How to put square paws in a Word. How to change the appearance of the legs from straight "" to underwire ". Inserting yalinkas through kody

In order to proponate your uvazi stats, the main ways of how to get your paws on the keyboard are described. On the basis of the strong and weak sides of the dermal method, recommendations were made on how to choose a specific skin type.

see paws

For the cob, let's pick it up, like paws. Mentally divide them into two types: “legs” (their other name is “German”) and “yalinki” (they are also called “French”). At the first point of view - tse two komi, roztashovani on the upper border of the text. Most often they are tagged with handwritten text. Another option, naming "yalinks", is pairwise grouped signs less (open the text) and more (close the yogo). This option is bestowed with a professionally designed text in specialized appendices (for example, in brochures, books or

Kucheryava is a reasonable quote - an elusive character. Direct labels were found for typing on Drukar machines. Through physical and mechanical exchanges, you can place the styles of keys on the keyboard of a Drukarska typewriter. The choice of straight paws to replace the curly-haired quotes made two slots for other symbols on the keyboard, so the symbols were more colorful.

If the computers were used up in battle, the stench put qi straight marks in the garni koristuvannya. Most of the programming language requires the use of direct labels for denoting string literals, so it stinks even earlier than today. On any type of keyboard, simply press “for a straight single mark and a zsuva” for a direct sub-mark.


Іsnuyut next ways of how to put paws on the keyboard:

  • Vicorist special combinations of keys.
  • For the help of a specialized window of symbols in the text processor "Word".
  • Zastosovuyuchi symbol table.
  • Vikoristovuyuchi table ASKI-codes.

Skin from the ways can be both strong and weak sides. You can give the correct recommendations if you think of them yourself.

On top of straight marks, figured paws, ring out more in paragraphs and other texts and more suitable for other characters. The stench is more suitable for reading and acknowledging when writing documents, articles, blog posts, etc. It appears that the creation of figured quotes on a computer is already simple.

Transformation of straight tags into curly paws

However, if you copy and paste text to write direct tags to a word processor, you may not be able to convert direct tags correctly. To manually convert the straight marks in the shape of the paws in a text editor, just type the search and replace function to find all instances of the straight single paw and replace it with the same symbol - straight single paw. You can work the same ones for straight hanging marks.

Keyboard and Movies

For the paws themselves, the okremy keys on the keyboard are not transferred. It's natural - not so often a similar character is typed. For these purposes, their combination is victorious. Moreover, it changes in the staleness of the type of active movie at the current moment. Algorithm for a set of offensives in a given vipadka:

These other details in your sheet will be left unmarked, without a doubt. Covetous drukari, bookworms and other designers and retailers will be among the poor, who can effectively remember. If I'm in the mood, I'll have to believe that the devil is in the details. Subtle tsikh observant quotes - tsіkavy lasy shmatochok іstorії type, which is worth paraphrasing.

Clever quotations and correct apostrophes are always calm or nasty. Single tarsi due to twisting in the middle of the inguinal tarsi. Reasonable paws are either bent or bent. Stupid quotes are straight and vertical. The design of smart paws will vary between notches and fonts without notches, but the stench will not go straight up and down.

  • We move the cursor to those places where it is necessary to enter such a character.
  • We can see a streaming active language (you can go for help in the lower right corner of the screen).
  • Press the service key Shift and do not allow it.
  • As an active Russian, then "2" is onslaught. In the English version, the Russian “e” is victorious.
  • If the key is offended, and in the working area, the given sign is to blame.

The most simple and universal way to put your paws on the keyboard. Vin pratsyuє at all, without blaming, addendums. Ale, the new one has one stotny nedolіk. So you can type only the classic "paws", and the axis of the "yalinka" cannot be entered. If such an option is suitable, then you can use this method to koristuvatisya.

If it is enough to beat straight paws?

The correct drukarnya is in no way vicorist's straight paws. The stench of being left out of the century of Drukars' machines, and їх єх єх єх єх єх єх єх єх єх єх єх єх єх єх єх єх єх єх єх єх єх єхане аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа.

With the introduction of electronic mail, you can twist the straight legs

It is important to consistently enter the correct apostrophes mail client obedzhuvach not vodobrazhatime їh correctly in any kind of fall. Chi є simple symbols are the same, like straight paws.

If wine is guilty of revenge apostrophe

The only time, if the mother is guilty of the apostrophe, then if the wine is replaced by yoga or є.

i "Word"

Another option for introducing such symbols is the use of the word processor "Word". You can hit new keys earlier. Only in different english movie the symbol """ appears, and for Russian - "yalinka". Ale є i alternative way introduction. For whom vikonuєmo come diї:

  • At the opening window of the word processor "Word" go to the "Insert" tab.
  • In the "Symbol" field, there is one menu that you can see.
  • Next, select the item “Other symbols”.
  • Vikoristovuyuchi navigation keys, we know the required version of the paws and can be seen with a marker.
  • Press “Tab” until the moment, until the marker goes to the “Vikonati” button.
  • Then press "Enter".
  • We pass for help "Tab" to the button "Close" and again emboss "Introduction".

better folding way moreover, how to type paws on the keyboard. In addition, the presence of a special software- Word processor. Ale with tsoma in the koristuvach є the possibility of choosing the type of paws.

What next to designate different signs in the middle, or the posture of the paws?

The proper form of yoga is not guilty of vengeance of the apostrophe, in the same way, like the proper borrowers, so її, do not omit the apostrophes. In the American English period and the Komi, the guilt is always in the middle of the paws. In British English, unquoted periods and Komi, the posture of the paws is placed. For all other signs of punctuation, American and British English have one and the same rule: if punctuation is not an uninterrupted part of the primary quotation, it is necessary to go beyond the paws.

Symbol table

One more option for food “Where the paws on the keyboard were hidden?” - tse vykoristannya tables of symbols. In this case, it is necessary to vikonate the offensive:

  • start given utility. It's easier to know for the help of a row of jokes. We type it like this: “Symbol table”. Let's press "Enter".
  • After the end of the search, we know the program and launch it (for example, by clicking the bear or pressing the Enter key).
  • In the window, for the help of the navigation keys, we know the required version of the paws (German or French) and copy it to the clipboard for the help of the "Ctrl" and "C" keys.
  • At the next stage, we will need additional supplements. As soon as it was already running, then the keys “Alt” and “Tab” were pressed. In another way, yoga can be opened through the Start \ Programs menu.
  • At the next stage, we are concluding the insertion procedure. For which one press "Ctrl" and "V".

Previously assigned key combinations need to be pressed only on the English keyboard layout. In your other day, you don't see anything.

If you want to make amends for the first letter in the quote?

Always reverse the first letter of the quotation, so that the quotation is the correct proposition. If quoting the material as a fragment of a proposition, then do not quote capital letters first letters. The fault of these two rules is those that the quotation is interrupted in the middle of the quotation - in this way do not punctuate the great letters of the other part of the quotation.

If you follow one quotation or podviyni paws?

In American English single legs vikoristovuyutsya for quotation in the middle of the paws. In British English, call out. Newspaper headlines can also win single legs instead of underfoot legs to save money. Always use cursive in italics, or empathy for emphasis - you don’t want to spend some quotation in the “Blog” of “Necessary” ones.


Another method is based on a variety of ASK codes. In this way, paws on the keyboard are typed for additional special sets of numbers. The algorithm for introducing such offensive symbols:

  • Turn on the Num Look key, since the VIN is not active (yogo light is responsible for glowing).
  • Press the "Alt" key in the right part of the keyboard and do not allow it.
  • On the numeric keypad, we type the code for the symbol. Before entering the digital code, it is necessary to press “+” and “0”. The code for "" "- tse" 34".
  • Release "Alt" - and everything is ready.

A universal method, with which to do it simple. And before that, there is a possibility of choosing a type. Not enough time in this fall alone - tse need for remembrance special codes. But do not start it manually.

How to enter qi characters on the keyboard?

What is the shortest way to select intellectual quotes and apostrophes on my site

It is more correct to use a dagger and a hanging dagger. What are the regulations for copyright symbols and trademarks. How to vikoristovuvat glazing with symbols of copyright and trademarks. The copyright symbol is responsible for the mother's omission. Signs of trademarks and registrations of trademarks are not the fault of the mother in the middle of the text and symbol.

How to win other fractions, crim ½?

Hover your finger over the splicing window to select the required symbol. Apply diacritical marks, such as hostry, important, umlaut, oginaє, tilde, kіltse and Sedillo. subordinate spelling mark, on yakomu different types vikoristovuyutsya in Spanish language: cut quotes, also called Latin or Spanish, English and simple. English and simple paws are written at the upper part of the row, and the apex - in the center. In other texts, it is recommended to write the kutovі paws in the first copy, and other types are reserved in order for parts of the text to be shown in the paws.

Within the framework of this article, the main ways of placing paws on the keyboard were described in detail. When working in the text processor "Word" it is most rational to select the standard keys. If so, do not forget about those who introduce "paws" in the English version, and "yalinki" in the Russian version. And the axis of all other types is better to win the table of symbols or ASK-code. So you can choose the very sign that you need.

At this moment, vicorate single paws will vicorate in the rest of the month: Antonio said to me: Go "cacharro", which bought Julian. The paws are written close to the first and last words of that period, which stench they create, and are divided by skipping words or signs, like changing or following them; Ale, even those who follow the closes, є a sign of punctuation, between them there is no shortage of space.

tse garniy vibir, Yakshto mi not vikoristovuєmo їkh for embossing or expansion of the dzherel, which is recognized for zamovchuvannyam. As it suits you, it's worth it. follow blogs and share them among your contacts. To create a custom number format, you start by choosing one of the following number formats as a legal point. Then you can change the skin for the additional format to create your own numerical format.

When working with the text, it is often blamed for the need to put the paws. It would be possible, but what is simpler? Really, don't make a visconati easily, even though you can go about a specific type of paws. To insert them, use a sprat of methods. The skin has its pluses and minuses.

The most commonly found types of paws are 4:
  • French abo "yalinki";
  • German or "paws";
  • "English subvints";
  • 'English alone'.
Russian language has 2 types of paws: German "paws", French "yalinki". The first ones are 2 apostrophes. Roztashovani stench in the mountains. Zvichne їх vikoristannya, if the text is written in the hands or insert a direct mov in the middle of the French paws "". Others - tse pair of bows, yakі vіdkryvayut і zakryvayut word or text. Live their professionals.

The number format can be divided up to several divisions with a code, divided by a dash with a coma. Divide the code to assign a form for positive numbers, negative numbers, zero values, and text in that order. For example, you can twist and split the code to create an offensive recognized for the format.

You do not need to include all distributed codes in your own digital format. If you insert only two divisions with the code recognized for the format, the first division is scored for positive numbers and zeros, and the other division is scored for negative numbers. If you insert only one part of the code, you will win for all numbers. If you want to skip the split code and turn on the split code that follows it, you need to turn on the close dot for the split, which is daily.

For the introduction of paws for the help of the keyboard, use the following methods:
  • pushing the keys;
  • vicorist specialization of symbols in "Word";
  • crusting with a table of symbols;
  • zastosovayuchi table ASKI-codes.

The design of the keyboard does not include individual keys for the paws. To that it is necessary to win a victory every day. Zalezhno vіd moreover, yak mova vystanovleny in given moment, Choose and combinations. The principle is this:
  • The cursor is set to the place, it is planned to put the paws.
  • We press the Shift key and press the number "2", as if writing in Russian. As a working language English - "e" Russian.

Yak bachite, paws "paws", "yalinki" appeared in this way to put a non-wiede.

How to activate the text and add gaps

Next recommendations for setting up all of these distributions with a digital code. Show text and digits To display text and digits in the middle, enter characters in the text in the lower legs, or before the symbol of the slanting border. Include text entry section If enabled, leave the text section as the remaining section in number format. As always, you want to imitate songs text symbols With the introduced text, sharpen the additional text in the underfoot. Adding gaps To create a space for the width of the character in a number format, enter a row character, followed by the character you want to win.

Instructions for choosing numbers after the decimal point, gaps, numbers and minds

To format fractional numbers or numbers to format tens of points, turn on the next digital containers, tens of dots and boxes for thousands in boxes. If the number is greater than the number of digits right-handed in the decimal fraction, lower containers in the form, the number is rounded up to the number of decimal places in the form of containers. There are more digits in the left part of the decimal fraction, lower containers in the form, additional digits are displayed. Like the format to remove only digits from the decimal symbol, numbers less than 1, start from the decimal fraction, for example. Setting the colors To set the color for the figure, enter the names of the next eight colors into one square in the field Chotiri. Wash the settings To set the number format, so that they will only be stuck in the same way, as the number indicates the assigned mind, change the mind to square arms.

Instructions on currency formats, hundreds and exponential records

Show number of hundredths Show numbers in number of hundredths of 100 - for example, to show, from 08 to 8% or from 2, 8 to 280%. Show Exponential Entries To display the numbers in a scientific format, cite the following exponential codes in which division.

Directions for date and hour formats

Show Days, Months and Years To display the numbers in the date format, type in the next code in the chosen division. Show the years, the days and seconds To show the format of the hour, beat the next code in this division.
  • Add characters to the formatting code.
  • The next symbols appear without paws.
  • In addition, the whole middle is transformed into a text.
  • Add ten digits and significant digits.
  • The color code is responsible for being the first element in this division.
  • Umova is added from the operator of the order and the value.
  • Note.
  • The formats assigned for koristuvach are saved in the working book.
  • Highlight the sign in digital format.
This article will help you not only to guess your native language, but with the help of more text editors, and as you can see, you will have a lot less headache when editing old texts and changing the font format and paragraph.

To expand the possibilities, next to grow text processor"Word". Swedish access is the same, but at the same time the text is typed in English, then we take away “paws”, Russian - “yalinka”. You can do it in a different way:
  • open the "Insert" tab in Word;
  • press "Symbol";
  • go to "Other symbols";
  • we know and see the necessary type of paws;
  • activate the Vikonati button.

Another way, ale dіє, only if my working on the keyboard is English. Advance algorithm:
  • launching Ulita "Table of Symbols" by way of a joke;
  • we know you need paws;
  • for additional combinations of keys "Ctrl", "C" are transferred to the clipboard;
  • we pass to the text, in which it is necessary to insert paws;
  • we insert a symbol by pressing "Ctrl", "V" at the same time.

You can insert paws and for an additional set of numbers (ASKI-codes):
  1. The Cars Lock key is activated.
  2. "Alt" right-handed zatyskaєmo and utrimuєmo.
  3. The keys "+" and "0" are pressed, then the code "34" is entered. To appear "paws". To remove the yalinka, zastosovuєmo the code "171" when open and "187" when closed.

The method is simple, to remember the code.

If you have Word 2013 installations, then when there are other “paws” on the keyboard, the stench is immediately automatically replaced by “yalinki”. If you don't need anything, then use the Ctrl + Z combination, or the "say" icon on the panel - and the autocorrect will say. True, robiti tse skin is once unhandled. For greater comfort, it’s better to say autochange in customizations. For whom robimo come on, go:
  • "File";
  • "Parameters";
  • "Spelling";
  • "Parameters of autochange";
  • "Auto-format when entered". Here we pick up the sign “straight” paws “guys”.

Having become familiar with the methods used, robimo visnovok: with the use basic methods next choose the best, sob pratsyuvati in satisfaction.