The program for integrating updates into the windows 7 distribution kit. Wiki RT Se7en Lite

Hello everyone! In this article, I want to know how it is possible to easily and simply integrate the necessary updates into the Windows distribution and then after reinstalling the system, do not spend an hour.

Razіbratisya z tsim nutrition I virіshiv pіslya moreover, like when reinstall Windows on one laptop, all the necessary updates, as they fit, were installed and started to be restored, the axis only when the computer was restarted could not be installed and started to turn.

At the upgrade stage, the laptop just hung and the system didn't take off. After that, I thought about the food in a different way.

Obviously, let me tell you, you can not change the system update, but I will take care of my thoughts and respect that if I want to critically update the system after reinstalling the system, I need to install language. Otzhe, let's get down to the very process.

We need:

  • Windows 7 distribution
  • UltraIso program
  • Windows update package

For cob in the crown of disk C, create a folder W7. Dali program UltraIso Windows image and in the sources folder we know the file install.wim.

We put the file in the W7 folder.

So may the folder look

The updates themselves can be downloaded from this forum. Now we start the command row, for which we press the Start button and in the form of a request we write a command cmd.
Now, in the command line, we write the axis such a code and emboss Enter

Dism / Get-WimInfo /WimFile:C:\W7\install.wim

Writing yoga is not obov'yazkovo, you can just see it with a bear, copy and paste it at the end of the command line. They gave us to show the indexes of all Windows, which can be found in our distribution. If you want to integrate the update in your version, then write the next code and press Enter

Before speech, read this article tezh: How to glue photos in paint

C:\W7\UpdatePack7R2.exe /WimFile=C:\W7\install.wim /Index=*

If you need to integrate the update only into one edition of Windows, then replace the stars in the end of the code with a її іndex.

As a result, you will see a sound in which it will be written how the integration went through.

Then we go into our W7 folder and note that our install.wim file has been added to the vase. Now I'm starting up UltraIso again and pulling our new file install.wim back to folder sources, For food about the replacement of the vіdpovіdaєmo So!

After all manipulations in the UltraIso program, press the button file > save, Abo tisnemo podednannya keys ctrl+s. All!

At the exit, there may be a distribution kit of the system with integration updates. Now you can safely write something to a disk or a USB flash drive and install the system safely! Let's get some respect!

If someone has run out of food, you can watch the video on Youtube channel of this blog. All the best!

There are two options for integrating SP1 into a Windows 7 installation ISO image. The first tse victorious team Dism, І other - vicorist program RT7 Lite

Option 1. Integration behind the help of the Dism command.

  1. Create folders necessary for work (For example, on drive D: folders Temp, SP1, mWim and Mount)
  2. Open the window of commands in the folder where you have the exe-file of the service package
    a) Emphasizing Shift click right button mice on paps in the area of ​​transitions
    b) context menu select item Viewing a window of commands
  3. Unpack the exe file of the service package into the time folder using the following command:

    For 64-bit version:

    windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe /x:D:\Temp

    For 32-bit version:

    windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe /x:D:\Temp
  4. Close command window
  5. Open the folder D: \ Temp in the explorer and run commands in it as described in paragraph 2.
  6. Unzip the KB976932 cab file with the following command:

    For 64-bit version:

    expand -f:*D:\SP1

    For 32-bit version:

    expand -f:*D:\SP1
  7. Close command window
  8. Open the folder D: \ SP1 in the explorer and run commands in it as described in paragraph 2.
  9. Unzip all the cab files to the D: \ SP1 folder using the following commands (just wait, as the system will ask about overwriting):
    expand -f:*D:\SP1
    expand -f:*D:\SP1
    expand -f:*D:\SP1
    expand -f:*D:\SP1
    expand -f:*D:\SP1
    expand -f:*D:\SP1
    expand -f:*D:\SP1
  10. After the unpacking is completed, delete all cab-files of the mov, using the command:
    del KB976933-LangsCab*.cab
  11. Unzip the cab file to the folder D: \ SP1, vikoristovuyuchi command (just wait, so the system will ask about overwriting):
    expand -f:*D:\SP1
  12. After the unpacking is complete, delete the cab-file using the command:
  13. Remove files from folder D:\SP1 cabinet.cablist.iniі old_cabinet.cablist.ini, Victory command:
  14. Close the command window.
  15., Replace all Absent on the Installed and save change
  16. In folder D: \ SP1 open in any case text editor file update.mum, replace allowedOffline="false" on the allowedOffline="true" and save change.
  17. In folder D: \ SP1 open the file in any text editor For 64-bit version: Windows7SP1-KB976933 ~ 31bf3856ad364e35 ~ amd64 ~~ or

    For 32-bit version: Windows7SP1-KB976933 ~ 31bf3856ad364e35 ~ x86 ~~, replace allowedOffline="false" on the allowedOffline="true" and save change.

  18. Copy the file install.wim from the \Sources folder of your installation ISO to the D:\mWim folder
  19. Find out the index number of your Windows 7, using the command:
    DISM.exe / Get-WimInfo /WimFile:D:\mWim\install.wim
  20. mount file install.wim to the folder D: \ Mount vrahovyuchi index number (For example, for the 64-bit version of Windows 7 Enterprise vіn dorіvnyuє 1), vikoristovuyuchi command:
    DISM /Mount-Wim /WimFile:D:\mWim\install.wim /Index:1 /MountDir:D:\Mount

    Note: Where is your file install.wim If you choose to add SP1 for dermal indexes, then you may repeat the steps indicated in paragraphs 20 - 22 for dermal indexes found by cherzі.

  21. Integrate the service package with the following command:
  22. Dismantle the image with saving changes, using the command:
    DISM /Unmount-Wim/MountDir:D:\Mount/Commit
  23. Delete files and folders, which could be left out after dismantling the wim-image, using the command:
  24. replace file install.wim from the \ Sources folder of your install ISO image, file D: \ mWim \ install.wim
  25. Delete Temp, SP1, mWim and Mount folders.

Also for working with the DISM program in graphical mode, you can use the DISM Tool program. Given program I allow you to use all the commands you need, using a graphical interface. For help, you can mount (Mount WIM) and dismount (Dis-Mount WIM) the image, integrate the new package or update it if you need it (check the Add Packages item).

Option 2. Integration with RT 7 Lite software

  1. Unzip the ISO image installation disk(Into which you choose to integrate the service package) into a folder. ISO images can be perfectly unpacked with 7zip or with UltraISO.
  2. Download, install and run RT 7 Lite
  3. Press button Browse and select an item Select OS Path.
  4. Show the path to the folder in yaku We unpacked the ISO image of the installation disk and press OK
  5. Vіknі List of operating system select your edition of Windows 7, set the ensign Slipstream Service Pack and press OK.
  6. Vіknі RT Service Pack press the button Browse
  7. Enter the path to the service package exe file (windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe or windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe) and click vіdkriti.
  8. Press button Start and check completed
  9. Press button Proceed
  10. task and in vіknі, install an ensign ISO Bootable
  11. Press the button at the top of the page ISO Bootable
  12. Drop down menu ---- Select a mode ---- select item Create Image
  13. At the text field volume name Specify a name for the ISO image, which will be changed during mounting.
  14. Press button Make ISO for ISO shutter-Installation disk image with service integration package
  15. Enter a name for the file and press the button save

Hello friends! It's no secret that the Windows 7 operating system is still famous for its great popularity and richness, which computers are combined with a SIM card, trim Win 7 in a different way, or just remember the main one. operating system on the computer. Knowing about the unquenchable popularity of the old system, Microsoft has released for it an even more powerful rollup update package (or KB3125574 update), which has removed the unofficial name - Service Pack 2, so as to avenge all the important features. It’s already more convenient, even if everyone knows that immediately after installation on a computer, Windows 7 starts to take a lot of updates and install it with a whole low re-advantage, which is even more unhandy for a koristuvach. On the right, after the installation of the system, the accumulation of the “Rollup Update” package with all the updates and easy work is done. In one of our previous articles, the world was sorted out, , Ale from the cіkavo, but it's possible to integrate into the OS distribution kit the whole accumulation package, so that after installation all the updates were already installed in the operating system. We will talk about these things in today's article.

Integration into the Windows 7 distribution of the rollup update KB3125574

Click on the downloaded archive with the WinToolkit 1.5 program with the right mouse and select "7-Zip" -> "Vydoboot"

I'll unpack the program for distribution (E:).

I start the program WinToolkit 1.5.

Tisnemo on Button ISO Maker to create an image that will avenge everything Windows editions 7

Tisnemo on the top "Browse" button

The open explorer knows on the disk (E:) the folder "1" s Windows files 7, we can see the left mouse and emboss the button "Select folder"

Tisnemo on the bottom button "Browse"

We choose the place of saving for the chosen conductor possible Windows 7 ISO image (partition E:)і let me name you"Win7", then embossed "Save"

Press on the "Create ISO" button

and the process of creating an ISO image of Windows 7

ISO image of Windows 7 64-bit with integration updates is ready!

and be on disk (E:).

Installing Windows 7 with Rollup Update integration on another computer

After successful installation, let's go to the "Center Windows update»I marvel at the installation of an update.

Bachimo our integration upgrades have been installed at once with the operating system.

Turning to the front and embossing on the button "Checking updates"

Windows 7 is fixing a peek update.

І novlennya know. Tisnemo on the button "Insert update"

We accept license agreement and emboss "Done"

The installation of the update is fixed.

After installing the update, the system will ask for a reboot.

Starting Update parameters.

Let's go after reloading "Windows Update Center and make sure all updates are installed"

Divimosya Magazine updated.

Article on this topic:

Today, Windows 7 is the main corporate system, de facto, taking over from Windows XP. Tom for system administrator actual є nutrition її rozgortannya, but if the remaining official image of the letters of the election has been filed for a long time, then it has been installed with the help of a system to ensure that a large number of updates are completed. You can get away with it, so that you can choose for yourself an authoritative distribution kit to avenge all the streaming updates of the system. How can we tell you in this article.

There are two ways to get the current distribution of Windows 7: integration of updates directly into the image and derivation of the reference system for downloading and installing updates.

The first way is simpler and quicker, but may be a serious shortcoming - it is necessary to take care of all the necessary updates. And tse, to build a list, it’s not easy to finish it. At the same time, in the same time, downloading a set of updates is already downloaded, but we do not recommend downloading them, since installing system components from uncorrected strings is a bad idea. At the very least, you can fix an unstable working system through non-protesting or an insane set of updates, and in the worst case, you can easily eliminate the unreliable or the shaky programs.

The selection of the reference system allows you to take all the necessary updates in automatic mode, install them, check the system's work and only then proceed to the creation of the distribution kit. To that we will look at the very way.

The creation of the reference system

For these purposes, we recommend vikoristovuvat virtual machine, Let's create a guest system for Windows 7 and install the version of the OS for which we will create a distribution kit. If it is necessary to create selections for dekіlkoh versions of both ranks, then it will also be necessary to create a sample of standard systems.

Upon completion of the installation, do not rush, if the screen appears to be pressed CTRL+ SHIFT+ F3

If you want to reconfigure the system into the audit mode, if you managed to create a report and log in, then enter the following command in the name of the Administrator:


When you are in the audit mode, the utility is automatically launched Sysprep, Close it all the way, we don’t need it at once.

Keep in mind that the system has been switched to the audit mode to continue zavantazhuvatisya in a new to quiet fir, until we start up again Sysprep and do not change the mode. If the interest is in the curve Windows Update Service and conducted a search and installation of an update.

Important! On January 17, 2016, Microsoft released a cumulative update package for Windows 7 SP1 KB3125574, which includes an update from the moment SP1 is released until April 2016, but it is recommended to manually install the package manually. For this installation, update KB3020369 is required.

Restarting and reinstalling the update. Restart and repeat this operation again until such time, until the system installs all available updates.

How did your meta only work in integration into the distribution kit of all remaining updates, Then on whom you can finish. However, the audit mode allows you to install and various software, which will also be included in the distribution. We think that OEM-components are widely used, we think, leather sticking with the picks (sound on laptops) revenge, OC cream, different amount of software of sumnivnoy korisnosti.

That's why nobody wants us to include the necessary software in our distribution kit, so as not to spend an hour on yoga installation away. We call between "gentleman's set": archiver, Adobe Reader Java, Silverlight. You can include in it the entire set of necessary software, including the office package and other firmware. Do not include in the image the program to install the correct driver and the correct driver of the add-ons, so that's all third party drivers will be removed at the stage of system preparation before the storage of the image. Also, do not work to activate the software, this information will also be ruined.

Having completed the preparation of the reference system, we can see all the files downloaded by us and download the software (for example, є), especially the next step is to clean up the system by looking at copies of the files for updates, for which you need to speed up the tool Disk Cleanup:

Important! after purification obov'azkovo revantagate a system for completing work with updates, in another case, you may take an impractical image.

Now we are ready to shove the image for additional utility Sysprep:


Let's take a look at the keys of the report utility:

  • oobe- start the computer in the "private screen" mode. screen Windows privacy allow the endocrinologists to have an operation Windows system, Create new appearances of records, rename computer and change other tasks.
  • generalize- Prepare the Windows installation before creating the image. For this parameter of indications, all unique system entries are removed from Windows installation. The security identifier (SID) is reset, the system restore points are dropped, and the logs are deleted.
  • shutdown - terminates the computer after the completion of the Sysprep program.

After completing the necessary tasks, the system will complete the work. It is not possible to turn on її before the image is choked up. On this robot with a reference system, we will finish and move on to the creation of a free distribution kit on a її basis.

The creation of a wet distribution

For further work, we need a working station Windows management 7 package automatic installation Windows (WAIK). The size and version of the system do not play any role.

The WAIK installation is not responsible for any difficulties and is carried out with installations for locking.

Now we are preparing an image Windows PE for burying the image of the reference system. The bitness of WinPE is due to the bitness of the reference system.

vіdkriёmo Start - All programs - Microsoft Windows AIK - Command Row of Koshtiv Rooting And we can also use the command for 32-bit systems:

Copype.cmd x86e:\win_pe

or for 64-bit:

Copype.cmd amd64 e:\win_pe

de e:\win_pe bazhane roztashuvannya folders in the image. You don’t need to create a folder in front, so in this case you will take a pardon, that the folder is already there.

Now let's go to the recognized folder and copy the file winpe.wim to a folder ISO\sources and change yoga boot.wim. Let's copy it to a folder ISO from the folder C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64 or C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86, In fallow vіd razryadnostі, file imagex.exe.

sweat in command line sobіv laryngeal give this command:

oscdimg -n -be:\win_pe\ e:\win_pe\ISO e:\win_pe\winpe.iso

The result of the robotic command will be the image winpe.iso from some trace to capture the reference system.

Since you didn’t check the additional layout of the disk of the reference system, then I divided the letter for burying the mother D:, a exciting disk E:, About every change, the team checks dir.

Now let's get down to burying the image, since the image is created file-by-file, then you can save it on the same partition. Let's enter the command:

E:\imagex/capture d:d:\install.wim "Win7_ULT_x64"/compress maximum/boot/verify

As a parameter, you can enter a disk D: i save yogo in the image D:\install.wim, In the paws, I can tell the name of the method, so we set the maximum constraint, the possibility of captivating and reversing the created image. If we can go and drink some kawi, the operation is given in the middle of the year.

Reboot the reference system to the default mode and copy the image to the PC with the WAIK installed. let's move on to e:\win_pe and clean up the ISO folder, then copy it over to the original Windows disk 7, which we used to set up the reference system.

Why replace the file install.wim in papacy sources on our image. Now you can start building your ISO image, for which type the command:

oscdimg -u2 -m -o -lWIN7ULTx64 -be:\win_pe\ e:\win_pe\iso e:\win_pe\Win7_ULT_x64.iso

let's analyze the keys of the report command:

  • u2- I create an image, which can only be file system UDF.
  • m- znіmaє obmezhennia on rozіr image.
  • o- replace duplicated files with one copy, allowing you to shorten the image.
  • l- a sign that it should be entered without spaces, a non-binding parameter.
  • b- rotting zavantazhuvalny file, Also without probіv.

The image is going to be completed quickly, the only moment - with the great frequent ability to expand it, transfer 4.7 GB and burn it on a DVD disc of no use. In this way, you can win two-ball discs DVD9, but they are more likely to be sold and can be supported not by all models of disk drives. In this way, you can split the distribution kit into two parts, the skin of which will be placed on a DVD-ROM of standard size. Also a trace of the memory of the 32-s discharge systems, They cannot work with wim images larger than 4 GB.

You can split the image using the following command:

Imagex /split e:\win_pe\install.wim e:\win_pe\install.swm 3000

As a result, two or more will be created swm file maximum size of 3000 MB. Let's see it from the folder ISO\sources install.wim and replace there install.swm, after which we take the image of the first disk:

Oscdimg -u2 -m -lWIN7ULTx64DVD1 -be:\win_pe\ e:\win_pe\iso e:\win_pe\Win7_ULT_x64_DVD1.iso

If we can see install.swm and copy it to the same place install2.swm. The other disk cannot be sensa robiti zavantazhuvalnym, it can be done more with a simple command:

oscdimg -u2 -m -lWIN7ULTx64DVD2 e:\win_pe\iso e:\win_pe\Win7_ULT_x64_DVD2.iso

Installation in a separate way is carried out in a special way, starting from the first disk, in the process of robotic installation, the installer himself asks to change the disk:

In this way, you can not worry about the expansion of the created image, especially as in the new, cream update, it is planned to include software volume, for example, the MS Office package, etc. We also recommend before that, how to go to the development of working stations from the created distribution kit, to completely convert it to the robot on a test system.

Skin from us sticks with the situation, if the operating system (OS) is imminently reinstalled. Sound, we need to ask for purchases from a Windows disk, insert it into a CD / DVD-ROM, start the installation, give it your own oblіkovogo record and computer, i ... let's drink tea! It was time for Adja to install an update.

І axis, it was given b, the usual procedure for reinstalling the OS borrows at least a year (navit when Swedish access on the Internet), even an update for Windows 7 since the release of Service Pack 1, has already accumulated more than ~ 1.5 gigabytes. And in front of the installation of drivers. Obviously, you can download a 16-in-one image from the nearest torrent tracker, where all the updates, drivers, and a bunch of "coris software" will be integrated.

Well, we're gentlemen here, aren't we?

To simplify and speed up the reinstallation procedure, we have come up with the following tools, such as: RT Se7en Lite, WinToolKitі Windows Download Integrator (WDI).
Mova in the article itself about the rest, on the basis of integration of current updates (more than 300) into the original version of Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 x64.

Why Windows Download Integrator itself?

This tool is used for a number of objective reasons:

  • Support for Windows OS, starting from Windows Vista and finish Windows 8.
  • Automatic acquisition and integration of current packages, updates for Windows and Microsoft Office.
  • Creation of backup copies of the drivers installed in the system and further integration into a clean OS image.
  • Possibility of creating a prompt file and automatic installation.
  • Unblocking all OS editions in one image.
  • Export to ISO and write to USB out of the box.
  • I can't rob ZverDVD because I don't want to buy software and free drivers.
  • And a lot more...

Although WDI showed up later than its competitors, the program will immediately change its capabilities and actively develop. Thank you guys from the My Digital Life forums.

Let's get to the point

What do we need?
  • An ISO image of Windows Vista / 7/8, better than a purchased disk, or you can copy the original images from MSDN (check the language checksum!).
  • Dial updates in .MSU / .CAB format. You can get it directly from WDI or hand it over for help from WUD.
  • Current version Windows Download Integrator.
  • Vilne place on a hard drive (3 gigabytes and more).
  • More than 1 year of free processor hour.
Instructions before freezing

One of the shortcomings of WDI is meager documentation, in fact, it's all the same. In the archives of the program you will only know yourself Wicked file and list of changes to the current version. All. Ukupі with other nedolіkom - dosit non-obvious interface tse mozhe viklikati deyakі problems. Ale, there are no unresolved problems.

Get the necessary components

All components necessary for integration can be downloaded "out of the box", you only need to know the menu ...

The smut menu is circled with a red name (what am I talking about the non-obvious interface?).

  • To download current packages - menu item "Download language packs".
  • To get an update - the menu item "Download Windows updates".
  • (For bajannyam) For fold backup copy installed drivers- menu item "Backup Drivers".

All zavantazhene goodness is neatly laid out according to tatko.

choose dzherelo

It's hard on the Click to select DVD source!
(!) If you change "Ni" in this week, we can choose the ISO packaging again.
We select a folder for unpacking the ISO. Nadalі you can vіdrazu vіzuvati tsyu folder.

selected editors

You can unblock the necessary information to install the OS edition:

Integration of new, current packages

On the next step, we can integrate the necessary new packages, updates, drivers, as well as change the splash screen during installation and import tweaks (I don’t know who can need it).

Here everything is more or less understood. Click on the "Add" buttons, select the files you want to download earlier.
(!) The LDR Mode checkbox on the Updates tab is checked for bugs. You can find out more details about the difference in the installation.

(!) Stop 4 tabs (starting with Drivers) I don't bother on purpose. Do we want to take away the “clean” and the most close image to the original?

After all the necessary changes, we know the button, which we know, as it moved to the upper right corner.

integration process

Finish boring. There is no need to sit and marvel at the progress bar, in the next year you can take care of your rights. The process of integration itself is carried out in 2 stages, upon completion of which, a dialogue window will appear with a clear “Success” (chi ni) with information about the transition to the operation hour. For me, the operation of integration over 300 updates took about 1 year (1 year 16 minutes, to be exact).

Export to ISO / Write to USB

After the integration is completed, the prepared image can be exported to ISO (menu item "Create ISO") or immediately written to a USB stick (menu item "USB Tool").


From the bag, having spent the hour, we took away the actual, approximations to the original image from OS Windows, instead of any kind, only ourselves. No obscene software and drivers, no unnecessary trellises - everything is only the most important and necessary.

more strength

Raju, take a look at the MDL forum in the MDL Projects and Applications section, you can find a lot of funny speeches there.