Why not use Windows 7 on a laptop. Chi will not be tampered with by Windows. Defect in the enchanting record

Bagato koristuvachіv computers and laptops melodiously stuck with problems when locked Windows 7... The operational system has been banal and has been trivialized and has seen a pardon. In such cases, it is hard to navigate away to Bakeless mode on F8.

The first thing to come to mind in such situations is the reinstallation of Windows itself. The procedure is simple and well described in the curriculum vitae :, Windows installation 7 and the best.

I don't want to add documents, programs, I don’t want to know that everything is fine-tuned, the installation of drivers and additions, and also it can take a lot of hours.

respect: In general, the user does not look at the hardware problems on the standard of problems with the inclusion of the laptop itself, problems from the images and so far.

Fortunately, the problem of being tied up systems can be simpler. Name the reasons for the problems due to the security of the system є the problem of the security Windows, Robotic Destruction MBR... To update the system, it is necessary to update the system with the same enrollment and MBR. Yak tse zrobiti will be described below.

Windows Normal Boot Upgrade

It is clear for which skin point:

  • update to launch- updating Windows and system files
  • System update- system renewal from the points of renewal. The update points are set up automatically when important, installation of system upgrades, and can also be set up manually with the help of
  • System image renewal - Windows update from disk image
  • Windows Support for memory diagnostics- revision of the operational memory for the appearance of pardons. Finish the cinnamon stick.
  • Command row- command row for manual update

Interest for us is the first two points, as well as the last. a selection of update to launch... The simplest way of updating the system is normal. Startup yogo. The diagnosis is due to start:

In ten hours the problem will (or not) be corrected:

Another menu item is now visible - System update... I will try to update the system from the control points of the update. To run mo System update:

Now I will vibrate and stop the point of renewal and onslaught far:

onslaught Ready for the next day

I will rewrite my laptop or my computer.

There are three extended pardons at least, which will cause problems due to the problems with Windows 7. When pardons are announced, the system will display a short notice on the monitor screen, in any case, in which a problem is pointed out. Itself with small orders and we will be keruvatis in case of new problems that have come to an end.

Mabut, popular pomilka - Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press Enter

This is a typical offensive situation: you turn on the computer, or replace the emergency shutdown of the operating system in Windows 7, you will have to write it. Chi means those that the system has recognized the disk, which does not start the system, so that it is on the Windows 7 thought system files, Necessary for її to launch on the whole disk is not. Viklikano can be for different reasons. Picked up from the newest.

Mozhliviy option. In the DVD-ROM, there is a buv of disk insertions, or a flash drive and your BIOS adjustments are connected, so that, for the change, I will start one of these noses. In addition, the system cannot know the need for launching files on a flash drive or a DVD disc, and occasionally about a pardon.

Usunennya. Slid to try to connect absolutely all calls accumulated: telephones, memory cards, flash drives and call disks. When you play the computer, turn on the computer again. Shvidshe for everything, the system will be launched correctly once and for all.

You may be, well, recommendation, you must not help the food. In such a way you need, in Pershe, in adjusted BIOS vistavity attachment to launch for the change of sv_ system disk. And in a different way, you can change your system by entering the BIOS into your system disk. Maybe bootie, wіn viyshov s fret.

As long as the system correctly displays the system disk, it is in your power to speed up. Tse mi torknemsya trochi p_zn_she, go to the end of the statty.

As long as the system does not represent your main hard drive, you can try to see it and go back, or in the nest, by the way, as if it is there.

It is also possible to bring to the fore there may be some other problems, for example, viruses, etc. In any kind, it is more beautiful than anything else for an ear to reconsider those methods that we have guessed about. Shvidshe for all the stink spratsyuyut. Well, it’s kindly requested in the final statistics, in which they told us about the problem of Windows 7 for additional utilization.

BOOTMGR is missing

At the touch of a mercy, you also cannot correctly start Windows 7 - sometimes on the black screen - BOOTMGR is missing. There are many problems and reasons, including all kinds of viruses. Vona may be a viclikan with the gracious acts of an unrecognized koristuvach, which vypadkovo changing the enchanting record of a hard disk. Likewise, physical problems of the HDD are not often the reason for the recognition of the pardon.

Usunennya. Revision, chi yourself hard drive, On which the system is installed. Call for help until the middle of the update to Windows 7, about the bottom of the trochi.

Graveyard NTLDR is missing. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart

The problem manifests itself practically as well as in front of it. For її usunennya also varto vikoristovuvati the middle of usunennya problems.

We will need to have a look at the sections in the editor:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows NT / Current Version / Winlogon /
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows NT / Current Version / Winlogon /

Now it is necessary to add the value Shell.

With the first change over, the Shell parameter is set in Explorer.exe If it’s not so, then I’ll set myself up independently. For another, you need to go into the section and wonder: if you have a Shell record in the presence, then you need to see it. Now it’s too much to shut down at the end of the restart and just restart the computer. All are guilty of being in their own place.

And so, everything that could not be put down independently, can be learned with the help of standard utilities systems

In most cases, in case of problems, such as before the start of the operating system, we can update the Windows 7 update screen. We can also help us with the updated system launch. If the renewal screen does not hang independently, then when the system is re-installed, the keys can F8... Viberit in the menu "Poshuk and usunennya computer malfunctions"

You will be seen as soon as possible, if you will be revealing information about those who will be able to retrieve files in the system, you should also be asked to vibrate.

Operational system Windows - to supply a folding complex of programs and services. Її preference to lay down the correct function of the skin from them. As a result of systemic malfunctions, as soon as viruses, your OS may not be correct, or it will not start up again. Some of the problems with Windows 7 have been resolved in a given statty: whoever won’t get bogged down, how to work, how to correct and secure.

Garbage disk boot failure

Tse one s best frequent pardons, With Windows 7, you will not get bogged down. The reason for the polyag is that the personal computer will be turned over to the attachment, which, on your mind, is not systemic.

For a cob, try using a DVD drive and plugging in all flash drives and HDDs. Reinstall the computer. As everything is done, it means that your BIOS is set up with such a rank, so that you can get a chance to get enchanted from the external noses, and then from the internal hard drives... Connect the flash drives as soon as the PC is turned on, or change the BIOS configuration. About those, like tse zrobiti, it is written in the offensive section of the certificate.

Nalashtuvannya BIOS could be killed because of power outages or internal problems in computers. So, as soon as everything was good, everything was good, but this year has ceased - no need to think, but the problem cannot be solved in the configurations.

There are 2 darts to go to the HDD: one from the living unit, the other from the motherboard. See the insult, first turn the switch back. Beast of respect, how to rob it is possible only if a personal computer is detected.

nalashtuvannya Bios

In order to remember the parameters of the entangling, it is necessary to add the following steps:

When the computer is written, there will be rewiring. Now I am in the first place in the city I will be able to use the information from the hard disk. If, in the future, you will need to use a USB flash drive or DVD (for example, to install or update Windows), you will need to remember the priority back.

Junk "Bootmgr is missing"

Іnsha the reason why Windows OS is seen to start has been extended - "Bootmgr is missing". There is a similar problem to the question, as on your hard disk there is a blocking of the blocking sector.

The whole sector is the very ones that drive the system HDD from the information media. At the new one there is a special table, in which it is described, de and yak files, necessary for securing the operating system, roztashovani.

As soon as we have installed another operating system on the disk, it’s like a pardon with a great deal of efficiency. Ale tse is not the only reason. The overwritten MBR sector can be overwritten by viruses, shkidlivny programs. The same is true for the physical performance of the disc. The surface of the HDD is touched. Possibly, on that part of the annex, there is a necessary sector, the podryapina pretended to be. In general, you are unlikely to be able to correct yourself.

updated MBR

To update the posed sector zavanazhennya you will need a disk or a flash drive, for the help of which you installed the operating system. I don't know, you can link the ISO image to the Internet and install a new installer.

Insert the attachment into your personal computer and release it. As long as you can't beat your PC, you will need to re-enable it again, go to the BIOS setup menu and select the new startup menu. Vishche is written about those yak tse robiti.

Wouldn't you like Windows 7 to work?

Lockout with a pardon of the type "The operating system is not known" in the course of the lockdown of the computer can be more nervous. Ale, if you have set 7, then you should be especially afraid of nothing. Adzhe takі pomki zavantazhennya is often possible vyrіshiti for the help of all deprived of a few simple things.

In buggy issues, the unavailability of Windows 7 can be tied up simply by setting the order in the BIOS. It may be that more than one hard disk is installed in your computer. Call the input in the BIOS, it will be open in a few seconds after the computer is turned on for an additional onslaught of a button Delete for an additional onslaught of special functional keys. When you upgrade to BIOS, it’s good to know that your Windows 7 hard drive will be on the virtual drive at the end of the day. If you don’t know how to wonder, read the instructions before your mother's payment.

The second reason for not being detected by the Windows computer during the shutdown is a hardware problem. If the BIOS cannot connect your system disk, then reconnect, all cables are normal before they are connected. As long as your hard disk looks like a marvelous sound, a clatter and a thump, then, perhaps, it is vicious. First, nareshty, perhaps, your hard drive has had problems with the tributes that have pushed important system tributes to the master boot record - Master Boot Record (MBR).

If you suspect a breakdown of your disk, you will not be able to back up your important data, scan it for pardons from your computer and see the power of replacing the disk. If you try to fix the problem of locking up on a ushkozhenny disk, you can bring it up to waste tribute, so reserve your tribute before you can ever consider it.

MBR and the most important imposing data can also be installed by installing more early versions of Windows crim Windows 7 (on Windows XP) or third programs, on the basis of versions. If you have a virus before any "correct" it is recommended to convert the disk for additional anti-virus programs. If you try to correct the disk with the virus, it can lead to the loss of the tribute.

Likewise, when you see some information about the messy tributes, you might find it wrong to the active partition of the disk, or you might see the overly addictive Windows administrator with administrative rights.

Fixing MBR and other Windows 7 fixing problems is the easiest way to get help for the Windows 7 Installer DVD.

As long as you don't have an Instalation DVD, or an update disc, then you can bring a lot of grudge by opening the update disc right at once, and you may not have a headache.

Redirecting Master Boot Record (MBR)

Krok first: Unlock your computer by logging in either from the Windows 7 installation DVD or from the disk system update Windows 7. Keep in mind that for zavanazhennya from DVD you can change the order of zavanazhennya in the BIOS.

Other croc: When locked from your installation disk or from the update disk, you can ask for a vibration. Vibrate yo and then continue your engagement. When you install a DVD-ROM drive when a lower power supply appears (or something like my own), vibrate the updated computer Repair your computer.

Croc third: It’s a great hour for the computer to be joked on Windows installations, for which you will be presented with a list of available Windows installations. Vibrate according to the installation and move forward. If the problem will appear in one of your Windows installations at the first stage, then the system can be powered up by you, if you do not want it, then it will automatically correct it. Here you can virishuvati yourself - allow chi systems to correct chi ni for yourself? If you don’t want automatic correction, then just vibrate "dumb" (No).

Croc quarters: When you get to the screen, adjust the System Recovery Options, which readings are lower, see the list of choices, which can help you with your Windows 7 update.

If you are bored, you can check out the Startup Repair option, as in automatic mode you often see a lot of problems due to failures. However, in the whole statty we will be victorious about the command line option (Command Prompt), I will hand over my problems. To continue, click on Command Prompt.

Croc p'yaty: Being in the command row, enter the lower command and press Enter:

If you have a successful vikonannya, you can change the message to the type "The operation completed successfully". Those are necessary! Your MBR buv updates!

Unimportant to those who have been assigned a command to correct the MBR (and only enough), there is still a lot of money for the boot sector of the system distribution and the data of the boot configuration data - Boot Configuration Data (BCD). Tse can be seen in times, if you are magical to install Windows 7 operating system on Windows XP. To record a new entangling sector, try the next command:

If your Windows 7 still does not appear when the computer is locked, or if you want to include more than one operating system in the list of locked systems, try the next command to wake up your BCD:

bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd

A command has been made to scan all your disks for the presence of some of the operating systems that are smart with Windows 7, and to allow you to add them to the list of blocked systems. If it’s not right, then you might want to back up your old BCD folder and update the news for the help of the lower commands:

bcdedit / export C: \ BCD_Backup
cd boot
attrib bcd -s -h -r
ren c: \ boot \ bcd bcd.old
bootrec / RebuildBcd

Deyaky koristuvachi just see the old system folder and start looking after the help of their problems because of those who have been bailed out. Ale so robiti is not recommended.

Yak change active distribution

The writing of the active partition on our system disk during the lock-up by the systems got stuck with the help of BOOTMGR (BOOTMGR is missing), but it did not allow us to lock Windows. Tse zvychana pomilka, scho vinikє, if you fix "grati" with razdіla on the system disk. The І її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї І ї ї ї ї І ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї І ії і і і і іshennya head bіl, as before it hasn’t been expected.

For a great change to active distribution, please, select your Windows 7 update disk or the installation DVD and watch the presentation below.

Krok first: Touch the croquettes of the vischen-led description (from the first to the quarters). It is worth bringing you to the Windows update command line.

Other croc: Enter DiskPart and press Enter.

Croc third: Enter List Disk and type Enter. Tsya command vivede a list of all drives connected to your computer and assign a number.

Croc quarters: Enter Select Disk x, de x is the number of the disk that you want to remove the partition, which you want to be active. Press Enter.

Croc p'yaty: Enter List Partition and Press Enter. Tse allow you to punch the list of razdіlіv on the retrieved disk. If you want to be active, you want to be active.

Krok shosti: Enter Select Partition x, de x - the number of the partition that you want the partition to be active. Press Enter.

Croc sjomy: Now it's easy to type Active and Press Enter. The whole team will make sure you are active.

How to burn the Windows 7 system update disk

Windows 7 allows you to easily flush the disk of a powerful system update, as well as quickly, operating system you already have і pratsyuє.

Krok first: Click on the Start button -> Programs -> Service -> Create a system update disk.

Other croc: Insert a blank CD or DVD into your optical drive.

Croc third: Click on the drive button and let the program run your robot.

Those are treasure! The program needs to be written to disk less than 140-160MB of money (depending on the type of operating system), so you can take out a little bit of hilin. Since you don't have a CD / DVD-R optical drive, which you could have used to install the update disk (the same for your current drive), then you can add your ISO image to the Windows 7 system update disk and then you can save the update enchanting a USB stick.

How to open a secure USB-flash drive with a Windows 7 system update disk

Krok first: Download the Windows 7 system update disk image ().

To download you know a client for torrents, type. Alternatively (as long as you have a DVD drive), you can choose to install an installer disk from Windows 7 or the Windows 7 system update disk.

Until then, with the help of the installation disk from Windows 7, you can not only update the system, but also install Windows 7 from a USB drive, but it’s just as corny as you are using a netbook.

Other croc: View command line with the rights of the administrator. Click on the Start button -> Programs -> Standard -> click right button Misha on the Command Row and Vibrate Launch from the Name of the Administrator.

Croc third: Having confirmed all the power to the UAC, we are guilty of being in the command line. Switch over, your USB flash drive is connected to the computer, then type DiskPart and press Enter.

Croc quarters: Enter List Disk and type Enter. Visually, what is the number of your USB flash drive. Our vipad has a USB flash drive for Disk 1. We've got a bundle of flash drives, which we have for 2 GB.

Croc p'yaty: Enter the lower commands in order, change the drive number to the right. Advanced - Visibility of hovering below commands from all data on your USB flash drive or on the disk you have selected.

Select Disk 1
Create Partition Primary
Select Partition 1
Format FS = NTFS

Krok shosti: In order for DiskPart to successfully format your USB flash drive (you can use a little bit of hilin), you need to enter the following commands:

Croc sjomy: Now you need to copy the ISO image (or DVD) you have locked up to your USB stick. It's all just a couple of folders and a file. For files from the ISO-image, you know whether the program is on the spot.

Croc Eight: Now, if the files have been copied, you need to copy your USB flash drive to enchant. For this, you need to add a small file. The whole file can also be found in the entangled directories of the Windows 7 instalation disk. If you are enqueued, put bootsect.exe into the root folder of your USB flash drive.

Croc nine: Turning to the command line, you need to change the current director to the root director of the USB flash drive. Our flash card has the letter E, so we will be victorious for the next command:

bootsect / nt60 e:

The bootsect command will add a super-enchanted code for instructions. If you go through everything well, then you will take away the old-fashioned one, renew the USB-flash drive. True, when you are victorious, you shouldn't forget about those that need to be included in the BIOS tampering list.

Lockout with a pardon of the type "The operating system is not known" in the course of the lockdown of the computer can be more nervous. Ale, if you have set 7, then you should be especially afraid of nothing. Adzhe takі pomki zavantazhennya is often possible vyrіshiti for the help of all deprived of a few simple things.

In buggy issues, the unavailability of Windows 7 can be tied up simply by setting the order in the BIOS. It may be that more than one hard disk is installed in your computer. Call the input in the BIOS, it will be open in a few seconds after the computer is turned on for an additional onslaught of a button Delete for an additional onslaught of special functional keys. When you upgrade to BIOS, it’s good to know that your Windows 7 hard drive will be on the virtual drive at the end of the day. If you don’t know how to wonder, read the instructions before your mother's payment.

The second reason for not being detected by the Windows computer during the shutdown is a hardware problem. If the BIOS cannot connect your system disk, then reconnect, all cables are normal before they are connected. As long as your hard disk looks like a marvelous sound, a clatter and a thump, then, perhaps, it is vicious. First, nareshty, perhaps, your hard drive has had problems with the tributes that have pushed important system tributes to the master boot record - Master Boot Record (MBR).

If you suspect a breakdown of your disk, you will not be able to back up your important data, scan it for pardons from your computer and see the power of replacing the disk. If you try to fix the problem of locking up on a ushkozhenny disk, you can bring it up to waste tribute, so reserve your tribute before you can ever consider it.

MBR and the most important imposing data can also be installed by installing more early versions of Windows crim Windows 7 (on Windows XP) or third programs, on the basis of versions. If you have a virus before any "correct" it is recommended to convert the disk for additional anti-virus programs. If you try to correct the disk with the virus, it can lead to the loss of the tribute.

Likewise, when you see some information about the messy tributes, you might find it wrong to the active partition of the disk, or you might see the overly addictive Windows administrator with administrative rights.

Fixing MBR and other Windows 7 fixing problems is the easiest way to get help for the Windows 7 Installer DVD.

As long as you don't have an Instalation DVD, or an update disc, then you can bring a lot of grudge by opening the update disc right at once, and you may not have a headache.

Redirecting Master Boot Record (MBR)

Krok first: Unmute your computer by locking either from the Windows 7 installation DVD or from the Windows 7 system update disk. Keep in mind that for the DVD you can change the procedure for locking in the BIOS.

Other croc: When locked from your installation disk or from the update disk, you can ask for a vibration. Vibrate yo and then continue your engagement. When you install a DVD-ROM drive when a lower power supply appears (or something like my own), vibrate the updated computer Repair your computer.

Croc third: It’s a great hour for the computer to be joked on Windows installations, for which you will be presented with a list of available Windows installations. Vibrate according to the installation and move forward. If the problem will appear in one of your Windows installations at the first stage, then the system can be powered up by you, if you do not want it, then it will automatically correct it. Here you can virishuvati yourself - allow chi systems to correct chi ni for yourself? If you don’t want automatic correction, then just vibrate "dumb" (No).

Croc quarters: When you get to the screen, adjust the System Recovery Options, which readings are lower, see the list of choices, which can help you with your Windows 7 update.

If you are bored, you can check out the Startup Repair option, as in automatic mode you often see a lot of problems due to failures. However, in the whole statty we will be victorious about the command line option (Command Prompt), I will hand over my problems. To continue, click on Command Prompt.

Croc p'yaty: Being in the command row, enter the lower command and press Enter:

If you have a successful vikonannya, you can change the message to the type "The operation completed successfully". Those are necessary! Your MBR buv updates!

Unimportant to those who have been assigned a command to correct the MBR (and only enough), there is still a lot of money for the boot sector of the system distribution and the data of the boot configuration data - Boot Configuration Data (BCD). Tse can be seen in times, if you are magical to install Windows 7 operating system on Windows XP. To record a new entangling sector, try the next command:

If your Windows 7 still does not appear when the computer is locked, or if you want to include more than one operating system in the list of locked systems, try the next command to wake up your BCD:

bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd

A command has been made to scan all your disks for the presence of some of the operating systems that are smart with Windows 7, and to allow you to add them to the list of blocked systems. If it’s not right, then you might want to back up your old BCD folder and update the news for the help of the lower commands:

bcdedit / export C: \ BCD_Backup
cd boot
attrib bcd -s -h -r
ren c: \ boot \ bcd bcd.old
bootrec / RebuildBcd

Deyaky koristuvachi just see the old system folder and start looking after the help of their problems because of those who have been bailed out. Ale so robiti is not recommended.

Yak change active distribution

The writing of the active partition on our system disk during the lock-up by the systems got stuck with the help of BOOTMGR (BOOTMGR is missing), but it did not allow us to lock Windows. Tse zvychana pomilka, scho vinikє, if you fix "grati" with razdіla on the system disk. The І її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї І ї ї ї ї І ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї І ії і і і і іshennya head bіl, as before it hasn’t been expected.

For a great change to active distribution, please, select your Windows 7 update disk or the installation DVD and watch the presentation below.

Krok first: Touch the croquettes of the vischen-led description (from the first to the quarters). It is worth bringing you to the Windows update command line.

Other croc: Enter DiskPart and press Enter.

Croc third: Enter List Disk and type Enter. Tsya command vivede a list of all drives connected to your computer and assign a number.

Croc quarters: Enter Select Disk x, de x is the number of the disk that you want to remove the partition, which you want to be active. Press Enter.

Croc p'yaty: Enter List Partition and Press Enter. Tse allow you to punch the list of razdіlіv on the retrieved disk. If you want to be active, you want to be active.

Krok shosti: Enter Select Partition x, de x - the number of the partition that you want the partition to be active. Press Enter.

Croc sjomy: Now it's easy to type Active and Press Enter. The whole team will make sure you are active.

How to burn the Windows 7 system update disk

Windows 7 allows you to easily flush the disk of a powerful system update, even if the operating system is already installed and correct.

Krok first: Click on the Start button -> Programs -> Service -> Create a system update disk.

Other croc: Insert a blank CD or DVD into your optical drive.

Croc third: Click on the drive button and let the program run your robot.

Those are treasure! The program needs to be written to disk less than 140-160MB of money (depending on the type of operating system), so you can take out a little bit of hilin. Since you don't have a CD / DVD-R optical drive, which you could have used to install the update disk (the same for your current drive), then you can add your ISO image to the Windows 7 system update disk and then you can save the update enchanting a USB stick.

How to open a secure USB-flash drive with a Windows 7 system update disk

Krok first: Download the Windows 7 system update disk image ().

To download you know a client for torrents, type. Alternatively (as long as you have a DVD drive), you can choose to install an installer disk from Windows 7 or the Windows 7 system update disk.

Until then, with the help of the installation disk from Windows 7, you can not only update the system, but also install Windows 7 from a USB drive, but it’s just as corny as you are using a netbook.

Other croc: Open the command line with administrator rights. Click on the Start button -> Programs -> Standard -> right mouse button on the Command row and vibrate Start from the administrator.

Croc third: Having confirmed all the power to the UAC, we are guilty of being in the command line. Switch over, your USB flash drive is connected to the computer, then type DiskPart and press Enter.

Croc quarters: Enter List Disk and type Enter. Visually, what is the number of your USB flash drive. Our vipad has a USB flash drive for Disk 1. We've got a bundle of flash drives, which we have for 2 GB.

Croc p'yaty: Enter the lower commands in order, change the drive number to the right. Advanced - Visibility of hovering below commands from all data on your USB flash drive or on the disk you have selected.

Select Disk 1
Create Partition Primary
Select Partition 1
Format FS = NTFS

Krok shosti: In order for DiskPart to successfully format your USB flash drive (you can use a little bit of hilin), you need to enter the following commands:

Croc sjomy: Now you need to copy the ISO image (or DVD) you have locked up to your USB stick. It's all just a couple of folders and a file. For files from the ISO-image, you know whether the program is on the spot.

Croc Eight: Now, if the files have been copied, you need to copy your USB flash drive to enchant. For this, you need to add a small file. The whole file can also be found in the entangled directories of the Windows 7 instalation disk. If you are enqueued, put bootsect.exe into the root folder of your USB flash drive.

Croc nine: Turning to the command line, you need to change the current director to the root director of the USB flash drive. Our flash card has the letter E, so we will be victorious for the next command:

bootsect / nt60 e:

The bootsect command will add a super-enchanted code for instructions. If you go through everything well, then you will take away the old-fashioned one, renew the USB-flash drive. True, when you are victorious, you shouldn't forget about those that need to be included in the BIOS tampering list.

Bagato koristuvachіv computers and laptops melodiously stuck with problems when locked Windows 7... The operational system has been banal and has been trivialized and has seen a pardon. In such cases, it is hard to navigate away to Bakeless mode on F8.

The first thing to come to mind in such situations is the reinstallation of Windows itself. The procedure is simple and well described in the following: Installing Windows 7 and Windows 7.

I don't want to add documents, programs, I don’t want to know that everything is fine-tuned, the installation of drivers and additions, and also it can take a lot of hours.

respect: In general, the user does not look at the hardware problems on the standard of problems with the inclusion of the laptop itself, problems from the images and so far.

Fortunately, the problem of being tied up systems can be simpler. Name the reasons for the problems due to the security of the system є the problem of the security Windows, Robotic Destruction MBR... To update the system, it is necessary to update the system with the same enrollment and MBR. Yak tse zrobiti will be described below.

Windows Normal Boot Upgrade

The process of updating the MBR and reclaiming Windows 7 I will practically increase the identity of the one for Windows Vista... Price means described below the recommendation can be easily fixed and for updating Windows Vista .

Pretty much. Persh for everything we need an enchanted disk or a flash drive with a distribution kit Windows 7... Yak їх pidgotuvati is described in detail in the tutorials: Installing Windows 7 from a USB flash drive on a laptop, netbook or an extravagant PC

Teper varto vibrati paragraph System update at the bottom:

If you want to start the installation of Windows copies on the hard disk:

As a result, the master is guilty to know Windows 7... Vibrate and onslaught far:

The Windows update menu is guilty:

It is clear for which skin point:

  • update to launch- updating Windows and system files
  • System update- system renewal from the points of renewal. The update points are set up automatically when important, installation of system upgrades, and can also be set up manually with the help of
  • System image renewal- Windows update from disk image
  • Windows Support for memory diagnostics- revision of the operational memory for the appearance of pardons. Finish the cinnamon stick.
  • Command row- command row for manual update

Interest for us is the first two points, as well as the last. a selection of update to launch... The simplest way of updating the system is normal. Startup yogo. The diagnosis is due to start:

In ten hours the problem will (or not) be corrected:

Another menu item is now visible - System update... I will try to update the system from the control points of the update. To run mo System update:

Now I will vibrate and stop the point of renewal and onslaught far:

onslaught Ready for the next day

I will rewrite my laptop or my computer.

  • Turning on the PC from the electrical engine for 5-10 seconds: turn on the living unit and turn on the mesh cable, also start the unit uninterrupted living I have such a connection, but a laptop has a battery.
  • From'adnati zovnishniy pristriy: misha, keyboard, printer, sign discs, Modules of a mouthless call and t. D. Iakshcho the reason for the robots to scream themselves at outbuildings, Pochergove cutaneous connection from them can be used to calculate the vinuvattsya.
  • P.S. It is far from knowing the problem that it is possible to look at the descriptive methods, but also, to start analyzing the text about the pardon, which appears before the hour of launching the PC and shukati alternative options.

    Chi will not get bogged down with Windows 7

    Considering the text "BOOTMGR is missing", talk about those who are used to enchant Windows 7 operating systems or are missing. To find out the problem, you need to know the Windows 7 installer disk or the disk with ERD Commander (32bit or 64bit, depending on your OS), which you can find in. At the “Boot device priority” distribution, check the BIOS setting as the first enchanted CD / DVD drive. Then you can use the Windows Installer Disk and select the "System Update" menu item. From the list of installed operating systems (as long as you have a decal), then you need to vibrate and press the "Dali" button. At the window "System update parameters" there are two items - "System update update" and "Command row", you will need a stench and you will need it. The first option is to allow the problem to be automatically put down by the start of the operating system, and in one failure, it will be brought to another. At the command row, type "bootrec / rebuildbcd", press "Enter" and wait for the change to be made in the configuration date by clicking on the "Y" and "Enter" keys. If you want to get rid of the new zavanazhivalny sector for the additional console command "Bootrec / FixВoot" and restart the computer.


    As a result of the pardon compressed distribution of the corrupted Windows 7 files, you may see "BOOTMGR is compressed". The file system driver ntfs.sys, which is responsible for the robot by squeezing the disk, repairing the bootmgr.exe. In this vypadku you know to be able to turn to the help of the Windows 7 instalation disk, in the command row, which requires a number of commands:

    • expand bootmgr temp
    • attrib bootmgr -s -p -h
    • del bootmgr
    • ren temp bootmgr
    • attrib bootmgr -а + s + r + h
    • bootrec / fixboot

    Chi won't get bogged down with Windows XP

    The pardon "NTLDR is missing" to talk about the problem of how to use the NTLDR file, which is used to lock Windows XP. On the view of BOOTMGR in Windows 7, it is possible to save in a very convenient distribution, the NTLDR file is located on the same disk with the operating system. Buvah, for those who are not aware of the fact that they will accept system files with unrecognizable names for many programs and without any information, I see them. Such a share is often perceived as not Windows NTLDR, as well as one critical file for a successful OS lock - ntdetect.com. For the resolution of the problem, the installation disk of Windows XP is required. On the very cob, the process of adding it is necessary to press the "F10" key, to feed it into the update console. In addition, it is necessary to go to the Windows installer disk by speeding the command "X:", de X is the letter of the optical drive.

    • smittyu i386 \ ntldr З:
    • smittyu i386 \ ntdetectcom W:

    Denmark is also efficient at losing any of the system files, copies of which can be found on Windows 7 and XP disks. The "NTLDR is compressed" pardon is very rare, very hard to get rid of computers running Windows XP without the SP2 upgrade package. You can appear in quiet drops, if at the root of the C: drive there are a lot of files. There is a similar problem with the confusion of the NTLDR username to see it in the same way, as in the case of the first installment, or even if it is seen - by copying the original file from the Windows XP installer disk.

    Chi is not known to be entangled

    Schedule a pardon about a pardon "No bootable device"і th numerical va-RIAC ("Boot device not found", "Invalid boot device", "Non system disk or disk eggor", etc.) so yak do not bach the zavanazhuvalny sector, or to navіt a hard drive. To be aware, there is a problem - on the software or hardware level, just go to the already known section "Boot device priority" to adjust the BIOS. As a hard disk among the proprietary options does not appear, it means that the problem is in the possession. You can go to SATA or IDE cable or hard drive power cable, or HDD vyshov is happy. As long as the computer normally detects a hard disk, the reason is to be of a software nature and to be scrambled into the head copy-write (MBR) - either it’s, or it’s awake. The situation is relevant immediately for Windows 7 and XP on the view of the displayed options. Having locked up from the installer disk, visit the updated command in the console: "bоtгes / fixmbr" (for Windows 7) or "fixmbr" (for Windows XP).

    Driver's pit

    Regardless of the critical pardon of Windows, which is called "blue screens of death" through the background color, - to expand the problems in Windows XP, and the axis in Windows 7 tried to break the system to a greater extent in the whole time. cause BSoD maybe it’s wrong to do it properly, for example, operative memory... Most often BSOD updates at the early stage are added to the add-on drivers and replace the text "DRIYER_IRQL_NOT_ LESS_OR_EQUAL" from the SYS extensions file at once. You can see the problematic driver through the Add-on Manager, you can try to start Windows in ovenless mode So, as in the new vikorist, there is a minimal set of drivers. For the whole, it is necessary to lock the OS for an hour by pressing the key "F8" and select the item "Safe mode". Yaksho when locked up in ovenless mode « blue screen death "all one appears, it is necessary to turn to past version driver, there were no problems. The price can be changed for an additional point of renewal, as it was done earlier. For Windows 7, it is necessary for an hour to lock the OS to press the "F8" key and in the menu, vibrate the item "Shock and suspect computer malfunctions." If you want to use it, use the same menu “Update settings” as you would when the Windows installation disk was installed. There is a point "System update", in which you can vibrate one of the explicit points for displaying.

    Postcode zavanazhuvach file

    The pardon for the mind "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: Windows \ System32 \ im'ya file.dll" power deprives Windows XP operating systems. Vaughn can be a wiklican for a weekend or for a day config file pre-installed Boot.ini, which does not get stuck in the new version of the OS. You can see the problem with the help of the "bootcfg / rebuild" command in the Windows XP update console, as the new Boot.ini file can be easily installed. Visibility in the systems of the first files, in the first place the drivers in the SYS extensions, run in Windows 7, and in XP. The most effective way to fix the problem is to rotate the file on the desktop by joking a copy on the Windows installation disk, and then showing it to your computer with the same version of the OS, or to joke the file by typing it into the Internet. As long as there is no other PC by hand, then for the joke, zapping and copying of files, LiveCD will be known from the OS, as you do not need to install it. One of the best zychnykh optionsє. Vinyatk є files of the system registry System, Software, SAM, Security and Default, which are stored in the folder C: \ windows \ system32 \ config. Replace them with copies from your computer is not visible, so one option will be left to see the update control point. For Windows XP, for the whole of it, you need to use the standard keys to restore the operating system, and also start the process of regenerating the OS. For the sake of demand, go to the Windows XP update console, as described above, and select a number of commands (look for the butt of the System registry file):

    • md tmp
    • smittyu c: \ windows \ system32 \ config \ system s: \
    • windows \ tmp \ system.bak
    • delete c: \ windows \ system32 \ config \ system
    • smittyu c: \ windows \ repair \ system c: \ windows \
    • system32 \ config \ system

    Utilities for diagnostics and repair

    The reason for buggy problems due to Windows tampering can be bad sectors of the hard disk (bad blocks). Revision the hard disk with the help of the MHDD program, which can be launched from the disk (the image can be downloaded for free). In the menu of the programs, it is necessary to vibrate the list of the hard disk number and start scanning the sectors on the pardons and corrections - «Remap | ON ". Bad blocks (bit blocks), as a rule, concentrate on the cob of a hard disk, so you can change the space from the OS to the problem area. For a full drive, an enchanted disk with the MiniTool Partition WIZard editor is NOT. (In the program menu, select "Partition 1 Move / Resize"). BSOD can be made from RAM. You can test RAM modules with a non-sticky add-on

    There are three extended pardons at least, which will cause problems due to the problems with Windows 7. When pardons are announced, the system will display a short notice on the monitor screen, in any case, in which a problem is pointed out. Itself with small orders and we will be keruvatis in case of new problems that have come to an end.

    Mabut, popular pomilka - Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press Enter

    An offensive situation is characteristic: you turn on the computer, and altogether replace the emergency operation Windows systems 7, you can see the writing. Chi means those that the system has recognized the disk, which does not start the system, so that the Windows 7 system files that are necessary for launching on the whole disk are not necessary. Viklikano can be for different reasons. Picked up from the newest.

    Mozhliviy option. In the DVD-ROM, there is a buv of disk insertions, or a flash drive and your BIOS adjustments are connected, so that, for the change, I will start one of these noses. In addition, the system cannot know the need for launching files on a flash drive or a DVD disc, and occasionally about a pardon.

    Usunennya. Slid to try to connect absolutely all calls accumulated: telephones, memory cards, flash drives and call disks. When you play the computer, turn on the computer again. Shvidshe for everything, the system will be launched correctly once and for all.

    You may be, well, recommendation, you must not help the food. In such a case, you need, in the first place, in the BIOS settings, to add the startup settings for your system disk. And in a different way, you can change your system by entering the BIOS into your system disk. Maybe bootie, wіn viyshov s fret.

    As long as the system correctly displays the system disk, it is in your power to speed up. Tse mi torknemsya trochi p_zn_she, go to the end of the statty.

    As long as the system does not represent your main hard drive, you can try to see it and go back, or in the nest, by the way, as if it is there.

    It is also possible to bring to the fore there may be some other problems, for example, viruses, etc. In any kind, it is more beautiful than anything else for an ear to reconsider those methods that we have guessed about. Shvidshe for all the stink spratsyuyut. Well, it’s kindly requested in the final statistics, in which they told us about the problem of Windows 7 for additional utilization.

    BOOTMGR is missing

    At the touch of a mercy, you also cannot correctly start Windows 7 - sometimes on the black screen - BOOTMGR is missing. There are many problems and reasons, including all kinds of viruses. Vona may be a viclikan with the gracious acts of an unrecognized koristuvach, which vypadkovo changing the enchanting record of a hard disk. Likewise, physical problems of the HDD are not often the reason for the recognition of the pardon.

    Usunennya. Revision, the hard drive itself, on which the system is installed. Call for help until the middle of the update to Windows 7, about the bottom of the trochi.

    Graveyard NTLDR is missing. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart

    The problem manifests itself practically as well as in front of it. For її usunennya also varto vikoristovuvati the middle of usunennya problems.

    When starting Windows 7, the black screen and the cursor of the mouse

    Even when the system is staged, it is not necessary to use a working style from the start menu, but all that can be done is to show Misha, it means that everything is not so smooth, and in the case of a large number of problems, just put it in. Even more often, a pause was found because of the additional anti-virus programs, such as a serous virus, which has already risen up a bit of hard work and even if you have been corrected by an anti-virus not in the world.

    Usunennya. Restart the computer and as soon as the Misha indicator appears, press Ctrl + Alt + Del. The dispatcher of the plant will appear immediately.

    You will need to vibrate the "File" menu in the same way as the new zavdannya (viconati). At the end of the dialog, enter the command regedit and enter Enter. Tse run the editor of the Windows 7 system.

    We will need to have a look at the sections in the editor:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows NT / Current Version / Winlogon /
    - HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows NT / Current Version / Winlogon /

    Now it is necessary to add the value Shell.

    With the first change over, the Shell parameter is set in Explorer.exe If it’s not so, then I’ll set myself up independently. For another, you need to go into the section and wonder: if you have a Shell record in the presence, then you need to see it. Now it’s too much to shut down at the end of the restart and just restart the computer. All are guilty of being in their own place.

    And so, everything that could not be put down independently, can be learned with the help of standard utilities systems

    In most cases, in case of problems, such as before the start of the operating system, we can update the Windows 7 update screen. We can also help us with the updated system launch. If the renewal screen does not hang independently, then when the system is re-installed, the keys can F8... Viberit in the menu "Poshuk and usunennya computer malfunctions"

    You will be seen as soon as possible, if you will be revealing information about those who will be able to retrieve files in the system, you should also be asked to vibrate.

    Friends, you have more than once been diagnosed with problems due to the security of the operating system, and you asked the power supply to update the security of Windows 7 and the update, so the operating system was locked up normally. There are very few ways to update Windows 7, which add-on in a large number of windows, are available in the latest statistics.

    1. Updating Windows 7 for an additional update

    Enhancement with your version of Windows 7. In addition, the size of the system has been improved (32-bit or 64-bit). Also, bazhano schob zbigavsya vipusk (Home, Professional, Ultimate).

    Replacement of vibration installation "System update".

    Proceed to the window "System update parameters" and vibrate with the "Launch update" update.

    With the help of the whole program of renewal to make a joke of pardons in the enchanting sector and in the enchanting distribution of Windows 7 and when you try to correct it. It will be necessary to rewire the system and Windows 7 can be booted up normally.

    If the first time you didn’t push the update to Windows 7, then try repeating the process 1-2 times. The price is often supplemented, so as a result of the update, you can not expect to get a lot of problems in one pass.

    2. Updating Windows 7 for adding command line

    If you don’t want to update Windows 7 for the additional automatic update, then try to update the command row. Customize your version of Windows 7 and change the setting to vibrate "System Update".

    Move to the window "Parameters of the system update" and vibrate with the update "Command row".

    The message will appear in a window with a black background, in which case it is necessary to write a number of commands.

    Enter the following command:

    bootrec / fixmbr
    bootrec / fixboot
    bootsect / nt60 ALL / force / mbr

    Changing the move is carried out by the same keys "Alt" + "Shift". For the introduction of the skin command (rows), it is necessary to press the "Enter" key.

    Then restart your computer.

    Writing in a large number of problems, related to the enticing sector and Windows bootloader 7, to know the operating system will be okay.

    As soon as the victorian line of the command row, Windows 7 is not all the same, then try again the victoristovuvati will automatically pick up the update, as they looked at the food.

    3. Updating the Windows 7 backup from the system reinstallation

    If you are not aware of the intrusion of the operating system in the described ways, then it will be better for everything to be done with the visible razdiliv.

    front reinstalling Windows 7 Copy all files important to you from the hard drive to any. The price can be zrobiti for help entangling disc LiveCD. Steal, if the call is the drive or the flash drive is connected to the PC until the ear is connected to the LiveCD, the smell may not come out.

    If you won't be able to reinstall Windows 7 through the pardons, then you can see all the razdiliv from the disk for additional third-party utilities, for example, the Acronis Disk Director. For more knowledge, try out the stems of the new razdіlіv.

    If you reinstall Windows 7 on the stage of setting up the disk (opening the disk, vibrate the disk for installation), or if you reinstall the computer during the installation process, you will see the number of pardons added, then start the command row and see the command line.

  • Pomodki at vicoristann_ disk utilities
  • incorrect activators
  • Installing Windows on an explicit distribution at once with zavanazhuvach
  • In order to prevent problems from being entangled in the future, it is necessary to pay attention to the problems and not to repeat the pardons. If you don’t need to update Windows, find out about the installation and robotic system, go to the site http://esate.ru you will know the instructions for the latest problems with the operating system.

    ASP900S3 75E120BW F120GBLSB
    SSDSC2BW240H601 75E250BW SSDSC2BW240A4K5 7KE256BW

    1. Enter the name of the regional record and the password from it:
    1. Now a menu will appear with a choice of options for updating:

    Clearly їх values:

    • Automatic diagnostics mode. Correct the majority of other grants.
    • View the operating system to the front control point.
    • Allows you to update Windows from a copy, like a copy on a hard disk, or a new name for a long time.
    • The program for the memory test will run in the same drop-down, when problems with RAM are spared. For example, "blue screen of death" for robots from a PC.
    • Allowing the visonuvati command and the posture of the running OS.

    Vikoristannya 2 and 3 points are more likely to be lost in quiet drops, if the checkpoints have been added to the checkpoints / archivuvannya tribute.

    For the cob, select the first item.

    1. The PC will start the diagnostics, as it will automatically be done by the robot. Look like this:
    1. Check in before the end, the check would not take an hour for the conversion procedure. Utilita powering your license for renewal. Tisnemo "Vidnoviti":
    1. After a couple of hilin, the software will finish the robot, and you will finish it off. Kilkom on the assigned button and the check-up will be re-assigned to the attachment:
    1. The screen saver with the Windows 7 logo appears on the screen - the initial launch of the operating system:

    If the procedure was successful, then you can easily start the PC and continue to use it, as before. As soon as the problem of fixing it is not far into the distance, and the computer is still freezing, or if it doesn’t start up for an hour, we’ll try some of the methods.

    Update from checkpoint

    Windows for the change periodically set checkpoints, linked to any pod. Viconati can be viewed from a working OS, but not in our vipad.

    1. For the whole knowledge of the problem, there are other options:
    1. Writing a check is included in the checkpoint majestr and follows the algorithm. On the first screen, "Dali" is stamped.
    1. Vibrate the point of saving by the date, if the OS is incomparable during the day. I will continue the procedure.
    1. The update process is started with the "Finish" button. If you want to appear in a window with the confirmation of the day.
    1. If the update is successful, you should step up to the next step. Overwrite the computer.
    1. Check the included computer. As soon as the Viconan's operation is successful, the next day will appear on the screen. Yogo you can just shut up and prodovzhuvati koristuvatisya attachment!

    In a large number of types of options with control points for additional help when incorrect changes are made to system settings abo reєstr.

    As soon as you used the system backup, you can update the OS with additional help. For the price, you need to fix it like this:

    1. I am aware of the diagnostics and updates when starting the computer with the F8 key. Vibiraєmo third point.
    1. The point "Viber the image of the system" is by far the most important and we pass to the offensive croc.
    1. The table is to blame for the list of OS archives, up to which the computer has access. Vibiraєmo demand and embossed "Dali". Pislya tsyogo pohnetsya automatic update Windows from the image. As the list is displayed, as shown on the screenshot, it means that the system did not perform the archiving automatically.

    The software is updated at once with the settings and configuration settings for the user.

    Another option available in the standard update mailer. With this additional help, you can set up a backup copy of the registry, carry out diagnostics of files in the system, update new files.

    1. The most recent item in the middle of the update:
    1. Before us, there is a vicious command line with one loss of visibility: for cmd, launched without Windows hard drivesє autonomous. To that, the introduction of commands will be watched by descho inakshe. fit row sfc / scannow / offbootdir = C: \ / offwindir = C: \ Windows, De first shlyakh vkazu letter system disk, And the other - the road to dad windows... Tisnemo Enter for storing.

    Now check the end of the rewrite of the structure of the system files. As soon as the computer is turned on, it will be correct when the computer is turned on.

    Bakeless mode

    When the PC is on, you can launch the menu with an expanded list of actions. Among them are Lunch Startup Repair, descriptions of the food, and also in the edge of the brown.

    Do not wait to start Safe Mode. In case of serious problems or injuries on the side of the possession of the Danes, the option is not practical.

    1. When re-zapping the computer, F8. It is necessary to wake up to that moment, if the envious Windows screen appears. With a quick onslaught, strike the step:
    1. Here it is necessary to run a non-baked mode (a special one, with a gridded driver for access to the Internet or a command line). For renewal of bazhano choose the third option. If you want to checkout, as long as the program is to lock up all files:

    The name of the safe mode Windows 7 is very similar to the standard OS. Forgiveness interface and black working style will appear on the screen. In this mode, you can drive to the control point.

    You can say that the Safe Mode functional is an analogue of the cost for updating, about what was said about. However, here you can run deyakі programs and work with files, which is a plus.

    The instructions for launching the update from the control point are clear:

    1. Display "Start" and go to the "Control Panel".
    1. We go to the section "Renovation".
    1. Now, onslaught, I will designate a button to launch the maister.

    It is unwise to update the system according to the additional image of the system in the unheated mode (only in the fast mode).

    Now you can access the command row functionality in Safe Mode:

    1. Launching the program through a shutter in the "Start" menu or Win + R by entering the cmd command.
    1. introduced chkdsk command/ R і embossed Enter for hard disk analysis.
    1. Wait for the suggestion of flipping the disk when the Y key is restarted.
    1. Reload the PC, so check it out before the end of the rewrite. If the disposal is possible, correct the pardons and sales.

    An analysis of the active breakdown of the viconati s-pid running Windows is not a matter of course, the procedure itself will be carried out at the restart.

    The upcoming version of the command row in its own purposes - the price of updating the files in the launch. Danish method You can also use the text "BOOTMGR is missing" to see the pardon, so that the computer will not endlessly reload. For cmd, you need to enter the bcdboot.exe command C: \ Windows (you need to change the letter of the system partition to yours) and press Enter:

    I will vikonano replace the updated files in the launch on the new one. If you want to re-install, you need to re-configure "Smka" on a problem-free inclusion.

    Repair Windows Registry

    Now the log is visible to the registry through the command row. The power and the ability to re-enter the record of all changes in the system. Yaksho koristuvach newviv be-yaki parameters or having installed the software, then the register is tse fiksuє. Through troubles in new, problems can be detected when starting Windows 7. Manually updateable backups register:

    1. Launching the command line through "Computer Problems Usunennya" and entering the notepad command. We know the notebook for otrimannya access to the provider.
    1. Onslaught with a combination Ctrl + O, then the guardian appears. Now open path C: \\ Windows \ system32 \ config.
    1. Here roztashovani files with names, meaning on the screen shot - the tse dyuchy reєstr. It is necessary to change it. For example, add ".OLD" in kіntsі.
    1. If all files will be renamed, the "RegBack" folder is displayed, and the backup copies will be saved.
    1. View one file at a time (copy it all at once), embossed with Ctrl + C.
    1. Turning into the "Config" directory and clicking Ctrl + V, then insert the backup file. Proposed the same operation with the use of documents.
    1. Now you need to restart your computer and rewrite Windows

    To speed up this method, it is necessary to restart the computer again and press the F8.

    Begins respect for the item "I left the configuration":

    When the choice of the program was selected, the optimal parameters of the "sample" were selected, when the system was started at a distance.

    Perevirka on the appearance of viruses

    Theft of the computer is more stable and more stable. It is not easy to deal with the situation, if the PCs are infected with viruses, then it is considered to be launched, or it is monitored through special devices. Oskіlki perevіrіtіtsemi tsemi can not be in a zychayom mode, for help come unhealthy. Including yogo from entrants knitted drivers i vikonuvati nasvne:

    1. Scanning the system and seeing viruses, you need a separate scanner. Power it up: why can I scan my PC with my antivirus? Surely, you can, as long as you have established.
    2. Launches the file. Utility not to go through the process of іnіtsіalіzatsіyu і do not take over - at all її pole in front of antiviruses. A tick is put on the first screen.
    1. Now embossed the button "Press the rewrite".
    1. Chekaєmo, when I leave the post I will scan the entire system. It’s a row, it’s okay to run for an hour, don’t kick around - it’s okay.
    1. In the beginning of the procedure, you should hit it. If the problem is not in viruses, then it will not be contaminated. In the first place, the program itself is to be seen or put into quarantine.

    Visiting the priority

    When the computer is turned on, a screen appears with the text "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER", then there is a great deal of the incorrectly set priority in the BIOS parameters.

    Do not forget to reconcile connecting hard drive to the computer, check the correctness on the attachment and carry out diagnostics. If possession is correct, it means that "Simka" cannot be vantaged through the priority.

    We can start to see "BIOS" and practice with it:

    1. Once the PC is turned on, you need to press F2 on the first screen. Play the offensive interface:
    1. Manage it only with keys (see the bottom of the screen). From there you go to the "Boot" section.
    1. Save the money that one can re-enable the PC by the onslaught of the F10. Writing the weather on the screen with the "Yes" button.

    The current BIOS version can be seen in three ways in the presence of the motherboard model or specific firmware. However, the principle of giving and calling the distributions is as similar as possible.

    If you log on to "Windows", then please - additional operations will not be needed, but your OS is correct. If it didn’t give a result, then do not mix it up and collapse the distance according to the instructions.

    Vikoristovuєmo enchanting a USB flash drive

    If you do not have a tampering drive for Windows 7, then open it yourself for an additional empty flash drive / DVD drive and instructions from our site.

    Otzhe, to launch the menu of the enchanting machine in the next time, navigate the robot with the BIOS, read the instructions in the front section. I know the onslaught of pressing the launch of the menu (you can see in the presence of the firmware model), if the computer starts up, and it is projected to the priority. Only once a USB flash drive is connected on the first place.

    Restart your computer, start it up Windows Installer 7. Follow the instructions:

    1. At the stage of setting up, move to print "Dali".

    To remove the adjustment at the factory, you need to turn on the computer from the bottom, take out the battery and put it back in 1-2 minutes. In order to turn on the settings and convert the robot. Remember, if there is a similar discount, the date and hour in the settings - you will need to display them again.

    If the date and hour are permanently sent to the factory, then you will not be able to do without replacing the battery with a new one.

    Option for laptops

    At the same time, if you have a Windows 7 license on a laptop, repairs can be done without diagnostics or out-of-date noses. The OS will keep up with the added recovery utility. At the skin virobnik laptops, the stink of growth, ale, approximately the same control and interface with Russian language.

    The add-on can be launched either in the robotic "Simts" or in front of the laptop. For the launch of the display, one of the system keys or combination. For example, on the outbuildings of the HP company - the F11, the Acer Alt + F10 and so far. Through the program, an OS license will be established, as it is not possible for any other activation.

    If there is no help

    It is also possible to know additional help from the fahivtsa, as it is possible to find out about the apparatus inequities. Most often the reason is the motherboard, the hard disk, or the operative memory. Without professional knowledge, you can't fix a PC.


    Privit, chanovny readers Denis Trishkin on the call.

    pratsyuchi most hour at the computer, it is a lot of people who are trying to get out of the situation, if they just do not have Windows 7 vantage. Please go back to the topic in detail, I will try to look at the most popular options. Unimportant to those who are rich, all the same, the presence of a singing classification.

    If there is a wide range of options, through the operating system, the system is brought into motion mode, and there is a black screen:

      hard disk problems;

      the wrong side of the building was displayed;

      a flash drive is inserted into the USB port;

    • problems with operational memory;

      installation update is incorrect.

    Start system only in ovenless mode( )

    In some cases, you can get lost in the situation, if Windows is shut down only in ovenless mode. For the ear, it is necessary to try to guess what could serve as a problem for the diagnosis of injustice. Not often the reason є the installation of a new add-on. In addition, for a group of the most popular reasons, you can easily introduce the transitions on advertising banners in the Internet, change the installation of the hardware part, add new attachments.

    To resolve the problem, you will need to try to turn everything around, as it was before the wrong appears. If the problem appeared after installing the programs, I will need to see:

    Well, the problems have come to a head as a result of attaching an annex, my prophesied інші дії. I recommend that you go to the full method, if you see the blue screen of death just like that, without any hardware changes.

    Otzhe, timidly advancing:

    Learn in detail about the problems, through which the screen of death appears, it is possible that you have changed.

    It is good to go( )

    It’s not easy to get overwhelmed by the situation, if Windows doesn’t shut down for a long time. Tobto stink bach write: "", and everything will end. Yak and in case of any other problems, the reasons can be simple. We see only a few of the most popular ones.

    As a result of the installation of a total software security, Bazhano speed up to help antiviruses. For the whole it is necessary to turn to "" for the additional button " F8". І launch a new solution. In an hour, the robot can independently complete the program in " dispatcher».

    Windows may hang on logos as a result of insufficient thermal regulation of the hardware part. Whole can overwhelm the non-permeable coolers, the thermal grease has dried up, the number of the saw is majestic. In order to establish a reason, to finish quickly with one utilities, how to show some temperature modes. It is necessary to obtain information about the data from the documentation. It’s necessary to clean up the stench in the passports, and if necessary, replace the components.

    This element can also overload. In addition, malfunctions are caused by the mechanical operation of the component. To establish the exact reason, it is necessary to carry out the actions of the test. You can read the details.
    As a result of this, as a result of injuries occurring through overheating, it is necessary to take advantage of the results of heat input. Behind the help of them, karystuvachi can significantly reduce the risk of the output from the RAM.

    For deyakikh vipadkah additional help is viciously replaced. The main problem of the field is in the fact that factory defects can manifest themselves through a few months of active victories.

    Some malfunctions of the operating system are directly linked to the Winchester robot. There can be both logical, electronic and mechanical pardons. Often, the leader of problems is unrecognized sounds, such as coming from general possession. You can read the information you need to read it in.

    renovation( )

    In some cases, the operating system is updated correctly. Head over to the head, when the screen appears when the system is overridden. If so, you need to try to see the correctness of Windows by going to previous versions... The price can be saved from a disk, which contains є files for installing the operation. You can also try to use a USB stick.

    Inodі navіt ryatu option " Configuring the configuration with the remaining operational parameters", You can vibrate by pulling on" F8»Wait an hour for the start of the possession.

    I don't know if the problem can be violated if Windows has been re-installed, quickly and with the best possible options for updating the workload. You can learn more about it.

    As you can see, there are a lot of reasons, through which the operating system from Microsoft may not want to be blocked. When the skin is full of them, use wet tools.

    I am encouraged, and you can know the right option for yourself. Pay beforehand and tell me about my blues.