It's a pity the com android settings process got stuck. Yak correct the pardon "process com android phone zupineno

Android is the operating system most commonly used for smartphones. Possibly, you need to start the yoga interface and expand the possibilities, like supporting android. Ale, regardless of the impersonality of miraculous characteristics, android also carries folding technical problems, yakі vymagayut specific options for fixing faults. One of these problems is Unfortunately com zupineno or unfortunatelydialer ceased pratsyuvati It may be due to a number of reasons. Today, in the article we discuss this problem and the ways to solve it in the simplest ways.

Why blame the pardon "The process is not valid"?

Tsya problem can be blamed through the same reasons. So, sound like it sounds after you have updated software security phone abo, it was installed new firmware. After updating the firmware on the phone, there are a few speeches, which will take an hour to change or compile the update. Sometimes it is also available through the software of third-party retailers. But if it weren’t for the cause, you can solve the kilkom problem in ways.

How to fix the pardon "Process zupineno"?

We will show you a few ways to solve this problem. Ale remember, persh nizh namagatisya zastosuvati folding ways fix the wrong, always fix it in the simplest way. The small problems of large smartphones are easily troubled by the help of simple methods, the best ones are worth repairing themselves, in order to overcome the complex methods of fixing a malfunction.

(1) Analyze the problem by resetting the smartphone from Safe Mode.

You can’t understand why the pardon was called on the phone. It could be a software problem or a hardware defect. Z'yasuvati can be just a way to transfer the phone to Safe mode. Go to careless mode enable everything manually installed programs that igri third-party manufacturers. The bezpechny mode is called vicorists by retailers for the improvement and elimination of problems. Later, having learned to the new, you can solve this problem. As soon as the pardon is announced in a safe mode, you are to blame for removing these programs one by one. And even though the pardon "the process is not supported" is still being saved, then, obviously, the problem of hardware or software security.

The process of switching to the safe mode should be left to the model of the mobile phone. For more outbuildings, first of all, turn off the telephone. Let's press the button to turn on the phone. Under the start-up procedure, press and press the button to change the density until the smartphone enters the safe mode. To turn to the normal mode of the robot, or turn off the safe mode, be kind, treat our helper:

(2) Clear the cache and data of the program phone

The next step, which needs to be done, is to clear the cache and data to the program phone. Sob tse robiti, vikoite takі dії:

  • Go to Phone settings > Program manager.
    Go to the "All" tab to display all programs.
    Scroll down and find the "Phone" option.
    Click on new > select "Clear cache" and "Erase data".
    Rezavantage the phone, so that you change your ceremonies.

(3) Clear cache and SIM dataToolkit

If the problem still persists, try to clear the cache and data of the SIM Toolkit to fix the " ringed" pardon. For vikonanny tsієї dії,

  • Go to Distribution Settings > Program Manager
  • Go to the All tab and scroll down to the SIM Toolkit option.
  • Press on it > press "Clear cache" and "Erase data".
  • After the completion of the phone reset.

(4) Discount to factory settings (Hardware discount)

If it is possible from the two listed methods of fixing a malfunction, it does not work, then you may need to reset the phone. Skip data on the phone, see all the data on the phone and contacts, so change your mind that you have robbed backup copy telephone, first proceed to the first time. Shchab throw off the settings on the phone,

  • Go to the section Nalashtuvannya> Backup that drop.
  • Choose to reset to factory settings.

Your phone will be refurbished and seen in the middle, yakbi we bought a new one. But remember that the factory discounts have seen all the installed programs and games, and whether you have personalization, you have made it.

(5) Withdraw automatic appointment give that hour.

The simplest method, the recommendations of the bagatma koristuvachami. The automatic update of the phone at that time can cause a lot of problems, including the number of qiu. In order to automatically set the date to that hour,

  • Go to section Settings > Date and hour.
  • Know the ensign " Automatic update give that hour."

(6) Usunennya problems for the help of custom recovery (advancement of the coristuvach).

Usunennya inaccuracies for help reinstatement of the coristuvacha vimagatime for you, I will manually correct the pardon " android ringing.” To complete the operation, you need to go through the following steps:

  • Zavantage the rest version file manager AROMA from (download to attached files).
    Copy and save the downloaded file to an SD card.
    Get in the mode of renewal.
    As soon as the phone is taken into account, go to>
    Find the AROMA file manager and click to install.
    After installing the AROMA Yogo file manager, you can find it in the phone menu.
    Now go to the file manager by clicking on Menu > Preferences.
    Scroll down to find 'Mount config' > check 'Automount all devices on start'.
    Press “Done” to zastosuvat change.
    Let's go to the "data/data" folder.
    Delete folders from the phone with "cache" subfolders.
    Download those for the SIM Toolkit.
    Click on the AROMA file manager on Menu > Exit. Press "Yes".
    Now turn back to the main menu of the renewal and restart the phone in order to change the status.

Otzhe, you found out a few ways to pardon " zupineno". If you are new to android, then you are not guilty of turbulence about the lack of acceptance, so that you sound through the poshkodzhen program. Others, additions and games, as if they were taken advantage of and not installed Play Market, can be spokodzhenі or can infect the phone. Henceforth, we need to be more careful with such programs and always zavantazhuvat officially revised programs from the Play Market.

Since the update of the firmware was announced, or the change of these ROMs on the Android device, sometimes, unfortunately, we begin to see a reminder about the pardon of such a sight: “ Unfortunately, the process was zupineno". Tse means that there were problems with the support of the SIM card, that it will ensure the interoperability of the smartphone there. In a number of changes, we will forgive the re-adjustment of the device, do not go into it, and the notifications appear again and again, blocking the screen. Therefore, we have tried to propagate you in other ways to get out of this unacceptable situation.

The simplest option - discount Android smartphone to factory reset. However, this method is far from ideal, because if you spend all your data and confusion, you will be able to re-enable and restore all earlier programs. Fortunately, there are other methods.

Later, as you could not unlock the device, and the wine will continue to automatically re-advantage, and the notification about the problem will appear in a few seconds, so you can go to method number two. This is the method for sticking out coristuvachiv. To stop yogo, you need custom recovery and the AROMA file manager. Childhood is possible for one of two schemes:

Scheme 1. Purification of data

Scheme 2. Clearing the cache for the help of the Aroma file manager

As soon as you again take notice of the blame for the problem from the dent in the process, then you already know how to get into it. Throw off your smartphone or tablet. It is recommended to work all the same for the help of custom recovery, since this method is more gentle and does not wipe clean internal memory I'll build an Android device, but I don't need to collect additional data.

Mobile phone will go in your faceless blue functions, up to which to enter listening to music, the possibility of taking photos, videos and a lot more. However, the main function, like before, loses the ability to call. Having spent її, the phone transforms into the sound of media attachments. On some smartphones, there is a notification “there was a failure of the sound of the com process android phone". It’s worth bringing it to the point that you can’t call anyone, and also use other standard functions. Pozbutisya "com android phone has become a pardon" koristuvachі can dekіlkom ways, repairing the banal re-advancement and ending the new discounts or removing the cache for the help of the file manager.

Cause a vindictive

Sound the process on the extension and call it "com android phone" will be called through incorrect sounds from the side of the coristuvach. This injustice can be blamed on a few vipadkah:

  • Self-sufficient flashing of the phone, at the hour of which the pardon was won;
  • Incorrect update;
  • Install the security software, as if it was a virus. The reason may be one of the most widespread viruses under the name systemui.

Sometimes it can be connected to the connection with failures, or to the cache reloading in the “Phone” program. Todi shorazu when you try it out phone book The smartphone will be reminded that the sound of the "com android phone" process has become unsupported. In lonely vipadkahs, the breakage is connected with the "growth". Even without diagnostics, a specialized service will not fit you.

Try it again, just re-advance your attachment. Deyakim tse dopomogaє, and podomlennya "android process zupinivsya" known. Even though it didn’t help, go straight to the offensive edge.

Biggest mobile phones to make your life easier, synchronization has been transferred to the hour of the day steward operator. Sometimes the function should be performed until the pardon appears “the com android phone process has been terminated”. What is the job of this guy? Just turn off this sync. For more help, the instruction is:

Actually for Samsung phonesі Sony Xperia tsey method є diєvim. Like when you try to use it in the notepad, the system regularly sees all the same reminders for a pardon, try to clear the cache.

Clear data and cache from the program "Phone"

Among the Android system programs there is one, which vouches for the possibility of creating calls. It's called "Telephone". Some people may have problems, through the robot of the device with a SIM card, they can be connected, so it is necessary to ensure the correct operation of the program. You can do it with a simple sequence of small steps:

The method works effectively on phones like "Sony", "Samsung", "Lenovo" and other manufacturers. It’s a pity, it’s low vipadkіv, if it’s not enough to bring it up.

Even though the previous method did not add up, then we should go into the methodology. Won go without a hitch for poked-out coristuvachiv, to that which includes entry into such ranks recovery mode, as well as winning the rights of the supercoristuvacha. There is a special menu on android phones, for the help of which you can download the data, flashing or update the system.

The skin phone has its own combination of keys, which allows you to enter the recovery mode. Spend up to the menu in more vipadkіv in addition, the following sequence will come:

  1. Unmute the phone.
  2. Press the button to increase the volume of the sound at once.
  3. As soon as the smartphone is turned on, release the Power button, and then try to “burn out”.
  4. Having woken up the menu, let go of the soft key.

Also, for this procedure, you need a special file manager called Aroma File Manager. It allows you to create, see and change directories in the system, as well as view and copy different files. For robotic programs, the phone may have Root-rights.

Let's understand how to fix the problem "there is a pardon in android phone settings". For whom you should follow the following points in sequence:

This method will help you clear the timchasov program without the help of a standard interface.

Installed "dialer" from the software store

Timchasovim decisions can be installed third party software Yaka allows you to send calls. You can find similar programs in the official Play Market software store. Such programs as WePhone and Phone+ are very popular.

They can have a wide interface and allow you to completely replace the standard “Phone”. Prote, all the stench may be one short one: some functions are paid or accessible only for the singing period. Krim tsgogo, the appendages have a lot of advertising, which creates deeds of unhandedness.

You can download the program for the help of Wi-Fi or through a computer. Potim zavantazheny apk-file following help usb Throw it on the phone, and then we will install it. Before zavantazhennyam any programs obov'yazkovo read vіdguki іnshih koristuvachіv. Tse dopomozhe niknut neakіsnogo software zapezachennya, yak can avenge viruses.

Extremely come in

If absolutely everything does not help, but if you don’t want to use third-party software, try resetting the phone to factory settings ( hard reset). It is significant that all the data of the coristuvach will be removed, and the adjustments will be installed on those, as they were installed at the factory. You will enter all your contacts, programs, accounts and passwords before them, multimedia data.

It is recommended to create a backup copy of all important data before the procedure. Tse can zrobiti for help special supplements or just transferring all the photos, videos and other files to the SD card. For some models, there is a special menu item in the settings - "Backup copy to SD card". There is also a menu for renewal.

Schob Vikonati outside the skid to factory settings, you need:

The next phone is hard reset. Practically in 90 hundreds of years of change software problems operating system. Vikonati skidannya can also be for the help of a special service code. You can find a combination for a phone model in the Internet. As soon as you have recognized it, follow the tick box to dial the number and enter the whole set of numbers and symbols.

Also a similar paragraph to the above described earlier recovery menu mode. The new one needs to select the "wipe data/factory reset" row. All qi ways to lead up to one diї.

Even though it didn’t help, it’s possible that you might have to reflash the phone. Enough vanity official firmware for your model, and then just put її for the help of the same recovery mode. At installations operating system The program "Telephone" will also be absolutely new and not infected by viruses or corystuvach.

So that you don’t get stuck with the pardon of "com android phone", you should only get the programs from trusted dzherel, zokrem, from the official store Google Play. Read reviews and marvel at the evaluation of the program. Tse dopomozhe vyznachiti akіst programs.

So make sure to clean regularly operational memory. At the world, addendums start to look up, obviously, to bring up “galms” in the robotic building and other troubles. The stench can call for a pardon at the program "Telephone". Although all the methods described above can not give a result, the problem may be in the hardware part. Return to service center, De fahіvtsі it is not necessary to carry out a new diagnostics, with whom to say the cause of the malfunction. has become a pardon, the process is zupineno, what is robiti? Since the update of the firmware was announced, or the change of these ROMs on Android devices, sometimes, unfortunately, we began to see a pardon for such a person: "Sorry, the process has been updated." Tse means that there were problems with the support of the SIM card, that it will ensure the interoperability of the smartphone there. In a number of changes, we will forgive the re-adjustment of the device, do not go into it, and the notifications appear again and again, blocking the screen. Therefore, we have tried to propagate you in other ways to get out of this unacceptable situation.

The simplest option - discount Android smartphone to factory reset. However, this method is far from ideal, because if you spend all your data and confusion, you will be able to re-enable and restore all earlier programs. Fortunately, there are other methods.

Later, as you could not unlock the device, and the wine will continue to automatically re-advantage, and the notification about the problem will appear in a few seconds, so you can go to method number two. This is the method for sticking out coristuvachiv. To stop yogo, you need custom recovery and the AROMA file manager. Childhood is possible for one of two schemes:

Scheme 1.

1. In the menu of the tablet or smartphone, find “Nalashtuvannya” -> “Additions”
2. Select the "All" tab.
3. Scroll through the windows in the dotty window, don’t click “Phone” on the docks, otherwise it’s similar to a zmist.

4. Press the program icon to update the information.
5. Select "Clear data" on the back.

6. Let's do the same (purification) work for the SIM toolkit.
7. Re-advance your attachments, depending on the result, or rather, or try another way.

Scheme 2.

1. Download the remaining version of the AROMA file manager.
2. Copy the file that caused the problem to an internal SD memory card.
3. Get the device from recovery.

4. How to get into custom recovery for android devices? Install ZIP» -> select « zip form».
5. Know the manager's zip file.

6. Captivate yoga by selecting " Yes-Install».

7. Now you can re-download file manager installs on your Android device.

8. Go to the file manager menu and select " Nalashtuvannya».
9. Scroll the dots, don't skip the dots. Config Mount”, and then select the option “ Automount all devices on start».

10. Tick all the changes by selecting the button " Done"(Ready).
11. Navigate to the folder " data/data».
12. There at the papacy " phone» win the cleansing cache and try it yourself for the SIM toolkit app.

13. Go back to the file manager menu, select " exit”, and confirm your own actions (“ Yes»).
14. Now in front of you I will re-install the update from the ZIP file (“ Install updates from Zip file».
15. Turn to the main recovery menu and reinstall attachments.

As soon as you again take notice of the blame for the problem from the dent in the process, then you already know how to get into it. Throw off your smartphone or tablet. It is recommended to work all the same for the help of custom recovery, because this method is more sparing and does not erase the internal memory of the Android device, but rather collects additional data.

Mobile attachments for today may have even richer functionality. However, their main tasks were started and the function of creating calls was stopped. One-stop-shop Android phone You can hide the information about the missing sound of the "" program. The problem is infrequent, prote, yak and rich, virishuvana independently. Tsej vipadok s quiet, for some first nizh go to the service center, varto try to figure out what the pardon has become, and fix the problem yourself.

What is "" and why is there a pardon - system name Android programs for zdіysnennya dzvinkіv. Notifications for the type: "The program has a pardon", "Sorry, the process is noisy" informs about this injustice.

This is how the notification about the pardon is tied to the standard “dialer”

Reason for the pardon:

  1. Various vipadkovі zboї in the program "Telephone".
  2. The cache of the "Phone" program has been reloaded, or the system functions have been assigned to it.
  3. The program may have been modified by the Koristuvach himself.
  4. The "Telephone" program is not compatible with any other programs on the extension, as well as the functions of the telephone.
  5. The virus can be injected into the program "Telephone" and cause it to go wrong.

Yak correct

Clear data and program cache

Automatic date synchronization

Translation for viruses

Get involved with Google Play be-yaku antivirus program and rob re-verification. To see all detected viruses.

Є sposіb manage without installing programs on Android. Yaxcho on your personal computerє antivirus, then it's enough to get to the new gadget in the USB-storage mode. After I scan the internal memory, I will attach it to the presence shkidlivih programs. Exit code Since the algorithms of robotic mobile viruses are similar to computer ones, therefore computer antivirus can detect and protect infected software on smartphones.

Skidannya system nalashtuvan

Respect! Tsya diya pull behind you out of sight dodatkіv that turn of the system to the cob I will become from factory adjustments.

Whiskey of other programs for dzvinkіv

Tsey way not to solve the problem. Vіn may be in good time for whom simple methods did not help, but radically, as if outside the skid, you don’t want to stop.

At Google Play, type in the search field "dialer" and you will see a bunch of good results. You can use any of these programs without wasting the functionality of the add-on.

Video: fixing pardon ""

Cho robiti, schob get rid of problems

Order: “The main cause of computer problems is sitting opposite the new one” - completely stagnant and up to mobile outbuildings. You don’t know about the great number of potential problems;

  1. Zavantzhuyte and install the programs with less twisted dzherel. Tse save your attachments to rich programs.
  2. So do not varto zaharashchuvat memory marnymi programs. After that, the download files are being deleted, as if they were blocking the system.
  3. If you have the rights of a super-corrosive person, then think about it kindly, before you see how standard programs and vimicati system services.
  4. Install antivirus. Go and go no-cost versions, pratsyuyut stink is not worse for pay, vіdmіnіst svidshe in obmezhenіy funktіonality.
  5. Use a program to clean up the files, for example CCleaner.

As if on the screen, I’ll add a message about the pardon of, but it’s still not a cause for panic. Sound for the solution of the problem, use one of the first two methods of instruction. To learn how to work everything is not hurrying, then to fix the problem, to fix ten quills. Take a loan exactly less than an hour, lower road to the service center.