Supports power and the sign method. Clean cache and cookies. Vikorist uses another browser

Business owners are often faced with the problem of confirming special data during an online operation - Cannot sign data. Error description: The object does not support power or the Sign method. For example, such an agreement is available on the web pages of official organizations and financial institutions:,, VTB 24, ЄІС. Specifically pardon given Appears when you try to install a digital digital signature or confirm special data.

Cause mercy Sing

The notification of the pardon indicates problems with This component is used to formulate the signature itself and even an important warehouse. The reasons themselves for the amends may be impersonal. Jerel can buti: no file insertions, daily or outdated root certificates(CryptoPro, Kontur) for carrying out EDS, nonsense Windows capacity with a browser; Contents of the package. NET Framework and others.

Note: The object does not support power or the Sign method

Yak vipraviti pomilku Cannot sign data

To fix a similar glitch on Windows 7/8/10, please check or select all the points described below. We have collected all the most extensive solutions that can be found on the official forums of government purchasers, and other sources.

First, let’s check the site on a different browser. If you carry out operations through a specialized program, then change the settings and set a different browser to exit before the process.

Correctly reinstalling Lanit

Who would like to help us reinstall the Internet connection before - It’s better to visit this resource on which you can download (return to the support) or from another popular device. Select the capacity (x32, x64), which matches your system and browser (!), which is very important for working in Internet Explorer. Discharge plays an important role. Dali:

Just check it out


Most often, the statement “The object does not support power or the Sign method” is of a completely unknown capacity when installing the software (LANIT, browser, certificates), so please ensure that at this moment. If you ever have a problem, if you don’t get along with the mercy, you should go to the support resource, but as practice shows, you can check for evidence there for a long time.

When working with a computer, various errors often occur, and some of them are reasonable, then actions such as information about those that the object is not supported by the authorities or the Browseforfolder method can lead to Istuvac is in a stupor.

Most often they stick with this koristuvach bank VTB-24 How to quickly access your online services through a browser, while at home or on the road.

You may be blamed for the fact that the script runs into nonsense or appears to be inconsistent with whatever it is.

The reasons may be anonymous, but somehow understandable, What should you earn at this time? And how to do it in such a way that she, melodiously, doesn’t turn around again, we report clearly lower.


What does it blame?

There is a remission most often during the transition from a directory to a directory for a robot with VTB-24.

During this process, the song of the script and it starts to appear, which means that it is important for them to follow the correct line. Cause this result may be stepped on:

It is important that it comes through the VTB-24 service itself and is sent through the price on its server. However, this is far from the case.

As the range of options for Browseforfolder shows, the essence of the problem lies on the side of the client, in his browser or system.

One of them simple decision could you just call it simple? replacing the browser with a more thorough and up-to-date one, Such a yak or. Ale VTB-24 always functions only with standard Internet Explorer, so problems with outdated versions are inevitable.

It would be much simpler if all elements of the system were compatible with other browsers, but it would not yet be possible to obtain insurance.

So let's move on to the step-by-step analysis of the skin There are many reasons viniknennya.

Working with a browser

We need to check first that it is not in the browser, and all other manipulations with the outdated version will not lead to anything.

Here, the Internet Explorer browser, which is constantly experiencing changes in the form of its creators, is popular with the title of “red” browser.

If another viewer is not suitable for work, or the user does not want to be seen in IE, then try to upgrade it to more new versions.

For which you need to know where you can find and access the rest of the IE product in the appropriate section.

Increase your respect! Preserve the trace by looking at the capacity operating system. And each of them has its own version of the browser. To find out what is installed on you, you need to press the keyWin + Pause and find out the necessary information from the section "System type".

After successfully updating your browser, you can try logging into the VTB-24 system again, or preferably run the browser as an administrator.

Why go to the menu "Start", find the IE shortcut or quickly search and click on the new one with the right mouse button that appears context menu find "Run as administrator" and click on the item with the left mouse button.

The rich script shows only that rights and boundaries.

Public access Until then, there may only be an administrator And because your cloud account does not allow you to open files under this name, which will need to be reconfigured.


Finally, if the reason for the guilt lies not in the eye, then check the trace. .

To support all services and stable access to various resources, it is obligatory to install a framework no lower than version 3.5.

However, it’s better to install release 4.5 or better so that you can sing along various conflicts.

Not all PCs have the latest .NET Framework update, and there are also systems that enable this function for all programs to avoid running out of memory.

In this case, the only option would be to download from the official website, install, restart your PC and check again to see if it’s correct.

Internet Explorer Settings

If the specified actions did not lead to the desired result, then you can try re-adjusting the IE bits, for whom is it needed:

Component wikiActiveX

Browser will continue to show mercy? At this time, let’s turn to adjust the deposit "Safety" Let's lower the rhubarb, with the help of a belt, pushing it to the very bottom.

A little lower in that window you can find the button “Inshiy...”, we stamp on it, and a new window opens.

Any reinsurance has a large list of parameters, among which the investor needs to know all the components that need to be connected and check the box Prompt from all of them.

Such a global approach helps in the majority of cases, and one knows that perhaps the reason is completely different.

For example, a recently acquired add-on or add-on for a browser that requires it to launch correctly. The easiest way is to discard all browser settings.

You can also install the Java platform and install it using the archive. Vaughn independently integrates into the system and improves possible malfunction at the script.

Important! At the first entrance to VTB-24, the winery is filled with joy install module cryptographic protection . Please be careful, as you are aware, this may lead to other problems with logging into the site.

It is likely that rich workers who work with folding richness systems have had to deal with the situation, when on the screen there is an unconscious message about the pardon Kshtalt “The object does not support power or the Sign method.” Let's take a look at the main reasons for such a malfunction and methods for quickly eliminating the problem.

Information about those that the object does not support power or the sign method: what is it?

First of all, let us respect that an ordinary professional is unlikely to face such problems. The statement of the type “The object does not support power or the Sign method” mainly appears in highly specialized programs.

This can be used by clients on the VTB-24, Kontur-Extern and others. These programs should be placed before the programs in which special calls can be made. In some cases, the error “The object does not support the authority or the Sign method” may appear when trying to make an online payment, when viewing data from purchasing government sites - through, if a confidential operation is required ii.

To confirm the legality of such a document, a special digital sign cab is required. It is precisely from this that problems arise. Roughly speaking, the financial system simply does not recognize it through the actions of the reasons, as will be discussed below, and does not identify the document or service as trustworthy.

Possible reasons for the malfunction

Among the many reasons that can lead to such repudiations, most experts name the presence of certain registrations with the system of script libraries, which are necessary for installing a signature recognition method, viktor protection ActiveX elements, an outdated version of the .NET Framework platform, blocking of signatures and sites by antiviruses and firewalls, etc.

In addition, the warning “The object does not support authority or the Sign method” (Windows 7, 64 bits) appears only when the Internet Explorer browser is installed (sometimes this type of script appears in your browser automatically). Therefore, the very same adjustments to the worst can cause the problem. Below are some methods that can solve this problem.

Pomilka “The object does not support power or the Sign method”: what to do in the first place?

The simplest and most logical solution to this problem is to permanently change your browser. Instead of Internet Explorer, you can try opening a document or website from Opera or Google Chrome. How to get ready automatically open In Internet Explorer itself, there is nothing simpler than copying the message and pasting it into another browser.

If the user is on the right side of the program, you can look at your settings and change the browser that you are using for your work.

To ensure correct operation, you can also turn on the standard Windows firewall for an hour, and then watch how a document or website opens. If everything is fine, the program and Internet resource will need to be added to the list of faults.

Installation and registration of additional components

However, the decision to remove the clause “The object does not support power or the Sign method” is not limited. Most software types require the Microsoft .NET platform to be installed on the system. Framework versions 2.0 is better.

Update: you need to download and install the remaining release of the package, then check the functionality.

In addition, with the appearance of such a failure, additional entries can often be added to the system because the components necessary for the operation are not registered in the system. As a rule, this is the case between jscript.dll and vbscript.dll, and this situation may appear due to installed Windows Script Host. It is highly likely that the platform itself is installed incorrectly. Thus, first install this component under the administrator name, and then proceed to register the libraries.

Go to the command line, which can be accessed via cmd from the “Viconati” menu (Win + R). To register a vikory, use the regsvr32.exe command, after which the file name is entered through a gap (for example, regsvr32.exe jscript.dll). Then you just press the enter button. If you don't know, the jscript library is a Java element, and vbscript is included in the libraries Visual Basic.

Change your browser settings

Because of the problems with Internet Explorer, it is recommended to use a version of the browser that is no lower than the current one, or rather use the remaining one.

Another point related to the appearance of the warning “The object does not support power or the Sign method” is that the actions of the browser installed in the browser itself can block the intended electronic signature. If there is an additional or extension to, Yahoo or whatnot, it is strongly recommended that you not only enable them, but also delete them altogether.

Solve it, to resolve the problem you need to go to the browser controls (either from the browser or through the “Control Panel”), find the trusted nodes in the security tab and go to the security level, where you need to enable all elements in ActiveX.

In some cases, you may just need to clear the cache and cookies, and also delete the contents from the bad directory. If you are interested in confidentiality, you must turn off your device. cookies, then confirm the change.


It goes without saying that almost all over-the-top methods solve the problem quickly and easily. There were no malfunctions related to the penetration of the system by the faulty software, the fragments of the skin of the surgeon and so it is necessary to realize that the protection of the system under the hour of work with such specificity may affect priority tasks.

On this page you can find out the nutritional supplements that are often supplied.

You can also contact our customer support service for advice:

  • By email: ;
  • or you can quickly access the video instructions for setting up the VTB24 Business Online system.

If the settings are saved after installing the ActiveX component, you must check the settings for setting up your browser.

To install the component correctly, you need to use vikory oblikovy record local administrator, use the 32-bit Internet Explorer browser version 11.0 and higher. In the Internet Explorer browser, select “Service”, the “Browser Power” tab, in settings, select the “Security” tab and reduce the security level for the “Internet” zone to “Medium” or “Low” level. Then select the “Privacy” tab and remove the “Block drain windows” icon.

If, after completing these steps, the preparation is saved and the component is not installed, you must open it local disk C:\WINDOWS\system32, search for the files "mespro.dll", "mespro.sig", "mesproax.dll", "mesproax" and delete them. After deleting files, you must update the page in the 32-bit Internet Explorer browser version 11.0 and, above all, repeat the installation of ActiveX.

If these actions do not give results, you must reset your Internet Explorer browser. In the 32-bit browser Internet Explorer version 11.0, select “Service”, the “Browser Power” tab, in settings, select the “Add-ons” tab and click the “Dismiss” button.

If standard actions do not lead to a positive result, it is necessary to resort to system administrator, the fragments may have a local character.

In the account manager's account, when the certificate is entered, the warning message “When the key device is created SKZI 3.1” appears.

1. In the catalog field key nose SKZI is indicated on an inescapable path.
This statement means that you go to the row “Catalogue of the key equipment of the SKZD” with instructions to the missing catalog or equipment. It is necessary to check the paths in the field “Catalog of the key carrier of the SKZD”, there may be indications until the catalog is empty.

2. The route to the directory stolen from the entry is indicated.
In the directory field of the key name of the SKZI, the path to the directory stolen as a record is indicated. It is necessary to check what attributes are in the directory before which route is specified for creating key files. To do this, you need to right-click on this directory (folder), select the “Power” section. On the “Reading” tab at the bottom there is a section “Attributes”, the “Reading Only” attribute is not responsible for the icons: no check mark, no green square. If the attribute “Only Reading” can be noted, it must be removed in order to leave the square of the white attribute empty. Afterwards, go through the system notifications of your computer and press the “OK” button. After changing these parameters in Vladimir Koristuvach’s office, you need to refresh the page (Ctrl+F5) and enter the path in the row “Catalog of the key carrier of the SKZD” again.
Please note that it is not possible to remove the “Attribute”, which means that the administrator has no access, and it is recommended to request a certificate for a personal device (flash drive).

In the Vlasny account of the accountant, when saving the certificate for the key nose, the message “Arrears upon initialization of the SKZD” appears.

In the directory field of the key carrier SKZI, the path to the directory is indicated, which does not include the “keys” folder and 5 files: kek.opq, mk.db3, masks.db3, rand.opq, request.pem.
It is necessary to check the paths in the field “Key directory of SKZI”, there are instructions to the root directory with key files, then to the folder in which the keys folder and 5 files are saved - kek.opq, mk.db3, masks.db3, rand .opq, request.pem. Yakshcho sleeping folders does not matter, and the key files are saved on big nose, then in the row “Catalogue of the key wear of the SKZD” it is necessary to indicate the path to the key wear.

In the Vlasny account of the accountant, when the certificate for the key is saved, the message “Correction when decoding the secret key” appears

The password for decryption was entered incorrectly secret key.
1. It is necessary to check the correctness of the password: keyboard layout, register. If it is impossible to guess the correct password, you must request the certificate again, saving it in a clean directory. To work in the VTB24 Business Online system, the new certificate will need to be activated by submitting the act of replacing the key certificate to the signature of the Bank branch at the same time as opening the account.

2. If the password appears immediately after clicking on the “floppy disk” icon (without entering a password to encrypt the secret key), you need to check the structure of the key files. At the time of saving the certificate, the key directory is responsible for containing the following folders and files:

  • directory "keys", where you can place the file "00000001.key";
  • file "masks.db3";
  • file "rand.opq";
  • file "kek.opq";
  • file "mk.db3";
  • file "request.pem".

If the file name in the "keys" folder does not match "00000001.key", we recommend changing the file name, then repeating the certificate saving procedure in the Special Account Account.

Respect! You need to try to enter the password on the Russian keyboard.

In the Special Customer Account, when the certificate is saved, the message “Certificate of successful acquisition” appears on the key nose, but the CA and CERT folders do not appear

In the field of the catalog of the key carrier of the SKZI, the route to “foreign” keys is indicated.
It is necessary to check the path in the field “Catalogue of key equipment SKZI”. Shlyakh is responsible for the instructions to the root directory with key files, which are removed for the account manager, under which the login is made Special office koristuvacha.

Example: the entrance to the Special account of the accountant is created under the registration data of the general director, in the row “Catalog of keys of the SKZI” the route to the catalog of keys for the chief accountant is indicated, then to “foreign” keys, which do not correspond to the revoked certificate fikatu.

In the Special Account of the Accountant, when the certificate is saved, the “Admitted Vidhileno” reprimand will appear.

In the directory field of the key name of the SKZI, the path to the directory stolen in the record is indicated
1. It is necessary to check what attributes are in the power of the directory that contains the key files of the client. To do this, use the right mouse button to click on the required directory (folder), select the “Power” section. On the “Reading” tab at the bottom of the section there is a section “Attributes” - the “Reading Only” attribute does not have any icons, no checkmarks, no green square.

2. If the attribute “Only Reading” may be noted, it must be removed in order to leave the square of this attribute empty. Afterwards, go through the system notifications of your computer and press the “OK” button. After changing these parameters in the Special Customer Account, you need to refresh the page (the associated key is Ctrl+F5) and enter the path in the row “Catalog of the key carrier of the SKZD” again.

After the certificate is removed, the Special Account of the organization does not have a pictogram for the other person

1. The client has not generated the keys for all the features assigned to the bank card.
It is necessary to check the number of accounts that have been added to the VTB24 BO system, with the data from the card of signatures and Apply for the identification of signatures that have been submitted to the service department when the account is opened. Since in the Special Account of the organization fewer details have been provided for the right to sign, it is not possible to revise the act of putting into operation the VTB24 Business Online system. The system has registered all clients who have the right to sign up to the signature card and the application for the signed signature.

2. The client has generated keys for a customer with an incorrect signature level.
It is necessary to check the same signature from the accountant created in the Special Account of the organization, with the same signature specified in the card of signatures and the Application for the identification of signatures.
Before the Bank registers the organization with the banking system, it will forward the equal signatures of its clients to the signature card and Apply for the confirmation of the subscription Signatures If the signature of the accountant registered in the Special Account of the organization does not correspond to the signature provided by the security officer before registering the organization in the system, the act of entry into operation of the VTB24 Business Online system is no longer possible.

3. At the time of registration of the organization with the banking system, the bank’s representatives entered the incorrect number of signatures.
In the Special Account of the organization, the required number of clients with a valid signature has been submitted to the card of signatures and the Application for the identification of signatures, and handed over to the service department of the Bank when the account is opened, but the icon for the other act does not appear, which means that the employees BEFORE, when registering an organization with the banking system, the number of bank accountants or signatures was incorrectly indicated, which does not correspond to the card from the clear signatures and the Application for the acquisition of the client's signatures.
To clarify the reasons for the cancellation price, you must go to the bank's service office and check the details with the bank's security officers.

After the certificate is revoked, the special account does not show a pictogram to the agent

For other assets, you need to leave the Special account of the accountant and go to the Special account of the organization of the VTB2 system 4 Business Online").

To complete the act of putting the system into operation, you need to click the “Act” button in the “Services” section.
For another act of entering into action/applying the certificate of the key for verifying the electronic signature of a bank accountant, you need to click the “Printer” button in the “Certificates” section.

The status of the certificate key certificate does not change

1. It is necessary to check whether the special account of the accountant is functional.

2. If the status of the key certificate does not change for more than 1 year, it is necessary to create a new key certificate record, saving it to a new folder.

Access “Multi-client” and “Isolated window”

The mode is set according to the organization, connected and changed by the service provider's satellite.

1. “Multi-client” access allows users to access the details of all organizations, including registrations, in one work session.

2. Access “Isolated window” allows you to process and access information only for one organization, selected from the registered list when entering the system.

When working with large-scale software packages that contain information and financial transactions, you may see a software failure appearing as follows: information about those that any object does not support power or method. Not everyone knows what to do in such a situation. Tim is no less willing to get to the heart of the problem, and the solution to this problem will seem even more forgiving to the rich people.

The object does not support power and the Sign method: the essence of the problem

The essence of what is expected lies in the fact that in order to carry out confidential operations related to financial (and not only) information, when working on the Internet, special victors are used to ensure security digital signatures (Sign Cab), which will ensure the efficiency and reliability of the transfer operations.

If you see the warning “The object does not support power or the Sign method”, inform about those that such a signature is either unreliable (which occurs even infrequently), or requests electronic document or the resource, in any case, is blocked by the security system, or the access control is related to the ongoing adjustments of the browser, and the system cannot download special scripts that are necessary to open the document when it is installed dtrimki.

These are the main reasons for the malfunction. Respect will be paid to them. The viral action is not discernible for any reasonable reason, but it is so clear that the profiteers are to blame for following the system on their own. This is not discussed.

Turning on the security system

To avoid the error message “The object does not support power or the Sign method”, first of all, briefly turn on the standard antivirus installed on the system. Any software product of this type will have this capability.

Please finish simply vikorystuvati RMB menu ( right button Misha) at the end of the antivirus in the system tray, where you select the protection option for 10 minutes. After this, you may be surprised to see that the document is being submitted.

Additional access can be blocked by the Windows firewall. You can also deactivate it and check whether you have access.

If such actions are eliminated, the warning “The object does not support power or the Sign method” means that you should add the site to the list of antivirus faults and also set up the firewall for browser programs that are victorious in the system for promotional activities, from permanent appointments way up vicon file program

The power of the gaze changes

As practice shows, such a problem most often manifests itself only in the “native” browser of Windows systems, Internet Explorer. If you marvel at the power of the browser, in which most parameters are adjusted, it is important to note that a level of protection is set behind the settings, which confirms the value “Better than average”. І vikoristannya of the most significant parameter is absolutely unimprovable.

In this situation, you can change the settings of the browser by setting the security level with a special slider (fader) to the “Lower than average” position.

In this case, you should pay attention to supporting scripts and ActiveX controls that require permissions to be enabled in the security section.

Please note that in the system there is an applet installed without the knowledge of the client on the base of the additional services Mail.Ru, Odnoklassniki or something similar, delete their traces, otherwise vikorist for which it is not necessary program Windows components, and zastosovuvati special utilities with expanded capabilities (iObit Uninstaller, Revo Uninstaller, etc.)

Vikorist uses another browser

If operations with Internet Explorer do not produce results, there is nothing simpler than trying to open the required document in another program.

There are so many browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, etc.) software product, not so important. Even though access will be denied in one of them, let’s say about those that not all of them work with IE and the problem does not lie in the digital signature.

Clear cache and cookies

If opening the document will be impossible and in this case, you should first go to the main settings and completely delete all computer data from the cache, cookies and history.

In any program, there is a special menu that indicates the period that is set for cleaning. To be more precise, select the “For the entire period” or “From the beginning” option.

There you go, you can earn money outside skidannya adjustment to the cob mill (Reset function) with the deletion of all specified elements and saving data of the operator.

We update the .NET Framework platform by manually registering components

Another, perhaps, one of the main points related to the lack, incorrect installation or old special platform .NET Framework, without any modification of certain scripts and web applets that are installed, is impossible.

To install the update (which, by the way, when the update is enabled in the Update Center, is automatically installed immediately), go to the official Microsoft resource and download the installation distribution from the download section, after which Perform the installation in manual mode.

In some cases, after completing the integration of the platform to the system, you will not be able to log out correctly. This may be related to the OS bugs themselves, as only one of them can block the registration of actions for the most obvious reasons. dynamic libraries, which are referred to as Java and Visual Basic scripts (jscript.dll and vbscript.dll).

Which type requires manual registration via command row, launched with administrator rights, in which the regsvr32 command is entered, and the names of the necessary libraries are written through the gap, as shown in the image. Alas, in the OS itself there is no need to worry about such problems and they may not be necessary.