Longevity of sleepy energy systems. Skilki serve as a sleepy panel.

At the merezhі typing the dissertation of Zezin Denis Anatoliyovich in 2014 on the topic


To your respect, the rest of the ideas were divided, devalued the trivality of the life cycle of the sleepy power plant and the life of the visnovka.

[...] Next, a simulation of a simple sleeping station was carried out. When folding the layout of the station, it is necessary to take given pressure(vіd 1 to 100 MW) with a different standard module (60 single-crystal plates, soldered at two lines of 30 elements each), intensity 150 W (15, 10 A). At the maximum voltage of the constant stream, it is not guilty to exceed 1kV (there were also rules for the operation of power plants in the European Union).

In order to please them, the sleepy modules were rolled up sequentially until the maximum possible voltage was taken off, the lack of tightness was vibrated by similar modules of the modules, connected in parallel, the struma that vibrated.

The silent operation of the modules is due to the superiority of the sleepy cores themselves, as well as the soldered circuits, which ensure electrical contact between the cores. When plugging in the modules at the lancet, it is necessary to have vicorist plugs, shards of the same visnovka, on the front of the soldered wires, to be in direct contact with the middle core. In addition, the skin of such a lansy is provided with an inverter, which is necessary for the conversion of a constant stream to a replacement one. For these reasons, the operation of a sleepy power plant is also unreliable due to the reliability of plugs and inverters.

During the expansion of the reliability, it was transferred that the necessary electrical connections and adjustments (soldering, plugs and inverters) are subject to the exponential law of distribution. Tobto їхні відмови were seen only as raptov, the intensity of which does not change with the hour.

The average hours of application to the input for the skin element of the model were found to be close to the real ones: soldering device - 105 [year] (~ 10 years), plug and inverter - 5 * 104 [year] (~ 5 years).

The figures show the results of the simulation. On these graphs, you can note that there are a large number of inclusions in parallel with the modules, silent robot sleepy power plants, close to 100%, may be more than three times a day. Let's try to keep abreast of the reduction in the efficiency of silent work, in proportion to the number of elements. Similar behavior of the system predicts integrated circuits from redundancy.

The mobility of the silent robot of the standard module and the sleepy power plants

Possibility of noiseless robotic sleepy power plants of different tension

One of the features of the sleepy power plants is the large number of free areas. Each transport capacity is separated by the space of one photovoltaic module. As a reminder for the life of a power plant, for example, 100 MW from standard modules, for example, 100 W, it is necessary to form a million bills. In addition, the dormouse skin module is stacked with 20-60 dormouse elements, as it is necessary to add them. The need for modern sleepy power plants at a great number of people is predicted to be similar to the need for electronics for the transition from overhead installation to integrated technologies.

As you come in for the promotion of superiority, you can propagate the choice of “smart modules” - attachments, as for your direct recognition, you can perform the same function as the sleeper modules, protect them from the safety of additional electronics, as if the safety of the elements shorted out. A similar system is necessary, only one element, which is in harmony, includes the entire range of modules. Insanely, at the great power plants there is a large number of parallel circuits that allow the power station to leave the moment, or to waste the effort to accumulate. Similar systems at times are only rozroblyayutsya in rozrіzі zabezpechennya robobattery in the minds of partial shading (for example,), the shards of filthy lighting appear practically not practical. Similar expansions can be colored and for the safety of reliability of sony batteries.

Mabut, skin care modern people, scho mind, how important environmental cleanliness is - independence from the outside source of energy. Until then, a significant increase in the price of electricity will make you think about alternative energy sources. Sleepy batteries will come to the rescue, as they work with a non-exhaustive resource - the improvement of the sun. Well, there is a wide range of such outbuildings on the performance market. The stench from the panels is added to catch the sony energy, the charge controller, which follows the flow of energy, the battery, and also the inverter, which transforms the current stream into a replacement one. Having mastered such a marvel of technology, be it a buyer to supply food: what is the term for the service of solar batteries and panels?

What do virobniks say?

A large number of types of sleeper installations guarantee that the term of service of their batteries and, apparently, panels of up to thirty years. Іstotna raznitsa with the term of service, be it some other technique, wait a minute. Until then, we all understand that the warranty term does not mean that the battery will die for thirty years and the term will need to be replaced. It’s even more impressive that there’s more than one river to serve in faith and truth, simply because of the incremental change in efficiency and the coeficient of the corny diy.

Officials, what to add to the term of battery life and panels.

In fact, it is impossible to name the term roboti with high accuracy, but there are few factors that should be added to the show. For example, changing the term of life of the panels may cause a sudden change in the temperature of the heat, or the batteries may overheat. Ale with this photocell is practically unforgetable.

The following details can be worn: slicker for sealing, back surface module and prosharok mizh sklom and photocell. Ultraviolet destroys the sealant, which protects against the moisture content of the electrical elements. As a result, the elasticity of the photocells changes and the stench is stronger to mechanical failure. As soon as the cloudiness becomes cloudy, the efficiency of the sony battery is significantly lower, because little sony energy is consumed on the photocell. To that, as you have lied independently on the construction of solar batteries and panels, remember that the sealant can increase the term of their service. Navit zvichaynіsіnkіky silіkon zbіlshі їх mіtsnіst, allowing pristroy vitrimatі nayr_kіshy temperature difference and іnshі dії.

Another important factor in the varto is the price. We don’t believe that it’s necessary to add expensive sleepy batteries, but wait a minute, checks of high quality, for example, like cheap Chinese panels, not varto. Having saved and bought this, you are guilty but ready to serve the stench less than the factory ones. Selecting the battery, pay attention to the dribnitsa: for example, we will not carefully solder the elements of the fault to alert you.

We select sleepy batteries from a trivalent term of service.

With dermal rock, weavers thoroughly improve their attachments, and creams are used to increase the term of their work. So, the retailers saw a passive cooling of the working surface on the panels. At the design of the battery, crystals were mounted from a quartz slab, which іnfrachervone vipromіnyuvannya view of the installation itself.

Give respect also to markuvannya. They see three equal qualities:

  • A: when testing the battery, the change in tension is not more than 5%.
  • Z: decrease in sweating not more than 30%.
  • Z: the actual decrease in tension is more than 30%.

Tobto, z'yasuvavshi marking the cіkavoї model for you, you melodiously know the real term roboti.

As a supplement and an alternative energy supply, sleepy batteries are actively occupied not only in trade, but also in the minds of the butt. And firstly, install your own electric power supply, buyers are important to find out how to choose the best for the characteristics and intensity of sleepy batteries for the home, even if the price of ready-made kits varies in a large range.

The stagnation of sleepy batteries in the minds of the middle smog - here it is also possible to use energy without cost

Most often, sleepy batteries are victorious

The sphere of stasis of sony batteries is majestic. Already at the same time, it is successful to vicorate for electric supply of private and rich-apartment houses, states, including for lighting and heating greenhouses, wake-up, lighting of the near-budinka territory, living appliances.

Most of the information about autonomous power supply is covered in the following situations:

As a matter of fact, electricity is not electrified, sleep panels for a private booth are much cheaper, lower than the number of rare-fire generators.

Electricity is often turned on in rural areas, and people are literally left without light. Having increased the autonomous power supply, you can live at the same comfort for three hours, even more, that in the kit with the sleeper panels, you will need a battery.

Sleepy modules are also installed in the rich apartment houses as a reserve, and also projects are being developed that transfer the sleepy energy for hot water supply.

As a rule, in the documents on possession, the term of applicability is indicated in the form of 20 to 25 or 30 years. However, a lot of outbuildings continue to function even after ordered by the virobniks period. For example, the first sleepy battery in the world has been working for over 60 years, and for the last few years the technology of production has been completely perfected.

The prototype of a sony battery was broken up in the 19th century.

Clearly, you can see only one shortfall - during continuous operation, the pressure on the pressure decreases, but the indicators are insignificant: for 10 years, no more than 10% lower.

Zapobіgati physical ushkodzhennyam, such as the fall of trees, the view of the wind and podryapin on sensitive elements. In the rest of the fall, I will build the efficiency of the robot.

Regularly robiti watch: maintenance and cleaning.

For the need to install wind-zagorodzhuvalny designs.

Krіm modules the system includes the following warehouses: rechargeable batteriesі power electronics. The term of service of the first outbuildings should be changed to 2 to 15 years, others - to 5 to 20 years, fallow in terms of characteristics, intensity of exploitation and dbaylivogo sight.

General characteristics and accessibility of the bathhouse

Possession does not lead to a bad middle ground, but it ensures a stable meal without straining. I, smut, supply free energy: for a yak do not come communal rahunki.

Starry look the sleepy panels are little changed, after their winemaking, which cannot be said about the internal “stuffing”

The sleepy module converts light into electrical energy, generating a steady stream. The area of ​​the panels can reach a few meters. If you need to increase the complexity of the system, increase the number of modules. The efficiency of laying down depends on the intensity of the sony light and the fall of the change: depending on the month of growth, the season, the climatic minds and the time to finish. Schob competently vrakhovuvat tі nuances, installation is the responsibility of vikonuvat professional.

Monocrystalline. They are made up of silicone cores that transform sleepy energy. Aired by compact sizes. For its productivity and the most efficient (efficiency up to 22%), which are given signs of their prices - the price of the most expensive type of sony batteries.

Polycrystalline. The stench of vicorist is polycrystalline silicon. The stench is not as efficient (efficiency up to 18%), like single-crystal photocells. But then the variability is lower, so the stench is accessible to wide versions of the population.

Amorphous. Mayut thin-film photocells based on silicon. Compromise with mono and polycrystals for generating energy, but cost less. Їhnoy advantage є zdatnіst funktіonuvat at rozіyanom and navіt weak visvіtlennі.

Polycrystalline sleeper panel

The system includes the following components:

Inverter, which transforms the current strum into a replacement.

Rechargeable battery. It doesn’t accumulate energy more than it does, but it also reduces voltage drops, if the level of illumination changes.

Controller of the battery charging voltage, charging mode, temperature and other parameters.

Stores can supply different components and whole systems. For whom the need for attachments depends on specific needs.

Functionality, see transformations and similar energy efficiency

Converters or inverters are the main components of sony batteries. The stench transforms the current strum that is vibrated by the module change in tension 220, which is necessary for robotic electrical appliances. Inverters can be attenuated from 250 to 8000 W. When buying, it is recommended to insure the nayvische navantazhennya on the mesh and spіvvіdnosti napruzha and tightness. Optimal parameters are used: 12 volts and 600 watts, 24 volts at 600-1500 watts, 48 ​​volts, so the pressure is more than 1500 watts.

Inverter based on the principle scheme of robotic batteries

Autonomous. Before that, how to choose an inverter, you need to designate, how to fit it will be alive in the future, and to lift them up to the maximum strain in one hour. It is recommended to take a larger inverter pressure. Deyakі pobutovі elektroprilady when switched on create a rіzke zbіlshennya prugi, through yak pristraіy can be out of operation.

synchronous. The stench accumulates energy, and the excess is transferred from electric mesh. In times of failure of the electrician, vibrated by the system, reworked to “put” him out of the chain of custody. Zastosuvannya model of synchronous type to allow an interruption in the power supply.

The richly functional outbuildings have united in themselves the advantages of the first and the other kind.

Fallow in the form of a voltage signal on the output, it is necessary to see a sprinkling of vibrators, yakі differ zastosuvannyam varіstyu:

With sinusoidal signal. They create a stream of high quality, which pours into the air. They include great accessories: refrigerators, cauldrons, air conditioners.

Rectangular. Lighting accessories are connected to these cheap inverters. Most of the home-made butt fittings from it are unimaginable.

Pseudo-sinusoidal. With this advantage, it is possible to connect practically all home appliances. Ale, the quality of the signal is lowered due to the first view, the stench is cheaper for that.

The ribbed shape of the inverter is necessary for the most efficient cooling

Variation to the set and main technical characteristics, terms of recoupment

Prices for ready-made kits vary greatly from 30,000 to 2,000,000 kr. The stinks lie in storage buildings (depending on the type of batteries, the number of accessories, the pick and characteristics). It is possible to get budgetary options for 10,500 rubles. The economy dial includes a panel, a charge controller, a connector.

Standard kits include:

* Peredbachenі at razshirenіy complete set.

Standard set of equipment

Technical characteristics are indicated by the helper of stosuvannya:

The tension and expansion of the panels. The more tension is needed, the more viable is the bathing of batteries of larger sizes.

The temperature coefficient shows how much the temperature affects the tension, tension and strum.

The principle of robotic sleepy power plant in domestic minds

Sonyachna power plant - the whole system, which consists of panels, an inverter, a battery and a controller. The sleepy panel transforms the exchange of energy for electricity (as it was said earlier). The constant strum is used in the controller, which rozpodіlyaє strum to the helpers (for example, a computer or lighting). The inverter converts the current strum to a replacement one and ensures the operation of more electrical accessories. Energy is accumulated in the battery, so you can spend time at the dark hour.

How sony energy is victorious for taking away heat

Heliosystems vikoristovuyutsya for heating the water and the scorched life. The stench can give warmth (behind the vlasnik's bells) to wind up, if the infamous season is over, it will be safe for the houses with hot water without a cost. The simplest attachment is metal panels, which are used to install a booth on the dakha. The stench accumulates energy and warms the water as it circulates through the pipes attached to them. The function of all solar systems is based on this principle, regardless of those that can constructively stink one way or the other.

Sleepy collections are made up of:

According to the type of construction, flat and vacuum manifolds are distinguished. At the first, cover the bottom with heat-insulating material, and the motherland circulates through the slate pipes. Vacuum collectors are highly efficient, so spend the least amount of energy in them. This type of collector ensures not only the scorching of a private booth by sleepy batteries - it is easy to vicorate for hot water supply and support the pools.

The principle of the sleepy collector

The widest in Russia is the production of Chinese vineyards, the top of the line of cheapness, against the products of other lands. For example, sleepy batteries from China may be lower for a price, lower German.

The products of Yingli Green Energy and Suntech Power Co. are most often on the shelves. HiminSolar panels (China) are also popular. Your sleepy batteries generate electricity to wind up the rainy weather.

Virobnitstvo dormouse batteries nagodzhenno th at vіtchiznyany virobnik. The following companies are involved in this:

TOV "Hevel" near Novocheboksarsk;

"Telecom-STV" near Zelenograd;

"Sun Shines" (TOV "Autonomous Lighting Systems") near Moscow;

ВАТ "Ryazan plant of ceramic-metal fittings";

ZAT "Thermotron-plant" and others.

For the variant, you can always know the required variant. For example, you can buy from Moscow ready-made sets of solar batteries - for a price of 21,000 to 2,000,000 rubles. Varity to lay down in the type of configuration and tightness of outbuildings.

Sony batteries do not have to be flat - є low models, as they focus lightly in one point

Battery installation steps

To install the panels, choose the most illuminated place - most often the price of the day and the wall of the room. In order for the attachment to function as efficiently as possible, the panels are mounted under the stern horizon. It is also protected from the darkness of the territory: useful objects that can create a shadow (wake, trees are thin)

Panels are being installed for additional special systems of reinforcement.

Then the modules are connected with the battery, the controller and the inverter, and the entire system is tuned up.

For the effective functioning of the possession of that trivial term of the service, the necessary mental є is the correct montage, which is no more powerful than the knowledge of fahivtsy.

Irrespective of the foldability of connection and calibration, the term of work is small - for the obviousness of the appropriate tools, competent installers spend about a day on everything.

For the installation of the system, a personal project is being developed, which is responsible for all the specifics of the situation: how to install solar batteries on a dahu booth, the price of that term. Zalezhno, in view of the fact that it works, all projects are insured in an individual order. The client accepts the work and takes a guarantee on it.

The installation of solar batteries is to be carried out by professionals

As a result - the prospects for the development of Sony technologies

While on the Earth the most efficient robotic sleeper batteries need to be repeated, as in the case of a known person, there is no such problem in space. They are developing projects for giant orbital satellites with sony batteries, which will take 24 years to extract. Through them, energy is transmitted to ground receiving outbuildings. Alece on the right is possible, and for the already existing batteries, it is necessary to direct the increase in energy efficiency and change in the expansion of the outbuildings.

Sonyac batteries for the home: characteristics, variability of the kit and installation

Sleepy batteries for a booth: de victorious, what is the principle of work, the term of service is that hot characteristics outbuildings, complete set and vartist obladnannya.

The term of service of solar batteries

There was no other time for that particular choice of modules of the Ukrainian brewer for purchase. The price for sleepy modules of Ukrainian vibrators was higher than for imported modules.

The situation did not change at once, but the subsidization of photoelectric industry by the order to China significantly increased the quality of the sony cells that were in China and the modules and lowered the prices for them. At the same time, close to 80% of dormouse elements on the world market are harvested in China by Chinese virobniks. Europe and the United States were covered with Chinese products, which led to the bankruptcy of many commercially available sleepy elements and modules. A number of picks of sleepy elements and plates burst and closed the picks. the situation is similar to that of sony silicon pickers. In the whole world, the pressure of Chinese pickers seems to be even stronger. It is very important that the US and the European Union have entered the market to stop the import of Chinese-made photovoltaic modules into their domestic markets.

There are more and more Chinese and pseudo-European modules on the Ukrainian market. It's a pity, not all Chinese modules can be accepted by quality. In China, high-power modules are being prepared at the same time, which comply with the usual light standards; The number of such modules is the best, the least possible in Ukraine. Tse became possible for the great investments of the Chinese order in the sonyak energy industry.

That's why the buyer faced food - how to revitalize good modules from bad ones? Why are some modules cheaper than others? What threatens the cheapness of the modules and why should the buyer not spend more money, or save less when buying?

To be honest, the nutritional requirements for the non-fakhivtsya are not obvious. All modules generate electricity, converting sleepy light - do you still need to buy more expensive? Here the situation can be compared with cars - you can get from point A to point B on different cars. Having offended the stench, mothers of the same rozmir and the tightness of the dvigun can. Ale, one for a few kilometers, to spend the speed and it’s not possible to leave quickly, it’s more like lamatis through the skin of a kilometer thinly. The next time, the whole way is the same, like on the cob. At the first glance, the results do not reach the point of recognition, with which you are constantly repaired, you will be beaten by cyclists. Zreshtoy, in the middle of the road you will be embarrassed to buy one more car. On the other, expensive (and yakіsny) car you will reach the end, not remembering the way.

The situation is similar with the sleepy panels - it is practically impossible for non-fakhivtsev to determine what a good module is. At the specifications it will be written that you can see your passport pressure for standard test minds. Zovnіshnіy vglyad tezh will be kind. Retail becomes commemorative after many years of operation. Also, different modules can work differently at lower, lower than 1000W/m2, lightness.

Why should you pay attention to the choice of sleep modules for your system of sleep power supply?

Price vs. Yakosti

In addition, not all types and sleep modules are the same (these are discussed in the relevant statistics, assigned to the quality of the sleep elements), there are a number of parameters and factors, on the basis of which you should take into account the decision about the purchase and when choosing a postal worker. Only the price of the modules is not to blame but the primary factor.

Problems and deterioration of the parameters of the sleeper modules can be triggered by the following factors:

  • The quality of the sony element - yoga efficiency can be different. It is worth laying in the form of impersonal parameters - shunt and subsequent supports, noise strums, and swivel support. It is rich to lie in the quality of the vibration of the sony element and the quality of the materials and possessions, so to be stagnant with yoga. Vіdom_ problems practically at the skin stage of the formation of the element - varying from the quality of zastosovanny silicon to the level of zastosovuvanie contact pastes and solder. We in this article do not consider these problems, but the subject for a great article.
  • Yakіst soldering sleepy elements. With non-acidic soldering, local overheating of the contact is possible. It is better to choose modules in which elements are soldered by a robot - they will have a minimum soldering capacity
  • Yak_st EVA pl_vka, yak raztashovana mizh elements and fold. The ancient crystal sleepy modules of the zdebіlshý pov'yazane zі olden and cloudy tsієї plіvki. Neakіsna plіvka may start kalamutnіti and ruin already for a sprat of rock. Good swimming serve 30 and more years, with the help of cloudiness (and, also, the sweating of the module) is not overexposed 25-30%
  • The quality of the sealing of the module and the quality of the back cover. The back flap protects the module from getting into the water. For any module, the diffusion of water through smelting is required. If the quality of the bath is good, then all the water, as if consuming the middle of the module, when it is heated on the sun, the name will be displayed. If it is not clear, then the water is consumed more, lower can be removed when heated, excess water is accumulated in the middle of the module and the main contacts and the contact network of the elements. Tse lead to the front exit from the fret of the module.
  • Yak_st aluminum frame. Here the mustache made sense: an inaccurate anodizing can lead to oxidation of the frame and corrosion. Fortunately, this defect is more visual and is unlikely to cause the module to go out of tune before the hour. Although, in certain situations (for example, when installing modules on shoes, where strong winds can be blown, or there, de aggressively in the middle), corrosion of the metal can be accelerated, which can lead to yogo ruining under blows.

How to determine, what is the voltage of the modules?

In the rest of the years, modules with non-standard voltage appeared on the market, as they are recognized for work in the latest high-voltage lances. From the light hand of non-professional sellers of sleeper panels, both Russian and Chinese, a ruse appeared from the assigned nominal voltage of sleeper modules. Mi damo sprat is pleased, as it means, as the tension at the sleepy panel.

The voltage of the sleeper panel is determined by the number of sleeper elements, successively. The skin of the sleepy element can work the voltage of a troch less per pvvolta. In Denmark, the modules with the number of elements are 36.48, 54, 60.72, and 96. The most extended modules with the number of elements are 36, 60, and 72. At 48, 54, and 96, the elements are more richer. The tables below show the main voltage of the sleep panels.

1ТММ - point of maximum tightness

2maєtsya on the possibility of charging when connected to the battery directly or through the PWM controller. Other modules can be used for battery charging, as well as for the language visibility of the MPPT controller.

When purchasing modules for autonomous systems For batteries, pay attention to the voltage of the module. During the rest of the hour, high intensity modules (220-270 W) with a non-standard voltage of about 20V are vibrated. Such modules sound victoriously with integrated photovoltaic inverters or with MPPT charge controllers. If you want to cheapen the system for the cost of a less expensive PWM controller, choose modules with a nominal voltage of 12 or 24 V.

Under tolerance, there is a risk of surviving the real tightness of the module according to the passport. Tolerance can be both positive and negative. For example, a module with a rating power of 200 W can have a power of 195W; It means that this module has a negative tolerance. Positive tolerance means that the sleep panel is not only guaranteed for standard test minds that the power output is 200W, but more.

The temperature coefficient reflects, which is an influx on the outside of the stream and the voltage of the module to increase or decrease the temperature of the module. As you can see, the voltage and tension of the module change when the temperature rises, and the strum moves. What is less temperature coefficient of change of tension, then shorter.

Efficiency of transformation of the sleepy light

It was reasonable to understand that if there is more KKD, then less area of ​​modules is needed to generate the same intensity and energy.

The total amount of energy, stained glass and hour of the module

Another parameter, for which it is necessary to take care of it, is the amount of energy, as it was stained during the production of a sleepy module - in the form of a silicon bottle before delivery to the store of finished products. This parameter shows how much energy the module generates and how quickly the sleepy module generates the same amount of energy, as it was stained for energy efficiency (this is the name of the energy return).

The term sleeper panel service is important for a number of reasons. Vin can imitate the vibrancy of the vibrator as if it were a viroblen product. Solid builders can guarantee 25 years for 80-90% module tightness, as well as 5 and more years for mechanical failure.

Prote, sled vrakhovuvaty, scho guaranty dіє doti, doki іsnuє virobnik or importer. Here it is already “like a map lying down” - the remaining fates from the sleepy business were sent to companies, as if, it was given, they would have a new one for a long time. The simple rule is over - buy from sellers and pickers, like you have been on the market for a long time and steadily "spit" at the raging pototsi market. And you can only work, like in a team of professionals (we are so modestly pushing ourselves). Since few people buy modules directly from the picker, it is important to choose the right installer seller, so that you can be safe correct choice This is the mode of operation of your system of sleepy electrical supply.

The module’s variability should be laid down in the same way as the pressure is directly proportional. However, the greater the single intensity of the module, the lesser will be the value per watt. To that, if you need a lot of tightness, then it’s better to collect її with larger modules, lower with small ones - it will be cheaper, and more necessary, because. you will have less money. Also, the number of modules for the watts of the modules with a standard voltage of 12/24V (the number of elements for the module is 36 or 72) sound higher, lower for the non-standard number of elements for the module 48, 54 or 60. For the rest, when charging the battery, an MPPT controller is required.

The type of dormouse elements stagnant at the module also determines the size of the module. Rejoice at that, as you need the effort to secure the energy of your energy, then we will wonder if you can get a place for placing such a large number of modules. You may need to choose more expensive or more efficient modules to meet all your energy needs. Do not forget, to the point, that before designing a system for a sleepy electric supply, it is necessary to live in all possible ways to save energy (it was already written about on the other sides of our site).

Peak intensity of all modules of the vimiryan for standard test minds:

Heat weight AM=1.5, radiation E=1000 W/m2 and temperature of photovoltaic cell Tc=25°C. So think at real robots there are no modules - the modules heat up to 40-60 degrees, the illumination may be lower than 1000 W / m2 (before frosty clear days become). Therefore, a lot of specifiers also give the characteristics of the module at NOCT (normal operating conditions) - call for a module temperature of 45-47C and a lightness of 800 W / m2, with which the module vibration is approximately 25-30% lower than peak. On a frosty clear day, the modulus vibration can reach 125% of the peak.

The type of sony elements is monocrystalline, polycrystalline, amorphous and in.

Three main types of dormouse elements, which are mass-marketed at the same time (all silicon), are:

  • monocrystalline. May be the most efficient and reliable temperature coefficients
  • polycrystalline. None of the most popular, because Mayut less vartist per watt with approximately the same characteristics as monocrystalline. The remaining improvements in the technology of polycrystalline modules of branded selections have been made to the extent that their parameters can be made shorter than those of single-crystal modules of noname selections/selection panels.
  • amorphous (thin-fluid). Vykoristovuyut the least amount of silicon. Approximately 2 times smaller CCD with anti-crystal modules. Before the increase, you can see a low temperature coefficient (therefore, when heated, the intensity of such modules drops slightly) and greater sensitivity at low lighting conditions.

Which modules from refurbishment are more efficient? In the rest of the hour, a lot of myths and non-primed statements appeared that the one of these types of modules is shorter, lower. Deyakі zavnyayut, scho polikristalіchnі elementi work better for low lightness in gloomy weather. Others make the same, but for single-crystal elements. I’ll spit out a version that polycrystalline elements are more likely to transform roses of light, to that the crystals in them are turned in different sides.

An analysis of the results of testing hundreds of modules shows that the module is good not for the one that is mono or poly, but for the one that is more flawed. The results of testing the modules by PTC (which are closer to the real minds of the operation of the modules) show that the single-crystal days are shorter, the lower ones are poly-crystal, and the poly-crystal ones are shorter than the lower ones of mono-crystal. prevag mono before poly, so i prevag poly before mono.

How to choose the right photovoltaic panels of Chinese manufacturing and not to blow it wrong?

The main rule is to choose the sleepy elements and modules that are used by great, well-known companies. Such modules are made from the elements of the greatest quality.

Elements that have not gone through a tough selection of branded pickers are sold to selectors of photovoltaic panels, which are anonymous in China. Please, all those who choose to sell their OEM modules, so. under the trade names of other companies. There are only a few of them on the Russian market. Be sure to give respect to those who have a brewing plant on the sticker of the module. If you take away the modules of unknown strength, as they will be invisible as pracyuvati - even great, and you still don’t know the manufacturer (the trade name of the seller will not help you in the removal of the guarantee), then be prepared to buy sleepy modules without a guarantee.

Sound cheap Chinese modules may have such shortcomings:

  • Invisibility of the declared tension of the real
  • Strong degradation of modules during the first years of operation (up to 20-30%)
  • Low Yak_st soldering and folding
  • Zastosuvannya nevyakіsnyh materials pіd hour of the varibnitstva module (fluxes, plіvka, aluminіy, soniachnі elements thinly)

You can add modules to the Internet auction. Ale chi pratsyuvatimut stink so, as stated? We don’t know more about everything, and we have facts, yakі tse confirm.

It is necessary to insure one more moment when buying imported modules - food security guarantee. Z Russian virobniks there are no problems for anyone in the future - all stinks are expected to change the repair of the modules for a guarantee. The most important Russian importers, as well as many of them present on the market, also give their guarantee on the sleep modules they import. In other situations, it is necessary to be more careful when choosing a postal worker for sleeper panels.

Modules with a sticker of trade brands without inserting a real code of charge are on your guard - in case of more faults, you cannot take warranty service for such modules, we have a lot of applications.

Give respect to those modules that are soldered. Dry solders solder the elements manually, and not by a robot, so the company solder when soldering the contact busbars of the elements is changed. Great firms are soldered by a robot, which is why soldering is rich.

Obov'yazkovo dіznaytesya, skіlki rokіv є on the market post-worker modules. Remember that a Chinese manufacturer gives a guarantee for its products, think about how you can change the exchange of a module - if your seller does not provide you with a guarantee, then practically you will not. With a direct return to the harvester in China, you will have to blame the cost of transportation, the cleanup is too short, tk. qi vitrati of the same zakordonny virobnik do not bend. Tsі vitrati can compensate only for the misunderstandings of the seller, which is right up to the Russian legislation. If you buy modules from a reseller who works in a different market already has a lot of rock (for example, with us) - you will receive a different warranty on the modules. Be afraid to buy imported modules from installers or other sellers - stench, in the most important cases, cannot provide a guarantee on the modules that are sold. Always get the warranty card of the distributor or the importer from them, do not hesitate to call on the phone, we will ask the warranty card for that charge, who will ensure the warranty service.

Therefore, our recommendation is to choose only branded photovoltaic modules, or accept your own manufacturing plant for any indication. Among the Chinese ones, such as TrinaSolar, Yingli, Canadian Solar, JA Solar, Suntech, Motech, Linuo, Hanwha, ReneSola, Jinko - report here. They have a guarantee that will be effectively secured for many years, and not doty, the docks are the seller of that brand.

There is no other manufacturer available on the module, and only the name of the OEM seller can alert you. Choose these modules for low cost elements (Grade B and C) and for a low price.

Sleepy modules cost a lot and are insured for a service term of more than 30 years. It would have been unreasonable to reserve 30-50% of the module's varsity and take away a module that is not priced through a rock, as it is impossible to make claims to anyone. Remember that "we don't do good cheaply."

How to choose the right sleep batteries

There was no other time for that particular choice of modules of the Ukrainian brewer for purchase.

The terms of service of sleeper panels and their vibration lie down depending on factors, environment, type of module and mounting system.

There are two warranties on the sleeper panel, two types: 1) product warranty (in the form of a generic blueprint), the English name is product warranty and 2) performance warranty.

The first type of guarantee is characteristic for any product / product, which we buy. Tse garantiyya vіd breakage through slub. For dormouse panels, there is a standard warranty term for a wide range of other products. The most common, broadest term of the warranty for the sleeper module: 10-12 years. Buvayut blame, for example, the American SunPower has a 25-year warranty against breakdowns.

The largest extension of the term performance warranty (warranty for fatigue) for sleep panels: 25 years for saving 80% of exhaust fatigue. It does not mean that the term of the service of the sleeper panel will end in 25 years. Hi, it can be proprated for 40 and 50 years, just a little further away the degradation of the module is not described by the virobnik and does not appear with any goiter from the side.

Some people give a "step" guarantee: 90% of the vyhіdnoї tension - the first 10 years, 80% - another fifteen. More current and extended today's linear guarantee. Tobto guaranteed progressive degradation of the possession (div. photo):

Dovgovichnost is an important clerk of the economy of the sony energy industry.

The more practical the panel is, the more electricity it will generate for the term of its service;

To this end, more often than not, manufacturers use a greater term for the service of modules and today, more and more often, they apply for 30-year guarantees for fatigue.

For example, the PV-Europe magazine says that the German company Solarwatt gives a guarantee of 30 years on its modules from savings of 87.5% of exhaust pressure. For those who want the guarantee, it has also been expanded by 30 years (a unique butt).

Although 30 years for solar panels will become the standard, it should be adjusted in the LCOE calculation. Today for rozrakhunkiv call the term of service of the object in 20 or 25 years. Even 25 minutes for 30 years, it is necessary to reduce the LCOE for the object of sleepy generation per sprat of water (up to 10%).

Recently, the American Energy Research Laboratory NREL (US Department of Energy) published this information.

The terms of service of sleeper panels and their vibration lie down depending on factors, environment, type of module and mounting system. Decreased vibration of the sleep module is sometimes called degradation.

Depending on the NREL, the degradation coefficient of sleeper panels is about 0.5% on average (median value), but the degree of degradation can be higher in hot climates in roofing systems. The degree of degradation of 0.5% means that the vibration of the sony battery is reduced by 0.5% per river. So on the 20th anniversary of the service, the module viroblyatima is close to 90% of the electricity virobable on the first fate.

For a small number of ideas, the result is passed on to a graphic looker.

If there is a new term of service, then there are simply no additional data. It is not possible to say exactly how long a sleeper panel will last. He, in Switzerland, for example, has already been operating a sony power plant for 35 years. Virobniki offer a guarantee for savings, which is a part of the nominal intensity (performance warranty) for 20-30 years, and after that, the panel generates electricity even without a guarantee. published If you have a vinickle feed on this topic, ask them fahivtsy and readers of our project.

Buying sleepy panels for vikoristannya with the use of the same method of energy of sony vibrating, be it necessary to know the guarantee terms of the practicality of such panels.

As you know, sleepy batteries, which are for sale, are classified as an indicator of their tightness, which, in their line, should be used in terms of the panel and the type of wicking for її robots and thermoelectric converters. Zokrema, sleepy panels are vibrated either on silicon, thin-melt elements, or on mono- or polycrystalline ones. Stay can, dear, or take up less space in the countryside.

The reliability of a sony battery depending on the type of working elements

The burning principle of a sony battery is shown in fig. one.

Fig.1: 1 - Light potik; 2 - Upper contact of the panel; 3 - Upper ball of the photocell (p); 4 - Intermediate ball of the photocell ( p-n transition); 5 - Lower ball of the photocell (n); 6 - Bottom contact of the panel.

It is obvious that the durability of the coating of the photocell and the coeficient of the core panel in the transformation of lightness on the actual value of the struma strength will be added.

Durability of coverage of solar batteries

This parameter is dependent on the stability of the power of the panel during heating and the effectiveness of the material against external mechanical inflows. Establish standard testing of the practicality of sony batteries, as they are regulated and installed special program Potential Induced Degradation Test (PID) - a test of the degree of degradation of sony elements. According to PID-testing, the most stability is shown by sony batteries, selected on bagato-ball modules, so they save their practicality when heated up to 50 ... 60 0 C. (or amorphous) sony batteries up to 25 ... when heated 35 0 Z, after which they sharply spend their exhaustion. It is explained by the collective and unfriendly action of the offensive factors:

  • let's proceed, ale post-studying the sealing of the sealing pad of the front contact 1 (div. fig. 1);
  • the destruction of the back contact of the panel 6 and the stepwise decrease in the penetration of the prosorocity between the sony elements and the fence slope.

The mechanism of these phenomena is the axis of Chomu. The moisture resistance of a sony battery is protected by a special sealant, which for an hour ruins the ultraviolet vibrations of the sun. When tsimu zbіlshuєtsya nadhodzhennya ovnіshny ї vologi in the space between balls 3, 4 and 5 of the photocell. Corrosion of electrical contacts in the sleepy panel is observed, after which the electric electroopir is growing. Year by year, contacts are ruined (for goodness sake, it’s not necessary - to get cheap sleepy batteries to save their practicality for a stretch of 8 ... 10 years).

Indirectly assess the practicality and, in this way, designate the actual terms of service of solar batteries it is possible for the current-voltage characteristic of the installation (div. small. 2), where a graph of the battery pressure is drawn in a fallow manner for the greatest minds of the operation of the sony panel.

If the current-voltage characteristic is stable in the idling voltage range (like in Fig. 2), otherwise the trochs change, then the sony battery saves its practicality, the battery exhaustion in this fluctuation should lie only in the case of the increase in the amount of light in such minds to be addicted to the declared virobnik equal.

Durability of accumulators of sony batteries

The last component of the panel is the least durable for batteries. To determine the practicality of the following, when buying a sleeper panel, you need to specify the type of battery: as it is primarily acid-lead, then the guarantees for the terms of their operation do not exceed 5 years, while the number of times is less for the warranty term of the panel itself. Rate terms of service of solar batteries at times dotsilno according to the level of the battery discharge (div. fig. 3). As a matter of fact, the battery capacity does not exceed 35 ... 40%, it is necessary to prepare it before replacement.

How to choose a sony battery with a maximum term of service

In the rest of the designs of the sleeper panels, there are more constructive solutions that ensure a significant increase in the term of the practicality of the sleeper batteries. Vono polagaє at the passive cooling of the working surfaces of the sleepy panels. Quartz crystals are mounted on the outer structure, as if they reflect a shifty infrared vibrance in the form of surface batteries.

Varto pay attention to the marking of sleeper panels. There are three main equalities:

  • Grade A: when tested for old age, the actual decrease in tension did not exceed 5%;
  • Grade B: actually reduced sweating in 30%;
  • Grade C: The actual reduction in tension is over 30%.

In this rank, even after marking, you can reliably signify imovirny terms of service of solar batteries.