Technical support for USAZ 2.0. EASUZ of the Moscow region: the main sections and rules of work. Vidomosti about the payment procedure for the contract

Theoretical employment

1.1. Structure Unified automated procurement management system of the EASUZ type within the framework of Law No. 44-FZ dated 04/05/2013. and the Decree of the Ministry of Defense No. 62/5 dated 02/19/2015, as well as the role of the system of sovereign procurement of the Moscow region.

1.2. Change of the main regulatory and legal framework.

1.3. The main terms and definitions according to Law No. 44-FZ dated 04/05/2013, purchases from SMP, joint bidding, preferential to UIV, preferential to organizations of disabled people, bidding for one product ii (complete auctions, purchases of the 1st and 2nd levels).

1.4. The procedure for granting access to the EAIST system, changing the login and password; basic benefits before work on the operator’s PC data entry

2. Setting up the integration of EASUZ and the Unified Information System for posting information about placement of orders

Practical activities

2.1. Checking your browser settings

2.2. Creating a login and password for integration

2.3. Adding a cloud record for integration

2.4. Additional information about purchasing

3. Development of the schedule in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ dated 04/05/2013.

Theoretical employment

3.1. The procedure for creating purchasing plans

3.2. Staged introduction to the procurement plan

3.3. Purchasing plan for the future

3.4. Overflow of changes made to the procurement plan

4. Introduction of schedules in the EASUZ system

Practical activities

4.1. Entering information about procedures from the main schedule in the “Planning” subsystem;

4.2. Search for the creation of procedures in the “Planning” subsystem;

4.3. Confirmation of readiness of generated plans and schedules.

4.4. Formation of paper version of schedules.

5. Working with the “Electronic store” subsystem

Practical activities

5.1 Checking the browser settings.

5.2. Creation of the procedure.

5.3. Supervision of procedures in the Electronic store.

5.4. Making changes to the Electronic Store.

5.5. Deactivation (deletion) of requirements in the Electronic Store.

5.6. Revision of information according to the needs and proposals of postal employees.

5.7. Contract, placement in the electronic store.

5.8. Agreement, laying pose Electronic store

5.9. Contract, provisions physical person

6. Filling out forms at the trade register at EASUZ (divided into 1 or 2 levels)

Practical activities

6.1 Checking your browser settings.

6.2. Creation of the procedure.

6.3. Strengthening procedures in the bidding subsystem.

6.4. Updating of data from the EASUZ on the environmental protection system.

6.5. Increased changes in the trading subsystem.

7. Filling out the forms of the “Contract” subsystem to EASUZ

Practical activities

7.1 Checking the browser settings.

7.2. Creation of the agreement.

7.3. Updating of information about the contract from EASUZ to ЄІС.

7.4. Vikonannya to the treaty.

7.5. Enforcement of changes behind the contract.

7.6. The agreement is unilaterally terminated by the parties.

7.7. Views from the Register of Contracts


8.1. Behind-the-scenes look PIK EASUZ systems. Interaction between PIK EASUZ and EASUZ, Fontender and ЄІS.

8.2. Registration of Contract Cards.

8.3. Formation of goiters according to the contract.

8.4. Registration of the contract.

8.5. Exchange of documents from the Fentender system.

8.6. Registration of additional land under the contract.

8.7. Completion of the agreement.

8.8. Work with the TP PIK EASUZ service

8.9. Practice Verishenya technical problems in the robotic system PIK EASUZ.

9. Necessary calls are made in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ dated 04/05/2013.

Theoretical employment

9.1. Peculiarities of the information about the contract

9.2. Features of the information about the purchase of SMD media


Godinnik 12 12 12
Navchannya form in person in person in person
date 27.05.2019 08.07.2019 13.08.2019
Hour 09.30-12.30 09.30-12.30 09.30-12.30
Days Intensive Intensive Intensive
Vartist 13800 rub. 13800 rub. 13800 rub.

EASUZ was created in 2015 to facilitate and automate the work of state and municipal government officials in the Moscow region. The system is integrated with ЄІС, allowing you to plan and place tenders, validate contracts and agreements.

Main sections of EASUZ

EASUZ insures differences in the activities of law enforcement officers under 223-FZ and 44-FZ. The connection between them is being separated.

For government officials under 44-FZ register transfer:

  • purchasing plans;
  • purchase;
  • postalniks;
  • deputies and koristuvachs;
  • Agreements

For those who apply for 223-FZ transfers:

  • register of purchasing plans;
  • register of agreements
  • robot:
    • the plan has purchased, including innovation;
    • from becoming;
    • from the register of purchases;

EASUZ of the Moscow region has transferred the "Portal for signing contracts" for electronic document management and mutual relations between the manager and the postal manager.

And also the “Subsystem for the automated implementation of mine rights”, which contains information about mine objects in the Moscow region, recognized for trading.

How to practice in EASUZ Moscow region 2.0

In order to get started with EASUZ, you need to register. For whom the deputy is direct official sheet to the Committee on Competition Policy of the Moscow Region, which states:

  • details of the organization,
  • data from the organization's directory,
  • PIB and contact details of the correspondent.

After this, the user will remove the login and password and can proceed. If problems arise with power supply, contact the portal for technical support. On the official website of EASUZ

Algorithm for registration and accreditation at PIK EASUZ

Registration and accreditation of an organization with PIK EASUZ is divided into 2 parts:
1. Registration of the organization with PIK EASUZ.
2. Accreditation of the organization from PIK EASUZ. Accreditation of the organization from PIK EASUZ transfers the signing of the registration form from the Operator EDO PIK EASUZ. After signing the registration form and entering information about the subscription in PIK EASUZ, new functionality for working with the PIK EASUZ system is unlocked.

Increase your respect! The registration form will not be signed by the Operator EDO PIK EASUZ 24 years, then the PIK EASUZ system will see data about this organization from PIK EASUZ

2. Click the “Organization Registration” button, after which you will see an information sheet asking you to undergo registration and accreditation with the EDO Operator, as well as access the availability of a qualified digital signature. If this is the case, then press the “Before registration” button.
3. Check out what you have:
- qualifications electronic signature
- oblikovy record (login and password) in the EDO
- your organization is accredited by EDO

Fill in the appropriate numbers, after which the registration form “Organization Registration” will open.

Indicate the role of the organization - Deputy or Vikonavets, information about the company, contact information, information about bank details. Additionally, enter information about the first account manager in the organization, who is automatically granted the rights Organization Administrator (all other accounts of the organization to create data for accountants or other accounts) The list of their assignments in the system).
4. We establish the law “I confirm the sufficient obligation to renew the legal and actual actions related to the registration in the Vikonannaya Contracts Portal, incl. the right to sign the registration confirmation in PIK”, which confirms that the entered data is correct.
Click on the “Confirm registration” button. The system creates a profile of the organization of the first customer in the PIK EASUZ system and prompts you to formulate and sign a registration form with the EDO Operator, for submission full access for work with the system.

Increase your respect! Oblikovy record organizations and this koristuvach, is not confirmed by the registration data signed with the Operator EDO PIK EASUZ (Accreditation of the organization with PIK EASUZ) is valid until the end, after which it will be deleted from the system.

Accreditation of the organization from PIK EASUZ

Accreditation of the organization is carried out by the timekeeper special office the first correspondent from the section “Videomosti about the organization” by clicking the “Sign an application” button. System visualize Information notice From the appointments, the subscription takes place with the Operator EDO PIK EASUZ, after pressing the “Confirm” button in your browser, it will open okrema tab on this document at the Operator EDO PIK EASUZ, you press the “Subscribe and Send” button.

After signing the document, it takes 2-3 minutes to the PIK EASUZ system to obtain information about signing the document.
For full access to PIK EASUZ, you will need to re-login to the system.

Run out of food?
Submit your application from the technical support service.



About the subsystem Portal for signing contracts of the United automated system managing purchases of the Moscow region and introducing changes to

Order of the Moscow region

I praise:

1. The importance of the Main Control Directorate of the Moscow Region is the central government authority of the Moscow Region for the effective coordination of the information level of the subsystem of the Contracts Portal Unified automated procurement management system for the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as PIK EASUZ).

2. To the Main Control Department of the Moscow Region:

until September 1, 2017 together with the Committee on Competition Policy of the Moscow Region, the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region, the Ministry of State Administration, information technologies and the connection of the Moscow region will ensure the development of the Regulations on the functioning and information exchange of participants of the PIK EASUZ (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations);

Until June 1, 2017, together with the Ministry of State Administration, Information Technologies and the Linkage of the Moscow Region, the Committee with the competition policy of the Moscow Region will ensure the creation of the PIK EASUZ.

3. The Ministry of State Administration, Information Technologies and Communication of the Moscow Region until September 1, 2017, following the Committee, the competition policy of the Moscow Region, the Ministry of Economy and of Finance of the Moscow Region, the Main Control Directorates of the Moscow Region shall approve the Regulations.

4. The Ministry of State Administration, Information Technologies and Connection of the Moscow Region with the State Treasury Establishment of the Moscow Region "Moscow Regional Center for Information and Communication Technologies" ій":

until November 1, 2017, ensure the connection of state and municipal deputy authorities of the Moscow region, budgetary institutions of the Moscow region, municipal budgetary institutions, state unitary enterprises of the Moscow region, from unitary enterprises to PIK EASUZ;

ensure operation, as well as technical support participants of the contract system in the procurement sector operates under the PIK EASUZ (state and municipal authorities of the Moscow region, budgetary institutions of the Moscow region, municipal budgetary institutions, state unitary enterprises Moscow region, municipal unitary enterprises, Committee for the supply of competition policy of the Moscow region, postal employees (contractors, Vikonavians) ) for state and municipal contracts, civil law agreements of budgetary institutions of the Moscow region, municipal budgetary institutions, state unitary enterprises of the Moscow region, municipal unitary enterprises, which fit into This is consistent with legislation on the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, work and services for the security of sovereign and municipal needs).

5. To the sovereign deputy of the Moscow region, budgetary regulations The Moscow region, until June 1, 2017, will recognize the townsmen responsible for the current exchange electronic documents in the course of signing contracts with the PIK EASUZ, including members of the prime commission of the deputy, special persons for signing the first official documents during the procurement of goods supplied, services, and work ( її result) under the hour of signing the contract.

6. Recommend to state unitary enterprises of the Moscow region, municipal deputy authorities of the Moscow region, municipal budgetary institutions, municipal unitary enterprises to acknowledge gardening companies responsible for the exchange of electronic documents in the course of signing contracts with vikoristannya PIK of various people and signing the primary documents under the hour of receiving the goods supplied, the service provided, the work performed (the result) and the hour of the contract.

7. Introduce before the Decree of the Moscow Region dated December 27, 2013 N 1184/57 “On the procedure for interaction with current purchases for state needs of the Moscow Region and municipal needs” (with changes introduced by with praises to the Order of the Moscow Region dated 04/02/2011 N 21 dated 02/19. 2015 N 62/5, issued 08/23/2016 N 601/30, issued 01/10/2017 N 4/1) (further - praise) upcoming changes:

1) add clause 2_1 to this amendment:

"2_1. The portal for signing contracts is subsystem EASUZ and will ensure the exchange of electronic documents during the signing of contracts, as well as control of the flow of signing by the parties to the contract.";

2) add clause 6_1 to this amendment:

"6_1. Establish that the Main Control Department of the Moscow Region is the coordinator of the information-based subsystem of the Portal for Wikipedia Contracts EASUZ (hereinafter referred to as PI EASUZ).";

3) add clause 10_3 to this amendment:

"10_3. Government officials, budget authorities of the Moscow region shall exchange electronic documents during the preparation of contracts to meet the needs of the Moscow region, with the help of the PIK EASUZ in accordance with the Regulations the functioning and information interaction between participants of PIK EASUZ (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).

4) add clause 13_6 to this amendment:

"13_6. Recommend to state unitary enterprises of the Moscow region" municipal government officials, municipal budgetary institutions, municipal unitary enterprises to exchange electronic documents within an hour a series of contracts established to ensure the sovereign needs of the Moscow region or municipal needs, with the PIK EASU. .

8. Introduce the following changes to the Regulations on the procedure for interaction in the current purchases for the sovereign needs of the Moscow region and municipal needs, approved by the resolution:

1) clause 1.2 of section 1 “Grade provisions” shall be supplemented with clause 1.2.14_3 with the following substitution:

"1.2.14_3. The contract execution portal is a subsystem of the Unified Automated Procurement Management System of the Moscow Region, which ensures the efficient exchange of electronic documents during the execution of contracts, and the control of flow Vikonannya parties goiter'yazan behind the contract.";

2) section 10 “Laying, setting, changing, terminating contracts” shall be supplemented with clause 10.5 of the following change:

"10.5. Contractors will ensure the proper exchange of electronic documents during the signing of contracts with PIK EASUZ providers in accordance with the Regulations for the functioning and information exchange of participants PIK EASUZ."

9. Financing of approaches to the creation and ensuring the functioning of the PIK EASUZ is carried out for the sake of the budget of the Moscow region within the budgetary allocations transferred by the government program of the Moscow region "Effective in Lada" for 2017-2021, approved by the decree of the Moscow Region on August 21. 39 “About the confirmation of the government program of the Moscow region “Effective government for 2017-2021.”

10. The head department of information policy of the Moscow region will ensure the official publication of the resolution in the newspaper "Schodeniy novini. Podmoskovya", "Information Bulletin of the Moscow Region" Moscow Region", posted (published) on the website of the Moscow Region Department on the Internet portal of the Moscow Region Official Internet portal of legal information" (

11. This resolution takes effect on the day following its official publication, following subparagraphs 3 and 4 of paragraph 7 of the resolution.

Subparagraphs 3 and 4 of paragraph 7 of the resolution gain rank from the 1st leaf fall of 2017.

12. The provisions of subparagraph 2 of paragraph 8 of the resolution are extended to the purchase of goods, work, services for the provision of state and municipal needs, starting from the purchase of goods, work, services, transfer of purchase plans and schedules for 201 8 r_k.

13. Control over the decree of the decree of the position of the Vice-Governor of the Moscow Region Gabdrakhmanov I.N.

Moscow region

Electronic text of the document
preparations of AT "Code" and fees for:
Official website of the Uryad
Moscow region, 07.20.2017

About the subsystem Portal for signing contracts of the Unified Automated Procurement Management System of the Moscow Region and introducing changes before the Decree of the Moscow Region dated December 27, 2013 N 1184/57 “About the procedure for interaction with current purchases for state needs of the Moscow region and municipal needs"

Document title: About the subsystem Portal for signing contracts of the Unified Automated Procurement Management System of the Moscow Region and introducing changes before the Decree of the Moscow Region dated December 27, 2013 N 1184/57 “About the procedure for interaction with current purchases for state needs of the Moscow region and municipal needs"
Document Number: 610/24
Document type: Decree to the Order of the Moscow Region
Having accepted the organ: Order of the Moscow region
Status: Chinniy
Published: Official website of the Moscow Region Administration, 07/20/2017

Great news. Podmoskovya, N 162, 08/31/2017

Acceptance date: 20 Lipnya 2017
Date on the cob: 21 Lipnya 2017

Below is a description of typical problems and nutrition on the topic “Portal for contractual contracts (PIK EASUZ)”

Typical problems

Algorithm for creating a contract card for publication of a purchase

Card to the contract - this is a lot of work behind the contract, as the Vikonati Zamovnik and Vikonavets may be at the borders of the Vikonannya contract.
The contract card is created behind the confirmed position (lot) on the schedule. The schedule plan is confirmed by the organization of the Deputy and exported from EASUZ to the PIKu System.

Algorithm for creating a contract card prepared before publication:
1. From the plan, find out the position of the PPZ, in order to enter into the draft agreement.
Search for positions in purchasing plan and schedule
Go to the “Contact Cards” section, which section displays various schedule plans for the organization of the Deputy.
There are two display modes on the page:
Change of plans and schedules.
Change of position of plans and schedules.
The transition to the display mode is effected through the switching of the radio switch, which is located at the top block of the sound.

You can ask a search on the form different combinations Search for a position on the chart plan and press the “Search” button.
The system displays only those items that meet these search criteria.
The buyer is responsible for selecting the required position in the schedule plan and clicking on the appropriate position in the row, the position number is shown in a different color.

When you go to the position number on the schedule plan, you will see a position card on the schedule plan, after which you can create a card for the contract prepared before the publication of the notification.
2. Go to the “Preparing an Alert” tab and click the “Create information about the mind” button, after which the contract card editor will appear on the screen.

3. The tab “Subject and parties to the contract” displays information from the schedule plan- Vidomosti about the purchase and contract (with PGZ), Vidomosti about the deputy, as well as:
Information about the third parties to the contract - the third party to the contract, the organization providing services, which is the direct agent (payer) behind the contract. To add a third side, click the “Add side” button.
Peculiarities of the established contract – in which section of the contract may be identified the peculiarities of the concluded contract such as:
- Type of contract (Supply of goods, Vikonannya robіt, Supplement of services, Credit agreement, Rental agreement or another type of agreement)
- It is possible to change the quantity of goods that are supplied, the amount of completed work, services (or no more than 10% less)

4. Indicate the visibility and presence of the Banking and Treasury Department
5. On the “Purchased Objects” tab, you can specify the procurement objects of PGZ for a more detailed presentation. The level of detail in the procurement objects may be similar to the level of detail in the first procurement documents for the upcoming contract.
6. On the “Requirements” tab, create your own contract or select them from the list of templates:

Add requirements for the contract, using the specified terms, indicating and obliging the procurement object (the procurement object may not be specified).
Add documents according to the specified document type and order of document formatting and signing. For a skin document you need to indicate, for any goiter this document is required.
If one document is associated with up to several goiters, then in the process of signing the contract, when the results are given, the examination of the cutaneous crops will require a system to obtain a new example of the document. For example, at this stage of contract planning, it is possible to create a single document about the supply of goods TORG-12 and link it with all the requirements for the delivery of goods under the contract.
For documents obtained, it is allowed to include additional documents that are generated during the process of obtaining the results of the investigation (expert report, minutes of the meeting of the commission, etc.).
Add it.
Indicate your options for charging fines and penalties specific to your contract.
For standard contract projects, a mechanism for creating an electronic contract template has been transferred to the project. To do this, you need to select a suitable template and click the “Form after template” button, the system will display a form for filling in specific terms of the contract (terms, obligations, etc.) and then generate a draft electronic contract.

Run out of food?
Submit your application

Structure of the ECC, prepared before publication

Electronic card for the contract - a card for the contract, created according to the position of the schedule. On the contract card for preparation before publication, the following tabs are presented:
Main information from the schedule plan – in which section the information from the schedule plan is displayed (Information about the agent, terms of planned purchase, primary responsibility, etc.)
Preparation of the notification - this section displays the creation and placement of the contract card, Creation of the contract card - the projects of the supplier of the contract cards, which were not sent for the placement of the room for trading. Placement of cards to the agreement – ​​these are the cards to the agreement, which are sent for the placement of information for trading.
Contract preparation – this section displays cards of contracts prepared before the contract is placed.
History – history of card changes to the agreement.

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Section “Subject and parties to the contract”

The section of the subject and the parties to the contract contains the following information:
Information about the purchase and contract - hidden information about the subject, terms and conditions of the contract are displayed. Data is taken from the schedule plan.
Information about the deputy - information about the deputy is displayed. Data is taken from the schedule plan.
The peculiarities of the concluded contract - under the peculiarities of the concluded contract, are subject to the variable understanding of 44-FZ. In this case, the lawyer is responsible for establishing a mind, which is indicative of his contract (the mind is determined by the ensign).
You can think like this:
- It is possible to change the quantity of goods that are supplied, the amount of completed work, services (or no more than 10% less)
- It is allowed to reduce the price of the contract without changing the cost and quantity or changing other minds
- It is possible to unilaterally revoke the contract
- obligatory payments before the conclusion of contracts of subcontractors, contractors from among small businesses, socially oriented non-profit organizations

Functions of the contract card:
- Save – save the draft contract card.
- Post – save and send the card to the contract for publication on the IIS and on electronic platforms. With this functionality, the contract card is not available for making changes. The operation is available in the contract card editing mode.
- Re-verify - re-verify the entries on the data card
- Vidality – view the card for the contract. This operation is available in the contract card editing mode.
- Make changes – when the button is pressed, the system is given the functionality to make changes before the cards are published to the contract. If you need to make changes to the contract card, please close it after publication. Koristuvachevi will be open modal window de vin is guilty of providing a substitute for making changes. After this, the functionality for changing cards will be given to the contract prepared before publication. This operation is available in the mode of published contract cards.
- Squeeze – Remove from placement a contract card, prepared before placement, from the designated substitutions for this operation. This operation is available in the mode of published contract cards.
- Turn to the list of minds - turn to the list of contract cards. Go to the position card of the schedule plan.

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Submit your application from the technical support service.

Section “Purchased Objects”

Section “Purchased Objects”

This section provides information about the purchase objects, with detailed functionality.

When pressing the button (button ). A row is added to detail the purchase object. Fields for filling:
Name – name of the purchasing object;
Unit price, rub. - Price per unit of the purchased object;
Quantity – quantity of the purchased object;
Back-of-the-envelope quality – back-of-the-line position of the purchasing object.

Add – add the purchase item (button ).

Visibility – view the details of the purchased object (button ).
For crops – this function is intended to inform the customer about those for which crops and in which number of data the purchasing object is subject to (button ).
Save – save the specified breakdown of purchase items.
Squeeze—save the breakdown of purchased items until the remainder is saved.

Run out of food?
Submit your application from the technical support service.

Section "Zobov'yazanie"

Section "Zobov'yazanie"

To create a contract, you need to sign the following actions:
1. Add requirements for the contract, from the designated terms of the contract and the obligation of the procurement object.
2. Add documents according to the designated document type and order of document formation and signing. For a skin document it is necessary to indicate, for any goiter this document is required.
3. If one document is associated with up to several goiters, then in the process of signing a contract, when the results are given, a cutaneous examination of the selected goiters is required by the system to obtain a new example of the document. For example, at this stage of contract planning, it is allowed to create a single document TORG-12 and link it with all the requirements for the delivery of goods under the contract.
4. For seizure documents, it is allowed to include additional documents that are generated during the process of capturing the results of the investigation (expert report, minutes of the commission meeting, etc.).
5. Add information about the payment procedure for the contract

The division of obligations is determined by the terms of the contract, which parties and the sequence of their contracts, as indicated by the terms of the contract and other documents.
On the “Crossing” tab, you can select the option to create a craving for a template, in addition there are 3 blocks:
Information about the requirements and documents - in which section there is a table containing a list of requirements, terms and a list of documents that confirm the execution of these requirements.
Information about the order of capture - in this section, documents of capture are automatically displayed (Act of Vikonnyh Robots, KS-2, etc.) and documents that confirm the data of capture (expert evidence, protocols of the commission, etc.)
Information about the procedure for payment under the contract - in which section there is a requirement for payment, on the basis of any documents to check and documents that confirm payment

Block “Vidomosti about goiter and documents”

This block consists of a tabular part and a functional part.
Table fields
Zobov'yazannya for the contract - hiring of Zobov'yazannya;
Name of the procurement object - the name of the procurement object, which constitutes this requirement;
Quantity, pcs. – the obligation of the purchase object, which is followed by the obligation;
NMCC, od., rub. – NMTsK per unit of purchase;
NMCC, rub. – responsibility for the NMCC of the procurement object, which is subject to obligation;
The beginning of the calculation line is a mental or calendar date, which indicates that the beginning is working from the crop.
Pod-proceeding to the cob - which is designated as the brain from those assigned to the anterior pod, then whose field is indicated by the name of the protruder of the pod (can be designated as a crop, and a document).
The completed accrual line is a mental or calendar date that indicates the completion of the work due
Field-preceding stage - which is assigned to the front stage, then whose field is indicated by the name of the front stage (can be designated as a demand, and a document).
Data on results – data on results, possibly: One-time, Periodically and per Application
Whoever is victorious on the duty is indicated as a representative of the law (It can be indicated as either a Vikonavets or a Deputy).
Obsessed - the possessor of the Vikon's robots is said to be possessed. Here you can indicate both Vikonavets, Deputy, and a third party (an organization in the interests of which work is carried out on demand.)
Document that confirms the law - The name of the document that confirms the law for these duties. For one claim, there may be a number of documents that will confirm your ancestry. If a document is designated for acceptance, the name of the document is shown in bold font.
Execution of documents before sending to the counterparty - this is the same term as this document. The document execution lines are indicated by the following values:
- Rows (from the cob of the corn)
- Calendars/workbooks
- hypovidal side
Execution of documents after their withdrawal from the counterparty is possible, in which case this document may be signed. The term for signing a document is indicated by the following values:
- term (indicated by the date the document was issued)
- Calendars/workbooks
- hypovidal side
To which section is the offensive functionality transferred:
Add more goiter - add more goiter,
Add a document - add a document to the goiter
Druk – molding of a double-shaped tabular part of a section.

Add/edit goiter

On the add/edit form, the buyer is guilty of sequentially viconting the following actions:
In the section " Zagalnye Vidomosti about goiter” indicate the party responsible for the determination of the goiter, as well as indicate the party for whom the goiter is determined (We can hold over the goiters but Zamovnik, and the third party).
In the “Purchasing Objects” section, it is necessary to set a designation for those purchasing objects that take part in the current task. It is also necessary to indicate the obligation of the purchasing object, which is the responsibility of the buyer.

In the section “The term “Victorian goiter””, The terms vykonannya goiter are indicated. The term decree can be used both in calendar dates and in mental dates (the term can be used in conjunction with other deeds and documents). Whose body shows the beginning and end of the goiter.

The “Results Data” block, this block indicates how this task is completed, 3 types of results data are transferred:
One-time - the crop is completed once on the designated line;
Periodically - this requirement is completed periodically (a number of times), the term for which is completed.

The results can be selected as “Periodic”, since the term is assigned to calendar dates.
If the rule “Indicate by periods” is installed, the System calculates the breakdown of the procurement object’s values ​​by periods.
For the application - a written claim is issued for the presence of an application from the designated term of written claim. The number of applications is not limited by the term of all obligations and does not outweigh all the obligations included in the applications earlier.

Add/edit document

In the form for adding/editing a document, you must sequentially enter the following steps:
In the section “Claims, which are confirmed by documents of a different type (period)”, indicate the demands for which the document will be confirmed.

In the section “Hidden facts about the document” hidden information about the document is indicated:
The party that forms the document - select from the list Zamovnik or Vikonavets
Document type - select from the list of documents, after selecting the document type, you will be prompted to change the name of the document (this is provided for selection, as there are a number of new document types, and in various places).
Ensign “I am accepted by the document”, since this ensign is established, then on qiu shape The section “Expertise Documents” is available. This means that this document is a document of acceptance of the stage/contract and its signature will be valid after the initial entries have been completed. Also on the documents, as they are formed on the side of Vikonavtsya, the Deputy in the process of signing a contract can formulate a motivated Vedmova or make payment for the stage/contract.
The section “Expertise Documents” includes documents that are generated during the process of entering into a stage/contract, with the participation of experts (for example, external examination, then the Expert Review document is obligatory). In which section is the following information indicated:
Type of expertise, radio switch between values: Internal expertise External expertise.
Ensign “Expertise documents are being formed”, when this ensign is installed, the correspondent will be asked to fill out the table of examination documents.
Adding documents is done by pressing the “Add document” button. You are required to fill out the following fields:
- Serial number – the serial number of the document being formed by the Deputy at the hour of carrying out the necessary procedures. It is allowed to insert two new numbers, so that documents can be generated at the same time.
- Type of examination document - select from the list the type of document that will take part in the primary procedure
- Name of the examination document – ​​this field will be automatically filled in when specifying the type of examination document.
- Signature line – the term of the signed document.
Increase your respect! When designated lines for signing documents, the trace must be secured, so that the sum of lines for signing documents of examination (without forming documents in one period of time) is not guilty of either greater or less, the lower term for signing a document is captured
- Days – units of the document signing period
The section “Procedure for forming and signing a document” defines the terms, the sequence of signing/issuing the document and the procedures for re-signing the document for further processing.
This section consists of the following blocks:
The block of radio transmitters is between the following values:
- Vkazivka line molding from the date of the cob viscosity goiter
- insert line forming in the date of completion of the application
- insert a forming line indicating the date of signing of the supporting document
Inserting a line at the beginning of forming a document, if the term is entered as the date of signing the document, then the name of the document is indicated.
Tabular part
- The right to revise a document – ​​the right to revise a document
- Signature is indicated – the required signing of this document is indicated.
- Secondary party – indicate the party (Zamovnik, Vikonavetsya, Third party) with a serial number
- Line – a term for signing or documenting a document

- term for further examination / re-review after review - when a document is processed or sent for further examination, this field indicates the line for re-review of this document.
- Calendars, work days - list of calendar or work days

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Vidomosti about the payment procedure for the contract

Vidomosti about the payment procedure for the contract

Table fields:
Zobov'yazannya for a contract - hiring of a zobov'yazannya for payment;
sum, rub. – amount to pay, the field may not be filled in, if the specified amount is specified in the price of the contract or the type of payment due to the fact;
Amount, % of the Central Committee - a hundred percent of the price of the contract, which requires payment between the boundaries of which the payment is due, may not be confirmed, as it is assigned to a fixed amount of payment or the type of payment due to the fact.
The term of the contract is indicated by the term of the contract, perhaps by a calendar date or by name.
Proceeding letter – a document (document) that advances the date of payment, which may not be filled out if the calendar date is indicated in the “Term of payment” field.
A document that confirms the Vikonannya – a document that confirms the Vikonanya request for payment; before such documents, there must be documents that confirm the fact of the re-insurance of the Vikonavts' funds.
Preparation of documents before sending to the counterparty - initial block of fields:
- Line forming – the term forming the document that confirms payment
- Calendar/working days – it is necessary to indicate which type of days are counted as calendar or working days, when expanding the term for forming a document that confirms payment
- Secondary side – the side on which this document is formed (the Reminder is inserted behind the documents).

Execution of documents after their withdrawal from the counterparty – the term for viewing the withdrawn document after withdrawal:
- Lines (indicated by the date the document was taken out) – the term is considered, the date can be calendar or mental
- Calendars/working days – insertion of calendar or working days.
- The visible side is the side that views this document

Functions of this section:
Add payment - add more money, pay more.
Add a document – ​​add a document that confirms your request for payment. Before such documents, please ensure that there are documents that confirm the fact of the re-insurance of Vikonavts' assets (Payment order, payment from the bank). The form for adding a document for payment is identical to the form for a document for claims.
Druk – forming a druk form for the section “Videomosti about the payment procedure”

Add/edit zobo'yazannya shodo pay

In the form for adding/editing a request for payment, you must sign in the following steps:
In the section “Payment details” indicate the name of the payment, the other party for your claim and the type of payment: Advance payment or else Payment after the fact.

Payment name - this is a text field that requests the name of a specific payment request. This field is intended for visual control of payment at the payment stage. Example: two different advance payments - each time the difference between them is stated.

In the “Payment Amount” section, you need to indicate which algorithm the payment is based on, which appears as a switch between the following values:
Fixed amount (rub.) – the field below indicates the fixed amount of payment.
Hundreds of the contract amount – the field below indicates the hundredths of the contract amount

For the actual duties - you have to pay for the actual duties of your work/services or goods. The obligation of the company's work/services or the delivery of goods is indicated in the document of acquisition (for goods TORG-12, for services and services the Act of the company's work). This field is not available for advance payment.
Excess payment – ​​the excess payment is reimbursed. This field is not available for advance payment.

In the “Amount of penalty” section, it is necessary to determine how fines/penalties are payable. This block is no longer available for payments after the fact.
Payment for virahuvannyam forfeit - this is payment for goiter'yazannyam, yak to get through with urahuvannyam virahuvannya sumi forfeit.
Payment after payment of the penalty - payment for goiters to be carried out after the Vikonavits pays the penalty.
Payment regardless of the penalty – payment for goiters regardless of the penalty.
Block “Vidomosti about goiter” - in this block you need to indicate the name of goiter. Significance of this field will be first filled with the following order: “Name of the order in the template (name of the procurement object)”, the terms of the name of the order and the obligations of the procurement object within the framework of this order. For SMD, these fields are available for editing.

Registration in PIK EASUZ

Algorithm for registration and accreditation at PIK EASUZ

Registration and accreditation of an organization with PIK EASUZ is divided into 2 parts:
1. Registration of the organization with PIK EASUZ.
2. Accreditation of the organization from PIK EASUZ. Accreditation of the organization from PIK EASUZ transfers the signing of the registration form from the Operator EDO PIK EASUZ. After signing the registration form and entering information about the subscription in PIK EASUZ, new functionality for working with the PIK EASUZ system is unlocked.

Increase your respect! The registration form will not be signed by the Operator EDO PIK EASUZ 24 years, then the PIK EASUZ system will see data about this organization from PIK EASUZ

Procedure for registering an organization with PIK EASUZ
1. Go to the address .

2. Click the “Organization Registration” button, after which you will see an information sheet asking you to undergo registration and accreditation with the EDO Operator, as well as access the availability of a qualified digital signature. If this is the case, then press the “Before registration” button.
3. Check out what you have:
- qualifications electronic signature
- oblikovy record (login and password) in the EDO
- your organization is accredited by EDO

Fill in the appropriate numbers, after which the registration form “Organization Registration” will open.

Indicate the role of the organization - Deputy or Vikonavets, information about the company, contact information, information about bank details. Additionally, enter information about the first account manager in the organization, who is automatically granted the rights Organization Administrator (all other accounts of the organization to create data for accountants or other accounts) The list of their assignments in the system).
4. We establish the law “I confirm the sufficient obligation to renew the legal and actual actions related to the registration in the Vikonannaya Contracts Portal, incl. the right to sign the registration confirmation in PIK”, which confirms that the entered data is correct.
Click on the “Confirm registration” button. The system creates a profile of the organization of the first customer in the PIK EASUZ system and prompts you to formulate and sign a registration form with the EDO Operator to provide permanent access to work with the system.

Increase your respect! The cloud record of the organization and this accountant, without confirmation of the signature of registration data from the Operator EDO PIK EASUZ (Accreditation of the organization from PIK EASUZ) is valid until then From the system.

Accreditation of the organization from PIK EASUZ

You carry out the accreditation of the organization at the special time office of the first correspondent in the section “Updates about the organization” by clicking the “Sign an application” button. The system will display information about the signing process with the Operator EDO PIK EASUZ, after pressing the “Confirm” button in your browser, a tab will appear on this document with the Operator EDO PIK EASUZ , then you press the “Subscribe and Send” button.

After signing the document, it takes 2-3 minutes to the PIK EASUZ system to obtain information about signing the document.
For full access to PIK EASUZ, you will need to re-login to the system.

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