Quickly rename files. How to rename files Keys to rename a file

Renaming files in Windows 10 or earlier Windows versions, It’s easy to finish the job. You just have to click right button Click on the file that needs to be renamed, select the Rename option in the context menu, enter a new file name and press the enter key to save the new file name.

It's shorter and bigger Swedish way renaming the file in the operating system Windows system 10 for additional keys. After selecting a file, you can press the F2 key on your keyboard and begin entering a new name for the file.

Hot key F2 good, especially if you need to change a bunch of files. After selecting a group of files, press the F2 key, enter names for the selected files, and then press Enter. Windows will automatically add 1, 2, 3 to the end of file names. How can I rename a number of files and enter a different name for each file in Windows 10/8/7?

How to rename files in Windows 10/8/7

You can easily rename a number of files in Windows. Follow the instructions below for quickly renaming multiple files by assigning a new name to each file.

Note: This method can be used to easily rename multiple folders in Windows 10/8/7.

Croc 1: Open the folder to place files that need to be quickly renamed.

Croc 2: Select the first file in the list, press the key F2 to rename.

Croc 3: After entering a new file name, press the key Tab Replace the pressure of the keys Enter. You can not only save a new file name, but also automatically select and initiate renaming for the new file.

If you want to skip a file, just press the key Tab two For example, if you want to rename the first and third file, press the Tab key two times after renaming the first file to select and rename the third file or folder.

In short, to rename a number of files, select the first file, press the F2 key, enter the name, press the Tab key to select and rename another file, enter the name of another file, press the Tab key, select and rename the third file, and enter the name, then press the Tab key to save the name, select the fourth file and rename it.

Did you know that you can change the keys? Ctrl+Shift+N for the door new folders on Windows 7/8/10?

It is also important to recognize these hours when the keyboard is the only way to exchange information between the device and the computer.

Thankfully, the keyboard appeared quite recently. What happened before it? Only the professionals who were lucky enough to work at the dawn of the computer era remember this. Then, working with the machine was done with the help of punched cards - a busy time, now and then. So, those hours are long gone; daily systems inspired by many other principles. Another possession, another property. The nature of the connection between the computer and the computer has not changed. Here, as before, enter the text and various commands.

When typing or completing a document, searching for the required menu options or selecting standard editing commands is a waste of time. Most operations can be easily performed using the keyboard. The Windows system is set to work without a mouse. Perhaps, it is practically impossible to do without our “little helper” - this robot with the Internet and graphics. There, Misha is indispensable, although the keyboard commands are even helpful when editing images. That’s why this section is called “Keyboard at its best.”

Let’s start with the simplest and simplest way of speaking – accelerators.

How many people cannot escape the association from this word! I was wondering, chantingly, that I was talking about the gas pedals in cars, and maybe, thinking about acceleration... Neither one nor the other is true from the perspective of computer literacy.

Accelerator is a technique for simplifying access to menus via the keyboard.

Let's take a look at how it all works. Look at the little ones:

there will be indicated completely differently, the principles of access to the menu elements described in this section are no longer the same.

Please note that there are some letters in the armchair menu, others are not. It was not broken up for nothing.

Menu "Edit" - the letter "P" is underlined. My accelerator means that if you press ALT and P at the same time (indicate that the keys you need to press at the same time, add a plus: Alt+P), then the “Edit” menu is activated. Now you can navigate through the menu using the “up” and “down” keys, and pressing “left” and “right” will activate the adjacent submenus.

Try pressing Alt+E to activate “Service”.

So simple! If you need to find something in the menu, you don’t need to immediately touch the mouse: everything can be done using the additional keyboard.

Now it would be a shame to follow the menu.

Right-handed, opposite the skin command there is a corresponding key, from which the command itself can be called. This method is called “hot keys” (hotkeys).

For example, if when you edited the text you replaced some word or create a word, but when you read it a second time it turned out that it didn’t become any better, then you can edit it by pressing Ctrl+Z.

What is this - a clipboard?

The first intuitive association itself appears to be correct. Thus, a buffer is a place in the computer’s memory where you can place a piece of required information in order to use it in different programs. It no longer resides in any one program, but becomes available to everyone.

If you see a block of text and then press it, as written in the menu - Shift+Del or Ctrl+Ins, then instead of the seen object it will be placed in the buffer, so that in the first instance a fragment from the document will be visible, and in the other - nothing. There is a balance between the “Virize” and “Copy” commands.

Now our fragment can be inserted into any program that supports the work with the text. On the right is that the computer program automatically interprets the clipboard instead and, as a result, processes it. If the program does not “know” how to process the fragment that is inserted, the result can be very different from our standards. In many situations, the “Paste” menu item will not be active, regardless of the fact that the buffer contains data.

Commands Shift+Del, Shift+Ins, Ctrl+Ins – command editing. They can be used in order using the commands Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+C.

Shift+Del or Ctrl+X – edit the vision fragment;

Shift+Ins or Ctrl+V – paste;

Ctrl+Ins or Ctrl+C – copy.

These are the most popular key combinations. As a rule, everyone knows who has ever typed text at least once. So, for the same operation, you can use two key combinations. Yak command vikoristati - I savor it on the right. Resentment is supported by all programs, resentment looms, however, possibilities.

An invisible attribute of the end of the working day is the closure of work allowances Alt key+F4, which closes the window. More precisely, it’s easy to understand. If this is a text program, then the field for typing text is due to the cursor; In addition, the title of the window of the streaming program is shown in an intense color, which is due to the adjustment of the system.

Windows hotkeys. Part 2

When does a working day begin? Because the work program starts.

As a rule, you can launch it by clicking on the shortcut on the desktop or by clicking on the item in the “Start” menu. Let's look at how you can get by without a mouse in such situations.

To activate the menu, you need to press Win key(Start). On different keyboards, this button is called differently. If such a button does not appear on closer inspection, you can press Ctrl+Enter or Ctrl+Esc. The effect will be the same - the Start menu will be activated. Further, using the additional keys, you can use the cursor to I need the program Then launch it by pressing the Enter key.

The more complex the program, the more setup it has, the more complex its interface. Programmers have enough inventions effective method accommodating a large amount of information in one window, as shown in the little picture, which shows part of the dialogue window about the power of the system. For this program, you need to assign a special key, so if you press Win+Break at once, you can easily open the window shown in the window.

To save space, use the tabs. Interface elements that are usually located at the top of the window. At the same time, only one tab can be active, which indicates its specific function. At first glance, it looks like you need to go from one tab to another. But the basic keyboard navigation is very effective in this situation:

You can move forward through the tabs using Ctrl+Tab;

for that - Ctrl+Shift+Tab.

It’s unusual for these commands to use the Tab key,

Its main purpose is to move the input indicator between window elements. The indicator of the introduction, call the title the focus of the introduction, it is easy to mark what is called with a permanent eye.

Marvel at the little ones. The most important element of tracing with a dotted line is what we need to know about the fact that any information that is entered from the keyboard is initially given to you, and then to other elements of the program. Once you press the “spacebar” key, the picture will change. Vibranium element appears significant.

To remove the icon, you just need to press the space again. To move to the next window element, press Tab. When selecting many programs, you can even manually select the Enter key instead of the Tab key. Therefore, such “non-standard” behavior of Enter is documented. If a group of buttons is active, you can move them using the additional Tab key or the cursor arrows.

To better understand the functionality of the Tab key, launch MS Word. Let's open a dialogue about choosing a font. Without misha. Looking at the menu, it seems that the required dialogue is located in the “Format” menu, press Alt + M. Now you need to know the required section of the "Font" menu. Please note that the letter “Ш” is underlined. This means that if the menu is already activated, then to launch the Font dialog, simply press Ш.

Well, the original command for activating the dialogue we need is this: Alt+M, Ш. Alt+M press required immediately, then then Ш.

Now play with the Tab key. The focus of the input moves away from the element element. If you have missed the required route, then you can turn back (to move elements in the opposite direction) using Shift+Tab.

When assigning file names, it is recommended to give them rational names so that they reflect the actual location of the file. This is a joy in any book with computer technologies. It’s a pity that you can’t do this all the time; it’s often due to the need to rename the file. Don't screw it up context not menu, you can press the F2 key, which will automatically activate the file name editing area.

You need to clean out your directory regularly to free up disk space. To delete files, use Delete and Shift+Delete. First command to place instructions file to Koshik, then, if you are blessed enough, you can easily renew him; Another command is to view the file without placing it in Cat and without the possibility of updating instead. It would be better not to be evil with such a command. You don’t know if you’ll need the deleted data tomorrow. It’s still a little calmer with Koshyk.

Know the file and folder - the task is to finish it more easily, so it’s broken up special program A quick click for F3.

When looking at a website on the Internet or clicking on a temporary resource instead of a directory, it may appear that the actual data has changed a lot, even though the changes have not yet appeared on the monitor screen. To update the page, manually press the F5 key, which is specially designated for this purpose.

When working simultaneously with a large number of programs, you can manually use the key combination Alt+Tab and Alt+Esc. You can navigate through open the windows. The first team is direct, the friend is direct. If you often need to “drag” data from one program to another, the two commands must become as “family” for you as the words you hear from those close to you.

Probably, you definitely need to know about one more important thing: Win+D or Win+M. Try pressing these buttons at once.

Then all the windows lit up, and the work table was cleaned. You can easily “get to” a shortcut, launch the required program, or simply find the file you need. This team is very strong. While working at the computer, you will notice that a lot of add-ons are running, and they will open at the same time. Instead of continuously clicking the mouse on the “cross” of the system menu, it’s much easier to press Win + D.

And one more thing that’s important to do without is Win+E. Launches Explorer. Merezha, Internet... Nowhere without looking around!

Let's bring the pouches.

Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+Z - for editing text;

Alt+Tab, Alt+Esc, Win+D or Win+M, Win+E – navigation through open windows;

Alt+selected letter in the menu - Swedish access to the menu;

F5 - update the document side:

F3 – search for the required file;

F2 - rename the folder file;

Win+E - Swedish launch Internet browser.

You can’t describe all the commands, but we will consistently familiarize our readers with the hot keys of the most advanced programs.

Basic Windows hotkeys

The robot in Windows can be made more effective and efficient if you use not only the mouse, but also use “hot keys” - special combinations of keys that make clicking easier and speed up the robot. For example, few people know that the Explorer, which is even often vikoristed (already without anything) is launched by overnight pressures Win+E. Wait a minute, this is much cooler!


  • Key Win located between the Ctrl and Alt keys on the left side (the Windows logo is painted on it).
  • Key Menu The left hand should be in front of the right Ctrl.
  • The combination of key + key means that you need to press the first key first, and then press the other key.

Hot keys with a hidden meaning

Associated keys Description
Open the Start menu
Ctrl+Shift+Esc Wiklik "Task Manager"
Win+E Launching Explorer
Win+R Representation of the dialogue "Run programs" (Run), analogue of "Start" - "Viconati"
Win+D All windows are lit or turned to the exit position (peremikak)
Win+L Blocking the work station
Win+F1 Click for Windows
Win+Pause Vikna vikna "System Properties"
Win+F Open the window to search for files
Win + Ctrl + F Open the window to search for computers
Printscreen Take a screenshot of the entire screen
Alt + Printscreen Take a screenshot of the current active window
Win + Tab
Win + Shift + Tab
Mixing between buttons on the panel
Moving between panels. For example, between the desktop and the “Swedish Launch” panel
Ctrl+A See all (objects, text)
Copy to clipboard (objects, text)
View from clipboard (objects, text)
Paste from clipboard (objects, text)
Ctrl+N Create a new document, project or something similar. In Internet Explorer, it opens a new window with a copy instead of a stream window.
Ctrl+S Save the current document or project.
Ctrl+O Click the dialog to select a file to open the document or project.
Ctrl+P signet
Ctrl+Z Skasuvati ostannu diyu
Shift Block CD-ROM autorun (leave until the drive reads the inserted disc)
Alt+Enter Transition full screen mode and back (remix; for example, in Windows Media Player or in a command interpreter window).

Work with text

Associated keys Description
Ctrl+A See all
Ctrl + →
Go to the words in the text. This is no less true for text editors. For example, it’s really easy to put wikis in your browser’s address bar
Shift + →
View of the text
Ctrl + Shift + →
Seeing the text behind the words
Ctrl + Home
Moving to the beginning and end of the row of text
Ctrl + Home
Moving to the beginning and end of the document

Working with files

Associated keys Description
Displaying the context menu of the stream object (similar to right-clicking the mouse).
Alt+Enter Wiklik "Object authorities"
F2 Renaming an object
Drag with Ctrl Copying an object
Drag from Shift Moving an object
Drag using Ctrl+Shift Creating a shortcut to an object
Click with Ctrl Seeing many objects in good order
Click with Shift Visibility of many related objects
Enter The same ones that constantly click on the object
Delete Visible object
Shift+Delete An irrevocably visible object without placing it in the box

Work with a conductor

Working with windows

Associated keys Description
Alt + Shift + Tab
Click the menu to move between windows and move to a new one
Transition between windows (in the order in which they were launched)
Alt+F6 Interchange between multiple windows of the same programs (for example, between closed WinWord windows)
Alt+F4 Close the active window ( running programs). On the desktop - click on the Windows completion dialog
Ctrl+F4 Closing the active document in programs that allow multiple documents to be opened at once
Viklik menu window
Alt + − (minus) Click the system menu of a child window (for example, a document window)
Esc Exit the window menu or close the open dialog
Alt + letter Click the menu command or open the menu. For daily entries in the menu, select armchairs (either initially or become armchairs after pressing Alt). If the menu stopper is already clicked, then you can click on it required commands it is necessary to press the key with the letter that is assigned to this command
Alt+Space Viklik system menu window
F1 Click for more programs.
Vertically scroll the text or move to paragraphs in the text.

Working with dialog boxes

Robot in Internet Explorer

Associated keys Description
F4 View of the list of the “Addresses” field
Launching another browser instance with a similar web address
Ctrl+R Updating the streaming web page
Ctrl+B Opens the "Organize your items" dialog box
Ctrl+E Opens the “Search” panel
Ctrl+F Launch service program just a joke
Ctrl+I Opens the “Select” panel
Ctrl+L Opens the "Open" dialog box
Ctrl+O Opens the “Open” dialog box, similar to Ctrl+L
Ctrl+P Opens the “Druk” dialog box
Ctrl+W Closing the flow window
F11 Switch to full-screen mode and back (this also works in other programs).

Special capabilities

  • Press the SHIFT key five times: press and release sticky keys
  • Hold the right SHIFT key pressed for all seconds: increase and decrease input filtering
  • Press and hold the Num Lock key for five seconds to increase volume and volume
  • Alt left-handed + Shift left-handed + Num Lock: increased and accessible keyboard control
  • Alt left-hand + Shift left-hand + PRINT SCREEN: increase and increase high contrast

When working in Windows 7, we often have to work through a sequence of actions to achieve the same result. We are compiling some of these sequences every day, and it is not suspected that they can be condensed at random, just like using hotkeys. In this article, I will tell you about ten useful hot keys that will help you speed up access to essential system elements, as well as make your work with Windows 7 more comfortable.

1. Launch programs from the command panel - Win+1,2,3,4…

Many koristuvachs pin shortcuts to the most frequently used programs on the dashboard. But few people know that you can launch programs directly from the keyboard. If you press the Win key and the serial number of the shortcut on the command panel, you can launch this program.

2. Interfering between programs on the command panel – Win+T

Using the additional key Win + T, you can move the cursor on the panel between add-ons. To select a program, just press the “Space” or “Enter” key.

3. Light up all active windows – Win+Home

With this help, you will be able to close all open windows on your desktop, making them inactive. This often helps in the process, as it prevents the sequential burning of all open windows.

4. Interfering between programs – Alt+Esc

Using the additional Alt and Esc keys you can easily switch between open programs. This is similar to Alt+Tab with the same difference, which switches the options in the order in which they were opened. You can also use Win+Tab to quickly communicate between programs.

5. System power - Win + Pause / Break

If you need to quickly challenge the power of the system, use these keys quickly. There is no need to hide all windows, open the context menu of My Computer and select the second option. Just press Win+Pause/Break and the power of the system will appear in front of you.

6. Power of folder or file – Alt+Enter

For this additional key, you will access the power of the file or folder selected in Explorer or on the Desktop, bypassing the context menu.

7. Context menu for file or folder – Shift+F10

If you own a laptop, then sharing the keys will be especially bad for you. Select a file or folder in Explorer and press Shift+F10 to open the context menu (right-click on the mouse) without going to the mouse or touchpad.

8. Department manager - Ctrl+Shift+Esc

If you need to close another program like a Primus, then Ctrl+Shift+Esc will be more suitable for you. Click on it to immediately open the “Task Manager” without wasting a valuable hour on the sequence of Ctrl+Alt+Del and selecting a different menu tool.

9. Rename a file or folder in Explorer - F2

Use the F2 button in Explorer to rename the selection file.

10. Go to search for the conductor - F3

Press F3 on the desktop and Explorer will open with an active search field.

I hope that the hot keys will be annoying for you. If you still have the keys you have received in your work, then tell about them in the comments, other readers will singly know about them.


When does a working day begin? Because the work program starts.

As a rule, you can launch it by clicking on the shortcut on the desktop or by clicking on the item in the “Start” menu. Let's look at how you can get by without a mouse in such situations.

To activate the menu, press the Win key (Start). On different keyboards, this button is called differently. If such a button does not appear on closer inspection, you can press Ctrl+Enter or Ctrl+Esc. The effect will be the same - the Start menu will be activated. Next, using the cursor key, you can find the required program and launch it by pressing the Enter key.

The more complex the program, the more setup it has, the more complex its interface. Programmers will find an effective way to accommodate a large amount of information in one window, as shown in the little picture that shows part of a dialogue window about the power of the system. For this program, you need to assign a special key, so if you press Win+Break at once, you can easily open the window shown in the window.

To save space, use the tabs. Interface elements that are usually located at the top of the window. At the same time, only one tab can be active, which indicates its specific function. At first glance, it looks like you need to go from one tab to another. But the basic keyboard navigation is very effective in this situation:

You can move forward through the tabs using Ctrl+Tab;

for that - Ctrl+Shift+Tab.

It’s unusual for these commands to use the Tab key,

Its main purpose is to move the input indicator between window elements. The indicator of the introduction, call the title the focus of the introduction, it is easy to mark what is called with a permanent eye.

Marvel at the little ones. The most important element of tracing with a dotted line is what we need to know about the fact that any information that is entered from the keyboard is initially given to you, and then to other elements of the program. Once you press the “spacebar” key, the picture will change. Vibranium element appears significant.

To remove the icon, you just need to press the space again. To move to the next window element, press Tab. When selecting many programs, you can even manually select the Enter key instead of the Tab key. Therefore, such “non-standard” behavior of Enter is documented. If a group of buttons is active, you can move them using the additional Tab key or the cursor arrows.

To better understand the functionality of the Tab key, launch MS Word. Let's open a dialogue about choosing a font. Without misha. Looking at the menu, it seems that the required dialogue is located in the “Format” menu, press Alt + M. Now you need to know the required section of the "Font" menu. Please note that the letter “Ш” is underlined. This means that if the menu is already activated, then to launch the Font dialog, simply press Ш.

Well, the original command for activating the dialogue we need is this: Alt+M, Ш. Alt+M press required immediately, then then Ш.

Now play with the Tab key. The focus of the input moves away from the element element. If you have missed the required route, then you can turn back (to move elements in the opposite direction) using Shift+Tab.

When assigning file names, it is recommended to give them rational names so that they reflect the actual location of the file. This is a pleasure for any book on computer technology. It’s a pity that you can’t do this all the time; it’s often due to the need to rename the file. To avoid opening the context menu, you can press the F2 key, which will automatically activate the file name editing area.

You need to clean out your directory regularly to free up disk space. To delete files, use Delete and Shift+Delete. The first command is to place the instructions file in Koshyk, which can be easily updated if necessary; Another command is to view the file without placing it in Cat and without the possibility of updating instead. It would be better not to be evil with such a command. You don’t know if you’ll need the deleted data tomorrow. It’s still a little calmer with Koshyk.

Finding a file or folder is easier, so a special program has been created, a quick click that works for F3.

When looking at a website on the Internet or clicking on a temporary resource instead of a directory, it may appear that the actual data has changed a lot, even though the changes have not yet appeared on the monitor screen. To update the page, manually press the F5 key, which is specially designated for this purpose.

When working simultaneously with a large number of programs, you can manually use the key combination Alt+Tab and Alt+Esc. It is possible to navigate from open windows. The first team is direct, the friend is direct. If you often need to “drag” data from one program to another, the two commands must become as “family” for you as the words you hear from those close to you.

Probably, you definitely need to know about one more important thing: Win+D or Win+M. Try pressing these buttons at once.

Then all the windows lit up, and the work table was cleaned. You can easily “get to” a shortcut, launch the required program, or simply find the file you need. This team is very strong. While working at the computer, you will notice that a lot of add-ons are running, and they will open at the same time. Instead of continuously clicking the mouse on the “cross” of the system menu, it’s much easier to press Win + D.

And one more thing that’s important to do without is Win+E. Launches Explorer. Merezha, Internet... Nowhere without looking around!

Let's bring the pouches.

Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+Z - for editing text;

Alt+Tab, Alt+Esc, Win+D or Win+M, Win+E – navigation through open windows;

Alt+update menu letter - quick access to the menu;

F5 - update the document side:

F3 – search for the required file;

F2 - rename the folder file;

Win+E – quickly launch the Internet browser.

You can’t describe all the commands, but we will consistently familiarize our readers with the hot keys of the most advanced programs.

If you have a desire, what program you would like to read about, then write.