What to do if you have sound on your computer: beautiful life hacks. How to turn up sound on all tabs in Chrome, Safari and Firefox browsers How to turn up sound on the page

More and more sites are launching auto-created videos, so it’s time to find out how to turn off the sound that’s playing on one of the many hidden tabs browser. I'll take a look different ways, where you can enable tabs in Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera and Safari.


The Google browser displays a small speaker icon on any tab that is currently playing audio. To turn on the sound on the tab, click right button Click on the tab, and then select "Make sound on the tab." You can perform this maneuver without leaving the flow tab.


The Microsoft browser displays a speaker icon on any tab that contains audio files, but you cannot click on the background tab and turn on the sound. Then you need to go to the tab, find the sound destination and turn off the sound in the place. Just like that.


Firefox also displays a speaker icon, and you can click on it to unmute that tab without switching to it.
You can also right-click on the tab and select “Get sound from tab”, like in Chrome.


The opera is presented shortest method Pay attention to the sound on the browser tab, especially if you have more than one background tab that has started to produce audio. Just right-click on the current tab and click “Mute sound on other tabs.” You can also click on the speaker icon to mute the tab, like in Firefox, or right-click and select “Mute sound in tab,” like in Chrome. Opera displays a small audio icon on tabs that open audio, and then displays a speaker icon when you hover over the tab.


Safari offers the same two options for enhancing sound on a tab as Firefox does. You can simply click on the speaker icon on the audio file creation tab to enable it without leaving the streaming tab, and you can right-click on the tab and select "Enable sound in tab".

Read How to quickly turn on sound on a tab in your browser. On the butt Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari from Apple, Microsoft Edge. Today's web browsers allow you to mute your audio. in several tabs for just a few kroki. Microsoft Edge gives you this ability, but Microsoft could make this process a little simpler.


This is interesting if the tab, when opened, starts automatically creating music or video, and you want to turn it on right away. In most cases you just need to click or two. If you want a more reliable solution, how can you automatically enable tabs for you, we have already described it earlier (How to automatically enable the auto-create function in "Chrome"і "Firefox").

Google Chrome browser

To turn on the sound in your browser tab "Google Chrome", simply click on the speaker icon that appears on the tab that contains the media file. A line will appear that crosses the speaker, and the sound on the tab will be muted.

You can also simply right-click the bear on the tab and select the item "Vimknuti site" This function allows you to enable created audio and video files on all tabs for your site that will be opened on the next one.

Browser Mozilla Firefox

To turn on the sound in your browser tab "Firefox", right-click on the tab and select "Take sound from the deposit". as in "Chrome", you will add the left-handed cross speaker icon to the button "x" on the browser tab.

You can easily find out which browser tabs display media files by simply looking for the speaker icon on them. And you can easily turn it on, first thing will happen. The simplest way is to click with the left mouse button on the speaker icon on the tab to quickly turn off or turn down the sound on it.

Safari browser from Apple

U "Safari" on "Mac" You can turn on the sound from the soundboard in the following ways. While the current tab is active, the sound tab is active; "Safari" The dynamics icon will appear. Press on it to soften or turn up the sound.

You can also right-click on any tab and select the mute menu item from the pop-up menu.

Microsoft Edge browser

"Microsoft Edge" It also displays a speaker icon on browser tabs when that tab supports sound. Unfortunately, there is no simple feasibility to actually turn on the sound on them.

However, there is a way to close the browser tab. To do this, right-click the speaker icon in the notification area at the bottom right corner of the screen and select the item.

The window will display different browser tabs that provide sound. Click the speaker icon under the page name to turn it on.

To mute the sound, you need to close and reopen the tab in your browser, or go here and click the speaker icon again.

Let's hope that "Microsoft" reach the browser once Edge More integrated function for turning on and muting sound. on Narazi For now, the only option is to turn off the sound on your computer or go to another browser.

Becoming the first browser to display a special icon for pages with audio content. However, unfortunately, you won’t be able to turn up the volume on sites with annoying videos that you create yourself. Another situation: in Chrome The sound is now available on all Merezha resources. Read below outside kerivnitstvo By turning on (turning on) sound in the most popular web browser.

A little bit of history: back in 2011, the hero of the note received extensions for working with the MuteTab sound. Three years later, Google engineers added a sound indicator to the browser. Other profile programs went a little further, making the indicator clickable, and only in Chrome This core functionality is still being rendered experimental. However, injustice can be easily corrected.

Turn on (turn on) the sound on the tab

If that's the case, type in the address bar chrome://flags → "Enter→ then, through the search field, find the option " Tab audio muting UI control(or just copy it to the address row chrome://flags/#enable-tab-audio-muting → "Enter") and set the jumper to the position " take a bite" ("Enabled").

  • Restart the browser by pressing the single button (" Relaunch now"), marvelous screenshot.
  • Open up YouTube Any video and at the top of the tab, click on the speaker icon - the sound will turn on. Before speech, the same effect can be achieved by clicking on the tab with the right mouse button → context menu stand on " Turn up the sound on the site Click on the tab again to turn on the sound.

Turn on (turn on) sound through settingsChrome

Everything would be fine, but steadily muting the sound on the sides, which are often interrupted, is not entirely easy. I will convey it through chrome://settings adjust the behavior of the programmer on each specific web resource.

  • U additional adjustments find " Content adjustment" (section "Confidentiality and security") → " Sound→ mailbox Chrome I feel like there is no sound, activate the " mode Allow sites to create sounds (recommended)".
  • To block sound on selected domains, add them to the list "Site with disabled sound" → " Add".
  • When "mode" is activated Add sounds to websites", add your favorite pages with videos to the "white" list by selecting "Allow" → " Add".

Dmitro dmitry_spb Evdokimov

HTML5 web sites can play audio if you have Flash enabled. Majority current browsers An indicator will light up to show which tab will play sounds. Most browsers will mute and mute the sound for the skin tab.

This functionality (turning on sound on the same tab) is already available in Google Chrome, you just need to install a special sign in “about:config”. In Apple's Safari, this function was enabled in the same way, and earlier than in other browsers. Mozilla Firefox has this functionality available through additional plugins and in beta versions. Let's take a look at the report on turning off the sound in the tab for the skin browser.

Google Chrome

This function in Chrome is now implemented not in video the attendant's tune-up in “about:config”, but it is included for reasons. To turn on the sound of a tab, you now just need to find the tab with the speaker icon (the tab that opens sound), right-click on the title with the right mouse button and select “Turn on sound for a tab.”

The audio indicator will cross over to indicate that the input is playing audio or is muted. Right-click on the tab again and turn down the sound on the tab to listen to further music.

In Chrome, you can turn off the sound of the tab even before the sound is opened (for example, if the site you are familiar with plays sounds), repeating the action by right-clicking on the tab.

One thing to note - when the proportion is set in “about:config”, the sound is turned on and off in the tab by simply clicking on the speaker icon, without right-clicking the mouse. Surely, it is designed for the uniqueness of violent clicks on the speaker by disrespectful kristuvachs.

Apple Safari

It is possible to turn on sound in a tab in Safari, and the browser itself was the first to introduce such a function.

As in Chrome, when a sound is played in a tab, the title is supplemented with a left-hand speaker icon next to the close button. You can click on the end of the audio to mute the sound and mute the sound from the input by clicking again. You can also right-click or Ctrl + click and turn off the sound of the tab.

In Chrome and Safari, you cannot mute the sound of a user's account in the background, only after the fact, when the sound has already played.

Mozilla Firefox

In Firefox, the indicator of the music that is playing and the ability to mute the sound of the tab were still available in version 42, and are currently only available in the “latest” releases.

Mute sound in Firefox tabs in the same way as in Chrome and Safari. When the sound is playing, the speaker icon is displayed, and right-hand press on the speaker to turn up the sound.

Why are you vikorists, old people? Firefox versions- you can use the “Mute Tab” plugin to turn on the sound. However, the plugin does not work entirely correctly, turning on only HTML5 sound in the input, and missing the sounds of plugins (for example, Flash).

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge may also include an audio indicator on tabs. However, in contrast to other browsers, there are no special features for enabling sound. It is possible that the browser extensions for Edge announced by Microsoft will allow you to mute the sound in your browser tabs, but there are currently no such options. To show up – write in the comments.

The sound of Google Chrome having disappeared before. It's all the fault of the plugin Adobe Flash . Another plugin is being victorious in the browser. PepperFlash Plugin.

In the 57th version Google Chrome there is no extension/disablement page for native plugins. As browser developers say, plugins have long become an invisible part of the browser.

However, we have no idea what this method is. Tim is more with a great frequency of incredibleness, the sound is known to Chrome for other reasons.

2. Reverse the thickness of the creation in the third

U Windows 10, The Rozrobniks have forgiven the life of the Koristuvachs. Now it’s clear - everything may be functional, but at the same time simpler. Volume regulator in Windows 10 becoming simpler, having taken into account all the adjustments that were, so to speak, in Windows 7.

Now it looks like this:

Our problem may lie behind such a crappy interface.

Right-click on the volume icon in the tray. Click on the menu that appears Open the volume mixer.

This is what may be the cause of our troubles with you.

You can’t ask me about the reasons why this happened. What could easily change the sound - freeware, games, programs, drivers. I don't say nasty things.

In Windows 7, the mixer settings are even simpler.

3. Browser extensions are the main reason for the popularity of sound in Google Chrome

Recently, people began to kill themselves en masse for some unintelligent reasons, and the sound began to disappear Chrome and other Chrome-like browsers. First, what came to mind, check your browser extensions.

These little additional clicks will help you in various ways: turn on advertising, turn on VPN or else proxy show the weather, block the filthy forces.

But in life everything is not so smooth, and expansion, such as the cry of “fighting evil”, comes to the fore! Just like programs, extensions can do strange things, their functions can, frankly speaking, cause harm, they can steal passwords.

And even more expansion can be just “Sirim”, not expensive. With all that has been said, the expansion may not be re-important. One of these re-importances is turning off sound on tabs Chrome.

Open your browser and enter the following in the address bar:

chrome://extensions- For Google Chromeі Opera

browser://extensions- For Yandex.Browser

and press on the keyboard.

Look around and see that you have a lot of different extensions and among them are unknown ones, just remove the unknown extensions. It is quite incredible that one of them blocks the sound from Google Chrome.

Some unknown or illegal extensions can block sound from your browser. Legal dates may also be lost.

If you are not good at extensions, but your computer not an accounting computer or another very important department of an important company- View all extensions without shame.


If you want, you can try and just turn them on one at a time, immediately closing the browser, starting again and checking if the sound does not appear.

Mic the extension one at a time and check if the sound does not appear

I'm in a bad mood, znik sound Google browsers Chrome in one more minute popular extension For reasons beyond my understanding, millions of profiteers are profiteering.

I don’t name him, so as not to cause a storm on the side of his henchmen. Work as I wrote above, and everything will work out for you.

4. Option to turn on/increase sound on sites using the Google Chrome browser

They didn't say anything Google Chrome finish the stuck browser. It is steadily developing, and despite being unsafe for a short time (I respectfully install the extension, since the user has admin privileges), it is, in my opinion, the shortest browser.

Why am I talking about this? The browser has a function - turning on sound on any other website.

I know for sure that you turned on the sound once, for example, for YouTube, then after closing the browser, the settings will not be interrupted. And I’ll honestly say that without checking this setting is synchronized with other devices via Google account.

If you don’t have sound on any one site, but on others, then, having seen everything, you’ll noticeably (unfortunately) turn off the sound. And perhaps it happened because of the quiet expansion itself.

What is it timid? Just right-click on the tab title and find the option Turn down the sound on the site.

However, fatigue is an option Turn up the sound on the site, then Dana dashingly is not your bad guy. Continue until the next decision.

Further decisions, rather an extreme approach, since the previous methods turned out to be ineffective.

5. Clearing the cache and cookies - you can change the sound on Chrome

Everything is simple here:

Tisnemo + + And in the window it is set as in the screenshot:

I want... To be sure, Raja go to the tab Dodatkovo And put a tick there, the axis is like this:

I press the button <Удалить данные> .

Be prepared before the sites stop recognizing you. You may be asked to enter Login: Password.

Well, be careful with this method.

6. Logout

A lot of fates followed me with one mercy. Chrome dropping the already-loved page and showing off your famous dinosaur:

I noted later that mercy appears only when Google Chrome Vikorist with mine cloud record. I’m angry - there’s a mercy. Browser login and permission appear again. It doesn’t matter whether it’s my computer or someone else’s. If there is no obligatory record, there is no mercy.

So from... My comrade confirms that he is being followed by the same dashing, but not by sound. If you log in to your browser from Wikono Google account, there is no sound. When the koristuvach is visible, the sound appears.

Mysticism, no different.

Try to come out in disguise. Should I spare you a raptom?

Enter the browser address bar:


7. Drop Google Chrome to the ground

Another method that helps you understand sound in the Google Chrome browser is by resetting it to factory settings.

For this, enter in the address bar of your browser:


and press .

Go to the bottom of the page and click on the message Dodatkovi:

And scroll down again to the end.

There you will write Throw off the adjustments

We looked at the main and obvious reasons for the sound in Google Chrome. If the decision didn’t work out for you, then you need to pay attention to everything that is important, read the logs, etc.