Yaky viglyadaє hdmi cable. Connecting a TV set to a computer and laptop via HDMI

The number of pixels for the TV viewing is clear or the plasma is fixed. It’s to lay down from that, as the company issued a yogo, from the diagonal screen that generation lineup... Along with the current TV set from LG, which is sent to the screen behind an additional RC-panel, a picture from hdmi to a separate building of 1366x768, will be brought up to 720x576 pixels. This is also the standard for a mobile TV signal. The model of TV viewing from Samsung and LG is also expensive, it is easy to work in modes, but not at any monitor - 1920х1080 pixels.

Logically, through a cable, it will allow you to connect the high-quality hdmi signal to a netbook, or a laptop to your LG TV set, you can display a picture. Aje pass through happy processor The PC is equipped with yakimi, the video signal will rotate. Krim addition for PC is closed special programs, scho allow vikoristovuvati LCD screens of expensive TV models on the edge of the other possibilities. At the same hour, the HDMI cable does not fit into the picture quality of LG TV receivers.

Plus the connection of TV technology to the computer

Great Samsung RC Panels are wonderful for broadcasting HD movies through them. The size of the diagonal of the TV viewer in the hdmi mode allows you to see a lot of details that are invisible on the monitor screen. The techies of LG, who are victorious, replace the retransmission of the Internet with the help of a netbook and a laptop less visibility. RK-screens in the specified types of PC mayut a small diagonal. At the same hour, the LG technology has a good digital signal. I hocha great expansion The monitor can convey all the nuances of the picture, so you can adjust the comfortable viewing of the films.

Earlier, for any laptop, the rule "win only for robots" was stuck. Seasonal PC based on the advantages of this category of technology. For the first reason a netbook has a laptop, it’s like a laptop, it’s a pink hdmi, it allows you to connect through special cable before the hot TV show, it’s unimportant to LG, Rainford or Samsung - they’ll also have a pink hdmi.

PC hard drive - yak televezha for televizor

Connect TV up to personal computer obviously not deprived of a clear picture on the RK-panel satellite. Samsung - vidomy virobnik yakisnykh hard drives... Whether through them through a rose hdmi, a special cable and a display program on a PC, you can retry it to a dzherelo signal for a TV viewer last generation from LG. I replace the glance through the large RK-panel of the Samsung type in the form of 720x576 pixels, as well as the display for the same monitor from the LG screener from the separate building 1366x768.

Even behind the help of a netbook, you can look at the Internet TV high esteem through the be-yaku rose hdmi TV model and single cable. Especially for a laptop or a stationary PC. Pislya connection daily television to a personal computer, you can independently keruvati information flow, scho to come through the commune.

Connecting your TV set to LG computer technology

To connect the power TV to any version of the PC, fix it from the laptop and end it with a stationary system unit Wirobnitstva LG and the largest companies it is necessary:

  1. The availability of the hdmi socket is from a laptop or from a video card to a PC stationary, as well as from your television viewer.
  2. The cable from two houses is connected to hdmi, through the connection of the devices.
  3. Deyaki TV models can only be used with a DVI connector. Today you can choose to use special hdmi-DVI adapters for connecting to a computer. In both cases, the signal is transmitted to the LG RC panel in the same way. The main reason is that a DVI cable is built to transmit an analog signal through itself.
  4. Recommended for special software security. If you want to make sure that the TV viewer has a flat RK screen, replace the standard monitor.

Vikoristannya PC as a jerel to the TV signal for additional connection through a socket of high accuracy hdmi - it’s not just the ability to push old files from the "new color". There is also a way to see all the possibilities of LG screens by the creators.

Adjusting a pre-installed monitor for a laptop

Vikoristovuchi is a special cable for connecting through a new hdmi port from your PC and TV, so you forget to switch to the required input. I replace the onslaught of one button on the TV remote control to call the LG service center, see if the model is not good hdmi. For fixing the computer adjustments, squeezing the cable. First and foremost, every day in a decade, it’s fair to say.

On the consoles of the LG Keruvannya there is a special button for switching the TV set to the received hdmi signal from the connected PC and converting it to the great version of the monitor. Push the button, then vibrate the roses until the cable is connected. That's it, the picture from the laptop is guilty for a second to appear on the screen of the RK-panel. And instead of small ones, do not find even clearer pictures visible on the monitor screen, you can add all the other nuances to the great diagonal of the LG display panel. Farther away, you can use the video stream to look for an additional laptop or the other version of the PC, connecting any way through the high-end hdmi socket.

Dubluvannya RK-screen of the laptop, do not zruchne

Do not use a manual connection to connect the remote control screen to duplicate the information on the PC. To that, the victorious additional RK-panels from LG behind an additional laptop can be like one working table. For the whole process of connecting a PC for an additional adjustment to the Windows Mobility Center, select the option "Wideness".

Now the name of the RK-display is a vikoristovu cable that is connected to hdmi, which allows you to add a computer to a pre-installed screen. With a single PC, it is easy to create a broadcast of the movie in hdmi via a cable, and the computer can instantly send a computer parallel to another video panel. You can also ask through the mobility center offensive modes robots:

  1. "Only computer". I would like the cable for connecting the technology through the hdmi connector to be victorious, in this mode the picture is only on the PC display.
  2. "Dublyuvati". Information from the PC screen is duplicated on the LG panel one to one.
  3. "Expansion". Koristuvach himself asks the computer, which is from RK-screens at Daniy moment translate.
  4. "Tilki projector". Through the pull-out cable, the picture must be placed on the connected RC-panel. PC screen є is inactive.

For tricky flat RK-screens LG recommended the "Only projector" mode. For robots, the optimal є is the spilna of the PC robot and the additional screen via the hdmi connection and the option "Rozshyriti". Ale for the nourishment of the hairy comfort of the skin, lyudin virishu herself.

If you are looking for a good HD TV set, you will not necessarily need to vibrate the HDMI cable. Yak HDMI cable to connect to the TV - power supply to the TV, but sometimes you need to add a cable. It’s not a very complicated procedure, but it’s necessary to get familiar with the nuances in advance.

Short characteristics of HDMI cable

Before connecting the hdmi cable to the TV set, it is important to consider the main characteristics. HDMI is a multimedia multimedia interface with a high-quality separate building. There are two types of HDMI cable: HDMI Standart and HDMI High Speed. With the help of HDMI Standard cables, you can connect TV receivers of all categories: cable, ethernet, satellite, including 3D, as well as extra (3D) Blue-Ray programs and a large number of HD video cameras. Cables of the main category can be used for different brands, like High Speed. Game consoles, computers, Blue-Ray 3D players. Game consoles, computers, Blue-Ray 3D-programmable additionally, but not necessarily with a High Speed ​​cable.

One of the main subtleties of the choice of the cable є vimoga to the yogi dozhini, which is guilty of changing the 5m, the quality of the image can be lost very quickly. Also, the cable cannot be bent. Before adding a cable, it is necessary to have a presence - like roses є on your annex. Obviously old models of TVs and their possession may have two types of roses - RCA (called a "tulip", cable with third-party wiring) and S-video, round input, 9 contacts maє 4 a. New models of annexes are equipped with an HDMI interface.

To connect the most efficient connection, you need to add a cable, like - from one side - there is a pink on the panel, and from the side - HDMI. It is problematic to know such a cable, and if you don’t fit in, you need to be quicker, as there can be two or more roses of a different type.

The process of connecting an HDMI cable to a TV set

How do I connect an HDMI cable to a TV set? Before connecting to the cable, the TV set needs to be connected. Yakshho TV-pristiy maє S-video, the cable is connected with a pink S-video to the TV, and HDMI is connected to the computer.

It is not necessary to connect an HDMI TV set to the DVI jack of a computer. It also connects the product to a significant reduction in image quality and audio signal.

Pislya z'єdnannya cable HDMI TV From the computer, a TV set can be connected to the computer, and then a computer. Pid hour of pre-assignment operating systems on the computer screen blim, how to talk about yogo connection to the last dzherel. The TV set needs to be switched to AVI mode, when the signal does not come new antennas, A view of the computer.

How can I connect an HDMI cable to a TV set, how can a TV set connect to a computer for an additional HDMI cable in the future? Obov'yazkovoy procedure є adjusting the video card. For all, it is necessary to have the power of the video card. When you enter the "Dodatkovo" tab, you will know the instructions, which you can see from the computer on TV. For Windows 7 OS, it is necessary to go to the work table in "Dozvil" - "Know". TV-add-on to become a main monitor. As soon as the TV viewer is not visible, you need to know to go to the authorities of the video card and repeat all the crochets again.

The authorities of the video card have the ability to adjust the various buildings, adjust the working table, display the colors and adjust them.

If there are any problems with images, the cause can be either an HDMI cable, or problems with connected annexes, but most often it is due to the mercy of software security.

If there is a need to connect to the TV set via HDMI, then it is not enough to ask the power supply "How is it correct?" To what can you say? Let's get rid of it.

Suppose you need to connect a computer or a laptop to a TV set via an HDMI port, most often people use a cable like this, take a cable and put everything on hot without any problems.

Viraz "on hot" is on the connection of two electronic attachments one to one without їkh vimikannya, tobto. at that moment, if tsі attach pratsyuyut. So the axis, trap, how to use such a connection, you can seriously change your technique. And in service centers Already a long time ago, it was seen as a result of these breakdowns as a result of the fact that you have taken a guarantee repair. Identity is unlikely to chi roll.

Ale yak can it still be? Also the HDMI distributors gave the go-ahead on the connection "Hot". It is possible to work without fail if you want one of the attachments to be connected, it is not included in the tobto border. pratsyu vid battery. As long as your laptop is plugged into an outlet, like a TV set, then you can use the plug-in cable to burn the HDMI port or it’s better. Don't be hungry, maybe everything is normal, or not everything and don't expect to be happy, it's a pity, there are some problems, but why?

I don’t go into the details on the right in the fact that on the tires of the technology you can connect to the net, you can reach the high potential of the connection, perhaps you have spared it when the cable TV plug is connected to the antenna input of the TV, so you can connected HDMI. So, with a lot of singing minds, when connected on the lances, one can pass and finish with great strumas, which burn the port.

Surely, if your apartment has sockets that work with real grounding, and not just with a contact for visibility, then you should not be afraid of anything, or even more than a lot of life, you can not boast of such grounding.

Otzhe roboti, so do not burn the technology when HDMI is connected.

If you don’t fit your wiring to the ground, then follow the simple procedure. A) If there is only one out of the outbuildings, so you can get out, just from the battery and not connected to the electrical connection, then boldly switch on yak є.

B) If it is offensive to be attached to the outlet, then

1) Switch on from the hem, and it is not only necessary to switch the remote control to the circulating mode, which is not a good idea, but to switch it off from the socket or switch on the button of the hemline filter, as it is to be used.

2) Yaksho TV_zor is connected to cable TV you may need to see it.

3) Plug-in or plug-in HDMI cable to the technology, in the middle of the line.

By adopting a simple order, you will save your technique from the wrong way out of the way.

P.S. As it is often done, it’s possible to disconnect the power supply from the outlet, you can use a single wire to ground them by yourself.