My bracelet. Upgrading the fitness of the Xiaomi Mi Band bracelet and customizing Mi Fit. Technical characteristics of the device

Buy fitness Xiaomi bracelet Today, maybe someone who wants to stay healthy and wants to keep the body in good shape. Moreover, a smart device allows you to not miss a call or notify you immediately of notifications!

Sports gadgets from the popular Chinese brand are not expensive to buy, but they have fallen into the face of heavy competition and are expensive. The manufacturer offers a number of device options - with a display, without a screen, with a heart rate monitor and without anything else - the buyer can choose one that perfectly fits his everyday style! The sportsbook is associated with a branded supplement, which player is trying to attract attention to mobile device. The special feature of smart gadgets is their large batteries, which allow you to forget about charging at a rate of 20 to 30 dB!

Stylish design

Fitness bracelets are delivered in boxes designed with a direct minimalism in mind – there are no designer flourishes here, but the packaging inspires confidence in high-quality materials. Devices usually come with a charging cable and instructions.

Popular Mi models have a capsule shape, which means they are small in size. One of the options is to equip it with LEDs and a special sensor that collects information, the other is to brighten the screen with a round touch button. The capsule is inserted into a silicone strap. Fast fixation is reliable, so the tracker will not fall off the bracelet due to the high activity of the user.

The bracelets of Wikonan devices are made from medical grade silicone, which has hypoallergenic properties, so people susceptible to allergies can wear them. A dose of wrist insurance, no matter the volume, will definitely suit everyone.

The smart bracelets have an attractive design. If necessary, the black silicone strap can be replaced with a similar color. Also on the market are accessories made from natural leather, metal, and available options for wearing the gadget on your neck.

Technical characteristics

A fitness bracelet is a device that is non-vibrating to use and easy to control. So, if you have chosen the option with a display, then its operation will be subject to additional sensitivity touch buttons. The monochrome screen significantly increases the service life, and the new device will provide you with important information. For example, you can marvel at how far you have gone, learn about the nature of the notification that you need to enter mobile phone, find out how many calories you burn, etc. Great possibilities come with the addition - here the owner of the gadget can set goals, manage program alerts, set alarms, and much more. Buy reasonable hours If you want to get a small, simple, stylish accessory that will be useful both at home and at work!

The Mi Band bracelet has a heart rate monitor, which allows you to control your heart rate - which is important when playing sports, as well as for people who suffer from illness and need constant control of their heart rate.

Another cool function of a gadget with a display is the presence of an accelerometer, which allows you to watch the time you wave your hand. New technologies can track the stages of sleep, resulting in information being captured on the smartphone screen!

Smart Watch from the Xiaomi company is an inexpensive and functional device that will improve the quality of your life. Virobnik does not rest on its achievements, regularly adding new functions to software-supported technology - updates come automatically, and you can install them with an additional proprietary add-on!

The Chinese company Xiaomi has demonstrated a unique version of the smart bracelet for a long time. After a cumbersome upgrade, the next generation of fitness trackers, which have a new design, has gained a lot of additional capabilities.
Vlasniks of the new smart bracelet don’t have to worry about updating the new look of the gadget - you can buy a bracelet at an attractive price, and change the accessory in storage depending on the future mood!

Features of accessories

The strap for Mi Band 2 does not cause any discomfort during use, providing your wearer with grip and comfort. Accessories for Mi Band 2 are available in different color variations, they incorporate the design features of the tracker - they will ideally fit up to date!
Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is made from high-quality, wear-resistant materials, which serve as a common term. If you want to buy a bracelet to change your style, we are ready to stock the latest range of products at affordable prices!

The product has a number of advantages:

  • Clear materials;
  • Universal size;
  • The correct design reliably fixes the sensor - it will not be lost in extreme situations!

We encourage you to buy a bracelet for Mi Band 2 at a competitive price - we only sell the original product! The assortment includes a variety of bracelets, chargers for Mi Band 2 and many other colorful accessories! If necessary, consultants at the Rumikom store can help you choose an alternative option that will cover all meals and ensure prompt delivery!

On today's day mobile technologies entered into the life of practically every person and occupy a leading position with them, as we speak about the frequency of viscosity singing annexes. The current smartphone has long been no longer positioned as a toy, but its functionality has transformed the device into a full-fledged work complex. Retailers have suddenly discovered how they can make money, and they have begun to create a variety of accessories (bracelets, anniversary cards) and gadgets that expand the functionality of already smart mobile phones. Below is a report for Xiaomi Mi Band 2 with instructions with all the nuances of using the bracelet and Mi Fit programs, which device is connected to and synchronized with the smartphone.

In fact, for the Xiaomi Mi Band, the Russian instructions are presented, even from the very beginning of the package. It was purchased original bracelet and the current appearance of the packaging, it is necessary to start the work from charging the device in order to confirm its suitability and prepare it before the first use.

The packaging contains the following elements:

  • The Xiaomi Mi Band 2 bracelet itself, which is divided into a strap and a tracker, which is inserted into it;
  • USB charging cable.

Rules for using a charger and tracker

For Mi Band setting This is an important step, but you also need to learn how to charge the bracelet correctly. Having unpacked the new Bend, you need to remove the tracker from the strap, and then insert it into charger contacts internally (as deep as possible, but without zusil). Then the charging device must be inserted into a large USB port on the computer (recommended) or a USB adapter for a standard outlet. An hour of charging the bracelet does not exceed two years.

The tracker's charge level is indicated by three LEDs that flash during the charging process and glow evenly when the device is being charged. The standard hour for the first charging cycle is around 2:00. All future charging will take less than an hour. The tracker needs to be fully charged, so it is very easy to avoid non-standard charging methods, as incorrect supply of power will cause the device to burn.

Installing Mi Fit and registering a cloud account

The next step is after unpacking the bracelet and connecting it to your smartphone, but it cannot be done without.

More reporting instructions You can remove from the already written articles dedicated to this food, but in short, the algorithm for the operation of the Mi Band bracelet is simple:

  1. The Mi Fit add-on is installed with Play Market or App Store.
  2. Mi account registration can be done via a browser as requested or through the program itself.

After registration, you will be able to configure the Mi Band 2, but for which you will have to enter beginnings of adjustment The Mi Fit add-on allows the bracelet to be linked to the smartphone and ensures constant data synchronization.

Start Mi Fit installations

Now you need to adjust the program itself to work with it correctly:

  1. Naturally, authorization initially involves an explicit or unregistered login and password.

  1. Then it is necessary for you to add your personal details to the supplement: name (nickname), birth date, birth date, age, minimum amount of money you plan to pay daily.

  1. Immediately after entering the required data, the bracelet pairing menu will open, where you will need to select the device to connect.

  1. After successful synchronization, Mi Fit prompts you to update the bracelet firmware to current version. During this process, you do not need to unmute your phone or delete your Mi Band. Immediately after the firmware is installed, the program interface will open, where you can begin to use it.

Vikoristannya Mi Fit and Mi Band

Once you have successfully connected the Mi Band, you can proceed to use the program interface that is available to us. There are three tabs on the main screen: activity, notifications and profile.

"Activity" tab

From the screen of this tab, you can go to a number of functional sections: Statistics, Sleep, Vag, Reach, etc.

In the English version, this tab is called Status. From this section you can move on to the statics of various actions, pressing on the stakes or other sections in the smoothie.


This section can be used by clicking on the number of buttons located in the “Activity” tab.

Features of the work in this section:

  • Swipe left to reveal the statistics section for the past days;
  • Pressing the “Statistics” button will bring you up to the front page, where you can sort by day, year and month.


By going to the “Sleep” section, the client can view the following information:

  • Statistics of the sleep session for the previous night from the significance of all phases and moments of awakening;
  • Right-handed swipe allows you to look at statistics for earlier sleep sessions;
  • By clicking the “Statistics” button in the “Sleep” section, you can group data by day, year, month, etc.


Coming to this section, the kistuvach contains the following functional elements:

  • Schedule for changing your displays;
  • Above the graph there is a list of clients, you can navigate directly from this section (all you have to do is click on the required name for the transition);
  • A specific data from your data is memorized by pressing the special “Record data” button;
  • You can now control the indicators of your body mass index, weight loss, dynamics, and also evaluate your body structure.

"Smuga Reach"

This section is a good incentive for Mi Band 2 wearers, since it displays all the targets that can be reached when wearing the bracelet.

The main indicators are:


When launching the “Big” section, the user must first activate GPS navigation in order to keep track of active satellites. Once Mi Fit has displayed the optimal number of companions (lights up green), you can press start and go to the distance. During the running process, basic information about the runner’s position is displayed, and if you go to the “Map” view, you can follow the path of the runner. You can stop reading information, for example, when going to a shortcut, you can press the “Pause” button.

The “Acknowledgment” tab and the principle of operation

On this tab you can set up changes to the required notification for the main steps, as well as adjust the function of their duplication on the bracelet.

The list of control items includes:

  • Clinks. The bracelet is responsive to the skin within a short period of time. The blocking function has also been disabled to prevent calls from unknown numbers.
  • Alarm. After setting up the bracelet, we will wake up the ruler when the phone is discharged, or we will duplicate the signal on the phone itself, which may not be available to alert the ruler while he is asleep.
  • Congratulations. I think about the analogy with the clink.
  • Program The settings are adjusted for each program installed on the phone, and follow the principle of notification.

Function “Unlocking the screen”

Entering the given menu nalashtuvan, koristuvach can:

  • Adjust the process of unlocking the screen in such a way that you don’t have to swipe the phone with the bracelet and don’t have to touch the screen or the finger sensor;
  • Adjust the Mi Band visibility parameters for other devices.

"Profile" tab

The remaining tab, in fact, does not require any explanation, and it is also clear that the profile contains all the information about the bracelet and the configuration of this device.

Anyway, let me tell you that in this menu you can:

  • Review the specific information entered at the stage of setting up and connecting the bracelet to the smartphone;
  • Read the list of devices connected to your smartphone and its configuration. In connection with the Mi Band, you will be able to search the bracelet for your other phone (you will be able to hear sounds and flashes), change the colors of the LEDs, the designated place for attaching the device, activation/blocking information;
  • You can also look at the information about the bracelet’s firmware and connect it to your phone;
  • Below you can find information about the goals of the bracelet wearer, information about collected statistics, and other information about services.

Other possibilities of the bracelet

Why the overflow coris functions Mi Band will not run out.

Varto sees the following possibilities:

  • Visual control of the achieved goals of the first version of the bracelet. Everything is simple: the three indicators that were described above are used in the bracelet’s operating station (not on charging) to adjust the level of goals achieved. To activate this function, you need to make a singing gesture, raise your hand and turn the bracelet towards yourself, or look at the date.

  • Search for a bracelet. Much has already been learned about this function, but it is still possible to date specific inserts before it is vikoristannya. Go to the path “Profile – Devices – Mi Band”, press the search button.
  • Service "Friends". Your friends and family members who wear similar bracelets can become participants in the same Mi Band network. You can stitch the skin behind each other’s reach, and also add vital information to someone else’s bracelet.

Operational features of the bracelet

What you want to know about features that have not reached the point of description, but still play an important role:

  1. The device is “waterproof”, but this does not mean that you can swim in it. The bracelet can be left in the shower, under the board, or while washing dishes. For a short period of time, wedged to a depth of up to 1 meter, the device will shudder for everything, or better yet, do not risk it. Be especially wary of salt water at resorts.
  2. Automatically update your smartphone contact. The cause of rare episodes of desynchronization may be problems caused by other devices that operate using technology dartless connection Bluetooth. When connected, the tracker will independently continue to try to update the connections until synchronization is complete.
  3. The trivial term is robots without charging. The average Mi Band 2 user can go without recharging the bracelet for about a month. This time changes as the device is continuously synchronized with the smartphone.
  4. More manually fastened to the body at the strap. There is also a minor risk that the tracker will be pressed from the fixing tape on the elastic and spring strap. However, such a situation is only possible due to the extreme mechanical pressure on the device.
  5. The brownness of the bracelet for the body is real. Naturally, the device cannot tell the ruler about how much it is necessary to walk/run, sleep, eat, etc. Here is an additional benefit that will simplify the process of achieving optimal body and spirit conditions.
  6. Varto guessed about the crooked translation, as a result of which you can increase the “temperature” parameter, but actually converted the burning calories.

Alternative bracelet models

As an alternative version for the reviewed Mi Band 2, we have written a user manual for the Mi Band 1s outlining the main features of this device.

What you need to know about this bracelet:

  1. You can also connect to the phone for help dartless technology Bluetooth.
  2. The first time you use it, ask it to charge it, and then follow these procedures after about a month of use.
  3. For correct work you will need to enter your details in Mi Fit, and then, vikorista report book, presented above, make connections and setup.

There are not so many features with the newer (different) version. When looking at the Mi Band 1s Pulse, the instructions make it clear that this model with the Pulse prefix is ​​directly aimed at changing the frequency of the heart’s heart rate.

Naturally, Mi Band 2 can also work, but in this modification, pulse analysis is carried out from different sides:

  • vimiri be carried out for additional photoplethysmograms;
  • data is displayed on the screen in 15 seconds;
  • The bracelet operates in active (manual activation) and passive (everyday) mode (2 times per device).

Not many are those who Xiaomi fitness bracelet Mi Band 1s Pulse does not measure pulse when the charge is below 10%.


With all of this said, it is important to understand what is needed to achieve optimal physical condition high level health, it’s not enough to buy a bracelet, enter your parameters and correct setup. Regular exercise, walks and a consistently active way of life are all things that are lost after wearing a bracelet.

Bluetooth 4.0 BLE.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2є updated version most popular models sports bracelet with heart rate monitor Xiaomi Mi Band 1S. The new bracelet has become more accurate in terms of calculating the Crocomir robot algorithms, heart rates and sleep monitoring. The most significant innovations were the appearance of a display that operates on organic light-emitting diodes and can display both selected indicators of physical activity and notify about calls and receive smartphone notifications. And also – Xiaomi Mi Band 2 will really keep track of your activity – and let you know if you’ve been sitting in the same place for too long!

MiFit, starting with version 2.x.x, has a daily activation of the smart alarm clock.

MiFit add-on for iOS and Android - Russian.

Regain respect: the robot is equipped with a heart rate monitor, it is not a medical device

It is necessary to charge the capsule from the outlet with a plug no more than 1A!

The bracelet works with devices on Android 4.4 and above, with Bluetooth 4.0.LE (lower versions of Bluetooth are not supported);
iPhone 4S is even better.

When there is hypothermia (temperature below 0) hour autonomous robot shortens to 128 years.


If you have problems with the bracelet

How to create a Xiaomi account record

Watch out for your time and skin

  • OLED display
  • touch panel
  • new design
  • Krokomir algorithm updates

Hour, time, heart rate is coming soon

The new version of Mi Band 2 has an OLED display touch panel which will give you more information. With just a touch of your finger, you can get detailed information about the distance traveled, hour, heart rate, body temperature and a lot of other basic data. Intelligent technology responds to your hand, just as you raise your hand, the bracelet displays the current hour - easily and manually. Fitness tracker, it’s just one year old.

New algorithm for krokomir

Exact details, croc by croc

Updated to the light-sensitive version of the previous generation, the Mi Band 2 is based on a new hardware platform. Now your skin will appear clearly on the display and you can get on with your day.

Accurate heart rate monitoring

With the activation of the heart rate sensor, you will soon be able to increase the intensity of exercise on your body and plan your sports activities more efficiently.

Tried the robot to one person?

The Mi Band 2 bracelet asks you to go for a walk

To ensure that you don’t sit too long in one place during work or reading, the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 fitness bracelet has a guessing system. The device will immediately notify you that it is time to warm up, which will help reduce bleeding and increase your productivity. You can set up intervals of alerts yourself, and Mi Band 2 will automatically vibrate, informing you about a short workout or a walk in the fresh air, which will allow you to get a new charge of health.

Your unique ID

Now you can unlock the bracelet in a simpler way

If you have a smartphone on the Android platform, you can set up your account in order to unlock Mi Band 2 with just the swipe of your finger.

Calls and notifications

Vibration alert for additional information

When a call, notification or notification arrives on your smartphone, the new Mi Band 2 will vibrate and call your activity phone number.

Waterproof rating IP67

Take a shower or walk under the warm summer sun without complaining about the Mi Band 2 robot, or even jealousy international standard IP67 make the bracelet waterproof and saw-resistant. The tracker is also reliable for theft of sweat, oil and other substances that cause corrosion.

Beautiful call in the middle

For the beautiful from the outside looking in The bracelet uses unique innovative technologies, such as ergonomic placement in the panel, created by precision casting under pressure and further processing with ultraviolet light. Thanks to this technique, the bracelet is made without any marks or bruises on the fingers.

Low energy consumption of OLED display

Once you have installed the new OLED display, you can access data with just one finger. This energy-saving technology allows you to use the bracelet for a long time without recharging.

It's broken, don't waste it

The new design of Mi Band 2 has a locking ring that secures the tracker as much as possible, so you won’t waste any time on intense sports or other activities. In addition, the strap fastening has a seamless design, which also reduces the wear rate of the bracelet.

New environmentally friendly material

New material from the production of Xiaomi Mi Band 2, soft to the touch, so the contact part of the bracelet will give you a pleasant tactile sensation while wearing it. The environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic material of the Mi Band 2 bracelet does not block these skins, which reduces the likelihood of discomfort under it.

Suvori testing dovkilla

In order to be 99.99% sure that the bracelet will not fail for different minds, we used even the toughest tests to test our capabilities:

  • 128 years at 70°C
  • 128 years at -20℃
  • 12 long falls from a height of 1.2 meters on a hard surface
  • 24 years of IP67 protection testing

More precisely, renovation

Updates to the fitness tracker Mi Band 2 include more optimizations, which more accurately monitor your heart rate, sleep patterns, sleep patterns, etc. Expanded data in the Statistics menu allows you to better understand your body, as well as view all the characteristics for a given period (day, week, month). In this way you will be able to make great progress so that we can stop you from collapsing.

Barvisy bracelet for your bright life

Changes to Xiaomi Mi Band 2 are presented in a variety of colors: black, blue, green, orange and others. You can choose any color that suits you, and it will definitely enhance your unique style. Brighten up your life with the new bright fitness tracker Mi Band 2 from Xiaomi!

Technical characteristics of Xiaomi Mi Band 2

  • Type: fitness bracelet
  • Version: XMSH04HM
  • Functionality: Pedometer, activity control, calories, sleep, heart rate monitor, year old
  • Advice: jingles,SMS, mail, calendar, Facebook, Twitter
  • Screen: monochrome, OLED, touchscreen, with backlight (diagonal 0.42")
  • Platform support: Android, iOS
  • Vibration: So
  • Bracelet / strap material: silicone soft touch
  • Bracelet/remix colors: black
  • Vologozahist: So, IP67, WR30 (3 atm)
  • Dimensions (WxHxT): 15.7x40.3x10.5 mm
  • Headphone socket: No
  • Mobile Internet: No
  • Interface: Bluetooth 4.0LE
  • Battery capacity: 70 mAg
  • Robotic hour: up to 20 days
  • Charging cable: So

Oh, how I was waiting for the arrival of my birthday, so that I could give myself a gift - Mi Band 3.

On the right is that I already used Mi Band 2, which I already wrote about.

It's already been a week since the third edition and it's out New version Third, I just couldn’t get over my purchase, because the other version suited me just fine.

So, even before that, I love all sorts of things to control my activity - even often you just forget to collapse, you don’t understand how many things you’ve done today and how many times you’ve walked, etc.


I wanted to remove more functions from the Mi Band 2, as well as through the display itself, which is brighter in the 3rd generation and can already be seen in bright light, which was not the case in the 2nd version.


PRICE:$24.66 (at the time of purchase the price was 680 hryvnia)


  • The tracker itself
  • USB charger
  • Instructions in Chinese English language from babies.

    MAIN INDUSTRIES Mi Band 3 vs Mi Band 2:

    • Excellent protection against stress, which allows the bracelet to withstand pressure up to 5 ATM. You can swim with it, but it is not recommended to swim;
    • Availability of a version of the bracelet with an NFC chip;
    • Support for remote unlocking of the smartphone and the “find smartphone” function;
    • Gesture control support;
    • The text will be displayed, the name of the phone will be displayed;
    • Weather review for 3 days;
    • The ability to revive long-term pressure on a special fitness bracelet;
    • Larger, brighter and clearer display with a diagonal of 0.78 inches;
    • The overall dimensions of this capsule are 17.9x46.9x12 mm, and the capsule is less than 8.5 grams;
    • The building contains approximately 30 different functions.

    And now I’ll report and I’ll try to be brief


    1) Yak anniversary, calendar- She raised her wrists and shook them

    2) Keep track of your activity and the progress you have made in the form of a crocome - for those who take care of their health, the thing that is not necessary is not the phone, but also the crocodile, well, you won’t be dragging your phone with you?

    3) Heart rate monitor- For a less important and necessary function, it regulates the rhythm of the heart in various situations and responds during exercise and exercise. So, a friend or other people, if necessary, put on a bracelet and for 10-15 seconds, the exact result will be obtained (checked on a tonometer).

    4) Alerts about entrance calls and notifications- it’s a crazy function, which I haven’t used before on Mi Band 2, because there was no ringing or exit notification visible, and there was only vibration without writing. Here you can see who to call, you can either call or receive them. It turned out that although there is a small screen - well, it’s even easier to read the input text from Viber or other programs - you don’t need to go anywhere, for example, to your bag or gut, or to roll your phone around the apartment to read it. Having raised your hand, having read both satisfaction and dissatisfaction, everything should lie down from what you have read (zhart).

    5)Rhythms of sleep But being careful about sleep - in principle, nothing has changed much in the situation with Mi Band 2. All the same, there is difficulty in sleep, its activity, awakening is fixed, and in the morning I can get the whole heated picture of my sleep on my phone and so are the very recommendations like I went to bed late and need to go to bed earlier, etc. - adored function.

    6) Function "Know phone"- superb. If you click on it in the tracker, then your phone will hardly sound like it’s beeping like a siren. That's right, don't get lost!

    For the record, what did you say on your phone? BLUETOOTH! It's important!

    7)"Right" function- Rarely її vikoristova, well, I respect von korisna for those who want to mark the hour of their physical pursuits, so that they need to be activated by pressing the button to activate and begin to engage, at the end of the day you will see: hour sk How much went to the right, calories, heart rate, etc. .P.

    When the Mi Fit add-on is turned on If I'm not charging or doing light walking, I can see my speed, mileage, heart rate and calories on my phone.

    9) Miracle function "GET UP AND WALK"- She often reminds me that I’ve already been sitting too long - I need to wake up.

    10)Temperature wait a minute- For me, it was even more necessary, since we don’t have a street thermometer, and before I go out into the street, I always look for my phone to see what the weather is like, but now I just raised my wrists and waved my “charming stick” three times - it’s hot, And the weather has improved and not only for two more days today.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to know more about who to call, the weather, and find your phone number, you must always turn on Bluetooth! You can't be a diva any other way.

    I also appreciate that since your tracker vibrates for a long time and often, the battery lasts a long time.

    My charge lasts for 18 days, with the assurance that the bluetooth turns on continuously, late at night, in the evening I turn it on right up to the morning - I respect, there is no sense for me without bluetooth at night.

    And just so you understand, this is a 4th generation blouse that won’t drain your phone! This was also important for me nobility.


    Let me tell you:

    I’m really in love with these people, because I thought of writing guides, so that by focusing on them you can make money or not make a choice on any product or service.

    So, before buying the tracker, I read a lot of wikis, and almost everyone who bought this tracker with the Russian (or another version of mine) already installed said that at the same time, from the Russian mine, Chinese ones are often visible Hieroglyphs. It doesn't update, that's the problem.

    And it doesn’t matter, you bought it in China or in your store here with global firmware.

    Samy shorter option Buy in the original Chinese version and flash the language you need - it’s even simpler.


    1. We take our tracker out of the box, charge it and connect it to the computer or PowerBank, so we do not recommend charging the tracker more than 1-1.5 amperes - the battery will die! Why is it charged, because it will almost never be discharged.
    2. Make sure you are still charging - it will either vibrate or press the round button and it will show the full charge of 100%.
    3. Install the MI Fit add-on on your smartphone - go to the next one - register or log in to your account account.
    4. When you charge the tracker, place it on your smartphone - press “Add devices” on the MI Fit add-on and it will synchronize itself again - it will vibrate.

    5. We don’t touch the tracker - you need to update again - after updating you ask to swipe your finger across the screen - swipe - it activates

      And be more interested in the Russian version with updates.

    6. Voila - you're ready! You can read on the screen how to properly wear the tracker, etc.

    7. We insert our tracker into the bracelet IMPORTANT - From top to bottom, stretchy little pieces to the sides yak bi yogo carefully pushing the beast with his big fingers. The little one has instructions in the box, but I didn’t notice it right away and couldn’t understand why the display at the bottom couldn’t fit into the strap.
    8. PLUS I haven’t guessed yet:

    • The screen is clearly visible in bright sunlight;
    • The battery lasts up to 18 days when Bluetooth is constantly turned on, the battery itself is 110 MAH. If you turn on the bluetooth more often or don’t let it vibrate for too long, I recommend that you wear out the batteries;
    • Quick battery charge in 1.5-2 years;
    • Easier firmware updates via phone;
    • I drank and drank some water - I don’t even sleep, I take a shower and douse myself with cold water.


    • Since I don’t have them on, if I wear them carefully, the display doesn’t get tattered (even though I wrote that they got tattered).

    SKODA VIEW OF FITNESS TRACKER Mi Band 3 lies in the fact that you cannot understand it - it will be like something unknown to you, like a part of you.

    In my opinion, this is the best fitness tracker in its price category for such a budget at an affordable price, and with such expansions, I would say the most necessary functions.

    I already bought two more of these as a gift, however, I bought them in local ALLO stores, so that people would have a guarantee of 1 rik, which is not enough. And all the smells were from the original Chinese version - it’s super!

    I also bought my original stripes from the blue and red colors and on Aliexpress.

    This is a great PLUS that the 3rd version of the tracker came not only with a black strap, but with two additional colors - the straps are also superb and do not differ in any way from the black one out of the box.

    I’m glad that my vodguk helped someone!

    Of course, everything in this world is specific and individual, well, I’m very pleased with the gift and can recommend it.

    I’m in a wonderful and bright mood!

    “Keep your mood in your life, keep your life in your mood!”