How to become an add-on of King Root on smartphones. Kingo ROOT: how to use the program to remove administrator rights on Android

Gadgets on the base operating system Android has already entered the left-hand side of the electronics market. The distributors are constantly engaged in the improvement of the operating system. The stench tries to maximize their needs of simple coristuvachiv, and then they gradually allow one and the very same pardon, and they themselves block access to the “stuffing” of the gadget. For such experiences, the Kingo Android ROOT program was created.

Need more root rights?
Navіt nedosvіdchennogo koristuvachevі may need to revoke the rights of the administrator. This is due to the presence of a large number of resource-saving add-ons, as if they were being introduced into the shell of the operating system. Zreshtoy, the stench will begin to negatively signify on the practicality of the annex. You can turn the gadget to a great size by using such programs and add-ons. However, without the presence of root-rights, the coristuvachev will not be under the force of victorious operation. Operative on the back android system don't transfer the change system files. In fact, having removed the administrator's record in the operating system, the gadget's master can easily take out the exchange. From this moment, the coristuvach denies access to all secrets of the operating system. Also, you can independently change the wine to the ruling court. You can think of practically everything, starting with icons, ending with the clock frequency of the processor. Tse means that programs like Kingo Android ROOT allow you to expand the functionality of gadgets. In some cases, such programs are given to give outbuildings to Others.

Preparation before rooting
Regardless of the fact that the Kingo Android ROOT software vendors talk about a new one, it’s absolutely safe for an add-on, they still can’t give daily guarantees. So that your attachment does not turn into a dirty piece of plastic and metal, it is necessary to take care of saving system files and data. The new image of the system without the rights of the administrator is, unfortunately, impossible. However, you can transfer everything important files to the SD card. Email and oblіkovі records in most cases linked to the oblіkovі record in Google, then you will need everything you need to work, to create synchronization. The following are simple operations, you don’t waste your money on time, you won’t be fooled by your Kingo Android ROOT gadget.

Kingo Android ROOT: first steps
Installing the Kingo Android ROOT software is easy and simple. Vaughan vimagaє vіd koristuvacha nayavnosti be-any special skills. Everything you need is a personal computer from the operating room Windows system. Zavantageti Kingo Android ROOT can be like Russian, so be it my own. Get the program better from the official website of the retailer. Tse allow yourself to be safe from the appearance of an unspecified addition to a seemingly third-party software security. In any other case, you are not guilty of blame. As soon as the program will be zavantazhena on the computer of the koristuvach, it will be necessary to click on the label. As a result, the standard installer may appear. If the program is completed, it's ready to win. Vimagatime program connect attachments to base android to the computer. Since the computer uses the gadget, it will be necessary to turn on USB charging and install programs from unknown devices on the new one. Only in this way Kingo Android ROOT can recognize the gadget. Now we will try to find out from the selected programs.

Kingo Android ROOT
The Kingo Android ROOT program is positioned as software security, as a matter of fact, one click gives you the rights of an administrator. Such a slogan, obviously, є deakim perebіlshennyam. The program will keep you at least an hour and a little more for an hour of work. As soon as the search for drivers on the attachment is completed, the Root button will appear at the window. Having pressed її, koristuvach start the process. To get rid of only a few hours, while the system is breaking everything down. If on the gadgets for an hour the rights of the administrator can be canceled, it is necessary to confirm the permission. If the software is safe to complete its work, you will receive a confirmation that the operation was completed successfully. So here I’ll show up a scam about re-advancement, I’ll build it. Restarting the gadget can start automatically, just like a sorcerer for the help of the “Finish” button to confirm the change. It is not recommended to turn on the gadget like a personal computer until the reset is applied. To reconsider, if you have taken root-rights, it’s enough to go to the add-on menu and know the Super SU icon there. After that, you can turn on the USB port and close it Kingo program android root. How to claim the rights of an administrator and change the installation of a building, you can find out from the numerical manuals submitted by the merezhi.

Kingo Android ROOT: advantages and disadvantages
Like and be it another program for removing root-rights, Kingo Android ROOT has its own advantages and disadvantages. To overcome the software, you can add the receiving design, the simplicity of the variation, the visibility of the version, how to install directly on the mobile device, the possibility of not only removing root-rights, but also the remoteness of the device, and also a wide range of installations. Before the short program, you can add money to spend money, automatic update firmware, the loss of the virobnik's warranty and the human factor. However, the redundancy of the shortfalls of the Kingo Android ROOT program is not necessary. The stench is easily compensated for by victorious people who have taken away their privileges.

The Kingo Root add-on is recognized for taking ROOT rights to an android phone for the help of a computer and an android program! Have tsіy statti mi rozpovimo yak koristuvatisya Kingo Root for Windows PC for taking root-rights on android devices.

Pokrokov's instruction otrimanna ROOT rights to android for help Kingo Root for PC:

  1. It is necessary to enable USB charging on your android phone or tablet:
    - On your phone, find the "For retailers" item, activate the "USB setup" item there.
    - If the item "For retailers" is not available, then in the phone settings you need to know "About the phone" (the fault is at the very bottom), then click on the field "Folding number" doti, the docks will not show up to inform you that you have become a retailer .
  2. On your computer, it is necessary to turn on all anti-viruses and firewalls, the shards of the Kingo Root program can be recognized by them as a virus. Don't boast, it's not a virus!
  3. Get Kingo Root on your computer (PC version!).
  4. Run the Kingo Android Root program on your computer.

  5. Connect your phone or tablet to your computer. Uvaga, you may have access to the Internet! I'll build the download of drivers for your android. You can ask for the confirmation of USB charging - check the box "Allow it", press "Yes". Dali the phone can be reset or reconnected and reconnected, that's fine.

  6. If the installation of the drivers was successful, then pop up the window with the option to take Root on your device and use the ROOT button. Push on her.

  7. To show up in advance, read yoga. Press "OK".
  8. Let your attachments be re-vanquished and the process of reclaiming rights will begin.
    - As soon as the phone says "Unlock Bootloader", press "Yes". To choose, select the keys of the number on the phone or tablet. If you selected "Yes" - press the live button to confirm your choice.
    - When you appear recovery menu You should re-vantagize the device. For the help of additional buttons, choose "Reboot" and confirm the choice by pressing the button of life. * This menu may not appear, as the phone will be reset automatically.

  9. The program will inform you about those that Root rights have been successfully installed. Press the "Finish" button.

Video tutorial on how to get Kingo Root for PC

Video tutorial on how to get Kingo Root for android (APK)

Since there is no computer under the hand, and the root of the right is necessary to remove, then you can speed up the program for Android Kingo Root from the APK. How to install, koristuvatisya, everything cover instructions at the video:

Few people know why kingroot is installed on android .

This program, with a random name, called out a super-chek to drive its own safety and wind up for an hour like a stumbling stone for a coristuvach.

However, in a number of ways, it is simply not possible to change it, and the reason for this is the need to figure out how to install it and how to beat it, so that you don’t get the wrong shkodi in the power annex.


Installed software

Warto understand the fact that the addendum just doesn’t get installed, it means that there are serious reasons for the retailer of the operating system.

In fact, kingroot on Android gives you rights, which are available to retailers for locks.

Shards in the wrong hands and rights can lead to the fact that victories of some functions cause inconsistency in the construction of third-party software products.

The very installation of the program itself will not give anything to the core, it will be installed, regardless of those that, with the given parameters, will not be available.

In order to gain access to this software product, it is necessary to carry out the following manipulations:

As if with the rest of a couple of operations, be it a coristuvach, then with the first two, the deakim will happen to get better.

The problem of the first -time Poleg, in the same, the bastard of the lawlessness of the bastard of the Koristuvachiv, the dodatka, the cups, a number of malicious vidism, yaki can be illegally Zbressi, I have an abstract of the non -residential work of the operation, and the cost of advertising is abundance.

How to start retailer mode

Depending on the version of the firmware of the mobile, I will build the process in the details, it can be changed a little, the prote with a vein for all is identical.

In the first place, it is necessary to go to the menu to fix, as it appears to be displayed when changing those design elements at the gear wheel. AT

In the middle of the new one, it is necessary to know the point, the meanings are written “About the phone”.

Launching yoga, you take open access menu with detailed information. In the middle of the new it is necessary to know the point "Characteristics I will add".

If you select, the next advanced list will be available, in which you should know the element "Firmware version".

After tapa on the new camp will be available required mode retailer, alecia for installation necessary programs will be insufficient.

Dodatkovo need to allow the installation of programs not Google Play Market.

Return respect: It is also necessary to go to the checkpoint when you show up "For retailers", and in the middle do not activate the element "USB setup".

Rice. 2 – Data about Android devices

Robot with an addendum

After that, as kingroot is installed on the attachment, you can start an active robot with it. This is especially important for the one that the process of exploitation is not foldable.

Mentally, the program can be brought to the category of “one-click”, as it is set in front of them by a short task in just one tap.

In this way, kingroot for one tap gives the ordinary koristuvachevі the rights of a superkoristuvacha, or else they call rue.

To take them away, it is necessary after the start of the work for just one day - click on the button, I see green color.

Time will be an indication of an element of progress, on which the numbers will change, which will indicate the number of victors, which I will not need to manually count.

Kingroot software firmware in different places, yakі allow nadati vіdpovidnі rights.

As soon as the operation was successful, in the middle of the stake with numbers there will be an orange-colored note about those that found inconsistency.

After the last hundred of the last operations will be changed later, the number 100 will be inserted behind the final bag, in order to change the reminder about those that the operation was successful.

As soon as the special button "Remove root" becomes available. With the onset of the program, the type of tasks is accessed.

Rice. 3 – Vikno kingroot

View root permissions

It’s completely smart that this utility will be useful to you on mobile extension just a couple of times to install, be it specific software product, which is a special utility or a toy.

That is why other programs could not override the rights of the super-correct, її next to see, before taking the rights of the root.

It's easy to fight. For which it is necessary in the running program, click on the sign with three dots, which you can use in the options menu.

You need to select a command for yoga lower part "Vuluchiti root rights» .

After some short-term manipulations on the side of the program, you can easily see.