Photos in order: five programs for organizing photo collections. How to organize photos on a computer

With the appearance digital cameras it became possible to photograph absolutely no matter how many objects and, what is the most heady, how many. Digital technologies do not impose any restrictions on the ease of taking the signs. The uninterrupted result of this was those that the number of photographs created by an amateur photographer, which does not seem to be about professionals, has increased. On the available memory card to the camera, you can easily place hundreds of shots or shoot thousands of frames at maximum brightness. Moreover, only a small part of these photo images is friended, the latest photo archives are stored on the hard drive of the computer.

Here, before the photographer, you should be more respectful of food - how to save the greatness of a large number of digital images, so that you don’t get lost in the majestic obsyazy of files and, if you are able to quickly know the necessary photograph? With such tasks of cataloging and ordering the photo archive, a practical leather photographer sticks. What is the best way to organize your home photo archive in order to secure an easy flash and quick retouching of the shots taken by the year?

Organizing your home photo archive

It needs to be said that the problem of solving the problems of ordering and photographing skins from photographs copes with a high, individual order. Ale, in any case, all the shots taken are transferred by the photographer from different flash drives and disks to hard drive computer, which can be specially designed to save archives and maintain a catalog. The easiest way to catalog photographs is to rename all photographs and place files on disk in four folders with their song names in advance. So the photographer in this way is engaged in cataloging the selected frames manually, renaming the files and transferring them to the required folders.

Such a pedigree can be celebrated by an amateur photographer, who does not often know, mainly, for example, family photographs. You have no need to go into folding methods of cataloging. It is enough to create a large number of folders for skin rock with subfolders for singing pods - turpohyd, zustrich from friends and summer vіdpochinok. In this way, all folders with photographs will be sorted out on a hard disk in chronological order, which should be done manually for the sake of the necessary photographs.

Similar simple system the cataloging of the home archive is good practice, if the number of photographs is insufficiently large. Ale, as practice shows, to instill in the best amateur photographers the number of hired personnel is growing at an avalanche-like pace. As a result, the entire procedure for renaming and relocating files becomes stale. But more importantly, once a photographer has to guess, until what fate or other signs are seen, what kind of wine do you want to know. And with a new skin zyomkoy, the camp is less likely to be relieved. Therefore, there are a lot of photographers, who take pictures from great cultures, in order to be more beautiful with special programs for cataloging photographic images. Such photo organizers are based on the principle of physical sorting into folders and sorting frames for additional key words.

Cataloging photographs for additional software benefits

Get back to ordering that cataloging of the great commitment of digital znіmkіv You will be assisted by a special program - a photo organizer. Today in the world you can know enough, they are expanding absolutely free of cost, while others are transferring licenses. To the most popular and requested photo organizers, you can add such programs as Adobe Photoshop Album, Lightroom, PicaJet Photo Album, Extensis Portfolio, iView, Photo Cataloging, Google Picasa, FotoAlbum Pro and many others. The cataloging of photographs in more similar programs is carried out for the additional placement of hired personnel in their own collection, in which all information is divided into single categories. All of these categories can also be divided into subcategories and labels. All photographs, placed in such a collection, are designated as metadata, that is, a tribute about photographs that avenge songs keywords, date of harvest short description. The program creates logical folders with photos to guess different physical folders, however, the files that appear in them can be found not in one specific place, but in different physical folders. hard drive computer.

The logical father saves less power on the image files. Obviously, it means that in the skin photo collection, as I create a coristuvach, pictures from different necks can be figured. In this way, the program automatically organizes a SQL database with previews of all photos that are placed on the hard drive. Such programs will secure the handy and quick search of the hired personnel and their demonstration. Moreover, organizers of photographs often do not mix with cataloging digital images and show the photographer such additional possibilities, like adjusting the image, adjusting the sharpness and contrast, cropping photographs and more.

It dawned on me that such a program can be used for archives with a great deal of photographs. But in order to place the photographs in the catalogue, it is necessary to secure their official data on the back of the head. Zovsim neobov'yazkovo safe skin photography report description. The key words to be blamed are to be short, and the head of the head is to make the process of searching for photographs easier. When the skin of a new batch of photographs is placed in the catalog, the stink is looked at at a glance, then the signs are seen that did not appear, and a slight correction of the image is made. Any photographs can be immediately converted to black-and-white format, or change the size of the color of the image for additional possibilities of the photo organizer.

Given a skin photo image, it hopes to have its own special mark - key words. Moreover, such key words in the catalog can be mothers of kіlka rivnіv, for example, "Move" - ​​"Kraina" - "Czech Republic" - "Prague". Krіm key words, before the photograph, you can add a descriptive description, zokrema, de і for some circumstances, the image was crushed. The photographs are also obov'yazkovo accompanied by a badge about the date of the hire. For the help of key words and the system icon of the program, I will surely need you to take a photograph, or to provide a list of characters that will be searched for key words. Moreover, you can search for a search not only for the keys, but for naming the album the date of the capture. You can also quickly look through all the photographs that have been taken for a period of time for you. The photographs in the catalog may be accompanied by your special rating, so you could immediately guess about the most recent and most famous shots in a particular photo shoot. With the help of the photo organizer, you can easily transfer your collections to other media and record them on DVD discs, as well as create a slide show with subtitles and music.

It is also obvious that the cataloging of photographs requires a laborious process that allows the photographer to review the skin mark, posting it with key words and description. However correct organization photoarchives will definitely pay off a hundredfold, even if it’s worth asking questions about the shots taken by the plot, the date and other criteria. Work with a catalog of photographs to ensure the cost savings of an hour.

Practically in a skin person, what is covered by a digital camera, thousands, and maybe tens of thousands of different photographs have accumulated on the computer. The leather of this majestic archive is taken differently. Somebody, in one catalog of anonymous folders with names and dates, relevant photographs, and some people save them for different disks, merezhevyh shovishcha, in different folders i, as much as possible, deyaki have long been forgotten in the papacy with the name "Nova papka" :)

Zvichayno, if on the whole computer there are scattered photographs for a few years - one thought about their ordering and that sound of a negative opinion. Ale, not everything is so bad, as it seems at first glance :) It depends on how you save photos - With this archive, the Google Picasa program will help you. I will try to report the process of organizing the home photo archive in help Google picasa.

In just one year, the following results can be achieved:

  1. Know all the photos on your computer, find out, you forgot about yaks.
  2. Put them in order and learn how to quickly tell you the photos you need!

Automatic search for saved photos.

Let's start from the first point. As I have already written, for cherishing with a home photo archive, I will use a vicorous arch Google program picasa. Tse bezkoshtovny and even harder photo manager. You can grab yoga on the official side: // Installed programs run smoothly and calmly: run installation file and we'll wait for us, what should we preach to us.

Before that, as a robot with Google Picasa, remember two important words:

Picasa won't store photos on your computer: When you open the Picasa program, you just look through the folders on your computer and show the photos you find. Vaughn displays files of task types in folders selected for a joke. Weekend photos are always saved: When using the Picasa editing tools, the output files are filled with undersized files. Changes made to the photo, available for review only in Picasa, don't forget to save them. Create your own Picasa style new version photos from the changes made, keeping the original file unchanged.

Otzhe, if Picasa is installed - we start it. As well as all the photos on your computer are stored in different folders or on different disks, I recommend checking in if you can automatically search for photos on your computer.

For me, for example, all photos are saved in one folder, so after the launch I immediately entered the folder, with which program I can work. If you have the same situation, I recommend that you immediately go to the menu Tools -> Folder manager and check the boxes only on the folders in which photos are saved.

If you have photos scattered all over your computer, then you can do nothing, but just make sure Picasa knows all your photos and images.

If the program looks outside the scan of your computer, you will find anonymous folders in the left part of you, for which the image was found. Start Picasa to know absolutely all images on your computer.

Sort and order the photos of the collection.

This list needs to be cleared independently. To clear the list of folders with photos:

Nareshti, if the list of folders will be cleared from the previous one, You can combine the directories that are left in the Collection. For example, in my archive I know a few different folders from my permit in 2012:

In such a look, the names of cich tech are especially uninformative for me. That's why I put them in one collection. For whom:

Now you have no more to look through the entire list of folders and order them for your collections.

Nestrimny bozhannya to photograph everything and all power, be it the master of a digital camera. That's why on the computers of the most important coristuvachiv (who from today's coristuvachiv is not a photographer?) to collect a lot of names quickly, as they are most often found in sadly named folders and may be names, as they mean nothing. It is difficult to find the necessary sign for such gigabyte photo-dirt, even if it is unrealistic to look at the entire photo archive. The results of the unique signs, on which the memories of the hvilini of life, seen more for everything, were seen as the ruins of the midst of a host of other images.
Once in a while, securing quick and easy access to specific photos is not so difficult. For whom it is necessary to think over the system of taking images from your own photo archive and get them to the right specializations of software tools.

Saving znіmkіv on the computer

Let us clearly understand that taking care of all the features of a digital camera is not the best and, obviously, not the best best way. It’s better after skin photography to capture photos on a computer, moreover, it’s more efficient - for now, guess about the future, it’s still fresh in memory. If so, it’s reasonable to let go of filthy shots - blurry sights, poorly lit photographs, out of focus shots, etc. Understandably, the figures from them can be improved by other software tools, a prosthesis for the visibility of such images themselves short capacity Spend an hour on correcting defects in the sack.

Of course, when importing photographs to a computer, it’s better to drop them not in a folder folder - in a different direction, you will spend a lot of time looking for the necessary pictures. Next, expand the hierarchical system for taking images (with the improvement of the nuances of a possible search), and then take the pictures in a way that is right up to the power system of rules.

Іsnuє impersonal options for organizing the storage of images from the photo archive. Clotheli, under the rosor, the calendar -geographical principle is packed behind the folders (at the Tsom Vipad in the IMENI folders FIGUSY DATE I MISTS - LIFE 2011_05_27_THRIT) SUBRYA RNIVAMA, on the YANIKS, on the Yakiki Voni Buli, 2011_131_ in the system, the subject matter is known (landscapes, creatures, living things) too.

Rice. 1. Possibility
photo archive folder structure

In addition, for the sake of a joke, you can appear brown, so that you mean photographs with key words (motherland, admission, corporate event), combining them with yourself in a virtual thematic collection. Tse allow nadalі shvidko vyyavlyat (path filtering chi іnakshe - to lie in the fact that some program zasіb bude vikoristovuvatsya for vyrіshennya tsgogo zavdannya) znіmki z urakhuvannyam key words, scho tsіkalyat. It is better to include such keywords in the process of importing images from the camera, if you want to include the operation and later after saving the photos on the disk. It’s a pity, for some kind of fluff, the cob process of recognizing key words is zazhad the song hour, that’s zusil, though it’s true software allow you to assign keywords to a group of photographs, which will speed up the process. In addition, it is necessary to think carefully about the recognition of key words - with an eye on the transfer of consumption, relying on software tools, which will be the task for keruvannya photo archive.

As far as file names are concerned, not everything is unambiguous here. It is important to try to describe the names of the files, for which it would be easy to orient yourself, what is the sign, the shards can guess on their mind DSC_0705 about those that, let's say, a sign from a family relationship in Thailand, really. It’s easier for you to change the icons after the template. The look of the template is determined by the nuances of the joke. We hope for the presence of presence in the name of the date (maybe, less than the date and month) and the frame number - for example 2011-09-05_0015.jpg or 2011-09_0015.jpg (15th frame, taken on the 5th of spring 2011 or the date of spring 2011) - Rice. 2. It is also possible to add the name of the image to the name of the photo - a variant of the name of a specific photo from the group at this time may look: Thailand_2011-09_0015.jpg. Similar renaming should be done in batch mode (manually renaming hundreds and thousands of files in the same way is unrealistic) - more shortly in the process of importing files, or in the process of importing them from photo archives.

Rice. 2. Batch rename files

Exploring the variant of the hierarchical subdivision of photographs, varto keruvatisya two important principles. First, according to the ability to place the same type of photographs at once - it’s better to ask for orientation. In another way, you should bring the sign to the archive in a single copy, otherwise it will be remembered to increase the archive, and also blame the folding for the necessary editing of the image, which may have duplicates. It is also necessary to consider whether it is better (as in the orientation plan, so from the point of view of the transferred backup) to store your photo archives on an okrem disk or in an okrem partition (ideally - on an okrem old disk), where no other information can be saved.

Cheruvannya with znіmki

You can use a photoarchive after setting up the archival system for saving images on the disk with the help of a variety of software tools. Easier and more accessible - use Windows 7 libraries. Libraries, in fact, are virtual folders, in which files are combined independently from their physical distribution. Zavdyaki to whom I can ask, find out that the files are in order, which are on the computer or in the merezh. Libraries are recognized for more effective storage by documents, music, images and videos, although they can be featured for organizing other files. The review of files in libraries works the same way as in natural folders.

If you work with your own photo archive, you can create a special library for this library, assign it a different name (for example, “Photoarchive”), and then directly from the Windows Explorer, specify the range of folders, so you can find the new library (Fig. Library). Please note that folders with photographs that are indicated can be saved on different carriers (for example, on the hard disk of a stationary PC and the old hard disk), ale, prote, after placing them in the library, you can be seen in one of them. І sruchnіst not only in tsomu - it will also be possible to order files by authority (for example, by date, type just like that), sort those groups by a number of parameters, including keywords (Fig. 4).

Rice. 3. Designate a range of folders for the created Windows 7 library

Rice. 4. Grouping of znіmkіv z urakhuvannâm klavіv through libraries
Windows 7

You can drink in a different way - wink over the graphics, which you are worthy of, in the minimum functionality for organizing photo collections - as a rule, a support of categories, labels and ratings (similar to the possibility of transferring in rich solutions of such a plan). Turn to the solution - on the right, the relish of that gamantsia, shards on the market can be known as recognition of commercial products, as well as a whole year of alternative cost-free programs. Like a butt, we call it good, we see more coristuvachs paid program ACDSee and the cost-free cross-platform viewer XnView, which is gaining popularity. Offending names software product are recognized for revision, organization and simple editing of the image.

Pratsiuvati znіmkami in tsikh rіshennyah easily and zruchno, oskolki rozrobniki handed over different options to review the image, included before them simple tools for vikonannya basic operations editing, thinking functionality for the manual exchange of signs, etc. What is worth organizing the photo archive and taking away the access to the image, what to click, then there is the possibility, obviously, more hostile, lower in the libraries of Windows 7 (for those and specializations of software!). Thus, the rating rating of the image allows you to add a significant value to the skin mark by looking at its value (for example, brightness), so you can know the most requested original image. The use of color marks is also easy to organize - with similar marks, for example, you can designate an image at various stages of the working process (some colors - external marks, others - marks after correction, third, for other marks, etc.) 5. Not less handy are the most common categories, for example, you can easily know the image that can be seen to a specific category, or to wind it up to a kilkoh (Fig. 6).

Rice. 5. Selection of color marks that are tuned in to see the signs
in ACDSee

Rice. 6. Shvidke otrimannya access to znіmkіv vіdrazu z dvuh kategorіy y XnView

As a rule, even more manual option Organizers of photographs are given by the photoarchive, as they are used for ordering and sorting digital images. Therefore, there is nothing marvelous in the fact that these products have more promiscuous possibilities for organizing photo collections and a quick search for them. The decision of a similar plan over the impersonal market. Part of them (such as Apple Aperture, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, ACDSee Pro Photo Manager, etc.) to achieve expensive, foldable in mastering and orientation on professional photographers. At the same time, for these homely koristuvachs, there is not much to worry about - until their services are numerically compact and simple in mastering additions, acceptable for a price or without a cost. How to apply similar programs can be called Zoner Photo Studio, PicaJet and Picasa.

Каталогізувати знімки за допомогою органайзерів фотографій простіше простого - достатньо помістити кожну фотографію відразу в призначений їй логічний каталогкатегорію (рис. 7) або спочатку в загальне сховище, а потім присвоїти знімкам категорії (нерідко з можливістю виділення різних категорій іконками), оцінки та мітки, а also assign keywords (to assign the relevance of the image to specific logical groups). Significantly, that the recognition of the key words can be seen by all the signs and not by one key word at a time (small 8) - the laboriousness of the operation is significantly faster.

Rice. 7. Add files from disk to PicaJet category

Rice. 8. Key words assigned to Zoner Photo Studio

All you can do is to let you know the need for photographs by searching, filtering, sorting and grouping. Particularly varto indicates the possibility of appearance when looking for and filtering key words, why we can see folding prompt requests(with urakhuvannyam like one, and th kіlkoh key words) - fig. 9. Zokrema, manipulating keywords, can be used without special zusils to sort out the nadras hard drives all the signs from the sunset on the river, the blue on the bike, the temples in the course of restoration, the blooming apple trees are thin, and remember that the capture of such objects was carried out along the right, richly developed and at different times.

Rice. nine. shvidky poshuk Improved key words from Zoner Photo Studio

Briefly about the products

ACDSee 14.3

retailer: ACD Systems

Distribution Rozmir: 71.8 MB

Work under management: Windows XP(SP2)/Vista/7

Extension method: shareware (30 day demo -


ACDSee is an all-world reviewer of graphics (Fig. 10), oriented both to professionals and home-grown artists. Includes tools for quick and manual browsing of files in various graphic formats, as well as audio, video files and archives. I'll review the graphics, you can also search for editing and cataloging images, batch processing files, searching for duplicates, online sharing of images, etc.

Rice. 10. Robot with signs in ACDSee

The cataloging in ACDSee is based on the list of categories, ratings and different colors of labels. Categories are created manually (insert the list of basic categories) and can be nested; for short orientation, categories are shown with different icons. The ratings are in the basic program, and the axis of the label can be edited, which allows you to see images up to logical groups, depending on specific tasks. Add key words and geotags, you can edit EXIF-i IPTC-data. Imported in the category Pictures from themselves other outbuildings: hard disk, CD, digital cameras, flash storage, scanners and in. Batch not rename files. With one click of the mouse, you can edit files from different places for as a matter of principle, files up to the so-called Image Basket for further editing or exchange. Under an hour of review, the images appear in front of the miniatures, in front of the screen, or like a slideshow; if necessary, the fragments of the image are unimportantly looked at by the larger one for the help of the “thug”. Take more swedish access it’s clumsy to the required numbers, sorting, grouping and filtering for improving the size of the image, date, rating, tags, EXIF-data, categories and key words.

The editing panel has been introduced into the program, the correction of basic operations (wrapping, framing, etc.), to help correct the exposure of the image, adjust the alignment of the curves, adjust the correction of colors, use the standard of the red eyes to reduce the noise effect, and also to reduce the effect of noise. The names of the operations can be seen not only one by one, but also a few images in batch mode. Transferred tools for image alignment and converting them to others raster formats. In addition, ACDSee allows you to burn pictures to CD / DVD discs, combine them with slideshows, PDF files and web albums, as well as easily share images, capturing them social services, FTP servers, etc.

Zoner Photo Studio 14

Rozrobnik: Zoner Software

Rozmirdistribution kit: Zoner Photo Studio Free - 26.7 MB; Zoner Photo Studio Pro - 87.7 MB

Work under management: Windows XP(SP2)/Vista/7

Extension method: Zoner Photo Studio Free - freeware; two other editions - shareware, 30-day demo (

Price: Zoner Photo Studio Home - $34.99, Zoner Photo Studio Pro - $69.99, Zoner Photo Studio Free - no fees

Zoner Photo Studio - a program that recently appeared on the market, but has already proven itself to be good for managing and editing images and organizing full access to them (Fig. 11). Possibilities what decision It seems that a lot of functions are implemented by retailers looking at professional products, based on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. The program is presented in three editions: cost-free Zoner Photo Studio Free and two commercial ones - Zoner Photo Studio Home and Zoner Photo Studio Pro. The possibility of a cost-free edition is surrounded by basic functionality. In addition, this edition does not have a 64-bit version and will not support GPU-accelerated, as well as a robot on two monitors.

Rice. 11. Organizing a Photo Collection with Zoner Photo Studio

Zoner Photo Studio makes sure that the photo archive is created as a set of albums with the basic folder structure manually adjusted. Albums may not be surrounded by a deposit, and it’s easier to create them by dragging the folder “Albums” of the navigator program to view folders with signs from the window of the explorer. You can access photo archives directly from attachments (from camera memory cards, a scanner, etc.), as well as from websites, PDF files, etc. sorting, budding by a joke and filtering. When filtering and searching, EXIF ​​data, keywords, service text information(title, full description), as well as ratings, tags and GPS coordinates (remaining entered manually or read from Google maps). Transferred the ability to batch rename files after a template.

Mozhlivostі redaguvannya so znachnі that zatsіkavlyat like newcomers, so і put out koristuvachіv. The first ones can flock basic functions(wrapping, framing, reshaping, automatic retouching), and others will be able to turn to such extended editing functions, like correcting equalities, editing color, resurfacing exposure, changing noise, etc. Be-yakі zmіni can zastosovuvatisya not only up to one, but up to a few images in batch mode. There is also functionality for converting images from RAW formats to raster formats and editing EXIF ​​data. Selected photos can easily be taken from a PDF slideshow or turned into a leaflet, you can create a 3D or HDR image. What is worth publishing, then here it is important to create web galleries, record DVD presentations, others (for templates and photo calendars), edit on email, as well as the interest on Facebook, on Flickr and on the Picasa web album.

PicaJet 2.6


Distribution Rozmir: PicaJet FX - 5.91 MB; PicaJet Free - 4.81 MB

Work under management: Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/7

Extension method: PicaJet Free - freeware; PicaJet FX - shareware, 15 day demo (

Price: PicaJet FX - 490 rubles.

PicaJet is a handy and easy-to-download program for cataloging collections of images (Fig. 12). Won is presented in two editions: the cost-free PicaJet Free and the commercial PicaJet FX. In the free edition, only the basic set of functions is included - the screen is not transferred to the folding of categories, the more low-order sorting is just for the sake of it, it is not recommended to choose PicaJet Free for large and collapsible archives. The commercial editorial office has all the necessary effective organization of photo archives in a set of functions, and as a whole can control more home coristuvachiv.

Rice. 12. PicaJet photo collection management

To organize the photo archive in PicaJet, categories are selected, which are created automatically during the addition of images based on the explicit folder structure and/or on the basis of IPTC data or manually. Riven investment category not enclosing. You can add pictures to the collection from a digital camera, scanner, webcam, CD/DVD and hard drive folders. To speed up the process of enhancing the image in the photo archives, it is allowed to press hot keys; it is also possible to quickly import images from the conductor by dragging. With the method of short identification of categories, you can put different icons. Assigned categories are rotated every hour of importing manually, now you can drag a group of tags to a category. Uses functionality for batch renaming of video files based on templates. If you need to see the images, it is not easy to add a description/or rating. Reviewing photos can be sorted by grouping and/or sorting by date, rating, hour and then import; I can watch the slideshow for an hour.

In the editing plan, such operations have been added, such as framing that wrapping, using the red-eyed effect, correcting the sharpness, and auto-correcting too thinly. It is possible to make the correction of a number of images in one click, as well as to change the conversion to a different graphic format "on the fly". Possibility of taking photos in popular formats (including 9x13, 13x18, 10x15), as well as editing metadata (EXIF and IPTC). If I exchange it, then here it means the presence of functionality for creating photo galleries for publishing on websites, burning photo collections on CDs, editing photos on mobile phone, as well as optimizing photos for overpowering them with electronic mail.

Picasa 3.9

retailer: Google

Distribution Rozmir: 14.5 MB

Work under management: Windows XP/Vista/7

Extension method: freeware (

Price: without cost

Picasa is a popular tool for organizing, reviewing and simple photo editing (Fig. 13), which has gained popularity in the great world and for this integration with Picasa web albums. Similar integration expands the possibility of exchanging signs with smaller shorthands, and this is an absolute plus. That functionality of the program is less than equal. However, the way to organize awareness, sales by retailers, in our opinion, is not far away. In addition, the supplement to bring the power to the resource and is able to do it in the middle with a prepared advanced system.

Rice. 13. Organization of a photo archive in Picasa

Albums are credited for cataloging images in Picasa, albums cannot be added. The albums are loaded by hand with the path of finding out the knowledge after scanning or importing the signs, which take away from the koristuvach for an hour. Scanning of hard disks is launched at the first launch of the program, everything is scanned after locking hard disks computer, what to do it for a long time - it's easier to interrupt this process, manually compose the list of directories to be scanned through the folder manager, and restart the scan. Photos from hard discs are added to the photo collection automatically every hour of scanning, moreover, you can add pictures manually by importing images from cameras, CDs, memory cards, scanners, webcams, etc. Krim albums, Picasa has another tool for cataloging - the collection "People". For help, cataloging the signs behind the images on them to people from the connected technology of recognizing the identities is ensured. This collection is being created in the automatic mode - the faces on all the signs are automatically recognized, and then it is necessary to indicate the details of what to chirp on the signs for the creation of new albums. Under an hour of review, the images are displayed in the normal mode, or in the slideshow view with the adjustment of the specified sorting option (after the name, date, etc.). For faster access to the necessary signs, you can mark selected photographs for additional tags, as well as highlight tags - they guess the keywords and allow you to easily find photos through search search. You can also specify geographic data, so that you can attach pictures to google maps Earth.

The editing tools allow you to change the size of photographs, wrap them, frame, and also to perform a number of operations to correct the image (removing the effect of red eyes, virivnyuvannya, adjusting the contrast and color balance, etc.). In addition, you can rename decal photos and batch edit them, as well as edit images online using Functionality for other photos in basic formats, as well as editing EXIF ​​data. It’s easy to create a photo collage from selected pictures, burn pictures to a CD, create a video clip, combine photos in a slideshow, or publish them in Blogger. In addition, you can give access to your albums to other corylists after adding them to Picasa web albums.

XnView 1.99.1

retailer: Pierre E Gougelet

Distribution Rozmir: 4.36 MB

Work under management: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP/Vista/7; є version pіd Mac OS X and Linux

Extension method: freeware (

Price: no cost

XnView is a cost-free cross-platform viewer of images and other multimedia files (Fig. 14) with support for a large number of formats (on Narazi- More than 500). The program allows you to easily browse, convert and convert image files, and is also equipped with a number of additional functions, including the presence of simple tools for organizing photo collections.

Rice. 14. Work with a collection of znіmkіv in XnView

Photo archive management in XnView is based on different categories, the contribution of which is not limited. The assignment of categories to the icons is carried out manually and can be done at the same time to all of the marked files. You can add pictures to the photo archive from the disk, as well as from scanners and digital cameras. Crimium subdivisions of categories, to simplify the orientation of the middle of impersonal signs, it is possible to recognize the assessment and color signs, as well as marking. Under the hour of reviewing photographs, it is allowed to include sorting by date, rating, format, width / height, orientation, description, commentary; possible review of selected icons in the slide show mode. Implemented in the program and in the wake of the search for improvements basic parameters image, including EXIF-i IPTC-data. The possibility of batch converting and batch renaming of files has been transferred.

The utility is equipped with a basic set of functions for editing images (including changing the size, wrapping, framing), allowing you to adjust brightness, contrast, gamut and color balance, and tools automatic fitting rіvnіv, usunennya effect of red eyes, the imposition of simple filters and effects and іn. A lot of operations can zastosovuvatsya once to a group of images in batch mode. You can edit the IPTC data. If necessary, the XnView utility can also be used for image reordering, file sharing, panorama image creation, screenshot retrieval, multi-side file generation, web pages and others.


Photo archives at all different places, so it’s very possible for them to work with them, however, from all the correspondents, the search for the necessary signs in the archives takes a lot of time. Cardinally speed up yoga, maybe the organization of photo collections is more correct, so we can think out a system of catalogs in the archives and the installation of specialized software tools.

Ієєєrarchіchnuyu system kozhen koristuvach chooses himself, depending on the subject matter known and the authorities' priorities - here is a smut, so that it will be convenient for you. As far as software tools are concerned, then everything can be stored in terms of cataloging and folding of the search. Who will have plenty of opportunities Windows libraries 7 or a simple cost-free reviewer, otherwise it will give priority to more functional paid solutions: the popular program for reviewing ACDSee, or one of the most looked at photo organizers, among the most convenient for cataloging, we have seen the Zoner Photo Studio program.

Free software for photo collections | picasa picasa, a popular tool like Google - it's handy no-cost program, yak pіdіyde to the vmоg bіlshostі koristuvachіv. In reality - a wide range of tools for organizing photo collections and basic tools for processing images. Koristuvach may be able to sort photos of folders on your computer or create virtual albums to share photos in the middle of Picasa. The collection of tags and geotags allows you to share the image for the purpose, the stench was broken, or for the names of the images on them people. Basic editing tools include cropping, scaling, rotation, and the ability to reduce the effect of "black eyes" - everything you need to sort out your photos. You can use different filters and indulge in other funny tricks.

Free software for photo collections | Zoner Photo Studio Free This program, obviously, is not so "sharpened" for organizing, like Picasa, but with that Zoner Photo Studio Free fit for those who love editing photos. It's not just a tool for putting things in order in the archives - it's a complete set of numerical tools for photo editing. The kit has a wide range of retouching and editing tools, quick filters and a lot of other things. Zoner Photo Studio includes everything necessary tools for the creation of various photo projects - from panoramas to calendars.

Free software for photo collections | StudioLine Photo Basic 3 StudioLine Photo Basic 3 allows you to sort your photo collection and easily edit pictures. Make edits of photographs, more or less, include cropping, rotation, scaling and red-eye correction. From the point of view of the organization, Photo Basic 3 promotes tags and geotags, as well as descriptions of images that are in the directory, which can be divided into folders. Slideshow tools and online galleries allow you to easily publish your pictures or share them with other authors.

Free software for photo collections | JetPhoto Studio 5 JetPhoto Studio 5 Propose more of the necessary tools for the editorial staff and the collection of photographs: the organization of the album, the placement of tags and geotags, and the main advantage of the solution is the expansion of the possibility of publishing photographs. Numerous options include the ability to publish images from Flickr and the JetPhoto Server, as well as creating a Google Map gallery from photos from geotags. You can easily create Flash galleries and slideshows as part of web design gallery projects, as well as view images through Flash player and browser.

Free software for photo collections | XnViewMP XnViewMP– a cost-free tool for a quick review of the image, which supports more than 500 formats. With this help, you can sort zvichaynі files .jpg or .png, as well as add different formats. XnViewMP is a miracle worker for such tasks. You can't sort files automatically in automatic mode (like Picasa), but if you use XnViewMP, you can edit to change image metadata and tags in batch processing mode to quickly sort tags to a whole array of images.

Free software for photo collections | FastStone Image Viewer FastStone Image Viewer- a handy tool for reviewing images, which can edit and organize photos. FastStone can offer a wide range of basic image processing tools, support for labeling, reviewing EXIF ​​data, and other options for commenting and sorting. Regardless of those that FastStone is not able to take photos from the social media or gloomy shovischa, tse miracle tool to review, edit and organize a photo archive, so you save yoga on one computer.

Free software for photo collections | MAGIX Photo Manager 12 MAGIX Photo Manager 12- Herself rest version PZ line of MAGIX Photo Manager, which will go into its own functionless organization, editing and publishing images. For additional organization tools, you can separate pictures by categories and sort them on the file name, creation date or thematic tags. MAGIX contains a number of image editing functions. No-cost version does not support such functions, like editing panoramas and automatically sorting images, ale, zagalom, with its tasks MAGIX Photo Manager 12 copes well.

Free software for photo collections | Phototheca Phototheca- A cost-free tool for organizing a photo archive, which does not add respect collapsible functions editing, and the mind concentrates on putting your photo collection in order. Imported photos to the Phototheca database can be automatically sorted by subpods (for example, if the photos were split on the same day or saved in the same folder), sorted on the hour scale. Then, before the image, you can add tags, assign them to other subdivisions, or sort them for your own albums. Cream of that Smart function Album allows you to create dynamically updated collections based on selected criteria, such as camera type, creation dates or labels.

Free software for photo collections | DigiKam DigiKam- Open platform for organizing photos, ported to Windows and offers a wide variety functionality. Collections of images can be sorted by folders, albums, labels; In this rank, DigiKam is worth a gnuchny tool that will help you in the organization of your photo collection. Metadata, middle comments, ratings and other criteria, can be reviewed, edited and saved in the SQLite database or rewritten in files. Table support RAW format It makes the photo matching process much easier, and the available plug-ins of additional capabilities significantly expand the functionality of this tool. Among the minuses of the solution are those who tsey supplement Dosі perebuvaє in rozrobtsі i can not boast stable job on Windows.

We put things in order at the computer: programs, how to make a robot with photographs simple and handy.

From that hour, as digital cameras appeared in telephones, we are creating, captivating and taking hundreds of photographs. Deyakі z us mayut natural gift to systematize and arrange information, and others have to open gigabytes of files and folders with non-obvious names. If you need a term like a photo, it’s even easier to know yoga, and sometimes it’s impossible.

For the sake of respect, the libraries of the image are meritorious, as if we were victorious for the work. For example, designers can take dozens of photos from photo stocks, textures and small ones, copying pictures from one folder into another and creating backup after backup in one project. It doesn’t hurt the memory of the computer, but it makes the robot farther away from the images, and even then it will be important to understand, de vihіdnik, and de vzhe vіdredagovane izobrazhennya.

For good luck, decision. We tell about ourselves manual ways and programs for systematization and image capture. For help, you can not only quickly find out what photos you need, but also put down ratings, form albums and so much more without downloading a copy.


No-cost tool like Google. It will show all indexed photos in a seemingly manual folder structure. You can let the programs scan all zhorsky Search the disk for photos, or choose the songs of the folder. After a sublime onslaught on whether the image will flare up on top screen and the basic editing tools will be shown: framing, straightening, adjusting the color and light or reducing the effect of red eyes, middle.

This is such a handy function, like a recognition of the identity of geo-tagging. You can scan all the photos and then search in the database specific people. And geotagging to allow shukati for the money. For all due respect, I deserve the review of photographs - a handy interface and additional tools for editing merit for those who want Picasa to look at them.

Zoner Photo Studio Free

Free version of Zoner Photo Studio photo editor. The program can copy pictures directly from the camera and allows you to process them with additional basic tools and effects. Also, you can create your own collection of photographs, organizing them in the necessary manner, easily know the required images, edit them, edit them by email and publish them on the Internet.

Zoner Photo Studio Free has several main editing panels: Import for capturing photos, Manager for editing archives on a PC, Editor for processing and shortening images, and Look-ahead for looking at actual images. The Manager tab includes a tree-like system, folder display, navigation and information panels. If such a need arises, you can add an extended version with great functionality.

StudioLine Photo Basic

Editor and manager of digital images. From it you can arrange photo archives and edit photo parameters. The main function of the converter to the image format is integrated, as well as elements of the graphic editor.

Supports IPTC standard, reads and edits EXIF ​​metadata, trim RAW. To use the program free of charge, it is necessary to request an activation code on the retailer's website, which will be sent to your email.


If you work on a MAC, then you need to turn your attention to Aperture - extensions and a professional analogue of the iPhoto editor. This program allows you to catalog, rank and edit photos.

The cream of wide functionality and possibilities, another plus of Aperture is those that here it is not necessary to edit files without ruining. To change the output file, the program records and maintains a list of operations performed on it. If you change in Aperture, you can "return" back without problems, which will allow you to make duplicates and pardons. True, in the spring of sales of Aperture will be announced, Apple hopes to release a new product for working with photos - Photos for OS X.


A cost-free program for reviewing photographs and organizing special photo libraries on a computer. A handy interface in Apple style has a large number of different functional possibilities - far from everything that software can run.

At Phototheca you can take pictures, or rather, move them to distributions, which are recognized as Safe. With the default settings of the programs, images from the Safe distribution can only be looked at in Phototheca, moreover, the “safe” itself can also be created invisible on a hard drive.

MAGIX Photo Manager 15

An exhaustive tool for organizing, editing and sharing photos. You can systematize the image in a number of ways, for example, by name, date or by thematic tags. The main function of automatic organization of photographs by means of scanning and analysis together.

Let's face it, the retailers slandered about the possibility of revisiting a pardoned photograph and knowing duplicates. You can also protect the pictures with a password.


A richly functional program for working with graphic files on a computer, which is an extended version of the XnView program. In fact, this tool can be used by its own media browser with the options of a lookup, converter and cataloger. Let's look at over 500 different graphic formats, and with saving (reworking) - up to 50 formats.

With XnViewMP, you can convert pictures and photos in various formats, including in batch mode, which is handy when working with a large amount of data, you can review and edit EXIF ​​information, work with screenshots, upload data to an FTP server, website or send it by e-mail, arrange the graphic library for the song parameters and much more. The image can be cropped, rotated, changed the size of the image, adjusted the parameters of brightness and contrast, fixed the difference in effects. Windows Explorer, where everything is laid out and sorted for the most productive vikoristannya.

Regardless of how you get the program, you take care of the order in the photographs. There will be no more searches among thousands of different files. Reading the organization to allow you to take away your satisfaction from the robotic chi review of memorable signs without nerves and inconsistencies. And the ability to edit the pictures will allow the need to edit the photoshop, if it is necessary to correct the dribnitsa.