Fundamentals of computer science and computing technology. Fundamentals of computer science and computing technology abstract Fundamentals of computer science and computer technology

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A.I. , L.I.Kroshinska, O.L.Sapun



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Remote learning

A.I. Borodina, L.I. Kroshinska, O.L. Sapun



Entry before discipline

“Fundamentals of computer science and computing technology”






  1. Subject and place of discipline.
  2. Basic concepts of computer science: information, data, knowledge. Economic information and features.

    2.1. The concept of "information".

    2.2. Economic information

    2.3 Features of economic information.

    2.4. Help you with economical information.

  3. Informatization and computerization of marriage.
  4. Legal aspects of informatization in Belarus.




    Train smart.


    A place of discipline is given that has historical roots. There are different approaches to defining the concept of “information”. There will be clarification of informatization and computerization of marriage. The focus is on the legal aspects of informatization in Belarus.

  5. Subject and place of Discipline

    How science disappeared in the other half of the 20th century with the appearance of the first EOMs. Initially, she was engaged in the development of flows of scientific and technical information and methods of collection, analysis, identification and expansion of the media. The encyclopedic dictionary gives the following meaning of information science: “ Computer Science
    – this is the essence of science, which forms the structure and power of scientific information, as well as the nutrition associated with its collection, saving, research, processing, reorganization, expansion and development in various spheres of activity i"(BSE. M., 1972. T.Kh.)

    Nowadays, computer science is developing methods for submitting, transmitting and processing information in any information systems. The first object is connected with the need to extract information about your system, analyze the information found, make decisions and promptly issue commands on . The success of development at this stage lies in the information service. Therefore, it is most pleasant to take into account the importance of computer science, given by A.P. Ershov, one of the founders of this field of science: computer science This is a science that studies the laws and methods of accumulation, transmission and processing of information through the use of EOM, as well as the area of ​​human activity, which is associated with the stagnation of EOM.

    What are the currents, historical roots and changes in computer science? The guilt of computer science is due to low reasons. There may be social changes in their minds and their history. The history of computer science is as old as the history of the development of humankind. The history is characterized by the main milestones of processing and saving information. Here, information comes first from natural objects: planets, stars, creatures, plants, people. With the development of technology, devices, machines, technological processes, and scientific experiments have become sources of information.

    The initial stage of saving and processing information in connection with the natural physiological capabilities of the primary human being, to record information in the form of signs and transmit them through additional gestures and that of undivided thought. In the world of complex production, harmonious developments and the development of knowledge, articulating language and language appear as a means of transmitting information. Then there is writing, the understanding of numbers, and numbers. Rakhunko first on your fingers, then on stones and plum brushes. Then things appear that will make the shells easier; Drukarsky verstat, which registers information; telegraph and telephone calls, radio, television and other means of transmitting information, as well as computing machines for processing it. Tse arithmometry is in the mechanical period, EOM is in the electronic period. In such a manner Information and differences
    instructions for this processingThis is the foundation of computer science as a science. Like any applied science, computer science has its great wealth in the engineering and technical capabilities of our time, and its developments go in parallel with the development of communication technology, automatic regulation and control technology (mechanical, electrical, electronic), as well as the technology of devices that store Yatovoyut.

    For a long time now, people have come to help people when processing information mathematics: at the initial stage, numerical systems appeared, and now we have an arsenal of mathematical methods for processing information.

    However, any mathematical method indicates that you need to work with information, but does not indicate in what order you need to log all actions when processing it correctly using this method. І life to bring people's thoughts to understanding algorithm Which means the actions from processing information and the sequence of their recording. This science is directly developing under the name “Theory of Algorithms”, which is also known as warehouse informatics.

    The advent of electronic computing machines has led to the scientific idea that new algorithms can be entrusted to a machine that records them with my intelligent computing machine. This is how we advanced to computer science programmingі programs. Signs of the importance of computer science, given by A.A. Dorodnitsinim and A.A. Samarsky: computer science– the triad of “model – algorithm – program”, A model is a system that represents and creates an object in such a way that the further development of the model gives us new information about the object. . The possibility of creating systems similar to one another is due to the material diversity of processes that occur in systems of different physical natures. Formally, such similarity appears in the similarity of rich mathematical deposits, like in various branches of science.

    You can use the zagalom, so computer science– a total of five components: information, mathematical methods, algorithms, computing technology, software. In these five “pillars” itself, computer science as a science has been formed and is evolving (Fig. 1).



    Mathematical methods


    Computation technology


    Fig.1. The historical roots and changes of computer science

    In such a manner under computer science It is understood that this is a complex discipline that involves all aspects of development, design, construction, and performance assessment automated systems processing of information, its storage and flow into various areas of human activity.

    The remaining fates from computer science began to be seen as economic computer science. Economic Informatics It includes the structure and power of economic information, as well as the methods of processing using additional computing technology. The task of economical informatics at this time is especially worthy: ensuring the widespread use of computing technology and the ubiquitous automation of work places for facists of various professions and various qualifications This is the equal from the venerable successor to the retail worker, the comic book worker, the store salesman. The implementation of this task forms the basis of mass production and the development of automated work stations (AWMs), created in conjunction with personal EOM.

    Nutrition for self-control

  6. What is computer science?

    What is the subject of the computer science discipline?

    What is the subdiscipline of computer science?

    What is the historical root of computer science?

    What is economic computer science?




    2.1. The concept of “information”

    The twentieth century became centuries of information. Until the end of the year, the knowledge of mankind has increased twice as much, and the flow of information has increased more than 30 times. Information becomes the main value of earthly civilization. In technologically advanced countries, information resources are being formed. There is a gradual transition from an industrial economy to an economy based on information.

    Information (from Latin information – clarification, statement, information about any fact or idea) – this information, announcement, information. Skin letter, word, speech, wind and sun carry information. For example, when reading a newspaper, we learn about new products; Most likely, the formula is stagnant and the confirmation is known. There is still no conventionally accepted meaning of information. Some always represent information through various powers of matter, others see a local aspect, and others see a holistic (pragmatic) aspect. At the same time, information is often transferred to the branch of the hidden sciences, to understand how much it goes beyond the boundaries of knowledge and the richness of sciences. Tom information understand the totality of facts, revelations, ideas that create interest and encourage registration and sampling. This concept will unite the two partners: the exchanger and the receiver (acceptor) of information. The role of each of them may be the subject of science and technology, the work of nature, creatures and people. It is through their interactions that information is shared.

    The process of understanding the concept of “information” in human life and activity will continue. Nina has a few views on the concept of “information”.

    According to philosophy
    Information- This is a philosophical category that reflects the objective light, its cause and effect connections. The philosophical interpretation of information highlights the universality of the information approach. Information comes from the form of notification, promotion, text, table, graphs.

    People have understood the value of information a long time ago. Therefore, it was naturally necessary to accumulate information, save it and organize it in order to make it easier to access it and be able to access all or any necessary part through singing hour. Among the traditional methods of orderly saving of necessary documents one can name a notebook, a dictionary, a card index, or a library catalogue.

    Theoretically information The term “information” means information that contains facts that were previously unknown and adds information about the object that is being studied and analyzed (process, phenomenon). What kind of information do you have?
    – these facts, which can reveal that in another way the insignificance of their companion, expand his understanding of the object with the necessary (for the companion) facts. As American thought respects, engineer and mathematician K.E. Shannon, information
    - Insignificance is worth it.

    Theoretically information Information This is the world of diminishing the insignificance of the system, the world of its ordering. Information is represented by the concept of “entropy”, which is the measure of the insignificance of the system. According to information theory, a simple collection of data does not constitute information. Information can be provided only by those records, which allow us to introduce a world of insignificance in the system. And without any information, you can determine what kind of information it is.

    The amount of information that can be stored in certain situations is different: the more certain the information is, the less information is stored in it. This approach does not harm the semantic side of information, appearing even worse in connection with computing technology. This served as the basis for the transformation of information and optimal coding of information. In addition, it is useful for illustrating such important information, such as novelty and lack of information. With such understanding, Information – this
    the result of choosing a set of possible alternatives.
    Based on the ideas of K.E. Shannon, so that from the beginning the connection between technology and the addition of information theory to the development of radiolocation, control, biology, medicine, experimental planning, etc., forming a new direction - applied theory I information.

    In information theory, the terms “information” and “data” are used. Data
    understand information about the state of any object. Data include, for example, statistical indicators of the work of enterprises, questionnaires about people. Workers in the sphere of management in the process of their work operate with various data (numbers, words), engage in their collection and processing. Dani
    – these facts, understanding and commands are presented in a way that is easy for transmission, interpretation and processing. Preparation of tributes
    - This action systematizes the sequence of operations to bring the data into a form that is easy for extracting information.

    Data can be characterized by a life cycle, which includes saving (on the material side), transformation (into a form ready for further processing), transfer (from the source to the living), immediate processing (sorting, synthesis, etc.), vicorization (for receiving ishen) , assessment (for consumption, relevance, etc.), depletion (if old).

    For different tasks, the data may be different. For the purpose of a mathematical nature, for example, the coefficients of the system are equal (output data for programs) and the values ​​of unknown ones are found (output data after the completion of programs). To specify the control of verstats and missiles, it is possible to obtain information about the coordinates and fluidity of active points of the objects (output data) and the released values ​​of a number of ceramic injections (output data). To set up information and research services, the output data can be entered into the form with the text of natural language, and the output data can be filled in with conclusions, tables, etc. In this case information name the meanings that are invested by people in this regard with regard to the establishment of agreements in advance. So, we can see a lot on the external window wall in the middle of the century that the place is surrounded by enemies. The number of lights could contain information about the number of troops that attacked. In everyday practice danimi It is customary to call information provided manually for visual processing, and verified by practice, the result of knowledge, which is more likely to be reflected in people’s knowledge. knowledge. Knowledge is viewed as a statement of facts and their description. Scientific knowledge lies in reasonable activity in the past, today and today, in reliable established facts, in the fact that it is necessary to know, naturally, behind the scenes, and on the basis Whose transfer is involved. Data processing systems have knowledge understand the well-organized data, which can be immediately regarded as factual
    (registration of an actual fact), so and semantically
    (specific description of the registered fact) information that you may need while working with the data.
    In the theory and practice of machine processing systems, the concepts of “information” and “data” are sometimes reflected.

    Vidomy too technological (applied) approach until you understand the information. In this case, in case of any processing, the information at the input of the processing procedure does not yet contain information other than the information that is obtained at the output of the procedure (for the mind, because as a result of processing the meta is reached). Here, the data at the input of the processing procedure plays the role of information “syrup”, and at the output – the role of “finished product”. The essence of processing is that from the “raw information resource” it is possible to obtain the necessary information – information. Obviously, if the information could be obtained, it could potentially be lost to the commonwealth.

    Other concepts of the relevant information are explored, each of which in its own way explains its essence.

    A concept that views information as the power (attribute) of matter. Its appearance is associated with the development of cybernetics and is based on the belief that information must be known to the way people either accept it. This concept of information is expressed most figuratively by academician V. M. Glushkova. Vin wrote that “ information
    carry not only the pages of a book marked with letters, but human language, but the sunny light, the folds of the Girsky ridge, the sound of a waterfall, the rustle of grass.” In other words, information as the power of matter creates phenomena about its nature, structure, ordering, expansion, etc. It can be used forever, it can be accumulated, saved, recycled.

    The concept is based on a logical-semantic approach(semantics is the interpretation of the text from the sight of the sense), in whom information is perceived as knowledge. Moreover, it is not just knowledge, but that part that is used for active action, management and self-government. In other words, Information – This is a piece of knowledge. A representative of this concept, V. G. Afanasyev, develops a logical-semantic approach that provides significant social information: The information that circulates in marriage, which is used in the management of social processes, is social information. There is knowledge, information, information about the social form of the flow of matter and about all other forms of this world, which is the result of marriage...” Social information is richer knowledge. Vaughn characterizes: matrimonial processes, economic, political, social, demographic, cultural and spiritual things. The greatest sense of social information is to understand knowledge, information, information about the social form of the collapse of matter and about all other forms in this world, which stinks marriage In other words, Information
    This is a substitute for logical thinking, so that by understanding the tangible and visible word, you can understand people’s actions.

    The basis of the impersonal value of information is due to the complexity, specificity and diversity of approaches to the blurring of the essence of this concept. The reviewed approaches will complement each other, highlight different aspects of the essence of information and facilitate this systematization of the main authorities. Because of the impersonality of information, in our opinion, the following can be identified: Information- This is information that recognizes the insignificance of the concept of excessive light, which is the object of conservation, transformation, transmission and recovery. Vidomosti
    - This knowledge is expressed in signals, notifications, notifications, notifications, etc.

    This is a single inexhaustible resource of living security, moreover, it is constantly growing over time. At 70 rocks. XX century Obligation of information for the skin 5-7 years, and 90 years - sharply. Such an avalanche-like flow seriously complicates the structure. It is more important to be oriented with this information. Decals are ideal for creating a new intelligent product, rather than analogues created earlier. That's why today's information has become a commodity of prime necessity, and the truth has become wider: whoever contains information, that contains light. In addition to trading in basic goods on the market information products The object of sale and exchange includes information systems, information technologies, licenses, patents, know-how and other types of information resources.

    The supply of information is not the only “information barrier” for people. The most significant ones include:

    communicative, then. confusion, and frequent loss of information during the hour of processing;

    Intermovable and internal, then. presentation of information in various national languages, inconsistency of terminology;

    geographical, that is. the distance between the rulers and the companions is the same;

    housekeeper, to. suppression, and sometimes acquisition of information by various organizations;

    dissemination of information, then. publication of materials in non-core knowledge magazines and collections.

It is important to know scientific, technical, industrial, legal and other information. Each type of information has its own special significance and value, depending on the accuracy and reliability, processing technology, presentation form and media (paper, magnetic, etc.).

Any information must be carefully processed with the creation of automatic processing systems in the process of syntactic, semantic and pragmatic analysis.

Parsing sets the basic parameters of information flows, which includes the necessary specifications for selecting technical methods for collecting, registering, processing, accumulating and storing information.

Semantic analysis allows you to read information from a semantic perspective and its surrounding elements, finding ways of uniform consistency with an unambiguous recognition of the information that is entered into the system.

Pragmatic analysis be carried out in accordance with the value of the information that is used for management, identifying the practical significance of informing how to establish control inputs.

2.2. Economic information

Economic information depicts the acts of the military-state activities with the help of a system of natural and artistic displays.
In all cases, your vikorysts have different values, digital values, etc. economical
Information - tse i Information that is obtained during the current functions of managing the people's dominion and its surrounding lankas. Economic information reflects the state of the industrial-state and financial activities of government objects: the people's state, galouzes, enterprises, workshops, etc. or it shows what this camp is like. However, economic information not only directly demonstrates the development of the state, but also reveals the mechanism of interaction between the elements of the people's state and its surrounding objects. Thus, economical information This is the totality of information that is used for planning, formation, control, regulation under the management of the people's dominion.

Economic information circulates both in the sphere of material production and in the non-virtual sphere, characterizing the activities of these and other institutions in this sphere, being an important tool for managing the economy. Vaughn is victorious about huge organs. Nina economic information hung at low vital resources, socio-economic development. The influx of information into the economy acts as a “brain power” that replaces “power” waste – the waste of labor, labor, energy and other resources. Information boundary – This is a kind of nervous system that permeates material-speech and energy flows. And since it is not thought out organizationally and is not supported technically, it is not possible to ensure the management of technical progress. Once the government mechanism is improved, information technology problems will inevitably arise.

2.3. Features of economic information

Among the classes established at EOM, there are two great and completely different classes. The first is a task of a scientific and technical nature, which includes the tasks of engineering developments: the development of levels and systems of levels, the development of engineering structures, technological processes, etc. . The development of EOM began in the class of scientific and technical departments, and at the present time, the power of the machine hour, which is being used for the production of data processing, is richly related to this for scientific and technical developments. However, there is a tendency to expand the task of processing economic information.

The phrase “economic information” was heard in the 60s. XX century From the different features of computational technology to the sphere of management of the people's dominion. This research allowed us to identify a few peculiarities that relate to the organization of its automated processing.

    When the order of data processing is complete The form of input and output documents is first indicated And it is necessary to organize the display of data in a strictly compatible form. Once you enter this data, you will need to select existing documents and need to conform to their form. With the latest scientific and technical tasks, the form is often adjusted to meet the needs of the programs. Economic information is presented in a specific form. It is stamped on material bases as the first and final documents. The processing results are presented in tables, diagrams, graphs and text documents. The main place for saving files is external memory on magnetic media. The difficulty of saving information is emphasized by the use of special media of information. In projects of a scientific and technical nature, the availability of magnetic noses is obviously small.

    In line with the process, the implementation of the task on the EOM of the skin from the designated classes has its own specificity. It turns out that in scientific and technical departments, the amount of input and output information is small, but then there is a great deal of calculation involved. In the warehouses where the tributes are collected, the picture is the same - the stench is characterized by with great gratitude for input and output information, and the process of calculation itself takes up significantly less effort from those involved in tasks of a scientific and technical nature. As a matter of fact, economical information is voluminous. Improved management and increased production responsibilities are accompanied by increased secondary information flows. In data processing tasks, the main information aggregate is a file (a special method for organizing data collection on an external device), and the task is file processing tasks.

    Economic information cyclical. Most industrial and government processes are characterized by the repetition of warehouse stages that these processes represent. The specific processing of data may dictate the frequency of the decision, and, moreover, the terms of processing are often mixed.

    Economic information is specific to the processing methods. In the processing process, operations such as searching, sorting, and grouping are important. When processing economical information, a large variety of the same output data is obtained for various purposes.

    Economic information reflects the results of government-government activities for the help of natural and varnish displays.

    Thus, the class of data processing is characterized by a large number of operations from the introduction of output documents and the transfer of output documents; a great operation of accumulated information on magnetic media; given form of input and output data; the singing periodicity of the decision; the need to capture, process and provide not only numerical but also textual information. Therefore, the task of processing data due to its nature and structure of machine algorithms is to be complex.

    2.4. Help you with economical information

    The most important benefits of economical information are: correctness, relevance, efficiency, reliability, accuracy, sufficiency.

    The correctness of the information will ensure the unambiguous acceptance of all participants.

    (or value) of information is manifested in the way that it reaches the target that stands in front of the fellow. The value of information comes with significant power: that same information has different values ​​for different people. It should be remembered that it is not an hour to age information, but the appearance of new information, which often opens up, clarifies, adds, gives a new update of information, which leads to the removal of kovy effect.

    displays the relevance of information for necessary developments and solutions for changing minds.

    Reliability conveys that the information provided can be trusted. in it there are daily constant and unbearable conflicts.

    means the permissible level of processing of both output and resultant information, which preserves the efficiency of the system.

    Availability means the availability of the optimal amount of information that will ensure reliable processing results. Too much information is not less valuable, but not enough, because it can deceive the buyer and improve the processing process.

    Nutrition for self-control

    What is information according to philosophy?

    What does information mean in information theory?

    Describe the technological approach to the understanding of information.

    Let us understand the data.

    Let us know.

    What is economic information?

    Name the features of economic information.

    Name the benefits of economical information.


At present, the power of a state was determined by the number and number of soldiers, the availability of gold reserves, millions of tons of steel and billions of kilowatt-years of generated electricity. Nina’s most important indicator of the scientific development, economical and defense capabilities of a state is information. The more it vibrates in the people's rule, the greater the vitality of the population, the economic and political energy of the region. Informatization of marriage – this
Everywhere there is a need for a complex of approaches, investments in the provision of reliable and timely reliable information, and knowledge is respected in all socially significant types of human activity.
Nina, for its social significance, the informatization of marriage can be equated with its industrialization. This new galuz signifies the technical zeal of the state.

Informatization is a reaction of society to the growing growth of information resources and to the demand for greater productivity in the information sector of the society's production. Informatization will ensure the growth of economic indicators, the development of the people's rule, and the withdrawal of new scientific advances from fundamental and applied sciences, contributions from the developments of technology, the creation of new work places, and the advancement of living yay. This is possible due to the visibility of the programs created by the information infrastructure.

Pid information infrastructure
This means the structure of the information security system for all relevant information, which makes it possible to use new information technologies in the context of widespread depletion of information and computing resources and automated communication system.

The exchange of information, its processing and saving is one of the most important tasks of humankind. Postal mail, telephone and radio, computer networks will soon be interrupted, changing the hour of information transmission.
The informatization of marriage has led to fundamental changes in employment, organizational structures and living styles of people. The era of informational prosperity has come, which is being replaced by a lot of agricultural and industrial prosperity. Information partnership
A marriage in which most of the people are engaged in the collection, saving, processing and implementation of information, especially in its highest form - knowledge.

You can see the characteristic risks of information sharing:

  1. Information technologies have become global in nature, having invaded all spheres of human social activity, and humanistic principles of marriage management have been implemented and infused into life.

    The priority of information is ensured and equal to that of other resources.

    The basis of marriage is the automated generation, saving, processing and extraction of knowledge, forming the unity of all human civilization.

    It is allowed to navigate between the information avalanche and information hunger.

    The listed risks of information supply give rise to the following problems:

    adaptation of some people to a new information environment;

    selecting clear and reliable information;

    the divide between developers and professionals of information technologies;

    growth inflow of property;

    invasion of the privacy of the lives of organizations and communities.

On the other side of the coin, the growing demand for information has become an information hunger, then. the inability to know and ignore the necessary information in science, management, and economics.

According to the law of A.A. Kharkevich, information grows in proportion to the square of the national income of the region. And the information barrier inevitably sets in, when the complexity of the task of processing information flows exceeds human capacity, the few people on the market can complete no more than 1 million transactions in an 8-year working day. Also, in order to perform this number of operations manually, you need as many people as the population of one region. The rate of growth in the number of workers in the sphere of management is 2-3 times higher than the rate of growth in the number of military workers.

Information flows are growing exponentially. People, being the main bearer of progress, stream its flow, being unable to absorb and process all the information required to make an immediate decision. Calculation machines have come to help, and the methods for calculating them are gradually being perfected. Moreover, computerization allows the processing of information for the required service. Computerization– a central development of computing technology and software. For whom you are constantly getting used to working with a computer and your spheres of stagnation are expanding: science, material development (from innovative devices to robots), automated systems, cars, phones, game consoles, etc.

However, successful computerization can be achieved in three minds: high vigor technology, software and well-organized service. The region's ability to achieve a high technical culture and computer literacy of people is growing. A person who does not have knowledge of working on a computer can certainly find himself in the same position as a person who does not know the multiplication table, cannot read and write. Therefore, the complex of essential knowledge, in addition to historical and cultural ones, includes computer literacy.

In the world, the accumulated wealth of computing technology has crystallized the main directions of its development: information systems, control automation and mathematical modeling. An important indicator of the level of information development is the secretly accessible computer database of knowledge. Anyone who needs this other information can connect to such a database and select the information that you need to collect. The availability of databases and knowledge allows you to actively explore new information in your area of ​​activity.

In the situation that has arisen, the main areas of informatization and computerization of marriage have been identified:

    Organization of economical information in enterprises. Businesses will now need reliable and up-to-date information about the nomenclature, prices and producers, about markets, prices, prices, and supply in the region and beyond the border.

    Creation of a system of information services for the population from local computers, which significantly saves time and frees people up for self-education and creative work.

    Organization of a health and social security system based on EOM, which allows for the improvement of the work of computer consultation centers, the creation of diagnostic computer expert systems, and the improvement of services for disabled people virgins, lonely, sick and elderly people.

    Computerization of the system of education and science, how to speed up and secure the process of acquiring knowledge for the creation of basic systems and accessible knowledge bases; the appearance of audio and video cassettes from basic video courses, e-book systems and magazines.

    Technologies aimed at capturing, processing, saving and expanding (transferring) information were called information technologies .

    As with any technology, information technologies include a different set of material properties (information, technical means of processing, processing, etc.) odiya, fakhivtsіv and the totality of ancient methods of organizing work. Apart from any engineering technology, information technologies allow the integration of different types of technologies, and the information that is collected in different areas of activity synthesizes It is necessary to accumulate evidence and promote it in practice up to the urgent needs.

    Nutrition for self-control

  1. What is informatization of marriage?
  2. What is information infrastructure?
  3. What is information stewardship?
  4. Indicate the characteristic risks of informational partnership.
  5. Name the main problems of information management.
  6. A.A. Kharkevich about the growth of information among the spouses.
  7. What is computerization of marriage?
  8. What are information technologies?


    In technologically advanced countries, information resources are being formed and there is a transition from an industrial economy to an economy based on information. Our century is called the century of information. Information has become the main value of earthly civilization.

    The Republic of Belarus is a partner in the civilized information market. About this praise laws, decrees, decisions:

    About informatization

    About scientific and technical information

    About patents for wines

    About patents for industrial products

    About the national archival fund and archives in the Republic of Belarus

    About other types of mass information

    About the introduction of the classification and coding of technical, economic and social information of the Republic of Belarus into the Unified System.

    Law “On Informatization”, Adoptions: 6th Vers., 1995 in all directions until the adoption of additional normative legislative acts for the successful development of the information industry. The law regulates the legalities that arise from the process of forming and retrieving documented information and information resources; creation of information technologies, automated or automatic information systems and measures; means the order of protection of an information resource, as well as the rights and obligations of subjects who take part in the processes of informatization.

    The law consists of 30 articles, grouped in seven sections:

    underground position

    Documented information and information resources

    Information technologies, complexes of software and hardware, information systems and measures

    Access to information resources

    Protection of information resources and rights of information subjects

    International Newsletters

    Concluding provisions

    An important part of the law on information technology is Article 1, which defines the main terms that are used in information technologies, and itself:

    Information – information about people, objects, facts, ideas, manifestations and processes;

    documented information (document) – information with details that allows identification is recorded on a material medium;

    Information resource – a set of documented information is organized, which includes databases and knowledge, other arrays of information in information systems;

    information technology – a set of methods, methods, techniques and techniques for processing documented information, including applied software, and the regulated order of their implementation;

    information boundary - A set of software and hardware for transmitting and processing data via communication channels;

    Information products - The material result of information processes, purposes for ensuring the information needs of government authorities, legal and physical entities;

    Information services Information activity from bringing to the attention of the correspondent information products that are carried out in the singing form;

    tribute - The information that circulates during the processing process on the EOM is documented;

    database - The totality of mutually related data, organized according to singing rules on machine carriers;

    bank of tributes - Organizational and technical system, which includes one or more databases and a system for managing them;

    knowledge base - The totality of formalized knowledge about a particular subject area, presented in the form of facts and rules;

    ruler of information resources , information systems, technologies, methods of their security - a subject who is constantly responsible for the implementation of the new importance of water supply, cleaning, and ordering of designated objects;

    ruler of information resources , information systems, technologies, methods of their security - the subject that is involved in the current development and management of designated objects and implements new regulations within the limits established by law;

    koristuvach (living) information – a subject that interacts with the information system and an intermediary to obtain the necessary documented information.

    This article “legalizes” the meaning of the main understanding.

    Another important law is Law on science and technology
    , accepted May 5, 1999 It establishes the legal basis for the regulation of legal matters related to the creation, accumulation, search, withdrawal, saving, processing, distribution and use of scientific and technical information in the Republic of B Ilorus.

    The law consists of 20 articles, grouped under the following sections:

    underground position

    Government policy in the field of scientific and technical information

    Legal regime of scientific and technical information

    Bodies of scientific and technical information in the Republic of Belarus

    Market of scientific and technical information objects

    International newspapers for scientific and technical information

    Concluding provisions

    In 1997 visions Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus “On the creation
    Center for Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus"
    . Its main functions are reduced to the offensive:

    Establish that the National Center for Legal Information (NCLI) of the Republic of Belarus is the central government scientific and practical establishment in the area of ​​computer accumulation, saving, systematization and data creation of standard legal and information (on paper and electronic (magnetic) media), the creation of an interstate system exchange of legal information

    The main tasks of the NCP of the Republic of Belarus are: the formation and maintenance of a single standard data bank of legal information; creation and development of the national system of legal information, ongoing coordination of activities in the field of development of computer systems and data banks of legal information, as well as expansion of legal information; participation in the preparation of draft laws and other legal acts in the Republic of Belarus; conducting scientific research on legal information; ensuring interstate exchange of legal information; Part of the preparation and implementation works with the legal information of the Republic of Belarus.

    In the field of information technology, the Republic of Belarus has adopted a number of resolutions:

    “About the placement of official information in the Republic of Belarus”(17 February 1997).

    Establish a commission for posting official information about the Republic of Belarus on the global Internet with representatives of the Ministry of Statistics and Analysis, the Ministry of Foreign Economic Affairs 'languages, the Ministry of Communications, the State Security Committee, the State Committee on Science and Technology, the State Committee together other republican government bodies.

    The development of the republic is based on the creation of a unified scientific and information computer network.(22 June 1998).

    Started in 1998 before the formation of information resources of a unified scientific and information computer network of the republic, the development of promising edge-to-edge additives and telecommunication technologies to ensure high-speed access From various scientific organizations and educational installations to international and creation of scientific and technical information bases in the republic.

    Nutrition for self-control

  1. Name the main laws, instructions and regulations on the informatization of marriage and marriage in the Republic of Belarus.
  2. Describe the essence and amendment to the Law on Information Technology.
  3. Describe the essence and amendment of the Law on Scientific and Technical Information.
  4. Describe the essence and amendment of the Decree created by the Center for Legal Information in the Republic of Belarus.
  5. Describe the essence and scope of the Resolution on the placement of official information in the Republic of Belarus.

    Morozevich A.M., Yalovinova N.M., Zhelezko B.A.
    ta in. Fundamentals of computer science: Basics. additional help. / For ed. O.M. Morozevich. Mn., 2001.

    Levin A.. Self-teacher of robotics on computer. M., 1998.

    Automated systems for processing economical information. / For ed. prof. V.S. Rozhnova. M., 1986.

    Fedorova G.S., Chubasova Z.S., Ponomarenko B.F.. Design and organization of machine processing of economical information. M., 1986.

    Rozhnov V.S., Kosarev V.P. Machine processing of economical information (fuel food). View 2-ge, re-arranged and additional. M., 1983.

    Computer science. New in life, science, technology.//Radioelectronics and communications, 1988, No. 12, P.34.

    Scientific foundations of management organization and automated control systems / Ed. V.L.Broido, V.S.Krilova. M., 1981.


    Item no.


    Sense understand

    Computer Science

    Science, which studies the laws and methods of accumulation, transmission and processing of information through the use of EOM, as well as the study of human activity, is associated with the stagnation of EOM


    Information that recognizes the insignificance of excess light, which is the object of conservation, transformation, transmission and recovery

    Economic information

    It counteracts the activities of the state government with the help of a system of natural and natural indicators. This is the information that is collected during the current functions of managing the people's dominion and its surrounding lankas


    Information presented manually for viewing purposes


    Verification by practice is the result of knowledge of activity, and it is more likely to be reflected in the knowledge of people

    Informatization of marriage

    Everywhere we are promoting a complex of approaches aimed at ensuring the constant and timely availability of reliable information, establishing knowledge in all socially significant types of human activity.

    Information infrastructure

    The structure of the information security system for all current information, which makes it possible to use new information technologies based on a wide range of information and computing resources and automated systems and a link

    Information partnership

    A marriage in which most of the people are engaged in the collection, saving, processing and implementation of information, especially in its highest form - knowledge


    Mass development of computing technology and software

    Information technologies

    Technologies focused on capturing, processing, saving and disseminating (transferring) information


  6. Continue the phrase:

    Informatics - tse

    1. Galuz of science, the structure of the power of the power of science, and such a pantan, the loungers of the zbirannyam, the zbergansyam, the pure, the re -crosses, the sequins, the same vicoristanes at the RIZNICH spheres of the DIYALYSTI;

      science, which studies the laws and methods of accumulation, transmission and processing of information through the use of EOM, as well as the entire area of ​​human activity, is associated with the stagnation of EOM;

      triad “model – algorithm – program”;

      There are five components: information, mathematical methods, algorithms, computing technology, software;

      a comprehensive discipline that covers all aspects of the development, design, creation, evaluation of the functioning of automated information processing systems, their installation and integration into various areas of human activity.

  7. Continue the phrase:

    Dzherela Information – tse

    1. In front of us, natural objects: planets, stars, creatures, plants, people. With the development of technology, devices, machines, technological processes, and scientific experiments have become sources of information.

    Continue the phrase:

    Information – this

    1. the totality of facts, manifestations, ideas that create interest and promote registration and sampling;

      such information as to replace facts previously unknown and to supplement a statement about the object that is being studied and analyzed (process, phenomenon);

      information that can reveal in another way the insignificance of their companion, expand his understanding of the object with the necessary (for the companion) information;

1.1. Main PC blocks, information processing devices 3

1.2. Devices for entering/outputting information 5

1.3. Information saving devices 7

2. PC 10 security software

2.1. Classification and significance of software security 10

2.2. Brief description and leveling of wider operating systems (MS DOS, Windows, Unix) 12

2.3. Operating system MS DOS – applications, warehouse. Disks, files, folders. The concept of the way. Basic MS DOS commands. Launch the program. 13

2.4. Norton Commander shell. Basic understanding. Basic principles of robots. 19

2.5. Operation Windows system. Basic understanding, accept it. 20

2.6. Text editors MS Word program. Basic characteristics, basic robot techniques. 26

2.7. Table processors. MS Excel. Basic characteristics, basic robot techniques. 28

2.8. Antivirus programs. Meaningful, hidden characteristic. 28

2.9. Archiving software. Meaningful, hidden characteristic. 31

3. Work at InterNet. Basic Internet services. Addresses of resources. Look for information at the edge. Work with electronic mail 36

3.1. Basic Internet services. 36

3.2. Resource addresses 37

3.3. Look for information at the edge. 38

3.4. Work with electronic mail 38

4. List of references. 39

    Personal computer hardware

    1. Basic PC blocks, information processing devices

Main blocks

IBM PC is a computer that corresponds to the standard created by the American company IBM when developing the IBM PC AT computer in 1984. These computers are released in desktop and notebook formats (Notebook) and, without being affected by the superiority of external appearance, they have the same architecture that is common for all personal computers, not just IBM PC-crazy ones.

Call the IBM PC - smart personal computers are made up of three blocks:

Figure 1‑1 Main blocks of a computer

You can also add interactive devices (mouse mouse, trackball) and gaming devices (joystick) to the main devices.

If necessary, the following names are connected to the computer, peripheral devices that expand the capabilities of the standard configuration: printer, scanner, photo or video camera, etc.

Information processing devices.

The most important block of a computer is system unit, which contains everything necessary for the operation of a computer device: a power supply unit, which ensures adequate voltage for the various components of the computer, a video adapter, which ensures the display of images on the monitor, system ( motherly) board, which is a safe link between other devices, saving devicesі information processing devices, and, optionally, various other devices (sound card, built-in modem, TV tuner, etc.).

Before the information processing devices, there is a central processor and random access memory of the computer.

IBM PC-based computers use processors from Intel, AMD, Cyrix, IDT and, according to the data of V. E. Figurnov, and others. NUBILSH IMIMI INTEL FIRMI INTEL 1, dictation of Novy Standards Tu Potuzhnaya on the Rink of the Processor for IBM PC-Summer Comples (Trades Intel-80286, Intel-80386, Intel-80486, Pentium, Pentium, Pentium. Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV, Celeron). Other vendors are trying not to stand up to it and have not lost their lives in the competitive struggle because of the lower prices of their processors for approximately the same productivity (AMD and Diron processors from AMD). Undeterred by those that are committed to making a great contribution to the development of new technologies, innovative products, and competitive products, they are harassing Intel about the ways of reducing the productivity of their processors and, thereby, contributing to the ignorant development expansion of IBM PC-mad computers yuteriv.

The speed of a processor is determined by its operating (clock) frequency and architecture (device). The higher the frequency, the lower the hour of information processing. The foldable architecture of new processors allows you to quickly organize blocks of commands that are repeated, so-called cache. In addition, processors of the remaining generations (starting with Pentium MMX) run special macro commands that allow processing of various types of data with advanced speed (MMX, 3D-Naw and others). The simplicity of the architecture is greater for the end-user device, the processor frequency is lower, and there are a lot of software packages on the song. minimal benefits to the architecture of the processor, lower efficiency is wasted. For example:

    All kinds of programs, including programs that work with trivial graphics, require the presence of a mathematical processor (starting with the Intel-80486 input into the processor architecture).

    Operating systems from MicroSoft, starting with Windows 3.0, do not run on computers with a processor younger than Intel-80386 through those that only from this processor can move to such titles, vertical a mode that allows you to address a memory space of over 1 megabyte (which is too little for these systems), which is inherent in the architecture of IBMPC-size computers.

    Many music programs, games, and video processing programs do not work without the support of MMX or 3D-Naw.

No less important for a computer is random access memory (RAM), which can be written to and read by the microprocessor and other devices. It saves the code of running programs and the results of processing your code. The capacity of the memory contains the productivity of the computer, and the amount of information that is collected instantly.

There are many programs that can run up to a minimum amount of RAM. For example:

    Windows 95 will require 8 megabytes of RAM.

    Windows98 will require 16 megabytes of RAM.

    Windows2000 will require 32 megabytes of RAM.

    WindowsXP will require 64 megabytes of RAM.

Work program of the discipline (module)

Name of discipline (module) Computer Science

____under the profile "Jurisprudence" ______

(indicate the code of employment directly (s) of training (specialty(s))

Graduate qualifications (level) Bachelor

(qualification (level) of the graduate certified to the Federal State Health Insurance Fund is indicated)

Protocol No. Від ""20__ m.

Head department


Perm 2012

1... Goals and discipline.

2... Place of discipline in the structure of the ORP: 3

3... You can achieve the results of mastering the discipline.

4... Discipline and type of initial work.

5.2. Sections of disciplines and interdisciplinary connections with security (advance) disciplines. 15

5.3. They divided (modules) and those disciplines and types. 16

6... Overflow of seminars, practical activities or laboratory work 18

7... Zrazkova topic of course projects (robit) 23

8... Basic methodological and information security discipline 24

9... Material and technical security of discipline.

10. Lighting technologies: 31

11. Evaluation features. 32

11.1. Evaluation features for incoming control. 32

11.2. Evaluation features of in-line control. 32

11.3. Assessment methods for self-control of students. 39

11.4. Assessment methods for intermediate certification. 39

Goals and discipline

The method of the initial discipline “Informatics” is the formation of daily light in students information sphere and their mastery of the fundamentals of information culture, as well as the competencies required for a bachelor’s degree graduate directly in “Jurisprudence.”

During the course of the “Informatics” course, the following tasks are faced:

1. Mastering the basic understanding of the field of computer science.

2. Introduction to the basics of analysis of information processes, their verbal description, formalization and algorithmization. Mastering the practical structures of various indicators of information processes.

3. For students to become skilled workers, work on current computers, learn how to maintain and program them.

4. Preparation of students before the coming of light professional activity:

forming a logical idea;

Formation of professional competencies of students in typical operational environments using packages of application programs and service software.

2. The place of discipline in the ORP structure:

The discipline “Informatics” is extended to the basic part of the mathematical and natural science cycle (B.2) of the bachelor’s degree program and is included in the 1st semester of the first year.

The discipline “Informatics” is based on the input knowledge, internal knowledge and competencies acquired by students in the process of mastering the secondary (renewed) school program in such subjects: Mathematics, Physics, attacks and information and communication technologies.

In the discipline of the professional cycle, Informatics has logical and systematic-methodological further connections with the disciplines: Mathematics, Logistics, as well as elementary practice.

3. Help you achieve the results of mastering the discipline

The process of imparting discipline directly forms the following competencies:

It is helpful to understand the essence and significance of information in the development of daily information security, to recognize the insecurity and threats that arise in this process, to understand the main benefits of information security, including the protection of the sovereign prison (OK-10).

Volodya uses the main methods, methods and methods of snatching, saving, processing information, and learning how to work with a computer as information management (OK-11).

Work with information on global computer networks (OK-12).

As a result of the discipline, the student can:


· Theoretical foundations of computer science and computing technology;

· the field of development of the personal computer and present the prospects for its development;

· fundamental characteristics of the processes of collection, transmission, processing and accumulation of information;

· Designation and classification of system and application software;

· Features of their implementation, software and programming technologies.

· the foundations of government policy in the field of computer science.

Please note:

· Set up a personal computer for advanced economical, management and other tasks

· Implement processes for collecting, transmitting, processing and accumulating information.

· Use current information technologies to search for and process legal information.


· Methods of implementing information processes.

Mother's statement about the prospects for the development of information technologies.

4. Obligation of discipline and type of initial work

Type of initial work Ushogo godin / zalikovyh units Semester
Classroom activities (everything)
Including: - - - -
Practical activities (PZ)
Independent robot (all)
Including: - - - -
Robot on PC
Vikonannya homework
Preparation before sleep (sleep)
Other types of independent work
Program implementation of projects - -
Type of perineal certification (sleep, sleep) zalik zalik
The total workload/years of the individual


1 Ministry of Illumination of the Republic of Belarus Illumination Installation “Polotsk” national university» FUNDAMENTALS OF INFORMATION AND VALUE TECHNOLOGY INITIAL METHODOLOGICAL COMPLEX for students of the specialties “Accounting, analysis and audit”, “Finance and credit” Compiled and secret edition of S.I. Ryasovy Novopolotsk 2005

2 UDC 004 (075.8) BBK i 73 PRO 75 REVIEWER: A.L. Labut, deputy director of branch 214 of the Belarusbank JSB, Novopolotsk; A.P. Kastruk, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics Recommendations before the methodological committee of the Faculty of Finance and Economics About 75 Fundamentals of computer science and computing technology: Initial method. complex for students Specialist “Accounting, analysis and audit”, “Finance and credit” / Regulations. that zag. ed. S.Є. Ryasovy. Novopolotsk: PDU, s. ISBN Introduced by those in the course who are taking part in the hours of lectures and laboratory work. Methodical instructions and instructions for laboratory work, a collection of tests for the course, nutrition before examination, and recommendations for organizing rating control and discipline have been provided. Applications for investors and students of universities with economic specialties. UDC 004 (075.8) BBK i 73 ISBN Ryasova S.E., comp., 2005 UE “PDU”,

3 ZMIST Intro... 5 Work program... 5 Lecture notes Introduction to computer science The importance of computer science. Subject and basic information science Basic concepts of information science Types and power of information Acquisition, collection, transmission, processing and accumulation of information History of the development of information science Trends and prospects for the development of information benefits Glossary of terms Nutrition and training for self-control Computational technology History of EOM development Classification of EOM Submission of a personal computer (basic configuration) Information devices Peripheral devices of a personal computer Computer technology software Glossary of terms Nutrition and equipment for self-monitoring Basics of algorithmization and programming Concepts of basics no power to the algorithm Methods of recording algorithms Different types of algorithm structures Programming High level programming Basic concepts Glossary of terms Nutrition tasks for self-monitoring Windows operating system Purpose, classification and main functions of operating systems Basic characteristics of the Windows operating system Basic elements of the Windows graphical interface File system and file structure of Windows Main menu of Windows Dovidkov system About Min data from Windows Standard programs Windows Glossary of terms Nutrition and self-monitoring systems Maintenance systems Maintenance programs

4 5.2. Archiving programs Computer viruses antivirus programs Glossary of terms Nutrition and self-monitoring Computer networks Purpose of computer networks Local and global networks. Basic concepts Glossary of terms Nutrition and self-control Global network Internet Brief history of development Internet Telnet services Basic concepts World Wide Web Search for information on the Internet Glossary of terms Nutrition and self-control Text processor Microsoft Word Structure of the Microsoft Word text processor window Technology for preparing a text document Tables Variation of graphic objects in Microsoft Word documents Document director Glossary of terms Nutrition and task for self-control Spreadsheet processor Microsoft Excel Introduction and editing of data Working with Microsoft Excel books Data formatting Organization of calculation Diagrams Curation of data Data analysis Glossary of terms Nutrition and self-monitoring Computer graphics. Methods for preparing presentations Classification of computer graphics Methods for working with graphics Methods for preparing presentations Understanding presentations Glossary of terms Tests for self-control Laboratory workshop Tests Examination nutrition Literature

5 INTRODUCTION During the transformation of economical machines, the market for computing machines has significantly expanded, mainly from the level of inclusion to new medium and small enterprises. In Denmark, the hour of PIDPRIMMIT is actively vicoristoval to the interpretation of Technik for the Vedenn Accounting Region, control of Vikonnnya Zamolni that agreements, Pidogotovka DILOVIKH DOMEMENTS, DIALLY DRAVING, Priyanitti of the Directorate Richen, Electron Komerza. Given the growing demand for qualified accountants with an economic profile, there is a high level of knowledge in computer science that can easily adapt to the market of technical and software computing equipment, Oh, it’s changing quickly, first of all, personal EOM. In our minds, the preparation of a fakhivtsa, the zeal for knowing what kind of treatment is necessary, becomes an important task. The primary methodological complex (UMC) with the course “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computational Technology” is aimed at the highest priority. This UMK includes a work program for the course “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computational Technology”, a lecture note with ten topics covered by the work program, methodical introductions to laboratory work (a total of 18 work), a collection of tests from the course , nutrition before sleep, as well as the system student knowledge assessments. WORK PROGRAM Objectives of the discipline Meta of the discipline. Meta of the discipline “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computational Technology” for the specialties “Accounting, Analysis and Audit”, “Finance and Credit” formation of necessary knowledge for the development of current basic computer technologies as a tool for more practical tasks in your subject room. Instilled discipline. The course “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computational Technology” is aimed at acquiring knowledge about the basic concepts of informatics; 5

6 system knowledge of the technical and software security of personal computers in a manner sufficient for their effective operation in the most basic functional tasks of the subject area of ​​the correspondent (formation of text, tabular and graphs original documents, dynamic presentations, contributions to electronic mail and the Internet Information Foundation); Beginner of working on a personal computer while mastering the basic functional tasks of a specialist in a specific subject area. Subjects acquired as necessary for the discipline “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computational Technology”. To successfully complete the discipline “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computational Engineering,” students need to master the following subjects: “Vischa Mathematics”: the backroom of mathematical programming; geometric interpretation of linear programming problems (LPP); graphic method decision of the PPP; simplex method of tying up PPP; transport department of linear programming and yogo vyrishenya; I understand about the dynamic programming method. "Foreign (English) language": basic normative phonetic, grammatical, lexical rules; types of activities: speaking, speaking, reading, writing foreign language. Place of discipline Lecture classes: p/n Naming those Substitute those Obligations year 1 Introduction to computer science Significance of computer science. The main subject is computer science. Basic concepts of computer science. See the power of information. History of the development of computer science. Trends and prospects for the development of information management. 2 2 Computational technology History of development and classification of EOM. Submission of information to the EOM: coding of information, numerical systems, units of information. Vlashtuvannya personal computer. Peripheral devices of a personal computer Software for the security of computing equipment. 6 6

7 p/n Names of topics Basics of algorithmization and programming Windows operating system Service systems Computer networks Global network Internet Text processor Microsoft Word Spreadsheet processor Microsoft Excel Computer graphics. Methods for preparing presentations Understanding the algorithm, the main power of the algorithm, and the methods of its recording. Different types of algorithm structures. Programming Movie programming of high level. Basic concepts of object-oriented programming. Purpose, classification and main functions of operating systems. Windows OS has a unique characteristic. Windows graphical interface, basic elements. The file system is the file structure of Windows. The Windows menu is important. Dovidkova Windows system, її vikoristannya. Data exchange in Windows: clipboard, object linking and transfer technology (OLE technology), dynamic data exchange (DDE technology). Standard Windows programs. Maintenance program. Archiving software. Computer viruses and anti-virus programs. Purpose of computer measures. Local and global measures. Basic understanding. A short history of development. Basic understanding. Internet services. Basic concepts of the World Wide Web. Search for information on the Internet. The characteristic of text MS Word is illegal. Technology for preparing a text document Creation and editing of a table. Vikoristanny of graphic objects. Document's friend. The characteristic of the text microprocessor Microsoft Excel is illegal. Basic concepts of the MS Excel spreadsheet processor: book, arch, middle, addresses, range. Technology of developing an electronic table: entering data, adding formulas, formatting data. Pobudova diagrams and other documents. Data management: data sorting, collection of calls. Data analysis: parameter selection, data substitution tables. Computer graphics: by definition (artistic, illustrative, business), classification by size (2D and 3D graphics), by the method of image formation (raster, vector). Software features for working with graphics. Presentation concept. Functional capabilities Software tools for developing MS PowerPoint presentations to create a presentation. Robot technology from PowerPoint. Celebrating the anniversary together:

8 p/n Naming of topics Computational technology Basics of algorithmization and programming Windows operating system Service programs Global network Internet Text processor Microsoft Word Spreadsheet processor Microsoft Excel Laboratory activities: Replacing topics Submission of information to EOM: numerical systems, methods for converting numbers one number system to another . Familiarity with the basic PC configuration. Familiarity with the keyboard (groups of buttons, the meaning of several buttons, the robot with a keyboard simulator). Volume of the year Development of algorithms of different structures. 2 Windows desktop. Windows menu smut. Take Windows for help. Working with windows. Operations based on file structure. Explorer program. Working with files and folders in Explorer. Creation and vikoristannya of labels. Vikoristannya pre-video Windows system. Understanding the WinRAR archiving program. 2 Familiarity with systems for searching information on the Internet. Familiarity with the MS Word interface. MS Word toolbars are not customized. Creating a text document: setting parameters for the page, paragraph and font. Moving a document. Modes of reviewing the document. Seeing various fragments of the text; copying, moving and deleting fragments. Creating lists for documents. Creation and design of the table, calculation of the table, setting of the automatic format for the table. Creation of artistic titles. The creation and editing of the little one. Inserting graphic objects into a document. Entering data: moving through the working arch, seeing groups of middles, entering and editing data, editing data at the merchant, entering data at the merchant for additional Automatic entry. Moving around the workbook. Inserting, deleting, renaming, copying, moving arches at the bottom. Folding formulas: auto-summation of rows and stacks, folding of elementary formulas, folding of formulas for additional functions. Data formatting: automatic data formatting, copying formats, formatting using the additional formatting toolbar. Working with diagrams: daily diagrams, editing diagrams. Data analysis: parameter selection, data substitution tables

9 p/p 8 Named topics Addendum for preparation PowerPoint presentation Submit those other work sheets: forward view pages, adjusting page parameters, inserting headers and footers. Presentation breakdown. Management of created presentations. Obsyag of students at once: 36 KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT 4 Knowledge assessment of students throughout the semester is carried out using a rating system. The rating assessment of students' knowledge in the course "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computational Engineering" is carried out based on the following points: control tests in lectures on what is being studied; laboratory robots; sub-bag control (ispit). For passing one test, completing one laboratory work, and completing one test per hour, a student can deduct 0 to 5 points. The points you earn will be multiplied by your coefficient based on lectures, laboratory work, or research. The values ​​of your coefficients for lectures and laboratory work are determined based on the obligation of the student assigned to the completion of similar topics or laboratory work. Name of position Your coefficient Topic "Introduction to computer science" 0.5 Topic "Computing technology" 1.7 Topic "Basics of algorithmization and programming" 1.1 Topic "Windows operating system" 1.1 Topic "Service systems" 0, 5 Topic " Computer networks” 0.5 Topic “Global Internet networks” 0.5 Topic “Microsoft Word text processor” 1.8 Topic “Microsoft Excel spreadsheet processor” 1.8 Topic “Computer graphics. Features of preparing presentations” 0, 5 Laboratory work (for all jobs) 0.56 Study 2 The maximum number of points a student can earn in a semester is more than 100 (50 points for passing tests in lectures and 50 points for completing tests 9).

10 During the tenth initial year of the semester, certification is carried out. The maximum number of points a student can accumulate at the time of certification is 50 points. A student who has collected at least 30 points is considered for certification. A student is allowed to qualify if he or she has earned at least 55 points during the semester. Students who have scored at least 80 points during the semester can apply for a grade reduction without penalty. An exam grade of “8” (maybe extra) is automatically assigned on the day of the official examination to students who have scored at least 80 points. An exam grade of “9” (except) is automatically assigned on the official exam day to students who have scored at least 90 points. An exam score of “10” (amazing) is automatically assigned on the official exam day to students who have scored 100 points. Students, the exact rating of which corresponds to the grades “8” (mostly) and “9” (exceedingly), are allowed to study on outdoor platforms to improve their grades. In case of a late test, the forward assessment is preserved. For students who are studying in the field, grades are given according to the following rules: if the sum of points scored during the semester becomes 0 (zero), then the student receives a grade of “1” (unsatisfactory); if the sum of points accumulated during the semester does not exceed 30, the student will deduct a grade of “2” (unsatisfactory); if the sum of points accumulated during the semester and in the classroom becomes less than 60, then the student will deduct a grade of “3” (unsatisfactory); If the sum of points accumulated during the semester and on the course is no less than 60, then the student will deduct a grade of “4” (satisfactory); If the sum of points accumulated during the semester and on the course is no less than 65, then the student will deduct a grade of “5” (as good as possible); If the sum of points accumulated during the semester and on the course is no less than 70, then the student will deduct a grade of “6” (good); If the sum of points accumulated during the semester and on the course is no less than 75, then the student will deduct a grade of “7” (even good); If the sum of points accumulated during the semester and on the course is no less than 80, then the student will deduct a grade of “8” (as good as possible); If the sum of points accumulated during the semester and on the course is no less than 90, then the student will deduct a grade of “9” (except); If the sum of points accumulated during the semester and on the course reaches 100, then the student will deduct a mark of “10” (wonderful). 10


12 1. ENTRY INTO INFORMATICS 1.1. Significance of computer science. The main subject of computer science Computer science is a technical science that systematizes the methods of creating, saving, creating, processing and transmitting information using computing technology (CT), as well as the principles of their functioning events and methods of managing them. The word informatics is similar to the French word Informatique, created as a result of the union of the terms Information (information) and Automatique (automation), which expresses their essence as the science of automatic processing of information. The subject of computer science includes the following concepts: hardware security of OT functions; OT security program; the interaction between hardware and software; the way people interact with hardware and software. As per this list, in information science, special respect is given to mutual nutrition. For which there is a special purpose for the interface. The methods and methods of human interaction with hardware and software are called the customer interface. The main tasks of computer science include the systematization of techniques and methods of working with hardware and software of computers. Basic concepts of computer science Before the basic understanding of computer science, the following concepts must be understood: 1. Information about the representation of real world behind additional signs and signals. In English, the meaning of information is to understand those phenomena that people perceive from the outside world. The concept of “information” is closely related to the concept of “information system”. 2. Information systems combine technological functions with the collection, accumulation, saving and processing of information. 3. Information technologies are a direct process of transformation of information, which is a set of methods for collecting, processing, saving and transmitting information. 12

13 4. Information resources Information that is collected in the production process, from the technology that manages the marriage, is specially organized and collected on the EOM. 5. Infosphere - aggregate information space. 6. Informatization of business is always dependent on a complex of approaches, investments in the provision of reliable and timely reliable information, and the stage of mastery and development of new information technologies The type and power of information All the different types of information that inform us can be grouped under different signs. Under the sign “area of ​​guilt,” the information is divided into: elementary processes and phenomena of inanimate nature; Biological processes are eliminated by the processes of vegetable and vegetable light; socially discourages the processes of human matrimony. According to the method of transmission and perception, information is divided: visually transmitted by visible images and symbols; transmitted auditorily by sounds; tactility is transmitted by the senses; organoleptically transmitted by smells and relish; a machine that is seen and perceived by means of computational technology. The information that the vikory people create is, for the most part, divided into types (Fig. 1.1). VIEWS OF INFORMATION Masova Special Specialty Community Political Science Popular Science Technical Economic Management Fig Types of Information 13

14 The information contains two forms of information: analogue (continuous) body temperature; a melody that flows on the violin if the bow does not move against the strings and does not falter; car crash; discretely (intermittently) according to fate, dot and dash in Morse abbreviation. Information is of low power: adequacy, i.e., the level of reliability of information, taken away from the rest, because the author puts it in its place; reliability of the information of objective reality (both current and past) in the fullest possible light; completeness, so that there is sufficient information to make a decision. The concept of completeness of information is familiar to everyone who has had to leave office. Since the output data is inconsistent, making the right decisions is not easy; arrogance and sweetness allow people to strain their respect less and become less tired; Objectivity and subjectivity The concept of objectivity of information is clear. Thus, for example, it is generally accepted that as a result of careful photographing of an object, objective information is created, rather than as a result of careful photographing of the same object, created by humans; accessibility around the world, the ability to view other information; relevance of the stage of information availability to the current moment Acquisition, collection, transmission, processing and accumulation of information Acquisition of information outer world y form, given for further vikoristannya. Once the information is received, the connection between the system and the external environment (which may be a person, a security object, a phenomenon, or a process, etc.) will be ensured. To receive information, it is necessary to use some kind of information system. Information collection is the process of removing information from the outside world and bringing it to the standard for a given information system. 14

15 The exchange of information between the system that it receives and other media operates via additional signals. The signal can be considered as a result of the transfer of information in space and time. The signal may be affected by sound, light, electric strum, magnetic field too. The collection of information is accompanied by registration, i.e. recording of information on a material medium (document or machine medium). Transfer of information is in progress in different ways: for additional courier assistance, forwarding by mail, delivery by transport means, remote transmission by communication channels. Remote transmission by communication channels shortens the transmission hour. This requires special technical equipment. Several technical collection and registration methods automatically collect information from sensors installed at work stations and transmit it to the EOM. It is possible to transmit remotely both the primary information from the place and the other direction. In this case, the resulting information is displayed on various devices: displays, scoreboards, printers, etc. Reliability of information through communication channels to the processing center is important in two ways: on the machine and directly in the EOM with the help of special software and hardware (Fig. 1.2). Fig. General transmission scheme In today's advanced information systems, machine processing of information is transmitted sequentially in parallel during the execution of computational tasks. This is due to the obviousness of the singing organization of the computational process. The computational task, if necessary, is transferred from inputs to the computational system. The organization transfers to the process the appropriate sequence of tasks and implementation calculations. The sequence of the solution is specified from their information interconnection, if the results of the execution of one task are analyzed as the output data for the completion of another. 15

16 Technology of electronic information processing is a human-machine process of condensing interconnected operations that occur in sequence by transforming the output (primary information) ї for results. The operation is a complex of technological processes in which information is transformed. Technological operations vary in complexity, significance, and implementation technology, and are based on different installations of the Viconavians. Saving and accumulating information from a lot of random sources, stagnation of permanent information, the need to complete the primary data before its processing. Saving information occurs on computers in the form of information arrays, and then follows the installation of a group sign in the design process History of the development of computer science History of computer science to be divided into the following stages: 1. Mastery of the guilty language by people. Articulate language, language has become a specific social means of preserving and transmitting. 2. Vinication of writing. Lyudina was taking away a piece of external memory. The advanced organization of postal services allowed the use of writing as a means of transmitting information. 3. Book teaching. The bookstore can be called the first information technology. This stage increases the availability of information and the accuracy of its creation. 4. The fourth stage is associated with the successes of the exact sciences. This stage is characterized by various types of communication, such as radio, telephone, telegraph, and television. In addition to this connection, new possibilities have emerged for capturing and preserving information such as photography and cinema. Before them, it is important to learn how to record information on magnetic media. The despondency of the first EOMs is associated with the guilt of computer science as a science. Computer science is a complex scientific and technical discipline. Computer science, as it is called, covers a large complex of sciences that deal with one aspect of the concept of “information”. 16

17 1.6. Trends and prospects for the development of information society The characteristics of mass information have accustomed us to the idea that the 21st century will “give” us an information society, in which the majority of workers will be occupied by waste, saving, processing and implementation of information. The main milestones of its development were transferred to the works of science fiction. It’s important to know what the prospects for the informational partnership of the richest people on earth are, the de facto ruler of the company Microsoft Bill Gates. The further viklad will appear on these manifestations. The personal computer (PC) revolution has begun and affected hundreds of millions of people, and a new revolution of inter-human communication is on the way. The day will come when it will be possible to communicate, get started, explore the earth's expanses, be daring, make friends, show photographs to friends, without having to go through the computer. And this, at all times, will not spare us the joy of uninterrupted exploration of the world and the joy of a walk in the forest or an aimless stroll on the beach sand. Just as various mechanical devices provide us with important physical activities, so information technologies bring the human mind to a new level of clarity. Nowadays, the left part of the working hour is occupied by the search for optimal solutions and necessary information. New tools will also help to accumulate information, systematize and exchange it, and make any knowledge available. This will be possible because computers are already becoming cheaper due to the same rapidity that is penetrating all areas of human activity. They unite among themselves into a single mind in order to unite with us and for our sake. Once received, they create a universal barrier, which already gives rise to the name “information highway.” Merezha Internet(Internet), shared computers, serve for the exchange of information at the current level of technological development and is a prototype of the information highway, a great time ahead, and even more so, if the level of development , if you are not significant, you are known as a person, s whatever you like, in your home room or on another continent. Here you can talk to everyone who wants to talk to you; look through the books of all the libraries in the world whenever you need it; mothers can marvel at your favorite TV show, if you like; For this reason, you can access the detailed information about those or 17

18 other days. Information will become accessible to any individual and extremely personalized. Bring everything into your own mind until you re-examine your light and self-perception, and you will come closer to understanding what you see. The screens will be of different sizes, but no more than two or three centimeters wide. You can hang the screen on the wall, just like hanging a picture or a picture, and marvel at films, click on masterpieces of light painting, read texts, write, draw directly on it, and then the computer will miraculously recognize your handwriting and transform it into a standard font. What do you take with you when you leave home today? Melodiously, keys, pennies, anniversary notes, credit cards, notepad, drawer, book, camera, player or voice recorder, radiotelephone, pager, concert tickets, place map, compass, calculator, photographs. It will notify you of the mail, remind you of all planned calls and calls, help you send notes to children, colleagues, send a fax, report about the weather, give you a call about the latest stock market quotes. In business, you will make up to date entries, and at tedious meetings, read a detective story or look through thousands of photographs of your children. Your fellow citizen is welcome to save electronic pennies, which is not a big deal. Either way, you can contact the computer of any store. And if your son needs a few pennies, you will immediately transfer five from your electronic gambler to a new one. If such hazards become widespread everywhere, people will soon wake up as they often get stuck in airports, cash registers and other large towns. It will look like this: when you go to the train carriage or cinema, the computer will automatically signal that your ticket has been paid. You don’t need any keys to go home or to the office: the mini-computer confirms to the electronic lock that your master has arrived. For added security, you can add a password. Let there be a voice or a finger. Varto will give you an order about transferring pennies, like a hamman asking you to say your word of promise or to put your finger on it. The control system will be simplified to the extreme. The student can select the required operations and commands from the menu or simply give his commands out loud. 18

19 There will be no station on the highway, created inclusively for distribution. Access to your satisfaction will be as simple as a game of bridge or chess with your closest friend, as if you are far away from you. You can watch TV reports about sports events from any point on the field or from the eye of a micro-camera attached to the uniform of a football player or hockey player. You can scroll through the replays of the hottest or controversial moments of the game and choose your favorite commentator. You can listen to any song at any time from any place of earthly culture by selecting it from the music library, which includes EVERYTHING. Other possibilities of measures involve purely practical functions. While you're at the exit, don't forget to launch the Home Manager program on your computer. You will take on the functions of a flame regulator, inform the mail so that you are not overloaded with correspondence and newspapers, turn on and off the light, create visibility of the life, pay for electricity and telephone bills. The navigation capabilities of the highway allow you to move from one information place to another. Let's say you are amazed at the release of new products, but you can't figure out the person who is the prime minister's right-hand man. You place the cursor on your profile, and the text from your biography and other topics that may be involved will immediately appear in the fold of the screen. If you want to look at the new exhibition of an art museum or gallery, you can earn money without leaving home, without any fuss or fuss. Moreover, you can look at any fragment of a canvas or sculpture in the report, listening to the comments of prominent mysticists. And if you want to make the same excursion at this time, you have the right to exchange enemies with him, especially since he wants to come into contact with you. The highway allows you to choose a great gallery of your favorite exhibits. You will also be able to display them on the walls yourself. Moreover, you can experiment with light masterpieces. For example, combine fragments of different paintings in one or take all the still lifes at once. And, we have found the remaining version of the “navigation” mode, which, in my opinion, is the best of all. Vaughn is called "agent". This mode will, so to speak, filter your thoughts. Coming from the knowledge of your life and accumulated knowledge, you will have respect for those who 19

20 on yogo dumka, korisno for you. For example, what a miracle it will be if I get a computer that is aware of all the information and new projects that appear in the heads and machines of my companions. I try to stay up to date on everything that comes out of my company, but now I lose my respect for what I'm missing out on. It is important to note that it is extremely dangerous to endow a machine with such functions: is it possible for the raptom to be out of control? It seems to me that things will inevitably get too early and too late. We also move on to a non-prepared partnership (cooking will be taken care of). A credit card will be issued initially, and a number will be assigned later. The European Union has already laid out a plan for this. The marriage officially began its foundation on June 1, 1993. Until now enter 12 countries of Europe. This is the future center of light control. There are 23 satellites that can read any information from objects that are minimal in size, for example, from postage stamps. There are also satellites of a new series called LUO, which monitor everything from a low altitude. It’s impossible to get to grips with them anywhere, no matter the height or depth.” In other words, we can name the characteristic risks of our information society and the unsafe trends of informatization. Characteristic risks of information prosperity: the problem of information crisis has been resolved, so that the information avalanche and information hunger have been resolved; the priority of information is ensured and equal to other resources; The main form of development is the information economy; The basis of the partnership is the automated generation, saving, processing and retrieval of knowledge of new information technology and technologies; Information technologies have become global in nature, having invaded all areas of human social activity; formed by the whole of human civilization. Unsafe trends in informatization: an increase in the share of mass information; further destruction (or even destruction) of the private life of people and organizations in the form of information technologies; 20

21 problems with selecting clear and reliable information, which is becoming complex; an increase in the gap between developers and developers of information technologies to a strategically unsafe level; strengthening the problem of adaptation of some people to the middle of information society Glossary of terms Information processing is the process of transformation of information that is found in a technical system or a living organism from the outside world, form, given for further vikoristannya. INFORMATICATIONS TECHNICHASHICA, SCO systematiza of the barn, zbergannya, vidnerenny, incorporations that transfers іnformasi with bunches of the computed tech (VT), and this is the principles of the functions of the Tsich of the Medication of them. Information about the display of real light behind additional symbols and signals. In English, the meaning of information is to understand those phenomena that people perceive from the outside world. The transfer of information occurs in a variety of ways: through a courier, sent by mail, delivery by transport means, remote transmission by communication channels. Information collection is the process of removing information from the outside world and bringing it to the standard for a given information system. Signal for the transfer of information in the open air and time. The technology of electronic information processing is a human-machine process that involves interdependent operations that take place in sequence by converting the output (primary) information to іntsev. Saving and accumulating information from a lot of random sources, stagnation of permanent information, the need to complete the primary data before its processing. Nutrition and training for self-control 1. What is computer science? What is the meaning of the word “computer science”? 2. What is computer science? 3. What are the main tasks of computer science? 21

22 4. Revise and characterize the basic concepts of computer science. 5. Types of information, its characteristics. 6. Describe the power of information. 7. What is the process of information absorption? 8. What is the process of collecting information? 9. How does the transfer of information work? 10. What is machine information processing? 11. What is electronic information processing technology? 12. Why is there a need to save and accumulate information? 13. Describe the main stages in the development of computer science. 14. What are the trends and prospects for the development of information technologies? 15. What are the characteristic risks of information development and unsafe trends in information technology? 22

23 2. HIV TECHNIQUE 2.1. History of the development of EOM The development of computing technology involves a number of generations of EOM: on electronic tubes (40th to 50th century), discrete conductor devices (middle x size), integrated circuits (mid and 60's). The history of the computer is associated with people's attempts to automate large computational tasks. I'm sorry arithmetic operations With great numbers it is difficult for the human brain. Long ago, the simplest healing device, abacus, appeared. In the 17th century A logarithmic rule was found that simplifies the complexity of mathematical calculations. At 1642 r. Blaise Pascal designed an eight-barrel cartridge mechanism. Two centuries later, in 1820, the Frenchman Charles de Colmar created an adding machine that multiplied and divided. All the basic ideas that underlie the operation of computers were developed back in 1833 by the English mathematician Charles Babbage. We developed a design for a machine for the development of scientific and technical developments, and transferred devices daily computer. To enter and display the data, Babbage used a vikory punched card from the large paper with information to be applied behind the other openings. These punched cards were also used in the textile industry. Controlling such a machine involves little software. Babbage's ideas began to gain currency around the end of the 19th century. In 1888 American engineer Herman Hollerith designed the first electromechanical healing machine. This machine, called a tabulator, could read and sort statistical records encoded on punched cards. In 1890 r. Vinahid Hollerith was voted in the 11th American Census. The work that 500 spivorbitniks completed in seven days, Hollerith with 43 assistants on 43 tabulators was completed in one month. Further development of science and technology began in the 1940s. the first calculating machines will be created. The fierce one was born in 1944. At one of IBM's enterprises, in cooperation with Harvard University, the US Navy built the Mark-1 vehicle with a 35-ton capacity. 23

24 "Mark-1" were based on vicious electromechanical relays and operated with tens numbers encoded on the punched page. The machine could manipulate widowhood numbers up to 23 digits. To multiply two 23-bit numbers it took 4 seconds, which was not fast enough. Born in 1943 Americans are starting to dissolve alternative option computing machine with electronic tubes. Born in 1946 The first electronic computing machine ENIAC was launched. This wagon stored 30 tons, and was able to accommodate 170 m2 of area. Replacing thousands of electromechanical parts, ENIAC replaced 18 thousand. electronic lamps. The machine was driven in a two-wheel system and paid 5 thousand. addition operations and 300 multiplication operations per second. Machines powered by vacuum tubes performed faster, but the vacuum tubes themselves often went wrong. To replace them in 1947. Americans John Bardin, Walter Brattain and William Bradford Shockley promoted the use of stable switching conductor elements of transistors. The improvement of the first types of computing machines led to the creation in 1951. UNIVAC computer, which became the first computer to be mass-produced, and the first copy to be transferred to the US Census Bureau. Born in 1959 We found integrated circuits (chips) in which all the electronic components and conductors were located in the middle of the silicon wafer. The stagnation of chips in computers makes it possible to speed up the passage of the circuit during the hour of re-mixing, and the calculation of fluidity increases tens of times. The dimensions of cars are changing. The appearance of the chip marked the emergence of the third generation of computers. In 1970 Intel's pioneer Edward Hoff created the first microprocessor by placing a bunch of integrated circuits on a single silicon chip. This revolutionary move has radically turned the narrative around computers around as bulky, big monsters. A microprocessor is a microcomputer fourth generation, the building will be placed on the desk of a koristuvach in the 1970s. They are starting to try to create a personal computer and a computing machine designed for a private banker. The other half of the 1970s had rocks. The most visible microcomputers from the American company Apple are 24

25 wide expansion of personal computers was created in 1981. by IBM and computer models IBM PC. The adoption of the principle of open architecture, the standardization of the main computer devices and methods of their connection led to the mass production of IBM PC clones and the expansion of microcomputers around the world. The remaining decades of the 20th century. Microcomputers have gone through a significant evolutionary process, greatly increasing the speed and volume of information that is being processed. The modern computer is a universal electronic device designed to automate the creation, storage, processing, transportation and processing of data. The set of devices used for automatic or automated collection of data is called calculating technology. A specific set of devices and programs that interact with each other for servicing one working plot is called a calculating system. p align="justify"> The central device of most computing systems is the computer. Classification of EOM Classification for the reasons The method of classification for the reasons for the reasons for how the computer works. This principle is followed by large EOMs (electronic computers), mini-computers, micro-computers and personal computers. Great EOM. These are the most powerful computers. Their stasis is the servicing of great organizations and entire galuzes of the people's dominion. Beyond the borders, computers of this class are called mainframes. In Russia, the term “great EOM” has been established. The great EOM staff consists of dozens of people. On the basis of such supercomputers, computing centers are created that include a number of branches or groups. Mini-EOM. Among the large EOM computers, these groups are characterized by smaller sizes and, apparently, lower productivity and versatility. Such computers are supported by great enterprises, scientific institutions, banks and other major initial deposits that combine educational activity with scientific activity. To organize work with a mini-EOM, a special calculation center is also required, although not as large as for large EOMs. 25

26 Micro-EOM. This class of computer is available to many businesses. Organizations that develop microcomputers must not create computing centers. To maintain such a computer, all they need is a small computing laboratory in a warehouse of a few people. Regardless of the apparently low productivity of the great EOM, microEOM is also found to be stagnant in the great computing centers. There they are entrusted with additional operations, for which there is no sense in violating the roads of a supercomputer. Personal computers. This category of computers has undergone particularly rapid development over the past twenty years. The name shows that such a computer is intended to serve one work place. Despite their small size and apparently low productivity, today's personal computers can be extremely productive. Many current personal models revert the great EOMs of the 70s, mini-EOMs of the 80s and micro-EOMs of the first half of the 90s. Personal Computer (PC) is designed to satisfy most of the needs of small businesses and other individuals. The popularity of personal computers became especially widespread after 1995. at the link with the turbulent development of the Internet. Starting from 1999 In the field of personal computers, the international certification standard specification PC99 has begun. It regulates the principles of classification of personal computers and sets out the minimum and recommended use for each category. The new standard established the following categories of personal computers: Consumer PC (mass PC); Office PC (business PC); Mobile PC (portable PC); Workstation PC (work station); Entertainment PC (Rozvazhalny PC). Based on the PC99 specification, the majority of personal computers on the market fall into the mass PC category. For business PCs, the ability to create graphics is minimized, and the ability to work with sound data is not provided. For laptop PCs, it is necessary to identify the features for creating remote access connections, as well as the features of the computer connection. The category of workstations has increased capacity to 26

27 data saving devices, and in the category of important PCs to graphics and sound capabilities Classification for equal specialization For equal specialization, computers are divided into universal and special called. Behind the bags of universal computers, you can select payment systems of a sufficient warehouse (the warehouse of a computer system is called a configuration). So, for example, one and the same personal computer can be used to work with texts, music, graphics, photos and video materials. Specialized computers are assigned to a specific stake in the task. Before such computers lie, for example, the on-board computers of cars, ships, aircraft, and spacecraft. Many problems with specialized computer systems can be dealt with by standard universal computers, but it is important to note that specialized systems are still more effective. The criterion for assessing the effectiveness is the improvement of productivity of possession up to the value of its quality. Classification according to standard sizes. According to standard sizes, personal computers can be classified in the following way: desktop (desktop), portable (notebook), kovi (palmtop). Tabletop models are the widest. The stench belongs to the work place. These models are distinguished by the ease of changing the configuration for the easy connection of additional external devices or additional internal components. Sufficient dimensions of the case in the desktop version allow for the installation of a large number of similar robots without hiring facists, and this allows the computer system to be configured optimally for the execution of such tasks, for which there was no need. Portable models are most often used by businesses, merchants, workers, enterprises and organizations that spend a lot of time in business and travel. The laptop computer can be used during work hours. Kishenkov’s models consist of the functions of “smart notebooks”. They allow you to save operational data and retrieve them quick access. 27

28 Classification for the ability of the world regardless of different types and types of computers. The stinks are coming out different virobniks assembled from various parts, work with various software. In this case, a very important problem is the complexity of various computers. It is possible to determine the interchangeability of nodes and devices intended for different types of computers, the ability to transfer programs from one computer to another and the ability to work together on different types of computers with the same data . Hardware madness. In the field of personal computers today, the most widespread are two hardware platforms: IBM PC and Apple McIntosh. In addition to them, there are other platforms, the width of which is surrounded by adjacent regions or adjacent galuzes. The belonging of computers to one hardware platform increases the concentration between them, and the belonging to different platforms decreases. In addition to hardware complexity, there are other types of complexity: operating system complexity, software complexity, data complexity. coding to express data of one type through data of another type. There are such methods of encoding information: symbolic, linguistic, tabular, graphic. Any method of coding is characterized by the presence of a basis (alphabet, thesaurus, color spectrum, coordinate system, basis of a numerical system, etc.) and rules for constructing information images on this basis. Natural human language is nothing more than a coding system to understand for the expression of thoughts using additional language. Closely related to languages ​​are abets (systems for coding language components using graphic symbols). History knows that there have been unsuccessful attempts to create “universal” laws. That very problem of a universal method of coding is being successfully implemented in many areas of technology, science and culture. As a practical matter, you can establish a system for recording mathematical vir- 28

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Change program 1. Concepts of information. The fundamental characteristics of the processes of collecting, transmitting, processing and accumulating information Informatics. Subject of computer science. Basic knowledge of computer science

Pdsumkova control work on computer science and information technology in the 7th grade under the guidance of M. Ugrinovich History of the development of computing technology: 1. Name the first computing device. 1) Abacus

1. Informatics Informatics is the science of methods and methods of collecting, storing, processing and transmitting information using additional features of computing technology. In different countries, computer science is called differently. In English

1 PROGRAM “Koristuvach PC” P O I S N I T I L N A I Z A P I S K A U connection with the fact that the process of informatization is especially active throughout the entire earthly culture, and more and more problems are arising

WORKING PROGRAM IN INFORMATION 8th grade Explanatory note The program is based on the federal component of the sovereign standard of basic lighting at the basic level from the initial level


ZMIST Peredmova.................................... 3 Section 1. Concepts of information. Basic characteristics of the processes of collecting, transmitting, processing and accumulating information 1.1. Basic knowledge of computer science......................

2 Educational organization TOGAPOU "Tambov Business College". Rozrobnik Klimov Kostyantin Anatoliyovych, student of TOGAPOU "Tambov Business College", candidate of pedagogical sciences. Approved at


PROJECT (RIC IMPLEMENTATION 2015) The work program of the initial discipline is divided on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for these specialties of secondary professional education

An explanatory note The work program in informatics and ICT (grade 0) is based on the author’s program for the course “Informatics and ICT” (basic level) by N.D. Ugrinovich, seen in the collection “Informatics.

Municipal autonomous dark lighting installation "Lycey 9" of the Asbestine Municipal District Addition to the lighting program Work program for secondary dark lighting in the subject "Informatics"

Bezruchko V.T. Workshop on the course "Informatics". Work in Windows 2000, Word, Excel: Navch. additional help. - 2nd view., Add. and reworked – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003. – 544 pp.: ill. ISBN 5-279-02569-0 On the front page

Computer science. Per ed. Chornokutova I.A. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. 272 ​​p. This book fills the national shortage of computer science instructors for secondary education. The main advantages of the helper can be brought up


Mastered production of microprocessors, which led to a radical change in the structure of the EOM fleet and a wide expansion of mass-production EOMs (microcalculators, personal EOMs, rich terminal complexes based on small EOMs, interactive computing complexes, etc.) made the necessary changes to speed up the process of school computerization. Clearly a new stage in the development of industrial processing technology, resulting in the emergence of microprocessors, began in the other half of the 1970s. This has given rise to a new body of research on the problem of EOM and school programming. Under the leadership of the prominent Radyansky mathematician and programmer A.P. Yershov, the “Siberian group of school informatics” was formed at the department of computer science at the Computer Science Center of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The main program provisions of the apologists of this group (A. P. Yershov, G. A. Zvenigorodsky, Yu. A. Pervin), which significantly contributed to the development of the national school computerization program, published in 1979 . in the conceptual work “School informatics (concepts), form, prospects).”

Until the first half of the 1980s. The methodical science and school practice of the region has accumulated significant theoretical and practical baggage, which lasts for the past three decades. Tim himself created all the necessary changes in the minds of active powers to solve the problem of computerization of school education. Characterizing the peculiarity of the new moment, A.P. Ershov noted: “At the same time, after the advent of microprocessors, nutrition, even if schoolchildren have EOM, is already becoming scholastic. EOM is already in schools and comes there in increasing numbers, and we are required to have an even more active intellectual and organizational work in order to give this process of learning and pedagogical motivation a character.”

A. P. Ershov (1931-1988)

The guideline for the implementation of specific organizational and methodological approaches to the computerization of the school was the party-regulatory resolution “Basic guidelines for the reform of foreign-language and vocational schools”

(1984). One of the main provisions of the school reform of that time was the first clearly declared progress in the advancement of computer science and computing technology in the primary school process and the provision of advanced computer literacy to young people. For example, 1984 r. under the close supervision of the Computing Center of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR and the Scientific Research Institute of Changes and Methods of Innovation (NDI CIMO) of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the SRSR from the most prominent computer science teachers from various regions of the country The work of creating a program of a new dark-illuminated subject for a dark-illuminated school, which was called “Fundamentals”, was inflamed Informatics and computational technology." Until mid-1985 This work was victorious and praised by the Ministry of Education of the USSR. The current policy decisions praised the main strategic approach, which allows the rapid development of computer literacy among young people, - the introduction of the secondary school subject “Fundamentals of Computer Science and Computational Technology” as a compulsory language course, and There is a specific term for the launch of a new item - Spring 1, 1985 R. During the course of the program, trial books, initial textbooks for students, and books for readers were prepared. The prominent Radiansky mathematician and programmer, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR A.P. Yershov, took charge of the entire complex of these works. On the side of NDI SIMO, the coordination of the editorial work was carried out by A. A. Kuznetsov, who at that time was in charge of the computer science laboratory. A large group of authors, formed from the spіvrobitniki NDI SIMO, as well as from leading scientists From different regions of the SRSR: S. A. Beshenkov, M. V. Vitinsh, I E. Golts, E. A. Ikauni-eks, A. A. Kuznetsov, E. I. Kuznetsov, M. I. Lapchik, A. S. Lesnevsky, S. I. Pavlov, Yu. A. Pervin, D. O. Smekalin, R. St. Freivald. At the same time, the preparation and editing of texts from the initial textbooks for the students of O. P. Yershov was systematically supported by a qualified group of “shadow” authors from the MDU, which included O. G. Kushnirenko, G. V. Lebedev, A. L. Semyonov, A. X. Shen, the influx of those who replaced and the remaining edition of the books was even more remarkable. Over the years, this group was organized by A.P. Ershov into an author’s team, which, a short hour after the release of the first aid, released its version of the trial aid.

The respect of the state to the problem of computerization of the school was witnessed by the founding of a new scientific and methodological journal “Informatics and Education” (INFO), the first issue of which began at the beginning of history (1986-1987). This scientific-methodological journal is still not very important for the current system of coverage of special periodicals that highlight scientific-methodological, didactic, technical, organizational, socio-economic, i, psychological and pedagogical nutrition in the promotion of computer science and information technologies in the field of education.

For the release of a new item during the summer period of 1985 and 1986. Intensive course training was carried out for readers, senior officials from among the working scientists of mathematics and physics, as well as educational organizers. This contingent will be replenished in the way of accelerated training in the field of computer science and computing technology of future young teachers - graduates of physics and mathematics faculties in 1985 - 1986. At the same time, the Ministry of Education of the USSR adopted operational organizational and methodological approaches to organize regular training of computer science and computational technology teachers on the basis of physics and mathematics faculties of pedagogy tutiv.

In order to more accurately understand the nature and level of complexity of the problems that were needed in the current term in the sphere of personnel security for the introduction of the subject of OIVT before school or, to put it more broadly, in the sphere of computerization of schools in general, tell us about the actual steps of preparation in the field of computer science and EOM of readers, as they worked in the mid-1980s. at schools of the SRSR.

For the first time, a very short, informative course of programming for EOM with the exotic name “Mathematical machines and programming with calculation practical work” appeared in the initial plans of the physics and mathematics faculties of pedagogical universities in 1963–1964. In 1970 at the beginning of the plan initial mortgages The course “Counter -in -law of the Programuvannya” (close to 50 years), orientes on the elaborah to the eoma for the eom, and I wanted, was recommended forever the test of the gasters of the rodpilias of the rhinem vita, and the pro -Grandovite, and the Projegmanship.

Advance official version The program of the synthetic course “Computational mathematics and programming” (1976) already led to programming in close to 70 years. And she conveyed, squinting, awareness of the universal language of the high level of Algol-60. In this case, the highest level of technical security at that time, and for a very small number of pedagogical universities in the region, there were one or two small EOMs of the type “Nairi”, “Promin”, “Mir”, etc. d. etc., oriented without the stagnation of government relations, which allowed the initial program to be fully implemented. Until the end of the 1970s. in the pedagogical universities of Russia there were openly more than four departments of programming and computational mathematics (Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Omsk), and the first personal EOM (Vitchinian PEOM series “Iskra”, “DVK”, “Elektronika”) began to appear in the same How many times? she's in a daze limit the quantity pedagogical universities in Mayzha until the mid-1980s.

From what has been said, it is obvious that at the time of the introduction of computer science into secondary schools (1985), the level of computer training for graduates of physics and mathematics faculties of pedagogical universities, which worked at that time at the school, and with his daily life, without realizing the benefits of laying down a new course OIVT.

The reasons are obvious:

  • Pedagogical education did not provide information about the field of computer science, and was oriented only towards awareness of the rudiments of programming, and it was significantly different from the ideological level in which computer science courses were introduced in schools;
  • Pedagogical training was programmed

including light character, there was no bula

is focused on teaching this subject to schoolchildren (there was no such teaching).

Obviously, in the other half of the 1980s rocks. State and regional authorities have taken the highest and operational organizational and methodological approaches to ensure advanced terminology training for readers in computer science and computing technology, including law For many teachers of mathematics and physics, they were only suitable as uneasy entry into the first stage of teaching general education to school. Until the establishment of regular training for computer science teachers and organizers of school computerization on the basis of physics and mathematics faculties of pedagogical institutes, as well as the development of further approaches, There is a computer awareness of teachers of other school disciplines, then they were guilty of hiding on the ground of scientific methodical priming and fragmentation.

  • also fundamentally seen: Ershov, A.P. Vibranі pratsi. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1994. P. 354.