Cryptopro does not release the JaCarta key, it’s a shame. Installation of certificates in cryptopro from a flash drive Do not download the EDS key What to do

Good afternoon!. For the remaining two days I had a difficult task in search of a solution to this situation, which is physical. virtual server, A lot of CryptoPRO is installed on it. Connected to the server , which is used for signing documents for VTB24 DBO. Locally on Windows 10 everything works, and the axis is on the server platform Windows Server 2016 and 2012 R2, Don't worry about cryptopro JaCarta key . Let's figure out what the problem is and how to fix it.

Description of sharpness

Є virtual machine on Vmware ESXi 6.5, as the operating system is Windows Server 2012 R2. The server is running CryptoPRO 4.0.9944, the remaining version for the time being. A JaCarta dongle is connected to the edge USB hub, behind USB over IP technology. The system has the key study, And CryptoPRO has no axis.

Algorithm for solving problems from JaCarta

CryptoPRO often calls for a variety of requests in Windows, a simple example (Windows installer service could not be accessed). This is how the situation looks if the CryptoPRO utility does not obtain a certificate from the container.

As you can see in the UTN Manager utility, the connection key is stored in the system in smart cards in the form Microsoft Usbccid (WUDF) device, aka CryptoPRO, this container does not mean and you are not able to install a certificate. Locally the token was connected, everything was the same. Started thinking about how to earn money.

Possible reasons for deselecting a container

  1. First of all, this is a problem with drivers, for example, in Windows Server 2012 R2, JaCarta should ideally appear in the list of smart cards as JaCarta Usbccid Smartcard, and not Microsoft Usbccid (WUDF)
  2. Alternatively, if the device is running Microsoft Usbccid (WUDF), then the driver version may be outdated, which means your utilities will not detect theft of USB drives.
  3. The version of CryptoPRO is outdated

How do you solve the problem that cryptopro does not issue a USB key?

They created a new virtual machine and began installing the software all in sequence.

Before installing whatever software security operating with USB media that contains certificates and private keys. Required OBOV'YAZKOVO enable the token if you build it locally, then enable it as soon as the session is terminated

  • We first update your operating system with all available updates, since Microsoft fixes a lot of fixes and bugs, including drivers.
  • Another point is, in connection with a physical server, install all new drivers on the motherboard and all peripherals.
  • Next, install the Single JaCarta Client.
  • Install the latest version of CryptoPRO

Installing a single JaCarta PKI client

Single JaCarta Client- tse special utility from the company "Aladdin", for correct work From JaCarta tokens. Enjoy the remaining version of this software product, You can go from the official website, or I have a dark place, because I couldn’t get out of the virobnik’s website.

After removing the archives, you unpack and launch installation file, under its Windows architecture, it has less than 64-bit. Let's start by installing the Jacarta driver. Single client Jacarta, installation is very simple (I will remind you of your token at the time of installation, it is to blame for connection). On the first window of the installation master, we simply press on.

We accept the license and press "Next"

Make sure your JaCarta token drivers are working correctly, you need to sign in not installed as standard.

Once you select “Vibration installation”, you can easily check the following boxes:

  • Drivers JaCarta
  • Support modules
  • Support module for CryptoPRO

In a few seconds, Jacarta Single Client, successfully installed.

Either way, restart the server or computer so that the system crashes latest drivers.

After installing JaCarta PKI, you need to install CryptoPRO, for which go to the official website.

At the moment this is the remaining version CryptoPro CSP 4.0.9944. We launch the installer, uncheck the "Install" checkbox root certificates" and press "Install (Recommended)"

Installation of CryptoPRO will be installed in background mode, after you understand the proposal about re-enchanting the browser, otherwise I would like to encourage you to re-enable.

After re-engaging, connect your JaCarta USB token. My connection goes through the fence, with the DIGI device, through. In the Anywhere View client, my Jacarta USB device is successfully identified as Microsoft Usbccid (WUDF), and ideally must be identified as JaCarta Usbccid Smartcard, otherwise you need to somehow verify how everything can work out and so.

Having opened the "Jacarta PKI Single Client" utility, the connected token was not detected, but it was not found in the drivers.

Microsoft Usbccid (WUDF) is a standard Microsoft driver that is usually installed on various tokens, and it happens that everything works, but not the same. Operation Windows system for considerations, place them in the view of your architecture and adjustment, less especially in Narazi there is no need for that. First of all, we need to uninstall the Microsoft Usbccid (WUDF) driver and install the Jacarta media driver.

Open Windows Device Manager, find the item “Smart card readers,” click Microsoft Usbccid (WUDF) and select “Authorities.” Go to the "Drivers" tab and click Uninstall

Wait for the Microsoft Usbccid (WUDF) driver.

We inform you that in order to make changes in order, it is necessary to re-invigorate the system, which is obligatory.

After rebooting the system, you can install the ARDS Jacarta device and drivers.

Open the device manager, you will see that your device is now registered as JaCarta Usbccid Smartcar and you will see that the Jacarta smart card is now running version 6.1.7601 ALADDIN R.D.ZAO, so it may be .

Once you open the Jacarta single client, you will receive your electronic signature, which means that the smart card has been correctly recognized.

We open CryptoPRO, and it is important that cryptopro does not download a certificate from the container, although all drivers are listed as a trace. One more trick.

  1. In an RDP session, you will not receive your token, only locally, such a robot token, otherwise I don’t know how to fix it. You can try the following recommendations to remove the warning “It is not possible to connect to the smart card service.”
  2. You need to check one box in CryptoPRO

OBOV'YAZKOVO uncheck "Do not vikorize outdated cipher suites" and re-invent yourself.

After these manipulations, I have CryptoPRO, having received a certificate and the jacarta smart card has become working, you can sign documents.

You can also use devices and printers to upgrade your JaCarta device,

If you, like me, have the jacarta token installed in the virtual machine, then you will have to install the certificate through the console virtual machine and so itself gives the rights to it as a public person. Yakshcho tse physical server, then you will have to give rights to the control port, which itself is a virtual console.

If you have installed all the drivers for Jacarta tokens, you can access the following information when connecting via RDP and using the “Unified Jacarta PKI Client” utility:

  1. The smart card service is not running on the local machine. The architecture of the RDP session, fragmented by Microsoft, does not transfer the vikoristan key noses, connected to a remote computer, then in the RDP session of the remote computer, the smart card service of the local computer is used. So, starting the smart card service in the middle of an RDP session is not enough to normal work.
  2. Keruvanya smart card service on local computer launched, but is not accessible to programs in the middle of an RDP session through the setup of Windows or an RDP client.\

How to correct the error “It is impossible to connect to the Smart Card Service.”

  • Start the smart card service on the local machine where you are initiating the session remote access. Tune in automatic start just before the computer starts.
  • Allow local devices and resources to be used during the remote session (video, smart cards). For this, in the "Connecting to a remote desktop" dialog, in the parameters, select the "Local resources" tab, then in the "group" Local devices“Resources”, click the “Report…” button, and in the dialog, select the “Smart Cards” item and click “OK”, then “Connect”.

  • Check to make sure your RDP connection is configured and saved. For promotional purposes, stinks are stored in the Default.rdp file in the "My Documents" directory. this file row "redirectsmartcards:i:1".
  • Change your mind, what's on to a remote computer, until you have an RDP connection, not activated group politics
    -[Computer configuration\administrative templates\windows components\remote desktop services\remote desktop session management\device and resource redirection\Do not allow device redirection to read smart cards]. If it is Enabled, then turn it off and restart your computer.
  • If you have Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 2008 R2 SP1 installed and you are using RDC 8.1 to connect to computers running keruvannyam Windows 8 And above all, you need to install an update for the operating system

This axis involves troubleshooting from the setup of the Jacarta token, CryptoPRO on the terminal server, for signing documents at VTB24 RBS. If you appreciate the corrections, please write them in the comments.

    The CryptoPro CSP license has expired/I can’t enter the license?

    CryptoPro CSP is a paid product and requires an additional license. After revoking your electronic signature, you are sent a set of documents with a SKPEP contact card, indicating the type of license and serial number yakshcho bula pridbana.

    The license is:

    • entered (in a line of 1 riq, it is prepared at once with a signature, does not require entering the license number)
    • river (the term for 1 river, which requires entering the license number)
    • is constant (lineless – not surrounded by the term vykoristannya, which requires entering the license number).

    The issued license is recognized by versions of CryptoPro CSP 3.9 R4 and all versions 4.0.

    The serial number of a river or permanent license must be entered if it has not been provided previously.

    The serial number is used to indicate the version of the product. The product version can be viewed in the CryptoPro CSP program on the “Zagalni” tab on the right side (4040Х-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ for the CryptoPro CSP version 4.0 and 3939Х-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ.

  • CryptoPro CSP does not issue a subscription?

    Check to see if the signature is installed on your computer.

    Launch CryptoPro CSP => Service tab => Look at the certificates in the container button => Look at the button. If the list is empty, try a different USB port on your computer. If this does not help, you need to install the driver according to the type of media and capacity of the Windows system. discharge system Windows.

    You can download the drivers here.

    Maidanchik/portal does not require a signature?

    Launch CryptoPro CSP => Service tab => "Look at certificates in container" button => "Look" button.

    If the signature does not appear, then you will be surprised at the confirmation of supply No. 2.

    Once the signature has been confirmed, click the “Next” button, then the “Authority” button, and open the “Certification Paths” tab. The number of certificates must be formed from the relevant center and PIB authority of the EDS (the certificates do not have crosses or signs).

    If you have a certificate from the CA of the heart of the heart, you need to see it by clicking on it, clicking Review certificate, then the “Install” button (in the import manager you need to specify the Trust of the root center certificate Ikatsi).

    What does the certificate cost? hail sign certificate to the center, which is necessary to obtain // here and also install in the trust of the certification center.

    If the cross is not missing, you need to update the version of CryptoPro CSP (for Windows 10 there is a special version of CryptoPro CSP 4.0)

    If in CryptoPro CSP the list of certificates is displayed correctly, this means that there is a problem with InternetExplorer setup (see power supply no. 4 below).

  • Setting up Internet Explorer(IE)?

    For correct operation of InternetExplorer, it is obligatory to install a plugin for the operation with an electronic signature (you can download it // here)

    Automatic updates of InternetExplorer may be disabled, otherwise adjustments will be disrupted. You can enable it in the Update menu => About the program => uncheck Install new versions automatically.

    On your computer, you must have the ActiveX settings enabled, you can do this in the Start menu => select Browser Power in the row and select this item => in the window you need to select the Security tab => click on the Trusted sites (websites) zone to see flowed => then click the More button (find the list Elementi ActiveX that connection modules and set the parameter for skin tightening).

    We go to the site, where an electronic signature is required for work, it is added this side in Trusted sites/websites through the Browser Power, Security tab, by seeing the Trusted sites/websites zone and clicking the Sites/websites button. The Add button must be active, you need to click on it, on the checkbox: For all sites in this zone, server verification is required (https:) you must check the box. If the Add Web site button is inactive, the web page has already been added to the list of websites and there is no need to add it again. We are shutting down the authorities. We refresh the browser page using the F5 key. If notifications about downloads appear at the bottom or top of the browser, you need to launch them.

    I can’t log into the Maidan (the certificate is not provided/authorized)?

    Look at item No. 3, if the problems are not related to the settings, then when you enter the Maidan you will be informed: The client certificate is not registered with the system (or the selection of an electronic signature is not authorized).

    It is possible that you have not passed accreditation for the Maidan, if this is the case, then look at the instructions for accreditation for the electronic Maidan. Once the accreditation was passed, they rejected it new signature For example, in connection with this, if the term of the old signature has passed, then it needs to be linked to a special office, for which it is necessary to fill out an application for adding a new koristuvach to the Maidan and add the following documents to the application:

    For legal entities: either a decision about the recognition of the official, such as a signature on the official of the organization, or a power of attorney for the sponsor of the organization, which is registered for the sponsor (at whose location on the maydan spits archives with decisions about the recognition of the kerivnik and the trust of the kerivnik to the spivrobitnik). For commercial websites, you may additionally need a copy of the organization’s IPN.

    For IP/FO: passport, IPN.

    Examples of pages added by participants on the most popular Maidans:

    Oschadbank-AST (in the section for Participants => Registration => Adding a new accountant)

    Order of the Russian Federation (in the section Registration => Registration of a new member of the organization)

    MICEX (in the section for Participants => Registration of power of attorney)

    RTS-Tender (button Login => Accreditation => Submit a new employee)

    Roseltorg - on whose website you need to log in with a login and password or with an old electronic signature, or else, the right-hander will immediately provide information with the name of the organization and the name of the buyer icons. You need to click on the menu bar, a menu with buttons will appear, among which you need to know the button: Link a new digital signature.

    B2b-center - you need to log into a special account (using a login and password or an old active signature). Vibrati in special office Information about the organization => My electronic signatures => Upload a certificate through the tab => Registration of certificates. You must tick the checkbox: Certificate already installed on your computer.

    Fabrikant - you need to log into a special account (using a login and password or an old signature). Select the Certificates row in the special account. Claim the certificate in the additional tab Claiming a new EP.

    What is the container password for my signature?

    At the hour of your first electronic signature, a window will appear: Enter the password for the container

    The standard password is 12345678.

    You can change the password for the container. If you have a ruToken, you need to install // the Rutoken control panel. After launching the program, enter the administrator's PIN code in the Administration tab (if you remember, the administrator's PIN code is 87654321). Next, press the Unblock => Change button, select your account and set a password.

    If you have an eToken, you must install the eToken driver according to the capacity of the Windows system (the capacity of the system can be checked by right-clicking on the computer icon and selecting Power: 32 or 64-bit Windows). Launch eTokenProperties, click on Detailed View (the right-hand gear icon is on the top). Select the eToken name from the list of evils (the name will appear until the eTokenPKIClient Setup row). In the right-handed window, you need to click on the icon: Change password (it appears on the keyboard).

    How to register for GIS-ZhKG?

    The GIS Housing and Communal Services service authorizes organizations through the government services portal. Therefore, all cloud records must be created on the website From the very beginning it is necessary to register the kerivnik as a physical person. The creation of an account record is activated with an additional electronic signature assigned to the organization. After activation, an individual can add an organization. Confirmation is required for the same type of digital signature. If necessary, you can add information to the sponsoring organizations (they also have a person’s personal record on the website, confirmed by the same electronic signature). After this, the core of the organization needs to withdraw from the special office with the help of the EDS and, having turned the role of the organization, add a special account from the office of the legal entity. The administrator's rights can be assigned to the administrator's account.

    How can you understand what type of signature is required to work on this or that Maidan?

    Tell the consultant the exact name of the Maidan ( email addresses sites) for which you require an electronic signature.

    How long does it take to prepare a digital digital signature?

    An electronic signature is prepared within 1 business day after payment has been made and a minimum package of documents has been submitted (copies of passport and SNILZ).

    Is it possible to update an electronic signature without going to an electronic signature center?

    Issue and re-issue of electronic signature is impossible. This is to ensure that there are no safety precautions, as established by the proper legislation of the Russian Federation. To obtain an electronic signature, it is necessary to clearly verify the ownership of the person // to any center of the EP.

    How to sign a document for additional digital signature?

    Word Documents You can sign electronically in the following cases:

    1. If the document was created in Microsoft Office 2003/2007, no additional programs are required.

    2. If the document was created in Microsoft Office 2010/2013, then you need to additionally install the CryptoARM program - this is a program that demonstrates the capabilities of Russian legislation to ensure legally significant status. After signing the document, a file with extensions.sig is created, which clearly confirms the fact that the document was signed.

    What are these certificates?

    The list of certificates is verified to confirm the validity of the EP certificate. The lanyards include certificates of the head supervisory center, intermediate centers that confirm (including the CA that has received the certificate of the EP correspondent) and the certificate of the surveyor. If the number of certificates issued is incorrect (in the certificate authorities’ window on the “Certification Paths” tab, the certificates of the head and intermediate centers are indicated, either daily or marked with a cross), then The certificate of the terminal koristuvach is considered unreliable and cannot be recovered.

    What is Capicom/Cadescom?

    Capicom and Cadescom are extension programs for InternetExplorer. They are required to work with an electronic signature in the browser. EDS Browser Plug-in includes support and extensions.

    How can I get the Maidan to the most reliable sites (sites)?

    In order to add the website of the electronic Maidan to the appropriate nodes in your browser, go to the website of the Maidan through the InternetExplorer browser and open “Browser Power”. On the “Security” tab, click on the “Trusted Sites” zone and click the “Site” button. Uncheck the "For all sites in this zone, server verification (https:)" is required. Click the “Add” button, then close the “Trusted Sites” and “Browser Power” windows and refresh the browser page by pressing Ctrl+F5.

    How can I hide ActiveX settings?

    Go to the Maidan website using the InternetExplorer browser and unlock the power of the browser. On the “Security” tab, click on the “Trusted Sites” zone (“Trusted Sites” in InternetExplorer 8) and click the “More” button. In the list of parameters you will find the section “ActiveX controls and connection modules”. For all parameters for this section, select “Disable”. Click “Ok” to confirm saving settings. Close the “Browser Power” window and return to the page by pressing Ctrl+F5.

    CryptoPro CSP no-cost program?

    CryptoProCSP is a paid product. The product's product-free warranty period is set to three months from the first installation. After completion of this term, you must obtain a license to continue using the program.

    What should you do if your license for CryptoPro CSP has expired?

    Once your CryptoPro CSP license has expired, you must add a new license. As a rule, the term of the license ends simultaneously with the term of the electronic signature, so you can rarely end up with such a situation. However, if you encounter a problem, then you have three types of licenses for CryptoProCSP:

    • Richna, the term of the license is 1 river.
    • Bezstrokova, it’s steady.
    • Incorporated into the EP is valid through the whole term of the EP and cannot be vikorized outside of it.
  • How to enter the serial number of the CryptoPro CSP license?

    To enter the serial number of the license for the cryptoproCSP, run the program. On the “Games” tab, click the “Enter license” button. Enter the license number in the “Serial number” field.

    What can you do if you can’t enter the serial number of your CryptoPro CSP license?

    If you are unable to enter the serial number of the CryptoProCSP license, then your serial number does not correspond to the version installed program. The CryptoProCSP license serial number may indicate the product version. For version 3.9 the serial number starts with the numbers 3939, for version 4.0 – with the numbers 4040. It is necessary to install the version of CryptoProCSP that matches your license number.

    How to view CryptoPro CSP?

    The CryptoPro CSP installation is completed in two stages. Clear the program now in standard ways, through the "Control Panel", then run the cspclean.exe utility. After completing the utility, you must restart your computer.

    How to update CryptoPro CSP?

    To install the new version of CryptoProCSP, run the installation program and confirm the update request. I'll be sure installed version the product is not required.

    How to copy an electronic signature?

    To copy the EP, launch CryptoProCSP, go to the “Service” tab and click the “Copy” button. After clicking “Look”, select the signature you want to copy. Press “Ok”, then “Next”. Enter the name of the container. It is necessary to distinguish the name of the output container with at least one character. Click "Done". From the list of media, select Registry and press OK. You can set a password for a new container or leave the password fields empty.

    In what circumstances should I re-issue an electronic signature?

    Scheduled re-release occurs in the fields when the data in the signature changes. For legal entities such data є: short name of the legal entity, legal address, IPN/KPP/OGRN, PIB koristuvach, yogo posad, SNILZ and email. For individual entrepreneurs: PIB, IPN/OGRNIP, registration addresses, SNILS, email. For physical persons: personal identification number, individual personal identification number, registration addresses, SNILS, email. If the data has changed, you can still sign quickly, otherwise it loses legal force, then electronic trading With such a signature you can be encouraged.

    How can I resubscribe?

    The procedure for re-issuing (renewing) an electronic signature is the same as for the first generation of an electronic signature. You will need to re-submit copies of documents and register with a person in our office before the signature is removed.

List of documents for a legal entity:

1. Registration from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (UDRUL) is not older than 30 days.

2. Passport

3. Company details

4. SNILS (Insurance certificate of sovereign pension insurance)

5. IPN certificate

List of documents for an Individual Entrepreneur (IP):

1. Link to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP)

2. Passport

3. SNILS (Insurance certificate of sovereign pension insurance)

4. IPN certificate

List of documents for an individual:

1. Passport

2. IPN certificate

2. SNILS (Insurance certificate of sovereign pension insurance)

2. Clears the window: "Sorry! The CAPICOM library cannot be accessed, possibly through low access rights on this local machine."

If you are currently working on the site, the message "Sorry! The CAPICOM library cannot be accessed, perhaps due to low access rights on this local machine" you will need:

1. Click on the yellow box under the site address with the text “This website is intended to be installed by Nadbudova: “CAPICOM User Download v2.1.0.2” from “Microsoft Corporation”. Do you trust this website and want to install it? , click here...";

2. Select "Install ActiveX element";

3. Press the “Install” button; This procedure must be continued until you no longer see these messages (this is individual for each computer). This is a one-time adjustment.

3. How to install a special certificate?

Installed special certificate(Certificate of your organization) can be obtained in the following way:

Through the menu "Look at certificates in the container"

1. Vibrati Start / Control Panel / CryptoPro CSP, go to the Service tab and click on the button Review the certificates in the container(Div. Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Vikno “Power of CryptoPro CSP”

2. Click the Look button on the window to select a container to look at. After selecting the container, click the OK button (division small 2).

Rice. 2. How to choose a container for viewing

3. At the next window, click the Next button.

Rice. 3. Window "Selected private key container"

4. If the installed version of CryptoPro CSP 3.6 R2 (product version 3.6.6497) or higher, then click on the Install button in the window, after which you will be promptly informed about replacing the certificate (as but show up).

Rice. 4. It is possible to review the certificate

5. At the window about the successful installation of the certificate, click OK

Rice. 5. Window “Notification about the successful installation of the certificate”

6. After that, press the ready button

Rice. 6. You can review the selected certificate

5. Close the CryptoPro CSP window by pressing the OK button

Detailed information about certificate installation is available upon request.

4. How to set up email.

Setting up Outlook Express security settings follows the following scheme:

1. Select the menu item Service/Tools -> Cloud records/ Accounts and open the Mail/Mail tab.

2. From the list of cloud records that are displayed, select the one you want to manage, and click the Power/Properties button.

3. In the dialog that appears, select the Security tab, which allows the customer to indicate their specific certificates, which will be used when selecting the customer’s special keys for forming an electronic digital signature decryption of input information. In the certificate selection dialog, the certificates that are issued to the mailing address will be displayed. by e-mail and permissions for electronic mail protection

5. In the dialog, select the Security tab:

6. Set the following modes in the dialog box:

a. Enable koristuvach when sending encrypted mail. Setting the mode to on allows the sender to decrypt messages sent to them.

b. Include my digital ID when sending singed messages. In this mode, the sender certificate will be automatically added until everyone is notified. This mode allows you to exchange certificates for additional signed notifications, and then recover certificates for further encryption of messages between recipients.

c. Encode message before signing. When the notification mode is enabled, all tabs will be combined into a single tab with a digital signature. When the mode is turned on, the signature is formed in the form of one adjacent insert for all inserts.

d. Automatically add senders certificates to my address book. When the mode is enabled, certificates that are valid in the signed notification warehouse will be automatically added to the address book.

e. Check for revoked Digital Ds:

i. Only when you are at the edge / Only when online. Installation of the verification marker is carried out before the skin operation of molding or verification of the electronic digital signature is accompanied by verification of the clicked certificate. To check for your doctor, you need to check the Certificate Request List (CRL), information about which one is found is recorded as an additional document in the skin doctor’s certificate. This option is not specified, and Outlook Express does not detect the fact that the client's keys have been compromised.

ii. Nikoli/Never.

The check on the cord does not change.

5. How to sign a document

There are 2 types of sending a document to a signed person.

The first method is to sign the document itself, and the other is to sign the entire sheet.

To create and enforce a signed notification:

1. Click the Create Mail button or select File -> New -> Mail message.

3. To send a notification to the subscribed view, turn over the position of the Subscribe/Sign button. It may be pressed, and you may see a signed notification sign on the right side of the screen.

4. Once the message has been prepared before sending, click the Send button:

Another method is when the file is signed. Plastic bag Microsoft Office allows you to attach digital signatures to a specific document. For whom is it necessary:

1. From the Tools menu, select Settings, and then open the Security tab.

2. Click on Digital Signatures.

3. Click the Add button.

4. Select the certificate, and then click OK.

For other data formats, you need to use the CryptoArm program.

6. The term of the CryptoPro action will end.

During installation, the serial number for the product was not entered in accordance with the attached license.

7. The post office does not issue a certificate.

At the time of setting up electronic mail at the stage of signing the mail document, the required certificate is not found. This is the case if the email address, which is indicated when preparing the digital digital signature, is not matched with a valid email screen.

8. When CryptoPro is installed on the remaining installation, the system displays a notification about the incorrect installation of the program and starts uninstalling it. Yak buti?

The problem stems from an incorrect (or incorrect) view latest version Crypt Pro from the computer. To delete files that were lost in the latest version, you need to use the CryptoPro clear.bat trace cleaner program. You can download the program from:

9. Where can I find the secret key for the EDS signature?

All signatures issued by our company have a secret key located in the middle of the container on the stolen nose. To remove it from the container you need to:

When turned on system unit via the CryptoPro program Start à Control Panel à CryptoPro à Service à Look at the certificates in the container. In the dialog box that appears, you select the required container by looking around and Next. In the window for reviewing the EDS private key data, select the “Warehouse” tab, Copy from file and indicate how to save the certificate.

10. CryptoPro do not store the container on a flash drive. It is recommended to choose a different nose.

It depends on what type of wear you are making in the way of unleashing carnage. If you use smart cards such as Rutoken, MSKey, Etoken, then, most likely, you do not have drivers installed for correct operation with the key.

If your key is on a USB 2.0 flash drive, you need to check the version of the CryptoPro kernel. If you are a vikorist of cryptopro 3.0, then you are in trouble. In order to train him it is necessary:

When the device is included in the system unit, through the CryptoPro program Start à Control Panel à CryptoPro à Ownership Set up Readers Add. In the Reader Installation Master window, select Disk Drive on the right side of the screen (or in CryptoPro all USB carrier are designated as floppy disks). At the next window, select the correct name for the flash drive, so that the name under which the flash drive appears in “My Computer”.

If you are using CryptoPro 3.6 and the container is not visible, then there is a problem. Please contact the office to get the key.

11. They rejected the EDS, so what can we do? How to register on the trading platform?

The entire procedure for accreditation, filing an application for participation in the auction and conducting the auction itself is described in the regulations of the specific electronic shopping Maidan, what you can find out on the website of this Maidan. There are various additional video materials and instructions for working in the system. Or you can contact us to support our service and help you with accreditation on any electronic Maidan.

12. To check what operating system is installed on your computer

— Go to Explorer to My computer.

— Right-click the mouse on the display and select Power from the menu.

— The window contains information about your system.

13. To find out what version of the Internet Explorer browser is installed on your computer

— Launch Internet Explorer.

— Select from horizontal menu At the top of the browser there is a “Advance” item.

— The window contains information about the current version of the browser.

- Possible option

14. To install the latest version of the Internet Explorer 8 browser

— Tell me command line Available addresses:

— On the window, write “Enchant without catastrophe.”

— Press “Viconati” near the window.

- Then press “Viconati” again.

— After installation is complete, you will need to restart your computer.

The development of current methods of identifying particularity is a great step in the development of electronic document management. What matters is that the development of such a development does not directly have a practical sense, that the use of such features is necessary for only a small number of investors and there is no way to outweigh a simple signature in reliability and reliability, but not yes.

Electronic digital signature allows you to determine the reliability of an individual during digital document processing, which essentially increases its effectiveness and allows you to save money.

Electronic digital signature (or EDS) - this, in essence, electronic details, which allows you to steal the digital version of any document as a detail. The legislator defines the EDS as an analogue of a hand-written signature, which is used to identify an individual electronic document management.

In fact, there are a number of options for digital signatures.

Do not remove elements cryptographic protection. Security is ensured by changing your login, password and connection codes.

The password is used only for the actual identification of the buyer, rather than for the protection of a specific document.

Such a signature can still be used to certify documents, however, for which it is necessary to sign singing minds:

  • extension to a specific document;
  • The correspondence corresponds to the internal rules of document management;
  • availability of data about the specificity of the file directory.

Not qualified up to the signed signature, otherwise the level is less than that of the qualified person. Prote, cryptographic methods are already being explored. The use of such a signature allows not only to sign the document, but also to make further changes with their further confirmations.

Qualified I am interested in the most protected option. Cryptographic methods of protection are being investigated, and they are confirmed by special authorities. It is practically easy, but there is a huge plus - reliability. You can connect such a signature only at a special center, which will confirm.

As soon as I sign with such a seal, the document becomes equal to the paper counterpart, signed by a special person, with the appearance of a special friend.

Methods, services and results of verification

Vikoristannya EDS, flawless, practical and easy. However, the skin care provider is responsible for verifying its reliability, so to ensure against possible damage on the side of counterparties.

Carrying out the verification is not particularly difficult. For this purpose, it is enough to quickly access one of many services. So, you can check the validity of the document signed for the additional EDS by the official on the website

This service allows you to quickly analyze the document and extract the result. To do this, you need to properly set up your computer, but it’s not difficult, you just need to follow the instructions on the site.

If you install the EP on your computer on your own, do not go out, just go to the center to confirm. Upon completion of their work, an act of establishing an electronic signature is formed.

Another service provided by the State Services portal is also not available from Vikoristan. By visiting you can download the file of UDS signatures, and check the validity of the service.

For the additional service, you can no longer verify the document, but the signature itself. It is necessary to download a file in a suitable format, the system will verify:

  1. Certificate term.
  2. You are not a subscriber to the click list.
  3. Chi assign the EDS to the number seen by the accreditation centers themselves.

The most popular method of verification is verification through the State Service portal. However, there is still a lack of services, which are still close to their effectiveness.

Zagalom verification methods can be divided into two teepees:

  1. Verification of a document signed by the EDS.
  2. Verification of the EDS itself.

To ensure maximum efficiency, it is recommended to use both methods. In addition, it is necessary to periodically check the EDS itself to ensure that it is disabled or ineffective.

Another way to verify the digital digital signature is by installing a supporting program on the PC. As a rule, vikorist CryptoPro through a number of additional functions for robots with EDS.

The result of any verification is confirmation or non-confirmation of the authenticity of the EDS or the document signed by it. Such services simply need to be used for work, so that they can ensure the security of electronic document management.

If work for assistance is carried out on a permanent basis, it is recommended to use software such as CryptoPro.

How to install EDS

To install the EP on your PC, you need to download the relevant EP and follow the instructions.


First of all, you need to install it on your computer CryptoPro CSP program. Dali:

  1. Launch the program in any way. Another option is to open the Control Panel, the "Programs" menu and find out what you need there, or find it by searching if the location is not visible. The launch takes place as an administrator.
  2. After launching the program, a window will appear where you need to find the “Service” tab.
  3. Next you will find the menu “Look at certificates in the container”.
  4. The “Look” window appears, where you can view information about the name of the container and reader. Pressing Ok.
  5. The current window “Certificates in a private key container” does not require any work. We just skip yogo by pressing Dali.
  6. A window will appear with the accountant's details. You need to select “Vlastivosti”.
  7. We install a new Certificate, for which we select “Install Certificate”.
  8. At the beginning of the day, nothing is vibrating and it’s just stamped “Far.”
  9. Next, you need to select the item “Place all certificates in one folder”, for which it is labeled “Overlook” and select the “Specialty” folder.
  10. The last step is to press “Ready”.


There is also a cool plugin from CryptoPro, which allows you to create and verify the signature on web pages. CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in you can do it like this current browser, including Chrome and Yandex.

It is important that for work with the EDS it is obligatory to use Internet Explorer, but this is not the case. It is enough for the Internet browser to support Java.

This plugin allows:

  1. Sign documents for electronic document management.
  2. Verify web form data.
  3. Verify any files that are being accessed from your computer.
  4. Sign the notification.

For additional plugins, you can check both the original EP and the more detailed one. An important plus is that everything is completely free of costs.

To install the plugin, you don’t need any special skills; everything is installed automatically. You just need to run the installer file, then select “Visit”, “Next” and “Ok”. The program does everything itself.

If you encounter any difficulties with the installation or operation of the program, you can immediately contact the company for help, where the signature was purchased. In most episodes of stench, give reporting instructions and provide assistance over the telephone.

Setting up and activation

For full-fledged work, EDS is required set up correctly that activation. For which it is necessary, in addition to installing the CryptoPro program and an additional plugin, install row system programs and drivers, how to ensure a stable job.

  1. Rutoken drivers are installed first. To do this, you need to run the installer file, before getting the electronic ID from USB. After launching, follow the program instructions.
  2. After installing the trace, restart your computer and connect the identifier. The system automatically displays yoga.
  3. Next, CryptoPro CSP is installed. This is a short description of the previous section.
  4. After these manipulations, it is necessary to install the root certificate. You need to engage with the site center, which will prove it. After that, you need to find the middle of the downloaded file cacer.p7b, click on it with the mouse, right button, and select “Install certificate”. Click further, then select “Place certificates in one folder”, then “Look” and select “Trusted root certificate authorities”. Then “Dali” and “Ready”.
  5. If the empty window appears, you need to press “Yes” several times, then “Ok”.
  6. The offensive deadline is the installation of a special certificate. Click on Start and search for CryptoPro CSP. Select “Service” and “Look at certificates...”, then “Look”. We select and accept. When a window appears, enter the PIN code of the electronic device in the next section, then click “Install”.
  7. The next important thing is linking the key to the certificate. As a rule, it is activated in automatic mode, however, then follow the instructions in the center, which will confirm.
  8. You should also install CAPICOM, which is available everywhere on the Microsoft website. The installer file must be launched and followed by instructions.

Correctly setting up the electronic signature will allow you to avoid a lot of problems. That’s why all your work needs to be done with the utmost respect. In times of guilt, any food will be better than ever to go to the center, which will come to light.

Detailed instructions for installing and activating the CryptoPro program can be found below.

meal parts

How reliable is the use of EDS?

The reliability of the electronic signature remains sufficient high level, initially the EDS is equal to a manual signature. It is practically impossible to break the system, and the chance of obtaining a valid signature is very low.

Why is it more important to remove the EP of a physical person?

The Federal Law may require signatures for any electronic document management. In addition, the use of such a signature significantly expands the capabilities of the portal of government services.

How much does the EDS cost?

The rate of electronic signature is not very high. Physical person It will cost approximately 1000 rubles, the maximum cost for legal entities is up to 2500 rubles.

How to install and configure Rutoken, you will find out from this video.

They often attack us because of food, How to install a certificate via CryptoPro CSP. Situations are different: the director and the chief accountant have changed, a new certificate has been taken from the center, which is a fact of the matter. Everything worked before, but now it doesn’t. It is clear that you need to work to install a valid digital certificate on your computer.

You can install a special certificate in two ways:

1. Through the CryptoPro CSP menu “Look at the certificates in the container”

2. Through the CryptoPro CSP menu “Install a special certificate”

How to vikorist at work operating system Windows 7 without SP1, then install the certificate following the recommendations of option No. 2.

Option No. 1. Installed through the menu "Look at certificates in the container"

To install the certificate:

1. Select Start -> Control Panel -> CryptoPro CSP -> Services tab and click the “Look at certificates in the container” button.

2. At the window, click the “Look” button. Select a container and confirm your selection with the OK button.

When you see the message “The private key container does not have a private encryption key,” proceed to option No. 2 before installing the digital certificate.

4. If you have installed version of “CryptoPro CSP” 3.6 R2 (product version 3.6.6497) on your computer, or more importantly, click on the “Install” button in the window. Finally, wait and replace the certificate with the proposition.

Since there is no “Install” button, near the “Certificate for review” window, click the “Authority” button.

5. In the "Certificate" window -> "Grounds" tab, click the "Install certificate" button.

6. In the “Certificate Import Wizard” window, select “Next”.

7. If you have installed version "CryptoPro CSP" 3.6, then in the next window you just need to disable the switch on the item "Automatically select a device based on the type of certificate" and click "Next". The certificate will be automatically installed at the “Specialty” organization.

Option 2. Installed through the menu "Install a special certificate"

To install, you will need the certificate file itself (with the extension .cer). It can be, for example, on a floppy disk, on a token, or on the hard drive of a computer.

To install the certificate:

1. Select Start -> Control Panel -> CryptoPro CSP -> Services tab and click the “Install a special certificate” button.

2. In the “Special Certificate Installation Wizard” window, click the “Next” button. At the next window, to select the certificate file, click “Look”.

3. Select the path to the certificate and press the “Open” button, then “Next”.

4. At this time you can review the information about the certificate. Press "Distance".

5. At the next step, enter or indicate the private key container that corresponds to the selected certificate. To do this, use the "Look" button.

If you have installed version of CryptoPro CSP 3.6 R2 (product version 3.6.6497) or better, check the box “Install a certificate in the container”.

8. Select the “Peculiarities” box and click OK.

9. They took away the convulsion. Now press “More”, then “Done”. From whom you can contact:

At whose end, type “So.”

10. Wait for a notification about the successful installation of a special certificate on your computer.

You can all sign the documents, vykorista and a new certificate.