Installing ubuntu 17.04 from a flash drive. Installed Linux Xubuntu. Starting the system in Live CD mode

Remaining hours of operation Linux system becoming more and more popular. Distribution kits on a basis are absolutely cost-free, with the possibility of skin protection, they practically do not compromise with the more popular and commercial Windows and Mac OS. Shards in Russia and other Russian lands of Linux have become more popular among the professional environment, some of the most famous home computers, this fact can be instilled, because of the stench just be afraid to try to speed up Linux for an hour.

You can install Linux for an additional flash drive.

Indeed, today it has been created to make a lot of choices of Linux, which, for the sake of good fortune, can turn the same Windows or Mac OS. In these articles, we also report on what is necessary for using Linux on your home computer, as well as pokrokov ceramics, how to create flash drive Linux is the system installed.

Flash drive

Larger distributions may have a default image size of 1 to 2 gigabytes. Some types of wines can reach 4 gigabytes or more. Therefore, for the complete installation of Linux on your computer, you need a flash drive with a size of 4 gigabytes and more, the shards of the image to be recorded are to be placed on the disk. Most of the noses in the current year are given to the cims of the vimog.

Linux image

Deyakі distributives rozrohovanі on fahivtsіv, yak іnshі may vikoristovuvatysya navіdchenny koristuvachami. They include Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Debian, Manjaro, OpenSUSE, Zorin, Fedora and elementaryOS. Go to the distribution site and download the installation image. It can be done both directly from the server, and through the BitTorrent protocol, through which it is possible to secure high security. How to write on a flash drive, be it Linux distribution read further.

Utility for creating a flash drive

Shchob create exciting nose, need to speed up a special utility For Windows best choice be Rufus, and for Linux - Unetbootin. How to rob a flash drive for their help, peacefully far away.

System support

For normal work Linux on the computer is guilty of singing vimog. Fallow in the form of a vicorous distribution kit and graphic shells, the stench will be like this:

  • RAM: 1-2 GB.
  • Processor: two cores, the frequency is less than 1.3–1.6 gigahertz.
  • Video card: be-yaka modern.
  • Free space on the disk: not less than 4-5 GB.

Linux installation procedure

What is the next respect?

Internet connection

Best, if you win a router for connecting to the Internet, what hope mezhezhі addresses automatically in DHCP mode. How do you get a direct connection, without a router, it's better if the operator gives a dynamic IP address. Otherwise, problems can be fixed.

Selection of additive components for investment

With some distributions installed, especially those based on Ubuntu, you can choose additive components for zavantazhennya that vstanovlennya. These are the releases at the time of the installation of the Linux distribution update, as well as proprietary codecs for the implementation of various file formats, for example MP3 or flash, as well as drivers for attachments to the computer or laptop. Obviously, it can be made even after the installation, but even better, if the stench is taken care of at this stage, the system will soon be ready before the win.

Select installation option

Depending on whether you can install other operating systems or not, the utility offers two options on how to install the OS and expand the file system: automatic and manual. For the first time, you need to place the cursor next to the item that prompts you to erase the entire disk space and remove the Linux installation. Installing everything manually, select the item "Other options" or "Manual installation".

Hard disk remapping

Automatic. If you choose to auto-enable the hard drive, the setup utility will be all gone. You will need to be more lucky with the proponated changes. If you are installing a system from scratch, or if you are planning to build Linux as a single operating system on your computer, or do not want to dig into rіznі nalashtuvannya, you can boldly choose automatic rosette.

Manual. When installing Linux like another system, or else you just need to open a hard disk by entering the skin partition size, you happen to create a partition table by clicking on the open button in the menu. On Windows, Linux, you can't understand drive C or drive D, since the file system is ruled by a different principle. Here is the root of the file system (root), which is connected, otherwise it seems, mounted and other directories are distributed. Usy їх may be 4, moreover, the skin of them is to blame for the mother's file system format. Let's remake them:

  • / - root split - file system ext4, size 10 to 50 GB, new operating system is installed.
  • /boot - assigned to the files of the Grub driver, is responsible for the mother ext2 file system, like rozmir - approximately 100 MB.
  • swap - swap for memory upgrade, file system - swap operational memory.
  • /home - koristuvalny razdіl, which occupies the whole free space, which is full after the occupation of other razdіlі; file system is ext4.

Add all the numbers of rosemary, manually entering the rosemary of the skin. Chest, scho 1 gigabyte is worth 1024 megabytes. Do not forget to check if everything was correct, otherwise you will have to reinstall everything again.

  • Select a standard keyboard layout. The next step, which you will be asked by the installation utility, is to choose the main movie and keyboard layout. Here you are not to blame for the everyday folds.
  • Change the time zone. Then, on the map of the world, choose your rotashuvannya that time zone. Choose a place closest to yours.
  • Oblіkovі danny koristuvach. Enter your koristuvach name, so that you can check in at the entrance, give your login, your computer name and the password for the entrance. If you do not want to enter one skin time, if the computer is checked, put a check mark.
  • Completion of installation. After you enter all the important data, check the sprat of credits, the docking system will not be installed until the end. Zzvichay tse borrow trochs more than a year ago from old computers. To brighten up your mind, you will be shown images describing the features of the distribution you are installing.

IMPORTANT. After the installation is completed, restart the installation, do not forget to remove the USB flash drive from the computer and turn it custom BIOS on pochatkov, after which enter the login and password of the koristuvach. For this reason, the installation of Linux on your computer from flash drives is completed.


Well, the installation of Linux is not an incomprehensible and even folding procedure. If you don’t contact me without sufficient information about specific selections, insurance for professionals, the whole process will take you a loan for no more than a year. In addition, on the same Windows, Linux already has all the most necessary installations of software, so you will not need to spend an hour on yoga and that installation.

Leave your questions in the comments.

At your end, we publish an article about installing Linux OS from an exciting flash drive. This article will help you if you want to get a flash drive with Linux OS and if you want to install Linux on your computer, but don't have a drive. (like a netbook)

For the cob, we need the flash drive itself. Rozmir is healed from a vibrated disk. If you want to upload a DVD to it, you'll need a 8 GB hard drive, and for the Linux CD version, you'll need 4 GB. As a tool for creating a captivating flash drive from under Windows, I also recommend victorious Linux Live USB Creator. The software can create a captivating flash drive both from a disk found in the computer's CD-drive, and from a disk image (ISO, IMG, ZIP-archives). Let's try to capture images on the Internet. Otrimavshi zapovitny disk, zavantazhivshi that having installed the program, we proceed to the creation. The program has a friendly interface and subdivides the process into 5 stages.

1. Choice of wear for installation. Everything is simple here - choose a flash drive, the image will be flooded.

2. We choose a dzherelo. Like I said before, you can have an image or a real disk in your drive. How not - download through this program, or be it in some other way.

3. Nalashtuvan file. Since Linux Live usb creator scans your image and you get a flash drive for uploading, you can reserve a space for your files to be created and installed programs. Here you can save everything that will be created and installed by you in the robotic process directly from the flash drive itself.

4. Nalashtuvannya. Їх less than three: a) Save the created files (get the appearance of the flooded Linux image). Maybe we’ll change it, if you want to win a flash drive, not only as an avantage, but also for a great transfer of files. Attached files your eyes will not be callous; b) Formatting USB to FAT32 ( the data on the disk will be low!) ;With) Allow running LinuxLive-USB on Windows (requires Internet connection).

If the program misreads all the points correctly, then the “light-lighters” will light up green and you can boldly press the “Create” button-bliskavka. If the flash drive is ready, restart the computer and start the flash drive. If the venture is successful, start installing or download Linux OS directly on your replacement nose.

2015-12-12T14:38:03+00:00 admin What are you talking about? Stats Live CD,Installation

At your end, we publish an article about installing Linux OS from an exciting flash drive. This article will help you if you want to get a flash drive with Linux OS and if you want to install Linux on your computer, but don't have a drive. (For example, a netbook) For the cob, we need the flash drive itself. Rozmir is insured by walkers for nothing...

[email protected] Administrator Self-reader LINUX

Ubuntu is an easy operating system to install, as the installation is simple. Skin New version LINUX is being developed with the most simplified installation option.

An instruction has been given in detail describing this process, starting from the creation of an image on a flash drive, until the operating system is completely taken over.
Most folding can be done for the hour of disk space or installation of Ubuntu Linux in the Windows order. These and other problems, which can be blamed for the hour of zavantazhennya, looked at the statistics.

Brief appointment

Ubuntu is a full Linux operating system based on Debian.Її the first line of work - the application of a handy, tight, but simple interface for robots with a computer.

Before passing you can see:

  • accessibility, shards are absolutely cost-free and require any activations;
  • auto-updating of add-ons for the world;
  • easy installation of programs;
  • high defense against viruses.

Preparation before installation

Installing Linux Ubuntu from a flash drive may be more important than the popular earlier installations from a CD:

  • modern laptops and netbooks often do not have disk drives;
  • installation from the USB-attachment to the ide richly fast, lower from the disk;
  • A CD-disk can easily go out of tune through cracks and other defects.

To expand the installation, it is necessary to create a flash drive. For which Linux disk image is needed, or a CD from it, which can be copied.

The process of installing Linux offensive:

  • download/copy to the system image;
  • folding flash drives;
  • change BIOS settings;
  • installed Linux.

It is best to capture the image of the system from the official site, to the one that has been given a new version and an additional version. Also, check the parameters of the computer, the oscalls of the new versions of the software can be badly lost from the outdated technology.

Video: The creation of an exciting flash drive with OS

Burn Image

A flash drive for recording is guilty but not less than 1 GB. Capturing an image can be recorded with the help of such programs:

  • Pendrive;
  • Unetbootin;
  • Lili USB Creator;
  • UltraIso;
  • Universal USB Installer.

Creating an image in Windows

The Unetbootin program is suitable for creating an exciting add-on like in the operating room Windows systems, so i in Ubuntu. Її it is necessary to get it, install it and run it. Please choose the last one in the Diskimage item required file systems. In the middle of the disks at the "Drive" to wrap up the necessary avant-garde attachment and confirm the creation of the image:

Tsya program can do the trick in that it doesn’t help formatting the add-on, but creates an order with its own basic files. Once the recording is completed, you can proceed before installation.

Creation of an exciting flash drive

Just like a flash drive is created from a computer, whether it be a version of Linux, you can also speed it up in the forward way, or you can work it differently. The special utility usb-creator-gtk. To run it, press ALT + F2 and enter "usb-creator-gtk" or in the program menu, find "Creating an exciting disk":

For the program itself, specify the location, unpack the file to the Linux ISO image and select the USB attachment from the window below:

After whom you press "Create exciting disk» That program is more like a robot.

Zavantazhuvach at BIOSi

The next stage - switch to BIOS attachment from which the vanity arises. On some computers, it's automatic, just insert a USB flash drive, reboot the attachment and go to the boot menu, as it pops up when pressing Esc, Tab or F8:

But, if there is no such possibility on the computer, then when you are interested, you need to go to the BIOS. For other outbuildings BIOS structure and input combinations can be changed, but also press the Del/F2/F12 keys:

At the top, pressing the “right” key, go to the “Boot” item:

  1. for the new one, select the item Hard Disk Drives;
  2. at the menu, press Enter on "1st Drive";
  3. a list is displayed, in which it is necessary to select the name of the exciting USB device;
  4. press Enter and Esc:

The computer will automatically reboot and start up from the USB plug-in automatically.

How to install from USB stick LINUX Ubuntu

As soon as a flash drive is zavantazhitsya, vіdkrієtsya vіkno vіkno z vybor mov i nastupnoї dії:

To install the operating system, press on language is needed and "Install Ubuntu". Dali vіdkryєtsya vikno under the name "Preparation to install Ubuntu”, in which it is necessary to switch over, what is enough on the computer free space on a hard drive, and connections to the Internet.

If the computer is not connected to the network via Wi-Fi, then there will be no Internet at this stage, but it’s not so scary, because the wine is needed for the entanglement remaining updates what can you do more and more.

The bottom item "Install all third-party software security» More likely to be marked with a tick, then additional security software will be installed.

Advance rock - installation option:

Installing instructions from Windows

If you want a mother of two operating systems, then select the first item when starting up, then press the first point. Dali it is necessary to regulate the expansion of your hard drive. Dosvіdchenі koristuvаchі can independently vikonati disk partitioning with the help of an extended partition editor, but it is not recommended for others.

After the onslaught of “Install at once”, there will appear in advance about the creation of that change of distributions on the disk, if it is possible to spend a trivaly hour. Continue with the installation of the system, in an hour you will need to select the regional standards for Ubuntu Linux - time zone and keyboard layout. Then we will need to create a correct password for logging into Linux. Fill in all the forms and press "Proceed":

Let's take a look at the following image for your koristuvach:

Also, the installer needs to be imported ob_kov_ records from other operating systems:

After the process is completed, it is necessary to restart the computer, not forgetting to start the flash drive.

Replacing a streaming OS on Linux

Prepare clean ahead hard drive or a disk of non-common information. Then, when choosing the type of installation, you will press "Erase disk and install Ubuntu", and then go further, as the instructions are higher.

Second installation option

When choosing the remaining item, it will show up:

Tse structure hard drives and their divisions. The screenshot shows a computer with one hard disk /dev/sda, which can have one /dev/sda1 partitioned and Windows installed on the new one. In other words - Disc C. The number of divisions and discs can be different. NTFS is a disk extension type. Task - select from the most recent distributions suitable for the one who sees 10 GB for the new one new system. Press the button "Change":

  • at the item "Rozmіr" specify the required disk size;
  • in the column "Victory yak" select the required type of disk, in the case of "ntfs";
  • Do not tick the "Format" box, as you do not want to spend all the data;
  • at the point of installation choose "/windows" to get access from the program to your files;
  • press "OK".

Confirm your dії:

Now the table of disks has appeared in a free space:

Select a new item and press "+", one more window will appear:

It is recognized for the creation of a distribution of podkachki, which vikoristovuєtsya at times of lack of operational memory. Paste it like it's assigned to a little one. Press "OK".

The final look to the list of distributions is as follows:

Check the "Format" checkbox there, it is necessary to erase the data.

Launching Linux

Since Linux is a single operating system, it won't take a hit. Yakshcho nі, there will be chotiri options for zavantazhennya:

  • Ubuntu system
  • recovery mode, similar to Windows safe mode
  • running a RAM test

You can check in for 10 seconds and Linux will be taken automatically, or you can choose the required item on your own.

When starting the computer, ask for the password to enter the system:

If anyone wants to get involved in a robotic steel.

Possible problems during installation

If the program does not start after an hour of installation from a flash drive, the reason may be:

  • unusable flash drive;
  • wrong image recordings;
  • incorrectly captures the image of the system.
It is possible to know the reason only experimentally. If you have another flash drive, save the image and try to install it. If the system continues not to start from a flash drive, please find out what image is needed for your computer. Dosi do not work? There are some thoughts that the problem is in the process of recording the image. From the programs listed on the cob of the article, try to burn and run the image from the USB device. Somebody has a problem for someone alone.

Try to start Linux for about an hour after the system is installed, a black screen appears and nothing else appears, the problem may be with the driver of the installed video card.

To eliminate this problem to the core of the OS, press the left Shift key to display the GRUB menu. Move the cursor to the top point and press the "e" key. Necessary for editing the parameters of the engagement.

After "quiet splash" you need to add "nomodeset":

Then, press "F10" to capture the OS with the entered parameters, which will allow you to install proprietary video card drivers in the "System Settings" → "Additional Drivers" menu. Now you need to restart the system. Operating system ubuntu linux- It is simple and understandable in robots, її installation from a flash drive to finish the firmware is easy. The next hour after installation, small problems can be caused, which can be easily corrected.


"Kishenkovy distribution kit" є to finish with a handy thing, even more important is the number of computers to work with keruvannyam Windows, and otrimati zvichne roboche sharpened posture at home want to rich someone.

Long hour I changed the SD-card with SLAX "om. The distribution kit is manual, customizable, it can be more occupied in RAM and change the port. Prote, already 3 years the project is frozen, may be outdated software. Update of ext4 file systems and new ownership (especially video cards WI-FI routers) I was embarrassed to look at the system.

UPD: Slax is now unfrozen and a new version has been released. Details.

They gave me the idea of ​​​​installing the OS on a flash drive using the Ubuntu system. Ale, through irrational savings of changes and changes in the system, had a chance to recover. The result was speeded up by an installer called Ubiquity. Mine itself in a LiveCD and install it on a hard drive. So, as such an option for a larger, lower default image of a CD-ROM, I added a new 16 GB flash drive. Apacer AH325:

Yak distribution kit for installing letters Linux Mint 12, About the yoke already guessed earlier. Vzagalі can vikoristovuvat whether-yak linux-system, or better zupinit your choice on Ubuntu or ubuntu-based distributions.

Note: yakscho you choose "on the povnu" vicoristovuvaty timchasovy divided (for example, watching videos of the great rozmіru on YouTube), then the exchange of 100 megabytes is better than zbіshiti. The limit is not to tidy up, but the program that is hung up, you can upgrade the entire system, clogging the time folder with your copies.

First Enthusiasm

... like a zavzhd, three for a long time. Golovne, dochekatisya zavantazhennya to the point, do not interrupt yoga, otherwise the file system of the flash drive may be damaged.

We'll help you to privatize the LightDM menu. After entering the password, you will be denied a new system. You can rozpochati far away nalashtuvannya that zavantazhennya packages. However, we are ahead of the best vіdkriti Update manager and bring the system to actual camp. Reshta is already deposited according to your needs and tastes. Alas, there is another story...


Also, as a result, a flash drive is enchanting, as it is a full-fledged Linux-desktop, a building that can practically be taken care of.

See yourself in awe of virobly backup copy important tribute "in the dark" (Ubuntu One,


"Kishenkovy distributive" - ​​to finish with a handy thing, even more important is the number of computers to work on Windows, and to take into account the more work-sharp posture at home, if you want a lot of people.

For a long time I've changed the SD-card with SLAX "om. The distribution kit is manual, customizable, it can be re-engineered in RAM and the port is better. Prote already 3 years, the project is frozen, the software may be outdated. (especially video cards and WI-FI routers) I was embarrassed to look at the system.

UPD: Slax is now unfrozen and a new version has been released. Details.

They gave me the idea of ​​​​installing the OS on a flash drive using the Ubuntu system. Ale, through irrational savings of changes and changes in the system, had a chance to recover. The result was speeded up by an installer called Ubiquity. Mine itself in a LiveCD and install it on a hard drive. So, as such an option for a larger, lower default image of a CD-ROM, I added a new 16 GB flash drive. Apacer AH325:

Yak distribution kit for installing letters Linux Mint 12, About Yake already earlier. Vzagalі can vikoristovuvat whether-yak linux-system, or better zupinit your choice on Ubuntu or ubuntu-based distributions.

Note: yakscho you choose "on the povnu" vicoristovuvaty timchasovy divided (for example, watching videos of the great rozmіru on YouTube), then the exchange of 100 megabytes is better than zbіshiti. The limit is not to tidy up, but the program that is hung up, you can upgrade the entire system, clogging the time folder with your copies.

First Enthusiasm

... like a zavzhd, three for a long time. Golovne, dochekatisya zavantazhennya to the point, do not interrupt yoga, otherwise the file system of the flash drive may be damaged.

We'll help you to privatize the LightDM menu. After entering the password, you will be denied a new system. You can rozpochati far away nalashtuvannya that zavantazhennya packages. However, we are ahead of the best vіdkriti Update manager that bring the system to the current state. Reshta is already deposited according to your needs and tastes. Alas, there is another story...


Also, as a result, a flash drive is enchanting, as it is a full-fledged Linux-desktop, a building that can practically be taken care of.

I’ve been pleased to start working on a backup copy of important data “in the dark” (Ubuntu One,