It’s better to buy some virtual reality sholom. Sholom of virtual reality Oculus Rift - Widgets.

Otzhe, the dawn of the 21st century, and eyepieces virtual reality for computer like PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift, І HTC Vive became the right mainstream and won great popularity. Undoubtedly, in the nearest future eyepiece of virtual reality to see in all spheres of our life, moreover, the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift models are already in the hands of gamers, and they are actively victorious - the revolution is already here.

For the uninitiated, virtual reality is a modern technology, in such a rush our heads are in a trivial space, which is perfect for films or Igor ..

on the given moment rozrobniks create captivating speeches, as if they look at the rivers, they are called revolutionary in the segment of Igor and Rozvag.

But how is the headset of virtual reality the best and what should be done with respect in case of choice?

We present a list of amazing outbuildings available at the moment, and the most popular.

HTC Vive - characteristics, price, description.

HTC Vive is a true virtual reality headset that was developed in partnership with Valve, the creator of the legendary gaming series Half - Life, and for some reason became a bestseller in the quarter.

The HTC Vive headset connects to a great PC and works in conjunction with the Valve's mammoth gaming system. The whole package, which consists of 70 sensors, is designed for head orientation in the range of 360 degrees, and the speed of updating is 90Hz. More reports about the characteristics of this sholom of virtual reality can be read next hour in the Gadgets section.

Prote, the key to the success of HTC Vive is to be guided by light sensors, which allow you to change hands with the headset. This means that the same sensors can be deployed throughout the room, which is undeniable, giving the effect of a high level.

PriceHTC Vive become $799.

The First Virtual Reality Headset - Oculus Rift

Oculus Rift is the eyepiece of virtual reality, from which the history of these outbuildings was born. They robbed її Palmer Luckey, yakі took off funding through Kickstarter. Annually, the $2 billion company Oculus Rift connects via a DVI and USB interface to a computer and fixes the hand and head position to provide a 3D experience on its stereo screen.

virtual eyepieces Reality Oculus Rift vicory building 2160 x 1200, refresh rate 90Hz. This high-tech development is similar to the HTC Vive (depending on the frequency of the image update), but a few are similar to the PlayStation VR.

Oculus Rift is ready for sale, pro, Oculus Touch controllers will be three times later. Before that, the Oculus Rift comes bundled with the Xbox One. On our site, there is an overview of the Oculus Rift, which contains information about this headset.

Oculus Rift price, $599

Eyepieces of virtual reality for consoles -Sony PlayStation VR

UVAGA! The release date for the Sony PlayStation VR seems to be mid-year 2016.

A new version of the virtual reality glasses was presented at GDC 2015 and is being tested with a display similar to its original prototype, which has a 5-inch and rare crystal. On the other side there is a 5.7-inch OLED display, which, in theory, will change the size of the image on the screen. The refresh rate of the display has also been bumped up to 120Hz, giving a value of 120fps.

With a low price tag, PlayStation VR has a chance to know a great deal about the environment in virtual reality, and plus it can compete with other similar outbuildings to the fullest extent. Take a look at PlayStation VR for additional information.

Release Date: New Year 2016, Price: $349

Virtual reality eyepieces for smartphone:Samsung gear VR

Samsung Gear VR is actually a lighter version of the Oculus Rift. And it's not surprising, looking at those that the two companies spivpratsyu in the development of technology.

The mechanism of the robotic VR glasses is responsible for the fact that the headset is a smart phone samsung galaxy in the capacity of its processor and display. The phone is inserted into a special slot and connected to the headset via Micro-USB. The only clue is that you are responsible for victorizing a Samsung phone.

Let's not be cunning, the image is really grainy, we marveled at our smartphone under the big fold. Prote at the headset has a lot of advantages over її competitors.

The Samsung Gear VR is available for as little as £80, which is a ridiculous price compared to the competition.

Price$ 80

Google Cardboard - virtual reality cardboard eyepieces

Google is also not aware of technological progress, and, after having voted about its Google Cardboard virtual reality gadget at I / O 2014, presented a version of the headset to a friend at the 2015 conference. Insert a smartphone into a cardboard case, tie it up to your head, so that you can have a drink in virtual reality, it can sound like hot, prote, it's an inexpensive way to try new things.

To be sure, whether a smartphone is equipped with the necessary gyroscopic sensors and a positioning system that accurately measures the head.

PriceGoogle Cardboard: $4.99

HoloLens Microsoft - augmented reality

In front of most virtual reality headsets, Microsoft HoloLens is in itself virtual reality and augmented reality. Attached to the objects of the real world with virtual "holographic" images. For example, you can marvel at the gaming world of Minecraft on a great writing desk, or take a walk on the surface of the Moon in the living room.

Well, there is no connection with the PC at the extension - Windows 10 is fully installed in the headset and is powered by batteries.

The Development Edition is available to Windows Insider members for $3,000.

Microsoft HoloLens price: $3,000

Razer OSVR VR Eyepieces

OSVR Razer cannot be considered a competitor for Samsung models Gear VR, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR. The headset is recognized in order to make life easier for retailers when building add-ons for VR, for the availability of technical (software and hardware) facilities on their way.

Vіdkritiy vihіdniy code є great croc, scho lamaє obezhennya, yakі stream development navіt Oculus Rift. In most cases, for the development of a new functionality, there are impersonal third principles. And here, behind the great rahunka, the skin of the booty can make its contribution to the development of outbuildings in virtual reality.

PriceRazer OSVR $ 264,99

The virtual reality itself is real -FOVE VR

FOVE VR is similar to Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR with an interactive sky watch feature. Use the middle point of the mounting of an infrared sensor, which controls the steel of the eyes of the coristuvacha. Without a doubt, it's a trick to make the model one step ahead of its competitors.

Nice to know that FOVE eyepieces can model image depth. The system accurately determines, marvels at, and calculates, which objects are guilty of focus and become more real.

To put it mildly, Fove VR signed a contract with software platform Wear VR with Unity, Unreal and CryEngine gaming systems.

PriceFOVE VR: Vіd $ 349

Zeiss VR One - headset with open code

Like in Samsung Gear VR, the hardware for the Zeiss headset can easily lie in the tightness of a smartphone. However, on the vіdmіnu vіd Samsung, you are not tied to one virobnik. Vіn can work with any OS: IOS or Android Appliances screen diagonal 4.7 to 5.2 inches.

Currently available software package with a media player, a photo and video viewer on YouTube, an add-on for augmented reality AR with the Unity3D SDK open source code (IOS and Android), and tse means that there is a potential for development.

PriceZeiss VR One: $129.99

Avegant Glyph - the lightest virtual reality headset

Almost all headsets of virtual reality are large and important, but Avegant Glyph is at once larger than the reception room on the dotik and with a smaller case. There is a small range of achievements of non-primary technology: the replacement of primary smartphones, an array of micro-mirrors, which reflect the image without interruption in the eyes of the eye.

Avegant Glyph can be worn like headphones, and at the right time, pull the screen down, turning it up in front of your eyes, and enjoy the 1280 x 720 images. .

Avegant Glyph Price: $699

Freefly VR headset with wings

The Freefly headset looks more inconspicuous, lower than the larger headsets, with its own “wings”. It's worth more than 200 add-ons, expanded for Google Cardboard. 42mm lenses provide a 120 degree view, plus everything, the Freefly VR headset fits any smartphone with a 4.7" to 6.1" screen.

The position of the head is monitored by the aid of the phone's accelerometer. I’ll also build a small controller under the name Glide, which is easy to use with one hand. Tse allows you to save money for the purchase of a peripheral joystick, working via Bluetooth, wanting, singsongly, it sounds better for everyone to manage in games with two hands.

Freefly VR price $79.99

Virtual reality eyepieces for computers and consoles. Distributed "VR Eyepieces for PC and Consoles" to tell you everything about virtual reality sholomahs, for which a modern game console or a hard personal computer is needed. In this section you will know detailed information Practically about skin VR-sholomі for PC, its characteristics and relativly equal to its competitors. Having become familiar with the presented articles, you can better orientate yourself in this topic.

Virtual reality is gradually gaining indescribably popularity. More and more people are thinking about buying a VR sholom, more and more companies are letting their add-ons on the market to enter virtual reality. Sony couldn't get past the challenge and released the state-run VR with PlayStation VR. This brand is a direct competitor of Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, ...


HTC Vive is a direct competitor to the widely known virtual reality sholom for personal computers and tighter gaming laptops - Oculus Rift. Dani pristroi already similar to with a sultry look, So and for its design. Offending sholoma wash the screen and connect to the computer for help dekilkoh wires. Design ...


Pimax 4K VR is a stationary VR headset for PC on Windows. The first headset for PC, with 4K resolution (3840 × 2160 pixels). It is not popular in the whole world, but having won the “Best VR” at CES Asia 2016 rock. So do not varto go through I will build this. Looking back Pimax P1 4K: ...


Virtual reality is able to enter into our everyday life. VR-eyepieces for personal computers, mobile phones, as well as autonomous eyepieces Android management become accessible to the great coristuvach. Beginners in VR-themed, trying to try virtual reality, will be beaten to the punch with a majestic selection of VR-sholomives. Danish rating, updated according to the world exit of new buildings, ...

We protested the addition of the virtual reality Oculus Rift, in a parity with competitors - there are a lot of rozcharov, crying out for taking yoga off your head.

Sholom virtual reality Oculus Rift - Widgets

Schob the whole scale of rozcharuvannya buv zrozumіli, varto rozpovіsti before_history.

April 1, 2012 on the Kickstarter website, a campaign was launched to collect cats on distant development Oculus Rift. I spent a sum of 250 thousand dollars taken in total for 4 years, and after a month the money was invested over 2.5 million.

Masova's podtrimka brought that people believed in the project and richly recognized it. Although it didn’t set a record for fundraising through crowdfunding, it allowed not only to continue the distribution, but also demonstrated the presence of drinking. Facebook had enemies and bought Oculus for 2 billion dollars.

It may have been 4 years since the beginning of the campaign on Kickstarter, there were a few versions for retailers, and, on the other hand, in January 2016, a new version of Oculus was released for $ 600 (about 39,000 rubles).

But in an hour, such virtual reality sholoms appeared, like Samsung Gear VR and HTC Vive, and Oculus Rift did not zmіg zamіg - just rozcharuvati. The ambitious project actually failed. Let's take a look at the report on why yoga is overwhelmed and short.

Designed by Oculus Rift - vitvir art

Oculus Rift looks like a real ultra-modern sholom of virtual reality, while the main competitor of the Vive HTC is similar to a different sort of science fiction film.

Fabrics, plastics and textiles, covering the garments in a whole way and attaching the same vipprominuvachs, slabs with a smooth shalom and accepting a dot. The leather part of the Rift is designed to be light, slick and compact, in which case it outperforms its competitors. However, the deacons noted that the cloth should be sewn and rubbed on the skin.

Comfort and convenience

Oculus, like other virtual reality headsets, has a wide range of elements. Two slats and straps in the back are folded into a tricoutnik, which will be placed on the ceiling. The belts work to finish smoothly, and it doesn’t matter if you put it on your head.

Rift is lighter than similar attachments in virtual reality, it doesn’t turn on in the first place, and when the head is in motion, it practically doesn’t work, but more coristuvachiv still violated the HTC Vive.

The Oculus Rift connects to the PC via a cable that is noticeably shorter than the Vive, but it can only be played while sitting at the computer. It's not surprising, the cord rises in an angry way, and not in the center. It’s not handy to do it, as your PC is known to be right-handed, it would have been shorter before, the yakbi cable passing through the back along the back (like in other sholomiv), and it would not have been possible to throw it on the shoulder.

Varto indicates that Rift is not handy in standard eyepieces for the Zora.

Oculus has only one small, big IC-sensor on the stand, and not the whole system of position sensors, as they are spread throughout the room, like the Vive. Wіm, zavdyaki these sensors at HTC, reach the possibility for the koristuvach to move around the whole room and transmit their traffic from the real world to the virtual ones. The Rift has no such capacity, but it is better for the quiet, who cannot afford the whole room for free movement in virtuality.

Zamorochennya psuє everything

The novice's heart will be suffocated in virtual reality, but soon it will become confusing, as if with a sea ailment, the bazhanya will cry out as soon as possible. Three of our six testers, six, suffered from discomfort. Deyakі koristuvachі z-for strong nudity vzagalі could not vikoristovuvat Oculus in games dovіlkoh khvilin.

When testing sholoma, playing the platformer Lucky's Tale, everything was fun and blistering, in the shooter Eve: Valkyrie, half of the game was satisfied, and there were a few problems and confusions, but in the horror game Dreadhalls, the skin became unkind.

The problems are also blamed on the Xbox controller. It's not a gamepad, but in virtual reality it's problematic to finish it - you just don't play yoga there. Perhaps in Oculus they allow you to have a garna of m'yazov's memory, but even so, you just happen to run all the tricks.

In fact, all headsets of virtual reality are crying out for a deuce of disorientation, but Oculus Rift is our biggest tester. Imovirno, everything is right in the fact that the mind is attached only to dynamic games, and in case of which it does not allow the whole body to move.

Vikoristovuyuchi Samsung Gear VR, we also happen to sit on the ground, but Igor has a better pace, and your character is not guilty of crazy swedishness. Playing in Vive, now, more dynamic, but you yourself are collapsing with your whole body. Rift, let's go to the other side.

fuzzy image

The size of our sholom could be astonishing - 2160 x 1200. But just don’t lie, if you can see the screen only 5 centimeters to your eyes, it will allow you to look at the skin pixel. Behind AMD's hacks, for total zanurennya in virtual reality, it could be about 116 megapixels. As you can see, Oculus is far from the ideal.

At the same hour, most of the mountains look clear, approximately, like on a 720p monitor, but still not 1440p and more not 4K. In this world of testing, it is compensated by a 90Hz refresh rate, and superbly effective stereoscopic 3D. The display is safe, hoarsely, the depths are deep in the skin, I tried it.

Nedolіk chіtkostі to produce to the point that sometimes you can see the gaps between pixels. It was a wide-spread problem of old screens, but in 2016 it turned out looking just greedy. It is especially noteworthy in the scenes of the yaskra.

But in dark scenes, there is a problem of its own - the image is by no means illuminated, but evenly darkened, in the new presence there are grainy points of light, which are obviously not to blame.

For the Oculus Rift, take, lower for the eyes. The earphones are comfortable, and the sound in them is more acidic, lower than that of competitors, and at the same time, you don’t care a little about the real world, in which case they outperform over earmuffs. But here it’s not enough - attached headphones can be replaced with others, short capacity, Yak y vipadku z Vive.

Compensation and supplements

Installing Oculus Rift is quite simple - just go to a special site and start the installation program. Dali is necessary to win Pokrokov instructions, And in about 10 minutes, the VR sholom will be ready for the audition.

Oculus Home is a content management system, including games. Purely technically, it is possible to build an attachment without any platform, venturing into other games from other sites. But far from all of them will have the same quality as in Oculus Home, and more and more will not work in Rift.

The bottom of the menu can be set to non-selectable - change the cursor there at your own discretion, and the gamepad buttons are set to select or exit. Three buttons are always visible on the lower part of the screen, so that you have swedish access to the library, store and home screen.

SteamVR is not richly folded, the prote on this platform is a list of less benevolent, no profiles, accessibility, or if you want to be able to set priorities when invested in the city, as we have called.

Oculus Home can also be accessed with an add-on, in which you will have access to the store and library. With this option, there is a day of impersonal possibilities, but all the same, to finish it, the hour in the stained-glass window is mainly for games, and not for fuss and entanglement.

These platforms, obviously, allow you to buy games, but they don’t have any quiet primary service capabilities, like victorious gravels on a PC.

in the middle gri

Eve: Valkyrie - a spaceship simulator with a view of the first individual in the world of Eve. Screenshots and videos look amazing, but those that we played in the demo version are practical and the whole game, but before that it is sold for $60. Do not varto ochіkuvati, scho for such pennies you take away the plot of the story - only the mode of survival and multiplayer is available.

Well, to spare you, it’s not enough to force you through a couple of whilins after the cob of gris.

Another specially created for Oculus gra - tse 3D-platformer Lucky's Tale, in which it is necessary to play as 3 individuals. Lovers of the genre svobodaetsya melodious, but more gravitational swidshe for all won over in a couple of years. Naygolovnіshe - unreasonably, now they let out a grue, as if they were practically not victorious in the ability of sholom.

Blazerush is the best of our protests on the construction of the city. A race like the first individual for $10 effectively strikes and creates the battle of a real race car in a much higher level, lower as you marvel at the screen of the computer monitor. It’s a pity that the course of training is more important than the races themselves, and the race itself takes a little more time.

We also tried The Apollo 11 Experience - a documentary group with a lot of interactivity, about the watering of people on the Moon. The idea is a miracle, but the inspiration came, and soon you will finish it.

more special games for the HTC Vive and Samsung Gear VR, it's far from PC-like, but it still stinks the Rift. Vive has a surreal Fantastic Contraption puzzle, in which you can create a name for yourself in reality with your own hands. virtual world. And on Gear VR, Land's End is available with a wonderfully beautiful little light.

similar official games on Oculus it just doesn't work.

Warranty for Oculus Rift

Like any virtual reality headset, the Oculus Rift has a standard 1-pack warranty.


In 2012, if the virtual reality was only dreaming, there were a lot of people on the Oculus Rift, and they groaned about the possibilities. Ale z quiet feast, virtual reality became available through a lot of outbuildings, for the rich out there is already a part of everyday life, so there’s no revolution after the exit of this sholom, in spite of the cob ochіkuvannyam, it’s not gone anymore.

Today, before the virtual reality headsets are presented with special features, and the Rift does not show a lot of them, indulging its competitors.

There is nothing new in this technology - just a 3D-monitor, attached with straps to the head, and at the same time, like other attachments, give the ability to control the entire body of the game characters and change the virtual world.


  • Good design.
  • Good for a rich headset.
  • Simplicity in customization and customization.


  • Calling sea sickness and breeches in the eyes.
  • Oculus Home is not working.
  • There are no good games.
  • The Xbox One controller is not suitable for virtual reality.

Ale, do not varto vvazhat Oculus Rift in a near-by building. Yogo is easy to master and win, act as an exclusive game on a new fun. So, the headset can be stuck in small and occupied by other speech applications, on the HTC Vive. Ale tsі deyakі pluses Rift, scho do not overwhelm the rozcharuvannya vіd nezdіysnennyh nadіy invested in tsyu koristuvachіv on the right.

Virtual Reality Headset Oculus Rift - video look back

If you knew a pardon, be kind, see a fragment of the text and press Ctrl+Enter.

Not so long ago, they became popular and appeared in the mass sale of virtual reality eyepieces for a computer, they quickly knew their audience.

A large part of their buyers are gamers, who want to get busy in their own business, and not act as third-party posters. And the main factor when buying such an add-on is its functionality, which is remembered by other outbuildings.

Acts of them can be practiced without PC or, otherwise, find the price, the eyepieces vicorist in the quality of the main element mobile phone.

particularity of choice

The widest classification of virtual reality glasses is for the variant. Subdivided into three main categories (budget, middle class and premium annexes) at once divide them by functionality.

As a rule, expensive models have more capacity. If you want and cheap VR-eyepieces, which are adapters for, allow you to take the first steps and, in the same world, get to know virtual reality. A large part of the functions of such devices are connected by smartphones, up to which they are connected.

The middle category of points, also as a whole, is available for most coristuvachs, providing full coverage. And there are more expensive options, the price of which is similar to the analogous parameter of a smartphone and navit, it’s not eyepieces, but right glasses. More top models are often equipped with additional sensors and attachments for VR-technologies.

Oculus Rift - expensive, but functional

The first models of the Oculus Rift came with a screen diagonal of about 5.6 inches. However, they took pennies on a yak for help to the Kickstarter site, and it turned out to be larger - seven inches. rest version The Oculus Rift took off the wrong size of 1200 x 1080 pixels for the skin eye and increased the cut to 110 degrees. The rest of the ability has become available to the dawn of technology features:

  • skin eye to see a part of the image, inaccessible to others;
  • pictures do not overlap one by one, without stereoscopic effect;
  • look around at a level of 110 degrees (with a maximum spriynyatti of human eyes - 130 degrees).

Before the cob of work with eyepieces, it is necessary to individually adjust and recalibrate. And for those who win, it is necessary to come to the current and finish tight computer- s vid GTX 970 and shorter, processor і RAM vid 8 GB.

TOP-10 shortest virtual reality glasses for a computer

Attach parameters:

  • screen: 7 inches, 2000 x 1080 pixels;
  • kut look around: up to 110 degrees;
  • sockets: 4 USB and HDMI;
  • vaga: 250 g;
  • varity: per $ 700 for the rest of the generation (front versions small smaller dose, but about the same functionality).

Mal. 1. not cheap, but productive eyepieces Oculus Rift.

Sony PlayStation VR - accessories for consoles

Other VR eyepieces with excellent parameters are manufactured by Sony. At the same time, the virobnik is stverzhuє, scho attaches the sum only to PS4 prefixes and. However, the testing showed that they can be used both at the same time with a PC, and with other models of smartphones.

Eyepieces can have a 5.7-inch display and look around at 100 degrees. Whenever the model is able to enter audio and video immersion, it is safe like with the headphones with 3D sound, a built-in microphone and smooth changing pictures.

TOP-10 shortest virtual reality glasses for a computer

TOP-10 shortest virtual reality glasses for a computer

Gadget characteristics:

  • display: OLED 5.7 inches, 1920 x 1080 resolution;
  • kut look around: up to 100 degrees;
  • input: HDMI, AUX, USB;
  • vaga: 610 g;
  • varity: between $ 400.

Mal. 2. PlayStation VR Eyepieces, garniy vibir for Vlasnik PS4 or xbox one.

Gear VR - a gadget for owners of Samsung smartphones

Samsung tezh does not look like competitors, rozroblyayuchi virtual eyepieces. I want to work with them with summative only s - and not all of them, but lie down to the top Galaxy series. Expand the screen at a distance of 5-5.7 inches, in the fall it is connected to the phone.

The main advantage of the model is its small size and the possibility of connecting various gadgets. However, the amount that I have to pay for VR-eyepieces from a Korean brand is richly outweighing the analogous parameter of a “cardboard” sholoma. Moreover, models, summaries of virtual reality, are not so rich. Just like you know the vibrator, such a strategy allows you to instantly increase the sales of smartphones and points.

TOP-10 shortest virtual reality glasses for a computer

TOP-10 shortest virtual reality glasses for a computer

Model parameters:

  • sockets: microUSB;
  • kut look around: up to 96 degrees;
  • Vіdstan mіzh zіnitsami: up to 70 mm;
  • width: 202 mm;
  • summіsnіst: in fallow vіd version i will add, Samsung smartphones galaxy;
  • vaga: 318 g;
  • varity: between $ 80-200.

Mal. 3. With all its merits, a minus point is a robot only with Samsung gadgets.

Fibrum - vіtchiznyana distribution for a bargain price

Especially for these gamers, if you want to take into account a relatively inexpensive accessory that will ensure the virtual reality environment is safe, the Fibrum company is engaged in the production of VR eyepieces with the same name. The gadget vikoristovu in the quality of the screen display comes up to a new smartphone, the diagonal of which is between 4-6 inches. And the possibility of connecting practically any of the most famous accessories - up to joysticks - allows you to change the functionality of the accessory.

Up to a plus in the view of the Fibrum wall, you can wear special lenses, which will ensure the same image to people with poor eyesight - from -5 to +5 diopters. In addition, with the help of glasses, images can be scrutinized for a helping look. And the correct installation of the smartphone before the attachment is ensured by special springs.

The company, yaka rozrobali famous all over the world poke service, Engage at once and rozrobkoy gadgets. Including eyepieces for reviewing virtual reality. The Google Cardboard 2.0 model, which can be bought for as little as $15, has become a household name for its available price and simplicity of vikoristannya. Moreover, the choice of cardboard (and the Cardboard is just like a “box”) eyepieces can be wound on your own - you can know your armchairs with free access in the store. And I look around and reach 100 degrees.

It is possible to call the gadget's head-scratching shortcomings its minimal stability up to wateriness in the face of sweat and small functionality. However, the simplicity of preparation, the small coherence and summancy practically led to the appearance of numerical copies of other varieties.

TOP-10 shortest virtual reality glasses for a computer

TOP-10 shortest virtual reality glasses for a computer

Model parameters:

  • summ_snіst: be it smartphones with a diagonal of 4-5 inches;
  • color: light brown;
  • roses: daily;
  • vaga: no more than 60 g;
  • price: $10-15.

Mal. 5. Cardboard eyepieces - the ability to learn about VR technologies for skin.

HoloLens Microsoft - high price, maximum capacity

The device under the name Microsoft HoloLens ranks among the most expensive category of virtual reality glasses. Їх varіst syagaє $ 3000-5000, fallow according to complete set and model. The gadget is united in looking around, what can we do.

The eyepieces are equipped with Windows Holographic OS - one of the versions. With this, the attachment itself is a small hoop with lenses that puts pressure on the head and corrects the image in the eyes of the coristuvach. The gadget's settings are adjusted with the help of a special dial, and the brightness of the screen is controlled by buttons.

Varto means that the model does not allow connection to smartphones, PCs, or set-top boxes. Being completely autonomous, eyepieces that work on Intel processors Atom (4 cores), process information more than the latest video card models. And the information is vanquished on them for help

Razer OSVR - comfortable and versatile

Distribution by Razer, the rest of the model OSVR eyeglass, took off not only a 5.5-inch screen with a separate building 2160 x 1200 pix., but also other things like:

  • introduced IQE technology for image enhancement;
  • a sprat of additional ports for connecting new accessories in the middle and bells;
  • double-lens optics, which increases the brightness of the image and increases the visibility;
  • pіdtrimku znіmnih ekranіv raznoї comrades;
  • introduced codecs for improved sound quality.

The comfort of a variety of gadgets, created by a selection of game bears and headphones, is promoted for the ease of adjustment between lenses. And for the ability to get bored with virtual reality to inspire people with a bad eye, the eyepieces are adjusted individually, allowing you to compensate for a diopter diopter - from -2 to +4.5.

TOP-10 shortest virtual reality glasses for a computer

TOP-10 shortest virtual reality glasses for a computer

Attachment parameters:

  • sockets: 2 external and 2 internal USB;
  • screen: 5.5 inches, 1080 x 960 for dermal eye;
  • sockets: 1 USB 3.0 for outbuildings, 2 USB for memory expansion;
  • summ_snіst: modern PCs with OS Windows and Linux, some smartphones;
  • kut look around: 100 degrees;
  • price: $ 500-700.

Mal. 7. Razer VR eyepieces, a universal model for short-sighted eyepieces.