Symbols with alt key. How to put a square meter in Word

In a sing-song voice, they sang on the Internet different symbols, there are none secondary keyboard. For example, emoticons are either ієroglyphics, which they imitate in any context, middle dashes (and not hyphens chi minus, as in most cases vikoristovuyutsya instead of dashes) or bring the numbers of little ones, folded from the backs of the rectangles.

All symbols are included in the standard packages of operating systems, stinks of stink are found in the Unicode symbol tables, which are supported by all major operating systems.

KRIM VISHEZGADAYA SERED Tsich Symbols can be botier of the Rosiysko, the Latin -like alphabets, I -Roglifi, the way, Chinese, the Japanese of Escity, likili ts alphabiv. Obviously, only a part of the symbols that are present in the yaks operating system. There are also mathematical symbols, punctuation marks, primitive geometric figures, frames too.

How to type special characters on the keyboard in Windows

For the implementation of offensive operations on the keyboard, the digital keyboard is to blame, as the right-handed hand is ringing (like a little lower).

Let's just reconsider that everything is exactly right. For whom press the Num Lock key on numeric keypad(otherwise, change the key, the key is already on - it will be necessary for us to activate it), then, pressing the left Alt key (this key is not allowed for the hour of typing the combination), sequentially press the numbers on the same digital keyboard. You can win, for example, the combination Alt + 1 + 2, which will give us the symbol of the root note ♫.

Zvichayno, you can vipadkovo tick on the same number, time and time again trying to take away the ticking and the brown symbol. However, everything is much simpler and more efficient, even though for Windows there is a symbol table. For Linux and OS X, your own similar programs, don’t hurry to twist the article: below, you will be told about one online service, on whichever platform you can know whether there is any character that you can click on.

Also, you can open the Symbol Table in two ways:

Now you have access to a great number of symbols for various purposes. However, take into account how much money you have in the chosen font. So, in the back of the hand in the Arial program, there is a large number of characters to use for richness of other fonts.

Select the required symbol, click on the new one and press the "Select" button. At the field For copying, your symbol will appear, which can be copied and vikoristovuvati be de. You can also remember the digital combination, as it is stitched in the lower right corner of the program (as shown in the screenshot), however, such a combination is not for the skin symbol.

From the great imovirnistyu you do not want to dig into this mass of symbols in searches of the necessary. For the same reason, in the Unicode tables, it is divided into groups, which is the same in the program, as I have won. To reach these groups, click on the column Additional parameters and in the item Grouping in the list, what to see, choose Unicode ranges.

To show up at a different time, you can choose a different group of symbols. It’s easy to get lost here, even though grouping is more logical here, but the report is not broken. Tim more, that in the main program you can use the symbols of the selected group (forward review).

With the option for Windows, we figured it out, now wondering how you can choose a special character from Unicode tables on any platform (including Windows, I understand).

Service for searching symbols in Unicode tables

I use such a good online service as On the new representation, all the symbols of the Unicode tables detailed information about a skin symbol (as a minimum, a skin symbol has a Unicode number and an HTML code). Mustache symbols are divided by groups, on the basis of which navigation is easier. On the site, there is also a search for symbols: for tightness, obviously, not moving poke systems, Ale still helps.

The work with the service is obvious, there is nothing to describe here. You can only indicate that navigation through all divisions of Unicode tables is in the right menu on head side site. Type in the name of the current group - a list of all current divisions will appear, for which it is easier to get to the required symbol.

Often koristuvachі pіd hour of work in Microsoft Word Sticking with the need to insert the next character in the text. Dosvіdcheni koristuvachі tsієї programs to know in what way special signs. The problem is that the standard set of Word characters is so rich that it is difficult to know the necessary ones.

One of the symbols, which is not so easy to know, is a cross at the square. The need to put such a sign is often blamed on documents with lists and nutrition, de next designate the next item. Henceforth, let's proceed to look at the ways, for the help of which you can put a cross at the square.

1. Place the cursor at the document area, de-may be a symbol, and go to the tab "Insert".

2. Press the button "Symbol"(group "Symbols") and select item "Other Symbols".

3. At the drop-down menu, I distributed "Font" Choose Windings.

4. Go through the list of symbols that have changed a little, and find a cross there near the square.

5. Select a symbol and press a button "Paste", close the window "Symbol".

6. The cross next to the square will be added to the document.

You can add this symbol for additional special code:

1. At the contributor "Head" in a group "Font" change font to Windings.

2. Place the cursor in the space, de may add a cross at the square, and press the key "ALT".

2. Enter numbers "120" without paws and release the key "ALT".

3. A cross at the square will be added at the indicated place.

Adding a special form for inserting a cross in a square

Sometimes, it is necessary to put not a ready-made cross symbol on the square, but to create a form. It is necessary to add a square, without any middle in the middle of which you can put a cross. In order to keep it simple, Microsoft Word is to blame for the enhanced mode of the retailer (on the panel swedish access one-menu tab is displayed).

Uvіmknennya retailer regime

1. Open the menu "File" and go to the division "Parameters".

2. At the end of the day, what happened, go to the distribution "Fix the stitch".

3. Do the list "Main Tabs" put a tick next to the item "Rozrobnik" ta press "OK" for closing the window.

Creation form

Now, if Word has a tab "Rozrobnik", you will have access to significantly more program functions. Among such creations of macros, they wrote about them earlier. And yet, it’s not forgotten that at this stage we need more, no less zavdannya.

1. Open the tab "Rozrobnik" and enable the design mode by clicking on the one-menu button in the group "Elements of management".

2. Press the button for this group "The element of cheruvannya in mystom ensign".

3. An empty square will appear on the side of the special frame. Vimknіt "Design Mode" by pressing the button in the group again "Elements of management".

Now, just click once on the square, a cross will appear in the middle of the new one.

Note: The number of such forms can be uncircumcised.

Now you know three more about the capabilities of Microsoft Word, including two other ways, for the help of which you can put a cross near the square. Don't get caught up in what you have reached, continue learning MS Word, and we will help you.

Often times when writing a text in Microsoft Word, the writers are stuck with the need to put a symbol or a sign, which is not on the keyboard. Same effective solution in this way - choose the best symbol from the set of the Word, we already wrote about the choice of the robot.

However, if you need to write a meter for a square or a cubic meter for the Word, the choice of symbols is not the best solution. So it doesn’t want to b z tієї reasons, but in a different way, about the world rozpovimo lower, work better richer, that one is just smarter.

Put a sign of cubic abo square meter Word will help us with one of the tools of the group "Font", names "Surcharge sign".

1. After the numbers that indicate the number of square or cubic meters, put a space and write "m2" or "m3", stalely in addition, as you need to add the knowledge - I will oblige the area.

2. See the number that goes to the letter after the letter "m".

3. At the depositor "Head" in a group "Font" Click on the button " Supervision sign” (x with a number 2 on the right up).

4. The number you saw ( 2 or 3 ) to move at the upper part of the row, having become such a rank for the designation of square or cubic meters.

    Porada: As if after the sign of square or cubic meters there is no text, click the left button of the bear of the first sign (in the next step), to say the vision, and press the button again "Surcharge sign", put a full stop, to whom you have already asked, so that you can continue to type the original text.

Cream buttons on the control panel, to increase the mode "Surcharge sign", which and the necessary writing of square meters and cubic meters, you can also write a special combination of keys.

1. See the number that I’m looking for "m".

2. Press "CTRL" + "SHIFT" + “+” .

3. The designation of square or cubic meters in the future will look correct. Click at the mіstsі, after the signification of meters, to say the vision and continue the splendid typing of the text.

4. If necessary (as if “meters” still do not fit the text), turn off the mode "Surcharge sign".

Before the speech, so you yourself can add the first degree to the document, as well as adjust the degree of Celsius. You can read reports about the goals in our articles.

As necessary, you can always change the size of the font of the symbols, as if they are stitched over the row. Just see this sign and choose the required size for this/or font. Zagalom, the symbol above the row can be changed in the same way, as if there were any other text in the document.

Like a bachite, it’s not easy to put square and cubic meters near the Word. All that is needed is to press one button on the program's keypad or to play only three keys on the keyboard. Now you know a little more about the possibility of a given program.

For more computer programs, Expanded for editing texts, use special characters or symbols, which can be easily inserted into documents for an additional table of symbols, or pressing all the Alt keys and a sequence of 10 digits on Num Lock.

Far from all computer scientists know about these functions, they often trap, if such combinations of keys, not visible on the keyboard, become necessary. In order not to panic, read in detail about addictive possibilities text editors.

Where can you use special characters?

In order to look over available for fast victoria special characters, you need to go to the Start menu or "Start", then open the "All Programs" tab, give "Standard", "Services", and in the end know the "Symbol Table" item and select її.

A small window can have all the special symbols, there are about three thousand of them. If necessary, the symbols from the designated table can be quickly copied to the clipboard in order to be transferred to the document to be edited. With the help of the method, you need to select the required font, then select the symbol from the list to click, click on "Copy" or Copy. For the text to be edited, it is necessary to insert the mouse cursor on the space, where it is necessary to put a symbol, and insert it after the auxiliary command Ctrl+V.

Victory to Alt-code

Special characters can be typed by pressing as many keys as possible on the digital part Keyboard Num Lock, but also on the language of the Alt key, which can be found both on the left and on the right side of the keyboard. For this, in the first line, you need to turn on the numbering mode (press the Num Lock key - the indicator should light up). Then you can boldly proceed to the set required code. striving Alt button, on the numeric keypad, you need to enter the code of the baggage symbol, which is made up of a sequence of digits, and then let Alt.

Why might you need to know special symbols in Alt-code?

Your nickname looks out of the box, but in the name, if you write them with beautiful characters “to your taste”, for example, for such social measures like VKontakte. From the most popular signs you can see and Euro - €. In which case the combination "Alt + 0136" will be needed. Almost indispensable is the offensive sign on the keyboard - paragraph - § (Alt + 0167).

For retailers of websites, we will recognize you as a "maystruvati" text document sign " trademark»: ™. For which type "Alt + 0153". Use also other combinations of numbers, which are used as symbols that can be distinguished in the English and Russian layout of the keyboard. Acts of them are unique, so the stench is available for introduction by the way
Alt code.

You singly had to type the text, de є special characters. Part of їх є on the keyboard, for example @,$,%,& .

Word has such similar programs inserts tables of special characters. However, you can borrow a joke from him good time What special characters you need may not appear there.

For which type you can enter їх for an additional code on the keyboard.

General information

Pressed key altі numbers on the right keyboard ( numpad) You can display different special symbols on the screen. What else to call Alt characters.

It is necessary if you are typing text, where there are signs of different currencies and other symbols that rarely get used.

Table of special characters

Kodi for introduction special characters presented by a great number. To that it is easy to marvel like a table. You will have to save or develop them, so that you can easily enter the required code.

For example, to insert a pictogram of a smiled face, press a key alt and on the right (digital) keyboard, press the number 1 . After you release the keys, a special symbol ☺ will appear on the screen (some types of wines may have black and white).

Symbol table (independent of keyboard layout)

Crimea tsikh symbols є th іnshі. At different layouts keyboards you can view different results on the screen.

Character table (English keyboard layout)

Symbol table (Russian keyboard layout)

Deyakі symbols are repeated, and deyakі will be revitalized with the introduction of different mines. So with the "English" introduction Alt+0193 viide symbol Á , and for "Russian" already B. The axis is so good that when writing the same one, you can choose either A or B ☺.

Ruble special symbol

Symbol Russian ruble confirmations were recently repaired and in official tables Vіn vіdsutnіy. However, Microsoft has already released versions of Office. If you need to enter the symbol of the Ukrainian currency, then on Russian layout press on right Alt that figure 8 , but not on the digital keyboard, but on the main ( over letters).

I support this article to help you recall the text with the original characters and make it sound.

It is possible for you to also be cіkavo like abo lashtuvati automatically.