7. How to open the Windows command line.

This article describes how to open command line Windows 7 has decalcom methods. The command line of vikors is more likely to be filled with the stuck koristuvachs more often. It will also help you to set up your tasks more quickly, using the lower graphical interface of the camera. Also, it is more handy for small children koristuvachiv Windows 7.

Launching Command Row from the Start menu

1. Click the “Start” button at the bottom left of the screen and enter prick row“Command row” or “cmd”, after which click the left mouse button on the same program, or press “Enter”.

2. Click “Start”, and then go to the “All Programs” section.

Now go to the "Standard" section.

Then click on the “Command Row” program.

3. . Type cmd in the row and press Enter or OK.

4. The command row can be opened by reaching it manually. You can find it using the path “C/Windows/System32”. If your operating system is installed on a different drive, then from “C” select the name of that drive.

Creating a shortcut to start the command row

Click the right button on the mouse on an empty space on the desktop, then go to the “Create” item in the menu, then click on “Shortcut”.

In front of you will appear at the end of the row and write “cmd”. Press "Distance".

Now a window has opened in front of you, where you can select the name of the shortcut. You can enter the name anyway, you can also choose the language for it anyway. Click "Done" and it's broken down on the right.

Good afternoon, fellow readers of the blog site, today I want to talk about the topic How to open the Windows command row / 10 ways to open the command row. What is cmd, what do we think of Wikipedia?

cmd.exe- Command line interpreter (English) command line interpreter) for operating systems OS/2, Windows CE and for a family of operating systems based on Windows NT (eng. Windows NT-based). cmd.exe is an analogue of COMMAND.COM, which is used in the MS-DOS and Windows 9x families. For operating systems of the Windows NT family for IA-32 architecture, OS/2 and COMMAND.COM for use with older programs. The interpreter settings allow you to change the cursor size, font, text color and window size.

Let's take a look at how to open it.

How to open the command row as administrator

Below we will look at ten simple ways to open the command row as administrator.

1 way Before Windows 8 (if you can't turn the start button)

To open the command row, click start and enter search cmd into the field, the program icon to launch will appear

or enter a command line, the effect will be the same

If you need to open cmd under the Administrator name, use the right button and select the item

2nd way for help through Vikonati

Press two charm buttons win+R

The Vikonati window will open in New, enter cmd and press Enter

3 Method for retrieving Windows folders

Open my computer and go to C:\Windows\System32 and find the cmd.exe file there. The method is not found before, but the skin rests on it. The essence is simple, the command line, like all utilities, has its own final file

4 Way to create via shortcut

U this method We are working together for the task at hand Windows shortcut. Right-click Create Shortcut

It is necessary to retouch the file, write here cmd

How to name the shortcut that is already yours on the right, I will call it cmd, Done

I bachimo, when the team row label has closed

5 Method through the dispatcher

Open the task manager by right-clicking on the bottom of the screen

Idemo in the menu File-Run New Job

Type cmd into the task and click OK and turn on the command line.

6 Method for those who have Windows 8 and higher

We go to start and press the magnifying glass with our right hand, or you can click the magnifying glass from the side menu on the desktop

Enter cmd and in the results you will find the most required shortcut.

You can also press the down arrow at the start

You will see the structure of the start menu for every right-hander, you will find the command line

7 Method for those who have Windows 8.1 and higher

Right-click on Start and select Command Row

8 way through standard programs at start up to windows 8

All programs can be launched

Let's go to the Service Command Rows

9 Method for using the additional Explorer menu in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10

We open any folder and press the File menu

If you choose to open the command row, you will immediately be presented with two options: simply open or enter the Administrator name.

The trick is that the command line will be an open stream directory, and not a personal folder.

10th method via the Shift button

Select any folder, press Shift and right-click the mouse and from the context menu select Open command window

We've told you how to open the Windows command line, whichever way suits you, I don't know what to choose.

If you are familiar with Windows 7, this instruction means that you will need to know how to open the command line in Windows 7, which is often simply called the console and is designated by the abbreviation cm d. The Command Row is the most important tool in Windows 7 and there are many ways to access it.

Pointed lower reports subsidiaries from the development of the assigned task, which will be obvious to the correspondents, apart from the vicarious submissions step by step instructions Be that as it may, the “teapot” exhausts the heavy-duty system control tool. The first computers were equipped with an OS without a shell like today's people, for example, the manual graphical interface of Windows, and control was achieved through entering text commands.

However, at this time in the operating system, this reliable connection between the computer and the computer through the console window is often blocked, which is visible. There is no need to have a degree as a programmer to realize all the advantages of “cmd”.

What is this console?

This is useful for managing the OS and any programs installed in it, through the input special teams at the console window. It is necessary to note that the hour for executing commands through the command row is significantly less than for similar actions in the fixed interface of Windows 7, so it is not spent system resources for displaying the graphic shell.

You can click cmd using a variety of methods.

For more help, the Viconati menu

It is necessary to make a number of actions:

From the stagnation of the dispatcher

You need to enter the following last lines:

Via "Start"

The algorithm of action consists of the following points:

Also, from the “Start” menu, you can go to “All Programs” and from the “Standards” section, click “Command Row”.

How to click the command line for a specific folder

Follow these steps with just a few steps:

How can I install a console shortcut on my desktop?

  1. Open the “My Computer” window and go to the system volume “C”;
  2. Then find and open the directory called “Windows”;
  3. Then go to the “System32” directory (for example, if a 32-bit SIM card is installed);
  4. Click on the file "cmd.exe" context not menu;
  5. Click on the “Create shortcut” row;
  6. Then drag it onto the work table, in a simple way choking with a teddy bear;
  7. Ready!

You can also do this by clicking the context menu on the desktop and going to the “Create” row and then clicking “Shortcut”.

After that in the menu, add: “C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe” and click “Next”. Give a name to the shortcut that is being created and click “Done.”

How do I install hot buttons for the console?

With this method you need to earn at least a few dollars:

  1. From the created shortcut, click on the context menu and go to “Authorities”;
  2. Go to the "Shortcut" tab;
  3. At the “Swipe click” item, select a combination of hot keys that is convenient for the user, for example, “CTRL”, “ALT” and “C”;

How to Wiklycat cmd with new extensions?

To open the console as an administrator, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Click “Start” and add a “command row” to the search row;
  2. In the list that appears, click the context menu from the console program found and click the row

The command line is still present for all present Windows versions. There is no visible interface and no window for entering commands. The instructions contain a number of recommendations.

The operating system has a powerful graphical interface, suitable for the flexible work of back-office workers. In addition, you can open a window in which you can select various actions in one click with the mouse (create, copy, delete), launch programs, services, utilities, and much more. All actions can be done in cmd, but you can, for example, copy the file.

There are situations where you can’t do without a command line. For example, if you have a file on your computer with prepared commands, you copy them, and they quickly disappear.

He deserves respect. This batch file contains a sequential list of commands that are arranged in a row. In this way, you automate the process and save time.

Clicking the Windows 7 command row using traditional methods

1. Squeeze Windows icon on the keyboard, then press the R key, in which open cmd and press ENTER or the OK button.

You can also launch “Viconty” through the Windows 7 task manager. Press CTRL + ALT + DEL at once. On the black screen, select " ". In the window menu, click “file” -> “new work (visonati)”.

2. Press the “Start” button with the left button or the Windows icon on the keyboard. In the search field, type cmd and select cmd.exe.

3. At “Start”, select “Use Programs” -> “Standards” to open the Windows 7 command line and select from the list as in the screenshot.

4. If you need to click cmd for the song folder, press SHIFT and right-click on it. The list will display the item “Open the command window”. After the pressure of the command line, the path to the folder is written.

Creation of a shortcut for the team row wiki

The cmd console in Windows 7 is located in the path C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe and you can also click here. This method is long-lasting, so there is a shortcut Swedish launch on the desktop:

  1. Go to C:\Windows\System32\ and find cmd.exe. Right-click on the new one and select “create shortcut”. Copy it to your desktop and delete it from the System32 folder.
  2. Click on any empty place on the work table, near the mouse. In the menu, move the cursor to “create”, then select “shortcut”. In the window, as in the picture, show the way to uninstall the C object: Windows System32 cmd.exe. Click “Next”, click on your name and click “Done”.

Note: I have Windows widget 7 is installed on drive C, otherwise the OS may be on something else local disk. Be respectful! You will need to change your letter when you are older.

Raju thanks I heat the key launching the command line. See the shortcut and press ALT+ENTER to open the Power window. Place the cursor in the “shortcut” tab near the “Swedish text” field, press any keyboard letter and OK. CTRL+ALT will be entered automatically.

You know How to Wiklycat the Command Row in Windows 7. In all these ways, I have seen that the shortcut cmd has been created once, and it is removed. quick access to the console.

For a few pennies, for the priority of simplicity, you can arrange points: 1,2, 4, 5. Which one you choose quickly.

It is often necessary, which may latest list Privileev

More than one generation of these Internet users has already grown up, but they have not seen the beginning of the intense anger of the Microsoft corporation and still do not know how to open the command row.

Particularity of this earlier versions operating system Windows, as MS DOS was called, was single-tasking (all processes were completed sequentially, some in parallel) and, most importantly, a text-based interface.

More operations on the computer under keruvannyam Windows You can sign up for the help of the bear, and in the meantime, for the simplest tasks you need to know the basic text commands.

Through the shortcut to the Start menu

Running the Viconati program in order to open the command row is a wonderful idea, since the necessary shortcut is nearby.

You can also find it quickly by searching the Start menu.

By changing the interface of the Start menu in Windows 8, this method will be implemented differently.

  • Right now you need to go to the tiles with programs (new version of Start) and right-click on the right area. As a result, there is a panel at the bottom, which gives increased flexibility.
    You need to click on the All Programs icon in the lower right corner.

  • Here you can view the list of additional attached programs, he also has a Team Row label. Now you need to press on the required label right button Click and select the option to run as administrator in the lower panel.

Please! Running with administrator rights is recommended for the same reason that some commands simply do not work in the default mode.

In Windows 10, searches are performed on the entire system. To quickly know the command line, you need to press Win+S and enter the name of the program in this box, the command line.

Search for a file on the system disk

As has already been said above, the command line is implemented through a small vikonuvany file cmd.exe. From here you can create a logical sequence that this executable can be found in any folder and launched immediately.

That’s right, the compiled command line file is saved from the file under the System32 directory Windows folders.

No. 9. Command row file in I'm guessing Windows 10