Scho robiti if the phone is visible. If the phone is freezing, the phone hangs up - please the professionals

The visibility and productivity of robots are the axis of those who write viruses for everyday smartphones. Ale the prosperity of the factory, which is placed in front of the mobile outbuildings, in one way to produce an amazing effect - replacing the owner's phone simply hangs up and does not respond to the actions of the koristuvach. In the whole vipadku lose two ways - try to re-install pristries or return to the service center for repairs.

Robiti, if the phone hangs and see how it works? In the first place, it’s going to turn into something that wasn’t the cause of the slaughter. It’s okay, but it’s not enough, the reason is better for everything in the software. For example, most people often ask themselves about food: how robiti, when the phone freezes when turned on (android)... First of all, as a matter of fact, if you didn’t want to launch your device into the robot, but you didn’t even fit the “misleading” building and didn’t fit the options for your own piece of intellect.

What can you do?

Yak to please professionals, yaksho the phone hangs on the startup screen and kudi bigti - not really up-to-date food. To make it simpler to solve the problem, we will forgive the batteries with a spare installation on the ice. Zrozumіlo, tse thirsty for the day, hello for the mind, that the device is good, give you the power to turn your praise. And what about the situations, if the intangible screensaver was successful, and if you fix the "galmu" before the hour of your robot? Here you can find a selection of options:

  • Primus's zupinka hung by the program with a further restart - for all it is necessary to go out from the programs and through the menu "adjusting the data", the necessary manipulation needs to be completed;
  • I will reload the device - if the technology adequately responds to the signals of the screen and buttons, you can simply go to the rewiring menu and check it out, if you are ready to be ready for the robot;
  • renovation of the factory's equipment - as soon as there is no way to go, the solution can also be found as an unrepentant alternative to buying a new device, all get programs will be visible, and the phone will again turn to the outgoing parameters;
  • The registration of a special PZ - all the optimizers do not only prolong the battery life, but they also allow the problem of freezing of additional data to be resolved.

Yakim bi will not be able to deal with you, it is important to remember, but the cause of the malfunctions can all be technical breakdowns - in all cases, it is only possible to repair the smartphone again.

Have become smartphones.

Tsi annex building on the basis of the complex software security... Central operating systems, Windows, etc.

The stench vimagayut a lot of high apparatus labor. Moreover, millions of programs from office stores are developed in terms of productivity, quality and resource management.

Sounds like a smartphone, tse that camp, if mobile phone didn’t tell a koristuvach.

Yogo is also called an emergency phone, as it is characterized by a hung screen. At the same time, when you are not connected with your smartphone, you won’t react to the commands of the koristuvach.

In this article, we will try to explain the reasons behind which the device hangs, as well as possible ways of expanding the overall problem.

In the event that the situation is not guilty of being victorious, even if it happens often, then koristuvachev is brought up to date.

Change the number of programs running overnight

A leather mobile phone can be interconnected with a number of resources, the middle of which is operative memory () and the need for a processor.

If you will change your phone beyond the limits of the possibilities of cich resources, the phone can hang.

With such a rank, you guilty try to bring up to the minimum amount in one hour running programs.

Є a number of functions that can be used in background mode... You can feel great quantity operational memory, Zupinvshi, as you do not need for Daniy moment.

To browse the list of running programs, go to Settings> Programs> running programs.

Update your supplements regularly

Sell ​​to shops, such as (if you have Android) and shop (if you have an iPhone).

The dealers of the mobile production plant are constantly working on improving the productivity of their work. It is strongly recommended to regularly update everything that is possible, as only the version is updated.

Bagato smartphones are automatically installed when the PZ is installed. It is just necessary to activate the option in the nalashtuvannya.

the last version It can be broken down, so it’s less memory and CPU pressure.

Vimicate your mobile phone

Grab yourself a vimikati gadget for the skin once, if your fault is not needed.

It's a great idea, so the smartphone will need to refresh the RAM.

If you re-install the device, the memory will be operatively from all unnecessary elements given, such as bullets victorian earlier. The stench often occupies the necessary place.

Get your smartphone and know the battery

Qia is glad maybe not mother of the great in pouring. new models smartphones are seen between themselves.

Also, more and more devices with unknown accumulators will remain an hour.

Battery vityag i SIM picture I saved the dots from the electric point.

Inserting programs to memory (sd-card)

A large number of mobile phones will set every solution on their own.

When the stench is established, there is no particular respect for those who de-program will be established and the inheritance of the price for productivity. Aje smut, schob gra or fіlm pratsyuvali shvidko.

In a large number of vipadkiv, for the stench of the contaminated stench, everything rises to the inner memory. Tse zalishaє less mission for launching and, in its own heart, wiklikє for the memory of the memory.

And also the memory of the RAM can be easily expanded if necessary (replace the 2 GB card, just insert the 8 GB card).

With such a rank, more materials will be installed at the calling operatives. The stench will not hammer the inner space. Tse allow you to kill you out of hanging. And this means that it’s worth moving forward.

For any vie, you can set the value for the instructions for installing the program. Go to Settings> Memory> Misce to install for a change> Vibrate SD card.

Beast to respect, so the setting can be available in a cheap setting. Tse lie in the type operating systems in small mobile annexes. So, it’s possible, it’s possible to get a good idea of ​​the option.

Move the installed add-ons from the internal memory to the new memory

You can transfer the same installed by programs from the internal memory to the call. Tse give more memory for uninterrupted robots. As a result, your phone will not freeze.

Installation for relocation established documents, As a rule, is available in the section Nalashtuvannya> Programs.

You can see unused programs

You can also view the list of programs installed on your phone.

You could remember a little solution, as the boules were established a long time ago, but the stench is no longer needed.

Immediately see everything that you value for the unused. The stench doesn’t make you feel more important than the place. Maybe, they got up for a test. Tim is bigger, it’s not a good thing in the annex.

See unused data (for example, photos, videos, pictures)

As soon as you have pictures, videos and pictures internal memory, Їх term it is necessary to transfer it to the external RAM.

There is one of the most common reasons, such as to cause regular hang-ups. Look at all the photos, the video and the pictures and the video that you don't need anymore.

Besides, you can browse a selection of backup copy tsikh danih on the computer and then see it from your phone.

Photos, video and audio take up more space on the phone of an average smartphone. There is one of the most common reasons your phone freezes.

Give a joke to all the programs, as there are a lot of resources

Deyakі program vicoristovuyut more memory, nіzh іnshi.

hocha anti-virus program Zaymaє bogato memory, ale more beautifully, do not see the virus.

Give a new memory of re-repairs

Until now, we have told you about the importance of installing software on call to memory... Ale tse is innocent to mean that there is no border!

Please fill in a free space at the call of the operative so that you have lost the space for repackaging, saving time files and cache.

As soon as the operating system is installed, it can also be the reason for the incorrect robotics of the smartphone.

Vikoristyte discount option to factory settings

Be guilty of being your last frontier. It’s not a good idea, and the phone is regularly updated correctly, you can skip it to the factory settings.

Vikoristannya Tsієї optzії vіdalyaє all the tributes from your mobile annex... Take in everything that was in the inner memory. First and foremost.

All information, contacts, additions, bookmarks, photos, videos, songs, melodies ... everything will be visible. By the way, it’s a choice to make your phone like that, if it’s done at the factory.

When buying a phone, everything is supported, so that it will be used without any problems. It’s too early to get into trouble with the problem - to “glitch” the phone. And it’s not surprising, even being our inseparable companion, the phone is not safe - you throw it, fill it, launch it in a porous way, squeeze it with bags, etc. Everything should be done up to new software or hardware costs. And as a result, the mobile device cannot normally start up, freeze, “buggy”. Yaksho vi stuck with incorrect robot phone, so it's time to go to the service center for the resuscitation of the annex.

Why does the mobile phone hang?

In most cases, the phone hangs up for the following reasons:

  1. This may be the result of a corny memory. Call koristuvachі zabuvayut for not vvazhayut for the need to regularly see the information. In the end bag, you accumulate and clog up memory until such a world that the mobile ceases to function normally. In order to turn the phone off, you need to clean up all the memory from your memory. Try to make sure that 60% of your memory is awesome. Go ahead and discard the settings. It is worthwhile to help.
  2. The phone freezes when the software is locked out of the system. Often, a situation is suspected if the phone is switched on and locked and stops responding to commands. In some cases, the winnings are frozen as a result of self-overloading. Virishiti the problem can be helped by a flashing. And for the health of your phone, and for your population it will be more beautiful, if you immediately see your thoughts about self-repair and bring your faxes to the service center. I’ll show you practice, try to reflash your phone in your home minds, you won’t end with success.
  3. If the phone hangs up when it is turned on, or during the process of the robot, then there may also be information about the mechanical operation. Inaccurate pulling on the attachment - blows, falling, presumptions, could lead to the detriment of a detail. On the other hand, it did go wrong with the help of diagnostics.


more intelligently and economically, do not self-repair the pristіy, so as you will wear the remnants of a short-term repair it will be more foldable, and that means more expensive. And in deyaky vipadki і vzagalі is unreal. If you value your phone, go to the service center at once.

V service center site go to the repair with the help of the knowledge.

Our expertise is ready to diagnose on a special property, for replacing non-workmanship, and only original formatted details. The great dosage of robots allows our majstras to quickly and clearly do repairs, be it foldable.