Getting started in Yandex.Direct: select words for contextual advertising. Selecting keywords for contextual advertising: report instructions for collecting semantics for Adwords Direct Keywords for contextual advertising



Arranging the correct semantic core is one of the main tasks of SEO optimization. Independent selection of keywords from the semantic core is important, without analytical and statistical services that collect information from Internet search queries.

17 services for selecting keywords for Russian websites

I try to optimize the site for singing sound systems. For this purpose, search statistics are collected and stored in the database of sound systems and services.

Yandex selection of keywords


Cost-free service for the selection and analysis of sound queries collected in Yandex.

Yandex search for extensions

Search extensions allow you to analyze the data for low-frequency inputs in Yandex. Compilation of an expanded semantic core from sound phrases of 3-4 words.

Yandex Direct

Clarification of the competition of search queries for advertising phrases that are victorious in advertising on Yandex.

Yandex Webmaster

Correction of the semantic core: identification of popular queries on a published site.

Google AdWords


Retrieval of keywords and analysis of search traffic in the Google search system. The analysis is only for registered traders. Vibration analysis of edges.

Google search for extensions

Clarification of the types of search queries in the expanded search.

Rambler statistics of search queries

Statistics of search queries generated by search search Rambler. Not much: drink statistics are rarely updated.

A richly functional service for website optimization and search engine analysis. One of the tools: Selection of phrases of the semantic core. Selection fee 3 rubles per request. The number of selected phrases is not limited.

Another functional service for web masters. Registration is required for work. Analysis and selection tools are available for 14 free days. Then, for selecting keywords, you pay 50 copies per query from the service database (20,000 results) and 1 ruble from the Yandex database.

Megaindex selection of keywords

Megaindex service is a richly profiled service for analyzing and reviewing the site. One of the most popular services for selecting keywords.

Try to get keywords after registering and adding to the project (site). The tool is without scissors. In addition to the selection of phrases of the semantic core, there is an analysis of the visibility of the site in search terms for queries (2) and an analysis of thematic queries (3).

Provigator, search phrase competition analysis

Analysis of competitors behind search phrases. You can use it for indirect analysis of the competitiveness of sound queries.

Keywordtool Service

Shows an analysis of the search query and the key phrase previously searched in Google search systems, including, Bing, YouTube. The selection of phrases and keywords is cost-free, however, the statistics of queries, CPC (advertising cost per click) and the level of competition of the phrase from Google are different from the paid option.


A cost-free service that provides a tool for selecting phrases from the semantic core for the Yandex and Google search engines. Є analysis of the geography of queries.

Search for trends on Google (Google Trends)

Service for the popularity of sound searches over the month, across sections and countries. Shows what you just searched for on Google.

Service Mutagen

Service for selecting keywords for Runet sites. Next to the selection of key phrases, you can see the stage of phrase competition. Massive key verification begins.

To verify, you need to register and top up your balance by 1 ruble.

Service Rush Analytics

Good service for website analysis, selection of keywords, clustering of queries.

Grouping of queries

Cost-free service for clustering (grouping) sound drinks.


17 services for selecting keywords: seolib

A comprehensive service for website optimization and analysis. One of the services: cost-free selection of 25 keywords from one IP address.

Why start working with Yandex Direct?

What was the first thing - the chicken or the egg? The process can be discussed endlessly. What's wrong with the Yandex Direct system, everything is more stable here.

It will inevitably begin for collecting key words!

Key words- these are the words behind which your confusion is reflected. And the more such words there are, the greater the chances that a potential client will reach you on the site.

Keywords (or words) are made up of a number of unique words: type 1 to 5.

For example, " fridge" - this is a single-word key entry, and " buy a refrigerator from Moscow inexpensively» - Chotirislivny.

Receivers and spilkas are not covered by insurance when selecting key inputs.

Key statements can be intelligently divided into 2 groupies: basic and contributions.

Basic power supply- a target query that consists of a unique combination of two words for which you want to advertise.

Investments are requested- this is a keyword that consists of 3, 4 and 5 words, which serves as a base word

Let's say you sell televisions.

Your basic queries will be:

  • buy TV
  • TV new
  • TV Moscow
  • LCD buy
  • LCD Moscow
  • etc.

Your contributions will be:

  • TV buy inexpensively online store
  • TV new discount Moscow
  • TV Moscow store
  • LCD buy inexpensively
  • LCD Moscow delivery
  • etc.

At the first stage you need to collect Less than 100 basic calls.

To collect key queries, use a splint proven techniques. The axis is one of them.

Method of reactive collection of keywords

You will need the MS Excel program or a 5x5 center table similar to its functions.

Scheme of actions:

1. The first step is to write 5 single words to describe the product being sold as accurately as possible;

2. In other words - single words that are associated with the product (service);

Important! Rizny parts of language and synonyms - all different words)

* Indicate the geography as required for your business area.

** The supplement that it sells is always up to date.

3. Now transfer all words from columns 3, 4 and 5 to column number 2 and, using the multiplication function in MS Excel (or macros), multiply the words from the first column with the words from the 2nd column.

The result may come out at least 100 double dollars. These will be the same basic questions that will form the basis of your advertising campaign.

It's effective just that shvidko!

What are the empty greens at the table?

We decided to deprive them to you. Let's say that it is more practical to secure the material.

Whatever you don’t lose today, you won’t lose again. Tse verification of numerical seminars fact.

Fold your table right away! І turn over the practical MRS.

Then you need to use the Key Collector program and run the database database to extract thousands of keywords for your first campaign.

You have the keywords for your First Advertising Campaign!

on the basic level.

Which section of knowledge cherishes the article:

Collection of information → Strategy → Initial setup of analytics → Selection of keywords→ Sorting of keywords → Development of publicity → Development of advertising campaigns → Data analysis → Optimization → Scaling → Promotion

Like tim torknemosya: multiplying map, parsing,

You may have noticed that before selecting key phrases for a site there are 3 more points, since we don’t have enough materials yet, we’ll put them in theses:

  • You must understand who your buyer is and how you are entering into the search.
  • The underlying concepts of the strategy can be taken away from the first part of the article “How to build a landing page without costs in an evening?”
  • Install the Yandex Metrics and Google Analytics code on your website, customize your goals

The article conveys what you already understand in terms of: Wordstat, impressions, clicks, negative keywords, cross-negotiation, types of keywords, keyword frequency, relevance. And if you don’t know them, you can find them on the Internet.

How to select key entries? There are a lot of tools for collecting keywords: recruiting from doctors, collecting from competitors’ sites, generating from YML, searching for phrases similar to the TOP, automatic selection of keywords on the Delivery to your site in search terms and in other ways. Let's talk about the main methods, and more precisely about

Theoretical block

We know that this is a key phrase in wordstat, it shows the frequency (impressions per month), which is the average number of queries for the remaining 3 months and 1 month. All phrases below must be entered in order to replace the phrase that we have missed in different terms and numbers. You can also check the frequency of your calls by region and seasonality in the “By region” and “Where history” tabs.

Consider keywords as segments of one unconnected array, from which we want to see those segments that will be relevant to our site. For example, on the baby lower, the reins are in a red color for the purpose of drinking, and the crosses in green are "mathematics school" take revenge on the wide-eyed, and also ask "school" What to do with 99% of queries that are not relevant to us.

So where am I leading the axis? We can use it for manual sorting of all input phrases "mathematics summer school"і "mathematics school", A "school" It’s impossible because we don’t want to sort through 99% of queries in order to find 1% of our own.

The matrix is ​​required as material for composing key phrases (segments). It is not possible to add all the words that are not possible to the matrix. For example, we will not add the words “2016”, “buy”, “weather”, because we do not take the segment for manual sorting “mathematics summer school buy”, will already be concentrated in the segment "mathematics summer school" as an input signal. To determine which words should be added to the matrix and which ones not, evidence is required.

You may also have noted that the segments "mathematics summer school"і "mathematics school" They're fumbling, but we can get out of the question "mathematics school" word "summer". For whom there is a minus word, but about this later.

I can’t describe the whole process, there are a lot of nuances, but I can show you the key points that you need to figure out in the right direction.

  1. We add segments from the matrix. Open and enter the first word from the first columnist "tabir"- Most importantly, we are not suitable for more than 70% of input requests. New keywords are clearly visible and our matrix is ​​updated, but if you add a new good word, then you may be victorious in the leading segments.

    How do you identify the keywords that the traders are looking for when you enter a specific query? Type into Yandex and look at the search engine, as a rule, in the first positions there is the same information that is useful to traders.

  2. You will say that the audience that introduces “children’s tabir” could be attracted by our proposition, except that the potential clients in this segment are no more than 5%, so the client’s varity will be so high that it is not possible It competes with the largest children's camps.
  3. Shards behind a wash "tabir" over 70% non-relevant keywords, we begin to bog down the audience by adding clarification from other sources, such as the phrase "mathematical tabir" Since all the internal queries are suitable for us, which means we add them to the segment for further processing, we need to perform such an operation with the skin keyword, going from the main one “tabir” and sound segments to the private “childish”, “bulgaria”.

    As a rule, the skin segment has words that are not suitable for us, for example:

    We add these words to the search row using the minus symbol and press “Add” again to return to the same list of keywords, but without replacing the minus words.

  4. To avoid getting lost, we search through and add segments of key words in the right-hand place in the matrix, like in a template. Negative words are added to the skin segment.

    Remember about the transition of segments, at this stage we need to cross-minus the segments.

    In this way, a map of the burial appears, looking at it, we clearly imagine what keywords our confusion will be shown.

  5. Now we need to retrieve the list of key words from the map, for which we will use the multiplication method. Vikorist service, otherwise you need to go back a little.

    The essence of the method of multiplying the keys is to eliminate manual robots.

    In the template field we have 4 changes, if we want to multiply 2 columns, then we need to remove only %(a)s and %(b)s, and %(c)s and %(d)s. If you want to multiply 3 stackers, you need to enter %(d)s - the number of changers and the number of stackers.

    We need to multiply the skin segment one by one, take the first one and distribute the words according to the providers of the service

    Press the “Generation” button and select the result:

    tabir mathematics
    mathematical tabir
  6. Next, on the new arch, we create tags for the skin segment and distribute keywords in them after generation.

    Keyword parsing - collecting input queries, similar to entering a keyword in Wordstat and copying all the queries.

    You can note that for the skin group we now have a minus-word column, where we manually transfer words for the cross-minus of our segments and negative lists for the skin segment, for example:

  7. Now you need to collect input records (further parse) for the skin group, there are 3 options:
    • copy manually from
    • Vikoristovat, otherwise you have to manually filter and remove negative words
    • keycollector, absolutely the most beautiful, but also the most flexible option

    We are vikoristovu Then we take the skin keyword from the skin group, add it to a new negative word and insert it into wordstat

    Remember that we select the “all regions” option to get more average statistics.

    We display a list of input requests on several pages, we copy the requests up to the value of impressions for the month 50

    І is inserted into our table on the same arch under the segment.

Has everything made sense to you? What about food? Should we make a video on this topic?

Numerous articles have been written about the selection of keywords for Direct and Adwords, but there is only one thing in common. There is talk about everything and nothing in particular. I wanted to correct this and write it report instructions for creating a semantic core for contextual advertising. Prepare yourself for a long and detailed process, after which you can independently collect all the target queries for displaying your search advertising.

How search engines understand keywords

Let's finish with the basics. What are these keywords and how do they understand their search systems? Keywords are the phrases behind which you want to show your attention in search advertising such as Yandex, Google and their counterparts. In other words, what do you want to show in Yandex advertising to people who are searching? kitchens for cleaning, then you need to use the keyword kitchen for cleaning. It couldn't be simpler.

But we must not forget that sound systems are robots, since they do not understand Russian language in the way we see it. For example, Yandex misses out on all the details and users. Tobto. How do you want to show your confusion by pointing at the application with a keyword?kitchens for cleaning Yandex gets this keyword in its own way, but the receiver misses, then. in fact, you are showing your confusion behind the keyword kitchen conditions.

In addition, neither Yandex nor Google protects the order of words in a key phrase. And if, for example, you want to show the confusion behind a keywordPetersburg Moscow tickets, then your utterances will be shown, if you ask the correspondent from the sound systems Moscow Petersburg tickets- Do you understand? And there are only 2 applications of how sound systems understand the problem of drinking money. In order to show your dismay at these questions of the koristuvachs, for which you want, you need to vikorist, about which I wrote earlier.

Is it possible to automatically select keywords?

You may have sensed more than once that there are some wonderful programs that automatically and without your participation select the semantic core for the treatment of illness. Even if miracles don’t happen, and if you trust the selection of key words of the fachists, you will still need to take part in this process, that’s why. Every fakhіvets can’t think about business as well as you do.

Of course, what you read below will make it easier for you to collect the semantic core for contextual advertising, you will spend dozens of times less than an hour, as if you were working without instructions, but you still have to work with your hands and head. Now let’s talk about the stages of selecting keywords.

Stages of selection of keywords Direct and Adwords

The selection of keywords is divided into 3 stages: collecting the basis of the semantic core (or keyword masks), collecting keywords behind the masks, grouping keywords and minus keywords for an advertising campaign.

Let's understand the terms first.

The basis of the semantic core(another name is a keyword mask) - this is a list of one or two three-word terms that traders can use to name your product or service. These are the words that can describe your product.

Our kitchens havekitchen, kitchen set, kitchen furniture, kitchen furniture etc..

Selection of keyword masks

At this stage, you need to use all your imagination, all your knowledge about your product, find out everything you can about your product from competitors, and also ask Yandex and Google.

Where you list all the masks, your special person is on the right. If you want to work with mind maps, or if you want to use a Vikorist notepad, I especially recommend collecting masks in an Excel spreadsheet.

How to find keyword masks? The most important thing is to write all the possible names of your product and service. After which you can go to Yandex Wordstat, then enter the key masks already found in the head and add to the list those that you see in the right column “write similar”.

This is what the axis looks like in practice:

Chervonym sees all those that form the basis of the semantic core. We don’t need everything that is in the left column yet. Nowadays, our staff can now expand as much as possible the list of options for how they can prank our servants. And in the left column there are all the keywords, which include our mask. In our case, all the vengeance is the phrase “to become infrared.” Such entries are called inserts. Tobto. We added our keyword mask.

You can also sing in the sound systems themselves and listen to their prompts.

And it’s easy to marvel at competitors’ websites, and you’ll find a lot of new masks.

Grouping of keyword masks

It is necessary to understand that if you have an online store with a large number of products, then your file with keyword masks will be large. And better yet, divide it into groups, depending on the structure of your site. For example, for the skin section of the site there is a new Excel file, in the middle of which in different tabs there will be different products or products.

Well, if you have a simple one-sided page, I still recommend grouping masks behind hidden semantic signs. For example, let’s cover up all the masks that stand for Yandex Direct, let’s cover up all the masks that stand for Google Adwords, and let’s cover up everything that stands for simple contextual advertising. What is this needed for? First of all, it’s important to spare us an hour in sorting out key words, and in another way, it’s important to spare your time in writing about the future.

Selection of keyword inserts

Here you have a choice: automation or robot manually. You can use the Key Collector program, which collects all your deposits for you, or you can use the tool Estimating the budget of an advertising campaign in Yandex, where you can earn everything yourself. So here we tell you: save an hour or a penny. I’ll show you how to use the Yandex advertising campaign budget estimation tool.

So, for our skin mask, we need to collect everything that is in the left column of Yandex Wordstat. For which we open the budget assessment tool and immediately uncheck the 2 checkboxes below. This is a very important moment.

Then we insert the first mask, we have the “warmth of the base” and pressesPererahuvati

Yandex values ​​the budget forecast for a given keyword, but we don’t need anything else. We need to pull everything from the left side of Yandex Wordstat. For whom under the word “warmth of reason” we pressPlease take me up

I can't see Yandex Wordstat. We just need to check off everything that fits in the left column:

Then go down and pressAdd

All keywords marked with a check mark will be added to the budget estimation tool. Please check your skin care first so that after skin supplementation you have a check mark. Frazi

And you will need to turn to the side where you ticked the keywords, and go to the other side in Yandex Wordstat:

There we again mark all the phrases with a tick, pressAdd, we check that the keywords have reached the budget estimation tool and the Phrases checkbox is selected, we turn again to the selection side and move on to the third side. This operation is repeated until you reach a frequency value of 20-10. In the lower part of the phrase, I call you to work only because the niche is even higher than university, and there are very few high-frequency keywords.

If all contributions are filled with the first selection mask, they need to be added to our Excel file. To do this, either export all the keywords to a file, or copy and paste them into Excel:

Repeat the same steps for the skin mask of the key words. In this way, you will have a simply magnificent number of key words. We need to understand that our list still contains both whole and non-purpose words. And here comes the sorting stage, when we add water to the grains from the chaff.

Sorting of keywords

It’s easier to sort in the Key Collector program, and you can also quickly use various macros for Excel, which are always at a premium. Now, I’ll show you how you can easily sort all the keywords using the basic functions that are used in Excel.

Well, we have a great deal of keywords in which we need to know all the hot keywords to begin with. Hot— these are the keys that some sellers clearly show that the buyer is obsessed with the product. Recognize these keywords in your mindbuy, delivery, order, price, name of place, etc.

How can we quickly find out all the hot keys in our file? Help us with the mental format.

What do you need to earn?

You see the entire section A. You open the formatting mind - the rules for seeing the middle - the text is correct:

Enter the first hot keyword marker buy, I highly recommend driving such markers without finishing, then. buy

Click OK and all the keywords you need to know buy and are matched with chervonym:

And set up a sorting system in which all the middles of a given color will be in the same category:

Take a look at what all this is for you. If any of the keys are not useful, immediately move them to the next tab, where you can select them. And all hot keywords should be sorted and transferred to the next tab, where we can select hot keywords. І repeat this operation for all hot key markers.

Using the same method, you can easily put all the non-target entries in the list, which we know for sure. For example, in words videos, photos, videos, power tools, etc.

In addition, using this method you can separate keywords on the pages of the site. For example, you can see the hot ones from here electric, water, infrared, spitting and others. and separate them into different tabs in our file. For the skin section of the site there will be a tab with keywords.

After you have collected all the hot and main non-target keywords in adjacent tabs, you will not be able to see the hot keywords and minus words. The easiest way to do this is with the two-finger method.

Sorting key words using two fingers

How does this method work? It's simple. You accept that all keys that are purposeful for you are number 1, and all non-target keys are number 2. And in column B, put 1 or 2 next to each keyword.

After this, you sort in section B for growth. An important point when sorting obov'yazkovo choose automatically expands the vision range, otherwise the sorting will be in the middle of column B

And all your keywords are listed in order. Right now there will be all the keys - all your warmth. And behind them there are no keys - all your minus words that have been lost.

Apparently, you transfer the heat to the outside tab, and add the minus words to the tab with the minus words.

It would have been all right. Ale is silent. It is also necessary to see outside of all your phrases and minus words. So that a tab appears not with phrases, but with the following words that you can use to create an advertising campaign.

We see minus words

In order to see the wrong words from phrases, you can quickly use the tool Treatment of sliver. You need to insert all the phrases with minus words into the word, and the treatment will remove all the phrases on the side of the word.

Paste these words into Excel and use the two-finger method again. 1 words are purposeful for us, and 2 words are not purposeful.

Again, sort by increasing order, and all words with the number 2 are your minus words that can be used for an advertising campaign.

That's all. Behind your bags you have to leave a large Excel file with tabs for hot keywords, warm keywords and minus keywords, which you can then use to write down.

Selection of keywords - bags

You must understand that This is just an algorithm that you can customize for yourself. Some manual operations can be automated using parser programs and macros for Excel. Any operations you can optimize for your niche, for example, keywords with other markers may be hot for you. Check out the descriptions of the better algorithm for selecting keywords, but don’t forget to put your head down and think about how you can get stuck in a particular situation.

If you have lost your food, we kindly ask the comments.