Install windows 10 Russian version

The infection of the Microsoft company is actively working on its new operating system. Given the operating system will be called Windows 10. final version Windows 10 is coming to rock 2015.

Nyitsikavishe, recently Microsoft announced that Windows 10 will be kosteless. And more precisely, before Windows 10 it is possible to update everything. Not only koristuvachi licensed Windows 7 and Windows 8 pirates' versions... I will tell you truthfully only after the release of Windows 10, but for now we present to you your trust about those, how to get Windows 10 on the application.

Stvoryuєmo bootable disk for installing Windows 10

Since you have no instalation Windows disk 10, then you need to open it. The price can be zrobiti,. For the butt, it will be demonstrated, yak aim for help without koshtovaya programs ImgBurn.

To launch ImgBurn programs, you need to click on the "Write image file to disk" button.

Please see the window in front of you to burn the disc images. Here you need to click on the button from the images of the folder (the Browse button) and vibrate ISO file from Windows 10.

For this yak file z ISO rank You just need to click on the record button, which is located in the lower part of the window in the ImgBurn programs. For whom to write the operatic Windows systems 10 per disk.

Yak bachimo, write down Instalation disc even simpler. All you need is to change the number of buttons and vibrate the ISO file for recording.

Local BIOS to install Windows 10

Dal it is necessary to adjust the BIOS in such a rank, so that the computer is wired into the computer from a DVD disc, and not from a flash drive, or hard disk... The BIOS setup process can be seen, depending on the fact that the BIOS version is installed on your computer. Ale, in most cases, try to work in this way.

I go to the "BOOT" section.

"Boot Device Priority" has been opened.

A list of three points will appear in front of you:

  • 1st Boot Device;
  • 2nd Boot Device;
  • 3rd Boot Device;

To install Windows 10 from a zapped-up disk, we need a CDROM in the first item. It’s just like that, it’s easy to enter from the BIOS and start before installing Windows 10.

If the item "1st Boot Device" is set to HDD, Floppy is not important, then we need to remember the value on the CDROM. For the sake of seeing the item "1st Boot Device" behind the additional arrows on the keyboard and the onslaught of the Enter button.

The message is in front of you to see a window for a selection of an attachment. Here you need to vibrate CDROM.

By contrast to the “1st Boot Device” item, the CDROM value can be displayed.

At all, the preparation of the BIOS for installing Windows 10 is complete. Zberigaєmo changes (most often, you can change it with the help of the F10 button) and is input from the BIOS.

Getting startedєmo before installing Windows 10

to save adjust BIOS insert blocking disc z Windows 10 and rewrite your computer. When the computer is rebooted, it is guilty of trying to recover from the disk, and in a few seconds you will start the Windows Setup window. At the end of the day, you need to vibrate the interface, whatever you want, the format of the hour, as well as the keyboard. Click on the Next button.

The "Install now" button will appear on the screen. The onslaught of the installation process of Windows 10 on our computer.

In a few seconds, a license will appear on the screen. I put a checkmark “I accept” and press on the button “Next”.

Once the Windows 10 installer is running, vibrate one of two ways to install Windows 10: Upgrade Install () or Custom Install ( manual installation from zero). Yaksho vi want your new one old version Windows to Windows 10, then you need to vibrate Upgrade Install. Well, you will be able to install Windows 10 from scratch (as you can see from all the system disk), Then select another option - Custom Install.

The upstream stage of the installation is the disc breaking and vibrating. Yaksho vi will install Windows 10 on new computer for on virtual car, And then you just shake one not rozbit on the disc (div. Nizche). In order to break the disc, press the "New" button and select the size of the disc, whatever you want to open.

If you install Windows 10 on a computer, on which the Viconan is already, then you will need to vibrate, on which your front operating system is installed. Write to me on the button "Format".

At the same time it is necessary to be also respected, for that it is not possible to confuse anything. Oskіlki formatuvannya razdіlu produced to vividly all the tributes. If you format the wrong part and put it on a new one operating system, Then update you see files already not visible. Oskil stench will be rewritten Windows files 10.

Having sent the vibrator to the distribution and the first format, the onslaught on the "Next" button in order to continue the installation of Windows 10.

Let’s think of the installation process of the Windows 10 operating system. At any stage, it’s just three steps.

Completed Windows 10 installation

The final stage of the Windows 10 installation On the first screen of the settings, you should propose two options: "Use express settings" і "Customize". If you want to hand over all possible parameters, then select "Customize", if you want standard settings Then you go to the option "Use express settings".

Mi viberemo "Use express settings" is the same as Daniy Variant for large numbers of koristuvachiv. By pushing the button "Use express settings", the operating system will be able to enter the details of the Microsoft account. Here you just enter the address e-mail Microsoft and your password. After the onslaught is “Next”. As long as you have a dumb record in Microsoft, then you will need to click on "Create a new accaunt" and go through a simple restoration.

In order to get away with it, you will be prompted to clean up your account by using Microsoft's cloud-based record. You can see it by pressing on the “I can not do this right now”.

In just a few seconds and the installation of Windows 10 is complete, we have a robotic style Windows 10.

On the whole, the installation of Wndows 10 has been completed. Yaksho є yakis food, ask їх in the comments.

Uwaga! Before installing any edition of Windows 10, you should be guilty about the licensing keys, and also not guilty about the problems with the activation of the license. All the cracks, activators and programs for the evil one, you will violate the rules of the license. Microsoft products are protected by copyright laws. Tse means that the legal scholar zberiga owns vinyatkovy rights to programmatically secure... To add to the product, you need to wait for the license (to make a number of rights reserved by a person to the detriment of a certain number of rights when collecting the product)

1 - Before installing on a computer / laptop, be it an operating system, it is important for the nobility of the basic rules - Three important steps before installing all versions of operating systems.
2 - Insert into a DVD drive Windows distribution 10 for the USB port.
3 - We go into BIOS. Read instructions - How to enter the BIOS.
4 - Our zavdannya, when re-entangled, the computer is not entangled from the hard disk yak, but from the entangled attachment, which is Danish moment vikoristovute.
5 - Perche vіkno pislya zavantazhennya Windows Installer 10 (Fig. 1). You will need to vibrate the installation and system and press the button " far».

fig. 1

6 - Press the button get up for a Windows setup bob (Fig. 2)

fig. 2

7 -Installation process (fig. 3)

fig. 3

8 -Introduction license key Windows 10 for activation (Fig. 4)

fig. 4

9 -We read and accept the license. Check the box. (Fig. 5)

fig. 5

10 Vibirkova: just install Windows (for more recent ones)... (Fig. 6)

fig. 6

11 -Step stage -. Schob install yak on our butt, you should see all your parts, one at a time. Wiide Don't know disk space(Fig. 7). Robit is necessary, in the same way, since you don't have any necessary information on your hard disk, or if you have been bothered about it for a long time, and copied all need information(Photos, documents, programs, etc.), for example on a USB flash drive. And you can clearly see all the parts, except for the D disk, if you have all your information, then you can also start looking for the size, drive D The rule is bigger. You will not be merciful, you need to remember to remove all disks before rearranging the system.

fig. 7

12 - Get it on our butt. By all means, do not use disk space (Fig. 8)

fig. 8

13 - In our case, the entire volume of the hard disk is 100 Gigabytes with copies (Fig. 9), by and large in the region Rosemir, Approximately 60 Gigabytes (Fig. 9). A whole lot of Windows 10 systems, for a hard disk of such size as we have. You can have a bootie hard driveіншого size, but do not enter it for distribution C, less than 50-60 GB. You have HDD size in 500 and more gigabytes, we will reduce the option if it is possible to introduce a C drive - 90-100 GB. Such a size is required only for the system itself, but you also have to install the system on the C drive in any other program you need, for example Office. Don't be stingy, and enter the C-Disk at least 60 GB. A rushta gigabyte enter drive D.

🔔 The first option - If you already had a system, you just saw the first one and another part, and it got 3-part, which is a disk-D. Distances 1 and 2 are distributed in a clear space, far from being visible, and not changing the value in the region - Rosemir, onslaught open.

fig. 9

fig. 10

15 - Yak Bachimo (Fig. 11), we have opened 1 and 2 times. Rozdil 1 - Reserved by the system, and Another part - tse і і our drive C, where і is installed by Windows 10.

fig. 11

16 - It can also be seen that they have lost do not know the space, Yake mi vidіlyaєmo (Fig. 12).

fig. 12

17 - Do not change the value in the region "Rosemir", onslaught " open"(Fig. 13).

fig. 13

18 - Rozdil 3 wings (Fig. 14). Nadal, tse split our disk-D. You can see it right away, see it.

fig. 14

19 - Onslaught formatuwati(Fig. 15).

fig. 15

fig. 16

21 - Rozdil 3 - formatted (Fig. 17)

fig. 17

22 - Vidіlyaєmo Rozdil 2 (Fig. 18), where we have an operating system.

fig. 18

fig. 19

24 - The installation of Windows 10 has been completed (Fig. 20), you can see it for 10-15 minutes, while the process is in progress. The hour of installation will lie in the capacity of your computer.

fig. 20

25 - Automatically rewrite the system (Fig. 21).

fig. 21

26 - Advanced installation. The process of preparation of outbuildings before the robot (Fig. 22, 23)

fig. 22

fig. 23

27 - Step-by-step - "Parameters" (Fig.24). If you are asking for the instructions for installing the OS, then for you, without any problems, go to the item - “. Point "Nalashtuvati", for more suspicious koristuvachiv. You can turn up to the tsikh nalashtuvan already to install the system.

fig. 24

28 - On the offensive stage, the mode of the victorian of the computer is vibrated in the framing. Yaksho tse home computer, Viber option (Item 2) - (Fig. 25).

fig. 25

29 - Svvennya obl_kovogo record (Fig. 26)
Log in with the Microsoft cloud record: enter the email address and password of the Microsoft cloud record. You can see the new one right there. oblikovy recording Microsoft is still dumb. You can skip the croc, and open the Local Area Record.

fig. 26

30 - We are in the Windows 10 operating system, three checks, while the computer is being prepared before the first launch (Fig. 27-31)

fig. 27

fig. 28

fig. 29

fig. 30

small 31

31 -Installation of our operating system Windows 10 (Fig. 32) was successful. On the work table we have one shortcut "Koshik". Yak nalashtuvati іnshі labels (Icons) read

It’s not easy to call on your computer. You will need all the damage you need simple crocs, І Windows 10 will be installed on your computer completely without booting, and is ready before the weekend. touch our cover for a clean installation of Windows 10 on your computer.

Croc 3: schob Proceed to install Windows 10, Insert USB flash drive - or ISO - DVD disc, When you were found in point 2, you will be able to start working on it.

Croc 4: Vibrate the installation, the format of the hour and the penny units and the layout of the keyboard; click on the "Dali" button.

Croc 5: Press the button "Install at a time"

croc 6: "I will accept the license please" put a tick and press the button "Dali".

croc 7: Now you have two options for installing Windows 10:

option A: Updating the Windows operating system (Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1). Viber opt-in, if you want to save all available files, add-ons, as well as adjustments. All files and information will be transferred from old Windows, v new windows 10.

option B: Install clean windows 10 for an additional selection for the installation of Windows operating systems. tse garniy option for those who are not able to update the operating system to Windows 10, or you need to install a clean version of Windows 10, as well as reinstall Windows 10.

croc 8: Yaksho vi chose the option of the "Renovation" installation, go to croc 9 below. Yakshho "Vibirkova: just install Windows", vibrate to install Windows 10. If you want to install Windows 10. You can also click on "Noviy" to install a new one to install your Windows 10.

croc 9: Check it out until the installation process ends.

croc 10 Upon completion of the process, the completion of trivial processes will be prompted to enter the product code. Yaksho є key - enterable, yaksho dumb - onslaught "Zrobiti piznishe" below. When updated, you will not need to enter the code again.

I go, everyone has looked at the Danish site, this year you will be able to see in detail how to install Windows 10. But now it's time to switch to a new operating system, so that it has become stable and comfortable for a robot. I will honestly say that I have already reached the top ten for a long time, practically at the moment I appear. Sphatku, tse buv is just an interest, which itself changes in new version, Yak viglyadaє interface and I want to please us with dances.

Zagalom, because of the transition, I didn’t blow up and lost on tribute Windows version, What do you raju. Vvazhayu, the instructions given will be relevant at once, since the information on Windows 10 is old, it is not correct, the system will be updated and updated by the developers. The installation process is easy and you need to install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive. Especially tse is easy to break, yaksho. So, having forgiven itself and the process of joking the system, now you will not get to joke disks with the system, or surf the Internet, finish it.

Let's get started before the process of installing the system on a computer or a laptop. As I have already said vishche, we will know each other tampering flash drive with the system. Insert it into the USB port of your computer and rewire it. For that, the installation of the operating system was considered. If everything is broken correctly, then the process of installation is to blame. I will go through the installation instructions, how to get Windows 10 up and running, by crochet, as I will describe and display information in detail with screenshots, so that you could reach a hundred heaps of success.

Yak bachite, the problem, how to get Windows 10 from a USB flash drive, how they cheated us, appeared not with the same problem. The first stage of the installation is to finish easy and not wicked, which are not difficult. Let's move on to the offensive stage.

Set up Windows 10 before launching first.

In addition, as I have risen, as you can install Windows 10 on a computer, we will proceed to the process of setting up the system and before the first launch. These settings will appear after the computer is automatically rebooted. Vikonite so yourself according to the descriptions below the crocs:

I will remove the koristuvach with the installation of Windows 10.

Pidvedemo pid bags.

We have been working with you today in detail to get Windows 10 installed. If you all looked exactly at the crochets, then they didn’t remember any folds during the installation process. Vvazhayu, scho with a robot to fit in, like a koristuvach, like spiratimetsya on tsey posibnik. So I myself, in the previous articles, tell you about all preparatory steps before installing the system. You don’t need to be too clear about it and get it done in practice. In general, I vvazhayu, that Windows 10 has come to finish yakisnoyu. Rosrobniks vrahuvali, richly pobazhivat koristuvachіv and zasosuvali їkh in ten. I recommend that you switch to dan, do not get overwhelmed, so how can it be done quickly and stably.

At the onset of the launch, it is easy to see, as soon as the operating system was installed. So, don't miss it. Yaksho є food, for any problems, ask in the comments. The most popular with you can be seen at once in the surrounding articles.

Read our instructions, if you want the procedure not to go through the installation, be it the latest version of Windows.

I don't just want to upgrade to Windows 10, but to get up from scratch, read our software. We strongly recommend the male way.

First, take a decision about the update, think about it - and what do you need Windows 10 for? Not everyone is calling. We had bugs and problems before, as well as we would recommend the kidneys.

Do not install Windows 10 right away on your main computer. Vikoristovyte spare or virtual car. Ale, you can't do without installation on the main computer, it is strongly recommended to install the image of all functional systems If necessary, it can be easily turned until it is necessary.

I still haven't installed Windows 10 on my computer, you need to know how to get it up so that you can install it from scratch. It sounds crazy, but Microsoft's licenses are easy to navigate, if it's not kosteless. When updating and activating Windows 10 to a license for the operating system, a unique identifier for the hardware configuration can be linked, and you can re-install Windows 10 in the old Windows 10, but the soul is forgotten. Ale only to update from Windows 7 or 8 and activations.

Remember, Windows 10 will be uncomfortable just like new. It is not possible to start immediately from scratch, there are no fragments of the license key. However, our instructions for clean installation can help.

Croc 1: download Windows ISO Image 10 from the Microsoft website. Or you can add a web installer from this side and vibrate the option of upgrading your PC, which is very simple.

Crock 2: when installing on a special PC with already explicit Windows, you will immediately be prompted to proceed before updating. Alternatively, you can write the image to an optical disk or burn the booted USB drive. Well, if you put the system on a virtual machine, just plug in the ISO image to it (for me, your virtual machines already have Windows 7 or 8 installed).

Krok 3: in the installer, push "Next" one after the other and select the "Upgrade" installation type, if you are sick. If you want to restore the system from scratch, marvel at the instructions below.

Zvernit respect: now, with the official release of Windows 10, for renewal, a licensed license key is required for Windows 7, 8 or 8.1.

Below is a description of the installation procedure from a USB drive, albeit in a zeal, some instructions and not required - it is enough to memorize the word "Dal", and everything will be in order. Just do not forget to vibrate the "Update" option, since you have not yet been updated and have not activated Windows 10 on any computer.

When the first computer is locked, the following screen will appear:

Now you need to vibrate if you want to see Windows or get it clean. We recommend that you install them in the virtual machine or on a spare computer, rather than choosing the option "Vibirkov" (Custom).

For the first time, however, select the "Update" option, the license key may not be available.

Now vibrate, where you go to get up Windows 10. You can, if you want to see if you want to open it, if you put it in the virtual machine, you can just click "Dal".

The installation procedure will be improved.

For rewiring, you can vibrate the settings - for example, turn on or off automatic installation update (not included in the test version). We recommend that you choose the standard settings, as well as a spare computer. A special option to vibrate only on your main PC.

Now go back to your oblivious Microsoft record... We recommend that you do it yourself, oh, without a Microsoft account, half of the new functions will not be available to you, and if so, why are you looking forward to it? With the same success, you can run on Windows 7 or switch to Linux.

As long as the account is set up yak slid, in the process you can ask for a confirmation. Mit tse is not descriptive, there is no alley folding there.

Let me tell you to get the computer running. Oskіlki we wanted to protest everything on a new PC, we tweaked it yak new, but if you do, you can copy it from your computer.