The program for the search for files everything. Everything is a mitigation search for files and folders. Vіdminnі risi Everything

І nutrition until the end: sometimes they are at the life’s side, at the sight:

Sorting index $I30 in file 29914.

Recovering orphaned file A0004545.ini (53) to directory file 29914.
Recovering orphaned file A0003507.ini (562) in directory file 29914.
Recovering orphaned file A0004554.ini (1049) in directory file 29914.
Recovering orphaned file A0003485.ini (1051) in directory file 29914.
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Recovering orphaned file change.log.3 (1484) in directory file 29914.
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Displaying the file oriented A0003492.TAG (4034) to directory file 29914.
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Recovering orphaned file A0003539.ver (4048) in directory file 29914.
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Recovering orphaned file A0003491.ver (5041) in directory file 29914.
View orgfile file CHANGE~1.4 (5047) in directory file 29914.
Recovering orphaned file change.log.4 (5047) in directory file 29914.
Updating the original file A0003515.TAG (5055) to directory file 29914.
Recovering orphaned file A0003462.ini (5057) in directory file 29914.
Recovering orphaned file A0003538.ver (5065) in directory file 29914.
Recovering orphaned file A0003508.ini (5068) in directory file 29914.
Change file oriented CHANGE~1.5 (5072) in directory file 29914.
Recovering orphaned file change.log.5 (5072) in directory file 29914.
Recovering orphaned file A0003517.ini (5073) to directory file 29914.
Recovering orphaned file A0003502.ini (5075) to directory file 29914.
Displaying the file oriented A0003482.old (5081) in directory file 29914.
And so, to the point of indiscretion :27:


(Russian because I will hand over the z-p_d v_nd)
Rechecking in the same file (stage 4 of 5)...
under \DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\APPLIC~1\ESET\ESETNO~1\local.db.
The reverification of the file has been completed.
CHKDSK checks the presence of a disk space (Step 5 of 5).
Revising free space on disk completed.
Adding 2 random clusters to the random cluster file.
Correction of pardons for little Tom.
Windows made changes to the file system.

"at the file 35232 pіd іm'yam…" FROM WHY IS IT IMPOSSIBLE TO WRITE SO ???

Attribute form code 0x20 not allowed for attribute of type 0x10
and instance tag 0x0.
Deleting corrupt attribute record (16, "")
from file record segment 7188.
The standard information attribute in file 0x1c14 is missing.
Deleting corrupt file record segment 7188.
Index entry INF index $I30 points to unused file 0x1c14.
Deleting index entry INF at index $I30 of file 7184.
Cleaning up minor inconsistencies on the drive.
CHKDSK is recovering lost files.
Cleaning up 2 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 2 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 2 unused security descriptors.

I'll accumulate from your allowance for a ticking mood, de crim a stable index $I30 є index $O

A disk check has been scheduled.
Windows will now check the disk.
Read failure with status 0xc0000185 at offset 0x11ba60000 for 0x10000 bytes.

File record segment 9872 is unreadable.
Read failure with status 0xc0000185 at offset 0x11ba64000 for 0x1000 bytes.
File record segment 9873 is unreadable.
Read failure with status 0xc0000185 at offset 0x11ba64000 for 0x1000 bytes.
File record segment 9874 is unreadable.
Read failure with status 0xc0000185 at offset 0x11ba64000 for 0x1000 bytes.
File record segment 9875 is unreadable.
Read failure with status 0xc0000185 at offset 0x11ba64c00 for 0x400 bytes.
Object id index entry in file 0x19 points to file 0x2690

Object id index entry in file 0x19 points to file 0x2692
Otherwise, the file cannot have an object id in it.
Deleting an index entry from index $O of file 25.
Index entry AI Color Settings of index $I30 at file 0x5def points to unused file 0x2693.
Deleting index entry AI Color Settings in index $I30 of file 24047.
Index entry AICOLO~1 from index $I30 in file 0x5def points to unused file 0x2693.
Deleting index entry AICOLO~1 to index $I30 of file 24047.
Cleaning up minor inconsistencies on the drive.
CHKDSK is recovering lost files.
Recovering orphaned file upgrade.log (16492) in directory file 9874.
CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
Usn Journal verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying file data (stage 4 of 5)...
Read failure with status 0xc0000185 at offset 0x1deb92000 for 0x10000 bytes.
Read failure with status 0xc0000185 at offset 0x1deb97000 for 0x1000 bytes.
Windows replaced bad clusters in file 7482
name \WINDOWS\system32\config\system.
Read failure with status 0xc0000185 at offset 0x3d852000 for 0x10000 bytes.
Read failure with status 0xc0000185 at offset 0x3d853000 for 0x1000 bytes.
Windows replaced bad clusters in file 20527
of name \DOCUME~1\CF64~1\FIREFO~2\Data\profile\SESSIO~1\recovery.bak.
File data completed verification.
CHKDSK is verifying free space (stage 5 of 5)...
Free space verification is complete.
Read failure with status 0xc0000185 at offset 0xbcbd1000 for 0x10000 bytes.
Read failure with status 0xc0000185 at offset 0xbcbdd000 for 0x1000 bytes.
Replacing bad clusters in logfile.
Adding 4 bad clusters to Bad Clusters File.
Correcting errors in master file table's (MFT) DATA attribute.
Correcting errors in master file table's (MFT) BITMAP attribute.
Correcting errors in Volume Bitmap.
Windows can be corrected to the file system.

How can I understand c v ~ 1.2 to recognize the human name of the folder or the file can be for some number for help frn:<список frn>fsi:<индекс (эту я сам придумал, она хоть как-то реагирует)> . Yak, yak and after yak? or I will have mercy frn for other references…

Everything Portable- a cost-free portable program for a practical search for files and folders. These are found on your computer, hard drive or flash drive. The program searches for a part of the folder name of the file, and for the name of the file. Everything Portable has a large number of filters that allow you to know the folders or files you need with the minimum amount of effort and time. Search for folders and files you need. The program has the ability to launch a number of copies of the program at once. What is necessary when synchronizing folders, for example, how to run the program. Abo delete duplicate files like . Still, the greatest advantage of the Everything Portable program is that it will definitely save you an hour to look for a folder or a file. Vaughn to rob tse in the razi shvidshe for a regular joke, vbudovaniya in the operating system.

Everything Portable main features:

  • Mitteviy search files and folders.
  • File list editor.
  • Creation of vlasnyh filters.
  • Robot z interim protocols FTP, ETP, HTTP.
  • Run multiple copies of programs at once.
  • Possibility of creation, change and ordering of bookmarks.
  • Seeing the history of program launches.
  • Nalashtuvannya poshuku z urakhuvannyam register, words as a whole or often, vrakhovuvati way.
  • Vbudovanie filters, shukati: all, audio, archives, documents, programs, folders, pictures, videos.
  • Possibility of asking for a name or part of it and extensions (for example.mp3, .jpg or .txt).
  • Possibility of creating vinyatkiv jokes, such as attached files that folder, system files that folder or your list of faults.

Portable program, all by itself no-cost program ale pratsyuє s be-any wear. It is best to use a flash drive for whom, but you can also be some other carrier of information.

This utility does not fill up traces of its change in the system after the completion of the work.
Everything Portable can be downloaded free of charge from file sharing sites at or Possilannya on yak

Everything Portable pratsyuє z be-yakah zovnіshnіh or vbudovanyh noses. After the robot is turned on, all the following programs will be rebooted, adjusted by the program itself and so on from the system will be deleted.

Program name: Everything Portable
Operating system: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows 2003, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Mova interface: Bagatomovna, including Russian
Registration key: Registration is not required, the program is free of charge
Expand the file: 3.08 Mb

Everything - software for shvidkoy poshuk files and folders behind their names. Everything vikoristovu for the joke only the names of the files and folders, which will ensure the highest security of the joke. As a rule, to index all files on the computer, the program takes a few seconds. For the butt - a million files Everything indexes close to one piece. With this, the program base is constantly updated in background mode. To start a search, just start writing the name of the file in a special field. The results of the search will start to look up. With this you can twist Boolean operators (І, ABO, NOT), masks (*) and Regular virazi, specify folders and types of files for a joke. In the list of known files, the program shows the file, its extension, path to new, its expansion and other characteristics. You can turn it on and off hard disks by asking, activate and deactivate monitoring of changes in the file system, and also turn off directories by a whisper. The program has only two minuses - it does not search for files in the NTFS file system and cannot search for files behind them. To russify the program, download the current package, unpack yoga into the Everything folder, restart the program, go to Tools menu/ Options / General and select the required language.

Key Features and Functions

  • shvidky search for files and folders for their name;
  • pidtrimka pokuku behind the mask;
  • support for regular viruses;
  • the possibility of using Boolean operators;
  • shvidke file system indexing.

Name: Everything
Analog: windows explorer
Rozmir: 293 kb.
Good afternoon, new readers of the blog. Yak and lean on New river it turned out to be small, but marvelous - the blog came to life, and I'm finally leaving the camp of the Komi. Now look around alternative programs will show up more often than not once a month:) and navit, I will be able to come up more often at least once a month. To that I fly everything from New Rock and forward, until the new one (I’m already on my feet) looking around.
The richness of the koristuvachіv PK is superbly important the swidkіst of the work. We would like the operations to be carried out as quickly as possible, but, unfortunately, the standard Windows tools do not always allow you to enjoy the whole world. Stosuetsya tse service file poshuk. Rich someone vvazha її not quite handy and, obviously, not enough swede, and that they are whispering an alternative. I understood, bezkoshtovnu.
Everything is a wonderful choice. Not only that, the utility is cost-free, there can be other troubles: you need to search for files and folders in just a couple of seconds, it’s not enough to “important” - a total of 334 Kb and, before that, it miraculously gets along practically with us system resources. The absolute plus of Everything is those that it is Russified, it is even easier to practice with it.
The principle of robotic programs is as simple as everything ingenious. The first thing to do after the launch is to scan the tables of the files, and place the results with a special cache file, which will be stored away, so that the operation will not be repeated. When launching Everything on a skin attack, it goes to the created cache file, and if you change it on the file system, it is corroborated by the USN-journal, which ensures the security of the robot.
In order to get to know better the price of krihta, it is more important to be more respectful about the pluses and minuses.

Summative minuses

Vlasne, some special features of the program can be called minuses only with a great stretch, so that the stench does not bother the coristuvachev, whether there are any special non-hands. Ale all the same varto їh know.
First, use the utility with NTFS. Vtіm, the system itself wins in all Windows operating systems (NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8).
In a different way, when searching for Everything, it is oriented solely on the name or on a part of the object's name, so you cannot search for the dates of the creation / change of the file, or for other attributes.
Thirdly, for full-fledged robotic programs, it is necessary to run it as an administrator, so that the mother has full rights.
І, nareshti, in a quarter, search utility to work on local і memory disks. However, if necessary, you can create a search on another computer, so that you can install it on a new copy of the program, and select the required items in the menu. How tse robiti is shown on the screenshot:

Safe pluses
Maybe, the biggest plus is the amazing versatility of the program. Everything works wonderfully with different system resources, suitable for all versions of Windows. Do not fight like advertising.
Russian language. Not everyone can have sufficient knowledge of English, so this is also a great plus. To Russify the program, just activate the package under the name Everything.lng, and then restart the utility. Then let's work on the offensive: open "Tools", then "Options", find the "General" tab, in it click on "Language" and, obviously, select Russian. After the onslaught of OK, change the chivalry.
Bezpeka for the registry. Everything is one of the few similar programs that does not check the registry, which is even more important for stable work that swidcode system.
Multi-mode search for the name of a file or folder. To see the results is carried out in the world for the introduction of data for a joke. In addition, the program takes care of the register.
Maximum accuracy by looking for required files. Features of the program allow you to search for the same objects, as needed, and to view everything. If you need to know the file under the name Lopez with MP3 extensions, then enter the search string "Lopez MP3" in the row. Without paws, obviously. If you need to know files with extensions .jpg and .bmp, then you can look like this: “.jpg | .bmp" - I know, without paws, I understood. If you turn it on from a joke, for example, to know the file, the name of which has the word “cool”, but not “123”, then it will look like this: “cool! 123". As you can see from the list of applications, for the help of the Everything utility, you can search for not only mittevim, but also the most accurate and easy. Data for the joke are entered at the top row, the results are seen below:


Podbivayuchi pіdbags, you can boldly talk about those that Everything is superb manual program, so that you will be at the mercy of everyone who costs an hour and makes sure that your work on a PC is as comfortable as possible. In addition, the robot with this utility does not require deep knowledge and power to make a start. Everything to do Everything with one of the best programs with similar functionality and ensure its popularity among the Windows family of operating systems.

Everything is a cost-free program for finding files and folders behind their names on the computer. All koristuvachs constantly search on their PCs for files or folders, sometimes they find it difficult.

Sound, two variants of the search are hacked: with the first variant, you know where it is necessary to shukat the file, that person knows it independently, with the other option, for the search of the file, you win special program chi system poshuk.

In the operating room Windows systemsє search for help, for help you can find the required file, folder or program. However, Windows searches for information only on system drive which is not too easy in rich vipadkas.

As you are constantly aware of the difficulties of looking for files on your computer, I recommend that you put things in order there, splitting the files and folders according to the singing criteria: for types, disks, to see duplicates just fine. Read the report about it.

Everything File Search Program

Through features ask Windows, maє sense to speed up the service by the request of third party software, for example, vikoristovuvati poshuk file manager. Garnim option become a specialized program for searching for files Everything, as it is recognized for the quick search for information on computer disks.

Vіdmіnnoy osoblivіstyu program Everything є mitteviy z vіdobrazhennyam zоsultіvіvі for pomogoyu avtomaticії іndexatsії.

The first time Everything is started, it will automatically create a name index for the skin file and skin folder on NTFS and ReFS file systems. All volumes (disks) that can support file systems are indexed behind locks. Selected data is saved from a special cache file, the reason for which is the accessibility of Everything's security.

After the completion of indexing, at the next program launches, the program will continuously update its index, add changes to the index, which have been entered, including the journals in the NTFS and USN index. Poshuk to Tom required information go through fast.

Everything supports other file systems, but it seems that these file systems will not be as smart as NTFS and ReFS file systems.

The main features of the Everything program:

  • Shvidky search for files and folders.
  • Index of expansions, dates, attributes.
  • Search extensions.
  • Front view panel.
  • Batch file rename.
  • Poshuk for vmistom.
  • The history manager will ask.
  • Support for regular viruses.
  • Export search results.
  • Adding filters, macros, setting bookmarks.
  • Minimum reduction of computer resources.

Cost-free Everything program works operating system Windows is Russian mine. You can download the Everything program from the official website of the retailer.

Everything download

Two versions of the program are installed on the computer to get started: for the original installation, the portable version of the program. Like you have 64 bit installed on your computer Windows version, choose the 64-bit version of the installer or Zip-archives of the portable 64-bit version of the program.

Install the program on the computer or run the portable version from the folder. Place the folder with the portable version in a handy place on your computer.

Mittevy search for files and folders in Everything

For full operation, you need to run the Everything program as an administrator. The program itself will tell you about the special event.

Select the "Run as administrator" option. The best option, saves time to start the Everything service, the service is permanently running in the background on the computer, saving some of the resources.

The program is optimally tuned for locking. Everything setup can be accessed from the Tools → Preferences menu.

After the first launch of the program, spend an hour on indexing all disks that are connected to the computer. Then the Everything window will display all the found files and folders.

On this image, in the program, the folders and files are indexed, on the name (in this case, in this case, it starts with the signs "!"). In the main folder with such names on my computer, they are located on the same hard disk (disk "M:", file system NTFS). Save up the min igor that you have lost from quiet hours, if I put it back computer games for children (because the stench is already grown up).

Using the Everything program is just as easy. Ask the field to enter a word, and then take away the result. The results begin to appear when you enter okremikh letters in the field of search. Mustache elements are ignored.

At the field I asked for the word "beautiful", the program displayed all the files and folders on my computer, in the names of which there is the word "beautiful".

Found files and folders rozpodіlenі in vіknі programs for the song parameters:

  • First - folder names are displayed first, then file names. The first word on the list is the word, put the name of the file or the folder, and then, if it goes with another word, etc. capital letters, and then small.
  • Way - way to the file or folder on the computer.
  • Explore – specified to expand the known files.
  • Change date - date and hour the rest of the change, like it was stuck with files or dads.

For feedback required file or folders, click on the new mouse with the left mouse button.

Data on the computer can be searched for a file extension, for example, audio files with the ".mp3" extension.

For more subtle substroyuvannya results in the search, hurry up with the help of the extended search. See at the "Search" menu, context menu select "Extension Search".

At the window "Extensions of searches" choose the exact criteria for the search, such as to protect the case, the whole of the word, the diacritic. Edit other settings, select the required computer disk.

Since the files are not indexed, it will take a lot of time for that file to search for a loan.

Visnovki statti

The Everything software is free of charge for a quick search for files and folders on the computer under their names. The program to know the need for data, the distribution on the disks of the computer is practically mittevo, the Everything program will help you save a little for an hour.