Supputnikovy channels on TV Samsung. Adjustment and connection of the Cam-module Tricolor TB

Setting up and connecting the Cam-module
Tricolor TB

The Danish hour is bagato Suchasnі Televisions Possession of a built-in satellite tuner and a rose for the Cam-module, which allows you to view the TV channels of satellite operators. To view the channels of the satellite operator Tricolor TB, your TV set has been adapted to HD AVC (MPEG-4 H.264) standards, which allows you to view broadcasts in high quality HD, as well as in SD formats.

To connect the Tricolor TB Cam-module to the TV set, it is necessary to have the following possession:
1. Cam-module Tricolor TB;
2. Smart card (included in the kit with Cam-module and a subscription for one pik);
3. Suputnikova antenna;
4. Converter of circular polarization;
5. Cable RG-6 (or analog) for connecting a satellite antenna from a TV set.
Dal it is necessary to get up and nalashtuvati satellite antenna on the programs of the satellite operator Tricolor TB (Eutelsat W4 / W7 36.0`E) that for the additional TV cable and the F-rose connected with the plug of your TV will be designated by the mark “SATTELITE”.
It is possible to set up a satellite antenna independently, or, for example, it can be more beautifully turned up to fahivts.

Step robots from the adjustment of the Cam-module Tricolor TB Vikonuєmo without a TV view:
1. Insert a smart card into the Cam-module until it stops (according to the instructions on the sticker);
2. Insert the module at the TV-viewer roses;
First two points of the show when you see the live TV!
3. For the additional help of the remote control, it is necessary to remove the adjustment of the TV viewer at the factory. For a full onslaught, the button - "menu" and vibrate: - "pidtrimka" - "self-diagnostics" - "skip", the onset is the "OK" button, for which you will be honored to rewire the TV viewer;
4. When the onslaught is over, the button "menu" is selected, then the menu item "channel" --- "antenna" is selected and the submenu "companion" is selected.

5. In the menu "channel", lowering the "satellite system" and the onslaught of "OK" on the submenu;
6. Show up from the supplied PIN-code, where the value is entered is 0000 (for the names), the list of supporters appears, or it is necessary to take all the jackdaws against the list of supporters, except for the companion for the designated ones - Eu7 36Е W4 / go to see the jackdaws of the viewers) companions: the vityaguєmo module from the TV viewer and again the ability to skip the adjustment of the TV viewer);
7. Go to the menu "vibrating companion" and vibrating companion - Eutelsat W4 / W7 36E.

And in the LNB nalashtuvannya vkazuєmo these are:
Transponder - 12226 H
lower gene. LNB - 0
upper gene. LNB - 10750;

8. Then go to the "manual adjustment" menu with the transponder 12226 H and the onslaught of the button - "noise";

9. Pislya scan satellite channels Tricolor TB onslaughtєmo button "save".

On tsomu nalashtuvannya CAM - the Tricolor TV module is completed, now we are watching TV programs !!!
Tsey material Displaying on TVs of the brand - Samsung, connecting and adjusting the Cam - Tricolor TB module on the models of televisions and those of them, work in a similar way.

Setting up and connecting the Cam-module
Tricolor TB

In the early days of a bunch of modern TVs, it was possessed by a dedicated satellite tuner and a rose for the Cam-module, which allows you to view the TV channels of satellite operators. To view the channels of the satellite operator Tricolor TB, your TV set has been adapted to HD AVC (MPEG-4 H.264) standards, which allows you to view broadcasts in high quality HD, as well as in SD formats.

To connect the Tricolor TB Cam-module to the TV set, it is necessary to have the following possession:
1. Cam-module Tricolor TB;
2. Smart card (included in the kit with Cam-module and a subscription for one pik);
3. Suputnikova antenna;
4. Converter of circular polarization;
5. Cable RG-6 (or analog) for connecting a satellite antenna from a TV set.
Then it is necessary to install and adjust the satellite antenna on the programs of the satellite operator Tricolor TB (Eutelsat W4 / W7 36.0`E) that for the additional TV cable and F-rose from the SITE with the plug-in of your TV viewer.
It is possible to set up a satellite antenna independently, or, for example, it can be more beautifully turned up to fahivts.

Step robots from the adjustment of the Cam-module Tricolor TB Vikonuєmo without a TV view:
1. Insert a smart card into the Cam-module until it stops (according to the instructions on the sticker);
2. Insert the module at the TV-viewer roses;
First two points of a vison when you see a TV show!
3. For the additional help of the remote control, it is necessary to remove the adjustment of the TV viewer at the factory. For a full onslaught, the button - "menu" and vibrate: - "pidtrimka" - "self-diagnostics" - "skip", the onset is the "OK" button, for which you will be honored to rewire the TV viewer;
4. When the onslaught is over, the button "menu" is selected, then the menu item "channel" --- "antenna" is selected and the submenu "companion" is selected.

5. In the menu "channel", lowering the "satellite system" and the onslaught of "OK" on the submenu;
6. Show up from the supplied PIN-code, where the value is entered is 0000 (for the names), the list of supporters appears, or it is necessary to take all the jackdaws against the list of supporters, except for the companion for the designated ones - Eu7 36Е W4 / go to see the jackdaws of the viewers) companions: the vityaguєmo module from the TV viewer and again the ability to skip the adjustment of the TV viewer);
7. Go to the menu "vibrating companion" and vibrating companion - Eutelsat W4 / W7 36E.

And in the LNB nalashtuvannya vkazuєmo these are:
Transponder - 12226 H
lower gene. LNB - 0
upper gene. LNB - 10750;

8. Then go to the "manual adjustment" menu with the transponder 12226 H and the onslaught of the button - "noise";

9. Pislya scanned satellite channels Tricolor TB onslaught, press the "save" button.

On tsomu nalashtuvannya CAM - the Tricolor TV module is completed, now we are watching TV programs !!!
Danish material on TVs of the brand - Samsung, connecting and adjusting the Cam - Tricolor TB module on TV models from the list of virobniks, work in a similar way.

As soon as you have already begun to break up like dei, then you will be glad to have a chance to get rid of them.

Yak tse zrobiti:

1.Need in the item "Pidtrimka" -> "Self-diagnostics" -> "Skidannya"

Access model is not inserted!

2. Enter the PIN-code ("0000" for the change).

3.We will write on the screen

Proceed to nalashtuvannya 1. Go to the menu and go to nalashtuvan subutnik channels. Yak can pomititi, here є companion "EUTELSAT 36E". We need to take a tick from the other's companion. Schob tse zatat, onslaught on the row "Vibir of the companion", shukamo "EUTELSAT 36E" that onslaught on the new one (tick off).

2. Now you need to set your partner. For the whole it is known, for example, "User Sat 1", which is indicated by a tick and the onslaught of "save".

3. Zaholimo in "Nalashtuvannya LNB".

4. Bachimo, the transponder is not available, and the function is not available. Visually, the lower border is like that, like a cherry, and now you can close the menu.

5. We go to the menu, I know, the item "Translation" -> "Nalashtuvannya channels" -> "Nalashtuvannya will be handled". You can use our companion "User Sat 1" for your deposit. Onslaught, bachimo "Transponder" that item "Create" will become active.

6. Now the frequency is entered (for example 12418 ", the onslaught is" OK ". The speed of transmission is 27500, the onslaught is" OK "and" Save ").

8. I know we go to the "Transponder", just once in a little flicker, and then again on the onslaught, "Poshuk".

9. There will be a noise for all the available frequencies of the Tricolor TB transponders. For example, we have known 277 channels and 40 radio stations.