How to log into the Asus modem. Skidannya setup ASUS router. Possible problems when changing DNS settings

U model range The Asus manufacturer has many routers that are similar in design, differing in the number of antennas, USB input and Wi-Fi ranges. A special feature is that the adjustment of different routers released under this brand does not differ in principle. There are no more options to choose from available functions on this or other model.

To connect to any Asus model, do not rush to plug the device into the outlet immediately after purchase. First croc - correct connection cables Most routers of this manufacturer have 4 ports for LAN connection of computers and laptops and an additional port for connecting to the Internet. Insert the cables into the required sockets: the cable cord specified by your provider is in the blue port, and all gun devices are in the yellow port. After unplugging the device from the outlet, make sure the connection is secure. As a rule, you can print the router settings within 30 seconds after your connection.

Turn over the device and find the standard IP address of the router, login and password to enter the site for setting up information, which is presented on the bottom panel. A little less from these data is spoiled standard name dartless lines. Since the router is a 2-band router (operates at frequencies of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz), then you can use either of these connections.

Important! You can customize your router via Wired connection, or via Wi-Fi.

Setting up the network on the Asus router

To print the settings, enter the router's IP in the program you use to view sites. You can find out the IP of your router. After asking for authorization, enter the standard login and password (you can recognize it). The first page to open in the interface will be the boundary map. Here you can find basic connection data, information about clients and USB devices, connections to Asus. You can change any of this information directly on this page, without going to special sections. For example, the authorization parameters for the Wi-Fi network are changed in the “System settings” tab, in the “2.4GHz” and “5GHz” sections.

To connect your Asus Wi-Fi router to the Internet, go to the “ Additional adjustments-> Internet." In this case, it will be useful to know the connection agreement you entered into with your provider. Someone has the necessary information. In the “Basic settings” section, select the type of connection. Every Asus model comes with a lot of advanced technologies, such as access to the Internet. If your provider has a non-standard technology, it may be implemented in one of the firmwares, which can be downloaded separately.

In the “Setting up WAN IP address” item, choose to automatically retrieve the IP address or enter it manually, as the provider has given you a static IP and the number of instructions in the contract. In the section “Customization” regional registration» Enter your login and password as required to connect to the Internet. If the provider provides additional data for connection (for example, access is available via VPN), indicate them in the account with special benefits.

At the same point “Internet” on about the investment You can configure port forwarding. One of the features of Asus Wi-Fi routers is a large list of programs for setting up ports. You can select the program at the item “List of selected games”. Everything can be spent in manual mode, by clicking the “Add/View” button at the bottom table.

Important! Transferring ports may be beneficial when incorrect robot various programs Since there are no problems with these connections, it is recommended not to change the settings.

Once the connection has been established, go to the “Local Measurement” menu. On the "LAN IP" tab you can change the router address. The “DHCP Server” section allows you to set up a protocol for automatically assigning an IP address for all devices. For uninformed users, completely disable the DHCP server and, if necessary, set a range of addresses that will be assigned to edge devices. In this case, the range of indications does not include the address itself Wi-Fi router, otherwise conflicts may arise, as this annex And one computer will be assigned one IP.

When the DHCP server is enabled, it is necessary to assign an IP address manually. To identify peripheral devices, the MAC addresses of each type are determined. You can also set up manual addressing for existing clients by adding them to the bottom table. Such adjustment is necessary for the correct operation of certain programs that interact with the local network.

Setting up WiFi on Asus routers

You can change Wi-Fi parameters in the menu “Additional settings -> Wireless network”. On the “Zagalni” tab you can set various parameters for connections that work in the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands (with a 2-band router). Since the device supports only one band – 2.4 GHz, the “Frequency Range” list that appears is not displayed. The “Private SSID” item allows you to create your network with a registered one. There is no significant reduction in security; fragments of devices are at any time sent to the airwaves to their MAC address.

Fill in the channel width mode without changing, and select “Auto” from the list of channels. This is to allow the router to independently select the lowest frequency range within the range to avoid errors that may occur dartless routers susidiv.

It is recommended to set the authentication method to “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK”. Encryption using this protocol will ensure Wi-Fi protection from unnecessary connections and data overload. In the “WPA Front Key” field, set the password that will be used to connect to Wi-Fi.

How do you want to change your addon? Wi-Fi setup on your Asus router, go to the “Professional” tab. Corisna function In this menu - the radio module is turned on only in singing hour. For this help you can contact Wi-Fi robot if you don’t vikorist. For example, when installing the device in the office, you may need to remove the radio module during non-working hours. If the router is installed in your home, you can set Wi-Fi connection at night.

The item “Set an isolated access point” allows you to limit the access of connected devices to local measures. After its activation, all devices will be able to access the Internet, otherwise their interaction will become impossible. Most often, the process of adjustment becomes stagnant in the dormitory Wi-Fi connections to ensure the confidentiality of data stored on client devices. With well-established home systems, there is usually no such need.

To improve access to local data, you can use the guest network. This setting is configured in the menu “Zagalni -> Guest Merezha”. An hour of work can be separated by a number of years and hours (section “Hour of access”). After completing the assigned term, the connection will open automatically. For guest networks, you can set private encryption parameters or disable them as private ones. SSID is also indicated separately.

Increase your respect! On most current ASUS routers, you can create up to four guest networks.

System configuration of Asus routers, USB connection

You can change cloud account data in the "Administration -> System" menu. You can also set the behavior of the WPS button. Select the option “Uvimk./Vimk. Wi-Fi" and "Activate WPS". WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) technology allows drone-free devices to connect to Wi-Fi without entering a password within two steps of pressing a button on the router. If you plan to use this option, select a different button behavior option. Otherwise, it is better to choose the first option so as not to enter the router’s Internet connection panel immediately if you are going to turn on Wi-Fi.

If you do not want access to setting up the router to be denied from another computer, click the “Allow only specified ip address” item. Add the IP to the white list behind the additional “Specified IP address” table.

Today we will learn about how to enter the settings of the Asus router. Like and a lot of others edge structures, modems and routers from the Asus driver contain secret access control rules. Log in before setting up using another browser - here the administrator console opens, where you can make the necessary changes.

Login at the installation

The Asus router, like any other, allows you to connect to an additional browser. To open the admin panel, you must enter the IP address of the device. There are three ways to know this:

· By installing the back cover and knowing its address;

·Hide the menu intermediate connection in Windows, find out the IP;

· By connecting to the device via an intermediate cable.

The other and third methods are shorter, installing fragments of some materials unique values on the device and the factory data shown on rear criss modem, become irrelevant.

Connection via mesh cable

The simplest way. For whom is it necessary to meet? by merging cable router from computer. On the body of the computer or laptop there is a special connector for the cable. On the modem, it is necessary to use the LAN connector (do not confuse it with the WAN). Your message can be sent to the address or Done, now we have been denied access to the admin area. Here you need to enter the login and password of the correspondent (admin/admin, as a rule).

The blue square shows the LAN port.

Connecting to additional Windows features

An important option for denying access, which allows you to safely determine the exact address of the modem. You can log into the router by opening the access control menu. Why do you need to press a combination? Win key+ R and enter in the window After this, all available devices will be opened before connecting and then you will find the one for us Asus (it may have a different name, as the data was previously changed).

Then you need to click right button Click on the name of the device and select the menu sub-item “Status” or “Status” (for Russified Windows versions). When you click on the status, another additional window will open, in either the “Details” or “Report” menu. By pressing this button, the connection details will appear. There you need to know the row IPv4 Default Gateway or “Gateway for installation” and the address specified in the order. This is the IP address of the modem to which the connection is made. It is necessary to copy this IP into the address bar of the browser, after which you will see the login to the admin panel. I enter my login and password again. The admin panel is open.

Connection problems

A lot of people complain and write about power failure, similar to “I can’t enter the menu” or “the router menu does not open.” As a rule, this happens when a change has been made to the modem in the admin panel. How can I troubleshoot my router for problems like this? And one correct way is to set up the router physically. To do this, you need to press and rub the Reset button for 10 seconds, located on the rear end of the device.

How to enter the safe mode?

Logging into the admin panel via Wi-Fi is the best solution, since it is simple and includes all the necessary settings. This method allows you to open any side with settings and install data that is necessary for the local modem. As a rule, special office Set up on the router yourself using an additional Wi-Fi connection.

Please: do not change the factory settings of the router, such as the frequency range or other criteria that were set by the transmitter. This will help eliminate other problems. By the way, through such a gift you can get rid of the need full discount adjust the modem.

Asus password – forgot your password?

If your Internet service provider has given you your router, you can try calling them and asking them to know the accountant's name and password for your router, or they may be able to reset it for you.

If you still can't log into the system, you'll probably have to reset your router to get some cleaning done.

It is possible that your password behind the router may be different from what we misinterpreted here.

Change the DNS settings of your router

Some Internet service providers are willing to exploit the DNS system and assign unknown names to the servers they protect. You can do this without you knowing what's going on, since your router takes its DNS settings from your ISP. For example, if you have one of many Internet providers that want your DNS, and you want to go to the Internet at, but doesn’t matter, you can select the page for that your Internet provider with local advertising on New.

By changing the DNS settings on your router, you can effectively change the DNS settings on your computer at the same time. This is due to the fact that when a device is connected to your network, your router automatically transfers the DNS configuration authority to that device. In this manner, you can steal all your data from ISP theft with one parameter.

Changing DNS settings on Asus

If you followed our guide to registering the site, you are responsible for damaging this screen.

To change the settings domain name systems, click on the choice on the left side of the page with the label “ LAN» , crushed under additional adjustments.

On this new page, click on the tab at the top of the page with the text DHCP Server.

Adjust the DNS partition of your Asus RT-N66U

Now you are on a page similar to the one you see above. Scroll down until you reach the section configured DNS and WINS Server .

The specified field DNS server Enter the primary IP address of the selected DNS server.

Most routers have at least two spaces for the primary and secondary addresses. ASUS RT-N66U There is no room for the main address. Since you rarely need a secondary address, this won't be a problem, but if you find one, you may need a different router.

For children: best programs for children on iOS or Android.

Once everything is earned from the changes you want to earn, press the button “ Zastosuvati" at the bottom of the side.

Possible problems when changing DNS settings

Most devices at your disposal will not begin to interfere with the new DNS adjustments, and the data will not be re-installed. After reactivating the device, you can go to the next let's adjust the lines And reconnect to make sure your DNS server is specified.

Asus Port Forwarding Instructions

Once you have completed logging in Asus RT-N66U, you were wasted on border map router. Find the message on the left side of the page with the inscription WAN, it appears under the heading “ Additional adjustments". Tse vidkrie new side uphill, select the tab at the top, marked Virtual Server / Port Forwarding .

Adjust the “Port Forwarding” section of your Asus

Now, to send the port, make the following changes:

Now you are on the right side. Scroll down, don't miss the docks port forwarding list. Pid tsim for the service Enter those that will tell you why you are overpowering and spoiling, for example, running programs.

Order from the range ports Enter the port number in this field, as you forward a number of ports, then enter them in the list view, such as 22,23,24, range, such as 22-25, or combination, such as 22, 23, 25-27.

The right hand of whom is known local IP-addresses IP addresses, which you are transferring to these ports, have this field. If you forward the port for running programs on your computer, you must enter the IP address of your computer here.

After whom it stops local port. Enter the same numbers as you entered port range, you can enter ports in a list view, range, or combination thereof.

When you finish everything, press the “ Add" on the right, and then " Zastosuvati" lower. That's all!

If your router is faulty, buy a new one.

How important is it to install ASUS routers? Perhaps, this Taiwanese company itself has a graphical interface of the “real” firmware that looks as friendly as possible to the crook. Basic adjustment Such a router (RT-N of any series, WL-500 and 520, RT-G32) can be purchased for 2 hvilini. First of all, first of all, you need to know the address of the ASUS router in order to enter the web interface. The standard address values ​​for ASUS devices are now: This is correct for routers with an installed ADSL block. In fact, is there anything that needs to be changed, since the standard values ​​can be found in any manual that has been adjusted? The standard login and password for entering the interface is the pair “admin”.

The only problem is that problems can arise - because the router has already had to “adjust”, and so the value of the IP address and password has become different.

So glad for that. If the router is not new, check the box, press reset on its case. The reset button must be pressed for 10-15 seconds, then released and the device turned off. True, ASUS has a button called restore.

Asus router (red button – restore)

Now you will see how to connect the router to the computer, and then go to the web interface.

Forward actions before adjustments

Connecting wired connections to the router

To set up the router, you need to connect it to the computer with a shortcut cable. Sequence of actions before adjustment:

  • Before WAN port(blue color) – you need to connect the connector to the provider cable
  • Any LAN port – connect to an Ethernet port border map computer (Vikorist and patch cord included in the kit)

ASUS router hardware connections

  • Before installing the router, it is recommended to check whether the wired connection on your computer is configured correctly.

An example of the correct configuration of the PC map

  • As everything has been said above, you can turn on the life of the router. I send the computer to be re-installed.

We will configure the router from the graphical interface. Let’s look at how to independently determine the IP address of an interface.

If the computer and router connection is installed, you can right-click on the end of this connection. Next, select the word “Stan” and go to the “Support” tab:

Station z'ednannya – Podtrimka

In the first row of the tabs, indicate the IP address of the computer (the address looks like 192.168.1.XX). Well, the “IP” of the router will end up as “one”.

For example, if the computer is assigned the address, then the web interface of the router can be opened by going to the next address:

Wanting most of the IP addresses of the ASUS router to be, we looked at a universal method here (which allows you to determine its value). Let's move on to finalization.

Login to the web interface

Once the router is activated (which will happen 40 seconds after it is turned off), the computer will establish a connection with it. Then you can open any browser and go to the address we specified:

Login to the interface for setting up the device

The router supplies your username and password. Here comes the pair "admin". After 2-3 seconds, step on the tab:

Start tab for the interface

On the start account you can customize the drone-free network (change the SSID name, set a password). Setting up an Internet connection - go to another tab, Advanced Settings -> WAN.

You can change the values ​​to suit your needs

Changing the password for the web interface

I think I have been given the option to call for food. Your password can be changed on routers without any restrictions. For ASUS, for example, the username of the account manager cannot be remembered (the “admin” will be lost).

To set a new password value, go to the “Additional settings” tab -> “Administration” in the router’s web interface (then to the “System” tab):

Setting a password

Set the top field to a password value. Confirm this with the next step. Press the “Freeze” button. Next time, go to the web interface and you will be able to log out with a new password.

Happy setting up!

Changing the router's IP address in a local network

Yaksto koristuvachevi on Narazi– do not enter a significant address, as it is a matter of solving problems that can be corrected. Go to the “Additional settings” tab -> “LAN”:

IP addresses of ASUS router (from our example) - change to What will happen after pressing the “Freeze” button?

Important to know! If necessary, you do not need to change the values ​​of the intermediate mask (do not lose the mask with the remaining zero, as it was added “for cleaning”).

“Do not match” IP values ​​that end up with two ones, possibly for some reason. It is possible that the WAN port of the router is connected to a modem (configured in router mode). With this connection, the router must be configured “under DHCP”. To make sure that the IP addresses of the local networks of the router and the modem are not in the same range.

Or, perhaps, “behind the router” there is a device that also organizes a local network with a similar address range. Changing the IP address in the router solves similar problems in one second.

The video readings have a configured connection “under PPPoE” with the IPTV option enabled for the set-top box:

A person who suffers from problems may feel the need to configure the router. Here we look at the sequence of actions for switching the switch of one of the most popular switches - ASUS, using the DSL-N10 model.

This router is, as the name suggests, a DSL device (in English digital subscriber line, digital subscriber line). This family was designed in the mid-90s, when the Internet came with telephone lines. The expansion was carried out by increasing the throughput capacity of the network, so that the work on the Internet network did not drain the network. telephone devices and faxes.

Some parameters of various representatives of the family are presented in the table.

Technology representative/parameterI'll accept itTransmission speedMaximum line life without repeater
Asymmetric DSL (ADSL)24 Mbit/s1.4 Mbit/s5.5 km
Integrated Services Digital Network DSL (IDSL)144 kbit/s144 kbit/s5.5 km
Universal ADSL (UADSL)1.5 Mbit/s384 kbit/s3.5 km

However, this model does not support connections via telephone network. The device has several ports for connecting to the internal network (LAN), as well as other ports for connecting to the external network (WAN). In addition, the router provides the ability to use drone-free surveillance.

To enter the switch setup, you need a login and password to enter. As a rule, a sticker with standard meanings is located on the lower part of the device.

Let's take a look at the rows of the list:

  1. IP Address – vlasne, Merezheva addresses switch.
  2. User name – login of the administrator for the promotion.
  3. Password – password for registration.
  4. SSID – the name of the drone-free range from factory settings.

Important! If your switch has already been used, and you don’t remember your login, password, orIP addresses can be quickly reset to factory settings using the reset button. It is sunk into the body, and to press it, press it quickly with a pickle or a violin. Press the next button and press it for about five seconds.

Login to configured router - preparation

The best way to change the device is to change the official software security View of the vibrator. The kit with the switch includes a disk for storing korisny utilities, drivers and service providers.

Krok 1. Launch the installation wizard (Autorun). I have decided to tell you what you need. From the list of possible actions, select “Install ASUS WLAN Router utilities”.

Note! It is best to use the original documents and instructions, since the translations, as a rule, are best. Confused letters and incorrect markings are the result of transfer work that is far removed from information technology work.

Croc 2 On the installation wizard screen, press the “Next” button.

Croc 3. Select the directory in which you want to record the utilities, vikoryst and the “Look” button.

Krok 4. In the window, write down the installation directions, or open it for your help.

Krok 5. Select a folder from the Start menu to save your skin program shortcuts. Getting ready to get ready New folder, with the name entered in the “Program folders” row.

Krok 6 Wait for the installation operation to complete.

Krok 7. Please allow time for the installation wizard to install any necessary drivers.

Krok 8 Complete installation of utilities. Optionally, you can choose to launch the router setup wizard, or first check the setup of your computer and the availability of the router.

Krok 9 Launch the Device Discovery utility. It is intended for searching in the local area available for setting up switches. If the switch does not appear in automatic mode, speed up using the “Search” button or the “Alt + S” combination.

Krok 10 Using the “Configuration” button (or the “Alt+C” key combination), you can go to the interface adapter configuration menu.

Krok 11 If the adapter and router settings are not supported, change them. In this case, the router has the following address: (shown in track 9), and the computer has the address (click 10). To review and adjust the switch, change the IP of the fencing card in such a way that the first three numbers of the router and adapter address are matched, and the remaining three are separated, for example Don't forget to set your router as a standard gateway and save setup.

Important! A standard gateway is a simple device address that is responsible for routing. Every computer stores the file address for the song sites. If the site does not have a file, the computer asks the address of such a web page to the gateway for processing.

Note! However, the utility does not allow you to change the settings of the adapter, you have to do it manually.

Login and change settings through the utility

Krok 1. Launch the ADSL Setting Wizard utility. On the first page of the installation wizard you will find a simple router connection diagram to telephone monitoring. In the event that your Internet is connected to a cable line, simply skip all the pages, vikoryst parameters, starting from 9 to 13 inclusive.

Important! The switch comes with another device - a splitter (ADSLsplitter). Vono is a rozgaluzhuvach for telephone lines and an electrical filter to separate the transmission channel by frequency. The splitter itself allows you to use the Internet without wasting your phone or fax capacity.

Croc 2 Wait for completion automatic adjustment router's dartless router.

Note! By , you will be prompted to select the adjustment of the border placement. For the rest" Home frame" is the smallest, and "Hromadska" is the most stolen. The authority depends on the configured firewall rulesWindows.

Croc 3 The connection setup master is responsible for revoking the login and password with administrative rights. The user name is “admin” and the password is “admin”.

Krok 4. Wait for the completion of the repeated vikoristannya.

Krok 5. Recognize the presence of a dartless line. I can avoid the Latin alphabet, but I don’t have to change 32 characters.

Krok 6. Enter the key to connect to the drone-free line. Optionally, the key can be generated by pressing the “Create a private key phrase for me” button. You can change this key at a later date at your own discretion, just remember – the better you get the key.

Krok 7. Make sure your savings are complete.

Krok 9 Established connection to the Internet via DSL connection. Indicate your place on the watch list.

Krok 10 Indicate the provider who will connect you with your service.

Krok 11. Select service type.

Krok 12 Following the Master prompt, enter your identification information. The stench may be assigned to the provider's agreement.

Krok 13 Wait for the completion of the stagnation and adjustment.

Krok 14 Launch “Internet Connection Setup Master”.

Krok 15. Come up with a new password to enter the router.

Note! Login is lost "admin".

Krok 16 The fragments of all external network (WAN) settings were deleted earlier, go to the “Home” button.

Krok 17 on home page You can improve the basic settings of the switch, and also change the interface.

Krok 18 The item "Control of traffic flow" allows you to stagnate Swedish customization transmitted and possessed content. Optimization is available for one of the available options:

Krok 19 To quickly move between pages, open the “Additional settings” tab.

Krok 20 To change the settings of the dartless line, go to the instructions. The "Background" tab contains the main options of the Wi-Fi switch.

Krok 21. To limit access to the limit, go to the “MAC Address Filter” tab. When you select the “Accept” item from the list, you can create a white list - addresses that were previously entered with access to the limit, or not. When you select the “Virtility” item, a black list is created. Access to all devices, except for appointments, is limited.

Krok 22. To configure the dart grid, select the “CROWBAR” item, “CROWBAR IP addresses” tab. Here you can enter the required IP address of the router and the submersion mask.

Krok 23. To change the Internet access mode, go to the “WAN” item, “Ethernet WAN tab”. In the list, indicate the port number of the router before you accept the Internet cable from your provider.

Important! Afterwards, the Internet connection is carried out through this port; it is not possible to connect the computer directly to a new one.

Krok 24 The router can be used as a borderline screen. To regulate access, go to the “Firewall” item, “URL Filter” tab. Here you can enter the list of website addresses and access to any possible connections. Robot hour whose rule indicate immediately.

Krok 25 Setting up the MAC address filter for LOM is carried out similarly to step 21.

Krok 26 In the “System” tab, under the “Administration” item, you can change the access password to the switch.

Krok 28. The browser will open the encoding file for adjustment. Yogo trace, vikorystyuchi context not menu, or the key combination Ctrl+S.

Krok 29. Indicate where to save the file.

The process of acquiring a file with parameters is similar to saving.


Installing special software is the simplest and most correct way to enter into the configuration of the router. For such a trace, quickly access the browser program. It is important to note that several models of switches (university or specialized) can be used operating system) Wipe a special socket for programming and adjustment.

Video - How to go into settings of an Asus router