It is impossible for the object to be created by the server to program the objects of the bank. It is impossible to create an object with an object programming server. Insert the key nose

At the stage of strengthening or saving the 4-FSS signal, one of the following notifications about the cancellation appears:

1. Script message with text:

Notice: Automation server can't create object
Row: 102
Character: 9
Code: 0
URI code:

2. Please note the text of the amendment The amendment was issued: undefined.

3. Long time The text “Be kind, keep an eye out” appears.

To achieve maximum compensation, it is necessary to withdraw such amounts

1. Customize your browser Internet Explorer, having quickly received such recommendations.

2. Reinstall the “Contour.Extern” components.

For whom open the menu « Start>Ceramic panel>Installed and installed programs (for OS Windows Vista\Windows Seven Start menu > Control Panel > Programs and Features). installing their programs Find out and select “Components “Contour.Extern” (the values ​​of the element can be duplicated, in this case you will need to delete them).

After removal, you must install the component again. Distribution kit for installing those available from the section Security Software / Additional Programs.

3. If the stated decision did not help correct the settlement, it is necessary to recheck installed version Internet Explorer. To do this, select the menu “Advance” > “About the program” from the Internet Explorer window. If this menu is not displayed, press the Alt key.

Yakshcho Internet version Explorer is lower than 8.0, then you need to update your browser. The distribution kit is available in the section Software / Software programs.

4. Go to the diagnostics portal at

  • Click the "Start diagnostics" button.
  • After completing the diagnostics, select "Visit recommended actions" . The choice of problems to be corrected is revealed. It is recommended to set the command “Select all”.
  • Click on the “Start installation and setup” button.
  • When the process is complete, restart your browser and check to see if the problem has been resolved.

If the proposed solutions did not help correct the issue, it is necessary to resort to technical support for the address [email protected]. The sheet must provide the following information:

IPN and checkpoint of the organization;

Diagnostic number. You need to go back to the diagnostics portal at and click on the “Start diagnostics” button. After completing the verification, indicate the diagnostic number in the sheet.

Try your subscription soon electronic document The EDS browser displays the notification "An object was not created by the object programming server",

This means that the CAPICOM library was not automatically registered on your computer.

To do this manually, you must have local administrator rights:

  1. Enchant the archives
  2. Close all Internet Explorer windows
  3. Download files from the archive to your computer
  4. Run register.bat from the folder, in which the archive files were downloaded (for the operating system Windows systems Vista must be launched as an administrator)

If there are problems with this, you can install and register capicom.dll yourself. For whom:

  1. Copy the capicom.dll file to the system directory of the operating system (namely, C: WINDOWS SYSTEM32), if there is already such a file there - replace it with the file from the archive
  2. From the Start/Viconati menu, enter the command: regsvr32 capicom.dll and press OK.

After successful installation, check the availability of this library in Internet Explorer add-ons. To do this, go to the SERVICE menu - VIEWER AUTHORITY - PROGRAMS tab - SUPPLIANCE button. Find the library capicom.dll in the window and click on it.

If all the front lines of the Wikonian system, if not before the hour of trying to sign the electronic document EDS will continue to appear, this may mean that the robot is blocked system services "Windows Firewall" and "Safety Center". In this case, you need to get them involved.

To enable them, you need to go to “Control Panel - Administration - Services”. A list of all services will appear in the window. Find these services. Click on each of them with a target. In the window, change the startup type to “Manual” or “Launch” and press the “Launch” button.

During the time of completion of the network operations associated with the network, the customer may encounter the notification “It is impossible to create an object by the object programming server.” The problem is due to the lack of libraries for reporting information in the customer system, an outdated version of a corrupted web browser, as well as various dysfunctions in the PC. Below we will look at the essence of this problem, and then review its current methods.

This problem primarily occurs on web browsers, and is associated with the failure of the user to login to any operation on resources associated with the connection. Zokrema, mercy is blamed for:

  • Actual digital signature electronic document (abbreviated as EDS);
  • Strengthening or saving money for the Social Insurance Fund (SIF);
  • When the registration procedure has been completed special office on the website of the tax service (FNS);
  • When connected to a 1C database;
  • It’s different when launching different CRM systems.

To link to various web resources, here is a wiki website Internet browser Explorer, which was the reason for the punishment.

How to fix the problem "The object was not created by the server"

Since the problem appears to stem from various forms of publicity on various Internet portals, there is no universal solution to the problem of “Unable to create an object by the server.” First of all, before you re-examine the “spot” methods, you will avoid the error “The object cannot be created by the object programming server,” I recommend eliminating a number of standard operations, and also:

Since there are no problems with the above points, let’s move on to a description of the point algorithms for the main problem.

When choosing digital products from LLC "Rolis"

Zokrema, before working with the digital products of LLC “Rolis”, you need to close the browser (use IE), download and unzip the file. From this folder, you must run the register.bat file, after which the necessary CAPICOM libraries will be installed on the system. Just launch your browser and sign the electronic document you need.

With the use of the "Contour. Extern" system

If the “Contour.Extern” system is damaged, it is necessary to reinstall the “Contour.Extern” program components. To do this, first remove the specified components using the standard method in the Windows OS (using Win+R and entering the appwiz.cpl command). Next, restart your PC, and then install the software you need from the website Well given the decision did not help, it is recommended to quickly use a special diagnostic tool from the testing company, available on the website

Working with plugins from “Cryptopro”

At the end of the day, you need to go to the resource and check the work of the plugin. If the error continues to appear, you need to take a screenshot of the error and send it to the technical support service address, which will help you get rid of the error “Unable to create an object by the server” on your PC.

Also, such a bug may be due to the fact that the installed library "CryptoPro CADESCOM" is installed (recognized for the current EDS). It is recommended to install the library from

When connected to a 1C database

Install special utility for integration with 1C follow the installation instructions (located in the middle of the archive). For the additional function of the global search, you can find the following row:

Param.Con1C = new ActiveXObject(Param.Version + '.ComConnector');

then replace it with:

//Param.Con1C = new ActiveXObject(Param.Version + '.ComConnector');
Param.Con1C = new ActiveXObject('V83.ComConnector');


The warning “An object cannot be created by the object programming server” causes various dysfunctions that appear when the user’s browser is connected to other Internet portals. For each specific problem, there is a specific solution algorithm that you need to follow to remove the “unable to create an object by the server” on your PC.

In contact with

To recover a qualified certificate of a verification key electronic signature(hereinafter - certificate), created by the supervisory center of the Federal Treasury (hereinafter - UC FC), it is necessary:

1. Submit the Agreement of Acceptance (Agreement) to the Regulations of the UC FC with the territorial body of the Federal Treasury (hereinafter referred to as TOFK) for the locality of the Applicant or its reinforced structural unit;

2. Refuse your electronic signature ( CryptoPro CSP version 4.0) for TOFK, whenever available, install it on an automated workstation;

At the time of primary training before TOFK We have a certificate:

– formulate an Application for a certificate from the website of this Portal;

- Submit to TOFK a set of documents and statements for issuing a certificate in accordance with clause 5.5 of the Regulations of the FC UC, approved by the order of the Federal Treasury dated July 31, 2015 No. 197 (as amended by the orders of the Federal Treasury dated July 25. 2012 No. 2.12, 2012 dated 02.12.2018 (No. 23);

– obtain a certificate from TOFK for the benefit of a qualified electronic signature and the characteristics of a qualified electronic signature.

Once you change (cancel the additional) certificate It is necessary to go to the Portal with a valid certificate and form a set of documents and records in accordance with Section 6 of the Regulations of the UC FC. Special training to TOFK is not needed to achieve the development of such minds:

– the term of the certificate without passing;

- documents and records previously submitted to TOFK have not changed and to TOFK up to date;

- Kerivnyk legal entity(Individual Entrepreneur) registration with the Federal Treasury, and there is a valid certificate issued by the UC FC.

For further work on the portal “Formation of requests for certificates”, look to see what is installed on your automated workstation:

In case of a 401 error with a planned change (this means that you are logging in with a certificate from any serial number consists of 6 characters, not 40) you can select the first submission of documents.

It is necessary to register the capicom() library:
Copy CAPICOM.dll to system folder Windows (system32)
Register for whom CAPICOM.dll is installed in the folder command line enter the command:
regsvr32 CAPICOM.dll

Error starting script

As a rule, the problem is caused by incorrect or incorrect registration of one of the software product libraries. Run the installation as administrator.

Often it helps to turn on the antivirus and re-enable it.

Error in function AddAplication, error code: 0x80070542

The system does not have the Microsoft Script Debugger utility, which is necessary for operation, registered. More details.

error code: 0x80040154

Class not registered. As a matter of fact, the problem is with insufficient rights when our software is installed.

Compliance with the robotic scenario. It is impossible to create an object with an object programming server. Pardon code: -2146827859

The Microsoft Scrip Debugger utility is not installed, which is required for the software product.

For Windows 98 i Me, the utility can be downloaded here: ( 23992)

For all other versions: (

Beginning with version 3.06, Microsoft Script Debugger is installed when the Call Office software product is installed.

Fixing the registration of the main ActiveX component

When our software product is installed in operating system register dll libraries, necessary robots. Possibly, depending on the name, it is installed security software, marriage is right. Reinstall software product Call Office in the name of a client with administrator rights.

The object does not support power or the SetTrayIcon method

The library is subject to abuse because it does not support the method. Most likely, you are converting the old library with a new interface. Correctly reinstall Call Office or visit our website and register I'll keep the version system library CallOffice.dll

Object Error

Tsya mercy can be blamed old version program Vanquish new version programs, delete the previous one and install a new one.

Configuration saving option

The configuration name accepts Cyrillic and Latin characters, as well as other punctuation marks. The following characters are not allowed: "? *"