The most dry glass. He's a professed zakhist. Chi helps with dryness when your smartphone falls

anti-shock zahisne sklo Ainy, how can you screw up your smartphone?

Realize for a second that you just bought a brand new iPhone 5S or Samsung GALAXY S5. These are not cheap smartphones, but they can provide you with a lot of great benefits. People buy such speeches, as a rule, not for a month or two, but for a long time - until the release of the offensive flagship. I would like to save external look I’ll arrange it to destroy Yogo as much as possible. Not everyone likes hoods and spittle. Naturally, I really enjoy it, but today’s smartphones have an attractive design, and I would least like to grab it.

What about smartphone protection?

Now, think about how you use your smartphone every day. You lead an active life and the device lends itself to a variety of tests. It sinks into the gut, where the keys are lying, and you might end up on the asphalt. You can put it on the table, if you run out of zukor, you wonder what you can eat? If the crumbs are pressed and destroy the device, then a whole lot of debris may appear. Vzagali, no matter how much you protect your current smartphone, it’s unlikely to be stolen from micro-rubbishes. And then, when you decide to sell your gadget, the buyer will singly show up for food - stars of rags? There will be a lot of haggling, and you are unlikely to get as much as you wanted. As with cars, the most modern appearance of the device plays a major role in the sale, in this case it is necessary to both tighten and conduct.

Well, what can you do to steal the screen when you fall? Sklo? It’s a pity, but this element, in spite of the current situation, can completely let you down. The screen may not be in good order, but the axis may develop cracks due to the impact. It’s both ugly and unsafe - who wants to press a jagged screen to their cheeks. The service will charge you thousands for replacement, and they will replace the entire display. And the cost is almost a thousand rubles. Plus an hour spent on going to the service center, and you still need to check. It’s still not a fact that it’s good to spend money.

So what is the panacea for all these troubles? Yes. We would like to introduce you to the Ainy anti-shock protection for various gadgets themselves, on the iPhone 5S it is clear how installation is carried out, how the device is installed from various hammers and what features it has. on Danish moment There are many versions of the Ainy shockproof glass for smartphones, including for iPhone 5 / 5S / 5C with a thickness of 0.15, 0.22 or 0.33 mm, iPad Air(0.33 mm), iPad mini / mini of another generation, iPhone 4 / 4S (0.33 mm), Samsung GALAXY S5, HTC smartphone lines, LG and others, with complete list you can find out. The kit with the leather edge comes with a set of servets, wax and dry cloth, a set of stickers for removing the saw, a set of fixing labels and instructions on how to secure the edge. First of all, let’s talk about special features.

Sklo Ainy - everything is not easy!

Many people are still not familiar with such an accessory because it is so difficult - others, having tried it once, now always choose a similar protection. We would like to say that this is truly a very technological and useful accessory. The Ainy anti-shock blade is based on a special German SCHOTT blade with a Japanese rubber coating ball. It is difficult for the skin to undergo an obligatory bone test - this check ensures that there are no hairs or stains on the surface. For the iPhone 5 / 5S / 5C, three types of cases with different thicknesses are available, all of them provide a similar level of protection, and you can choose the accessory yourself, the model with a thickness of 0.33 mm is practically invisible on your smartphone.

Why is it so hard to be timid? First of all, it protects the smartphone screen from rips and scuffs, you can put the device on the table with the screen down, you can carry it in a bag with keys - it’s all okay. In another way, when dropped on the display, the slope, which covers everything, will withstand the impact and not shatter. In any case, the smartphone screen will be protected. Thirdly, the slope does not in any way affect the brightness of the image. Fourthly, there is a special coating that protects the screen from contamination. Let's face it, there are a number of even more special features. For example, adjusted to the size of the edge, mechanical polishing is used to trim rounded edges - in order to make it more comfortable to wear. Thermal treatment of the structure with a way to change its surface and internal structures allows you to reach a hardness coefficient of 5H! It’s true that you will specially scrape the Ainy key, it is unlikely that you will harm him.

Installation couldn't be simpler!

The great advantage of the Ainy shockproof glass is its easy installation. If you have ever tried to glue spittle, you know how difficult it is. You need to carefully and thoroughly clean the display, you need to work hard in the area without a saw, you need to loosen the bulbs for a long time and clean up the saw blades with stickers... In short, it’s better to trust this to professionals. Ale zi sklom Ainy, everything couldn’t be simpler! The axis, as it looks like, is the installation of a dry glass!

  • Wipe the smartphone display with a damp cloth and then with the dry cleaning cloth included in the kit.
  • Remove the sticker from the dry glass
  • Apply it to the smartphone display, it is recommended to trim the left and right edges, connecting the upper and lower sections for the speaker and the Home button. It is recommended to bend the edge a little so that the middle of it touches the central part of the display. Then you release the sidewalls, as a rule, then everything goes away on its own
  • If necessary, use stickers to remove the powder and take away the bulbs - but there is probably no need for any
  • It is difficult to remove the sticker many times, so it is recommended not to remove the sticker

On the official website it is stated that the deep processing of the adsorption ball with cured silica gel of Japanese manufacture allows the effect of static electricity to be achieved for the ideal adhesion of the dry glass to the display device. This is true, installation does not present any difficulties for a person with any level of preparation. We would recommend Ainy shockproof glasses to girls for their favorite smartphones - you can completely install them yourself! Well, the people didn’t get excited because of the difficulties.

How long is it calm?

Ainy shockproof shields are easy to install, invisible on smartphones, rotate the screen of the device against all sorts of problems. How much does innovation protection cost? Model for iPhone 5 / 5S / 5C varto 695 rubles, price super thin with a thickness of 0.15 mm. The 0.33 mm thick version costs only 595 rubles. The model for Samsung GALAXY S5 costs 595 rubles, for HTC One (M8) insoles. Think, only 695 rubles - and no thoughts about what you can do with the display of your smartphone. No turbos, no abrasions, the screen is like new - if you plan to sell the device, buyers have nothing to worry about. And everything is Ainy, let’s see through the current forest for reasonable devices.

There are hundreds of types of dry glass for mobile electronics on the market. What to gain respect when choosing, you will find out in this article.

The most important part of today's smartphones is the screen. If dropped or hit, the display may be damaged and may become damaged:

  • Sklo
  • touch panel"Touchscreen"
  • in extreme cases - the matrix itself
  • cable for connecting the matrix and touch grid

Replacing and repairing the display is a lot of work and no one needs it. Who cares that it’s easy to steal a gadget, but that’s not the case.

Let's figure out why dry glasses have such special features as power.

How to choose a mobile phone for your phone: language characteristics.

It is clear from the fact that some unclear glasses vibrate, in order to save money, manufacturers lower the parameters or completely turn off the important ones technical characteristics What to steal a smartphone and make the robot comfortable.

Points to check:

Declared by the virologist

The value of the surface is measured on the Mohs scale, which reflects the ability of the surface to resist stains. For the creation of gradation, ten natural minerals were extracted, crushed one by one and added to the Mohs line. The value of 9H is the standard for dry glass, which means that only the diamond removes smudges from the surface, whereas the value of 10H is not present.

When selecting a dry glass for a smartphone, you will need to look at the characteristics, most of which are indicated on the product packaging. Choose such a product yourself, 9H is guaranteed to keep your screen intact and not damaged.

Tovshchina zahisnogo skla

The first ones were made with a thickness of 0.5 mm, such models did not look very effective and relied on robotic touchscreens, some of them noted a lack of reaction to touches and gestures. Current dry glass has a thickness of 0.33 mm - this is the optimal value, which preserves rigidity and protects against glass deformation, the touch panel of the phone is used and the edge does not look thick.

Virobniki indicate this characteristic on the packaging before drying or floating:

It is necessary to select manually

For those who feel comfortable using your phone, the following officials will tell you:

  • Detection of special coatings on glass
  • Color and specularity
  • Surface type

Zahisne sklo z oleophobic pokrittyam - obov'yazkovo!

All everyday glass vibrates with a coating applied to reduce the strength of the fingers, so the coating is called oleophobic. Virologists take this functionality as standard and do not indicate its presence on the packaging, otherwise you will get cheap ones from Aliexpress or you will choose to buy them on the market - the cover may be subject to protection. Be respectful!

Color of glass and mirror surface

We do not recommend working with Farby houses, the stench interferes with the color transfer of the screen and interferes with robots and gadgets. Mirror types of dry glass reflect heavily in the sun, which means reducing the brightness and contrast when using a different lens, try to get rid of them.

Before speaking, it is practically impossible to put colored, dry glasses on tablets!

Matte or glossy?

What type of vibrati - virishuvati for you. The matte finish performs well in bright sunlight, does not shine, but does reduce the sharpness of the picture.

Hopefully, now you know what kind of phone support you need!

How hard is it to protect your smartphone from damage? We talk about the pros and cons of different options and carry out a direct comparison.

Those that the screen of a modern mobile device is its most spillable component is no more than a myth. Gadget developers spent a lot of money and pennies to ensure that the devices were as safe as possible from damage, and their owners spent money on repairs. The increased reliability of smartphones is a priority for all diseases. Let's take a look at how vibrati is zahisne sklo for a smartphone.

Virobniks equip telephones with three types of dry glass:

Gorilla Glass from the American company Corning

This class was found back in the 60s of the last century, but with the release of smartphones it became increasingly popular in the mid-2000s. The Corning company itself has a 160-year history and is written by the fact that the products for US space officials were created by it itself.

In 2016, already a few generations of glass were produced Gorilla Glass- the new skin modification significantly changed the front. For example, with other versions of slightly shorter optical powers, the first modification, and Gorilla Glass 4 can still be called a champion in thickness - only 0.4 mm.

Dragontrail from the Japanese manufacturer Asahi Glass

Dragontrail has a better chance of pushing the clear leader Gorilla Glass into the market. Let's talk about the statistics: the sale of dry glasses on the smartphone screen from Asahi has increased by 500% (!) Over the past few years, and the number of permanent assistants among gadget manufacturers has increased to 40 companies.

Sapphire glass by GT Advanced Technologies

This technology is beloved by Apple: on iPhone 5, a sapphire bezel protects the camera lens, on iPhone 6, the entire screen. Sapphire is respected by others for its value as a material after diamond, protea, and natural sapphire. The material is synthetic and is cured by crystallization of aluminum oxide at high temperatures.

Yak zahisne sklo is better: equal options

Each description of the types of dry glass has its own pros and cons. It’s easy to allow you to create a masterpiece, which is more beautiful:

Gorilla Glass vs. Dragontrail

The entry of Dragontrail into the market created a furor, and even, based on tests, it turned out to be less of a leader-monopoly of Gorilla Glass. The Corning company quickly corrected this situation by releasing a new modification - for 2016, Dragontrail compromises both Gorilla Glass and Sapphire. However, the Asahi product has a number of significant advantages: firstly, the Dragontrail system is cheaper, which compares with the end price of the gadget, and on the other hand, it is even lighter and does not interfere with the device.

Gorilla Glass vs. Sapphire

The GT company advertised its stock as its greatest product, which served as a rallying cry for Corning's factory workers. In 2014, a number of tests were carried out by them, which revealed that, from the point of view of reliability, Sapphire is not a competitor to Gorilla Glass at all. The Corning slope, after a simulated active vikoristan, burst at a pressure of as much as 197 kg, just as the sapphire slope failed when the ice reached the level of 73 kg. Another drawback of Sapphire is its quality: a sheet of synthetic sapphire is ten times (!) more expensive than a sheet of Gorilla Glass. The high quality of sapphire is the main reason why makers have been working with this material for so long.


In the rating of dry glasses for smartphones, Gorilla Glass technology would take first place - unfortunately, neither Asahi nor GT Advanced have yet to face serious competition from Corning. Another place would have been Dragontrail: the Japanese winegrower is completely unable to achieve the stated goal - in the near future it will occupy a third market. While there is a shortage of sapphire glasses, it is still doubtful whether they need to be purchased when purchasing gadgets - buying a smartphone does not reap any benefits, but then significantly overpays.

Many customers of our online store often ask us about the effectiveness of application dry coating on the screen of a mobile device, the variety of glossy and matte dry film, and the transfer of dry glass from film. In this review of the LuxCase company's products, we will try to cover all nutritional requirements.

Do the stars come from a mess on a mobile device?

The smartphone is our constant companion: at work, at home, at work, at the gym, etc. This is probably the most useful gadget for every person. Most of the leaks accompany us either in the gut or in the purse, and the fragments there are not the same, then keys, igniters, metal pennies and other objects are the most common reasons for the appearance of smudges on the display and on the smartphone itself i.

"Buti chi don't buti"

The main idea is that Gorilla Glass is a panacea for smudges on the display. From WiKi materials " Gorilla Glass- the sliding support is prone to scuffs and bumps, which causes jamming in the displays mobile devices. For the firmness of the virologist, the Corning company ( English), Gorilla Glass is three times cheaper than chemically treated sodium-calcium glass. Such power is achieved through chemical processing (ion exchange), at which time the sodium ions in the material are replaced by potassium ions. »

However, there are two different ALEs:

1. How many of you who are reading are ready to check the thickness of your display with a metal key?

2. The display glass is usually replaced simultaneously with the display folding. Few repair companies undertake to replace the glass on smartphones.

Therefore, the risk of the screen protector (slipping, bending) is much less, and the risk of replacing the display (display warp) is lower.

Main types of screen protectors

Let's look at the main types of screen protectors that are available for sale:

  • 1. Protective foam - it contains a solid polymer, for example, polyethylene terephthalate polymer, and is formed from four balls. Dry melts are divided into glossy (clear) and matte. Matte dry floats leave a rough surface, which prevents the appearance of padding on the float, but reduces the brightness of the display image.
  • 2. Protective layers - chemically and thermally treated soda-calcium layer with an adhesive ball and olephobic coating (nanometer-thick melt, anti-grease from the touch screen).
  • 3. Liquid warehouses - for example, “nano rare liquid”.

Zahisna plivka

This is, perhaps, the most budget option for protecting the display of your smartphone. The premium melts produced by the LuxCase company are made from Japanese material, which, compared to Chinese analogues, has a higher value and coating.

spit sticker

On the skin pack of LuxCase spittle Initial instructions with the correct labeling of the fluff. With this instruction, there are 5 lines of spitting sticker on the right. If you break the process down into stages, you can see 4 main stages:

1.Cleaning the screen

2.Centering the melt

3.Spit sticker

4.Removing dry stickers

5.Enjoyment in vikoristanya :)

I would like to point out one feature in the LuxCase spit set - stickers for centering the spit and a special applicator. The applicator is a kind of spittle carrier, especially in these situations, if during the process of sticking we marked the powder on the display and have already removed the dry ball of the adhesive side of the spittle. We just have to remove the dry melt from the applicator and remove the powder.

If, after reading the instructions, you still lost the power on the sticker, then you can view the video instructions on the company’s website

Zahisne sklo

If you want to protect the display of your smartphone as much as possible, not only from smudges, but also from impacts, then the LuxCase company will help you with it. Chemical glass from the LuxCase company cured warehouse Hardness is greater than 8H on the Mohs scale, so it is actually more difficult to wear out an earring with a diamond. Instead of Chinese analogues, LuxCase dry glass cases have a more oleophobic coating and a rich set.

The thickness of the presented screen is only 0.33 mm; in our opinion, the thickness is from 0.3 to 0.4 mm, which is optimal because with such thicknesses the power of “armoring” the screen is preserved.

The same LuxCase design has a 2.5D rounded edge

Installation of the warehouse is simpler than the bottom of the casting

In fact, installation of dry glass is simpler, lower dry spittle for the amount of elasticity of the glass itself. So, when installing the drywall, there is practically no loss of air bubbles between the drywall and the display. It is also difficult to re-glue if you have centered it incorrectly.


In our opinion, the use of a dry glass is the most rational option, since it can be shocking to the authorities and can damage the display of your smartphone from impacts. It can also be said that the cold one does not waste his power until he grows up.

How much does a new smartphone display cost? On average, 3 thousand rubles. How many koshtu is dry? Dry glass from the LuxCase company costs 500 rubles. The savings are obvious.

Ps. The DigiShop online store belongs to the LuxCase company, especially Olga Selivanova, for presenting a selection of products for review.

After purchasing the phone, I immediately put a discount:

You can read an overview of such a structure from our colleague:

Why did I happen to remember this story?
It completed its useful function - it rotated the screen of your smart phone as a minimum from chips / rips - as a maximum from replacing a cracked glass.
Result of dropping the phone on the asphalt:
Headbutt falling on the corner:

І screen on a stone in rough asphalt (at first there were scratches, then the stench grew into cracks all over the surface):

Apparently, the side on the phone is already damaged, and besides, it is not possible to replace it without replacing the base of the case, and you might lose it.
Photo of the old warehouse:

The photo is crooked, but it’s more beautiful than what I got, to show the scale of the damage to the old warehouse.

Now let’s talk about buying a new warehouse:
The price of Brando did not suit me, but the price at the current moment turned out to be too high, if analogues are little different and the price is much lower.
Having marveled at the surroundings, choosing the slope from Nillkin - Amazing H +.
It’s also made of Amazing H, it smells cheaper, but it has a “hot” edge. H+ has a rounded edge. There are fewer unpleasant sensations when you press the on-screen button, such as when you notice that something is embedded.

The parcel was sent to finish quickly, the hour from purchase until the parcel is removed - 16 days (China - St. Petersburg). A gray postal package, the box is covered with bubble wrap.
Regardless of the sufficient supply of food in the packaging, the remaining part of the food was removed and jammed. It didn’t hit the inner part:

In the middle were:
1) Packed tightly
2) Installation kit (Instructions, servers, gantry, stickers for erasing the screen, antistatic sticker)
3) 2 dry stickers for the camera

Installation kit:

Installation is standard for glass:
1) Cleaned the screen with serverets 1 (vologa), 2 (dry);
2) We went through with antistatic splint;
3) Glued the edge (after gluing the dry melt);
4) wiped with gantry;
5) Optional - glued the skeletal on the camera (according to the material, it is the same as the skeletal, only thinner).

When I removed the old glass from the screen, thinking that there was still a lot of sealing, it turned out that there was no, the dry glass absorbed the blow and was rotating mostly.

As you can see in the photo, it is very suitable for this phone model. Also, if you are surprised, you can improve the main strength of the glass H in H + (you can see the rounded cordon of the glass).
Please be careful before installing the glass: when installing, wear latex gloves. In this way, the risk of the appearance of beats from the reverse side is turned off.

1) It is clearly written, without marking;
2) Garne is coated with oleophobic coating (it may have worn off a little in the past;
3) It’s a box, you need to try hard to seal it in the packaging;
4) Є sticker on the camera, Brando didn’t have one;
5) It’s not a big deal, it’s more than Brando’s, but it’s a sound, you don’t need extra. stickers for the screen button.

1) Ask to write that there are small servers, but I have lost such things, so + -;
3) The sticker on the camera did not know which side was glued - the first time it was glued incorrectly.

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