Information transmission and reception. Types and methods of information transfer. Methods and means of transmitting information Message on the condition of information perception by the recipient

Let's take a look at how we perceive the world. What kind of information comes to us. The entire set of information coming to us can be divided into two sources: external world and inner world... Information from the outside world is information that comes to us directly from the organs of perception, i.e. sight, hearing, touch, etc. Information from the inner world is what we imagine with our inner sight, hearing or touch.

In order to make it clearer, we will carry out such a very simple exercise. Just look around. What do you see right now where you are looking? Monitor screen, your hands, maybe a bird outside the window? Hear the sounds you are hearing right now. It can be the ticking of a clock, noise from a computer, sounds outside the window, etc. Feel how you feel the touch of clothes on your skin or what the temperature is in the room. Just the sensations themselves, without trying to name or interpret them. Eat the candy and taste it as you eat. Also, you don't need to name it. Just feel.

All this was information from the outside world. Now we are aware of information from the inner world. There are two ways here: either remember something, or imagine something. Here, too, information either comes to you by itself, or you create it. Remember what your car looks like, if you have one. If you don't have one, then imagine what kind of car you would like to have. When you do this, you seem to be seeing a picture or a movie with your inner eye. At the same time, what your eyes are now looking at, you may not notice. This happens when a person thinks about something. He kind of plunges into his inner world and does not notice what is happening around.

Say to yourself, "Mom washed the frame." In fact, there were no sounds in the outside world, but you heard them inside yourself. Perhaps you can remember how some voices came into your head. Thinking about something not out loud creates an internal dialogue or monologue. A melody in your head. These are all examples of sound information from the inner world. In the same way, you can remember for yourself the taste of tangerine, or the touch of a loved one, or the smell of a rose. Neither a tangerine nor a rose is probably with you now, but there is a sensation, and it is created by you in your inner world.

So, there are two sources of information: the inner world and the outer world. Any information for a person, both from the external and from the internal world, can be of the following types:

  1. Visual: what I see or visualize
  2. Auditory: what I hear or imagine as sound or words
  3. Kinesthetic (body sensations, smells, tastes): what I am currently feeling or feeling.

These types of information are human. Through them he realizes the world. However, if we take, for example, migratory birds, then they say that they still have a sense of the earth's magnetic field. How they perceive it, we cannot know, because we do not have this information channel. Those. each creature receives information from the world through some channels. In humans, they are one, in other animals they may be similar or different. It is interesting, for example, how an amoeba feels food. In any case, the incoming information is somehow felt in the subjective experience.

Let's go back to the human channels. Of course, all channels of information are currently transmitting information. All channels simultaneously transmit information to us. For example, you see text on the display, hear the noise of cars outside the window, talk to yourself about something, feel a heaviness in your stomach, etc. We can remember the events of yesterday and at the same time see people on our inner screen, hear their voices and feel our own, for example, resentment about this.

Another thing is that not all channels are currently recognized, and not all information in the channel is recognized. For example, you are watching TV, but at the same time you do not notice how the sensations in your right hand or the smell of tobacco or the fact that at the same time you are commenting on the events in your mind on the screen. A person cannot perceive everything at the same time.

What gets into consciousness and what doesn't are determined by and.

So, graphically, information channels can be represented as follows:

Consider from this perspective the main types of human experience:

1) Imagination and creativity: creating new images in the inner world in all channels.

2) Memory: recreation in the inner world of information stored from the outside world from all channels.

3) Pain, pleasure and other body sensations

4) Feelings and emotions: the kinesthetic channel of the outside world.

5) Intuition: kinesthetic channel of the inner and outer world.

6) Reflections: the auditory and visual channels of the inner world.

All filtered information eventually enters our consciousness, where we perceive it. This creates our experience and awareness of life in the current moment in time.

Perception of information is the process of converting data entering a technical system or a living organism from the outside world into a form suitable for further use. Due to the perception of information, a connection between the system and the external environment is provided, which can be a person, an observed object, a phenomenon or a process, etc. The perception of information is necessary for any information system.

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Perception, collection, transmission, processing and accumulation of information

In the process of circulation, information passes through the stages of perception, collection, transmission, processing and accumulation.
Perception of information is the process of converting data entering a technical system or living organism from the outside world into a form suitable for further use. Due to the perception of information, the system is connected with the external environment (which can be a person, an observed object, a phenomenon or a process, etc.). The perception of information is essential for any information system.
Modern information systems, as a rule, are created on the basis of computers, as their complex part have a more or less developed system of perception. The information perception system is a rather complex set of software and hardware.

For developed systems of perception, several stages of processing incoming information can be distinguished: preliminary processing to bring the initial data to a standard form for a given system, highlighting semantically and pragmatically significant information units in incoming information, recognizing objects and situations, correcting the internal model of the world. Depending on the analyzers included in the complex of technical means of the perception system, the perception of visual, acoustic and other types of information is organized. In addition, a distinction is made between static and dynamic perception.

Gathering information is the process of obtaining information from the outside world and bringing it to a standard for a given information system. The exchange of information between the system perceiving it and the environment is carried out using signals. The signal can be defined as a means of transferring information in space and time. Sound, light, electric current, magnetic field, etc. can act as a signal carrier. The collection of information is usually accompanied by its registration, i.e. fixing information on a tangible medium (document or machine medium).

The transfer of information is carried out in different ways: by courier, mailing, delivery by vehicles, remote transmission via communication channels. Remote transmission over communication channels reduces data transmission time. For its implementation, special technical means are required. Some technical means of collection and registration, collecting automatically information from sensors installed at workplaces, transmit it to a computer.

Remotely can transmit both primary information from the places of its origin, and the original in the opposite direction. In this case, the initial information is reflected on various devices: displays, panels, printing devices. The receipt of information from communication channels to the processing center is mainly carried out in two ways: on a machine carrier and directly into a computer using special software and hardware.

In modern developed information systems, computer processing of information presupposes the solution of computational problems sequentially-parallel in time. This is possible if there is a certain organization of the computing process. A computational task as required makes requests to the computing system. The organization of the process involves the determination of the sequence of solving problems and the implementation of calculations. The sequence of solutions is set based on their informational relationship, when the results of solving one problem are used as input data for solving another.

Electronic information processing technology is a man-machine process of executing interrelated operations proceeding in an established sequence in order to transform the original (primary) information into the original. An operation is a complex of technological actions performed, as a result of which information is transformed. Technological operations are varied in complexity, purpose, implementation technique, performed on various equipment by many performers.
The storage and accumulation of information is caused by its repeated use, the use of constant information, the need to complete the primary data before processing them.

Information storage is carried out on computer media in the form of information arrays, where the data are located and grouped according to the attribute established in the design process.

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