Rating of mobile processors. Mobile processor productivity rating

If you choose a smartphone or a tablet, you will sing along to its hardware characteristics. Reading the descriptions of the processor, you can’t imagine what you can see on the spot, or else it’s known. However, there is a unique rating of the productivity of mobile processors of smartphones, on the basis of which you can get a quick fix. What do these terms mean and what do you need to show respect for?

What is a processor?

The processor overrides the role of the transmitter. Tobto go to the new one, what you want, so that your smartphone is gone. Early mobile phones were basically similar to traditional landlines. Smartphones, however, are portable computers that can be used by telephones that are brought into the system. Under this marvelous touch screen you can see advanced computer, Vіdpovіdalny for the work of your addendums, I'll see you instructions (how to act in singing situations), GPS coordinates, and also calls to otochyuchimi. The processor is the brain of the operation.

What is the core?

This element, which is being transferred to the main processor, which is reading and reading instructions. The release of such attachments originated from single-core processors, but modern retailers created more advanced devices, including more cores in one device. This led to the advent of dual-core gadgets. Choti-core processors (working on the basis of four cores) turned out to be a surprise, and today you can find hexa- (six) and octa- (wis) nuclear smartphones and tablets for sale.

What are the advantages of dekilkoh nuclei?

The more cores, the more stench they can complete commands, so you give your phone. Tse means that a sprinkling of these warehouses should be divided between themselves and beaten like a robot. You can take high quality photos or videos high clarity, And then look over your collection without a pause. Animation and video are played smoothly, without stuttering. Games do not "hang". Obviously, є blames, but, as a rule, the more cores, the more productivity.

Will we octane a nuclear smartphone twice as fast, lower as a nuclear one?

Tse is impossible. Let's octane the nuclear processor to a more practical, lower, more nuclear, only just the same, if the wines are made additives, like vicorist yoga, or else in the minds of a rich task. For example, one core can be processed in a web browser, and in other cases it can be re-booted into the smart mode. Viklik to come, and it starts to work. As a result, your work in a web browser and your phone call will go through twice as fast.

Can other factors be received?

A sprat of cores is just one of the components of a smart appliance (you can detect them as a single part of a car's engine). In addition, for the operation of this component, a graphics processor, RAM for short-hour memory, antennas for Wi-Fi and GPS and a lot more. All stinks work at once, as a single unit, and all faults will be looked at, if you buy a smartphone or a tablet.

What are you guilty of remembering about processors?

When buying a smartphone or tablet, you should first check the rating of mobile processors. Any chip is better - such a device will be tighter. Tse give you a notice about those who are building up for that chi іnshiy attachment, like the shvidkіst yogo roboti.

In order to add up the rating of mobile processors for smartphones, it is necessary to conduct a series of tests on devices with skin and fix global criteria for evaluating the efficiency of robots, as well as to perform graphic manipulations. The deyakі fahivtsi conducted such a follow-up, and the results showed up as a whole transfer. Also, the descending table of processors for smartphones is presented below.

The GPU also protested at the annexes, released in 2016, for an addition to the total productivity of fahivts. The rating of graphics processors for smartphones is also based on improved productivity of the graphics processor. Ranking for GPUs is three times higher in the top list.

Processors for smartphones: rating

On the basis of the previous graphic authorities, the rating can be presented in the following order:

  1. Qualcomm 820.
  2. Apple A9.
  3. Samsung Exynos 8890.
  4. Qualcomm 810.
  5. Samsung Exynos 7420.
  6. Apple A8.
  7. Qualcomm 805.
  8. Kirin 950.
  9. Qualcomm 808.
  10. Qualcomm 652.

As you can tell, in the top 3 in both lists, one and the same components are used. In this way, the best processors for smartphones, the rating of some representations in the article, are based on all parameters: і on graphics productivity, і on the results of high-profile tests.

Therefore, it is important to take into account the notifications about those who are attached to work under the controls of these processors. Also, you can know in the upcoming Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 devices:

Depending on the location, the Galaxy S7 can be equipped with the Samsung Exynos 8890 instead of the specified component, which all the same plays among the competitors. Also, the varto indicates that the number of exhaustion of all devices today is even greater. For the same reason, buying a modern smartphone, don’t remember the total drop in productivity, make it even worse. Find Chinese processors for smartphones, the rating of which will look familiar otherwise, completely dominate you swedish robot. Just so you know about the most important specifications, or you plan to install and test high-specialty add-ons, and the results can help you make a decision when buying a device.

Select mobile phone

In the rest of the hour, a lot of smart phone pickers released their new products, which, without a doubt, irritate the coristuvacha and sing the destruction when choosing. At the link with the release of new devices, processors for smartphones are being changed, and it is difficult to assess the rating of such upgrades. For example, in the past, the Apple A9 took the first place in all the previous lists, and then the Hisilicon Kirin 950 took over. Today, Qualcomm, Apple and Samsung are fighting for the first time with a change of success.

Evaluation of the efficiency of work

Having already shown the productivity rating of the chips, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor did it first and showed a lot more pressure, lower than the Apple A9. In addition, Samsung Exynos 8890 can also perform well, and its performance is already close to A9.

The recently launched Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 and 650 also show high functionality and tightness. Qualcomm 652 is already close in terms of its parameters to the 810 model in terms of productivity. Qualcomm Snapdragon 650 has already surpassed the 808 model, as a leader in the mid-range smartphone market. Phones 6797 are not released at this time, and only a few models released in the past years can be found on the market, the rating of MTK processors for smartphones is no longer relevant.

GPU performance ranking

In the rest of the years, smartphones add everything of greater importance productivity of the GPU, as it is closely connected with the passage of the game and the robot with images in mobile phone, І tse without intermediary vplivaє on the real dosvіd koristuvachіv. At this time, Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 (Adreno530) is highly productive in this plan. Samsung Exynos 8890 (Mali-T880 MP12) may be older than the Apple A9 in tightness, as it was already indicated. What is the value of Hisilicon Kirin 950 (Mali-T880 MP4), which is good, we can say that the GPU performance is not good, and the test results are similar to Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 (Adreno418) and Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 (Adreno510).

In fact, the productivity of a graphic chip is also directly related to the permission of the screen of your smartphone. In the present hour, the main storage is 1080P, and the 2K display has become a trend in the development of high-end smartphones. However, without the support of a tight GPU, the installation of a high flooring would lead to an earlier work to the destruction of the work.

Obviously, officials, how to determine the productivity of a mobile phone, much more, lower CPU and GPU values. However, it is necessary to reconsider in the world that nothing else, the hard work productivity of chips, is not the basis for the uninterrupted operation of the device. Without the support of high productivity, whether a kind of coristuvatsky dosvid will be “empty”. Can you describe the old adage: "You can't work for nothing."

Vishchevkazan information, such as processors for smartphones, the rating of such representations is higher, it cannot be seen as a regular rule. Today, new devices are regularly released, which may increase the technical characteristics.

From these data for today, you can recognize that the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 takes on the role of productivity. Despite Apple not releasing new processors, the overall performance of the Apple A9 has been strong before. When looking at Samsung's Exynos 8890, its parameters are approximately equal to A9 in general.

Attachments that work on the Apple A9 - the iPhone 6S and iPhone SE, are considered one of the most rated and image devices.

Exynos Samsung 8890 occupies the third place in this rating and does not do well to competitors. Vіn zumіv obіgnat impersonal devicesіv, vykonanyh іnshih komplekyuchih. In Denmark, with outbuildings vibrating with a cim chip, you can only know Samsung Galaxy S7.

The Kirin 950 processor also boasts good performance for a good hour. More than that, earlier than the wines had assessed the ratings of the component parts for their own characteristic characteristics. However, the assessment of productivity was steadily decreasing, chips began to appear on the market and more perfect devices. Attachments that work on which processor are Huawei P9, Huawei Mate 8, Huawei P9 Max.

Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 hot characteristics. Vіn buv highly rated his hour and to this day is one of the most important living elements in outbuildings. Smartphones with it are successfully sold in rich countries around the world and today, including HTC One M9, XL, Nexus 6P, OnePlus 2.

In his time, he is greatly underestimated, not respecting those whose parameters seem to be decently exhausted. Despite the low ratings, phones with it are very popular, especially Samsung Galaxy S6 and Meizu Pro 5.

Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 and 650 are processors that win in mid-range smartphones. Regardless of the low position in the rating, the stench actively zastosovayutsya among the variety of gadgets. On this day, there is no warning about the selection of such smartphone models, like samsung sony Xperia X and Xiaomi Redmi.

The peculiarity of mobile processors is their ability to function on one battery with a minimum heating body. But sometimes it happens that the chip shows a high productivity, but it also quickly discharges the battery. First of all, productivity can be a little lower, but at the same time energy efficiency increases. Therefore, it is not relevant to judge the superiority of one chip over another. Mobile processors inspired by multi-core architecture. The presence of a greater number of cores is greater than the number of victorious tasks at once, for the sake of optimization software.

Vіdkrivaє top ten shortest mobile processors in terms of productivity. Chotiryonuclear chip of insurance on tablets pid Android management and Windows. Z3775D belongs to the Bay Trail-T family. Zavdyaks to the chotirio-core processor, which works at frequencies from 1.46 to 2.39 GHz, Z3775 is significantly faster, lower forward Intel processor Atom Z2760.

Nine places have a four-core processor with a frequency of 1.46-2.39 GHz Intel Atom Z 3775, intended for smartphones. Optimization of the 22nm P1271 process with tri-gate transistors demonstrates improved swidcode and energy efficiency in the rear Atom Z 2770.

Chotiryonuclear mobile processor for tablets and smartphones on Anroid and Windows Intel Atom Z 3785, taking the eighth position in terms of productivity. SoC, which operates at a frequency of 1.49 to 2.41 GHz, prompts on part of the Bay Trail-T platform. As a result of the optimized 22-nm process in the complex with tri-gate transistors, the productivity and energy saving in the previous generations improved. Processor cores, based on the Silvermont architecture, show 50% higher productivity, Pipeline revamps, optimization of the forwarding module, expansion of decoders and buffer expansion.

On the sixth place, the processor was installed, assignments for Windows and Android tablets, Intel Atom Z 3795. Chotyronuclear chip operates at frequencies ranging from 1.59 to 2.39 GHz. Optimization of the 22-nm process processor with different transistors Tri-Gate improved the firmware and lowered the power consumption in the same line with the front Atom series. Productivity Z 3795 is covered mainly for work office addendumі browser, that for resource-intensive tasks її do not click.

Mobile processor, specially designed for tablet devices and smartphones based on Android, up to 6 processor cores, Adreno 418 video card with 2 × 32 bit memory controller LPDDR3-1866, Bluetooth 4.1, UMTS and LTE. Based on ARM big.LITTLE, which combines different processor cores for optimal performance and power saving, 808 MSM 8992 combines two Cortex-A57 cores with a clock frequency of up to 2 GHz, with a productivity of 30% higher, lower at the front tsієї series.

Swedish eight-core processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 MSM 8994, Appointments for tablets and smartphones, 28-nm process technology. Vіn vikoristuє two groups of 64-bit counting cores with architecture Cortex-A57 and Cortex-A53. If necessary, all Snapdragon 810 cores can be processed at the same time. There is a graphics card Adreno 430, a dual-channel LPDDR4 memory controller, Wi-Fi modules (802.11ac + MIMO), Bluetooth 4.1, 3G and LTE. Quick start Adreno 430 allow Full-HD and more.

mobile processor Intel Atom x 7-Z 8700, Introduced in 2015, vikoristovu chotiri numbering Cherry Trail cores. As much as it compares to more early processors in this series, the new Intel Atom x 7-Z 8700 has a number of insane gains. Improved architecture, 14-nm process technology with a clock frequency of 2.4 GHz allows you to achieve high productivity while saving low heat output. This includes an LPDDR3-1600 memory controller and an HD Graphics (Cherry Trail) graphics adapter that supports DirectX 11.2 and back 16 processing blocks (shaders) with a frequency of 600 MHz. Atom x 7-Z 8700 can be used for laptops and tablets as well as for smartphones.

On the third place in the list, a 64-bit dual-core ARM processor with architecture ARMv8 Apple A 9. Vіn preparations on 14-nm FinFET technical process. The A9 chip, which is a 2-core SoC, with a frequency of 1.8 GHz, has taken off an increase in productivity of up to 70% in general and close to 90% from graphics in the same order as the front generations of chips (Apple A8). The power supply of the chip was reduced by 35% and the power output changed by 15%.

On another mist roztashuvavsya Samsung Exynos 7420 Octa. Mobile processor buv submissions in 2015 roci z Samsung add-on Galaxy S6. 7420 Octa vykoristovuє vіsіm counting the cores of the design architecture big.LITTLE. The highest productivity to reach high and low can be matched with Qualcomm's Snapdragon 810 or Nvidia's Tegra K1. Variability beyond the norms of the 14-nanometer process technology allows you to also reduce the energy consumption on aphids of the front grommets (20 nm or 28 nm). As a complete system-on-a-chip (SoC), the Exynos 7420 Octa rear also has no additional components, including an ARM Mali-T760 MP8 graphics card, an LPDDR4 memory controller, and various communication modules.

Apple A 9X Apple has a rating of the shortest mobile processors. Production of 16nm FinFET process technology at TSMC factories. The processor core "Twister" is the third generation of 64-bit ARM cores, which operate at frequencies up to 2.26 GHz. In pairs with an Apple A8X chip, the memory bandwidth was doubled. According to Apple new chip May be 1.8 times more productive in office environments than the A8X, which is cracked in the iPad Air 2. The chip area behind the Chipworks ratings becomes 147 mm. LPDDR4 memory is connected to the system via a 128-bit bus, the total throughput is estimated at 51.2 GB / s. Chip in your own M9 processor for processing data from sensors.

When buying a smartphone, especially an expensive one, you may have to blame an anonymous power supply. Which screen is shorter? Yaka kіlkіst operational memory optimal? How to choose a smartphone with the highest processor? Itself on the rest of the food we need in this article!

Objectively, among the most popular processors, they take on a rather vague look: 3 obvious favorites and the faceless ones that nazdoganyayut. The favorites showed 3 processors, two of which are installed in Android smartphones. Trochs are lower and more detailed report about the shortest chips.

Before the speech, you are looking at the purchase tight smartphone You can read our review.

1st place: Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 and 821

The Snapdragon 820 and its version has been updated to the current Snapdragon 821 version with the shortest chips that can be installed in your smartphone. Vzagali, Qualcomm's own processors of manufacturing can now be "put" in most smartphones in Japanese or Korean manufacturing. And for a second - Samsung, LG, Sony and a number of other great companies.

To show respect, the 82X-series of 8-core processors turned out to be significantly stronger than the 81X-series octa-core processors. Let a handful of cores do not beat you!

2nd place: MediaTek Helio X30

Perhaps, you don’t talk about such a virobnik, like MediaTek, however, you don’t care about it, but we also remember it on the processor market. Strictly seeming, more than 50% of all Chinese smartphones equipped with MediaTek processors. Brandy Meizu, Xiaomi, Huawei, ZTE, Ulefone, UMI and a lot of other vicarious processors.

The newest and most recent expansion is the Helio X30 chip. In the coming months, it is the fault of the first addition, which was prompted to go to the new one, and for the time being, the shortest processor is the front model Helio X25, installed, for example, in Meizu Pro 6, which is a big increase in number.

3rd place: Samsung Exynos 8890 and 8895

Model 8890 was installed on a part of the top Samsung smartphones in 2016, it will be combined with a competitor's chip - Snapdragon 820. Another version - Exynos 8895 may become the basis of a new generation of smartphones: Galaxy S8 and Galaxy Note8.

Samsung smartphones didn’t just occupy the first place in gaming devices, even if the processor is smart!

subbag: All refurbished models provide unprecedented tightness of smartphones, both in folding programs and in modern ones mobile games. If you pick up a smartphone, prompted on their basis, then you definitely won’t be taken to the nearest rock!

Mobile processors - processors that can be equipped with mobile attachments. At the same time, the processors were installed exclusively in the computer, but with the development of smartphones and tablets, the microprocessors returned their respect to the younger segment of computer technology. Particularly popular are Qualcomm's mobile processors. Qualcomm processors equip Samsung smartphones; Apple is developing Apple Ax mobile processors for its technology by Samsung Electronics. Make the release of your own mobile processors hourly different companies.

Microprocessor makers continue to fight against Moore's law, Samsung was the first to voice about those who start chip synthesis based on a 10-nanometer process technology, outperforming Intel in this right, not seeming like other companies. To be clear, let's talk about it: the transistors of these processors will be 50 times larger than a silicon atom, which is approximately 0.2 nanometers.

To understand, what kind of processor is for mobile phones on this day, the most amazing, the best marvelous rating of mobile processors. Today, there are few independent authors publishing such ratings, in which they put their thoughts for good reason. And the most effective of them is the one that the AnTuTu team releases.

At the same time, practically in every way, the program under the name AnTuTu Benchmark, for help, which you can help, how hard it is effectively harder than that smartphone. The program also allows you to pair yoga with other models.

But AnTuTu works not only with smartphones, but with processors for smartphones. Moreover, the second team has two ratings - according to global productivity and graphics productivity. These are two criteria and give the opportunity to understand, which is the same on this day itself hard processor for smartphones.

Hot rating

Total productivity is the main criterion for determining the real strain of that other processor. Varto say that the remaining ratings for both criteria were released in the year 2016. Before the release of such a new rating, there is no sense to say, like new processors, if they could surpass the leading leaders.

The main problem here is that all estimates will be inaccurate. It’s better to get out of the way new version TOP in AnTuTu. In the meantime, we will be curing ourselves, what є.

Total productivity

So the axis, the TOP 10 mobile processors, which are based on their global productivity, indications for baby No. 1.

It shows that the leader of the famous Qualcomm 820, in another place, the creation of the most promoted trademark today, Apple A9. The top three locks are Samsung Exynos 8890. On other markets, other Qualcomm models, one model per Samsung, Apple And the Kirin model is even more “modest” in terms of marketing. From which it is clear that it is best to show yourself processors like Qualcomm. These are so Intel, only in the world of smartphones. In the same way, like Intel in the world of personal computers, it is easy to surpass in terms of quantity and quality of products, it is easy to outdo Qualcomm in the world of mobile devices.

Schedule productivity

And the TOP 10 mobile processors for such a criterion, as graphic productivity, indications for baby No. 2.

The previous order of the processors was considered by them, that there, having seen among the leaders, it was so insignificant. Right there, Qualcomm 820 outperforms its closest competitor for as many as 15994 notes, which in any case is significant! Before speech, the trinity of leaders here is exactly the same - Qualcomm 820, Apple A9 and Samsung Exynos 8890. After this situation, things change. So the same Qualcomm 810 in terms of graphics productivity takes a quarter of the month, even though we can only do so in terms of global productivity.

In order to paint the whole picture as a whole, take the scores for the skin processor according to two visually indicated criteria, add them and divide them into two. Tse to give the opportunity to understand, like mobile processors and effectively a day to take the first place in the global rating. Due to those models in the two previous ratings are not the same, we will change the high rating only for these models, ie there, and there.

  1. Qualcomm 820 - 95740.
  2. Apple A9 - 85808.
  3. Samsung Exynos 8890 - 83705.
  4. Samsung Exynos 7420 - 55617.
  5. Kirin 950-55414.
  6. Qualcomm 810 - 55119.
  7. Qualcomm 652 - 48500.
  8. Qualcomm 808 - 42997.

Itself so on this day and looks like the rating of the most productive mobile processors. And now let's take a look at the skin features of them and those in some smartphones you can find a skin representative of this rating.

Qualcomm 820

Also, in the first place, for all the showcases, the Qualcomm 820 processor was released even today. According to the retailers, the 820 model is twice as smart as its predecessor, 810. To put it simply, Qualcomm 820 does not heat up as much as Qualcomm 810. The architecture of this processor is ARM v8, which supports 64-bit processing. The Qualcomm 820 has 64-bit skin cores - two with a frequency of 2.2 GHz, two with a frequency of 1.7 GHz. If you want to be on the verge of a dynamically changing frequency, so in most cases it will be a little lower.

What is the cost of graphic warehouse, Qualcomm 820 supports 4K Ultra HD video. This means that, first, such a video can be viewed on smartphones with such a processor, but in a different way, the image can be shown on great screen with such displays.

The Qualcomm 820 processor can be found in the shortest mobile phone of the day Samsung phones Galaxy S7 Edge, as well as in Xiaomi Mi5, LG G5, HTC 10, Sony Xperia X Performance, OnePlus 3 and other models that are even harder today.

Here, too, the architecture of ARM v8 is covered. frequency become 1.8GHz. Here, to the point, there are only two cores. Tsikavo, the choice of processors is the company Samsung. Although these processors are more likely to be found in three models of smartphones and all stinks from Apple - iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus and iPhone SE.

In parallel with the fronts, the Apple A9 processor has become more productive, moreover, by as much as 70%. As marveling at the graphic warehouse, the Apple A9 is 90% shorter. Accept, retailers say about it. Ale and koristuvachs write great scams about this model. So richly confirm the swede of all the additions, bring the most important ones, and also win the other orders with a stretch of a few seconds. Also, retailers write about those that their new creations have become 35% less energy.

Samsung Exynos 8890

I've been wondering if the processors themselves will be on the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, and then we'll choose the more expensive Qualcomm 820. For all intents and purposes, the Samsung Exynos 8890 looks like a miracle today.

Here the same ARM v8 architecture is victorious, but in Samsung Exynos 8890 there are 8 cores! For work in high productivity mode, there are 4 M1 cores, and for power saving mode - 4 Cortex-A53 cores. Such a pidhid allows the smartphone to see even higher indicators of productivity in the energy saving mode. Clock frequency yogo become vіd 1,3 up to GHz.

It’s clear that the Samsung Exynos 8890 and Qualcomm 820 superpowers have been going on since the beginning of 2016, if the latest processor is Samsung. Ale testi show that the other one is still smarter. For example, in one of the tests, Samsung Galaxy S7 was compared with Samsung Exynos 8890 and LG G5 with Qualcomm 820. There, LG appeared head and shoulders above its competitor. One more fact can be brought to confirm this. On the back, it was said that the new Zuk Z2 would be the mother of the Exynos 8890, and then the retailers wrote about remembering yoga on the Qualcomm 820.

Cream Galaxy S7, Exynos 8890 can also be used in Nexus 6P, Note 6 and others.

Samsung Exynos 7420

Another representative of Samsung, which one can not overtake its competitors, as retailers did not want it. Before the year 2015, before the speech, Samsung Exynos 7420 and Qualcomm 810 were themselves fast processors according to the same rating in AnTuTu. This model has 8 cores (similar to Samsung's branded rice processors).

The advantages of this processor in front of its fronts are added up in the shortest energy-saving and vice-versa 64-bit calculation. Obviously, in 2016, no one will seriously take on that other processor, but in 2015, it will be new and “fresh”. The retailers achieved particular success in energy saving - 35% better. And in terms of productivity, Exynos 7420 is 20% better than its predecessors.

Well, judging by the tests, the Exynos 7420 is weaker than its competitor in particular Qualcomm 810 in terms of rich streaming, but stronger in games. Today, the same processor can be used in smartphones such as Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, Samsung Galacy S6 Edge+, Samsung Galacy Note 5, Meizu Pro 5 and others.

Kirin 950

The processor literally climbed into the rating and broke the hegemony of Samsung and Qualcomm. Released by the company Huewei. There are 8 cores here - 4 Cortex-A53 and Cortex-A72 each. And the maximum frequency is 2.4 GHz. Danish processor you can also watch videos in 4K format - you can also watch videos and movies in such a resolution, as well as display videos on the screen.

One of the main features of the Kirin 950 is the presence of the so-called processor i7 (NOT Intel Core i7). Tsey spin processor of everything that works in the mode of ochіkuvannya, and specifically for sensors, make calls and security technologies.

Qualcomm 810

For a long time Qualcomm 810 was fighting for leadership in the market. Ale different competitors, guessing more, bypassed yoga. Let's see Qualcomm 820 appearing, which has occupied the niche of the best current processor by productivity. But the model 810 also shows itself to be even worse, even though it was released in 2014.

There are also 8 cores - Chotiri Cortex-A57 and Chotiri Cortex-A53. Bachimo of the same pidhid, which is already known from Kirin 950, although the creators of Qualcomm 810 came up with the first ones. Warehouse graphics also support 4K allowed.

Among the features of the following are the frame buffer compression technology and the underlying processor for image processing. Wi-Fi was given special consideration. For a significant increase in robotic technology, Qualcomm 810 is equipped with VIVE 2-stream 802.11ac.

Qualcomm 652

The Danish processor is classified as mid-range. There is nothing special for quiet models, which are highly productive. The new one has two clusters of 4 cores - Cortex-A57 and Cortex-A72. The first cluster of assignments is for the most powerful additions and the other one is for the most important tasks.

The Danish processor also supports 4K, but on a new one you can reach as much as 120 fps. At the most lucid processors, a maximum of 60 fps is possible. All the same, Qualcomm 652 assignments are only for average tasks, but do not mean a large number of counting resources. It’s worth it to go as far as the mountains, so it goes to the other powerful additions.

From the other side, the modern coristuvachev more then and not necessary, even for one of the most powerful modern igors, GTA on a smartphone will be delivered even if it is tight.

Today Qualcomm 652 can be played on Samsung Galaxy A9, Xiaomi Mi Max, Vivo XPay 5, Alcatel Idol 4S, ZTE Nubia Z11 and other other models.

Qualcomm 808

Our TOP 8 shortest mobile processors are borrowed by Qualcomm 808. The maximum frequency is 2 GHz. Tsіkavo, there are only 6 cores in Qualcomm 808. Behind the statements of the workers, such a tightness of safety means a significant productivity when working with a dekilkom with supplements. The short guys themselves see the Qualcomm 808 as a long-lived processor. It is most common to put yoga on the flagships of various inexpensive pickers.

Among the features next, assign a separate cache and instructions of the first level. In practice, it gives a small advantage in productivity. The video processor here can also be hard pressed. Here the thought of retailers and coristuvachs is starting again - the processor will ensure the correct operation of all current games. Qualcomm 808 can be used in Xiaomi Mi4s, LG G4, LG Nexus 5X, Lenovo Vibe X3 and others.