The most popular relational subd. Basi data. That future is gone. From past to today

Microsoft Access is a highly interactive relational database management system (RDBMS) for WINDOWS. Tse program, as you can win for the collection of data in the fallows from vіdnosin, you have installed it. The robot with it is asked to look like a mouse manipulator. The graphic ability of the shell to cope with great damage when preparing high-quality sounds and roses. All the efforts are being made to support True-type fonts and to introduce OLE-objects (Object Linking and Embeding) within the WINDOWS environment. OLE - an object sent to the same information, which is left in its cob form. An OLE object can be an EXCEL table, a Paintbrush illustration, or a Sound file.

A novelty of the program Access є Cue Cards is a system of sofluvation. The main system is designed to give good advice on how to get out of real situations in case of different applied tasks. If you know the English language of the Koristuvach, you can take a hint about those who followed the work further.

Access is also capable of arranging the ordering of the mechanism of work with the bases of various formats. For example, you can directly download to dBASE, Paradox or Btrieve databases without converting to Access format. Before the warehouse, the Access package also includes the language Access Basic (vbudovaniya dialect movi Visual Basic), which allows the formation of special database management systems.

Now let's move on to a presentation of the Access system. The main concepts of the system are: tables, requests, forms, calls, macros and modules. I, obviously, the main concept will be the data base (database).

For the creation of the database of data, it is necessary to visconate the following sketches:

Activate the window Microsoft Access then select the New Database directive from the File menu (or click the New Database button next to the row of icons). Microsoft Access displays the New Database dialog box and automatically gives you the name of your database, so you can change it.

In the File Name row, instruct your variant of the data base name. You can also include up to 8 characters without spaces. Microsoft Access automatically adds the extension. MDB to the name of your data base, because they didn’t break anything else.

If you want to save the data base from the singing area, select the correct directory from the Directories list.

Press the OK button.

Microsoft Access creates an empty database file and opens the Database window.

The database can be filled with objects of various kinds and operations can be performed from it. But with a database of data, you can perform operations as if with inadequate illumination. All operations of this kind - the database management operation - are displayed in the File menu of the Access application window or in the database window.

When the data bases are open, it is possible to close the possible operations with the data base only to the readers, and to close the rows of coristuvachs, as if access to the data base is no longer a powerful person. If it is necessary to look over the data base and the objects that are located in it, but not change them, then when the data base is opened, it is necessary to activate the Read Only control indicator. If it is necessary to save data changes and data base objects from the side of other variables, then when opening data bases, it is necessary to set the Exlusive option.

As soon as you have finished working with the database, you should close it after the additional Close Database directive in the File menu, after the additional click on the mouse on the button, click on the key menu to open the database or press the keys (Ctrl + F4).


The next step will be the foundation of the data base, so that the creation of objects is appropriated to the remaining necessary authorities. No matter what type your data is, you will have to save it in one or more tables.

Tables are the main form of presentation of information that is stored in the database. Without tables, it is not possible to design a form;

The skin field, which includes a record, is assigned a type of data, which determines the type of information that will be stored in this field. The data type is entered in the Data Type column, and you can select from the list of available types.

Changes can be made before the finished specification. But if you follow, try to make all corrections to the specification to the very beginning of filling the data base, so trying to change the parameters of irrigation, filling the base can cause a loss or creation of data.

At the Access table, you can add objects from other supported OLE application programs and link objects to other other programs.

When vbudovuvanni object Access saves the object from the table. Under the click of a mouse on the object, an application program is launched, for the help of which the wines are prepared - you can change the object in it. After the completion of the work with the Batkiv program, the object in the change of form will be saved in the table.

Tables that are in a database created by another program can be imported into Access, and exported from Access tables, saved in formats that are understandable to other application programs for managing databases. First of all, you can choose between import and export, you need to change the settings for import and export.


Request to serve for selection and filtering data collection. They allow you to choose from the base only the necessary information, so that the one that meets the main criterion (mind) and is necessary for the completion of a specific task. For example, you may need information about the postal workers and the goods they were postal. You can create requests like "What kind of goods are supplied by Moscow post-employees" or "Whoever sold the largest batch of cigarettes from St. Petersburg post-employees for the rest of the quarter." The result of the processing by the Access program of such a request is a table called Dynaset. This table includes a list of data blocks from the main table (or a number of tables) that match the request criteria. Dynaset is a dynamic, temporal collection of data, which, in case of dermal intake, will be based on "fresh" tabular data.

There are two types of drinks:

QBE-zapiti (Query by Example - Zapochi on zrazok). Koristuvach gives them the specificity of the parameters of the design for the best possible indications (explaining).

SQL - requests (Structured Query Language - Structured Language Requests). Koristuvach formulary for additional instructions and functions QBE-query Access easily translates to a different SQL-query. The reverse operation is also not difficult. Vzagali for Access baiduzhe, іz kakim zapyu pratsyuє koristuvach.

Requests can be created with the assistance of the Request Constructor and without the assistance of the Request Constructor. However, the first way to speed up the design of a number of special types of water.

Criteria for selection - tse іnstruktsії, for the help of some koristuvach povidomlyає Access, yakі blocks of data are due to be selected for the request and displayed in Dynaset. Criteria can be set for one or more watering needs.

Coristuvach can be quickly charged with the payment of money for blocks of data. Vіn can be set in the skin field a single function, so that it can be done instead of the field. The result of the processing is seen in Dynaset. The processing function is displayed in the Total row, which appears after pressing the button with the Greek letter "sigma" in the pictographic menu. The function can be selected in this row by expanding the list of possible values.

After that, as a request for designing, you can click on it by clicking in a row of icons on the button with a call sign or calling the Run directive in the Query menu. Access indicates the selection of Dynaset blocks in the table view.

For the help of a structured movable SQL request within the framework of Access, you can formulate how to calculate the input according to the structure of the criteria. Tsya mova allows you to cherubate with a requisition. SQL-query is a sequence of instructions, which can include the execution and calls of aggregate functions.

If you want the mother of the splitting the project to be asked for at his own disposal and for the next hour of the upcoming work sessions, he is guilty of saving for the help of the Save directive in the File menu. If the project is to be saved first, after the completion of the directive, the Save As dialog box appears. At the new next, it is necessary to recognize the request of the name, for whichever wine it will be saved, it will be included in the list of requests from the bank of data. It is not my fault to ask for the spіvpadati z іm'yam of the table.

If someone saves money and saves already by selecting the Save directive, then the old version will be replaced by a new, changed project. In order to change it, it is not your fault to save the previous version, but your responsibility to save in the future, follow the Save As directive and acknowledge the new name that is being saved. To save the table view, select the Save Query directive from the File menu. This directive saves changes from the project's explicit request and replaces the previous version of the request with the active version. To save a query earlier or create a copy of the active query, Dynaset can be seen on the screen by selecting the Save Query As directive.

The order of requests to choose from, for the help of Access, you can also implement a request for a diy, a parametric request, and a cross-table.


Revisiting the data base as a table as a backlog gives you the opportunity to evaluate the database as a single whole, to align the records too. Often, prote, vinikaє need to work with the same base records. In my opinion, the presence on the screen of other recordings (as it may be in the loading mode) is less important than that. The work with a lot of records for additional forms allows you to focus only on information that is brought to the right.

The form is a form that fills in, or a mask that is applied to the collection of data. The blank form allows you to simplify the process of filling the data base, for which reason it is possible to entrust the introduction of information to personnel of low qualification. The mask-form allows you to share information available to the coristuvachev, which is sent to the base.

The outward appearance, the structure and modes of work, including the key elements and forms, are determined by the values ​​of the characteristics of these objects. Characteristics of the objects are available to the coristuvachev through the parameter window. To set or change the characteristics of a yoga element, follow the markup from the View menu and click the Properties directive.

To display the tool window, set the View menu option Toolbox. The leather tool, or rather, the creation of one additional control / design element, may have a better view of the characteristics, and in the new list, the standard settings for the type of ceramic element are presented.

The fields to be included in the form can be selected from the list of fields, which will be visible on the screen after clicking on the Field List directive in the View menu.

When designing a form, you can insert key elements before it. The skin of the control element is that, which can be connected with the actual object in the table, the form is based.


Zvіt - tse іnformatsija, yak vy issued vіdpovіdno to specifіkatsіy. Zvіt allows you to omit and submit data as significant information, as you can win and rozpovsyudzhuvati. The butts of the calls can be postal addresses, invoices, sales sums or phone lists. With the help of Microsoft Access, you can design a sound that will give information to someone you see, in which you help. You can choose different design elements, such as text, data, little ones, lines, fields and graphics to create your own sound. If you lie down, like and yakі elements vikoristovuvatime pobudovi zvіtu.

Microsoft Access secures a few ways to retrieve information from your data base - vicorist enquiry, call form. You can choose the method that best suits your needs.

Call also an effective way for other information of the regular list. You can create a project of light and save it for a sloppy song. The project will be permanently lost, but sooner or later you will receive the distribution of current data.

First of all, create a sound, think about those, the stars of your sound will be given. If all data is from one table, your name will be grounded on that table. If you need more data from the same table, your name is responsible for priming on the request.

You can create calls as if for help, so without the help of the Constructor of Sounds. The constructor quickly speeds up the process of creating the light, the shards of the wines build the main work for you.

At the prototype of the design process, you can introduce the elements that you can control. Key elements, introduced into the prototype of the title, can be chosen for the design of headings, writing that illustration.

To use key elements on the screen, you can have the Toolbox tool menu (View/Toolbox option). In the tool menu, the button of the keyed element is selected. After that, following the viconate, the mouse clicks in its position to the prototype of the sound, de next spreading the keruchiy element. Access places a vibration element, attributing to it a standard value of characteristics (size, color, etc.).

To change the standard value of the characteristics of a key element, you can go back to the characteristic value, marking the element in front of you, which is being configured.

Fallow keruyuchiy element in the zvіtі povyazaniya іz field vіdpovіdnіy tabіlі. For the help of a fallow mineral element, you can enter data in the field or to indicate and update them in the field.

Linking a key element can be vikonated in one of two ways:

If you want, Access will automatically create a key element, linking to the base table for this name, following the list of fields in the table. The VIN is visible on the screen, as the View/Field List option is enabled. The control element, prepared for the additional list of fields, may have the values ​​of the parameters, which field of the table, with any faults. To select a call, follow the selected field or the fields from the call list. There, move the mouse cursor to the position where the left upper corner of the key element is to blame (other than the field of the named key element), and then release the mouse button. Access creates for the skin field selected in the list of fields, the bandage element that is controlled (text field).

If in hindsight it is necessary to link with the field already known, non-linked element that controls, then you can vykonat for an additional window of characteristics. At this point, after marking the key element to the prototype, the characteristics of the element were re-arranged. When you enter the name of the field, which is called in the window as the value of the ControlSource characteristic, the link is called.

Saving only one project, the structure of the world, without tribute.

From the File menu, select the Save directive.

As if it doesn't sound like names, instruct them in the Report Name row.

Press OK.

Taking care of the result, the latest zvіt - the project at once with data - in the file, which you can win in other programs that are supported by Windows, for example, Microsoft Excel.

From the File menu, select Output To.

Read the instructions in the Output To dialog boxes.

  • Category: Database
  • Publisher: siteworks
  • March 24,2017

Bazi dani for dani!

Most of the people, like victorious databases of SQL, worked so richly, and the platforms were already installed on the site. Ale, yakscho ve middle is quiet, who only start with SQL or shukati best options there, the next document will help you choose the right option, which works for you and your business. Select axis for shortening bases SQL data available from 2017 roci.

Oracle 12c release 2

License: Vlasnist

The Oracle database is a relational database that is victorious for collecting information. Vіn obroblyaє sbіr danih yak єnі tsіle. There, as a rule, there is a great level of comfort, irrespective of what kind of industrial product, when moving from the oldest and most established product to the market. The argument about Oracle 12c being greedy, however, doesn't just include durability; the product also supports more server operating systems and good efforts and efforts for stability, enhanced database management functions and practically unbreakable data delivery. Ale, perhaps, the best argument for the SQL platform in its name; "s" in 12c stands for gloomy, and new Oracle iteration is especially effective in its building data bases as real gloomy services operational memory that one was secured for a rich coristuvachіv architecture. Added and hostile functions include a new database function that connects to increase the number of resources, working easily and safely for consolidating databases on a smaller number of servers, as well as a number of improvements that increase the overall security of the work. Oracle SQL data bases are always the best choice; 12c is even better. It is available on the market, standard and standard of one type, with different functions and prices, depending on your needs.


License: open source

MySQL wins over hundreds of thousands of websites and is also the backbone of internal traffic. Occluded (mostly) with vodkritim exit code that bezkoshtovnym for coristuvachіv spіlnoti. Vіn pratsyuє practical z be-whatever operating system you can think and simple in installed robots.
Vіn also vikonuє more good for more hardware configuration. If you want to set a different point of view of the CPU and the table of corruption, and not yourself shortest choice for scaling up. Even though you have pennies and a lot, Oracle 12c is the best product - but MySQL will be the standard for a long time, and then, like before, a “simple” choice.

Microsoft SQL Server

License: Vlasnist

Purpose relational database management system, rozroblen Microsoft. The data base server is a local server with great data commitments, so that you can be available to dekilkom koristuvachs from distant regions. Tse means, be it a program, software security, work on a be it system, in a be it part of the world, can you save that data from the data base server through a be-like merezh. Є many releases of Microsoft SQL Server before the last release of SQL Server 2016. Deyakі see zgadanі below.
Business analytics
Robotcha group


License: Open Source

You don’t feel like there is a lot about PostgreSQL in the capacity of two other participants in this list there is a maximum target audience, but PostgreSQL created a great database robot for such important athletes as Yahoo and Skype, as well as a lot of sites online igor- and may expand the market of poaching of old oracles. One great PostgreSQL feat is those that are not open source code, but there are great performance feats like: rich versioned concurrency control, hot backup copy, asynchronous replication and support of tabular spaces between them. PostgreSQL is better, easier to hack and hack and play well with most of the major operating systems. І yakscho you know to help or propositions, є even more active PostgreSQL development, which has made a great contribution to the development and perfection of the data base.


License: Open Source

One of the most popular Open Source relational databases, MariaDB, was created by the very same set of people who created MySQL (which is what Oracle did). The need to create an alternative to MySQL has developed a path for the development of MariaDB.
MariaDB encourages modern architecture, which gives it a flair, as it promotes branding in the market.

Actions to make MariaDB flooring popular

Efficient motor savings

MariaDB comes bundled with plug-ins to save machines, such as Connect and Cassandra engines to save NoSQL engines; rolling migration from old data bases; Spider for segmentation; TokuDB with fractal indexes etc. Most of them screen for MySQL through the third person. Tim is no less, MariaDB thrives on them and, after all, robs yoga and is effective in a simple way.

productivity gain

Vіn rozrobyv poshcheniy opimіz_zapitіv і іnshі poznіkі, pov'yazanі z cheque, yakі praktiku tse shvidshe, nizh MySQL. However, MariaDB's claims are the result of comparrison based on the situation.

Easy to go

As long as you hit that same base version of MySQL, you can practically uninstall and install MariaDB, and you're good to go.
Switching to MariaDB is as easy as installing MariaDB or the equivalent command on your chosen Linux prime.

As if you are planning to take the fate of a serious rozrobtsi, the nobles of the base of the dagi - life is necessary. The stench is everywhere, you can’t guess about it. The PYPL rating, which calculates the popularity and databases, sees 14 database management systems, which are recognized, accepted, 1% of the databases. PYPL indexes the popularity of the visitor by the number of requests Google. Based on the results of the collective mind, as of July 2017, the most popular data base is Oracle with a result of 32.26%. Tsya cross-platform DBMS - the oldest world of databases. It's easy to believe that the first version, for reasons unknown to us, is called Oracle v2, was released back in 1979. New for today - Oracle 12.2 - in spring 2016. The Oracle database is mostly won by great companies, but no-cost version if you want to work out, so that later you will know the work, I will be tied to the “grown-up” version. It is called Oracle Database Express Edition and can be downloaded from the Oracle website. Obviously, there is a lot of space (there is up to 1 GB of RAM, less than 1 processor, less than one database up to 11 GB).

MySQL has been removed elsewhere. Those who, having learned the base of data at the university, or trying to master it independently, better for everything, were rewarded with a cost-free database of data. Tse cicave solution for medium and small programs, at the same time you need Oracle. Before the speech, the MySQL company moved at once from our beloved Java, from the Sun Microsystems process. Behind the PYPL, MySQL credits 21.15% of the total number of programmers.

In the third place, with comfort, that 16.78% was sold by Microsoft's SQL Server. Qia DBMS miraculously suitable for database management itself different sizes from personal to enterprise. It has also been on the market for a long time, although it is a decade less, lower Oracle: the date of the people is respected on April 24, 1989. How important is the number of Microsoft products, SQL Server is paid (in case of Enterprise-version it is paid more), but there are also no-cost options. The simplest of them is SQL Server Express, which is good for initial purposes and can be used on small servers or special computers. Rozmir database - up to 10 GB. There is also a free version for programmers. Assigned won for the creation, testing and demonstration of programs based on the "reference" SQL Server. Behind the Microsoft product, PostgreSQL follows the great driver. Opens-source distribution for the University of California at Berkeley long hour bula in the shade of her competitors, but in the rest of the rocks she was often right, but she was clearly grown. And all the zavdyaki її bezshtovnostі, easy ї razshiryuvannosti and system vbudovanyh mov programming.

P'yate and most of the space went to non-relational databases MongoDB and still young Firebase. Interest to both is clearly growing, especially Firebase: due to the latest fate, interest to her has decreased by 1.4% and now the result is 2.19%. Top ten SQLite, elasticsearch, Apache Hive and DB2 flicker.

PYPL ranking of DBMS popularity, June 2017

Rank change database share trend
1 Oracle 32.26 % -2.7 %
2 MySQL 21.15 % -0.7 %
3 SQL Server 16.78 % -0.7 %
4 PostgreSQL 3.65 % +0.4 %
5 MongoDB 3.34 % +0.4 %
6 firebase 2.6 % +1.4 %
7 SQLite 2.19 % -0.0 %
8 elasticsearch 2.1 % +0.5 %
9 Apache Hive 1.99 % +0.2 %
10 ↓↓↓ DB2 1.89 % -0.0 %
Have you already practiced from the DBMS? If so, then with yakimi?

Popular corporate databases


It would be wrong to stverdzhuvaty that the bases of data dosі zalishayutsya immature. A lot of guesses in our list of database management systems can be seen until the mid-late 70s of the last century.

Tsі corporate and until today are highly competitive and literally stuffed with functionality, which ensures high availability. The price of these DBMS varies from zero to tens of thousands of dollars.

There is no single universal solution in the world of management, and there is no sense in comparison with the one with the best DBMS. The skin of them can be both a win and a shortfall.

If you need an addendum of databases, then today on the market you can get the top 10 most popular DBMS solutions.

Verify yourself, as they are the best evidence for your help.


Oracle has been leading its own lineage since the distant 1979. Historically the first commercial system for managing relational databases (RDBMS). Since then, the Oracle name has become synonymous with corporate RDBMS, data delivery excellence, and the world's largest market competition.

High-tech, foldable solutions are the basis of the company's ranking, which is included in the ranking of the 500 largest companies in the world for the version of the Fortune business magazine (current position 105 and 27 months for profitability).

2. SQL Server

No matter what they say about Microsoft, that її ker_vnitstvo, їhnya profitability floods far behind all IT companies, and such a product, like SQL Server, occupies far not the rest of the place here.

Desktop systems like Microsoft are expanding everywhere, and if you need Microsoft Server, then, with great ease, SQL Server will also run on it.

SQL Server is lightweight and easy to integrate with itself operating system How to use this natural choice for corporate infrastructure based on Microsoft products.

In this hour, Microsoft, as a platform for processing great data and doing business analytics, is running its SQL Server 2014.


"Black Giant" (IBM) actually lived up to its name by launching data centers with DB2 installed on them. DB2 has been ported to Linux, UNIX, Windows, and mainframes. With the release of DB2 9.7 IBM, throwing a tweet of Oracle 11g, shards for other equal minds have announced significant savings in terms of migration from the child of Oracle. How much do I mean? Approximately 34-39% for the third period of operation.


Sybase is still getting a serious hit on the enterprise database market after 25 years of successful launch of its Adaptive Server Enterprise. Although for the rest of the year a part of the market has significantly shrunk, Sybase, as before, has taken a position in the extreme processing of transactions.

In addition, Sybase is the supplier of partner solutions for the market mobile outbuildings and systems to get excited about.

5. MySQL

MySQL has been a niche RDBMS for retailers, and has turned into a hard competitor in the corporate database market. Today MySQL is part of the Oracle empire (September 2010). Not being an all-in-one niche product, MySQL provides support for hundreds of thousands of corporate websites and a large number of commercial programs.

Irrespective of those who have MySQL-spіlnoti іsnuvali іnіnі іnіvіi shоdo Oracle's right to volіnіnnya tsim vіlnim. software security, Oracle publicly confirmed its name and further development and promotion of this product.

6. PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is the most advanced RDBMS with a valid exit code. The data base is invisibly present in online gaming add-ons, data processing automation add-ons and on domain registrar servers. PostgreSQL is known to be stuck in Skype, Yahoo!, MySpace, and most of the time it can be found in strange and inconsistent places.

7. Teradata

Wi if-nebud chuli about Teradata? If you have ever been engaged in the organization of a great corporate gathering of tributes, then, without a doubt. In the 1970s, Teradata laid the foundation for the first data collections. In 1992, the bands created such a collection for Wall-Mart, and at the same time, the understanding of "corporate collections of data" and Teradata became inseparable.


Another IBM product that will be released sometime in decal versions. Informix is ​​a system of colleges and universities that borrows from the world of corporate databases first place after the level of qualifications for students. Coristuvachi Informix often slander for low varsity, low operating temperatures and high equal arrogance.

9. Ingres

Ingres is a wholesome project for PostgreSQL and other RDBMSs with native code. Vickoristannya Ingres lowers the total volatility of the system. Krym its own economic model, Ingres revenge tools that make it easier to switch to it from expensive DBMS. Also, the Ingres warehouse is subject to the sum of the safety standards.

10. Amazon SimpleDB

If you want to know that the bases of data and Amazon understand little, but it’s not true. Amazon SimpleDB offers the corporate sector a simple, low-cost alternative to other commercial counterparts.

SimpleDB is characterized by low operating costs, high speed, high scalability and tight integration with Amazon services.

The most popular DBMS: 2018 ranking

The most popular DBMS: 2018 ranking

Data base - where you can put it I need information, sob potim іz it pratsyuvati. For example, at the base of data for an online store, manually trim the catalog of products, information for any customers, and content too.

But how to create such a mist? How to put tribute, minify them, show them to other coristuvachi? For whom you need special software- Database management system (DBMS). You tell me how to buy data and how to work with them, and then the system itself wins everything.

Today there are hundreds of DBMS. Surprisingly, some of them have reached the first five of the highest rating of DB-Engines.

The most popular and newest DBMS, the first version of which appeared even in the 70s. Potuzhna, practical that status.


  • visible functionality (Oracle to replace the grid framework and masu chips, as in other DBMS it is necessary to install additionally);
  • vіdmіnna scalability (without wasting productivity, processing a kіlka of a billion records);
  • unprecedented arrogance;
  • the ability to use as an engine for web add-ons (Oracle APEX).


  • high price (single cost license cost 350 dollars, processor - 17.5 thousand dollars);
  • temple of peace system resources(often before installation, it is necessary to update the possession);
  • collapsible changes (not a skin sysadmin gets in touch with vicissitudes and Oracle services).

To whom it is necessary: ​​to great (and rich) corporations, yakі pratsyut іz majestic obligations of tribute.

The gold standard DBMS for web zastosunkiv on Linux. The system is shvidka, nadiyna, and the smut is bezkoshtovna. If you want to do business better, take a paid version.


  • simple interface;
  • podtrimka different types table (MyISAM, InnoDB, EXAMPLE and in.);
  • economy of resources;
  • synchronization with other databases (Oracle, DB2 and others.).


  • fragmented version of SQL (as previously you were using standard language, problems may arise at times in the implementation of the DBMS);
  • dіri in safety (when there are no ongoing MySQL operations, you can provoke a DDos attack on the data base);
  • paid tech support (navit for non-cost versions).

To whom it is recommended: companies that need a normally free DBMS.

Firmova SKBD from Microsoft. Pratsyuє yak s local, so і s ugly servers(You can sing them one hour at a time). Since 2016, it’s time to be friends with Linux, but it’s also best to win in the OS of the Windows family.


  • simple interface;
  • synchronization with others software products Microsoft;
  • garniy zahist danikh (ciphered, dynamic masking and in.);
  • vіdminna scaling.


  • high price (standard license for one server costs 865 dollars);
  • promotion of resources;
  • fringing functionality for robots with web programs.

Whom it is for: companies that win Microsoft products.

One of the first DBMSs was broken up about 30 years ago at the University of Berkeley. It is most often victorious for traversal by the data bases of websites. To that zruchna that bezkoshtovna.


  • high scale;
  • json subtrim (JavaScript data exchange text format);
  • ACID performance (to help the system, which ensures maximum transmission of robots);
  • the possibility of setting up a personal interface;
  • versatility (suitable for most popular platforms).


  • increase in the amount of resources;
  • weak technical trim;
  • hosting problems.

To whom it should be given: companies with a limited budget and great data bases.

Bezkoshtovna DBMS, which supports a sprat of mov programming. On top of forward systems that do not work with relational databases (for some of them, data are mutually related).


  • vіdmіnna scaling;
  • json subtrim;
  • mozhlivist work s be-what kinds of data.


  • folding procedure;
  • to work with relational databases to manually rewrite the code;
  • for a commercial wiki, a paid version is required.

To whom it should be given: to companies that work out of great obligations of various tributes.