What is svchost and why is the processor worthy - details. What is svchost and why is the processor worthy - details

Koristuvachі, yakі often vykoristovuyut Manager manager, noted that the list of working processes in the list of svchost.exe services appears. But not all, but they are more uninformed to know what svchost.exe is in the Task Manager and for what wine is confirmed.

What is svchost.exe?

Svchost.exe is a system hack (as it is named) file for Windows. Vіdpovіdає for the launch of deyakyh additions and functions, reducing the vanity on central processor that RAM. Therefore, it is impossible to see yoga from the system (crim vipadkiv, if the service is disguised as a shkidli PZ, or if it is possible to turn off the service, which is not victorious, about which it is written in the article "").

As soon as the Dispatcher manages to display a few copies of svchost.exe, don't worry, there are some leftovers running programs: the more, the more of these services.

The principle of the robotic process

This process may be in the skin version of Windows, but its potential is only possible with the release of Windows XP. Prior to which wines, it was important to pay for the borders of the connection, for the help of which computers are connected to the Internet. But Microsoft's retailers didn't care about anything, the service is recognized for running background local processes, which can be used for dynamic libraries, which may have the ".dll" extension.

Tsikavo! Dynamic Libraries unable to start in normal mode.

svchost.exe allows you to save computer resources, so that it is not necessary to physically run the downloaded file during the service life. Therefore, the number of processes is changing, which zavantazhuyut RAM that virtual memory PC. For the same reason, in the Dispatchers, the task at once appears a piece of services with the same name.

Of course, the svchost.exe file automatically starts when Windows starts, regardless of whether the program "hangs" at . That's why it's included zayvih services that program is not in vpline on yoga zavantazhennya.

Reasons for resource occupancy

It is not uncommon for people to note that the process is taking over one of the resources (processor or operational memory) extension, regardless of whether the programs are running. For the same reason.


The main reason is the poor software security, as it wasted on the computer and the svchost.exe file is “masked”. Sort the processes in the Manager by name and look again, for which name the service is started. What is broken in the name oblіkovogo record koristuvacha (your note), mean tse "windows" to the virus. If the column "Im'ya koristuvacha" is assigned: Local Service, Network Service or System, such a file is safe.

If you think you have detected a virus, right-click → Open the file. So, identify the misconception of the malware and interpret it through the portal VirusTotal.com. Or rather, scan the system for additional Dr.Web CureIt programs or Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. To the right in what is seen of one victed file do not help the virus, the shards on the computer sing along to additional fragments, like to renew it after the re-advancement, or simply do not let it be seen.

Upgrade Enthusiasm

Shards in more vipadkiv koristuvach do not change the OS setup, Windows is installed behind the lock auto-entry update. Tsezh obov'azok svchost.exe. To change the interest of the update:

Problem programs

Tsya the reason is powerful to them koristuvachs, as they install a great number of programs and programs on the computer, and do not follow them. To reveal non-essential software, install the Process Explorer program. It will help you to help, I’ll build resources like programs to select resources, but you don’t take advantage of them.

Another advantage of Process Explorer is that it works closely with the service of rechecking files on a firmware file - VirusTotal, to help that system services of viruses.

To check the file, go to Program View → Options → VirusTotal.com → Check VirusTotal.com.

µTorrent whistleblower

Often the resources of the computer are stolen by the µTorrent program for an hour of downloading files. To reduce the pressure on the processor: How to recognize a virus?

It's easy to detect the virus that masks the svchost.exe file. The wine is launched in the name of the public record of the coristuvacha chi other processes, crim Local Service, Network Service chi System.

Another characteristic of rice is “pardon” in the name. I'll name the processes svhost, svchosts or otherwise - they are malicious, so you need to remove them.

"Cleaning" the system

As you have detected a virus on the computer, which masks the svchost.exe file, run a dead system scan and install anti-virus software.

Important! Without a doubt, scanning the firmware will not give any result.

Ale better vikoristovyte special utilities according to the companies: Dr.Web CureIt, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or Kaspersky Rescue Disc. The stench viyavlyat that zneshkodyat shkіdlive PZ.


You can find detailed information about the svchost.exe process on the video.

Publication date: 20.07.2010

The article was updated on 09.12.2011.

Your computer raptom strongly hung that galmuvati system. Why do you have to install an antivirus from new antivirus databases. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and click on tabs Processes. Please provide a list of successful processes, how to proceed with Narazi; if you do, you should know that any of the processes are using the computer’s impersonal resources (if you don’t want any programs, you won’t win at the moment). Here you can see the process svchost(Processes with such a name will be a few pieces, but you will need the same one that will capture the system for 100%).


1) Try us before just resetting the computer.
2) If you want to restart this process, continue to upgrade the system, then right-click on the process i, in the list, select Complete the process tree. Let's restart the computer.
3) If the first two methods did not help you, go to the folder Windows and find the folder there Prefetch(C: WINDOWS Prefetch). Delete this folder ( delete the folder Prefetch; DO NOT delete the dropdown folder Windows!!!) Click on another item (to delete the svchost process tree). Reboot the computer.

Skilki can be used in all processessvchost.exe in the "Processes" tab?
The number of processes with such a name will fall due to the number of services launched through svchost. The quantity may lie in the version of Windows, the power of the computer too. And that process called "svchost.exe" can be 4 (the absolute minimum) to the limit. On my 4-core computer running Windows 7 (to fix the services that run) the tab "Processes" costs 12 svchosts.

How to designate which of them is a virus?
You can see on the screenshot that in the column "Koristuvach" the order with the skin svchost is named dzherela, as well as starting the whole process. For normal looking instructions, svchosts will have "system", or "network service", or "local service" written. Viruses run themselves under the name "user" (it can be written "koristuvach" or "administrator").

What is it, vzagali, processsvchost.exe?
Yakscho say my simple, then the svchost process - tse priskoryuvach start and robotic services and services. svchost'i are launched through the services.exe system process

What will happen, like me, by clicking on “End the process tree”, I will gracefully complete the system processsvchost, why not the virus itself?
Nothing terrible will happen. The system will show you a pardon and reload the computer. After re-advancement, everyone will go to their place.

Like viruses masquerade assvchost.exe?
Viruses are masked behind the data of Kaspersky Lab svchost.exe: Virus.Win32.Hidrag.d, Trojan-Clicker.Win32.Delf.cn, Net-Worm.Win32.Welchia.a
Due to unconfirmed evidence, existing versions of Trojan.Carberp are also masquerading as svchost.exe.

How do viruses work?
Cі viruses without your permission to go to special servers, the sounds are either downloaded more unsafely, or they force the information on the server (and your passwords, logs, etc.)

processsvchost.exe to vandalize the system, but the column “Koristuvach” says “system". What is it?
Shvidshe for everything, it means that as a service or a service, it is possible to work. Check a little, and the whole process will stop vantage the system. Otherwise, do not stop ... Є deyaki viruses (for example: Conficker), yakі vikoristovuyut svchost'i, schob psuvati your system. Tse duzhe unsafe viruses, and for that, you should wart your computer with an antivirus (or rather, a kіlkom vіdrazu). For example, you can take advantage of DrWeb CureIt - you know how to detect such viruses.

Now you need to complete the process tree and see the folderPrefetch?
If you complete the process tree of your svchost system, then the computer will urgently reboot. And at startup, if the virus tries to start up again, then the antivirus (which you are responsible for installing in the general language order) will immediately detect and see it. Wanting to use anonymous modifications. For example, if such a virus has occurred, you can get it from the Prefetch dad. This folder is needed for speeding up the work of services and services. ї vydalennya not nasty your computer.

Your parents did not help me. processsvchost.exe continues to take care of the system.
First of all, flip your computer with an antivirus. And even better, turn the dekilcom's computer with antiviruses.
Another thing I can do is clean out the System Volume Information folder. This folder is to check the hotspots for your computer. Viruses prescribe themselves in this folder, the system does not allow the antivirus to see anything from this folder. Ale ce is unlikely to be of use to you. I have not yet heard about such modifications of viruses, which I have seen for myself for svchost.exe and were in the System Volume Information folder.

If I blame the food, then I'm glad to see them.

Stay away branch "Computers & Internet":

Comments please:

Shiro Dyakuyu! All zayvі protsesi appeared. Dyakuyu!

Windows6.1-KB3102810 x86 (x64) - for 7, who has a richer operative updater.

In short, I figured out why svchost cargo by 30%, the Spyware Process Detector utility (you can find it on the Internet with a crack) helped to uncover this secret process, and it appeared not like a malware, but a great system process Defrag exe, wine and rats. In short, turning on the Disk Defragmentation service, vinicating. All the problem is solved.

Having tried everything, and the center update included, Having seen Prefetch, and having completed the process tree, it does not help anything, as before svchost, to increase the percentage by 30%.

Illya, yakuyu! Helped! Robiv mustache, as it is written. Only in my XP service is called Automatic Update. As soon as autostart was turned on, I started the service, as the process was running, and the CPU load was down. Who has XP chi updates are not important - I recommend this method.

Ivan, thank you very much for the comment) It helped. Having blocked access, everything was back to normal. Before that, nothing helped!

Open the Prefetch folder, and then the reloading won't be the same as the problem with efficiency.

Win XP solved the problem simply - through the inclusion of a system update. imovirno drіbnom'yakі such a rank hatefully pіdshtovhuyut koristuvachіv go from XP i 7.

Rustam, the article clearly says what the folder is not for system files(like to lie at the father's windows). Axis citation zі statti "Її not to mess with your computer." READ THE ARTICLE IMPORTANTLY, cykablyat!

I looked at the svchost folder, and then found only the root folders of all the programs that are running on the computer. in the event of a disaster, a catastrophe could have been blamed, but minenno: turning on all life-safe programs, which in the end of the day would have led to the fact that the computer after re-advancement-zagali ceased to work, and it was possible to reinstall Windows. So, I'm not risking seeing the entire host folder. I joke about other options for solving problems. And for the quiet, who thinks that turning on the upgrade solves the problem, I’ll say: once I’ve been so robbed, so a virus, like having consumed the entire motherboard and stopped working hard. in fact, it starts the laptop, but it freezes immediately, and does not respond to ctrl-alt-del. І on the button to start and turn on the computer. to be brought to the battery ... from that hour the laptop is retired ... the old machine is not to be taken її good. yay nonsense.

znіs tsyu folder - helped. Dyakuyu!

who can help with svchot? my data for calling voicesap viber +7 999 171 60 74 skype West00073 I will be happy. testuvav computer usima possible ways don't help

who can help tsey SVSHOT just by tormenting by trying everything. є fahivets who can virishiti tse food?

All the methods indicated in the articles did not help me, I read the comments and they most often said that it was not a virus, but an update and I included the update and everything went

yakuyu!! save the folder. corrected;)

I'll rephrase, ochepyatka. Other processes in Sestem32

And what about the process of roaming the CPU not like reshta svchost in Win32, but in AppDataRoaming?

dyakuyu, having removed the folder and all the rules.

I was helped by a number of comments, from Roman on 08/30/2016, the very other (additional) way through the administration!

ATP everything fell into place!

Chi can I call you on Skype?

Today, I would like to talk about one process, which is better for everything, more familiar to the skin-less computer koristuvachev, and about the Svchost.exe process itself. Singingly, computer scientists predicted those hours at once, if a mass of viruses with similar names went around. This process itself, through the steps, can cause the system processor of your computer or laptop to reach the critical 100%. Let's try to figure out why Svchost.exe is trying to infect the processor or the system and how processes with similar names are guaranteed to be shkidlivimi, and also how to solve the problem.

What is Svchost?

I’ll start, maybe, from an explanation of what you took care of for the process, and how many wines are important for operating system Windows? Also, Svchost.exe is one of the system processes that are involved in dynamic DLL, These can be launched at the same time as a sprat. At whom you can switch, open the task manager - one hour pressing the "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "Del" keys and then turn off the "Task Manager". And also the other way to come out - onslaught right button Click on the task bar and select "Start Task Manager":

to marvel running processes, go to the tab "Processes" and press the button "Display the processes of all coristuvachi". Just don't kill it, don't kill the svchost.exe process.

Varto also means that Svchost.exe wins for everyone Windows versions, starting from 2000 and up to Windows 10. So it was decided to beat one process for several services from the point of view of simplifying the work of the system and less focus on RAM and it’s completely true, here are some of its shortcomings (for example, simplifying viruses "masked" in the process).

Svchost.exe vantage system. What work?

Also, you mentioned that the computer is playing hard, and when the dispatcher was started, it was noted that practically all the resources of the processor are pulling the Svchost.exe process. The most common reason for this is that it is simple to understand. Either Svhost.exe is a virus, or the system is navigated through those that you have marked automatic update. For the cob we will win ways, if not to accommodate the robot of the system, but below I will tell you about viruses, which will need to be calculated in the future. Before reading this article, I ask you to restart your computer at once, as much as possible, by Windows starting the service in the system incorrectly. Otherwise, this option will help you solve these problems, and, obviously, if you have worked to re-advantage to that, then you can not re-advantage the computer at once and continue reading the article.

Immediately go to the dispatcher, find out the process with the name Svchost.exe, right-click on it and select from the list “End the process tree”. Even if it didn’t help, then we continue to think about what food.

One more moment, which you are guilty of growing at once. Go to "Start" - "Vikonati" or open it again with the buttons on the keyboard "Win" + "R". After that, enter "Prefetch" and press "OK".

Dali open the folder, where it is necessary to delete all the files that you have. Here the files are “lying” with the system’s patches, but sometimes the stench is beaten, and so you need to kill the whole thing, so that you will be inspired, that everything is safe with them.

Here you will need to select an item under the name “Administration”.

Here follow to know "Center Windows update”, after which you vimknіt tsyu service. To press on it with the double left button of the mouse, after which press the button "Zupiniti". It will also be necessary to set the manual start type, then save your changes (press "Stop" - "OK") and restart your computer.

Didn't it help? You can also try to turn on the service, which may be related to Svchost.exe. To start the task manager, find out the process, which is the most powerful processor, click on it with the right mouse button and click on “Go to services”.

In front of you, you can see a window with a change of services that hack Svchost.exe. With this blue, the services are switched on, like a specific process, you choose more in the dispatcher task (the one that best wants to tune the system). Now you are followed by turning on one of the services, rechecking the result after the last turn on. To turn on the service, click on it with the left button of the mouse (choose it), and then click on it with the right button of the mouse and select "Start the service." If you are a misunderstood koristuvach, then I can tell you that you don’t break anything nasty in the system and you don’t have to worry about a farther result.

If so, if you suspect the service will be found, go to “Computer Management” (I’ll tell you how to go to services - through the control panel - administration - services) ”, then this service will be renewed and re-uploaded after the computer is re-installed. Call this process in the services "Additional IP Service" and "Windows Update Center". If you know a process that would make Svchost.exe 100% or less (say 50-100%), then go to the service, know the service, press on it 2 times, and rob it on your feet: in the "Startup type" select "Enabled » Then press the button «Supinity» After that you press «Stop» and give «OK».

Well, in addition to the above, I want to give two more simple way, which in some ways can help you without any manipulations with the processes:

  • First - update Windows, because you haven’t updated Windows before. Frequently updating Windows eliminates minor problems and Danish view pardons are not blame.
  • Another is to reinstate the system behind an additional control point, turning it into the camp, if there was no problem.

What about a virus?

As I said before, the productivity of your system can also be reduced by viruses, as they are actively masked by the Svchost.exe process. It is easy to explain that this process is vicorated by different libraries and is easily developed, as from the indications of the dispatcher of the process manager Svchost.exe it is shkidlivy, but it is important and necessary.

How to name? Remember that Svchost.exe is a system process, there will be no launches under the name of the host, but only under the name NETWORK SERVICE, LOCAL SERVICE or SYSTEM. In addition, this operation is launched exclusively through the system services programs. Also, the faults of launches from the Run-split registry are 100% virus.

So let's not gain respect for the process. So, in the name of Svchost.exe, if the letters are replaced by other ones, or instead of replacing the letters, there is a number, and they can also change the letters by places (malicious people often use this kind of visual deception). If so, then, more for everything, it's a virus that masks the process.

It often happens that a virus infects the Svchost.exe process, changing it and leading to partial system crashes. In any case, if there is a suspicion of an infection, start the PC in safe mode (as soon as the computer is turned on, press F8 and select required option) and turn the computer into a virus. I'm already on the site rozpovіd about the ways to enter different versions Windows:

Sometimes it's easier to reinstall the OS, spend the best time for troubles, because you don't have any specific programs or important data on your computer, then hurry up with joy and don't "get confused". Adzhe for a joke of a problem and a koristuvach can spend more than an hour (5-6 years), and reinstalling Windows takes about 2 years.

If you did not independently install the system again, you can watch the video: "". Tsya procedure is not coherent, it’s smut to understand the logical language, what needs to be worked and in what kind of circle. You can also read the articles about how you need to reinstall the same version of Windows:

I guess, my article turned out to be corny for you, and now you can’t only know the “root of the problem”, but it’s good to put it down without harm for your system of power nerves.

SVCHOST.EXE is one of the most important processes during the working hours of Windows OS. Let's try to get to know each other, vikonannya of some functions to enter at the yoga manager.

SVCHOST.EXE є possibility of bachiti in the Dispatcher of the task (for the transition press Ctrl+Alt+Del or Ctrl+Shift+Esc) in retail "Proceed". If you do not look for elements from similar names, then press "Imagine the processes of all coristuvachiv".

For clarity, you can click on the name of the field "In my image". All data in the list will be displayed in alphabetical order. The processes of SVCHOST.EXE can work even more richly: in one and theoretically to the point of inconsistency. And in practice, the number of one-hour active processes that are to be carried out is interchanged with the parameters of the computer, the intensity of the CPU and the amount of operational memory.


Now we call it the head of the final process. Vin vidpovidalny for the work is quiet Windows Services, which are taken from dll-libraries. Їх він є host process, tobto, head process. One-hour functioning for a number of services is significant to save operational memory that hour of a day's work.

We have already explained that the SVCHOST.EXE process may function well. One is activated at the start of the OS. Other instances run services.exe, which is the Service Manager. It forms blocks from a number of services and launches SVCHOST.EXE for the skin cream. In this way, the essence of economy is: instead of starting the entire skin service file, SVCHOST.EXE is activated, which unites a group of services, or reduces the amount of effort on the CPU and wastes PC RAM.

File location

Now let's find out where the SVCHOST.EXE file is located.

Why does SVCHOST.EXE hijack the system

It is notable that quite often there are fluctuations in the situation, if the system is affected by SVCHOST.EXE processes. Tobto Vіn vikoristovuє arguably large amount of operational memory, and the occupancy of the central processor due to the activity of this element exceeds 50%, sometimes reaching up to 100%, so it is practically impossible to work on a computer. Such a phenomenon may have the following main reasons:

  • Undermining the process by a virus;
  • There is a large number of one-hour running resource services;
  • Problems with the robot OS;
  • Problems from the Update Center.

Details about the ways of solving problems are described in the material.

SVCHOST.EXE - virus agent

Sometimes SVCHOST.EXE in the Task Manager appears to be a virus agent, which, as it is said above, vantage the system.

  1. It is a sign of a viral process, which once can take on itself the respect of a koristuvach - the greater the use of system resources by it, the zocrema, the greater the involvement of the CPU (more than 50%) and the operational memory. In order to determine which reference or counterfeit SVCHOST.EXE is navigating the computer, the Task Manager is activated.

    On the field "Koristuvach". At different versions OS can also be called "Im'ya Koristuvacha" or "User Name". Suggestions for SVCHOST.EXE may include the following names:

    • network service;
    • SYSTEM ("system");
    • local service.

    As you remember the name, the object that is being cultivated, be it any other name of the coristuvach, for example, the name flow profile, You can be aware of what is right with the virus.

  2. Also, varto rewrite the space of the file. As we remember, for the most important vipadkiv, for the virahuvannyam of two rather rare vinjatkіv, it may be indicated by the address:


    If you have shown that the process is relying on the directory, watching three of them, about which it was said more, then you can definitely talk about the presence of a virus in the system. Especially often the virus is trying to hide in papacy "windows". You can find out about roztashuvannya files for help Conductor in a way that the descriptions are higher. You can try another option. Right-click on the name of the item in the Job Manager. Choose from the menu "Power".

    Vіdkriєtsya vіkno authorities, yakim have contributors "Zahalni" be found parameter "Roztashuvannya". On the contrary, new records are routed to the file.

  3. The situation is the same if the virus file is located in the same directory, where it can be changed, for example, SVCHOST32.EXE. Buvayut vipadki, if in order to fool the koristuvach, the evildoers will take over latin letters"C" to insert the Cyrillic "C" into the Trojan file, or instead of the letter "O" insert "0" ("zero"). Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the name of the process in the Dispatcher, or to the file that is initiated, Conductor. It is especially important, as you have said, that this object is using a lot of system resources.
  4. As the battles were confirmed, you showed what you can do with the virus. Then follow yaknaishvidshe yogo suck. Nasampered, it is necessary to speed up the process, the chips of all further manipulations will be twisted, as if inflamed, possible, through the entanglement of the processor. To start, click on the virus process in the Dispatch Manager with the right mouse button. Select from the list "End Process".
  5. Runs a little at the end, de need to confirm your mission.
  6. After all, don’t worry about restarting, next scan the computer antivirus program. It is best for these purposes to win the addendum Dr.Web CureIt as the best way to prove itself in the fight against the problem itself of this nature.
  7. Even though the utility did not help, the file was manually deleted. For the second time the process is completed, move to the directory of the object's expansion, click on it with the right mouse button and select "Vuluchiti". If necessary, then in the dialogue windows it is possible to remove the element.

    If the virus is blocking the logout procedure, then reboot the computer and log in to the system Safe mode (Shift+F8 or F8 pіd hour zavantazhennya). Check the liquidation file for the specified algorithm.

In this rank, we know that SVCHOST.EXE is an important system Windows process, which allows you to interact with services, thereby reducing the cost of system resources. However, sometimes the process can be detected by a virus. In this way, now, in vichavlyuє from the system all the juices, which vimage the negative reaction of the coristuvacha when using the shkidly agent. In addition, there are situations, if through various failures or due to optimization, SVCHOST.EXE itself can cause problems.

Koristuvachі, yakі often vykoristovuyut Manager manager, noted that the list of working processes in the list of svchost.exe services appears. But not all, but they are more uninformed to know what svchost.exe is in the Task Manager and for what wine is confirmed.

What is svchost.exe?

Svchost.exe is a system hack (as it is named) file for Windows. Vіdpovіdaє for the launch of some addenda and functions, reducing the burden on the central processor and RAM. Therefore, it is not possible to see it from the system (there is no way to see it from the system (if the service is masked by a slow PZ, or if it is possible to turn on the services that do not win, about which it is written in the article “Increasing the productivity of the computer, turning on the services, but not breaking”).

As soon as Dispatchers manage to get a few copies of svchost.exe, don't worry, there are a few shards of them in the number of running programs: the more, the more of these services.

The principle of the robotic process

This process may be in the skin version of Windows, but its potential is only possible with the release of Windows XP. Prior to which wines, it was important to pay for the borders of the connection, for the help of which computers are connected to the Internet. But Microsoft's retailers didn't care about anything, the service is recognized for running background local processes, which can be used for dynamic libraries, which may have the ".dll" extension.

Tsikavo! Dynamic libraries cannot be started in default mode.

svchost.exe allows you to save computer resources, so that it is not necessary to physically run the downloaded file during the service life. This is why the number of processes is changing to take advantage of RAM and the virtual memory of the PC. For the same reason, in the Dispatchers, the task at once appears a piece of services with the same name.

Of course, the svchost.exe file automatically starts when Windows starts, regardless of how the programs "hang" in autorun. Therefore, the inclusion of zayvih services and programs is not in line with this entanglement.

Reasons for resource occupancy

It is not uncommon for koristuvachs to respect that the process is occupied by one of the resources (processor or RAM) I will add, regardless of whether the programs are running. For the same reason.


The main reason is the poor software security, as it wasted on the computer and the svchost.exe file is “masked”. Sort the processes in the Manager by name and look again, for which name the service is started. If it is broken in the name of the oblіkovogo record of the koristuvach (your record), it means “windows” to the virus. If the column "Im'ya koristuvacha" is assigned: Local Service, Network Service or System, such a file is safe.

If you think you have detected a virus, right-click → Open the file. So, identify the misconception of the malware and interpret it through the portal VirusTotal.com. Or rather, scan the system for additional Dr.Web CureIt programs or Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. On the right, in the fact that the view of one file, which is victorious, will not be helped by the virus, shards on the computer sing-alongly, additional fragments, like to renew the next post, or simply do not let it be seen.

Upgrade Enthusiasm

Oscillaries in most cases do not change the OS update, Windows is automatically updated after locking. Tsezh obov'azok svchost.exe. To change the interest of the update:

Problem programs

Tsya the reason is powerful to them koristuvachs, as they install a great number of programs and programs on the computer, and do not follow them. To reveal non-essential software, install the Process Explorer program. It will help you to help, I’ll build resources like programs to select resources, but you don’t take advantage of them.

Another advantage of Process Explorer is that it works closely with the service of rechecking files on the storage folder - VirusTotal, which will help you check the system services against viruses.

To check the file, go to Program View → Options → VirusTotal.com → Check VirusTotal.com.

µTorrent whistleblower

Often the resources of the computer are stolen by the µTorrent program for an hour of downloading files. To reduce the pressure on the processor: How to recognize a virus?

It's easy to detect the virus that masks the svchost.exe file. The wine is launched in the name of the public record of the coristuvacha chi other processes, crim Local Service, Network Service chi System.

Another characteristic of rice is “pardon” in the name. I'll name the processes svhost, svchosts or otherwise - they are malicious, so you need to remove them.

"Cleaning" the system

As you have detected a virus on the computer, which masks the svchost.exe file, run a dead system scan and install anti-virus software.

Important! Without a doubt, scanning the firmware will not give any result.

Better yet, select special utilities from leading companies: Dr.Web CureIt, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or Kaspersky Rescue Disc. The stench viyavlyat that zneshkodyat shkіdlive PZ.


You can find detailed information about the svchost.exe process on the video.