Chim potentiate the signal of the style zv'yazku. How to improve the reception of the signal of the stylnikovy tie. What is a repeater

With exotic dews and suffocating spiciness, they give priority to the soft summer of middle birches and pines. Vіdpochinok at the dacha chi village privablyuє rich. We are forwarded for the day of silence and the minimum call s zvishnіshnіm svіtom. ale global merge it’s nice to sit by our hearts, and the social services do not deprive the chances of sitting in the rural wilderness.

This is where the problems begin. Yakist style tie more than words ideal. Vіd'їzhdzhaєmo two or three tens of kilometers from the great place, and problems begin. Post a feed: "How to improve the Internet in the country?". You can not fool around and sit without likes, reposts and others. From the other side, why not try to solve the problem on your own?

TSIKAVO. The first attempt to get a repeat telephone call was made by the New York Police Department in 1921. Ten years later, police cars were equipped with two-way telephone radio. In the Soviet Socialist Republic, the first connection to the mobile phone was broken in 1957. Named Vіn LK-1 and important three kilograms.

The first is to improve, it is necessary to understand, what a link is possible with the principle. As a rule, there are two options: the Internet through a satellite or through a telephone operator. Bid in the price of owning the satellite Internet tariffs. Few people want to pay close to 20 thousand for the possession and 3-4 thousand for the meritorious service. Tim is bigger, the speed is good, but not great - 20 megabits in between.

Strengthening the signal of a stylistic link is really technically cheaper for pennies. We buy an antenna, we install it, we are rich with the blessings of civilization 🙂 Ale! It is necessary to choose the correct pidsiluvach. That nalashtuvati obladnannya is not so simple. First, praise the solution, we will try to work out not only in vartost, but also in labor costs. To that it is not a fact that we can work everything ourselves, but calling specialists means paying pennies.

Subscribing to the Internet. Dream and reality

Pochnemo, maybe, from the appointment of the needs. How much traffic is enough for a month? What kind of speed is needed? Watching the video clips, surfing by itself, maybe a haircut of torrents, and that kind of fringe games. How to fix the air friezes, the speed is needed in the range of 5-15 megabits. If it's bigger, then it's more beautiful. The channel is on the level of 2-3 megabits, but you can forget about the investment.

You can sit, check the traffic. The average one has about 15 gigs. The middle man has needs. It is better to marvel at films more often, to download more, to play third. So, you need to choose a tariff with a daytime traffic and a larger one and a lower unlimited. And let's take a look at the "technique". І satellite, і stіlnikovy tse you do not have a cable. Razi has more problems - crossings, thunderstorms, high channels in the rural area.

Strengthening the style signal at the dacha

All the offensive material is tsikaviy tim, who dares to force the reception of a stylist's tie. So, so, about the satellite Navіt does not say memo. Perche, a little expensive, in a different way, you don’t know anything yourself. And we fix it ... and fix it with the choice of the operator. It doesn't matter what you do with the city. A village is a village.

IMPORTANT! The main reason, through which the satellite Internet is won, is the impossibility of giving service in any other way. Most often, the possession is restored to the "remaining mile" that is with the client. The main feature of such access is to send traffic to the entrance and exit on the upcoming days. Technology distal called asymmetric access. Reception through a companion, delivery through a stilnikov.

We are looking at the cards on the websites of the operators. Ale strongly doesn’t trust them - stink for the quiet, who definitely doesn’t take the link 🙂 Have you estimated approximately your roztashuvannya? Now you can see maps from Google and Yandex. Accurately vyznaєmo budinok. Overfilling the gap between the coverage areas. Possibly, the population of the item can be recurved by a number of operators. Choose the one whose territory is larger, as the signal will be shorter. Even if you don’t know, it may turn out that the 4g signal is not needed for the dacha.

How to strengthen the signal of a style call at the dacha

At the thematic forums, there are galleries, where methods are discussed to find the right style. New? "Repair" tim and vіdіznyаєєєєєєєє cable, scho be-yakі nerіvієє poznachivayutsya both on the equal signal, and on the speed of the Internet. You can walk around the outskirts with a beech or a tablet, putting data on the map 🙂 But you can do it easier. We know a simple antenna, fix it on the poles and raise a booth above the horse.

Antenna to the modem, and that to the computer. We start the program "MDMA" and turn the device on dahu. Robimo tse povilno, steadily fixing the signal. From nezvichki happen to be vitratiti pіvgodini and more. The result is otrimuemo kіlka directly, yakі give best signal. We choose the most intense. Axis on the new and direct antenna. If you are thinking about buying a pidsiluvach, look at the performance characteristics. It may turn out that the increase is not the truth of the stained bones.

INFORMATION. Repeaters are called repeaters and subsidiaries to the signal of a stiletto link. Attachments are built to expand coverage areas. In the wild, there is a radio location, which is actively working, functioning in a complex with an antenna and cables . Podsilyuvach st_lnikovogo zv'yazyka for giving can be installed without the need of operators.

Becomes appointed to the height, on the way to raise the antenna. For simplicity, you can use Ubnt services or Linktest. Let's just say, don't take it for granted. Behind the roses, it appears that a height of 20 meters is required, and a yoke is 7-8 meters high. One more joy - do not try to take off the security, like in the city. The maximum for summer residents is 20-30, sometimes 40 megabits.

I left at whom they divided. Doing the right thing 🙂 rozrahunki, long-term selection of antennas, high hand soldering, height of 15 meters, take strength in the range of 95-98 heights. If you buy a ready-made, not wound, antenna, install it over a shoe with approximate orientation, take a stronger signal by 70-80 watts. The result is good, pennies that zusil is smaller.

Antennas for strengthening the Internet signal

Possibly possessing it is necessary to choose at once with the sound of a sounded signal. Rather, you should buy a set of antennas, shoes, brackets, cables and other bells and whistles. Just so you can understand what kind of effect to give to diї. Not all problems. What is the situation, if the antenna works on one frequency, and the base station on another? The operator doesn’t know info, it’s easier for the partisans to drink more 🙂

Now about the form. Not ob'yazkovo zamolyat from the other side of the planet as a particular model. Order to sell panel antennas? Axis and take. The stench is a little weaker for “change”, then they will not require exact directness. That range is significantly wider, which is only a plus. It miraculously helps to switch between 3 and 4 G. Now? 🙂 Surf faster on the fourth - the browser is just light, and the axis to take advantage of the great obsyagi - 3G position of competition.

Rozrahunok antenna for strengthening the signal of the style call

It is doubtful that there are a lot of eager robites of the rozrahunka. Ale, a sign, yaku varto orient, point.

It is necessary for you to install the antenna without losing the signal itself. Roughly kazhuchi, joked straight ahead with a device with a power of 12 dB. They looked straight ahead, on which way the signal was -90 dB. The cable and connectors are about 3 dB. Vidpovidno after all "dances with tambourines" we take the signal equal to -99 dB. Middle rіven, however. And you need to drink at least at the “good”. Axis and go out, which requires an antenna from the strength of 20 and more.

WHAT YOU KNOW… how to make the base stations of the stalk link? The first section is set up by a brigade of 5-8 people and that truck crane. On the next day, more sections will be set up by helicopter. Then, for two to three days, they are engaged in the "broach" of the support shaft. Let's put the territory in order - put it in the countryside, install water pipes. Only after that, the installation of the BS is started - the installation of sector and radio relay antennas, and other accessories. We will then bring in the electrics, install a lightning arrester, light fence and grounding.

Do not powder your little ones with proofs and roses, the initial choice of change. Superechki z tsієї those ended up in specialized forums. It has been brought to light that with an unwounded admission short version- Highly directed MIMO. In the midst of positive moments, an increase in firmness and firmness is not bad. The only minus is that a modem is used from two roses under the antenna.

How to strengthen the Internet signal in the country house Choose a router and cable

Axis іz chim not guilty of viniknuti special problems, then with a router. There is only one thing - the device is to blame for the sum of 3 and 4 G. Well, obviously, there is a larger list of supported modems. There are less chances that yours will not be seen until that date 🙂 Before we speak, there may be problems with unlocked outbuildings. Therefore, it’s better to get a universal modem, so you can “flash” it yourself on all operators.

Independent crimping of the cable is not negotiable. You need to know more about that vminnya. And tim, who knows, don't need it. Ale s preparing the kit can be folded. You can use and select the cable you need. Only the price is unlikely to be lowered. So there is a lot of options. You can save money for the help of a short coaxial cable.

Aja is enough to bring to another over the dacha or to the attic. And here we mount a router with a modem. Dali, like a soul for sure, hot wi-fi, hot twisted couple. Such a variant is even more disgraceful - ring out a 4-5 meter long piece. The maximum cost will be at the boundary of 2.5-3 dB, which is good. You can robiti "hid by horse" 🙂 Buy an antenna with a modem. At your own office, we get the usb cable you need. І everyday problems and expenses.

Prorakhovuєmo dozhina and pull the cable to the router. Bazhayuchі can suffer zrobiti cable yourself. Nothing right. That one can be managed with a twisted bet and adapters. Hello now? The purchase is not the same way as the purchase is por_vnyano z reshtoyu kit. Ledve did not forget about the minus of such antennas - they wanted to change the SIM card, let's go on vacation. I don't think you'll be able to work very often.

How to mount a pidsiluvach to a signal of a stiletto tie for a summer residence

The hour has come to comprehend and sum up those about which they spoke more. Also, we fix the antenna in the field, so that it meets the following parameters:

  • Maximum height. Do not varto become an equilibrist. Visota is tall, but safety is ahead of us;
  • What is less than a cable, then it is more beautiful;
  • Mindfulness. The greater the area of ​​the antenna, the greater the chances, the greater the wind.

IMPORTANT! Mayzhe 20 years old "I write off" from super girls about the Skoda of style phones. Irrespective of those that the WHO classifies the radio industry in mobile phones as a group 2B - a potential carcinogen - 100 percent of data is not available. The number of people is approaching 15 thousand, but it was not possible to show directly the fallowness between the vineyards and the stylnikov’s telephones.

Do not varto spriymati literally. The maximum height does not mean the installation of a frame of 30 meters? Same with cable. It is possible to bring a better understanding into the booth through the entire booth. Yake here short footage. And so it is with everything. Radically prudently go to the choice and installation of any kind of possession. The result is quiet, but does not cause additional problems.

Podsilyuvach mobile Internet signal for dacha. Thunderclap

For the first time, they all worked out, they thought about everything. Time to install. And axis і ні, they forgot about one problem. The higher the antenna is lifted, the greater the chance of hitting a glare. You know such a miraculous blissfully sporudzhuemo 🙂 The situation is only getting ridiculous. The reality is such that I can indefinitely find a point in the surroundings. It’s not a fact that you can’t spare the flooring. Ale navіscho rizikuvati?

They robbed the 3g pidsiluvach with their own hands, and took away the electronics, which burned down, from the whole booth. No, not for us. The decision of the sprat. You can get confused by a total zahist. It's true, the one on the right is MUCH decent. On the strength of dozens of times less stained. The second option is life methods:

  • Do not raise the antenna too high. Give a signal to change by 80% instead of 100, then the glare is not shy;
  • Are you planning trips longer, lower for half a day? Vityaguєmo cable from the modem, vimikaєmo router;
  • As soon as you go ahead of time, better znestrumiti Budov. Obviously, the empty refrigerator is empty 🙂 There will be problems for the quiet, who sets the houses for protection;
  • A thunderstorm began - as a minimum, an antenna cable was blowing;
  • Do not try to argue the blisskavkozakhist yourself. The result may be reverse.

Podsilyuvach _internet signal at the dacha. What am I allowed?

I lost my opinion on smut food: "Really take a decent Internet in the country?" Vidpovid is unambiguous - yaksy Internet booty! Pіdsumkova vartіst not so vzhe th hit on the intestines, as if to be smitten until the present summer season. For rare vinyatkas, it’s really possible to invest in 10-13 thousand. Like a router, a modem and a SIM card in reality, it’s less than that. Also, sales, promotions and other options to protect.

At such a layout, it’s not good to go, screws, a screwdriver and a pole 🙂 At the right men, start the tool with your hand. In the extreme mood, good judges, good friends and relatives. Again, it's easy to get the signal from -110 dB to -90. And pennies are not the worst - you need a lot of money, that hour is patient. Good luck for this!

What a sin: all style operators love to talk about those, like the stinks of repairing their nets. The operators, however, shy away. Prote for someone here tsієї robots can be a little bit. Often not a good signal from a base station in a particular area is broken by replacing one operator with another - we already, as it is easy to work, at the same time not forgetting the work. Buvaє, vtim, and so, that the operator is not out of hand, or the place of the flooring is not crowded, but it is not handy (about the trochs below), so a good trick by sorting through different colors of SIM cards does not fail.

Decision, and we will soon tell you about them, but let's guess why it is practically impossible to secure a good mobile phone call absolutely squeaky. Zvertaemo respect for the word "absolutely": buvay, scho "do not catch" yourself at your place, even on the road to the new, and at the susides, a mobile phone works as a requirement. More than anything, the problem is not that the dark forces did not like you, but the primal physic: after the big, your house itself near the village closes in front of the base station, like a hump, or the house itself "hides" in the lowlands.

In some cases, the story is more prosaic: you have chosen a place for the zamіskogo vіdpochinku, de few people are alive, looking at such a place of peace and quiet. Vіdmіnne decision, alé zozmіte і operatorіv vyv'yazku: stink spread their merezі in pershu cherga there, de є people, and not there, de їm not.

If it didn’t happen there, if your booth wants a weak signal, then it’s necessary to make the situation worse. Necessary outbuildings from our point of view can be found at the operator's stores, or there, where they sell on-bottom equipment.

Interconnect with mobile internet

Mobile Internet on a PC or gadgets can be removed in a number of ways. If you need a stylnikovy zv'azok buv the same as a way to get out of the All-World's web, then the task is easier and cheaper. All modern smartphones and laptops are connected via Wi-Fi, and we speed up.

We can help you with a good antenna. Tsey attachment, in line with your mobile phone, while working with a richly weak signal of the style line. Folding is only one: it is necessary to understand where your booth has the weakest signal the strongest. As a rule, on the other side of the booth, or on the mountain. First install the antenna, move it, experiment with the speed of access to the Internet, find out for yourself a better camp that fix the antenna itself there.

A computer or a smartphone simply cannot be connected to the antenna: an intermediary is required. As an intermediary, you can use a USB modem with a SIM card, which you connect to the antenna, and you can remove the Internet by connecting your gadget via cable or via Wi-Fi, as such a function may be the antenna itself. How to take a modem wifi router, in the middle of which a SIM card is installed, then you connect not to the antenna, but to the router.

May all the antennas, otherwise, they are attached in the same way to look at the characteristic, which reflects their ability to transform a weak signal into a strong one: the coefficient of strength. Vine is measured in decibels (dB). What is greater, then a weaker signal from the base station can be improved to a reasonable level. For the increase in the coefficient of strength, as a rule, the increase and versatility of the antennas. Without a special possession, that knowledge is far behind the understanding of what kind of power you would have had enough, unfortunately, it is not possible.

Attachments are being sold for sale, as they support one radio frequency band, and for an unfortunate streak of faults, you may not be able to. Vrakhovuyuchi insulting factors, for the sake of attachment for the improvement of the connection, only buy it there, where you are ready to take it back, as if you weren’t rapt.

About every change, it’s clear: for a modem or a router, it’s necessary to put not a SIM card in your phone, but I will, according to my tariff, which you will get according to your needs on the Internet. About the choice of tariff, a few reports were given. It’s also surprising that MTS can revise according to your name mobile number, connecting to Wi-Fi through a special cost-free add-on.

Butt of the old subsidy antenna: Remo Ultra 3G/4G

Request a style call to home

As your needs in a style tie are different, and you will need and remembrance, and SMS, and mobile internet, your option to strengthen the signal - so the ranks of the repeater signal. The repeater (in the form of English repeat, repeat) is composed of two modules - a receiver, which you put in a place with the best receiver, and a viprominuvach, which “repeat” in the receiver and again signal strength in the style of the stylnikovo merezha. In this rank, the repeater will make sure that the call itself is there, where you need it - at your booth. A SIM card is not needed for such an attachment, you can connect your smartphone or tablet to a new one, just like a huge measure, not via Wi-Fi.

Everything is simple, but there is an important nuance. Repeaters become different, like they become different stіlnikovі merezhi. current phone using 2G tiers for voice calls, 4G tiers for high-speed mobile internet, 3G tiers, yakі and roaming allow, and koristuvatisya іnternet, don't go smaller, porіvnyannі z 4G. The repeater, as a rule, is ready to receive and retransmit from your phone either a signal of 2G, or 3G, or 4G. І choose an extension for accommodation, depending on what you want, and, most importantly, looking at the availability of those things outside your operator. Zakrema, remember that we can still talk through 4G, but through 2G (GSM) you can’t use mobile Internet on a comfortable speed. A compromise option is 3G.

Depending on the standard, the connection, which is supported, and the coefficient of signal strength, repeaters can be changed from tens of thousands to tens of thousands of rubles. If you need an all-inclusive mobile Internet, then, for rent, it’s cheaper to get by with the first solutions of our survey of the outside antenna.

Special vipadok

When planning new dacha cottage villages, not seeming already about the new city districts, the houses will immediately be provided with a dart Internet. At the same time, it is not trivial to put a strong stylistic link near the great village: to put one base station nearby for the operator on the right is not trivial. With such a look, a style call can come at your booth drotovoy internet.

These described ways can call the reader for food: how safe is it? Mayzhe skin here chuv about Skoda viprominyuvannya base station, and here, in fact, antennas, which viprominyuyut, proponuetsya pull into your booth yourself. Let's hurry up to tell the lovers of hoary old stories: all the decisions we made have passed the best sovereign control for equal viprominyuvannya that is absolutely safe when vikoristanni budinka. Let's guess that in Russia the control is supreme, lower in rich European countries and the United States. Food is about "Skoda" base stations we report, and at once give us nothing: the stylist's call is a story about your good fortune, and not about the stingy insecurity of "flooding" in the radio.

How much do you know about the possibility of connecting to a wireless Internet router and distributing new Wi-Fi for a laptop, smartphone or tablet. If you need a mobile Internet connection at home, then the best and, moreover, found a way.

A voice call in the descriptions above will help organize a femtocell - a miniature low-power base station, as it will be connected to your cellular Internet and connected to 3G via 3G mobile phones your household members. Femtocell guarantees you high voice clarity mobile call navit then, if the signal from the base station at your booth is rather weak, but you are still obligatorily guilty of the buti - otherwise you will not charge it.

A femtocell outside of the world does not need to be connected to a typical Wi-Fi router, you need to buy it from your mobile operator. Zokrema, MTS in Moscow retail sales of such outbuildings for all bugs in black in 2016 at a price of about 7 thousand rubles.

Regardless of the wide width of the mobile connection, it is still important to power the signal to the phone, more than the style call, to the extent of the connections. It doesn’t matter if you live in a small village, or in a metropolis, the ability of your attachment to stop picking up a signal is a creak.

Step by step the problem is being eliminated by operators, new base stations are being announced, calls are being made. And what is the problem with your phone, and not in the measure? Today, we have been debating, for which you can fix the filthy signal and you can fix it with your own hands.

What is a style signal?

The principle of operation of a telephone call is simple: є the base station of the operator and your phone, between them organizations have a radio frequency channel, by which SMS notifications are transmitted, tweets are sent and exchanged between them on the Internet.

There is a copy of the standards of the style connection, which are changed by the way the signal is transmitted and the frequency. As a rule, base stations are built on high ground to ensure the maximum coverage area. Prote is not going anywhere to cross the code, as if to cross the passage of the signal. There can be walls, trees, and other membranes, when in contact with them, the signal is weaker.

It dawned on me that on the vіdkritіy mіstsevosti, de not clearing up the heights, the area covered will be vischoy. For example, for stations that follow the GSM-900 standard, the zone does not exceed 30,000 kilometers. At different times, forget the figure changes to 7 kilometers. Stations with higher modern standards of communication in particular 3G and LTE cover a zone with a smaller diameter.

Why is there a weak phone signal?

Through a thicket of delusional crossings, they can become so called dead zones or dirks near the cover. Tobto mіstsya, de signal is weak, unstable or zovsіm vіdsutnіy. De most often stick with a bad signal on the phone:

  • the place, which is located on the south in the distance from the nearest station (there is simply no cover);
  • pіdvali, pіdzemnі parking, low (the signal is not in the distance, just get in here);
  • high, gloomy (often "rising higher" means obov'yazkove presence of the signal - more than 12-14 on top of the signal is mostly silent);
  • budіvlі z metalokonstruktsіy, yakі do not miss the signal.

However, don't forget that the reason for the presence of the signal is to become too distant from the station. Often the cause is the phone of a koristuvach. You, singly, have been in situations, if you know the signal of a stylist's call, and you have not.

І tse at tsimu, scho vy koristuetes servitors of one operator. Expand the range if two of the same phones are able to maintain a different signal level. There could be many reasons:

  • a phone near a metal case, or a metal case, you can significantly catch a wire, a lower plastic device;
  • Dosit often, no matter how strange it sounded to you, the reason is the “clumsy” firmware of the phone;
  • poshkodzhennya be-yakikh komponentіv naslіdok fall, zauren near the water too thin;
  • the phone may have a defective antenna from the factory, which is especially critical for Chinese manufacturers of inexpensive models.

How to strengthen the signal to the phone with a hand?

Well, let's go theoretically, let's move on to practice. We will choose a few ways to strengthen the signal of the stylistic link, starting with the simplest ones, finishing with folding ones and expensive ones.

The reason for the firmware

Start varto yourself by rechecking the correctness of the work program contributions, persh nizh namagatisya get to the inside of the phone. To the degraded signal of the link, which are announced after the flashing, hundreds of coristuvachis stick, to that varto give respect.

We already wrote, so we won’t repeat ourselves. Firmware is a fairly simple process, but with its own nuances. Golovne - don't forget to be shy backup copies important files.

If the flashing did help, then we’ll let you in, if the phone is, like before, it’s bad to catch the rope, then we’ll go to the next point.

It's bad to catch a signal through a smart phone

As it has already been planned, the phone is often bad to catch a signal after it, having fallen on a kahel or diving into the sea. In this way, the middle koristuvach does not have another way out, the cream seems to get right in service center.

Modern telephones - dosit foldable outbuildings, it is more than possible to bring out the problems on your own. It is possible, fahіvtsі to show poshkodzhennya and zroblyat nebhіdnі robots, schob your phone again without special problems coping with the noise of the merezha.

How to strengthen the phone signal with your own hands

In most cases, the reason for the weak signal of the stylistic link lies in the defect of the antenna, yak, wind, which is indicative of this function. Often Vlasniki inexpensive smartphones from the Celestial Empire they are sticking around, that the virobnik of the troch has scammed, unstoppably hitting the antenna motherboard outbuildings. You can correct a pardon and independently, but you need a little bit of intelligence, like a government phone. Otherwise - send to the service center with a description of the problem.

  1. None of the smartphones are presented in a different design, so they are chosen differently; the easiest way to get to the insides of a phone with a big cover and a battery, folding, if the smartphone is unselected;

Don't hurry. Before the beginning of the selection, find out on the Internet video or textual material, in which case it will be shown and told how to conduct the selection of your own building, on which you should pay attention.

Give the same respect: after picking up the smartphone, you will be covered by the warranty.

  1. as a rule, the antenna is located in the lower or upper part of the body, it is represented by small medium-sized females (I know, about the expansion of the antenna specifically in your model, marvel at the appropriate materials);
  2. after that, as soon as you reach the payment, you will reveal a sprig of spring contacts, as if it were your fault to lie down to the train, which was ruffled on the tilnіy part of the structure;
  3. also spring contacts maternity pay filthy lie down to the train, carefully straighten them out, having turned around, for example, with tweezers;
  4. choose a phone and enjoy a good signal.
Connected to phone custom antenna to strengthen the signal

Look at more ways to work less if your phone has a problem. But, as we put the material on the cob, the cause of a filthy signal can be different shifts or the distance from the station. At this point you can try to strengthen the antenna of ours, I will build a dart for help with everything.

It is especially significant that there is a way for all telephones. On the right, in the fact that for this application there will be a special diagnostic port, which is difficult to reach in a modern unselected smartphone (for a number of models, it is not known). Looking like a small round rose with a golden color.

    take a small piece of thin insulated dart;

    inserted into roses;

    stowed in such a way that the lids are not respected by other components.

Everything, as practice confirms, the signal of the merezhі phone is strong by the significant world. Chi is not amazing?

Deyakі koristuvachі shmatok drotu inserted port 3.5 mm (under headphones). Any other way.

Sticker-sticker or foil for strengthening the phone signal

In the vastness of foreign online stores, it is not important to know a bunch of different places to strengthen the signal. Among them, there is a small sticker-sticker, which represents a sprinkling of metal tracks, which, like a sing-along, allows you to change the code.

Similar wives can be swayed in such smartphones for charms, so the “enchantment” of the power of the stickers may have the right to life.

However, to achieve an insignificant polіshennya signal, as if hardening chimalo koristuvachіv, in addition to a small piece of splendid foil. Її roztashovuyt under the cover of the phone, closer to the antenna. The method is clumsy, so you can try it.

Stronger call for help repeater

In a number of modes, if the signal is not strong enough to use any of the methods (before the arrival of other stations, distance from the base station), they go up to the choice of special antennas or repeaters. Podіbnі pristroї zdatnі zdatnі znachіy іroy possilit signal, аlе y varіstіїх often vіdlаkuє poсentіynoy purchase.

De buy cheap?

It’s possible to do something similar with your own hands, but often you won’t be able to send a signal, but it’s bad to do it.

For example, the deacons are cured in an offensive way:

  1. take a metal rod (to reach 50 cm), a coaxial cable, a piece of foil (approximately 10x4 cm) and plywood or plastic;
  2. we bend the metal rod so that we have a structure that looks like a rhombus;
  3. the foil is glued to the plywood;
  4. metal rhombus and foil behind the auxiliary coaxial cable (soldered);
  5. rush, on which the rhombus is leaning, lift it up, another, with foil - it’s left below;
  6. We bring the phone to the foil, to check the accuracy of the signal.

Imovirno, it is necessary to know the constructions that have appeared, the most appropriate place, in order to sound a signal.

I realized that such a pidsiluvach is unlikely to provide a great company with a call, which did not spare the mother of the office near the district without covering the border. Here it’s already possible to get involved in help to fakhіvtsіv. Today, few firms give similar services, and moreover, they do not presently possessed, but let's do the installation.

Before speech, on fakhivtsy, save not varto - for the installation of vicorist workers, use special attachments, to help you find the most appropriate place, choose the frequency and otherwise. Zvichayny koristuvachevі, zvichayno, z such zavdannyam will be easy to get into.

Podsilyuvach mobile signal vyazku virishhue the problem of telephone connections and the Internet in the country, in garages, as well as in other important areas. The additional possession of the cost is not cheap. The problem is solved by a gsm repeater, prepared by one's own hands, which can completely replace not the most difficult purchased repeater.

The repeater can be either passive or active. The first one does not depend on the connection of life and an antenna, building independently functioning on a small area. Vіn same vikoristovuєtsya as a part of the system z pіdsilyuvachem, scho connects to the electrical supply.

Passive repeater LTE or GSM standard to catch weak signals in different frequency ranges and transmit them to their attachments. Tse the simplest option for independent preparation of handicrafts and materials. The minus of the impact is the strength of the stability of the mobile connection.

Do-it-yourself GSM repeater of a style call, made by one's own hands, functioning without coming to a gadget.

Scheme pidsiluvach steward signal includes:

  1. dilnik of sweating or rozgaluzhuvach drotu (as it is necessary a sprat of a signal strength point);
  2. roses of life connection;
  3. coaxial cable for antenna connection.

The system allows polypshity of the number of windows to be filled with a number of antennas. Also for sale are passive power supplies, which are connected directly to the telephone with a cable. Of the highest value, the very fact of the presence of darts stifles the freedom of movement with darts, and the sound of the bell becomes stronger with the dermal additional meter of the darts.

Do-it-yourself GSM repeater video:

Do-it-yourself antennas

To design your passive repeater for a great drіt or build a plaque. From the first, you can build an antenna from the ring, or at the sight of a lofty rhombus.

Antenna or repeater GSM signal z drotu.

Rosemaries are determined by the required frequency, for example, take F = 900 MHz. The diameter is taken into account by the formula (300 / F) / 3.14, then (300/900) / 3.14 \u003d 0.106m. Tsey turn and є antenna.

Antenna from one ring

Received between themselves: in the first variant, two windings of the dart replace one, the design is wound from one winding. We close them one by one. Vіdstan rozrakhovuєmo following the formula (300/F)/4, for a fall it should be (300/900)/4=0.08m. The same frequency is induced, the diameters are entered in the same way.

GSM antenna for two rings

Chotiri hoops: The antenna is similar to the other, only the replacement of the turns will be two times. Rozrahunok similar to the front points.

Rhomboid pidsiluvach: Drіt bends into a square shape, then two protracted kuti bend one to one and creak. For accuracy, the scheme of the gsm repeater:

Diagram of a rhomboid GSM pіdsiluvacha

Options from the first to the third order of the increase in signal strength. The stench can be operated as an independent repeater of the style link. One antenna is installed as outside, the other - as inside.

Self-robbed pidsiluvach

For the power of an active supporter, it is necessary to organize a whole installation. A selection of all the elements in one goal, by default I will demonstrate the scheme of the repeater of the stylistic link for making with my own hands:

Scheme of subsidiaries of the stilt signal

Fully self-contained gsm repeater with a large amount of cream antennas: cable, fastening (for installation), a 20 cm length of polymer pipe or a plastic jar (like a good block), a plastic sheet, a screen (removable material), 2 straws.

How to build a gsm repeater with your own hands:

  1. arrange a rhomboid antenna following the instructions described above;
  2. on the windpipe trumpet vikonati chotiri nadrizi close to 3 cm zavdovka. Otrimany successful block leans on the bent in the middle of the kuti antenna;
  3. if the jar is stagnant, then open three on the day - central for two straws, two extreme for self-tapping;
  4. attach one dart to two bent kutіv. Distant darts, for example, taking a wire cable and taking a new insulating slab;
  5. on the arrival of the contacts, put on the straws, push and slip into the middle opening of the jar;
  6. to the bottom of the happy block, attach a sheet to the material;
  7. fasten the block with screws to a wooden board or a stand for easy installation;
  8. take a coaxial cable, take a piece of insulation so that you expose the end of the drota. Connect them to the back block;
  9. otrimana design set the posture for the accommodation;
  10. the other end of the cable to come to the plastic plate.

In the villages, there is no seen line of the Internet in most of the cities. Buvay, the Internet can be connected via an ADSL line, who can connect a landline phone.

In most cases, all rural residents of Russia connect to the Internet for additional 3G modems. I farther away the village, moreover, not only the Internet 3G, but also the splendid style call.

To improve the strength of the link, the following principles of strength are used:

  1. For help antenna.
  2. For help antennas and pidsiluvachiv.
  3. For help, a lot of antennas and a lot of pidsiluvachiv.

Іsnuyut ready kits, ale, first lower їх kupuvati, it is necessary to designate what to suffice and like a rank. Sometimes one antenna is enough, but not.

It is necessary to know exactly in which range the 3G signal of the selected operator is transmitted, delimiting the signal. To re-verify the signal is equal to the signal stylish phone chi spectrum analyzer.

We check the signal

First of all, it is necessary to sneer, it is necessary to slander. The range of operating frequencies for voice communication and the Internet is determined. The picture shows the whole spectrum of the assigned frequencies: TV signal, wi-fi, DECT, GSM, LTE and others. It is important to understand in what range the base station is at the point where the Internet is being converted, transmitted. VIN can be transmitted with UMTS 900 and UMST 2100 standards.

Russia has a 3G signal with its own standard: UMTS 900 and UMST 2100.

All smartphones and 3G modems work against the standard. In places, through a small radius of coverage, and even more high security of signal transmission and stability of operation with a large number of connections, the UMTS 2100 standard is used.

Portable spectrum analyzer SPECTRAN HF-6060 V4

If you are not an installation organization that specializes in installing 3G boosters for a one-time connection, you can use a phone with a 3G support. Activate the new Netmonitor function.

How to search on your phone, search the Internet. I'll show you the widest codes.

phone model Menu entry code Note
Apple iPhone *3001#12345#*, press "weeklik" 2g, 3g, 3gs, 4g, 4gs, 5. For firmware versions 5.0.1 and higher.
Android *#0011# or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#197328640#*#* The menu may appear automatically after entering the rest of the character, so don't try another code
HTC (EVO, Incredible, Touch) ##33284#, press "weeklik" From the menu, choose a mesh and marvel at the signal
HTC Wizard 8125, 2125 *#*#364#*#* The value of the signal is displayed on the mental values. The greater the meaning, the greater the value of the signal
HTC Touch ##33284#
Samsung C170, X820 *#9999*0#
LG C900 ##634# Also ask the password 2277634#*# and press ENTER
Nokia 6215i, 6315 ##2773 give code 000000

When we enter before engineering menu z'yavlyaєtsya rіzna іnformatsija, for example, rіven іnstіvnosti, battery charging, IMEI, wi-fi, statistics on the telephone. I do not recommend changing the value.

If you don't know the installation requirements, please use another phone. As a result, you need to assign the RxCH parameter. The first value circled with a red frame shows, at which range a signal is received. Even the values ​​in the ranges 10562-10838 - UMTS 2100, even in the ranges 2937-3088 - UMTS 900. By setting the range of operation, you can select the 3G signal without mercy, for example, Picocell 900 or Picocell 2000.

Zhovta frame indicates the time to receive a 3G signal. Mayuchi dynamic parameters are equal to the signal, which are constantly changing, judging the shortest point of acceptance. Chim less Tim better. Ideally, it is better to put the antenna on the ground more, or you can know the points of the received receiver in the middle of the booth.

Pidbir possession

If you stay in the reception area, you can have a good enough antenna with a great strength factor. For example, an AP-1900/2700-17 antenna with a gain coefficient of 17 dB, but with a narrow straightness diagram. Pіdіyde іn thаt vіpadku, yakshcho zaprav z vіd you installed one base stantіyu іnshih spozhivachіv іn spozhivachіvі signal not zaruchivaє.

Antenna AP-1900/2700-17 is straightened to strengthen the satellite signal

A fantastic result is shown by the AO-2000-11 antenna - with a high gain = 11 dB and a circular directivity diagram. Pratsyuє for the principle of putting that forgetting. Perevaga її polagaє the principles of work. You can catch a signal from a number of base stations, which is indicated on the speed of the robot and the Internet. It is not necessary to jab directly at the signal.

All-straight antenna, model AO-2000-11 for strengthening 3G signal

Mayzhe in 80-95% of cases, if you want to catch a 3G signal, connect the Picocell 3G repeater TAU-2000 to the antenna, and you will catch a stable 3G / 4G signal.

In order to protect the signal between the antenna and the signal, I recommend twisting the cable with a large transverse cut, the tips of which are wrapped in a special way or with a special tool.

5D/FB PVC cable with N-type socket (plug)

Ready kits

If you know exactly what type of drink you need to bathe and what you need, you can proceed to purchase the property. As there are no retail outlets in your area, you can buy them in online stores, or you can buy them directly from the dealer.

Kits can be of a number of types:

  • without podsiluvach;
  • z pіdsilyuvachem;

Wiring diagram for strengthening the 3G signal over the entire booth

Let's take a look at the kits without subdivisions. The warehouse of such kits includes an antenna, wire. Obviously, if you have a modem or a router, then it will be minimal to strengthen the 3G / 4G signal. A set of drone and antenna will cost you 5,000 rubles.

Antennas are picked up from the masses, the number and the distance to the base stations. Zavzhdi tsey kit can be built up under the hood, under the bag price of the possession of the growth, as and as the signal that is received.

Scheme of connecting to a set of antennas with a powered TAU-2000 and a wi-fi router

Antenna can be vikoristovuvat be-yak, in that number and hovering when choosing a possession, and the axis of the modem is better to buy Huawei E392, however, the price of this is 3200 rubles.

To watch a short video of everything posted in the article, if you want to see the subtleties go to the site, the instructions in the video clip.

I samkinets podіlyusya caution: buy the antenna and the possession in specialized stores, and not in the salons of the stylnikovy zv'yazku those who do not sell there.

The Connect antenna has been scaled up to beautify the interior. I will add the cost of which is sumnivnoy. Vikoristovuvati can be less like a podovzhuvach for the modem

Ask food, as if it were unreasonable. Good luck with shopping.