Programs for smart tv lzh zavantazhiti online. Smartshare for LG: the best software for cool PC

The ForkPlayer program for LG TVs, which supports the function of Smart TV, today is extremely popular in the media. This is due to the fact that through this widget you will deny access to a great number of TV channels absolutely free of charge, and you can also watch movies, videos, and listen to music from the Internet, or be it an extension, which is connected to the TV or enter at home.

In principle, everything is available without the ForkPlayer program. Data availability can be downloaded and other programs, displayed in Smart TV TVs, or additionally attractive are installed. However, for everything you have listed, you need to install a program in the same time. ForkPlayer will take revenge on its own ability and you will not need to switch from one widget to another.

ForkPlayer 2.5 for Smart TV

on Narazi The current version of the ForkPlayer software is version 2.5, which was released in 2014. In the next hour, it is possible that the program will be updated, how to rob the robot with files, keruvannya and installation of the widget through the DNS change is more simple and manual for the koristuvach.

Earlier, most of the koristuvachs had installed the ForkPlayer 2.0 program for Smart TV. Similar to it in version 2.5, the following happened:

  • You can create tabs to allow you to save information when you leave the program. In order for the stench to begin to work, it is necessary to go to the right place and select the “Pochatkov group” item. There, the next step is to increase the possibility of “Continue the work from the same month”;
  • For an hour, I’ll look for data, you can see the yogo process. So, if you know the file you need, you can start a search by pressing the Return button;
  • You can customize the program for yourself, set the brightness, color and background image;
  • Larger navigation panel, which allows you to turn to the front section by pressing the button on the button;
  • When entangled, you can see a green husband, which shows the process of entanglement.

Installed via DNS change

On TVs like LG, which supports the function of Smart TV, you can decrypt in ways and adjust through DNS change - one of them. In case of any follow-up, insure the release of the TV set and that operating system. Fallow in the light of these nuances, it is necessary to take into account the instructions for fixing.

First way

So, how can you Smart TV TV company LG, which works on abo Netcast, which will be released from 2010 to this day, instructions for setting up through DNS change will be forthcoming.

  1. Go to the TV menu on WebOS;
  2. Go to the tab that confirms the connection of Smart TV to the Internet;
  3. Select "DNS Server";
  4. At the end, as soon as it appears, enter one of the DNS addresses below. When this varto vrahuvati, scho zalezhno vіd DPR address to launch a new program. So, if you enter, then the ForkPlayer program itself will start. If so, send the DNZ to the address - an unofficial ForkStore store will be launched, de bude and addenda.
  5. If you have entered DNS, then at the end of the day, you will need to switch to the Premium distribution. You may know that you can launch Russia TV, First Automobile, Radio or vTuner.

Another way

If you provide LG Netcast Smart TV with the WebOS operating system or Netcast version 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 or 4.5, then the process of installing the widget through the DNS change will begin:

In order to work with the program more conveniently, install it on your computer, laptop or smartphone Remote ForkPlayer and activate RemoteFork in the settings of the TV.

DNS for LG Smart TV

If you fail to install the program for additional DNS change, then you are responsible for checking that no skin addresses can be sent to you and your Smart TV model. For setting up a correct robotic program, you can try to prescribe the upcoming DNS:


To close the distribution, if you can open it only through the DNS change, if you are handy when working with them, you can go to Smart-TB and connect RemoteFork. So you will need to install Remote program ForkPlayer on a computer. So pratsyuvati with an addendum will be richer.

Installation from a flash drive

You can install ForkPlayer not only through changing the DNS, but also from flash drives, and also to ensure that the content will be surrounded. Shchob otrimati full access, you need to install or install Remote ForkPlayer on your computer and run yoga. With this option, Remote ForkPlayer will need to be launched on the installed Smart TV.

Method #1

So, if you need to install a widget from a ForkPlayer flash drive on LG LG with the WebOS operating system, you will need to follow the steps:

  1. On a flash drive, it is necessary to unpack archives, advances from;
  2. See your account on LG Smart TV;
  3. Connect a flash drive to the TV;
  4. Like only Smart TV її reveal, press on the remote control remote care the button with a budinochkom and turn right-handed doti, you will find the docks at the list of the Launcher widget;
  5. Launch the program. For full access, add Remote ForkPlayer on your computer and activate RemoteFork on your TV.

Method #2

If your LG Smart TV is running Netcast OS and was issued between 2010 and 2013, you must comply with these instructions:

  1. Unpack the rar archives on a flash drive and connect it to LG Smart TV, using your account, as well as in the forward version;
  2. If so, you will need to go to “My supplements”, as if they were stitched in the right fold from the bottom;
  3. Select the section "My USB programs";
  4. Run the program that is saved on the flash drive;
  5. In order to gain access, you need to install it and run Remote ForkPlayer on your laptop or other device, as well as activate the RemoteFork option.

If you don't want to download your Smart TV, try formatting a USB flash drive or choose another one.

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    LG Smart Share is a program designed to allow access to computer files and transfer them to a TV. People who have bought LG TVs can enjoy looking at photos and videos on great screen. Until then, it is possible to run audio files.

    Access to the computer can be taken via LAN interface or Wi-Fi. To "share" a folder with files, you need to change fitting smart share. It is enough to enter a catalog, and everything else will be spawned automatically by the program.

    System support

    • CPU - 1.2 GHz;
    • RAM - 256 Mb;
    • OS - Microsoft Windows 10 i below;
    • Architectural size - 32/64 bit;
    • Dodatkovo - connection for LZ.

    It doesn’t matter, for some reason, there will be a TV connection to the computer. You can also use Wi-Fi, and LAN. For fast data processing, it is recommended to install a video card with a memory capacity of at least 64 MB.

    Basic possibilities

    • Restricting access to local drives PC;
    • Work with multimedia files;
    • Access to airborne noses;
    • The creation of the library short description files;
    • Periodically updated programs.


    Smartshare bigger functionality LG Smart TV. It is recommended for those who are short-tempered to become familiar with yoga advances. The hackers of the koristuvach programs can gain access to their computer. In this way, you can marvel at the photographs and presentations that are on the computer.

    If you want to be amazed at the advancement of films, you can also speed up the program. On the back, you need to fill in the coolers, and then connect to these folders. After choosing a movie, the image will appear on the TV screen. With this quality of the picture, the sound does not change.

    There is one more program that you can use that allows you to gain access to an add-on that is connected via a USB port. It’s handy, as if you want to look at the photos from the camera.

    It is important that the Smartshare PC software can be purchased free of charge from the lg website. At this interface, the program is intuitively intelligent, prote menu items in Russian language. In this rank, with the program, it is possible to get a newbie.


    The smartshare program, rozroblen for smart tv, may be a little short. DLNA standards may have different configurations, for a skin TV it is necessary to install a recommended program. In this rank, the programs, recognized for TB lg, only go to the next TV set.

    When playing HD movies, problems can be caused, the shards of the device will not read this format. The next step is to indicate that files with higher extensions are more quickly transferred to the TV screen for the help of LAN.

    How to download the program

    To start downloading the program for PC, it is recommended to go to the official website of LG, please contact After the interest head side, it is necessary to hover over the mouse mouse of the distribution of "Pidtrimka". At the menu that appears, you will need to select the “Drivers, firmware and firmware” section.

    On the offensive krotsі koristuvach zayavlyaetsya mozhlivіst zavantazhit two programs, and itself DLNA and Media Link. To download the files, click on the forward buttons.


    The first thing to do before installing the product is to unpack the archives "LG_SmartShare_WAL_x.x.x" (de x.x.x is the version of the product). You need to open the folder and find "setup.exe".

    First, the installation master will appear. You will need to click on the "Dal" button at the window.

    On the approaching crook of the coristuvachev, it is necessary to be aware of the license, and then accept it. If you want to read the text, you can rozdrukvati. By pressing the "Druk" button. If it is too much to press the "So" button.

    Then it will be necessary to select from the folder for installation. After that, the installation process will be revealed. After the installation is completed, you will need to install access to the services by checking the box next to the check box, and also select a folder for the spool.


    After launching the Koristuvach program, you can empty vikno. To open files in the following folders, it is recommended to click on the "Parameters" menu.

    At the vіknі, 4 groups of patches will be stashed, and for yourself:

    1. Service.
    2. Hot files.
    3. Attachment installations.
    4. Allow or block other attachments.

    To select a folder with files, you need to go to the tab "Files" and then click on the icon with a cross.

    In the new window, you will be able to select a directory with files. For yogo, “rozsharuvannya” is no longer enough to put a daw and press “zasosuvati”.


    Vlasniki televizorіv LG, program Smart Share fit to savor. Zavdyaki its functionality, it allows you to run multimedia files on the TV screen. Intuitively intelligible interface doesn't call for colloquial typing in newcomers.

    One thing to keep in mind, tse those to build a better network through the LAN. Tse s tim, that the signal will be stable and vinikne rozriviv. It’s also better to launch a video with the widest format, the shards of a lot of TVs may be obezzhennya.

    Video look around LG Smart Share

    mustache current TVs tsієї brands pratsyyut on operating system LG Webos, which already has it installed popular programs and widgets, like skype, weather forecast, the dollar exchange rate is too low. Oskіlki kozhen koristuvach maє svoї perevagi, tsey list can be corrected.

    Talking my simple, widgets - tse additions, created for the purpose of vikonannya of a specific action. For their help, you can significantly expand the capabilities of the TV set. Earlier for revision digital television for Rostelecom, if there was any other operator, it would be necessary to connect a service. Now you can enjoy watching your favorite TV channels without having installed the necessary supplements.

    Important: do not be afraid to restore their great number, shards internal memory pristroї zberіgaєtsya yogo yarlik. The program itself is virtual servers retailers.

    Download, install and install

    You can download programs for LG Smart TV both from the official store, which is in the menu (LG Apps TV), and from a third-party resource. With this varto, it means that the programs can be entangled with an unknown dzherel, and I’ll build the wrong shkoda, right up to the exit of yoga.

    The programs, which are found in the official store of the company, have undergone a thorough review, so the stench is not unsafe and 100% practical. Here you can also find widgets that allow you to watch television without connecting additional services or installing antennas. The unparalleled leader in this area is Rostelecom. For LG TVs, she developed the Fun program to cover 120 digital channels.

    Ways to install widgets

    You can install the TV add-on in one of the following ways:

    • zavantazhivshi from the official store;
    • from a flash drive.

    Widget installation from LG Apps TV

    If you select a song widget, you need to change which wine is suitable for the streaming version of Webos tv. For whom, go to the setup of your TV set by selecting the required item. Yakscho software security if you need it, you can proceed to the installation of the widget. For which it is more necessary to press the "Install" button and stop the process.

    Installing software from a USB flash drive

    It is possible to take advantage of a third-party resource for programs on a TV set from a web OS only for obviousness on a new special programs for example, such as Simple Smart IPTV. The process of installing widgets from a flash drive will come:

    • Insert the flash drive into the TV port and activate My Apps.
    • Click on the pictogram to show up at the top right corner, and from the list of programs, choose what you need.

    The next time the installation process starts.

    How to remove the program from the Lg SMART TV

    I don't care about those insertion of supplements occupies a minimum of the internal memory of the TV set, but sometimes you can still see them. As a rule, think about those, how to remove the program koristuvach start at that moment, if everything installed widgets not placed on one side. At tsomu vipadku vydalnya speed up access to programs that have been lost.

    You can see them in one of three ways:

    1. Go to the program menu and select those you need to see. Pull the yogo at the upper right corner of the doti, the docks will not appear prompting "To pull it out for the distance."
    2. Press the "Change" button on the side of the program. Vaughn is located at the upper right kutka. Choose a widget that you need to see. Dali zі list dіy select "Vidality".
    3. This way is the simplest. Polegaє vin at the overtightening of the inappropriate widget to the "Vidality" button, stashed in the lower right corner.

    Important: the program will be rediscovered from the side only after confirmation of the withdrawal.

    As it was said above, without registration at the web OS system, install it somehow appendage appendix, like Skype, Zabava to Rostelecom, what else, not visible. To pass the registration, see the instructions below.

    Instructions for registering with the Webos system

    It is easy to register with the system. For whom is it necessary to vikonati dekіlka points:

    1. Open the menu by pressing the exit button on the remote control.
    2. Let's wrap up "Shvidko" - "Management face record- "Create an oblіkovy record".
    3. At the window, select all the points and press "Zgidniy".
    4. Enter address email, which date will be entered as login, date of birth and password.
    5. Confirm the registration by mail.

    Axis and everything, registration passed. Now you can proceed to install new programs.


    Widgets significantly expand the possibilities of building. So on LG Smart TVs, released after 2014, it is possible to install the software of the company Rostelecom - Zabava. It allows you to watch up to 120 channels of digital television, as the Rostelecom company hopes. In order to be able to achieve it, it is necessary to install the program on the TV set and pay a monthly fee for it.