forward slash / (Slash)... But there is also a nuance here, some of the wines in the small boxes can be typed with absolutely small keys. With active English retailing, everything is simple, you have to be right away with a shift and be picked up by one onslaught. And the axis, if you have an active rosіyska layout, then you will be able to finish it. Bo in the Russian version, the slash is on the keyboard, which is here for the Enter, I may not be able to navigate the keyboard. As a rule, on n_y ob'yazkovo images vertical ( pipe, pipe) І sound slash ( backslash) | і \ ... If you know the axis, you know the button on your keyboard, then, having tightened it with a shift, you will be given a chance to represent a straight forward slash in the Russian distribution. It’s easier to tidy up the layout and type yogo in en, why’s wrong? :)

Well, the axis, such a simple set. Before the speech, for actions from the re-insurance of the buttons, you will be shown YouTube at the end with a close over the player, if you will press the sign of nutrition ? , If the focus is transferred to the player.

Criminate, be affectionate, even more visibly save the hour and bring your own satisfaction. Chim more koristuetesya, tim lighter than a hundred. Well, at least that's the case for me. There is no need to remember everything, just repent, you need it most often. I guess I’m going to capture from one button only F... Such other joy befits me even more. What am I banging you.

In casual games, as well as in old people with low permissiveness, food about those who destroy a new screen, it’s difficult to find among older people.

It’s easy to load the load on the second screen, but just remember the dialer, press the keys on the keyboard, or uncheck the "Windows mode" item in the grid settings, otherwise you don’t have to wait for the prompt.

In order to run the load in a per-screen mode, it is necessary, in the first place, to update the driver on the video card. The VGA driver is out of date or it may be the reason for the unhappiness of running the grid in a normal version.

You can run the load on the main screen using the decilcom methods. The lower points describe all types of methods for launching the igor in a per-screen mode.

You can try “Alt + Enter” on the keyboard at the back of the bag. You can transfer the load to per-screen mode.

Through the settings of the gr

In bagatoh games, a single-screen mode can be expanded through the graphical settings menu. Varto just vibrate the required mode: vіkonny, or povnoekranny.

Launch without additional parameters

In order to run the groove without additional parameters, It is necessary to start:

  1. Click RMB on the green and vibrate "Vlastivost" icon.
  2. Cross over, in the row "Ob'єkt" of the address of the green, there is no parameter "-window". Yaksho vin є - saw yogo.

Nalashtuvannya through the video card driver

First, you need to update, if you find problems with the graphical views of the grid, then update or reinstall the video card drivers. Then go to the menu adjust graphics and adjust the scale of the image. It is always available from virobnik karty, the menu will be viglyadati in a reasonable way.

  • : Go to the menu "Adjust the size and position of the work table" and turn on the scale.
  • : In the menu "Power to the screen" select "Power" and adjust the scale there.
  • for kartIntegral Intel Graphics: in the "Display" menu, vibrate "Basic settings" and set the scaling parameters. If the stink is unavailable - lower the screen dial, adjust the scale and rotate the current dial.

Race to the screen

Some old games simply cannot be accessed in a per-screen mode through a backend low permission And, moreover, if the stench turns into a povnoekranny mode, then from the sides there are black smogs, or the picture looks even more rotten.

Even though all the methods in front didn’t help, it’s better to start:

  1. Marvel at the settings of the gray, which dial є for her is the maximum.
  2. Vistavte also dialed through the computer settings.

Smart, robotic style and all the programs to make you look better, visually get better, and if you want to, it’s a lot of good work, not to allow you to end up with the whole world of making the robot happy, old groyu dial the screen must be turned to the cob value.

Now you know, yak zrobiti povny screen in different ways... The price is easy to reach, as soon as we mean it with instructions.

If you have any problems with games on PC or consoles - try to know the answer in one of three articles

Know drukarska pardon? View text and draw Ctrl + Enter

Bagato gravitas and koristuvachi PCs are often stuck with them, but I don’t know how to fire up the load on the whole screen. The reasons for the whole problem can be a little - fixing the parameters in the launch and ending the grids with rock. In the given statistics, there are a few ways to solve the problem.

What is the reason?

Basically, such a problem appears when trying to launch old people іgor or casual іndі-projects. The same reason can be found in the insanity of the new operating systems with old people. To add to all the options, there are old drivers on the screen, which can also be switched to start the programs in the screen-by-screen mode. Let's get rid of it, how to unload the weight on the whole screen of the decalcom in ways.

Quick access

If you see a window in the frame, then it’s better for everything, you can help you if you allow all the system windows to be switched to a lateral mode. On the keyboard, it’s overnight keyboard Altі Enter і marvel at the reaction of the gr. If it didn't help, then go to the іnshy way.

Another way to turn on a new screen

After running the program in the window mode, do not go to the window. system settings... For a cob, try to know the mode in the nalashtuvannya samogris. Go to the menu, then go to the item "Nalashtuvannya". At the new one, the graph "Graph" is to blame, or "Screen" (in the fallowness of the green, call it zmіnyuvatisya, but the essence is innocent). Vibrate on-screen mode and freeze snakes. In most cases, a restart will not be required - the system will automatically unload the load on the entire screen.


As far as the methods of description did not help, the third method was victorious. Inodi, the parameters are written in the launch. For launching the postscript window. Go to the power of the jarlik and the inversion, the additions of chi in the field "Ob'ekt". Give me a lot of respect for the item "Vіkno". Newbie is guilty of writing "Rozgornute for the whole screen." Now you know, how to clean up a small screen in the games for the help of the establishment of the authorities.

Problems of the Samoy Gris

You can, you need to start in a low distribution building, but not allowing it to spread over the entire area of ​​the monitor. In such a vipadku, I know the animals are being fed up to the internal game nalashtuvan. Viber is connected to the screen, as it is based on your monitor. In this case, a small screen in games will no longer be a problem for you. To navigate in a window mode, the grid will be stretched over the entire area. Tsei way, shvidshe for everything, does not go for old projects, for which there is no way to accept the occasional permissions.

Yak to fire up the whole screen for additional driver settings?

You have a solution to the problem and you can help you with the utilities from the video card file. You can update the driver up to the last version and send a message to your screen. To keep up with the help of the scale of the authorities of the video card. After completing the game process, turn the standard settings.

It’s a fabulous description of how you didn’t get a load on the whole screen; The skin program has its own peculiarities. It is especially important to be introduced to the old people of the mountains, to that, they describe the ways not to solve all the problems with the current regime for any kind of problem.

At the end of the article, I will show you in a number of ways you can open the window to the whole screen, and you can use one key for all the victories on Windows 7, 10 and MAC. Widely in the bobut computer mish became revolutionary innovations, it is significant to simplify the administration of a personal computer. There is a large number of corystuvachiv vicoristvoy to tackle the navigation through the system and the introduction of the simplest commands. However, all the extensions of the operating systems allow the operation of the required production without the confirmation of the mischief.

I will show the practice, the knowledge of singing combinations of clavis, allowing the whole screen to be more responsive at the end, so that it is positively reflected on the productivity of the country. It’s just as easy as it sounds, and the victories of the winners for the addition of short combinations of keyboard sounds will be more responsive, without the change of mischief.

Switch to the keyboard shortcut for displaying routine operations of the most frequent extensions to the middle of programs, web masters and representatives of other professionals, whose robot is tied to the need for the introduction of a great number of information. In the midst of significant passes of such a move, it will be seen as soon as possible.

In case of victorious "hot keys" in order to flare up the whole monitor, respect is not brought to Misha, but I will simply ask for the patronage, especially in the pre-construction perspective. Mova about those who are introduced to the text or the commands for the help of the keyboard in order to get the song out of the brain. Vikoristannya Misha zadin descho іnshі zones, oskіlki won pratsyu principally іnakshe. This is not only a waste of an hour on the physical transfer of hands to the side, but a change in respect to the sphere of activity. From the point of view of an astute clerk, it’s not critical, but the axis for a professional, like spending a year at a computer, can reach a hundred values.

Yak zgornuti / rozgornuti vіkno programs

Yak butt of advanced manipulations with the keyboard you can rotate the guttage / progression of the programs from the window mode to the lateral and backward. At the same time, due to the peculiarities of the function of this operating system, the combination of keys will often be recognized, at that hour, as the principle itself will be approximately the same.

Vidkrivaєmo on Windows 7 and Windows 10

OS Windows 7 and 10 є are the most extended versions of the operating system, and the view of the food can be viewed from them. Otzhe, in order to flare up or flare up as a matter of fact launched supplement it is necessary to speed up the one-hour onslaught of the keyboard " Win"(From the images of the system logo, the window is inserted closer to the left lower claviature) and arrows up / down. The supplement will change your image from the window on the screen.

You can also cope with this in the most effective way. Win trokhi, who else can get better. It is necessary to get it overnight Alt + Probl, In the contextual end, after the additional arrows, vibrate will be required, if you confirm with the keyboard Enter.

Rozgortaєmo vіkno in MAC OS

On the operating system from the Apple company, the algorithm will be approximately the same. It is necessary to press the keys at once Command + Power... Regardless of the situation of the combination, you will either be more active in storing it in the window mode, or if it will be turned into an alternate version of the image.

For the additional description of the "hot keys", you can simply simplify the growth of the screen on the whole screen, as well as improve the efficiency and speed of the screen. To the word, those who are ready to do it are enough to eat, so start to grow up.

"Rozgornuti", which is located at the upper right corner vikna... The Danish rosette badge tweak between the buttons "Minimizuvati" and "Zakriti". Write an onslaught on a new program, or a folder is displayed at the whole screen.

There is one more option for realizing a pole in an offensive:
- wiklicate the panel of the plant (on which there is the "Start" menu) і know on the new tab programs or folders;
- click on the attachments of the programs or folders with the right mouse button;
- in the menu, vibrate the row "Rosgornuti". Quickly see the whole screen.

inodi herself simple problem With the settings of the operating system, it takes a lot of an hour from an ordinary koristuvach of a personal computer. One of such problems can be laryngeal screen a monitor. Pick up yak rozgornuti screen, vikoristovuyu and staff, so do the operatives Windows systems XP and Windows 7 and iRotate software add-on.

You know

  • 1. Installed in the driver system up to your video card.
  • 2. software supplements iRotate new versions.


Viber in the program is installed in your video card system. You will enter the menu for setting up the monitor and visonite rozgortannya screen... For the whole press the "Parameters" button, then vibrate by a few degrees, turn the screen and press the "Freeze" button or "OK". You can open the working style in Windows 7 using the same keys, or through the video card control panel. If necessary, you can select the menu of the monitor.

Beast to respect

It is possible for the screen to be deposited from the video card, so some of the people who use it will be able to use one of the pro-proponated methods, and the others have the other.
In solid-state monitors, the manual function is to rotate the work table. If you turn the screen 90 degrees, the working style will change from the "landscape" format to the "portrait" one.


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Rada 3: Yak zrobiti, schob appeared on the whole side

The problem of changing the size for the suggestions is displayed on the screen of goodness to all browser users Internet Explorer 8 version. Besides the standard methods of developing the size of the bully, it’s the little trickster that allows you to covet, schob vikna The Internet view was always seen flared up on the whole screen.


Get a selection of speed using the standard method of setting up the size of the window in the browser Internet Explorer 8. Viklichte context not menu icon right buttons Mish in the panel of the factory and repeat the same in the list of the Internet Explorer row. Add the item "Vlastivost" in the pіdmenu and place the warrantor on the floor "Rozgornute to the whole screen" in the dialog wіknі of the authorities. Freeze the crunch of the onslaught of the OK button.

Try alternative methods... Open the Internet Explorer window small size and pull the cordon vikna until re-fire, not vikoristuyu button "Zbilshiti". Use the Ctrl key to expand the functionality of the "File" menu at the top of the service panel vikna vikna for entry with programs. Reverse the size of the window, so that you can open it or replace the functional key Ctrl with Shift, as the size has not changed.

Launch Internet Explorer and wipe the context menu for any open side by clicking the right button of the Misha button for the victorian of the offensive method. Enter the command "View a new window" and turn in the first window of the browser. To complete this robot, and to hand over to the cordon, having lost viknaіnternet-looking up to the bazhani rozmіrіv. Do not pick up the "Zbіlshiti" button, because the system doesn’t take any evidence of such a change. Use the Ctrl key to expand the functionality of the "File" menu at the top of the service panel vikna Internet look-up. Enter the command "Finish", or do not use the [X] button at the upper right codend vikna for the exit from the programs for the same reasons.

On the current day, the segment of the market is gradually expanding, so there may be a possibility to choose from decliners of the most popular browsers due to the fact that the functions and possibilities are available in the skin during the program. So, one of the most used browsers for a long time є "Internet Explorer", which is a trivial boom leader for the popularity of the middle of the zhirnyh programs, For example " Mozilla Firefox"," Opera "," Google Chrome "and інші.

browser windows

As a rule, the vibe of that browser is based on the function of the window that proposes the coristuvache, as well as on the handiness of the interface, so that the graphical organization of the side, for a particular people, is the plan to set it up. For the number of parameters, the browsers can be repaired, but there are also a number of parameters in the interface, which are the same for all such programs.

One of these parameters is the form of providing information from the Internet side. All browsers on the current day are presented in the form of the so-called window - a rectangular field in which text, pictures, video recordings and other views are displayed. The browser window can be flashed onto a new screen, so that it can memorize the entire space of the monitor, otherwise the shape of the file can be squeezed by pressing on the symbol in the view of two squares in the upper right corner of the screen. Besides, it’s obvious that you don’t need it anymore, you can close up by pressing on the symbol in the view of the crosshair, or, if you’re grimacing, so that you can quickly move from the field to the zoru, pressing on the symbol in the viewer of the rice.

In the skin window of the browser, you can display one or more additional tabs, so that you can immediately access the desktop Internet pages. The price can be changed by moving the mouse cursor to the upper part of the screen. In some browsers, this functionality is shown at the viewer with a "plus" symbol, and in others, at the viewer of a small virtual field, the order with the name of the already displayed site. For that schob close I will surround the tab It is also necessary to draw on the symbol of a cross - the one that is located in the right part of the tab.

The main elements of the screen in any browser are the whole address row and the main field for displaying information. The address row is displayed at the top of the browser window. It’s very easy to read the symbols “www” or “http: //” and it is a letter code that will lead you to the page you need. In Danish hour, the addresses of the pages in the Russian Internet may be typed in both Latin and Cyrillic script. In the main field you can store your own texts, pictures, video recording and information, a warehouse that can be stored on the site, which you look at.


  • So also a web browser, a browser window and an address row?

Beast to respect

For some programs, on a screen-by-screen basis, set in parameters or view settings.

Korisna is happy

A slid of the nobility, that the deyaki programs can be strictly sanded contour. Rozgortati is not possible with such programs. The fence for a change in size is inviting to roll around at the end of the day or the inactivity of the "Rosegornuti" button.


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