Details of Monster Beats Solo HD (Replica) - similar to the original. Technical imitation of the originals and additions of Monster Beats Solo HD

The Beats brand has broken with the headphone market those that in the 70s have blown up Nike in the 70s... She has broken yoga... predict the future ... Marvel ... Before the Beats, there were mobile headphones and the market of headphones went up and down, in every way, like before Nike, it was sporty vzuttya and vzuttya vzagali ... I raptom all for a couple of years in the whole generation start wearing something new ... now more ... now, what is becoming a correct trend and opening up a new niche in the market ... it is better to be named according to all marketing concepts ... but posterigat and analyze the whole market situation, all the same , not so hospitably, as if one were to take part in it ... KG / AM looked at the Solo HD headphones from Sergiy Nemov ... Too many flecks ... Too many pardons ... Little sensation ... I inaccurate photo for example ... Read chi do not read? .. No food! Beats look around!

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So why did Beats headphones become a trend? then the main "music" mobile was the one with the "WalkMan" line from Sony ... But the new one had one problem ... chi motorola ... Virobniki mobile wanted to viroblyat themselves and accessories to them so that they could heat up on them ... Tactics are correct ale same won long hour galmuval development of accessories. Here it was necessary to start to break down ...

But here, too, kіstkovіst and retrograde was shown by the earmuffs themselves ... The stench was appalled, and it is right to say that they were appalled that smartphones and your mobile devices are not suitable for the splendid creation of music ... Well, they don’t have enough hardware pressures to mean people like value the quality of creation and be ready to pay dearly for something new, they will not listen to music mobile outbuildings and also viroblyat expensive high-quality headphones for smartphones have no sense ... Well, I didn’t see the prospects of expensive headphones for a mobile phone.

Before that, the mobile phone imposed its own specific exchanges, the earplugs were more compact, even if they were required to be worn at once with a smartphone ... And with noise insulation ... And it’s noisy on the street ... So the optimal choice for a short smartphone is zatichki ... the quality of the sound is sacrificed to the dimensions ... And not navpaki ... Great important "rockers", like you want to sound better, but wear it more casually ... rozrobku, even if the stench is to blame for the safety of the high rіven of the quality of the sound. folded minds, but everything in the sum is a great bіl ... I naturally lacked among the traditional virobniks vuh viroblyat yakіsnі vuha for smartphones did not exist ... What allowed a good start for the new markem adzhe, they did not have competitors at the start ...

Beats… No one can say what happened to them… Marketing has no luck… Strategy and correct understanding situation… I don’t know who the first one came to… Tlumach marketers before Dr.Dre proposing to become the guise of a brand, or Dr.Dre himself turned to the right people, if he blew the earphones out loud… But the result of this sound became a coup on the headphone market and appearance a whole new trend “on the lows”… At the same time, Beats thought about what the headphones are like for the smartphone market, what you are gaining wraps, with the improvement of quiet technical folds that were at that time… What are the guilty stinks of sounding good? And why doesn’t the airfield allow them to produce an audiophile clear sound, then why work, to sell your ears for the price of “audiophiles”? .. Hmm ... You should lie like an outside stone in the history of Beats success.

Headphones Beats on the cob were broken not like headphones in a flash, but like headphones for smartphones ... And to that, the retailers realized that smartphones are far from being the most optimal device for playing music, they equipped their flagship models with all sorts of ANC-type headphones ... they came to the store... At those crystal cubes of the Apple Store and heard expensive Beats models there, they sounded louder and better when playing music from a smartphone, they lowered their voices, I just made them better by themselves... On the stands, they heard the stench, they were given the opportunity to split and change take into account the statements about those that Beats headphones sound better ... I stinks bought them ... Expensive models are cheaper, but Beats, it just didn’t have such a sound at that time ... Beats had a really sensible problem ... Stinks were oriented towards the mass market, and the masses have their own tastes and criteria for selection as well as audiophiles-individualists ... The Beats were the first to realize that the strength of their own needs don’t focus on the creation of mobile sounds of buildings to see the crystal-clear sound of a smartphone, but on the fact that a lot of mobile coristuvachs had a reaction that the stench will eliminate the greater sour sound lower all those who stench used to be the ringer earlier ... And so Beats what this sound was like for the potential spontaneous masses and not for the one that was the correct, natural, and so on.

And how can Dr. Dre feed you…

Well, people need to be lured at the shops to give them the opportunity to listen and match ... I need to give an understanding of the "true" why the very sound of the voice sounds better, and not like the stench sounded ... Sound for whom it is created like an advertising legend .. The first way of creating such legends is to ask for the stars, as they become the face of the brand, passing on a part of their image to the product.

Applying the mass, but the uniqueness of the Beats brand, that “brand guise” is a creator and still a master (for the sake of Apple, close only on the example of rock) repert producer Dr. Dre ... a beatmaker, a kind of pratsyuvav with enim, snoopdog, 50 cent, exzebit and others ... Shorter than the type of Igor Matvienko of light HipHop-a ... І yogo producer quality and a little bit simply unique ... Beat Audio I don’t care if the rest of Dr.Dre’s album is still in… 1999 roci… 15 years ago… All the same, the richest rapper is the best (well, if you please with Apple, you can get away from Instagram production)… It’s amazing how the Beats by Dr.Dre headphones are the most popular type of HipHop headphone with deep bass, deep bass specifically delivers and the same sound becomes trendy ... And the axis of the Beats sound is no longer just a Beats sound design, but the design of Beats is becoming a trend and a kind of marker “ own/alien” for those who follow the trend…

If the iPhone showed up, it turned out that ... To look at it coolly with the iPhone, you need to have a distance from the intestines ... Therefore, all the mighty scarves became cloaked and so screw up your respect until the iPhone is in their hands ... But it’s cool to see not removing your iPhone from the gut? Those, who got confused over it, began to sniff out and know yoga in expensive headphones like “Beats”… Headphones are on your head… The stench is great so that you can read the logo on them and understand the stinks of the stench expensively… And the stench is amazing We screwed up the respect for yaskravim Before that, the traditional earphone makers proshtovhuval "iPhone-boom" and there were simply no expensive garnih-headsets with triple-button hands-free on the market. sho allowed cheruvati iPhone ... Beats first could zapovnit tsey vacuum adzhe stinks were razroblenі specially like a steep road, an accessory to a smartphone that iogo bought and tі hto want to show off their coolness and tі hto just want a mother headset like a kit to the iPhone. Aje sound stink oszna richly richer ...

The whole fairy tale was the same, but now let’s turn to the priskas ... People are far from being stupid regardless of what they stink about themselves thinking ... necessary material proof of the quality of the coolness and the intermediary… For what it means ergonomics, the design and the sound of the headphones… I have Beats Solo HD in my collection, they perfectly follow this principle… They have a well-thought-out design, they can be folded for portability, which is important for us. The ear cups can be used to make the original trim, so that you can securely attach the ear pads to the head, whether it’s roaring ... The ear pads themselves should be soft and dry to ensure that you need the sound insulation and do not create any discomfort ... Beats Solo on the head is sitting on the head. Walk in them handily and you can wink for a long time without knowing ... And old look they have yaskravy and vidomy... Beats design has become a reference for the whole directly... Ale, up to a new mark and to the point of choice, you can make a number of claims...

First of all, I don’t like a lot of glossy surfaces ... Packing Brats Solo HD look hopelessly ... And look like they’re far away, while the stench is in the swimmer, then look like a carcolom stink ... Ale varto їх trochs in the hands of like a stink I think it is especially unacceptable in the adzha in me the black ink and the black glossy plastic can be clearly seen… And the ganchirochka does not work with the kit… This is a clear minus to the design… The second obvious muzzle of the dynamism is the same… It is composed of two sections at different axes. as a result, it increases the victoriousness of the victoriousness without disturbing the blatant, callous look, but… The case before the earpiece is plastic… The trims are plastic and stay in the right position without fixation as a result, the Beats Solo HD headphones see a specific plastic sound… in the hand like a stench, they start knocking… Well, “knocking”… yakes ... All the hostility is fuming from the vіh vіh only through this noise ... I have not yet grasped the clothes ...

And if you wear it, it’s like it’s tearing in the middle ... I constantly feel that specific sound of “torn plastic” ... I don’t know what is there and how it was crushed in the middle, but when pressed against the cups, for example, to fix it more and more correctly, the sound of “see” Plaster” you can clearly feel it… True, the Monster Insperion had a lesser world… There, that third-party sound suddenly broke through the music… But still, there’s one more problem with the folding… I have a hinge that’s loosened up and become a little less low at the time of purchase, fix the right-handed headphones… But it’s a problem like SMS Street, if one cup was closer to the middle of the healed lower one… Beats Solo HD doesn’t have this kind of thing.

In general, the design of the Beats Solo HD is already guessing, which I already described in Monster DNA and especially SMS Street, I had an impression that in one factory they select only a few patterns of different ... Well, everything is similar and DNA will have a better selection, though maybe it's just a matter of stench being new and may be uncorrosive... The Beats Solo HD has metal insoles in the design as well as in others. Vіn hovaєtsya in the arc of the headband and secure the necessary rigidity of the design and the ability to adjust the size of your head. Another sticker in the emblem is metal, but plastic. Reshta plastic hot and glossy ale yakіsny ... Hinges schіlnі, folded and laid out in the direct meaning of the word "crack". Under the headbands and a gum pad for quick fixation and flashing, the entire inner side of the ear is covered with a soft touch plastic of gray color... know where to look. Zagalom, the quality of folding is good, even though the sound of trimok ambishur zovsim is not reachable.

Well, and since we know that Beats Solo HD is well-chosen and lies on your head, you need to say a few words about the design... Here, a masterpiece is seen from the point of view of marketing... navpaki added and showed the coolness and protruding of the hairdresser ... The first thing became the next trend ... It’s amazingly great to improve on branding ... It’s impossible to show Beats headphones without a logo on the filizhanka ... It has become a visual confirmation of the brand And an indispensable attribute of yoga ... Like a button on an iPhone, take it away and no one knows what a smartphone costs ... So Beats headphones, emblematic and design, have become clearly associated in the minds of buyers with a singing rank and special calmness ... І so brand transitions u trend ...

Until the speech about the sound ... They didn’t talk about the new world ... But before me, it’s already been said about the new one ... I’d describe it with two words ... “Good” and “Strong” ... My Beats Solo HD sounds really good ... Already voiced ... More vocally… basso… More like Beatsonic… It seems that the company’s technology for reducing the bass of Beats Audio works… I want to see more marketing lower something really “technological”… It’s just that the bass sounded so much… th through earphones - zatichki ... This is a real problem ... І є є zhlivіst type pіti porivnyat yak grє mean music through the headphones “zatichki” s tim yak won graє through Beats Solo HD then the difference is navіt and describe is not required ... Majestic ... mere mortals… And the music’s potions are navpak… Vіdshtovhuyut… Pure sounding and Beats just can’t be summed up like pure wildness that hour… Doesn’t mean that my Solo HD sound like shit… Don’t just sound good the accent of crushing on the bottoms is why it’s so obvious and strong ... And also on the maximum loudness ... Well, the sound is really loud ... On my relish, the sound is rather unimpressive, zhorstka, although the atmosphere is like there, you can feel it on aphids, but you can feel it such lightness in cinema… You know, in imaginative art, such a term “painting with fat masks” sounds like Beats is the analogue of this understanding in music… It’s good to lie in the face of what you hear… I basically befit…

How to match the sound of Beats Solo HD with direct competitors such as Monster DNA or SMS Street ... Then SMS Street, with a lower maximum loudness, still plays cleaner and closer to the original ... Monster DNA is just as loud and Solo HD and so bass. .. And yet, when you don’t see such an axis of brute force ... Stinks are playing good and more correctly like SMS Street and winding up the trochs better than that, to roar the price on the greater density and the tops of them are troch better than playing ... Beats Solo HD ... “under low” but if you don’t directly match with DNA, then the sound is cleaner, even closer, and in the same way with SMS Street there is no significant lack of highs, everything plays nicely, well, the bass is amazingly embossed and the sound is sharp ... Zhorstka. .. In my opinion, DNA is a little better for them than the one that plays correctly and not so hard to press with bass ... Imum loudness vivertati sensu is not ... So it's important to rob the vibrator and definitely sound better ... All stinks sound good b. I variant of what is called "direct competitors" ...

And just before that time, as a little work, I want to know about the cable ... So it turned out that the Beats Solo HD headphones have long become the main "outdoor" headphones and one fine day, suddenly broke off the original cable right in the socket of the headphones ... Try to get stuck as a result, I had to carry it to the service and sacrifice the excess of the original cable so that they soldered it right there ... So now I don’t have the ability to change the cable ... But then, I’m going to practice ... Winn in my chivorukist, otherwise it’s a chronic problem I don’t know the model itself, but the fact is that the plugs break and you have to pay dearly for it. And so by itself the cable can’t wind anything…

Well, the axis and the moment has come to sum up and exclamation of my inaccurate photo in hats and Beats Solo HD headphones ... Well, what can I say ... Like and beautiful Beats Solo HD headphones are handy and light fashionable ... and nothing was pressed. Rich in what they are bathed in order to notice their special sounding with an emphasis on the lower, it was not practical in mobile earphones before. I vzagali tse іdealny aksesuar to a smartphone, which is not only korisny and gives the ability to hear music on a higher level, lower earlier, and still more bears and bears vanity. Demonstrating the navkolyshnim vee the dude is “sticking in” or stupidly “twinuty” ... Everything is lying in the form of sharpening ... I was honored with a swearing blow ... Trochy straining the plastic knock and glossy springs, but in general, you can reconcile with it, even if it sounds good to your own original features... It was worth it for me, even though it was not without blots.

Well, I'm in Beats Solo HD at the cry "love it! .."

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Cooking capacity (7/10): The design of the Beats by Dr Dre Solo headphones is ubiquitous with rich matte and glossy plastic. Deyak kіlkіst metal zmіtsnyuє lower part of the headband, but everything that is stitched more for the hinges, tse plastic. To finish a wondrous solution (and, before that, krykhke) for headphones, as they are transferred to a portable vikoristannya. The hinges themselves look smart and precise, the ale-gum pads on the inner part of the headband look cheap after the chic headband in the B&W P5 and Phiaton MS400, but the ventilation pads in the V-Moda Crossfade LP do not seem to be the same.

The Solo model also demonstrates a slight deformation of the vibrator - a crackling sound, which is due to the deformation of the vibration vibrator. Any other sound can be played. Cable, on the other side, receiving it, with a small L-shaped plug on the end. The 3.5 mm jack is not recessed on the side of the headphones, which allows you to plug any cable, including the V-Moda cable for $ 5.49, as well as 3.5 mm stereo adapters.

Ergonomics (8/10): Headphones Beats Solo є on-ear headphones, with a size of ear pads troch less, down to HD25-1. The lining itself is not soft, like the MS400 looks like Phiaton, but the cups of the earmuffs allow enough freedom of wrapping, which allows you to protect the insufferable insulation. The pressing power can be considered average, and the comfort with a trivial headphone in Solo is even more impressive than the HD25-1. Trohi fights the headband, which is chipped by the hair (rubbing it over the rahunok), if you try to take the headphones off (as I sound, I’m squealing, testing the sprat of the headphones).

Soundproofing (8.5/10): If you want the Beats Solo headphones to sit on your own, like that, their isolation is weaker, which is the result of less pressing force. Soundproofing Solo is placed here in the middle between the weaker pressing Phiaton MS400, and the larger V-Moda Crossfade LP - class leaders, but not yet handy for victories on the go.

Sound (6.5/10): Porovnyuyuchi z akіstyu sound in the V-Moda Crossfade LP, scho appeared lower ochіkuvannogo, about qі earphones є, scho to say well - for example, their bass is clearer, more povnіshe і rіzkіshe. And the dropping of the bases seems to be richer, lower at the Crossfade or the Sony XB700, although it’s worth remembering the loss of the depths and the gurkotinnya. Low frequencies on the Beats are effective and aggressive - richer, lower on the Phiaton MS400, which sounds soft. Ale, when you see it, the texture is so clear. This is a marvelous way of presenting the bass that demonstrates their infusions, but at the same time it transmits no more rich musical information at a frequency below 100 Hz.

This phenomenon is sometimes called "monotone bass". From one side of the wines, the noise in the middle frequencies is reduced - for whom the Solo headphones are significantly shorter, the Crossfade and XB700 are lower, and they are similar to the Phiaton. On the other hand, I don’t see that the basses in Solo accurately convey the neck, especially with a small volume. The stench erases the details to the point of compromising the obligation. Intervals of strength and weakening are too slow for that, a lot of basses, as if trying to transmit Solo headphones, and sometimes blame basses at a closed place, like at a stove. Vіdlunnya vіd plastic hull does not change the situation, and the lining of the piece shkіri іnоdі provide for a good sound insulation, deforming the vibration, that lowering the brightness of the sound.

Price range (6/10):(distributed price - 179 $ ). Although this model often looks like a Hi-Fi headphone, the Beats by Dr Dre family has never poked its way into the market, becoming a fan of sound. Prote, like B&W, the Monster company, it seems, has spent some time tracking sounds, as if they were being asked for by the real world. Summingly, at that hour, like the sound of the B&W P5 headphones, it guesses a high-class product, which wins in such a rank, sacrificing accuracy for non-sharpness, Beats Solo headphones, it seems, are surrounded by the very possibilities of industrialization, they easily cope with folding records.

Specifications of the Monster Beats Solo HD headphones

Main parameters
Headphone type invoices
Connection with a dart, a bag with an iPhone
Headphone type dynamic
Frequency range 20-20000 Hz
Impedance 32 ohm
Sensitivity 115 dB
Mounting type headband
Construction foldable
cable type what is seen
Cable connection unilateral
Number of viprominuvachiv 1
Headphone rose mini jack 3.5mm
Dovzhina drotu 1.2 m
rose form L-like
Type of living elements AAA
Number of elements of life 2
Thickness regulator є
Pouch/case included є

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Beats Solo HD- vikonanі z duzhe mіtsnogo and gnuchkogo material. The construction was reinforced with a special metal line, so as to avoid breaking. The stench looks miraculous, moreover - the leather pair of earmuffs is trimmed with high-lacquer polishing, like luxury cars.
The structure is smartly foldable, the sound quality is similar to that material, the functionality is thought out, the friendship of friends and wonderful look - that's all Beats Solo HD!
Main features:

· Stereo sound

Monitor type

· L-like shape rose

Length of cable reach 1.2 meters

Roz'єm - 3.5 mm

Vaga - 186 grams

Є active noise canceling system

V_dvoryuvan_ frequencies vary from 20 to 20000 Hz

R_ven noise - 110 dB

Opir - 32 Ohm

Dynamics - 4 cm

Wholesale Beats by Dr Dre Solo HD Headphones

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Dzhe spryaє rostannyu pіdrobok those scho і earphones є іmіdzhevimi and more buyers turbuє not sounding, but looking. Letters are different, but it is important to repeat them to the original, otherwise it is easy to finish. І about a tip with light vіdmіnnosti at the look of earmuffs monster beats Solo HD that zrobleny looking around.

These hand-held headphones are sold most importantly in kiosks at the markets, online stores, online flea markets and online auctions. The price varies between 1500-2000 rubles and up to 10000 rubles (like the original Monster Beats Solo HD headphones). Decals can be found in copies and for 300 rubles, if the owner is in China.

Obviously, since these headphones are sold via the Internet, the photos are displayed under the original headphones.

While in Turkey on one of my tourist trips, my respect was turned on by headphones like Monster Beats, which are sold among other souvenirs.

Obviously, guessing that the headphones are far away from the original vinyl at once, because. For tourists Tsіni Nekhai I Black, Ale in tourist areas, Sold, City Survyrna Products (Choma Duzha is huddled older than the Polinnya, Scho -Rozhovty cheaply il bagato orgynal -mossy marshmas. . The price of 15 dollars is less than comical (abo euro, for tourists euro one dollar).

It would have been better, what is the interest of the earphones that are sold in Turechchyn near the tourist areas? And what about that, the same China, which is imported to us, and you need to bring back a souvenir, even if there are no truly Turkish headphones? And if it doesn’t sound normal, you can always screw a magnet and hang it on the refrigerator among other souvenir magnets. Abo zrobiti zhorstoy gift to my foe, do not let yourself be tormented by an inaccurate sound.

The old look of the originals and remixes of Monster Beats Solo HD

Choose between black and blue model. The blue model appeared to be more erratic. And the axis of the original has already entered the black color laboratory.

Wrapping up the respect the pale erysipelas cord the most. If you show someone about the type of headphones, then you will be surprised that it is a great nylon skein for a white person, there is nothing in it. I have a problem that the headphones and the sound can not be seen, otherwise there is a mono sound, but the reverberation through the connection of the Colorfly CK4 player with the power supply for the iBasso D-Zero headphones has developed a problem, the stereo sound is є. Another thing to notice about the original Monster Beats Solo HD is that the cord is matte, while that of the sub is smooth.

In all others, the fake is not visible. For those who know how the original Monster Beats Solo HD looks like, you can tell there is a gum pad in the headband and that the cord may be visible.

Headphones Monster Beats Solo HD є headset, and this copy is more than headphones, without a microphone and keystrokes.

If you can’t see the headphones up close and don’t know about the znimny cord, then you can have mercy, the docks didn’t use the original Monster Beats Solo HD in their hands, having taken into account that the whole difference is in the headband overhead and cords.

Bichni siri internal pads in the headbands of the original earmuffs make the surface gummed, and the stench is smooth on the top.

The ear pads are thick, and the size is troch less.

Offset models are folded, and the headband is discretely fixed. Siri cola with the letter b are distinguished by texture, the original colo has stylized metal milling, and the subdivisions simply have a sere cola.

The original ones have metal inserts in the headbands, and plastic ones. What is more evil, food is rhetorical.

On the boxes, the images are similar, the quality of printing is completely normal.

Rozmir and vaga boxes differ significantly.

Well, before the words, like writing on headphones and fonts, there is no sense in choosing with more obvious powers.

And the best thing to add is the complete set.

The original ones have two small darts, a carrying case, a ton of waste paper. There is nothing in the package of the krim headphones in the kit, only a box.
Before the speech, for a note to the opponents of the Monster Beats headphones, the quality of the packaging and accessories of the original headphones vishomu equal And so earphones are easy to give.

About Monster Beats Solo HD speakers

The original Monster Beats Solo HD has a dual-driver design that resonates with a large tweeter for high frequencies. Such a construction rarely folds through a folding construction, plus do not make yourself false, because. Always blame the power supply, take a wide-range speaker more expensive or two cheaper within the limits of the song budget. If you change the filters to introduce phase creation and if the filter will be adjusted incorrectly, at the same time as the design of the speakers, then the advantage of the rich-smog design can be leveled.

Tests have shown that there are no problems with the phase and that Monster Beats Solo HD is not only an image product. Thanks for everything, this model will be included until povnyalnyy glance among other portable over-ear headphones in a similar price category.

The two-driver system allows you to reduce the effects. A small light speaker produces only a high frequency, like a great speaker, a large membrane movement is required.

In order to expand the high pressure with a large amplitude movement without damping, the speaker membrane must be hard, and the hardness is increased to a greater mass for the brightness of the high frequencies.

High-frequency speaker similar to electric p'zoelectric. If you want, you can use cylindrical reinforcing bars.

The low-frequency speaker is similar in its metal color to the speakers that are featured in Ultrasone and Focal.

And tse small crossover, which rozpodіlyaє frequency between speakers. In this circuit, the entire frequency range should go to the low-frequency speaker, and through the latch of the resistor and the capacitor, only high frequencies go to the high-frequency speaker.

The soundproofing or damping material used in the middle does not vikoristovuєtsya.

I admit that there won't be any upgrades to the Monster Beats Solo HD dual-array headphones this year.

In addition, Monster Beats Solo HD has only one speaker without any clever or thoughtful technologies.

Ergonomics of original and modified Monster Beats Solo HD

The original ones have a normal pressure to the top and soft ear cushions. The support is weakly pressed up to the vuh and through the hard embouchuri it sits not tight. At the subway, soundproofing at the Monster Beats Solo HD lifts is practically daily through a non-shelter landing. The original Monster Beats Solo HD іz cim have everything.

The clarity of the sound of the originals and the additions of Monster Beats Solo HD

The sounding can be characterized as one of the worst that happened to the author. The sound is deaf and mumbling and without middle and lower bass. Razbіrlіvіst perebuє in the arc of low rіvnі. The original earphones sound better in the whole frequency range and they have more bass to complement. The area of ​​​​sibilants is troha naked, but there is no room for contemplation.

For the correctness of the assessment, even more cheap headphones have been added, like Philips SBC-HP195 (the price of which is close to 300 rubles), and it is necessary to say that we will add Monster Beats Solo HD to them even far away.

It is possible for someone to know that if the purchase of such headphones will be in the region of 500 rubles, the sound will be normal to the extent that it is not so. The price is no more than a lower accessory for a piece of gilded brazkalts, which is better not to turn on. Vikoristannya yakіsnogo dzherel pіdroblenim earmuffs did not help.
Tse same varto vrakhovuvat and haters of Monster Beats, yakі vvazhayut, scho can grati better than the original. So far, such an addition has not come across, but the streaming copy has risen for all possible parameters, although the ear pads are not broken from plastic or the material vicorated in hot TDS 15. There are fluctuations, if a different frequency balance comes out, what can be done, but you don’t give a sound for the bag’s clarity.

Pіznіshe, pіd hіmіrіv viyshla frequency response іz dosit with a deep bass, which did not please іz subjective damage. Moreover, the difference between the channels seemed minimal, which did not suit itself very well due to the strongly spread sounds across the panorama. The clue was that it looked like the impulse response, which is the pole. Pratsovity Chinese in one of the speakers reversed the polarity and one of the channels worked at the opposite phase. In this rank, we can rightly and with a lottery, a copy can be consumed not only by us, but also by rejection.

After re-soldering, everything was heard again. The bass appeared and suddenly the sound quality decreased. They have lost more than suspense, to instill bitterness and acidity. Up to the level of Philips SBC-HP195, the Monster Beats Solo HD, after being upgraded with a soldering iron, did not reach.

Technical imitation of the originals and additions of Monster Beats Solo HD

The global main characteristics are close to the visual sensitivity of 113112 dB/V and 112 dB/V. Opir is so close. Sensitivity on the level of a troch below average for portable on-ear headphones. A good result is 125 dB / V and the lower threshold is 105 dB / V, decibels 113 and 112 fall short of 115 dB / V.

The results of replicating the original and updated Monster Beats Solo HD on the stand in front of a looking piece head

The Monster Beats Solo HD headphones are on-ear, which means that the fit may be tight. In the simulator, in the case of a piece of head, the ear shell is thick, while in the lower part of the head, the ear shell and the embouchure make a gap. A loop of low frequencies is blown through the gap. Then the middle and high frequencies are brought closer to subjective acceptance.

Details of Monster Beats Solo HD vicorist the pads of the thick ear pads and the headband with a weak pressure, so that the entire low-frequency range is a total failure.
In addition, Monster Beats Solo HD has a remarkably equal balance in the mid-treble region. In Monster Beats Solo HD, the high-frequency range is boosted in the sibilant region, which, in the name of Solo, may be broken to increase the versatility of the movie.

The results of replicating the originals and remixes of Monster Beats Solo HD on a soft flat stand

The soft flat stand of expansions is specially designed for overhead and fully sized headphones for more accurate control of the low-frequency range. The top of the stand is close in softness to human skin.

In addition, Monster Beats Solo HD can be tested in the region of the middle and upper bass, as well as in the region of the lower mid frequencies. To rob the headphones with bass, prote those that the decline after the low-frequency range is less likely to be produced in the region of mid-range frequencies to a possible tambourine or deaf sound.
In the original Monster Beats Solo HD, the low-frequency range is clear and the low frequencies are fully wound at the lowest frequencies. Low-frequency range of rises by 10-12 dB. In this rank, headphones can be safely recommended for a portable vikoristannya, tk. in a home environment, such rive is superfluous, but on the street and in transport it’s just like that.

The results of vibrating the impedance of the original and altered Monster Beats Solo HD

Changing the impedance shows that the low-frequency drivers of both models can operate close to 32 ohms. However, the original Monster Beats Solo HD has two speakers and a tweeter opir 12 or 8 ohms.

Tse give me information, because Headphones with a low support should be brought close to the subsidual part of the dzherel and in order to explore the potential of such headphones, you need to connect them not directly to the primitive phone (from the position of the subsidual part) at the iPhone, but to vikoristovuvat additional portable pidsiluvach. Before speech, for the iPhone є podsiluvach Go-Dap іz vbudovanim DAC. For all other faceless headphones for the most wide-ranging Fiio and iBasso.

At the base of the stars of the world technical characteristics you can get acquainted with the latest results of vimiryuvan
RAA Report: The sound of technical imitation of the original Monster Beats Solo HD headphones
RAA Report: The sound of technіchnіchnіvіrіv vіmіrіv іn podrobleniy khvіvnіnіv Monster Beats Solo HD Fake

Add-on bag Monster Beats Solo HD

The axis is so happy to see a tourist near Turkey, who has reached the legendary Monster Beats Solo HD right from the factory at a factory price without markups for the brand.

Well, and so vlasnik podroblenyh Monster Beats Solo HD looks after reading it.

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Let me come up with and voice an insignificant social axiom: different subcultures can sing in parallel, at the same time, navit not podozryuyuchi one about one. In the shortest time, the most clear manifestations are looming. Tse, perhaps, it’s necessary to formulate pathos for me, so that I’ll tell the truth in front of our, often even recognized readers. Movlyav, IT journalist, and the axis about Beats by Dr. Dre felt like this recently and could not give them an adequate assessment. Who is Dr. Dre me became less visible now. I didn’t have mercy on hip-hop as a dancer, although I know the whole genre and I don’t respect it for the low chi negni. Just not mine. With this subculture, and, as a last resort, with the famous rapper and prominent producer Dr. Dre, like and with earphones marking yoga, I lived in parallel all-worlds. Ale: I love the yakіsny sound, she is ready to overpay for a new one. In a reasonable framework, zvіsno. Vlasne, quiet, like I care for the smart. To that, to all the headphones, speakers and other joys of the audiophile, I am periodically surprised. More precisely, I listen.

Let me come up with and voice an insignificant social axiom: different subcultures can sing in parallel, at the same time, navit not podozryuyuchi one about one. In the shortest time, the most clear manifestations are looming. Tse, perhaps, it’s necessary to formulate pathos for me, so that I’ll tell the truth in front of our, often even recognized readers. Movlyav, IT journalist, and the axis about Beats by Dr. Dre felt like this recently and could not give them an adequate assessment. Who is Dr. Dre me became less visible now. I didn’t have mercy on hip-hop as a dancer, although I know the whole genre and I don’t respect it for the low chi negni. Just not mine. With this subculture, and, as a last resort, with the famous rapper and prominent producer Dr. Dre, like and with earphones marking yoga, I lived in parallel all-worlds. Ale: I love the yakіsny sound, she is ready to overpay for a new one. In a reasonable framework, zvіsno. Vlasne, quiet, like I care for the smart. To that, to all the headphones, speakers and other joys of the audiophile, I am periodically surprised. More precisely, I listen. First, lower tested Beats by Dr. Dre HD Solo sounded in uninterrupted proximity to my drum reeds, they are brothers in trade mark a few times they stood before my eyes on the lines of news. In addition to gg. The stench gradually generated an ambiguous reaction. From uncontrolled floods to close to obscene virazivs on kshtalt "I stand for unbelievable pennies." So chi іnakshe, it became tsіkavo, what kind of monsters are like that, and why do they need so many super-girls.

A short history of nutrition for those who are also "not in the know"

Now briefly about those who are Dre, the stars came from yoga headphones. Possibly, some of the readers don’t feel anything about it. Dr. Dre, born Andre Young (Andre Young), is known to us as a producer of strong rap stars and albums. Midnight - Eminem (whatever I know!), CIA, Ice Cube, Sir Jinx, Eazy-E, J. J. Fad. However, Vіn is not just a producer, he is also a serious musician in his own gallery, and having recorded tracks not only for himself, but also for listing more (and impersonal others) stars. The cob of yoga life is a classic for rap music. She gave birth to yoga matusya, who will choke on the club music of that hour (1965 standing in the yard), at 16 rocks. Sim'ya, obviously, broke up. Gangster neighborhood Compton (Los Angeles). Love to basketball, zokrema - shilyannya before centering Dr. J. Yak you, singsongly, already guessed, having succumbed to the guilt of the character himself. Let's sweat the cob of a car'er of a DJ in the missive clubs near the 16th century, in the same period - the father's first (Andre is all with his mother, why would you need to hurry up to live!). A little bit of a mixture of soul compositions, a little bit of hip-hop came all the time. The first hymns of the 17th century Dr. Dre wrote and recorded at the club "Eve After Dark", which was proudly called the studio. Dali - spivpratsya with different DJs, a powerful group with a colorful name N.W.A. (Niggas with Attitude, niggas with understanding), scho became one of the founders of the gangster turnip. Well, and so on.

A detailed biography can be found in various dzherelakh. Now - to the headphones. Vlasne, such a company was founded by Monster Cable Products. I let out that I let out cables. Speak, ugly. And if "Monstry" failed to enter the headphone market. I launched a few lines, including Beats by Dr. Dre (and, as far as I know, the company under them created a daughter, Beats Electronics). The 2008 rolled around, and everything began with a very aggressive marketing campaign. From the best known number of stars - musical and sports. With bright packaging, embellished with їх - zіrok - physiognomies and imperishable quotes. With original construction and design to be remembered. With a sound, naturally, yakіsnim, such as vin zamislyuvsya musicians z usіma yogo details (I’ll tell you right now, the rest of the phrase belongs to marketers). And, obviously, their price can be quite small. Yak-not-yak, "status" rich (let me sing heaven for living in that word!)

From that hour, a lot of notes were marked on the headphones of Dr. Dre zіrok ta svіlyakh svіtsky party-goers zrostaє. Bulo issued a sprat of named models. "Bitsy in Lady Gaga", "Bitsy in Justin Bieber" skinny, skinny. Rows of clabers, zahіdnі, і vіtchiznіnі stretched behind the celebrities. One word, the car spun. Headphones have become a fashion accessory.

Ace Hood

Gwen Stefani

And Beats Electronics spivpratsyuє iz vіdomimi svіtі tekhnologii kompanіy. Zocrema, from HP. There is more rock with them, a few laptops were released in different lines (look at one of them, updated by HP ENVY 14, check for days) with the Beats Audio audio system. Some of them are branded and delivered without earphones. Truth is, not in us, but on the way. Imovirno, many of our readers remember HTC news about HTC spivpratsy with Beats Electronics. HTC becomes the largest shareholder of Beats and equips its smartphones with headphones. Zhovtnі on the police of Ukrainian stores appeared the first plіd spіvpratsі companies: HTC Sensation XE.

…and the shortest amateur look at Beats by Dr. Dre Solo HD

Navit not such a look, like a "first look." Abo “first listening”, as always. Without zastosuvannya special equipment and terminology. It's just subjective evidence of a coristuvach that is based on special evidence.

Box and accessories

Beautiful boxes. Everything starts from it. Black, red and white colors, portrait of Dr. Dre. And what do you know:

  • The earphones themselves are foldable;
  • Znіmny excellent cable, bag from Apple;
  • Cable with ControlTalk (remote control and feedback for Apple);
  • Carrying case for the bag;
  • Ganchirka for wiping (outrageously!);
  • Waste paper for education (leaflets, brochures).

ControlTalk cable

Starry look and construction

Closed-type headphones with small cups. For this model, there are red, black and white options. We got red ones. The outer surface of the vikonan is made of glossy plastic, the hoop is embellished with writing beats by dr. Dre, cups - logo (letter b for silvery kohl).

The inner surface of the hoop is covered with gum, the embouchure is covered with a shkirozaminnik. Well, what can I say, the stench looks spectacular.

More people stink, vomit on styles and learn to do yoga. The red model looks badly at the person, wanting the girls, perfectly, to come more. The bearing part is metal, for transparency the hoop is folded into three parts. I don’t know how much such a construction is supposed to be, more precisely, how many of such folding hoops survived painlessly, without getting upset. Accepted for a month, nothing came up. Sit earmuffs zruchno, ale trochs emboss on the head. If the music is humming, the pulse becomes sensible and sensible, as you can see in the cloaks. After a year or so, a friend blames them for not sorting out the bajannya їh znyat that vіdpochiti.

Noise isolation is even worse, it allows you to use headphones in the subway (it’s true, with rich records, headphones are not the best), you can also hear little sounds from putting headphones on your head, so that other people won’t be bothered by the stench. What else to quiet - so the replacement cable. Absolutely do not want to waste more expensive headphones through those where the wires have frayed here.


With an HP ENVY 14 laptop

Solo HD is positioned as a replacement for Beats by Dr. Dre Studio. I don’t know how it stinks to sound, but those who are young have a far from studio sound, for sure. I had a chance to listen to music in Solo HD on my "native" laptop HP ENVY 14, various portable players, acoustic system with power supply Yamaha AX-390 (80 Watts) and sound card Creative xfi. How does the stink sound? Yes, it's kind of awkward. I don’t know, what kind of technology zastosuval rozrobniki to reach the effect, but on a good audio system to take the satisfaction out of the music. That only does not seem to be. Let's say, the electronic music is imperceptible and the stage sounds bad. Deyakі electronic tracks "chip" and sounded somewhere tsіkavіshe that priemnіshe, nizh on other headphones (Audiotehnika m50). How often bovaє, even accepting MidBass (for quiet, who love yoga, it's great). But how to characterize the class of music that sounds good, I can’t say it smoothly. Reshta - rock, classic, jazz and navit "rich channel" electronics - absolutely incredible. The middle frequencies have been improved in detail, the bass - subdued, the high frequencies have been lost even richer. The sound stage floats: it looks either flat, or voluminous, and not there, where it is similar. Let's say, in some old records, they blamed the details, which were not there, could not be in the beginning. For example, transcendental basses on jazz recordings of the forties. Sometimes inexpensive and even popular headphones Koss Porta Pro have seen a significantly different sound (especially in rock music). Just a short summation - nothing special. Descho "distortions" sound on equal earphones in the middle class. Abo navit trohi lower for the new one.

Have a dry surplus

Yakby not vartist, the sound of the headphones would not have been so critical ... Or maybe th not varto yogo criticize? Maybe not a fault here panuє? Obviously, for 230 dollars you can get headphones that are an order of magnitude better in terms of sound. Ale yak stink when looking at whom? Pretty sure it's just so effective. Mení daetsya, the very style, reinforcing the status, dependency up to the singing cultural ball – the smut recognition of Beats by Dr. Dre. Accept, these models and what is with them (I can admit that the “monitor” of the vibrations is still closer to the standard sound). On the streets, earmuffs invariably riveted the respect of “fashionable” young people, regardless of who wore them.

To this I declare with full confidence: Beats by Dr. Dre Solo HD can cope with its tasks. It’s just that they don’t have a standard for headphones. The stink on the audiophile is not allowed for its average (and marvelous) quality for the high varth. Ignorantly declare the virobniks on the ground, moving, life is too short, to beat the filthy headphones, loom on the ear itself like a sound. Nasamkinets is left only to repeat once more, having barely succeeded in the phrase, I put it in the heading: here on the right we are not in music.